The Brussels Post, 1918-2-14, Page 3NA OVER THE TOP WITH f A WOMAN'S HEALTH Th E GHOST PATROL Can Only ben maintained by STOR i' OF A TIIRILLING N!t;IIT t Ali) AT LENS. Ilow Thirty live Canadians Arrayed in Sheets ('1114ured a German Trench. Thera w v thirty-tive of us all told, imide op in the guise of ghosts, says t lent. Nel mith, of the Canadian Artillery Cerra The idea wits rather to emulate, the ft:warn snow area be- tween oat line's and the Carman trencher: than to play upon Fritz's su- peretitioe. Pow eliding parties have prepared more carefully for the work in hand than we did on that occasion. Everything we wore was white. Over our heads were white sheets, with eye hales cut in diem. Save for the ah- Selee of eolnrea insignin we might have ,sugttetaterl th:: "Illi -Klux" dant of reconstruction days in the South. The wire entanglements had been cut herorohand, a precaution essential to the snee#.' of the undertaking Nor was it cut through in n nice open lane that would have revealed itself readily to the Germans. The path sig -zagged deviously, so that at any given point the entanglements seemed unbroken. The hundred yards space intervening between our trenches and the barricade was covered in two hours' time. The Effective Barrage. Lying prone on our stomachs, we crept stealthily forward. Just as we had reached the wire entanglements we were detected, A sentry, rather more alert than his fellows, hurled a bomb. I gave the signal to our artil- lery by telephone and the stillness of the night was suddenly shattered by the roar of the eighteen -pounders. The section of the trench we had made aur objective was surrounded on three sides by walls of livid flame and flying earth, Our "box barrage" was working beautifully. We turned ti t pec looseand n sprang n down into theI' go trenches. The Huns fought doggedly enough after the first surprise of seeing the night erupt dozens ofwhite-sheeted o fi ml' s Pfigures. • The process of "mopping up" began, Every dugout was bombed and every Hun given his chance to fight or sur- render, Through a communication trench we forced our way to the sec- ond trench, and after our work Was done detoured back to the flrst one. Every Man Killed or Taken. Within that impenetrable wall of barrage fire every German had been killed or captured. No aid could be given by their friends beyond the barrier of flying steel because the singular effectiveness kind continuity of British barrage fire would have shredded reinforcements to atoms if they had attempted to penetrate it. We made good our return without the loss of a man. The incident is here cited only to suggest a phase of trench warfare too often overlooked. That is the fact that despite the passing of open (tel fighting, surprise, stealth and strateg are still components of the work o holding a section of the first lin trenches. There is much of deadly routine in trench lighting, yet the op portunities afforded to outguess an outgeneral the enemy are fairly nu merous. TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT. Fourteen Houses of Parliament For a Popttlation of 5,000,000. d Y f 0 d Mow many people in Canada fully realize to what extent Australia is over -governed? For a small popula- tion of jest over five millions there are a Governor-General, six State Governors, two Federal Houses of Parliament—the Senate and House of Representatives—and twelve State Houses of Parliament, That is a total of seven Governors and fourteen Houses of Parliament for-(ive millions of people! Each householder has therefore to vote for candidates for four Blouses. At the Federal elections he has to vote for the House of Representatives and also for the Senate, which is the Up. per House. The house of Representatives has sixty-five Members, who are elected for a tenure of three years, whilst' Members of the Upper House are elected On a State basis—six Senators from each State—thus making thirty- six Senators. Each State has its own Parliament, consisting of the Legisla- tive Assembly and the Legislative Council—the Uppor House. Tho reader has only to think over the above statements to realize to what extent Australia is over -govern- ed, and the numerous Government of- ficials i 1. i i n' !c a Gat