The Brussels Post, 1918-2-14, Page 5RUMNESS CARDS, JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS �i ova �,�/� 7yy r LIMITED WM. SPENCE CONVRYA:NCl1111 AND IS, Ifl(1H ofe 11IAIt1UA(,'F LIGENSh 4 aloe In Ute east mace, r.thel, Sao AUCTIONEERS. til B. BOU'''T AS AN AUOTJ1i� MBA, will Hell for better prices, to ' better igen in leas time awl loss charges than any other 1,11010100110 Nut i3 (iron or he won't olarge 411).41110g, linte0 told onlay„ can always be Arranged at thin olnoo Or 0y "reunal application, LERAL APdfl UONVEYAI'36 I111L, M S'iNCLA1lt- e I,llo, 0101. tulle oi� H tewnrre Block 10410x1 Pobllo, 010, 1 duce Nor to of neutral Moto) Ho110111 r for 1.110 Metropolitan Nana, Business Cords JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. 8uoe00su1' to M. H. Moore. ,I2Iro et Andet'- ann tiros. 1,ivery staple, flru� eel... 'Telephone No. 20. T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. O. P., & S. O. M. 0, 11., P31l,ge of lirueeuls, Physician, Surgeon, Actoucbmu' 011ioo at 11 (10nru, uppo0110 Melville tihureh, Willi+un street. DR. F. T. BRYANS lrn010,101' of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Lleyn nate of College of Phynurmno sod stir• i aaon4, 110loro(; 02.No lhll' Ilu,,oe surgeon of 1 Western 1110(+ lm 1, Turm,to ((taros of late Dr. A. MtKeves, smith l4Im'k, $,'nasals, karat phone 16. MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophbhal- lnology, h o0or 'maty lllod,cel College, Ohioago, Ill., 10 prepared to test eyes and at femme; et her tilMae over • vedateday,sThursd Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 n, at. ; 1 to p. m. Evenings by appofnt- Mont. Phone 1210. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night oa110. Olfioe opposite Fluor M111., Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed AUat1Oaeer far Huron Ca. Satisfaction asstred °herpes nmderet,r. Write or Telephone 11 not uonveir(eut to eon, .Both 13russela and North Huron Phones. 13ELGRAVly' P. 0. P. R. MULHERON Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOClAt, Organist and Choir blaster, AlelvIlIe Olru•oh, Itrussels. Pupils prepared tor Toronto WI - lege of Music Examinations, Phone lex PROUHHT, RIILORAN & COOKE earriators, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Onion on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, (10DERICH. ONT. Private funds to loon at lowest rates. W. Priouot err 12, 1.'. A. L, K1 LLO0AN k. .1, V. (410109 f+&4 :ce vr::,vrL'Am v,v rrzs,,,<'AmS c,v fiv4):: 0 You Can Succeed F CENTRAL g T ATFO o, gs R Et D„ pNT as 0 £2 0010010'8 Lending Commornint School "3 yeti makes 81100000 easy. We have ti (V (IP. rt; ,0ortrnouts -- Oommerelnl, Mltnt'tbnAnd• YY4 and 'Telegraphy. We give individual, . �r instl'lm,tiooe and stud silts may sitter et - v2 nay Utile, t3unduates cru planed in rS positions, This IH yonl' opportunity IIH rA vi there is tt great cell noun ns for trained ghelp. Wrte at once for pnrtfoulnrs. ,n \p5 W..1. ELLIOTT, D. A. 21(LAonr,AN, +:6,' lvi President Principal Syr 6..,r4~:i5,( ::✓'W- ArsybvA..2.Nsv N.V4t, AN;r,,ZtiiycrG::.4..£! To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON - I4AVRE Fine, modern oteaur- ers - (equipped With ovary comfort and luuury, For infor- mation apply agents, or " McitiSt StirThronte W. H. KERR, A gent Allan. Line, 13rnseels. INHISPETWAGIMENIMMOM ntv :rgvet THE Best Brains III 00111u10 hove pnr1.101cited In tlto ore. nitration or 0101' 0pienrild Hanle Study Cannes in Banking, Renitornlr.o, Higher Aoconntht (50munntoinl Art, Snowµ� Card Writing. Photography, Journal. ism, Short Story Writing, 81,orthnild nod 33oo1,koeping. Select the work which most blflornsts you lull write no for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Vongo 8t., Toronto Toa big store of 1). M Cerg1Son, Strnlfotel, ft:wetly of 131ussels, mow opens at 9 a ut and 2103ts at 5 )s. 111,, except ori Stem )ley, to eoonotnize heel, llJ MOE' ER!OUS HEEJ/CFIE$ Since She Tried "FR(IiT-A-TIVES", The Famous Pratt Medicine, MISS ANNIE WARD 112 Hazen St„ St. 101113, N.B. "Tt is with 'pleasure that I write to tell you of t1,o great benefit 'received from the 1130 o1' your medicine, 'Pi -mfr -a -lives'. 