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The Brussels Post, 1918-2-7, Page 8
kt�y^q, yA;rie r;'t:1 T A 1e l .t i:ip: ,�` m ]! e Ra SMITH A °i Store Pictures From Home The Army Lives on Letters it 1i •;aid acid erche,' obese • longe.tfo 031It sir -e, with the I C e town) -et meek, (0nttll0 pictures o rr 1 4110 51oin40. tliev Ex; far t,.,warrlP makinge happ t heart:: Ili faces Keep m Isitee anti be ,:eee _u -less • L It, -all' .,. i, •:1:3) 13,11''riet let.?iu.;• -,p , •''f E i"ulnu Films I e r • Ceenticats ,111 • ,,_r 1 1.ok nece0seriet. New Vatentines and Valentine Post Cards on Display. Pictorial Review Patterns We early 0 good stock of the cvt- ••bri ed Pictorial Review Pat- terns 'Phis will effort! as the op- p•rtunity of sutpIYiug 1'o r de - mends immediately. If you are not yet acquainted whit their supei'IOr merits we recommend you to try one and you will use tot other. Von have 0f•enee to Eliminate Extravagance Style But Not Smart St y fie. e a The Pore Pore Pictorial Review Patterns con- serve tnotet'inl, time and money bar i 1: e thcv save on every dress on , ret to one yard of material Cal .:te ant of the pateuted cut- ting and construction guides. • • • + 0 + 9 •• Try nue Pictorial Review Pat- . tern -see how easy it is t0 use, 0 It will hook tike the picture, . Tile Spring Quarterly Style Book O i, now le Wit)) this book, priced + :at 250, there is a council good for k (5c, watch can be applied on any p pattern selected 'Phis brings + the price of the book down to toe, We also carry 'rile Pictorial Re- F view Monthly Magazine, Price 150. O •p • O + 4. + A .5 + + V4g j���jj a -� Ki�i3 r; Druggist and Stationer 11, + ti11tet Attl 11%iill 1ttt' list inTO t Poet 11('100 PLUM was drafted btl the lie. eenove Cunnuittee at the County Conn- SI MR Of the farnteretoe getting i1, Ir sage•molting oatfie reedy for an early Galt Ni Baud wit' '.1 the ,ink Mon: .tor 1'i;tt!1 for s •00(1(1 1,0uts Hurd govt a a Y'ntd proslntu Ron 5. nos, -Thr' i.uel weekly Red Cuts,•: meeting lei i• 11+• held at the hem t of "I', lobo -Crime net am, Weds - rt•,y • :,free '•a' of 3031 wte13 at 3 3(101;, ow t' 1(r +11. Public Lit iery being close. ad d '1 to. firm train from the Nast dud not r••2011 Brursel; last el 01111 sy mite about mid i ;ht, Drifted t'ac'k was the reason causing delays ail 1110114 the line, 'I'17Pa- lev wits little better as no 'Toronto mail came. (1 et' 'Veva MONEY. -All ticket held - ere for reserved seats for "Birth of a Natiuu," that was to have appeared in 15 ns5ele, are asked to call at Fox's Duns; drug stare and have money re- innded as 31non 211, posah'o 'rt1Ecomfortable hock 1esideuce and Thom - street, o 2cares of land of Robert Thuri , I5(m- 0. street, has been said 10 Wm. Rohl, of Walton yideitY for 110(5 in, who will take poseseien shortly. 13.11 Rohl sold has his talcRobb will aud along With 'vlrs be we conned back to Brussels locality, See daderslai'd M r. Thu:11 and family do not intend removing from town, welch we :ere pleased to hear They are V0 r 1. ving 1u apartments at the Electric i.1g11' p'eitt I LLD 'RATED LECTURE --An illustrat- ed Leclixre, "entitled eviler ot the Nations" will be given in Vie 'Lown Hall, h t wt Brussels, p1( Wednesday Feb, t 3 , 7 45 p m by Capt. Martin and Lieut. Powe, 'ems is an up 111 date service with about 125 slides, I0est war pictures and illustrated songs. Evetyullh should be present. Don't miss it. Admission 250 ; children 150. eiMuweic-Last week Mess Belle Hen- derson, Brussels, was a visitor in 'Toren. to and antedating a mrorimonial event the old scbool girls of Brussels, now 10 'Toro Ito, assembled at tl,e home of Drug- gi•t and Mrs. Work, where Miss Hender- son was a guest, Thursday evening and surprised her by a miscellaneous shower of valuable gifts. A ltree white bell suspended from the ceiling contained the treasures that were showered on Miss Henderson as she paesed under it. The recipient responded most enjoy appro. priately A delightful time was 7 y ed at this cicely planned re union and many good wishes expressed for the future ot the bride to he end the for- tunate young man, M,'. and Mrs. Work were heartily thanked for tbeir hospitali- ty 'Che host and hostess were