lborl cl everywhere, !laked Corn Pon<. Pour two cups of boiling water over two cups of corn meal that has been mixed with one teaspoon of salt. Mix well and allow the mixture to cool, Spread in a ehallow, pan that has been greased with bacon on pork fat and pour over the pone two tablespoons more of the hot melted fat. Bake about one hour in a ltoi: oven:nail it is crisp and brown. If doeirod., a beat- en egg can be added, but the original old• -fashioned recipe dorm not call for it, Keeping the Blood Rich and Pure. The woman at home, deep in house- hold duties and the cares of mother- hood, needs occaeioual help to keep her in good health, The demands up- on 0 mother's health are many and severe, Her own health trials and her children's welfare exact heav toils, while hurried meals, broken res and much indoor living tend to weake her constitution. No wonder that th woman at home is often indispose l su through weakness, headache, back aches -anti nervousness, Too many women have grown to accept thes visitations as a part of the lot o motherhood. But many and varied aher health troubles etre, the cause le simand ul the euro at hand. Who well, it is the Woman's good bloo that keeps her well; when ill she gnus make, Inc blood rich to renew he health. Tho nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty, of it. There is one always unfailing way to get this good blood so necessary to perfect health, and that is through 7 n o earth, promises to present on import- c 'ant question after the war ends, Jut- - tingp from one of Europe's most northerly points toward the regions of e perpetual ice, Spitzbergen received f little attention from world powers, s even those near by, until its import- ant mineral resources were revealed. 1 By some it is said the country will Moor SPITZBERGEN NO MAN'S LAND MAY PROVE TO 1371 A SECOND ALASKA. End of the War Will See a I(neb 10 Establish Claims to This Rich Country. Spitsbergen, virtually the only "No Man's Land" of any value left on the prove to be a second Alaska In the t surprises awaiting Ile complete ex. 1'; ploration and study. S1l1J'BUILDJNG IN BRITTSH COLUMBIA. If history can be relied upon it is just one hundred and thirty-one years since the first ship was built on the Pact c Coast of Canada. A century and a quarter passed withoutliringing the industry to any immense propor- tions, but within the last few years shipbuilding advanced in British Cul- umbla as if by magic. In the summer of 191(1 there W IS one ship to be valu- ed at half a million dollars in Process of construction in the province, At Western Woman Speaks With jnthusiasm Mrs. R. Eckford Tells of Dodd's Kidney Pills. She Says They Are "All Right," and Gives Her Reasons For Saying So— Why They Are Popular on th Prairies, The Little Ghosts, l: a shall eee many ghosts before be diem! The ravished and the murderedand those slain In torture, shall arise from earth and main And close about him, mute and shad- owwise; And ever first and foremost to his eyes From the red streets and from the e sea's vast plain The little children shall dome back ' again -- The frail crushed blossoms of the sac- rifice, And in their eyes no fear will be, nor wrath, Only e child's bewilderment at hate, And ]n their hands no Lifted menace d well; Yet these frail shadows shall obstruct his path, And at the last, or be it soon or late, present the industry represents an in- Lesiievilie, Alta., Feb'y 4th (Spe- vestment of $30,000,000, Nine large etal,)—It is with true Western enthd- vessels the product of British Colum- siasm that Mrs, R.. Eckford, of this bian enterprise, are now sailing the place, gives her opinion of Dodd's vessels, the product of Brltinh Colum- Kinney Pills. which are of steel construction, are "I wish to inform you that I1odt]'s either being built or have been con- Kidney Pills are all right," says Mrs. trotted for. Eekfurd, The incentives fol• these gigantic "I have only _taken two boxes, and strides in British.Columblan shipbuild- my bade is fine. 0f course I will keep ing have been the demand for ocean on taking then whenovrr I think my tonnage created by the German sub- kidney; are not jurat right." These helpless hands shall push him' marines, and the many extraordinary "Your Diamond Dinner Pills are into hell. facilities which the geographical s]tn- dandy, too," Mrs. Eckford added.