HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-7, Page 6Sae es' Cousins; Between OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR, 1 CHAPTER \I.-(Cunt'd.) his own -drawn brows, still in search, es tt. were, of his intentions. Ear it long, speechless moment A1-1 ••t 1e has tald mo about --what has bort gazed at his father, very much h dayof Past d between you, and that she has as Elia had gazed at hon on the alloy, .•d herself to be persuaded into Food Control Corner The food situation in the Allied countries of western. Europe is graver than it }las been at 3tny time since the beginning of the war, Informa- tion has been received by the Food Co: troller which shows that the it - m0 •t effort must be outdo to increase spr ng acreage and to secure a much lar•;et production of bread grains in 1918 than was done in 1917. Mr, hoover has already pointed out that the great mutual discovery. 13etw'een what she considers an engagement." if ships have to be sent to mare dis- • feter and son theta was exactly the, "Persuaded is not the right word tent countries to rsury food stud's Co • want of understanding which had been Mr. Albert," he said, with guarded Europe,fewer ships will be available "ween ousw ill and wife. slowness. " have persuaded to carry soldiers and supplies from ""Sud you will actually let this thing Follette to nothing, Our hearts have this continent, with a result that 'It n1T that ie 1;11.' ,•4I "were sat-. continued participation of the I'u)tccd 'It has happeuecl without me," That •l'liss and the r. the war will be be i t if 1} d d Miss haat the smiled Toho---"icl if God wills It so, lsfaetory in themselves, but a good States and Canada 111 the i*. ill b accomplished." 1 deal spoiled by the tone in which they greatly hampered, Ai a ace s .1 The statement has been tholcughly Albert's rh'nehed hand come tiovwn'. were uCtered, upon the table, making the ink -stand "You cannot seriously suppoee that canvassed, and among those who have rattle and the pens dance. - the family will recognise such a--suedt studied it, there is unanimous agree. 11 not a accomplished,"u piece o imprudence" -the the 1 "No, it she t b for p' f heel all merit that the only solution of the food he said,all the more intensely hat said "folly." but something i11 the ,tent is only sl piuductan in cpenit?ng low. "I swear to you that face opposite caused him to modify iid pIot•th America. In this connection i; 1w -i11 not! If you are struck blind, I term) -"as binding, lay sister did will. , iia w a n vont it " :day ; she is a more child, not fit fur; spring awrragr sutra in bread grains st ._: it is e,pccially important that the alts not; if you will not act, I Ii It t knowh t sh 1 was doing t e ei shall nut happen. -I will pre He bent across the table to send his' such decisions:' �_.. -r._- _1111._ _ _..--_ . _ are accumulated, then ]rut into a stone ? chsndim is so extensive that it is troubled leak deep into I'euella's; "And if she had decided to marryer al 1)t Int, and all milli cert. mly s great pre t y S troubled egos. .another, would y i,,, ``"' e• •-y�"� :il,rlug until melted. 1, blast cold. 1 Toronto, should be. as large as it call possibly be made. Every person who tett possibly pro- duce food must do so, no natter how' small his or her contribution may h Those who cannot produce food, e. • at least conserve it, Tho u! me economy is imperative, The situ: tion today is critical and the war is rapidly approaching that coui;t1 n when price will not he the most an portent 1piestion, but when even :h•• people of Canada may be glad tot 1 any food which they can obtain, The successful prosecution of the wtu• by the Allies will dorend very large extent upon the extent of food production and food conservation this yelu' by the pe'gle of North Athel•iea, Be reit Ith0)ld:lu I1): nca,il 1st a says "The Tool position in this lott try, and 1 understand in F -0.10,. -,ll'", ra111 witil 1)t a\a'h'1lorat1011 be dos 551ibed as, critical and anxious. I ant now 111)1[1:10 to avoid c•ompulnvry regulation. 