former Rrtt .selfles JAS, 13, STRE•rTON DECEASED, -The news of the demise of las, 13. Stretton came AF a great swede,: de,: t0 Br000elites last Nlo•ulay. He passed away in Ham- ilton on Sunday, in bis 55th year. The rem -tins were brought to the borne of his brother, W. F , William street, Brussels, from where the funeral took piece Wednesday after00on, to the fami- ly plot in the local cemetery. Deceased was 3rd -son of the late las laud Mrs Stretton, of this place, and was born and grew to manhood here He was a jovial youth, interested in athletic and well koown to many For tome years he managed the Queen's hotel, owned by his father and also farmed in Morris and kept hotel in Belgrave before removing from Huron Co Mr Stretton Was man ierl 3 'ices and leaves a wife and 3 sous, Prank, Will , and: James The family have lived in Hamilton for the past year or more, The surviving brothers and sisters are, 10110, Wni, and Frank and Mrs, Welsh awl Mrs. Degge Cause of death was pneumonia, His health had not been rugged for the past few years ASHER FARROW DECEASED,- After a faithful tenure of office of over 3o years in the responsible position of Collector of Caastoms at Goderich, Asher Farrow Passed away on Monday of Iasi week, He was iu his 78th year and his accident just a week before his death, in which he slipped on the stalls at his re:idence, sustaining a fracture of the thigh, went hard on him and the end came at the Alexandra Hospital. The funeral was bell Friday afternoon to ilaitlaud cemetery and the service was 1:1 Chat ge of Rev. Dr Rutledge, pastor Of North Street Methodist church, of which the deceased wan a member. Mr. Farrow was born in 184o near Alford in Lincoln- shire, England and the family came to Canada when be was but 8 years or q years of age and settled in Clark town- ship, Durham county The mother died shortly after coming to Cal ada Mr. Farrow had 3 brothers and 2 sisters, 01 whom only one sister, Mrs, W. F. Smith, Bluevale. is now surviving. She was unable to attend the funeral Mr. Farrow WAS educated et Newcastle and in his early manhood was engaged as school teacher. Subsequently he Was appointed elation master at Ripley, where he retrained for some years. Over 3o years ago he removed to Gode- rich, at the time he was appointed to the position of Customs Collector, It was iu Claris township that be was married, his wife being Miss 13. A. Reid. She predeceased him a little over 3 years ago Mr, Farrow leaves a family of 3 dattghters, his son. Chester, formerly in the G. 'I', R. service, pessing.away some es are Mrs. dhl t R 1,r, e The,tu gb. years Reid, Iirookiyu, N. X who with Mr, ReiReidattended the funeral and the Misses es 1,±;(5(01, and Laura of Gade rich. eVAle WAS also at of Blu Mrs. Musgrove, e M g the funeral, Tfle sympathya t5(v of a ase Y wide circle of friends is With the be- reaved ones. Mr. Farrow was a brother 3.w the late rhos. Farrow, ex -M, P , who was Postmaster at Brussels for a number of years and died at the borne of his son at Collingwood, *444.4114-0+44:0+044+0+0+0+0+0+0 +E++++©+0+4.4+44-0+++0+0+®+0 axat etly� ������ .. Near Thursdav will be St Valenlfea as ,�; Day. Ger y sur missive ready AN:etrat Telephone sleeting next Tuesday afternoon in the Town Niall. FEBRUARY. INABILITY to secure cattle cars shat off Assassnas are busy, several shipments of stock by local ONTAR10 Legislature opened en' rues- drovers (hiring past two weeks. (lay. THE tllerinometer is said to have SCHOOL Board Friday 00107)O.; of this registered 24 below zero Friday mornicg week. 0f last week, the coldest for many a day. Dili the January tuts(( g3. uai,be(1 in A °- blizzard ? 15 0 below zero last Monday, if the 2 PORE quarters of beef for sale. thermometer told the teeth. Phone 1157, En. Comae. Six weeks mor' IV , r n Benin saw leo YIILLETB for sale, R. TnnuanN, Brussels. dila shallow' leer Ste n 1 v -; ugh"' LADY'S black woollen mit Met. Will finder LENT comm ince C 31 t v 13th and kindly leave it at THE Pose. Easter Sunday fails nu Sl' - , It h 31stBttooca found. Owner may have 1t by pray. ANNUAL Meer in., or 11-17,14,,,5,4, Morris ills property and paying for this notice, & Gxey'Telephone Company ":'ill be. held Tee Pose. iu the Town Hall ou Tuesd 111, February Fa ass Caw with onlf at foot for sale, at Oen- r2th, at t. 0 ,, m. tralEotel Stables, Bruoeele. 