--Theodosia Garrison, i • Coal in apparently unlimited qua\- anion of British Columbia and her for. "I 'keep them in the house, and take '`-- titics, easily miuec1 without shafting, est resorts offer fur tit; ship- one necasionally as required." 1 Money Orders. ' abounds in Spitzbergen, Besides there building trade, It was for these What strikes one most on the aro found deposits of iron ore, marble, 1'eason5 that the Imperial Munitions prairies is the warns praise the people copper ore, iron and copper pyrites, Board selected British Columbia to give Dorld's 'Kidney Pills. They are. molybdenum, galena, 'Linc bletute and build twenty -Five vessels. , used for all kidney troubles, including' the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Tilts. other minerals. t British Columbian shipbuilding is backache, rheumatism, lumbago, heart These pills make new blood abundant -1 Areas claimed by the five different: carried on mainly at Vancouver and disease, diabetes, and dropsy and ly, and through their use thousands nationals working in Spitzbergen are:Victoria, but New Westminster has a Bright's disease, and their popularity of weak, ailing wives and mothers ,British, 3,574 square miles; Norweg- Yard of considerable proportions at is proof of the good work they are have, been ,mncle bright, cheerful and tan, 770; Swodieh, 448; Russian, 80; i Poplar Island, whore four of the ships doing. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the strong. 1f you are ailing, easily' and German, 2:1, In addition the Scot- ordered by the Munitions Board are standard Canadian kidney remedy, f tired, or depressed, it is a duty you tisk Spitzbergen Syndicate, Ltd„ or being constructed The classes of owe yourself anClean Hand's Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a fait trial, Land, known also as the Bassen Bay schooners and steamers. Tht, majority The lea of Monera, AM binding on. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. Dr. Zavitz, of the 0.A.C., says that sixty varieties of potatoes are grown in Ontario. lyainard's Liniment Curia DlOtemper. Suet pudding is a good dessert for cold weather.. d your family to give Edinburgh,' lays claim to Bunzoty ships being built are divided into; emit . What this medicine has done for Peninsula. This district comprise;; are built plainly of wood, but several devout Jews, was ages before its time, YES! MAGI 1 others it will surely do for you, Mrs. one-third of the total claims and in-, are matte princ]pelly of steel. At pre- in many of its regulations, and not. 0CALLY. W. H. Alberry, Mallorytown, Ont.,! eludes fie -sixths of the potential out-; sent the shipyards of Victoria, Van- least with respect to diet and cleanli-! c CORNS LIFT OUTsays:- "I was very much run down put of the Swedish coal company. Af- couver and New Westminster are en- nese. One recaps especially its in-. and suffered from weakness and per- ter the war those two claimants of gaged in building fifty of these ves- sistence on the frequent washing. of WITH FINGERS / saneness. At times I did not know one property promise to make a hard sels, which will have a gross tonnage hands, which what to do, as I would shako all over,; fight for what each believe is its' of 11(4,980, and a deadweight capacity sort of fotish, ie down I' tights of 185,000 tons. Tile Bible makos clean hand , •LM1Vt:Llre- t' • Mineral cost of the material alone that' pany a "clean heart," and there is rooted by several doctors, who Ecte was nsne 1 erei R esources. said the trouble was bad blood and! , must be applied for the completion of more in the association than meets the weak nerves, but they did not do mei This war has revealed more than . these ships is estimated at $1,700,000, eye, for clean hands often meats free - a bit of good. I was advised to try over before the advantage accruing to, In order to finance the shipbuilding dam'from disease or the means of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they made. a nation controlling deposits of coal,+ undertakings, actual and contemplat- communicating it; and the medical me feel like a new woman. Later