1 fear it will have to come with lung gUequ0s of people awaiting in the severe weeth0r in practically every town in England for .the daily 11eees.sarte- at' lite, for Cass! England, The Army iileriical Sowiec Articles flcles Wanted j them is conducted with rho greatest Fi etrieiency', and the food for the sicl, ra lutea Noedrawvak x.aval num is the best to be had, but there b not one ounce of int or IU+ytllfg \ riled. Riven the grease off the plates + melted down and used for nuuli- 1005 or other purposes. n ouutarl soldiers who have been uta Neel in ldngland at the Ontario Military t)os- pltal at Oepington speak in gloving terms of the treatment. ttte;, voodoo there, and one and all express the wish that i1' they ever get wounded again it will be to this hospital they s i sena. 11' we have learned ;wilder ;dee we have le: eett the value of 111e s 01 )1 Ote yewenerye Plato: fulmar: Curios: Mlatatna'oea a 001 Oh(nal out 0Alasa� Oar- :.ental Wat� W14111 orlri nd�bb5 11antl'f u to B. WLRf1 .. SE)TRINS, L11•11054 108 20 AAA 111) colletre ittreet, Toronto, Oat. Yotl as A. parent are the 8rc•hitect • of your e'hild's career, for upon char- ter depceds ,sucee'•,<, The metal tap ora WA' fruit jar is 1.1])ghtly convex and by depressing the centee the edges are sprung -array front the jar, Pat h1 aur lardr•i vino*' the war btgnn. ;1?it[ElRI1111))lilt{ltiltllill)tliitlll{ltllltli�"; nab an .1b-.ird a,.:itio 1 rinse l' 1 LUNATICS OR PO ,fits, DI1..I'1IM)'i THAI' Alll. 1 t'LF11:i.1'l1 'r0 -D Al. Intentions 'Trull Emanated From What Were Considered ('rack. Brained l'anc'tcv, J'etl,ettatl laudian, taw.,the ridictla of the/ scientific. wet Id, Inc lea:ad to Erie: the remains of oalmea) no'•rid;;e, 1a're. s, o' crgctablea anal ,,.,> t. r; r" ..d:.• , t tg•e, bceuu rind. ts.p. 1 1 ! when ,o' e.1 lots" uuo'1 h itsl t19� d �aU l d_la� trai'•cd, make fn,.1 d:1iri:'no rou9, This snowy \\ -''th•,r the children's , (tools would i,c made 1)1ad1 more , ea:Lerlight by lasing rubbed over with a little melted fat or oils 'Phis also prolongs the life of the leather, which - 1';i;i 1; a consideration these d:tyS, i1f a11V �.(' ways of using setups of 001)11 have hew; adopted 1,y the 1hri tv holt,e W ife, One illi the simplest la to sal c 11 stares are so busy gait tllr pieces until two or three handfuls i,tlrectivr. And the range of mer- wt 111.10,.1'•. 01 !1"!.l . Ui I> 0115' 1'llu.r1 95opertur ..ay, a Lnn')''. xriu.r. The discovery of r•1 1n••�.: which stores up energy 111 lust mil - pi lions of years and all pit•)c.'d )a th smallest compass, 110. ,:at'•1 tlrl ,"d' sfletlil:As out. of their old-time easy n • assumptions, and valved 111e 5hl. )' at y$q€ fa Y perpetual motion t, bo, : In ra'.I1 -.•..'less "loud Cud long." �1 w • 1 ud . You'll enjoy buy lig in w Aviation lac: c u sell ;nether ;; -1 Toronto, The big y '1raf, tori, \word. In cage Ibis 1A, roost, 1)1,e curses, 'lie ,. t•1' .' 