3 1 NESBITT BnMILTON: KEEP tab nn the Mua'erot: Concert in Totten ,Terrey Cow with oaf at font for sale, the Town Hail v1, the evening of Feb- Also 80 tons hay. L. 5500010031, Brussels. rnary 26. Plan Of Hsil at Fox's Drug QUANTITY of Marqltie seal Spring Wheat 51000, Geed pr,:e Ra., for sale. A3,0ER0 Wt11TCIELD, Phone 400, IN publishing til,( 5'-' 1,'.-i';' Huron Lim LT ED quantity Banner Seed Oats for sale. Agricultural Society Directors the name Wm, Punting, Phone 2518. of Jas, Burgess was omitted. He is 31( S Yetsri pigs 1 menthe old for sale. Lot 28, old member and geuercely a large exhib- Con. 8, Gray. FRANK 3LEIOa0I5L5T. iter. bund, hand satchel found Wednesday morn - THE A. V P A, (if St real:(:'' Chnroh in g. Mat be had atTula P0ST, will bola their annual P,,: c•;1 - Sr'Cia1 on Att. kiwi- 01 poultry wanted. Aleo empty the evening of Shrove Tuesday, Feb. itkn Por Wbich highest ter will be paid Phone 6:x, 9AAc. WEtNxTltx. Ht00EoT rash prloe paid for butter and eggs, It. TaOJ000N. FOR SAr,E.-A few young Yorkshire sows, due to farrow in March and April. Also n thorn' -bred -Yorkshire hog about 7 months old, herd Prom prize winning i'toeh of Brethour 4 Featherstone breeding J. P MOINT0011, 1 o 21, (Ion. 12, Grey. Phone sm. r2tb, in the basetnent ot ' the c(1nrch. A musical program will also he provided, Admission 25 and 15 cents. Everybody Welcome. THuxsnAY of lost weee litre. A. R. Currie, John street w:te opt.ntc: d tin for the removal of the ape ; .11v and also a large tumor. We are p'tt•••:,,d tel sat; sbe I Wlmm141,0g110ra Cockerels from heavy lay - is improving nice Iv and her many ing strain for sale. HARVEY BeRT18'e 128 friends hope she will wee: 1':• able to be FOURS AND LOT FOR 4ALE-Good fume about 115 3) Sora, hmtae, 25 acre of ]and. fruit trees, well, &e., C. 0. F. -Following at,: 1i' tfit'era tenni/teals. For (013.3.11 particulars apply at for Court Princess Alexa Irene No 24, TUE POST, C. O. F., Brussel( ;-('1 I?. ?. Thom- osthH Short Horn Bulla from 10 to 12 son , V. C, R., A. T. Cor+ e ' s , E, y3,1r7 old for rale. J08: Smut.: Lot 20, Con, 0, lfort•ta. Phoum 786. G, Plum ; Treas.. 1m:,. 13 1 Chap . Da. P&MOIR, Osteopathic Phyelolan, visite G. H, Manners ; S Sv , 'A', '1'5,1 5 J. Brussels Mondayy and Thursday afternoons of ittard S B. 15 '::trrrtshaw ; each week, Chronic and ne•vou5 diseases W B, Wll ; suocoestully treated, Visite rssidenoes. Con- Peltation at Queens 550101, - 0 - Low water in Maitland river has militated against the relining at full power of the chopping mill for the past T. B.. W. Clouse, 'Tet' were installed on Jan 2q'b. ATTEN11nN is directed u1 tlie advt. of Carswell Bros on page 4 of 11::::. beim. A 0271021 scanning of it will a e ,nstrate that gennino bargains :arc h a; given at their store and is on'y ;;u loci loot ion of week hundreds of ,''.bars pop ennru (.,1.11 If Howie]: Mitten' Fire Insurance Com - you intend purchasing 5,2011 dollars by parry Annual meeting will be held in the calling on them. 'They are 'ucee51005 rowoslip Hall, Gerrie, - Friday, Febrile to the late Geo N. M Lal, u. cry 15th, at 2 p. m. i t' n LIBRARY WILL C,LC7 -t: -^017(1((? to the AT the annual organ z3. to meeting of shortage of fuel the Puhiie Library will Brussels Public Library Ijoard, last be temporarily 010 eel, at t3r 1•Sfxlitsdyv Saturday evening, at which Reeve Star- ` )aces Rev, W. D t A C. 1 t1ce; It "Plum f this week n ntrl further a 1 n ford � Scott F H. Gilroy and W. n 1 „ t 5(0 thhc fir , B. S. V beau lac 3.0 Ven Gl E . Star - may I Y of utl,ln •Ou 1 the helped 1 it cannot !PY either coal or w(lnd can 11' secur0d. nn_ w Lowry. I ilrlar n will be at Mrs. A, J. Lo e the Libtnry from 3 to 4 and 5 to ,) )s. m, Wednesdays end Saturdeye to p emit, of exchange of books, 1St- piompt 51 yon Wi'b the aceotnevidatinn. Mao P. Serene Precedent 01 Brussels Patriotic Society, 13n-tee:de, Deer hire. Scott, the donation by Brt1 o1,:' Yatnotie Society Of £6, reached lite a feta lave ago and I handed the amount to the A+ '1070 ,.Y„r...,, ,41;11'rA4o.i rq+nree,'� •n+vt"i9"•YI�-.b. � m0xwr or CANADA HEAD orrice - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in HaT'n lay. - all parts of the world. BRUSSELS BRANCH, G H SAM1S, PJ 234 Manager. fameserisallsollogisananiesisionsMutsaminemmummllionfflowo AUCTION SALES UOTION SALE 0111 FARM 8TOO1i.