metals and oil, which fact alone is ed, the British Columbian Manufac- faculty washes its hands oftener an'l when I was nursing my baby, 1 felt, enough to cause a scramble for Spitz- turers' Association is endeavoring to longer and more thoroughly titan any run down, and again took the pills i bergen •with its extensive resources. , secure a "Shipbuilding Loan" from tike profession in the world, and with most and mybed nmen thirty fn eaby pounds.atlx It wasmthsthisotzber medi- beeniaccred ted to Rus. is as' Sen at variousnee a result hasD There nis a bri ht t prospect before t eI non. certain hospitals they have a set cine that gave me the strength to of annexation, but as it is contended the shipbuilders of British Columbia, of rules for hand -washing which it nurse him, and both baby and m self they failed to follow up any formal It is possible that the yards there would be well to apply to all and y attion of the kind—if it ever was tok-I will be making ships for the Antra- strictly enforce. Before operations greatlybenefited by it. I hope every en—the Russians would have a hard Ilan Government in the near future, these strict regulations prescribe four suffering woman will ave Dr. Wil- g g Hams' idid,' time to convince other nationals of Negotiations are now beingcapried washing n• ' Pink Pills a fair trial as I , ,. yr on !, processes of five minutes for I have proved their wonderful !title to the land. Especially is this' by the shipbuilders of British Colum- , each. merit" ;the case in regard to Great Britain in bia with the Government of the Com-' For the first five minutes the sur - You can get these pills through any ! view of recent developments in Rim-.,tnomrealth with a view to seruriug or- greet is supposed to wash his hands in an his medicine dealer or by mail postpaid at sia, s ago, in 1614, den's• the ordinary way with soap and warm 50 cents a box six boxes for $1Jamese7, ofnEngland 300 lformally claim- Pacific�lOcean- eat ltServices,, now plying fingers of the Canadian -nailsand theWhen hellhasly o leisurely from The Dr. Williams'ilMedicine Co.,tiro� Brockville; Ont, d S -You Shall Not Pass. She is a wall of brass. • claim also was allowed to lapse in the placed by other liners, just as mag- washir- his hands in alcohol, and the Spring up like summer grass, claim lapsed, the Britons interested in shipyards of the Canadian 'Pacific with a wash of corrosive sublimate. Surge' at her, mass on mass, the country say. Coast, for it is riot likely that indus- Still shall you ,break like glass, With the end of the war old data tt'ious British Columbia will ever re - Splinter and break like shattered glass. But pass! You shall not pass! . e pitzbergen. The Muscovy Com- between Vancouver, Victoria and cleaned his nails, he goes to the pail pany, a British -concern, eves ordered countries of the Ettst, when they have again for another five minutes, still "to uphold the King's right to Spite- lived their allotted time and - done with soap and warm water. „ bergen by an Order in Council. That their appointed work, may be re- The third five minutes is occupied in You shall not pass! You shall not pass! same manner In which the Russian nificent, that will be built in the fourth -.:1• the process of sterilization German, you shall not, shall not pass! God's hand has written on the wall of brass— You shall not pass! You shall not pass! The valleys are quaking, The torn hills are shaking, The earth and the sky seem break ing, But unbroken, undoubting, a wonde and sign Site stands, France stands, and stil holds to the line, as She counts her wounded and her dead You shall not pass! She sets her teeth, she bows her head; You shall not: pass! Till the last soul in the fierce line has fled You shall not pass! Help France? help France? Who would not, thanking God for this great chance, Stretch out ht's hands and run to suc- cor France? will be dug up, with records of tom- lax its hold on an undertaking that paratively recent times, to bolster the has begun so auspiciously. contentions of the various claimants, as Spitzbergen is sure to occupy a prominent plaice in north European air- GIIiLs! LEMON JUICE m !TP NE Granulated Eyelids; fy5'.,r1�16(16,7";"..,'17:,..4 l tSune Drat and tWzndquiick00 by FOR ,•elIeo0d by Slorine. 