71 than could sit in a 1a1.1;c1 1)l,;' ::!'t li:-;- self, the would believe i1) t} 1.0- ::IV - ity of perpetual motion.1'1 : ',.hr. an aer(platie but a maul LI 1.a; i,1 11 basket m1<) 1)1'Un hims lf- 11nrinEnergy. Long years 190 t u•: i k 1 ,.d5 1:1. - land laugh Ly going to the I ,Cc tri Of- fice \cash a plan for the . or t . lliu 1 of on-r0y. ale said h- 11 :111 to a enough (met, to nowt! the Ph1)' f - England. lIc couldn't.. But in 1 ): lhi. idea is a 11)111.1 '.:19)111 wh:,'1 1 r )alt into opn•atlo1. c:<ty d:.y, Watch the area. Las ales• c: lies 'Cower Bridge swing tip,uld down r: lilt • a child's toy! In An:tve 1 1 .: eon: - mon thing' to 1nuv,' 11 111.11 a 1,1• 11U1 4:1 into the next ,1rect. Ay, ural) with0nt a. kiaa• the. folk to quit: The 1raLlt Haid 110 could do this to- 1, i.y putting • energy' into n l v't. What i-: Chi0 1>lu hydraulles 7 1Vat•11, t,o, an electric train ra01,i 10 Wm - great projc:til1 out of the 'rube arta the rtatt:,. esowth1 with ;. ehr- 9ers, Such a u::u'w'1 r h . 5,.: ,.t. of. storell energy. .And i:'vel:.o1 act, even y. now seeking a method wit 111 al hr:nc) 1 ;:}l lot -emotion two the 1:.'a:A of ,t triter prove. ` ine of 1115 cemrn: , .,erut lc 11. e' - Platl To Hcoul �p Load Of t'lmis of the old dr.vs :;y: =1)11. le Spring Fe.r11 li cal: et: have thought her - hulling water, •1' • e^ as Ire -.b1) in r r ✓ t' ' i 1 . to 4 - erision . 1 l f • that d $ <� ! Fel of "What are you Ding to de?" she; much of a c : - J .., s 1 c1 litlysus n jelly, \which ': And this ,icasurc is the greater -. gw• �' r you have t. i l. u I 1 asked suddenly, terror-stricken. " 1 Albert waived the point aside as n: , -,mss. ' ' ..:• II "I do not know yet "chat I shall do ; reLeva 1)t, and also inconvenient. !� G JI • 1 e;l ellent for washing flannels. because you can stay at the most and Albeit slowly straightened him- "Don't you see that you pre spoiling f. , r. 1)t Even broken -chinas can be a cd to comfortable of horse -like hotels, 5 THE VIALKFR HOUSE (The self, "but it shall not happen," her 0harces for life'? The most Mil- , 1 feed your fn\rls_ 0eoawiovally! The h House of Plenty') where every at - r >� ! lees • her .. "' } 1 1 liant prospect was opening befoie CHAPTER XX. -such prospect as comes to few "Tell h' I tl , 1 1 b take 1' s•: td D1an- n „) 1 1. 1 i fory d d t come ati h qli 't t+ a •c ur'tt tithe :l 1%1;1`.0 is >ft1 c0t: U\ .soul. 1 - I,ntion is pliven to }adios anti child - Ing it altnurt to pow,1, r and 1111015 11 i ren Mt:veili ng without escort. g1r1`• .•'•'n rr; >; , i:;, J�( s,. 1i to the 11ens. The lime and clay in And your purchases may be deliv- r.1) thee am in a hurry. that le 1)u 1)i to.4:11P...,. I d \' ; t t: ntr:u c enc china t; wet y good or t said �creel there •o1) an redeye you st w is to are, 'o m.0ee. I shall be can, in an act•calt 1' 1 iic' e hauab% Wh • Notan Day"? ' and et:mi'ia;r.1 :n tate various hula ;h to and they enjoy plckiug at it.'. at all worry, mai-Ifni; litre, beside the spec\wife's Ili, run-tcrhaiiol, roengllised a y :t "tic 5 far beyond his own. In face of 1 .ss- • •s- and dishes. Berm; should airways Is. rfiui:- 'file fowl lay much 1,c',cr 1'01 :at 1)r• 1.111511 you come be sure you rtay at grave,, iuu.. 11'0 have had wheat,"., day was to a 'are- note arc r1) a it a mer0 conciliatingu? T' ', order to let 1 Maio of broken c•t plu;c• - s c but \ft• Albertgave the 1 rzcvin. o„• a<vieale. IC k f ., h' that ' inn,, n0000lretl tl d I ? y e l with the not •u off r 1 1 1c,0u,1 c„. , T e Walker o�xse i n the. The 1 r 1 ffi • l th ugh themice ht trebledf} r ntr t e n days urged 111100 u. , t i 1 together ) 1 net consider the merits of one "bean the sulphur coni s1) 1 ) c :1fc. ) t' with 1 tl =r the "I her' Duncan" he serer with water in which they icer, .laLed wvr n copper corn; and a. ,- 0v t. s OMAN. • . quarry departc•el toward.: the a ow th t effort 11 goods... and I I day' every twee)•.'