-0. S. w,:uNEeunY, Ole loth.-10lrnl Stook, Int. A :seat, Auctioneer, has been tnetruoted by elements, Furniture &0, 1t het 12, Con. 8, I the undersigned to sell by Public Auetiun 1(t Getty hie Unr etch net o'clock. J. P. Me- Let 0. Con, 12, Grey on Frldny, February 15th, ISnt, P1 op.; 1 .(3, Atoft,A(w 1•u 011,-10 V, Fon. 14111 -hut 25, Con. 18, t4]'oy township. Farm stork and oats Sale at 1 p, 111 4 Uptl„ t 51001, Prop.; lac. S. Soelb, Atm. Nnlu00, hems an I: v. 152,11,-F,u•m stook, rot 0, Con. 12. Grey, Solo unreserved at 1 p. m, h. Tyerinan, Prop. P. S. Scott, AU(0 MON any, Fsn. 18t11. -Good Holstein (Iowa at 1 o'eloek, the following valuable stook : heavy horse 4 years old, 1 he5vy mere 8 yenra old, 15 cows supposed In calf, 5 2 -year-old heif- ers supposed in calf, 10 2.ynar-old steers, 1 reg. istered 2-yenr•01d Shorthorn bull, 12 year111(ga 11 180 Year calves, 2 brood sows, 4 comae. All newt be sold as the pr'opr'ietor le glviag 1(p and learnt Stock, at Lot 14, Con, a. Kline. Sale forming. Terme-All some of Ile51and ender arab •, over that amount 12 menthe credit will at 1 reelect, Aden, Willoughby , Prop. ; c`, F. he given on r,rnlsh(ng approved joint notes.. Mr. r. Gilro F s the leiter waS re- l Kerr were P elecred Chairman and! y Sec.. 'I re.aPnt of fi uarces was Statement •' given and the 4))151, question discussed. It was decided to close the Library door;: until a more abundant supply of wood or coal 0011 be secured. 'i'utss0AY evening, 26th inst,, is the 'tate set for the Concert in theTown Hall, Brussels, under the diroetion of P. it Mulhoron. A chorus of 5o voices is hard at work in the preparation of Secretary of Men's Messing. The hays tench 11140 Claes selections ee Hanrel's certainly had a fine dinner which will tie Halleltj th chorus, 1Cipling's Reoeeeion- long remembered by them and they ter ai, De F isle's Marseilles, Brome s 0 I tainlylooketl happy after it. We admire "atta(101, &te, ; piano sos and duets will with perfect confidence the 1-nrt I llrl bti, given by Mloiss Minerva Jones andMi. the unfaltering ))lnpone ,mel u1til;yt;;ing 6'ullleron 1 vocal nnrnbt s by Ms sae effort of the woolea of (;lo: da and Verlln Walker. I abet Strachan and especially those of the County ref Huron , Ruth Sinclair and F 11 Gilroy ; violin and Brussels to further ti , 11'0 which selections by 51 L. Jackson The well 11195 have at heart and for 013.311 their ' known Lend0n E1nc0tioeist and Enter- hnye have been facing death 1 her field tattier, 13 Hanralt, has beim engaged Please convey to your ;err et Ihot we and will sive 0121135(am that is sure to have received with 31(.1, h ea: ir.:lart11,11 Pit tat, Plan of ro'-''rve,i sents will open and pleaeure tate donation Dad other at Pox,: 1)021i, Si Ore 31( 55tH relay 1G111 colnforts from time to time and Omer. fust., to 0113 (1 the public an npportuni fully thank them. Sincerele veins, ty of securing sittings for what promises Jan, 2, rots. J, W. Slum. to be a genuine musical and literary Witley Camp, Surrey, Hog., t4rst Batt, treat, Vaud, tet, Alt. TeesueY. trail loth. -Farm Stork, Tnnl(le. r Isers Sao., at Let 11 Cnn. 1, Morris. Salo nn• res1 Hernegd, 1(a le•03 line expired, Scott, ,t 1 P• m. Ins 1Zer M/NM:0 Y, : F. 25 coni Auo. WIsuN leunv, Feu. 20th.-lrprm Stork, Inr plel0ente, Household Furniture, &n„ at Wi Lot 22. Cum 10, Grny township, Sale, unre- served, at 1 p. 01. Geo. Dunlop, Prop. ; 111. S. Scott, Auc, Tit u[tenor, 1r,,it Slot. -Farm Steck, Imply- lamas, mplymeats, Furniture, &e., 110 117i4 Let 15 C on . 8 , Mn,s township. unreserved; nt 120'. clock,Wm .Tityand Henry Sanderson, Ex- eeators of the A. Howlett estate ; IP. S. Scott, A110. FatDAr, 0511 22 -Farm Stool(, Imph:noneR, &c., at Lot 25, Con. 14, McKillop tow whip. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. Wal Robb, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Ano. TottimaY, IND, :AWL -Farm Stock, Dante. inputs, &e., at Lot 24, Con. 14, Grey tnwn11(15 Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. 