1'ry it In p.Cy,9.p„0,°, ,�,0.6m'R•C3•ra9 YOUR your lycsand in Baby's Eyes. VJ Y�Vti �if �oi]Rlo uanartiag, 3ssak EyaComlort' ,o--0 0 0-0-0 0 0 o 0-0 You say to the drug store man, "Give me a small bottle of freezone," This will cost very little but will posi- tively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in- stantly, and soon the entire corn or callus root and all,i n idries and an P c be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man who says thate freezone r' Y n e ne d nes in a moment,and simply ri' p y sh vets up the corn or callus without irritating the surrounding skin. Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip this out and make him try it. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to older a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. When baying your Piano Insist on having an "OTTO HIG`.'Lrf PIANO ACTION fairs R+Iarittel +e) t°Lenledymn11enPer6oClatie or d IS SKIN i\ fid) L'Nl$12. hl Age t s:y.n salvo, in'Men 'AL r !took of the Rye- Fres. E �"� A•lic nI(urine Eye $ternedy Ge., Chicago a O Occupations. Ilow to make a creamy beauty lotion --•-- � T c Has been Canada's favorite 70541 for more Than forty years. Enough for 5c, to lhbil t1TG0f1DAltiilM�i produce 10 large • „r �', �stii loaves of fine, MADE IN CANADA wholesome now, ishing home merle bread. Do not experiment, there is nothing just as good. E.W,GILLETT CO. LTD TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPtO MON11(18 Finish grapevine pruning in cold weather before. the sap starts to flew in the early spring. Tarte pruning causes "bleeding," which weakens tate plants and reduces the size of she fruit, ! Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ate. 1 Dried t d p rtatn parings make good fire !lighters. i BELT WANTED dl-,Iioe waer•11I1 'ro t,0 P1 A1N .I and light I -waving at hon \^Into, 0 inn ti no., good pay, wort: _int any 11010n barges paid Man, ea))p 10P ( Aunt i _ulurs, Notional A1, n,t1'w,t Ening• Oompanv, Montreal. SSSCF.LL8NEO'OS L1gT19I,L EC/171111,31) Nis li'h`f'A PEN 71 and job printing plant in Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried 11.5oo. %%'til go for 81.200 on unlet sale. Box ,i0, O'lison Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto. CANCER• TUA•fogs, LUMP$, -ETC•, out Internal and external• cured wlth- I mut nein by our home treatment. edleal us before too late.- Ar. Bollman MoOlaal Co.. Limited, Collingwaod Ont Doctors Recommend met4nt Bolds-Opto ter the Eyes ( Physicians and eye specialists pre- scribe Iion-Opto as a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyeslgnt. Sold under money rerun,' guaranty h3• all druggists. UTICURA 6 SKIN TROUBLES I -- ALS The Soap to Cleanse Ji Ointment to Heal Nothing better, quicker, safer, surer at any price for skin troubles of young or old that itch, burn, crust, scale, torture or disfig- ure. Besides, you may try thenl Cause of before you buy them. Sample Eacll Free by MaiI With 31-p. Skin Boole, Address post card: "Cutieura, Dept. N, Boston, IT. S. A," Sold throughout the world, Teach Seventyhe celebrated Dr. Mtchenhoff, r kir a fen , there are 1176 le -educational courses The juI.e of two flesh lemons If lump sugar is added to alive oil ayetl that "caused b given to returned soldiers comprising strained into a bottle containing three -_.two lumps of the sugar to a quart instruction in seventy diff • n _ounces of orchard white make At the present time in Montreal v cents. Keeping Oil Sweet. an authority on early old age,ea different oecu s a of oil—it will not become rancid. If r Potions. The policy of the Military whole quarter pint of the most re- the oil comes hi a can, empty as soon Hospitals Commission, to combine in- markable lemon skin beautifier at kis opened into a bottle or preserve jar 1 struction under competent teachers about the cost one must pay for a and put in the sugar. It will be kept selected from returned officers, small jar of the ordinary cold creams. in perfect condition to the last drop, N,C.O.s and men, with the practical Caro should be taken to strain the ' instruction under practical conditions, lemon juice through a fine cloth 00 no has been found td work most