. Bc:nl., as en (:i.. . ,• Tem know, :arc meat cc uirullnt>: and oven should nee be used out c!1) 1 a thaw The House of Plenty quarry sat down upon a green hal- kr.nv: that You care f :1• her. and 1 away TORONTO ONT. du\sa.cr 1)uchcss of tiatherlan.l I w > !*:4,? the water' in whip:1 th.y vole lark e)o-e 1)t hand, and set .:mself 1 e-, sure that your a cotton is 1.:101.051. - the t e 1 s , > tri+uiled, us this hoille -11011- v t to libel, 111• :;nal n -,ah}y to wait. ' ed: but it 9 just bcanac' you rare for last year, they are still rhi'aper and. !ai bye elements, 11 seems notate [!as 1:'on This Appcliation. 4E1111111111111))1111l11111111t1,111111111in111Ri alta Orly yca.cerday still so clear a her that yo'•t cann0t surely mean to, give more nourishment of the same bytaking ad_ for beans 11 !nob: 1"e".. 111 c::r1 101)1 arc, her:un, an' now this eyehole, threat- ruin her whole future, , kind than animal nrotcitt, NOW, with 1•ni0,1• t.0 sweep array not only the vantage of her present mond, her the gat)1ering 0' the ('5eps, dried hc't:ns and many of us should try the plan 1t h'1.es regarding Fcnel}r, but other fang )s excited by your attachment, ,1 ella: cooking' soup in rr,n•ker). Wee out I Y pat•+1)t she 1l ,t_ryl,. ••word be hanging a-,1!^uty •in 1 frugal cousins, Ihr 11 nr9 'Ph1 1.: al' 0r hopes-. aoarcr : , 1i•al•al• ret: Fee: and in her exc•,t even at the risk , f diseretlitilew the that she retains :t• r, doubt :,h_ clues 1)r zit?, 1114 the creatilc h0u :wife s.(' it a: •,i will and still mere waw., to use )s better and tllo perspicacity of this genially perslnca- return it for the nramvnl, but ':cb-._ by cooking :l,l scr'c.ng 11.1'.:11111`;,.,1;111'1,;,;:" s 510)1/ vetting 1001', 11. is t1112e t0 Qnl- such arran9(a C1 is are t1);:, nnil.'tural than before, , drat. fes:: that 11;, sct..:1v b i 0w_:1 in his to last. ,Tits" think cf he rough life There aro black. red, white and all • ,=air' it t•c to leae1 of the corn- manner of mottled beetle, Their value Cold loans tai: b t l oe11 i1) 1n.tai rhanccs , f mint -dist 1 the )3 .)l.. , ch : he would ht t kind; of salad. A delicious one is •' 'e refinements: she c:oudd miss, lou 1•, n:• c' erre high in ro- ltoa-s i1) i, 1 the ra, d ant ,t ,the refnl to about _ same; all 6 P raa}e 1.y 1VI111ieit:y; the !old beans; sharp-witted ab;,..t tither I'e,p:c'a "1 1)t the into. en;u•_;e she wrould be tela and : ta.r1}l.:1) that reall;� the Le -.11) is 1).:t exaet:w the same ch'^0 as brought to; e:.'1 a?1 that help wear- •1' , The with (Maly hrc,lded rabbit,;'. green fair. t a t„., meat and w ate onmc Ise 1, being peen -sighted and shots,=1wit'ed inn out her ):re=eat liking for you? . has 11x° sol .hru tom- 1 epPer and mayronnaisr. ''Ihr. cuolterl about one's awn. :11) etc' w dinar} 0)1:1. will not a day come when she re_ wound fant))y T beans mak, a :stuffing f°1' t.0nnito yaps . piece of good lack. of course, hut proalhe5 you far •taping her out of pounds 1)t' teat c'Ucne. The one 1)1 0r what crm11iaecl with sliced applei show•iag, to his oupre1ae sclf-17- her proper =toti0n'? Si.rely, eh, surely 1)1Lva110.g.' they p ,s.c`1 1s the tb:el` 1)r celery give a x111) 0o t:at ..<ulad. et1ee, no 111med 111 feat:ties, It \vas she is w•"r(11ier and fitter to shine 111 a leathery skin, 1. which ((11 1)11. irri- W 11011 you vault scan..11 11 new for u as though a1 the uaivet 1 111lging to prance than to be Buri•:(1 in a hat! No.: tate.; the etam,1o11 and makes people snack )!nab try cold be:al. r:Ih boiled his years, and so sternly eliminated Duncan, if worn• love is real, if it is think that '•berm• don't :'a'''''" with S"1")."")""I':0 cturd diced celery noun from his 01(1 11 1)1nes had taken re d'>11 110stdci, y'•1) will release 11 r from them." It i:1 1 eIt,•1' to keep back the 1,ith a het frankfurter and a cup of tugs to this corner of hit nature, intl. tvs ash yr:nai-e. skins when .oc,l::1� for children and 1 t0 1 'There s1s s0 ma1,Y. Ways to That sh 1ver of favors cf 1- hill. he hal Ther w115 e 1, me appeal in )lis. T.5r: 15.: of tweak tli'• ':tion. been a recipient allsummer, what else eve's as he gutted lilt.