1 was (1 great sufferer for many years from Nervous Head. aches anti Coirslipalion. I tried -everytlhing, consulted doctors; but twilling seemed to help me until I tried Truit•a-tires'.. After I had taken several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well over since." lyttas ANNIE WARD. 'Fruit -a -twos' is fresh fruit juices, concentrated and increased in strength, combined with flnesttonies, and Is a positive and reliable remedy for headaches aucl Constipation. 50o. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size 25o. At all dealers or Pi rult-a-tivestimitod, Ottawa. F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels. Alun etthe best. Druggists in- all On - Levitt towns. 67,; . Farmo BIIiJ2S icier BRUSSELS 00t00 140111,11 00, 040 1401100 Express 7:111 a in 113IDi1 11:112 a 111 Express. 3;32 u m Express 0:171) m trri'vier`tt0 fr .1V "'SCUP/Pr. WALTON To Toronto To Godericlt Express......... 7:32 a m 1 Express 11:10 n m Express 2:2e p m Expreea 0:34 pm WROXETER Going }tall - 7:11 e, m. and 8:81 p. m, Going West - 12230 and 0:6)p. in. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Otven Sound, Elora and T G. 13. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Loom Agent. acal a+1;i etv Items No Pull Now, Orders were received from Gen, 5 C, Metvburn, minister of Militia, con- veying explicit instructions regarding the use of "influence" in connection with applications for promotion, ap- pointments of any sort of efl'ort in which the military command was con- cerned. The gist of orders from Ot- tawa was to the effect that ail efforts to influence the minister of militia would he useless, and that when re- quests of any sort Wright be made there was only one proper way to do this. through the general officer command- ing. Any person who in future tries to use influence to aid any application for favors Will merely delay Only for Depot Battalion, in future no man under a class call- ed out by the proclamation under the. Military service- Act may be taken on the strength of any unit other than the Depot Battalion, without special au- thority from headquarters, according to orders issued last week, Any loan who has originally reported for service may voluntary report for duty to the Depot Battalion any time before or- dered Il do so by the deputy regis- trar. Any man whose application for exemption is disallowed may report for duty before being ordered to do so by the deputy registrar. Men voluntarily reporting for duty with the Depot Bat- talion may be transferred to another unit if convenient. You Can Help, Lord Northcliffe in a recent article says.—"Another thing wlticli should always be sent is a local newspaper, which gives the intimate details for which the boys at the front long so pathetically. They like to see what their friends are doing, They like to read about "church socials," They like to know that Miss Smith poured tea for Mrs, drown. The troops at the non) always have plenty of the world's greatest newspapers to tell them what .is going on, but the local home journal is a gift for which they Iu'e always thankful," ---The New Era is always on the look -our for the hone and district news, and as there are a lot of papers being sent to the boys overseas, everybody can 11111k0 this Journal interesting by sending in the local happenings. Now Postal Regulations For the purpose of reducing the tonnage Its much as possible that war supplies may have first place in the nation's shipping, the British Govern- ment, in connection with the Canad- ian Post ()Mee Department, has issued a stringent regulation forbiddilhg the sending of newspapers ie bundles to hoot soldiers and civilians living in the united Kinggdoio. The neW order forwarded in single copies, It IS eke plaited that it is purely (311115(1 reguo laden, to which the Canadian Govern - inept has had to acqulosce. It Is peculiar order, for it allows lite ship - men( of bundles of newspapers to soidiess In !'ranee and not to those in lingl:ind. Another feature of the reg utalein is that it dues not prevent the sluice party tv sentding at the same time to the sante person different single copies of newspapers, GOOD STUFF A patriotic citizen of North Caro- lina, James II. Pou, has taken a pledge upon himself which all plight welt copy and adopt, Ile says: - "I propose that we take upon our- selves five simple and solemn pled- ges i have personally taken each and all, and, God being any helper, i will keep all. here they are: "I. We pledge Ourselves not to say or do anything during this war which will weaken Ole (hands of the Government, or which could give to the enemy. "2 We pledge ourselves dur- ing this war to (10 . promptly and cheerfully all which our Clovern- mlent shall ask us to do, the same being in our power. 3. "We pledge ourselves not to let the family of a soldier suf- fer for want of anything we can supply, "5. We pledge ourselves to give preference in alt things, where practicable, to the soldier who went and did his duty over tihe man of military age and fit- ness who did not gd," UP TO THE MERCHANT Recently ;1 nterclfant in a rural town happened to see a farmer receive a box at the depot and noticed 0 was from a mail order (house. Ile also noticed that the goods were right in his line and the same he had carried for years, He iminediately approach- ed the fanner and said: "h could have sold you the goods you have here for less money than the mail order house and saved you the freight" Then why don't you do so?" said the farmer. "1 have taken the local paper for a year and have not seen a line about you selling these or any other goods. Tihis mail order house sends advertising matter for any trade and they get it. If you have any bar- gains, why don't you put them in the paper so we can see what they are." FiRE AFFECTS ANIMALS Some Go Mad With Fear, Other. Re- main Cool in Danger Most animals are afraid of fire, and will fly from it in terror, To others there is 0 fascination about a flame, and they will walk into it, even though tortured by the heat. A horse in a burning stable goes mad with fear, but a dog is as cool in a fire as at any time. He' keeps his nose down to the floor, where the air is purest, and sets himself camly to finding his way out. 'Cats in lire cry piteously. They hide their fates from the light and crouch in corners. When their rescurers lifts theta they are as a rule quite docile and subdued, never biting or scratching. Birds seen( to be hypnotized by fire and keep perfectly still; even the lo- quacious parrot 11 a fire has nettling to say. Cows, Ike dogs, do not show alarm. They are easy to lead forth and often lind thier way out them- selves. FIRE PREVENTION. Experts estimate that fully three. fourths of oua• fires are due to careless- ness in one form or another. The Ore losses in Canada run 525,000,000 a year. which shop d cause'us to feel as- hamed r1 ourselves. No other country in the world, with the possible except- ion of the United States, has such a large fire record in proportion to its population, In New York a bureau of fire protection was organized five years ago and in 'that time the fire loss was reduced by 57,709,582, a saving of $1,58',916 a year. The results show that scientific fire porlection pays. Fires are mostly caused by the careless use of !matches, gasoline, benzine, can- dle, rubbish and electrical fixtures. We Sam Vleinstein • Successor to • M. Yolleck • • I iIs prepared to pay the e highest price for • Z Scrap iron, •• Rags, Rubbers, p� C. • Furs Wanted All kinds of Raw !urs want- ed: Highest 'prices paid, Oall on the undersigned before you 4 sell. Also buy 14ides, Sheep- :; skins and Poultry. •A • 0 1 Write or Phone 02x • • ••• a • •• • •• ••• • • • • • • •SAM WEINSTEiN MILL STREET