1(1, Donald McNeil, Prop ; F. S. Scott, Auc. Auction Sales AUCTION SATE OF FARM STOCK, I6f• PLEM Ions, 511111112111110, &0;-F. S, Scott, Auctioneer']las bawl instructed by the under- eigned to 0e11 by Public Anetton at 1.ot 18, Con, 8 Grey, on Wednesday February 18th., et1 ()Week, the following valuable property, via : -1 driving snare, 1 general pui'p000 horse 8 year:: old, 1 draft horse risings year0, 1 draft filly rising 0 yearP, 600150 supposed in calf, 1 dry Cow, 4 steers rinlne, 8 years, 1 heifer Habig, •e ' Goers rising (rein 2 years, d s L 2 yenrw, 8 heifers g 2 brood 5 w, young 1 fat halt 10 months old, 1 brood sole, 2 901,1,1,1,4 Ynl•kShh'e brood 0131V5, 0 Mee 83„," months old, 0 store hogs, 20 Whi to Leg• horn pullets, 20 Brown Leghorn ]lens, 0 White Leghorn roosters, 1 Deering binder, 1 Deering plower, 1 Deering vnl(e, 1 Deeringhay louder, 1 Masse'-Hnrrie hay )adder, 1 rost & Wood cultivator 1 John Deere manure eproeder, 1 12 -hoe seed drill, 1 land roller, 2 Fleury plows No 21, 1 Crown pang plow, 1 set harrows, 1 snuffler, 1 peer harverter, 1 lumber wagon, 1 wagon box, 1 set steel wagon wheels, 1 gravel bog, 1 Pet sleighs, 1 wood rack, 21og bunks, 1 Kay rook, 1 fl tt hay rack with car, 4 cedar reek stile 14 feet long, a buggy, 1 cutter, 1 cutter pole, 1 fanning mill, 1 tnmip polper, 1 set of acalea, a quantity of lumber, 1 gasoline barrel, 1 grindstone, 1 w'beelberrow, 1 set hem har- ness, 1 Pet plow harness, 2 sets single harness, of ilk 55110, 3 Dtiey churn 1 blox1for holding flour, 1 sinter kettle, 25 sap tins, 1 ditching spade, chains, forks, rnites, &o , quantity mix- ed hay quantity good clean mats No. 12, 75 boo, barley No. 21,40 11110. mixed 1:1111 111, 2 doz, grain bags, 1 50.oeg incubator, 1 aidebonrd, 1 exten• 010, 101(1,10, (1 dining -room choirs, 1 Bella octave organ, 111 rustier, 2 Walllatallda, 2 bedsteads, 2 sets bed springs, 1 cupboard, 1 parlor table, 1 bureau, 1 eonl oil neve, 2 doz. gime jars, 1 dos dinner plates, 1 dozen romp pi5te5 and other household artislea. :?ale unreserved an pro• prletor has sold hie farm. Terms -$10 011(1un- der ceah ; over that mount 10 months credit will be elven on furnishing, Approved joint notes, 4 per cent allowed off for cash on oredlt amounts, J. P. MOKAY, Proprietor, BORN 1,55) o 1. At Tisdale, Hawk., 01( January 14th, 1818, to Mr, 5nd 6150, Lyle 5501100x, 0 daughter, 5 per cant elf for rHaRTYEIcredit, Q,'rPruprlet'ot• wT/.r,•p.,w,.is.,- �.TI•^4F,e.,r-,,,t.,,,a:..:,� �,-^:•vF`.r3+,r`Aa ft14430A20(3,14 tv 1Wtef 10V',DefOapf3ooacariE°1Pcw(9maflt^R(gte alone F.. • A N • Q Y • O t1 6 0 4. e a fL 0 s Auo'riON SALE of FARM STOOK i531PLEMENTS, FURNITURE, &C, -- b'. S. Seutt, Auctioneer, has been in - strained by the undersigned to sell by P0blie Attain') at W?1 Lot2 26th n 16 Grey, on \Vedm-sally, t 1 o'cloelt, the following valuable prop- riety 1 mare Dieing 12 yea's, 1 nine rising 7 year's, 1 Ivey hot se rising 5 year's, 1 colt riIveysing 1 year, 6 2013 k Aup- posetl to be in calf, 2 yearling heifers, 1 calf 3 months old, 1 brood dow to farrow March 20, 1 brood sow to fat: - row in Aprll, 100 S\hit&Leghorn hens, 1 bhlder, 1 Massey -Havels (1(11(003.', 1 Maaeey-13arl14 seed drill, 1 hay rack, 1 Noxou Elise 11101ow, 1 set, diamond 115r 11)0731 13 '('11110115, 1 Walk i11gplow, 1e ,,f- fler, 1 fanning mi((, 1 «egml box, gravel box, Ito, buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set bolneleight, 2 `;els bunks, 1 wheelbar- row, 1 set team bieeching harness, 1 set,,ploa toneless, 1 set single harness, 1 buffalt' robe, 1 buggy duster, 1 bug- gy i ug, 2 horse blankets, a number of grabs bags, 1 grindstone, 1 coalnil tank, gn,ulfity of hay, a quantity of oats, 1,i quail tit.y of feed barley, 2 barrels Balt quantity or potatoes, quantity of corn stalks, 1 crowbar, forks, chains, rakes, shovels, eta., 1 Hamilton 120•egg in- cubator, 14 -gal. coal nil can, 1 Dela- val 31(0111)1 separatmy 1 Maxwell wash- ing untold ne, 1 galvanized tub, 2 water bat•eels, 1 Daisy churn, 1 copper wash boiler, 1 coal oil stove with 3 burners and oven, 1 cook stove, 1 lilnudyke heater, 1 sideboard, 1 cupboard, 1 ex- (0ns6m1 Bailie, 1 6 -octave 13e11 organ1 New Raymond sewing machine. 