° tits clack face serve beams that they could bo served ,: crowning of his Softened b • his own :lashed Heart., every day i0t the weed:; but if we do she, d 1 ascan Lul the c1a r : , befcru him, 5 vitt:/.;? These smiles. those services earnestness, he had became for the • Civil lecu101y i' -ow h:,u:r•..1•.p1fs ride to have only one bean day we 1100cirta'1 and Leon solicited, ;chat but rime being almost humble. . were famllihr with tilA -'AAA:11 of will help along the -war lend 1)t the the': c •u111 explain them? Ali, he had"Stop a moment'" sat') Dca:.•an, using pulp 111015ad of ti.' whole 1,121 a'ttllle limy benefit our own stomachs at v:ho!e 001)eet)o11 "f proof; P1•o,'t" sightly raising hi hard just a;e Al- in the 1 milia,i •`meld::11"1 beans•" 10 and ;.01) thou1'. which weith:d all the heavier because hert's li •s opened afresh, and with a 1 1 1r 1 __ ... I the lnoe. Tell make this pulp, boil 11119 lima,) ea they were Cha first of their which painft•1 contraction 1 had come tinder bts notice, :ince 91ate chic thing! IlesMissFenella csnt red bean in very little water until his almost nester:- life- -and ambition you ee tender, Preos through a tine puree "n be toile as )111.;., 11.5 a1010)1isrn Fur 111: instant Albert heedtated.' etraln'1' and season. This pulp ran wc°ntati hal, s 'aha, 7:eyed 110 part.their regretfully ren11nertl theuseless then be used hat Met and of mashed �Ah. holo kind a face Fate had shown lis,, P1.-ato, or it can be made into cru - all summer, and not to himself Melte. "No; she has not sent ate," - quettos or patties or as a stuffing 1'or Such a happy cnngl-:meration of Or; "Then you do n1.t spear: in her meat and vegetable.. T he pulp of eumstanees had ilt moment seemed r/1n1o?' asked Duncan, the frown lima l:eana i1 ,..,ot: 111 lr'y sweet c1) 1 had been ton ):nod The present •'Ineat in the n"inn of the f•1mt v.• delicious. If combined with beaten l let SI aimast too goer to rue. 1)a, it • sl} -1y rebating. tastr,phe wee there to prove it. "What?t�"t hat? 10 the name of the milli egg Yolks gold stitfll beaten wh to e•yr+ 1 thatt v 11'1 U' hesitated. \'•hr$ is most 111 a ons and m 11,1 h ,�-• •� Save the Fat and (Soap. 'What van be done ellen once WO - Men really set their 1tli.lc11 upon til: conservation of al! ra-o:Ucen is w011- cuful, , oplenda example of a bite ieet)tuti, 11 rent with the beret of every- thul • peed, 11110 nethl1 ; was'od, is the Ontario Military I1n:,9ital in Bent, 0Guuld not I',noll a s small hand prove Iter ".'+ makes a souffle or baked custard d ! �?t• to ,e . O all 110,01)nr1 5. (hire more: lar: 'e a �^" ever the heiress might feel for him.' "M'. fathur is not the elan to Iron ins. especially for children. ytilieent, dowager Duchess of Suth- once known as 11 9lwnl'o most t l tar:d, I beautiful voutan. i1 now '..11o'i "Eng -1 lard's l. 1 c.-1 women." lthe was one of 1'17 flr••1 111):1•)1 sal: -:,1 to go int', , J111nce 011 11ul/in;; duty. Der first war in the e:hitt was 1')i 1i 1.11111 0l' the time under shell fire 11,•,•.1 •sew:::a t,:'tment•.1 of ••h•"d rime d h0r g:ar- m1 l t' -J n /1 ; Blom 1,1' 11 r \ !) -0 British pluck "hold ea" 1.1'1 to surd - dont shells protection !rola i3O own forces. In 1)115 -she was captured by the Cleeman.'