satisfac- lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion torily indeed, the marked interest die- will- keep fresh for months. Every The 'Nova Scotia "Lumber $ing" played by the men and their ambition woman knows that lemon juice is used sayst to succeed, is a constant inspiration to to bleach and remove sorb. blemishes "] consider MINARD'S LINIMENT idle teaching staff. The great willing- as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the best LINIMENT in use. Ness of manufacturers to co-operate the ideal skirt softener, whitenor• and I got my foot badly jammed lately. with the vocational department in beautifier. I bathed it well with MINARD'S giving over their plant facilities for Just try it! Gets three oultca5 of LINIMENT and it was as well as ever instructional purposes indicates clear- orchard white at any drug store and next day ly the wonderful appreciation of the two lemons from the grocer and make Yours very truly, • services rendered by returned mei at up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- T. G. MCMULLEN, the front, and the importance of the' grant lemon lotion and massage _ ip daily into the face, nock, arms and hands. DIAMOND -CUTTING INDUSTRY —Harold Begbie. Value of Peanut. The peanut is a substantial food, according to the Confectioner's Gaz- ette, six ounces of shelled peanuts be- ing said to possess a food value of 2,3 ounces of round steak, 6 ounces codfish, 1 ounce rice, 4,2 ounces rye bread, 85.5 ounces spinaoba5,0 ounces apples or 0 ounces bacon. The pea- nut is vielt In fat, and also has mineral salts important 1n the diet, such as phosphorus, lime, sulphur and iron, Ox tails make good soups and stews at small cost. There aro 8150 British Red Cross motor ambulances at the front, i'toly's 1017 wheat crop was 8,810,- 200 metric tons, compared with 4,804,- 400 metric tons in 1010. The peace that would hand Syria and Armenia ear a back to the Turks would mean the pence of death foe multi- tudes, Cocoa aiid tea stains can be remov- ed by dissolving one heaping' teaspoon. ;fel of soda (baking soda) in a pint of hot water and soaking 'the stain for a fens minutes, great economic problem which con- fronts the nation. KEEP LI TLE ONES WELL IIS WINTER Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are so changeable—one bright, the next cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out :for the fresh air and exercise they need so much, In consequence they are often cooped up in overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with colds. or grippe. What is needed to keep the little o11e5 well is Baby's Own Tab - lots, They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds and by their use the babywill 1 s be able to get over the winter season in perfect safe- ty, The Tablets are sold bymedicine Y r dealers or by mail at 25 tants a box from The Dm Williams' Medirine Co., Brockville, Ont, Bots the Boys Can Help. A n asci and pra.atica] pion to usa school boys to assist in keeping pigs and time to help in the campaign for increased hog production in Canada has been taken up by the Council of the Hamilton Board of '.'rade. 1f the glass pei'caltor of your coffee pot break*, use a glass lemon ;squeezer 'f"i• the 11100 heing. a Ideal Occupation For Maimed Soldiers, Says London Paper. The old proverb about diamond cut; diamond used to be true, but to -day n diamond eau be sawn through by a thin disc of phosphe'-coppor revolving about three thousand times a lninlute. For many yoars all diamonds had to be sent to Amsterdam, where the Jews had a monopoly of the trade of dia- mond -cutting. Even the Cullman dia- mond was sent there to bo "cleft" in two, says a London weekly. But there was a thne when a dia- mond could be efficiently cut in Eng- land, and the time Is conning when it will again be possible. Mr. John J Hodge, the British Pension.; Minister, has 1$ on his list, as the song says, for he regards; d! ,mond-cutting as an ideal occupation for legless then. It is a much. large trade than anyone nut - side has any tou(epiion of, for not only is the cutting of a diatnond n slow task, but the number of diamonds which require cutting i, very largo. The machinery is 101eicate, and used. to be driven by stent; but