BRUSSELS • •*i*•oro*e'**••*i*•*•♦*t►H•* d)ars Author Sault Ste, 'Marie. rl'' an author ran br ettidto he the !i Wednet, of any 1:1(11(111er lii.3(3'1 and why not, Jns' as 11(11011 pA u t ariely of Ilnv: er, or fruit, or brain-' - flan Sullivan, the dialinguished Canadian poet and nov'llot, 81aitd be 0,051, property identified with Algoma, tilt curiously shaped County or On- tario which stretches from the ('1ties and settlements of tits shores of Lake Marna turd Lake Superior, up through the 2 ser square miles of the 111ssis• e',n5'l Forest Reserveto the great furtrading territories three hundred rrld sixty miles north, where i1 .15 bounded by the Albany River, 111 chief tributary of James they. Tu nhthero shores of this cnulity 001'1.1 colonized some thirty scar.' ago at the f r:ounce of C. P, R. agents, 14 hardy pioneers from the older rano ties or Krncardine and Brune, but tb, city or Sa1111 Ste, Marie has its reel; in the remoter past, as it was a 113(1 Me posy for the viva ('ars, who ten- yelled for the furtrnrlers of Sinntreal( 11,10 the t'ar West- Alnu Sultlonn, u hose father was Bishop of the Al- goma nioee00, was at one tints engi- neer of the work or c•onstrnrtion and lialle8ting the Algoma branch "of the 1'. P. R. between Sudbury and the Sault Ste, Marie, and (1018 1113 local Color in several of his short stories. "Tt was fascinating," he saes, "In those days to watch the psychological effect of the arrival of the trach: or. even of the survey party on the Set- tlers,'They brightened up, and look ed aL their farms with new eyes. They were In tou7h with the world that heretofore bad seemed so dis• Cant" The bush fires, the miners, A1(11. Paii1yu 11, the huniets, the la:di carri"h.: Indian ahem:; and the trier;:,(:: 1 provided 71,11 elsl(rrift] 3,,r .'.i:el, ',,:'it' van's stories, some 31 t%,,' !u r 07111111 have been rotl+'rtr.l litL o ,. 'f- ume called '"flea i'a.t:i.1.11 nt .1. But;' afore recently lar has r3,l:er-..l his field, and in his lu:3',t e, reel, "The Inner fluor;' he t",a'o Pur .(' mospllere the labor ins , ement in a small industrial tohn It the Yearn is still In Ontario, a Is' 1 that makes it all the more interadlu5 to the Canadian reader, who ta?.ee an in- terest in. the now :rapfl l;rr.:•:1 of A distinetive Canadian lllol•uture need strict inspection by officials and A chip on your shoulder is worth a campaign of public education along two on the next fellow's, the lines of fire protection. Too many books spoil an educa- tion. A little swee#heart now and then is relished by the best of Wren, GOOD RULES FOR BUSINESS MEN Don't worry; don't overbuy; don't go security, Keep a high vitality; keep insured; keep sober; keep cool. Stick to chosen pursuits, but not to chosen methods. 13e content with small beginnings and develop them.. Be wary of dealings of unsuccessful men. Be cautious, but when a bargaip is made stick to it. Keep down expenses, but don't be stingy, Make friends, but not favorites. Don't take new risks to retrieve old losses. Make plans ahead, but don't make them in cast iron. Don't tell what you are going to do until you Have done it. Morris Council 6liuutla of 0,,t,men nl0e1i1.5 110111 in the t.ownshil/ Ball, l55,,,' i 'I'huladay, Jae. 17th, 1918 When terve Fraser and Oounoillnl last ,o, Prorltv', )'pill and I+ottr had slgn, d fhe 1,11114,1.1 inn 05 °trine, the 1110(11111g 30110 opened, the minutes of last (reeler 10111 special meetings levee renal and aper, veil. A grant of $26 wag made to the Child- ren's Aid Seeiul y, (Inde, isle grant of $10 to the 131 01( (1,011;,m's HesplLill, 'Ibron1,, halm" lop 1 -Mures were app.ltn1,11 Asses nr, 'I'hhuuts Miller, sables, $801111 11uu11e( of Board of Health, Henry Jeleteon ; Auditors, 1t lnhnslon turd Peter McNabb al :510.1111 cacti, 8.1 to. spectol;', 1), Lhidli,.ly 111111 \V. Abram 515 each, ((lot k A eleleven ,1t $2110, Printing eoett eel, SV 11. !Corr, 111 u9 - sell, $85 ily low No I, 11118 if) raise money by,lrbonlare 1'or le e; N+., 