. being too busy Minding up the wounds of the maimed •`Tummies" - 1n the tsrn :hes to bother 111,001 re- 11c•at:nc (11,011 11111 Huns took one sec- tlo.1 0' the lint line. Fur eighteen 00,111'0 :10' was detained its Germany and finally (s ltangea for a German lady whom the English heti similarly cart l:ed, liter a Tow weeks' rest' at her home • 11e returned to the firing line, where she i 110va eta -Boned, nelively direct- . )!lg 1t seotion of nuroe; in one of rho ho pitele. nearest the fighting line. Crated ch0eee ,end chili Saltire make a good sandwich filling. "Our greatest glory consists not in newer falling, but in rising every "lime awe fall."--Coldsm)th. would rho not shrink from tb.• thought 1de )1„re aIf _' -1)t such questions as This pulp is really Et 100-111:1,-1•211t of sucsucha connection as Duncan- ease, you knew:hat he lives 0nly no -waste food, for even Guaira the i :I Donnell ". Could he even Aare to tat• his 10 01 -try. It is 1 who have price of beans is abnormal, it meet b suggest to her to become the si.ster-in- to lrnr'sr2 t him in the .. -e- matters.' • law of a quarryman? And Julia's; "'Maybe. Due I doubt whether you • remember 0d that ;Hera i c not a n , t 1)i• new -made engagement, was it safe rep+e 9111 his ,air'°n of thu mat`.01.". of loss through bone gristle ort 111 - any. longer? 1'h.- whole future past- tlrid Duncan. with a Confidence which ming; they are t112 111 t roar 1 tl•,ta,l bolt of the fann:iy true 1 41010 1111, a in could net be 1011 1'! 1-e than cr;asnerat-' food. The one )ng) odie)t that they rho balance. If :,11y mortal ewer ing to Albert's (werstrained nerves. lack is fa'.', so it shoal.) always he con., tut•Ited in his grave, s1:11,y Elia had 10'11i10 he w -a.• ,.'•0;1(0111 a901t1 111n1 bitted in their 00olting; high coutl..1t- 111g flavors, 1))cc 11,:)13,.1 • jlepper. tl wm10, etc. hould ;1100 be u. cd. Attach i'• being merle of the new eml-• 9.0aut from Japan, the soy bean. It Is the moct nutritious of the 511(91 family, is as easy to gaol: and 11(61, jll:,t 05 6111 110 00r Ow11 ne11\ 10011. It can be boiled, d, bak d ur made rat:+ ,• -p !OW, 1 110 lour mai.es d 1 nus muffins anal 9a.rlal:e-•. Ask your dealer about the soy bean au 1 t,:.• Um of ',.1:r far, : ate 100 t ''2 with it.' An.,ti.er boon tl' i sold he 11.2ad mr,rc is the le 10''' 1..:',1 1 .^1 b a':, Wh 0 SO pu1)1 1., p"•1 1..r!y mealy., T Itre l: th • 11n:1 meal hy Movie:tau 1huc1 : Asiatic- ,all which is :,.1 t^sty in hat,; pun ;•cat d+ h Tiro 110:9 1118011e4 well, umk,.e t eellwlt croquettes and, 11217. The 5110111 red and white mut I tied Italian beau has very good flavor, especially excellent for baking. The a a limn ho: the sweetest flavor of all and •`Fee; that i why' I sent 900 the a0 t Alb<•rt \wi'h the rage of the morn. makes the host nicely pulp, m.^.usage.' t tats rising within hila like a title. It is now pnas)ble to secure i1) parte-' For 11 manned after he had said it Duncan watched the struggle in his age form flour made from various there was silence between them. Al face lvith a toleration which verged l.eaus. These matte excellent squlia I fart thus me. critical upon Duncan'a .,ten, quickly o • can he used as a thick u ton comps very qulrl y 1 un on the same critical e and he ('fn he cantintted•) cereal or made into pudding.e in which had app110,1 11) his figure, and with the _.-. children delight C 1 every e1: ns" for duan • s'"! The for arguments. Dane ,t rleliherately ihre1 c 101 anion would undo the work wart ,1 , of twenty-five years. Duncan 8}'Don .1 have listened to vat,. 