dots clec- trlelty has superseded stoaln, Thus does war bring some compensations in giving a profitable oe.enpation fe our maimed heroes, Sin Wes rrintaaent Oros milplttlter45. The movement in England looping toward the adoption of the decimal system for currency, which has the backing of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom, is gaining ground. einnard'e Llaiment Cores f4arget 10 Cows Wring Linen by Hand. If you put your table lined through the wringer you will have creases which are hard to remove when iron- ing. Rather, wring by hand, smooths ing when putting on the line. Do not use starch. Iron with hot irons while the linen is still quite wet. EAGLE =--,. STYLE re J //v). r ffe� l�. 0 Waite to -day toe' es r bg: rRE7 CATALOGUE eliowiug our full lines of 0(Oyclas for area mad womet fl Dolt and Girls. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTACHMENTS Tires, Coaster Stakes, Wheels, toter Puttee, Lamps, Hells, t.yelante. ere, Saddles, Equip. Mont nttd Parte of lticyelee. You eon buy your ennpliom from its at wholesale prises. T; W. BOYD & SON, . 47 Notre Demo Street Waal, Montreal, ISSUE NO. 0-.-'15. r1 s la t is y poisons p$ generated in the intestine." �t�l�e ® 'Whenyourstomachdigestsfood properly it is absorbed without e forming poisonous matter. Poi- 7 l: m sons bring on early old age and 6 SEVEN c ti 8 premature death. 154o30dro s TH O of "Seigel's Syrup" after meals makes your digestion sound. to /+, o�►•o�.G ..•m•em•cee•it mestere 0 i ICK STOPS iL.AMENESS from a Bone Spavin, Ringi3one, Splint, Curb, Side Bonne, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. 1t acts mildly but quickly and good re- sults are lasting. Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 ]n pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free• ABSORBINE JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings En- larged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins; heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. 31 and $2 a bottle at dealrt or delivered. Liberal OW bolds for 100 ,tamps. W, F. MONO, P. D. F„ 516 lymans 6457,, Monirsel, Can. Nbsorbino and Absarbine lr are nude la Coss& ."171,igh Prkces l�aitlg Paid fol' Syrup and Stig4r Pure Flynn, o0nun"nd" a high price, Maple Grave owners usfieg mtr Champion' Evaporator Have been malting good- money on a rising mar, icet for years. You cant do the sante by ordering your machine now Cn readiness for nextr',SPa800's mem, Write for Tree Booklet THE GRIMM MN[:d. CO„ Limited 55 Wellington St.,Montreaf, Que. Restored to Health by Lydia F. PinichaniLs Vegetable Compound. Aurora, I11.—"For seven long months 1 suffered front a female trouble, with severe pains in mg back 'and sides until 1 became so weak I could hardly walk from chair to chair, and got s0 nervous I would jump at the slightest noise. I: was entirely unfit to do my house- work, I was giving up hope of ever be- ing well, when my sister asked me to ry Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Corn - pound I took six bottles and today I • am a healthy woman able to do my own stiff • housework. nalyiiomawouldtrLyda E, Pinkham s i Vegetable Compound, and find out for themselves how good it ia"-Mrs, CAar, A. IE mso, 596 North Ave., Aurora, Ili. The great number of unsolicited tes- timonials on file at the ?inkhorn Lab- oratory, many of which are from tune to time published by permission, are proof of the value of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, in the treatment of female ills. Event. ailing woman in „Canada is cordially invited. to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential!, Lfee, w llsbringryoealth special v�and mce. Itay save your life, achinery I WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. New Automatio Valve Type, Complete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, Ole, WI11 accept $1,200 sash for immediate sale J ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 Ii.'W,, 110.120 Volts Ii.C'. Wilt accept 3425 Dash for immediate sale. t5ULLEYS, Large size. 20x56 --$S0 ; 12x60—$20 C 12;;;,x40--$12 ; 12x35—$8. 1 BLOWER OR FAN, Buffalo Make. 14 !Heti dlscharge—$30, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. 60 Front St. West, Toronto