1 tied room suite, 3 beds, 3 mattresses and springs nearly new, 3 washstands, 2 toilet sets (bales, 12 kitchen e1111i PR, 3 rocking chairs, 1 patio": stand, 1 set of chimer dishes, a number plain plates, cups and saucers, number of frmtjters and other household articles. Sale uut eserved (/4 proprietoe has sold his farm. Terms -$10 and under citsll ; over that, a1nonnt 9 months credit giv- en on Rpm:eyed joint notes. 5 per tient off for cash on credit am0nn18. Hay, grain, potatoes and 001.11 to be cash. 0E0, DUNLOP, Proprietor. ADUTTON SATE OM FARM STOCK, CK, &0-111.54 Scott, Auetieueer, has been instrttnted to null by Public Attotlon at Inst 511, Con, 1, Morrie, on Tuesday. Febru- ary 101h, et 1 o'elooll, the following veinal'!, property 1 working mare, 1 brood mare 7 years old anpttlosed in foal, 1 mare 0 90111'0 0111 shred by Goldllnk, 1 horns 8 year•& old sired by Goldt11111, 1 gelding rising 2 years, 1 driving horse 8 ytm•a old, 1 Percherolr horse 0 ycare old, 2 Cows 001111000d to cativo In 1415(05(, 1 cow eidenmed to rnlve in April, 2 cows supposed to calve in May, 1 euw r l poeedfn calf, 2 milking cows, 1 steer 1 year old, 2 heifers 1,P year old, 1 steer Hpt Ing emir, I heifer371111 ca pigs menthe old, 12 pigs ready to wean time or Pile, 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 drill, 1 steel hay rake10-ft now, 1 disc, 1 fanning mill, 1 set of harrows, 1 twin plow, 1 flat hay lark, 1 farm W11gmt with box and spring tient, 1 sot bob•eleig is 1(030(7 shod, 1 set double ]tern nen, l hay fork with car pull eye and stop blork, tlb00(8 bus. of timothy seed, fnikeahOvele, chains end awn Brotts other articles Sale unreserved 00 proprietor i0 giv- ing up remota g. Terme-$(S Mid under 0a1,a d over that event -0 menthe credit given on ap- creditlalnount5, JA8, KE1er SISAGHAN ah 01( Proprietor; DIED Ba 1018, Edward 11350 e,towiiin his 040111iayear rylat, FAIUMW,-DI Goderich on January 28th, 1518, Asher Fa11OOW,111 1110 70th yPer, MORE1 -In Morrie township, en February 4th 1015, 50(45(0( A, Mason, beloved wile of Buell Moses, In her 54511 year. MoLerneAN,-In Grey townehip,on February ohennii,ge0beloved wife leced58ya,11e and 18 dey0, Pestio 1t1,»In Ohieng0, on January 2411, 1018 Mrs. Emily Barrios POenore, widow of the late,Tobn ?amerce elod0r1011, STaETTo In Hamilton Det., on Eel'reary lira, J ,103 0', ,T his 68Bfi i 3rreetteh, formerly of 4. n 15 31 Apf! UOTION SALT; of FARMSTOOK c IMPLEMENTS, teal -F. S. Scott, ucti0ueer, has been instructed by the uncletsigued to sell by Public Auction at Lot 25, Oon, 1.1, McKillop, Olt FrR- day, Feb. 22nd, at 1 o'clock, the fal- lowing valuable property ;-1 genertal purpose 111141'0 6 yea50 Old, 1 (hieing snare 3 years old, broken, sired by Sill:vale, 1 aged mare, 2 fresh cows with calves at fool, 1 now doe to calve in March, 2 heifers 5ising 2 years, 3 heifers rising 1 year, 2 young calves, 1 soy due to ftu'row time of sale, 9 store pigs 4e mouths old, 125 O. A. C. bred - to -lay White Leghorn hens, 1 Deering binder, 1 Deering mower, 1 h1R'se rake, 1 land roller, 1 cultivator, 1 gang platy, 2 walking plows, 1 seed drill, 1 wagon, 1 gravel box, 1 set. bob -sleighs, 1 (lay rack, Lset iron hal VOWS, 1 set light bob -sleighs, 1 hand rutting box, 1 fun- ning mill, 1 grain cradle, 1 hay fork with ear, ropes and pulleys, '1 set of slings, 1 root pottier, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 top buggy, 1 road cart, 1 cutter, 1 stoneboat, i ecui'Oer, 1 sugar? kettle, 1 set double harness, 1 set Whiffietrees, 1 Daisy churn, 1 heating stove, 1 ex- tension table, gi11u11ity of hay, quan• tity of oats, 91antity if mixed grain, quantity of turnips and inangnlds, 1 1,Y<l.l.i,,utel cream sepaeater rat(1, 8 t barrels, number 01 plain bags, forks, scythes, chains and Iumea'nus mirk articles. Sale unreserved 110 propriet- 01 is giving up farming, Quantity of 00(1 i+1 smolt, quantity of CIOVe1' seed, Terms -165 and under 11(811 ; over that amount 10 mouel1w ot'edit given on ap- proved joint notes. 