1Ir. Albert, mall would prove. the dead -.:eight and now I a. you to 1 t n to me. whi<h dragged them all hln'k t, the All that 10.• h 1 .01 said t ••h1) t the re c;a 11, tb : firm which the;. Ind so chs t c -f ..t a 01 and 1311 lz,hnula^1. tis of 1)e ih ug i. r 1 r. I', Lad :'tc 1 to t 1 .: es I?+- r.•bi,• who 11,: 11,..•1' he sssled t r tar: au•.1 a. .11..,101..11 me --•1 I 1 i 1)•r ,1 1 r,, d. it hod tot dar11 In bone that she 1 •' 1 pr 11.11 h1 nccl it 1' itic , , , 11 ls:.er me. Bat if th .o come to c turstio:s Albin it n ':: .i,01 :;f which one in:;'•• dawn shy' is free i11 111..1 it 11: 01 1, •ver• 1 fore 1 n i,iot'o 1 ; •art n ri.cett. She hats but . got t, 1' 1.1 w. With a cerise n :.akin of ,:1,y a :111•,1, and I will 111 :e0 again , 1 1!m ,t 1•e no c i thtl V"' .c' of th" :Muth 1, rolte urd,•r her ryes, if I , d:1 ., th0• h. 1r it 1, .,whoa oti eon h) it. But until I hear. that • 1'1 ar:1_)1- -all •h11 , !•110-u t.»dvd to -md-- rroln 11 r Dun 111)0. 111.11.! -'t le „-s the chap e5 •11 11' act 1 1-tel:m="•+ twill 1,:. . tt1•r for no FLA -..11 to try` and -.ince it was 11 i1h Fene11 r c y os that come i . r 5Cn its. I hal n. -wear hoped he iw •11:.rlpting to view ,.11is man. t'' win }It r: but h a•111 C' w"1' lief, I 1)11 m t,, 11 ti!? t prat the ru1.'l, it tr ill bold 1:<.r p•. 1 . t. th' world, and rcnrl: of lru fr,'tn 1 1 s :ave hill 1).^aln1t all the brother 11) :.t 1110 :'11411 wi:'h 111 .11 to i0'•. he 1.;t... -.as in it _though not 1 r.nt the e'1, with 1, just perclrfai 110 n.t0 of father. To his will 11,11 to Ins will I challengepiercing through the caro - fat deference of his tone "Yen shall never marry heel" broke same ch5coulaim ic.sults. Duncan, c on his side, was likewise scrutinisin,'', Prices in Berlin Making g Up 10ftm,,r Ile knew that they stood on the verge' Butter is selling in Berlin at 2,2"v leans are also a food which use up of a struggle. Hot^ bad was the per pound, sugar at oti cents Per scraps and leftovers to the best pos. struggle going to be? It was this pound, haat and bacon at $2.11 per Bible advantage, Any small trimming 1 ho was attempting to read out of A1-1 pound and Ivory soap at five bars for of meat, ham, celery tops or the water bent's face. 115112 in which vegetables were cooked can During that first minute Albert had' '' he used as the water in which to boil • than h his o5yni n To This infot nation was received by the beans and increase their nour- ishment, There is not a ham •shank too small or a bacon rind too old to be used for flavoring. Carrots, cab- bage, and celery too wilted to appear as vegetables can be cut in fine bits seat upon the mound while Duiiran ge p . ' the United States flood Administra- stood there before him was an es -1 tion through a reliable source, from a sertion of Ins social superiority which appeared to him essential at this junc- ture. But for the interview itself the spot was too public. "Come along," he said, rising abruptly, and leading the way up a steep lane which at this point '••anch ed towards the hill. A few steps secured the prfoury re - PAM"' grid nolo he faced round toe wards Duncan, ""1 sentfar you besali1e I want to speak to yott about my sister," Duncan said uothint l but continued to look at him -expectantly from under responsible person, who personally had charge of his own apartment in Ber- lin as to food prices current in that city previous to his return to the United States about Octahor first, At least • 70 per cent. of all fires 91 Canada is believed to originate from some form of carelessness and neglect, Tubes made of glue have been in- vented in Europe for handling petro- leum, gasoline and some gases in place of rubber tubing, And IfWg N, SILVER 220 fit. Paul fit. 