1, calls read told filially pue'ell . Ilnw- ing 1t11111111105 were paid -.5Vu ietpai World supplies, 57.20 t \\'. Abram, disinfecting 5 hooses, $750 ( A. 1\le. Ewen, express and telegram, election papers, 5001 Geo, Mason, stallnuerv, 52,15 ; B1'1180018 School Boned, 51 54 ; S. Paul, 1'ntnlaltlehyda $11 ; ,1, Robb, 0111011 basin 'Purvey drain, 51 U0; SV, Ferguson, D. R. O„ 5'1.00 ; .1. W. King, gravel, Norl h hely., $O 90 ; J. A. 131'owu, D. Be Oe 54,00 1 W. Swerved, Olerk, $200 R. Ti, Gtoaiss, D R, 0, $4.00 ; J. 141. Unnites, cleric, 52.00 ; J, ilobb, D. 11, O $400 ; A. Messer, Olerk, $200; A alo.ltwen, Nomination and JSleetion, 510.00 ; J, iia t ter, shovelling snow on '(Vest boy., $8 00 ; West 13olutdary account favor of hast Wawannsh, $148 45 ; Not 111 hely. hoer., b1Lbl11ce favor of Tutnbelly, 530,24; W. Salter, gtnvel, 52. Next meeting Feb, 1.11,13, 1918. A. M It ltl\ EN, Olerk, BEAN PO,LS SUITS -The Hailer of the Kincaldiue Review gives pinee to the latest fashion nose :--Econumhi' is the label on every suit Worlf by the reale sex deriug the veer rote The tle'.I,tners with a view to conserving the material for mens wear have modeltd their styles Very tightly and 111e 01111 guy will have the appearance or n Yard of pump water, 'ritere will be no chance for expansion for the corpulent felloW who will have to use a shoehorn to possess his !roes - ere, The "high waters" will be very 1111elt in vogue. Cuffs anti belts have been negated to the ancient history pile, 1,+4.4.44 e+-1 1.4.44„(,4-14.1.+4'4'++++° ,4+'f++.;,,+metolleei.+r.'L'+4,p.++.).14`I,•i„F •h' 15 Days +r a• -1 ,STOCK-TAK1NG SALE ;i; + Clommencing,Thursday, Feb. 7th + Barijains at Craobrook d+ + 3' Wats Paper at Cost We are goitre out of Wall Paper and are selling it at cost. Have a large assortment of pretty designs suitab!(' for Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining -room lir Parlor. + Call and look over our stock, + Specials in Groceries Mfr + 4' -11 lbs. ,,f Sugar for 51.00 --Filthy 0,11. 311,al per sack 52 25 -Chen Flakes, 6 pkgs. fur 50s --Shredded Wheat pet box JSe --Ali Laundry Soap, 4 bars for 25c 5 1b, 3111 able Syrup 55e -Black Tea, reg. 00c per Ib., 45c -Green Tett, reg, 60e per Ib., 85e --Raisins (seeded) 2 pkgs. for 25c -1 Ib 110 !Rose Baking Powder reg 20e. ; t i ns for 50e qb -4 the. Salts fh, 23o Specials In Dry Goods ✓r •i -Sig 1(el:lot.ion in Heir's anti W,,mert'o All Wool Sweaters, regular 4. 55 311, Sale price. 54.75. e• -Pull tu,nrtment of Children's Sweaters at 10% off. '1' -31et,•s IIeltvy Flees Lined Mule, wear, regular 85c for 75e. •F -We will give 10% on on Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear + as we have ten, targe a stock to carry over. -Shirtiugs, Towelling, Flannelettes and Prints. These lines were a++ bought before the advance so will be able to Rive you them at + the old price. -alert's Shh'ts, Mitts, Caps and Hosiery all at the old prices. + --10 per cent off our large stock of Shoes and Rubbers, � FLO1'rR ALWAYS ON HAND. iF I A® Leitch & Son + Highest Prices for Produce. + + Phone 52 to Cranbrook 3. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++'1+++++++ A Fora Car Takes the Place of all These Things HEN you own a Ford you can do away with many articles that are a source of continuous expense to the man who still drives a horse. For instance, not only your driving -horse and buggy, but the single harness, blankets, whips, currycombs, brushes, horse -shoes, pitch -forks, feed -bins, ete. In their place you have a speedy, dependable? dignified, roomy Ford Car—complete in itself, It is vastly superior to the narrow, cramped buggy that travels so slowly. And when a Ford is standing idle it does not eat three meals a day, and it requires no "looking after.” A Ford will save you time trouble, and money. It is the utility car for the busy farmer and his family. S. CARTER, Dealer THE UNIVERSAL CAR Touring - - $495 - Runabout $475 Coupe - $770 Sedan - - $970 P. 0. B. PORI), ONT. Brussels