4. per cent off foe cash On et'ed11, mune,11:8, WM. 1(01313, Proprietor, wHECU1ORS' SALE Ole FAR61 STOCK, ▪ Levant 'Mete, Pipes true E, &O -F. 5:500(5 Anttianeer, has beep in0t1•aot031 by the 12xw' Mors of the estate of the late Albert Howlett to sell by Public Avatfen at N34 Lot 15, bol 8, Morris, on Thnredey, Feb. 21st, at 12 o'clock sharp, the following valuable property ;-1 11p011 (nares 5 yea's old. 0 geldings Habig 4 yea„ 1 Silly rising 8 years, 1 filly ri0lag 2 years, 1 aged mare supposed in foal, 1 driving mere 10 years old, Registered Shorthorn Oattle-11m11 18 months old, 1 bull 0 months old, 1 cow 10 years old dile to mitre in April, 1 cow 7 Years old due to 501ve in May, 1 cow 6 year8 old due to calve in March, 1 cow 5 years old supposed Mn calf, 1 heifer 2 yet rs old dne to calve 1n 640r1,11, 1 heif- er 16 months old, 1 heifer 4 mouths old, Grade Cattle -I oow 17 years old tempnaect in calf, 1 oow due to only° in April 1 heifer 'i yem 0111 duo to only° in March, 2 lheifers'2 aryeerm old, 0 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers, t calf Stubs old. 1 00)5 to litter in arch, 8 Shropshire Down ewes and I ram, 75 young hens, 12 geese e nd gander. Implemelt01 &e, -t kl`aaaey.BOr- ris7-1't,binder nearly new, 1 Frost & Wood 0 ft, (newer with pen hervest03', 11)1000x01104 cultivator nearly new, 1 Doering 12 -ft. sulky rape, 1 Ceck011ntt (501131(0 spreader now, 1 Maxwell hay lender llew,1 Coa Ishntt seed brill new, N 1 Pet ham" 13 H111• e 41,15 ' ale 1 Iowa, � ll and roller, twin plow, 1 aaufflnr, 1 turnip drill, 1 root Peltier, 1 Wagon with box shelving -raid spring seat complete, 1 w n 6an with box, 7 set t 0]151 11awftmk0 end woodrank 1 set sleighs with box, 1 straw cutter,1 hey took 2 stook 1 ravel. box, 1 pig box, 1 Ohathnm n- ninS((thg reeks, gill, 1 0c1, 12001b soalea, 1 storm beat 1 flat hay reek for 0101611, 1 hay fork with car, ope0, pulleys and:ilium 200 foot new rope, J 'Ford taming ear ran 18110 miles 1 tap buggy, 1 open buggy, 1 cart, 1 nutter, 2 wheelbarrows, OUgar kettle, 80413. extelnlon lodder, 12 -ft. lad- der, cider Mural, 2barrels, grindstone sickle grinder, wire etretaher, lawn %maa,la rate, 2 a0008 Out enwe, logging elite wrench, pier hedge (canners, quan1117 1111111011, 00 oodnr poets, set breeching lie:naafi, set back- bend harness, 2 seta plow harness set winkle hau'i18sx, emit robe, 8h5rs0bltmltets,sottly nets, 2 dos. ura111 Hage, 1 doe, mike, 20 00rd0 of dry wood ap1lt, 60 late. potatoes, 20 tons hay, 100 bus 5000 barley, 200 bus, mixed grain, 600 bus, toned nate 400 bus fond onto, 010110, forks, r13ovele, ditableg evades, crowbars end 1111mer• 0115 other ertlnit'a. Furniture--Dnlsy obutat, nook Clove, lomlge, 2 tables, anthem,e•dside- hoerd,1 doz, claire, 0 amid e, 2rookieg cair, 2 bade, Reotm springs, 2 mattraoseo, dresser, 8 waxhetand0, parlor suite, 1Notttr8e, •0001 oil mod 25 -gel, barrel, heel room etit0 toilet set, 1 dos. 010138, arm chair, lounge hitlltol de, 0)5011 bed, heater, ornate, meek, Stem. 'roma- R10 end undo' cash ; over that emtmnt 10 menthe ere - reit Riese 01( 5531110hing approved joint n0tea1 6 per neat off for cosh on coedit amounts, Hay, grain, Wood and potatoes emelt, WILLIAM TAYLOR, ttExeontore, 133131tY SANDERSN', e ,F, S, SCOTT, T. MILLER, Auctioneer. Sale for � F $ dl i'A"CJ 1 f ear r� K Ca 0 a • 111011111 than Niue Million bottles soul in three years, m OVER. Highly'1'housttnd 130111es Sold by ,12tenb'rs Phut trimly 001n pony g at ('01(311 Lhl'(Iugh 111(111 eleven A.I.I,I,i1,1 S4 ores, DEMAND for Preparalitnl has beekell all world',( 1'31001'dx for 1,5(15 sale • r of a proprietary medicine in the game length (11' time, and , 1 Is 00(1- 0 0ta11Lly inereasing, ei LARGE! and Model LwhoraLoriee at Dayton, Ohio, ocenpy 00;000 id bsquarottlese f(leel of 11ou' space+. Oaparit,y of plat �1 t•eeeu11y doubled to 4. take cave of rapidly increasing bllai008e, I resent capacity 30,000 0 olly. BRANCH. Plant lecenl!y eatabliehed at. \Vindsor, Canada., with a 1(tp- N may of 8,000 bo111e0 daily to supply tremendous demand in the Dominion of Canada, P111LIOLY Indorsed through the Daily Press by own of prominence 2 hh0onghmrt tile United 141)15140 and Coned 11, beel (111tng Supreme 55 1ei ) Banks m Coml. Judges, 11uyu1•s al'h•luL linrz Oiliea, ,ulvyera, I , It ors, ere, Stateand (a1Ve1'1l tiletll Officials, P1•oltllnen( Educators and a Ministers of the ,Gospel. FAME of Medlcinc has spread over onlire Anon Wan Onntinent and ib w is now it household word fano eoa.l. to copal; 111(11(1 the Cuff of N Mvxioo Lo lite (seat Lakes 1lironghnnt. the United States and i Oannda, N 'I'ANLAC ie Purely Vegetable aud is ec)nomicel of the (11001. ht'nrfieial pools and -herbs 1(1111,711 to xl:ienee. loot init111 complies «11111(11 Nat- ional anti State Pure Food and Health Laws of the United States and Oanadtt. 0 ABSOLUTE MERIT responsible fat' phenomenal and unprecedented el success, the 4(5111(315(1 pt no f of which is the fact that dealers who ®i bought 'San las three yrare sago when it tva0 11111. pl(u7(td on the n Market are still buying it in car -load lots. LiIC18 all outer great, 011001'85l'l, 'Pal, 5(31' has ilx 111111alora, and although b (leery Etre now (1n the market: over one hundred (11'epltl'ati0110 ('lainl- 9 lug similar 1110 55'00 3 11 value, many of whom 1111' copying the or- ee ▪ igi11al'Paiihte110er1is(n4, the 0P11lftI 113' 01 51311 1(0 3al'aUiOIl 00(1- 119 Unties to groly and it is 11007 unquestionably lire most widely - talked -of medicine in the world lu•day, O 50 ftt Facts of Interest about the Greatest Success ira History of ,Medicine For salts only at STORE 0 DRUG STORE s 1) 94)54teeicereette001v^OWsh00000006©131®00 Annual Meetilrng11th I 1 0 Hogs for Sale �Gn�w i g The Annual Meeting of the itrussele, Morris & Grey Telephone Company will be 110111 in the Town Hall, Brlosels, on T0e13ay, retire - !try 12th, 1018, at 1 80 0- 1(t, A nil torn' Report will be presented, Di, octant chosen nn't any other beshleas transacted that may mune with- in the range of the meeting. 111• S SCOTT, President. 111, BLA( 1,i, Selretary. 020001110111m; 15000omes, being Lot 14, Con, 12, and W34Lal LeI0 i,nthe 1,1(0( sbl 1(P Grey, C1 the praldses0a a table 1214(1,. ( 1s bank bmm with water 13 113ng1n Wind: mitt anti litter carrier, large driving idled and hen house two e•ohardo, 111 norm' hash • tele- phone ; ele•phone; s,.4 mac from Colebrook and 434 miles from 13rus0eis. hol,rg'Log 1o,1(grime1fa01 Grey ontafnlug 100 nares, For PttrtleW11.t11111(1ttapple ,pff nnln'ook. (Mt. Farm for Sale 100 001,05 hall 54 Let 7, ('on.15, (hey town1111lp, On the premises is a Rood 1:sr-r0 hl tnit ont.tage 80x132 feet; ggood beak ho 0 51100 foci. 0 et.tiln0s stabling; 13,10100 shed a n, 1,t hen 1111(1 plg hoose ; writ Watered ; half mile Prom School ; rut 1(l mail and telophem: Nor Pnrtdre' porde. 010(5 imply to W.A. tx (701)S, on the premises, Or It, R. 210. 2, Ib•Oseele Property for Sale 11031111101.01Rnod Wore tear Reln his eligible proueety on the river Mode, with hood house, stable end ban Pore of lend ' good well, small i + fruits &e• Will be sold reasonable 1(R proprl0• + torts leavin town. e'er further pnrtiaulars + toiely to W M. 281L10ER, on the peen-date,or +edee+ The undersigned offers for scan a number or Choke] young '(Hanwell Mtge ready for mer - vice, off prize winning stook. For imntedinto Oslo. , Also o ether of Boole 301m1 timber 12 inches tenure 111113 50 feet long. 80.8 WM. T. GRIEVE, 111011110p 'Phone 14122 Walton, aaaessaA01e10®eseeseeseel000O0e e 0 Cluing Solo of • Commencing Saturday, February 2nd 4. Ilockey Shoes -Ladies' Gents' and Bo)s, fA , Vine Wnul SOoaldngs 5 p Woolen s Cardigans, old RnbbM•0 Atdnohed $1 .25 Girls' Cardigans, 85 eMen's Felt Shoes Felt Slippers aa Women's Felt Shoes Men's Heavy Rubbers a Harness Department A S Black Bear Robe regular $23,50 reduced to $18.00 sr Saskatchewan Robes 15,00 " 13.00 a Bells of all kinds Reduced in Price 2 TERMS e STRICTLY CASH BICE WINTER GOODS Richards C St 3 f! o 00 p •1184000000061011000000 0000:0009i,e0 tC't00 0490000att$k'98D47000110000 +++++++++•1••1••2•++++++++++++++d1•'P+4 b'S•+•3'++4,•1++++++++++•5(3+4'1'' 4, + d+ + + 114'' Will 0i aturd y ay IN ACCORDANCE with Regulations issued by the Dominion Government our Store will be closed on Saturday and Monday, February 4th and 11 th, Kindly remenber Friday as the last e of this week, Store will be•o it Shopping Day p Friday evening, • 4 4' + r'a4t1 if a � +4 t r��( ��ljg1! _, W oast Ig �f4Ol. .. n •A F 1 d Ir N 1 H 4++•N•1••1.11'+++•i•+'1 +++'1:+++++'h++•1••1'+'1' •1•+•1•'16.01'+•1.9••2 ++++ is