'S'., Montreal. P,0. 20 years OR terra 1.1a fan dl alt $1fere1100'"Uhioa irk, cfOanada � to tftts goo Each Way ALoadLoady Crops must be hauled to town, and fertilizer must be hauled home. Why Not Combine the Trips? 1T'hex. _ ` 4- you 1alet. - hu , loud s�1s;� psi 1" 1)0111 i111 rc11tl•11 trip Play safe and get year fertilizer stored in your own barn. War con- ditions have decreased the supply of fertilit^_r, and increased the demand. Co -overate With Your Dealer Few dealers have sonicut rlaraec space. Ship,80its i1) Ices 111on cap�city vnr 1oPds- 4a 10 sorts now- dio,,,u,s rd, rve,l lased. 0:der now-enablr your 10,155 to combine orders end snake up a full car load. When ear arrives cute your part of 1115 fertiliser directly from ii -free the ear for other uses. Order Spring Fortili-rr NOW Maim certain oI your supply and at the same ,,,to help relieve railroad congestion. Sand for literntnre to Department Fur+ Soil Improvement Committee of the National Fortilixar Association �L PrnelT, osyllt y. Glans i1 Autry 111a,fe"im are 111!n • of t?t•' do h r ;1i td, 11 'tor • w•o:�i•' [ndew voyagers to 1, :)'•sr.'r.,1. 0.-t ' i' '11:•in enero'ndir.e• till they rem•dted the planet Mars. wig 11 1)15 C01.111 'pet ant ani \silk. A Daily Occurrence. The first thing L`r1'0"01'h•y lo to p:' - vi lr a hr•r10101)ta119-11011.1 bas, pt. !- de,l, 10011b10 Of holding- s.• -t^111 1115::. • 11_,'nlc21-1•gat: ccultlinod 111 a face Lot- ted CI' the 11111' will buoy it up, and tar•: of 1:1.99cn, as well as compr0 s1"l food, 1; ):1 ):tap the breath and brat of life in the 509090ra during their ,inur- 009, • Certainly Moe has 11:11 lee n r••,., 9 - ed, or even the 11-:,,1.1! 1 tight car, the tomprerec d fo -0, : jar's of oxygen are the 5'..lnrn011 11---r.• of to -day. ho could 1 • 1 lievr 1 flu• tl1 1V - "' etance, that 'a man could be pat Mite an absolutely air -tight burs. gradually aetMetnmed to an air 9500 -ore which would hill him if suddenly applied, and, thus prepared, sent in10 • n ander. ; water room, where he drr's a d work uncles lhr some abnormal ) - t5- sure? Yet the t•aisstrl werSeeen •,- i who work in a lenge water t 11: a•1 when laying foundation, ',.tier water -11911e -rlo 1t (1 t11y. Then 111' oxygen •np!1-,Sratue, 'w11ieh has macre the rescue of entombed mdrh- ers after explosions ro much less ri;1s• ' is 1110111er application of this seeming !lunette notion. With this tipperatrl: on his head, the searcher 1 enal.La t" ilenetrate gas-ri'deu 1111-11')',tt_, wroth •;1 PAW years 'rico would ha'.,' meant i111151n death hm, An Tlnto1g)niatt' o Freak, T.1 en ac. t0 101.11rrc :+l feel} i.s Some ebeinitst - 1.s 1 aero 1 legion. espreinlly German ani:, mho 1.11 1)b'7 With they had got the hang of it a hat 's00uer—prO$llO"li<a1'. the dread d•cy !When we shall take our 1)001'). hmeet in tabloid form. when a heel/steak c•r !a cut oft' the joint will 111! 0 "lune, of the .past, and when even rice-;ndd:0!; Will cease to trouble the weary wir,h1. Moreover, it must he roilfest•c<d th :f the Zep comes as near x1)73110111!) imag- inable to that great a irehip which hie so often been dreamed of, and wade)) has always been regarded as it lunatic notion, Yes, even Jules Verne WO, regarded, if not ae a lunatic, certain- ly as a most: tremelllnue ren,lneer when he wrote "Fifty Thonoaud Leagues Un1l the Sea"; but to -day, , l:1) t ottr cost 011h -are AS we ow o perchance, the su11m:n•dne is it fact. cc1f.r.`!`"�,'E''rs�5��-a-L.r ague .,�t3�.�.• :, ••.. The Greatest eIp a Farmer fiver Had This is the book that over 100,000 Canadian farmers are nolo using as a text -book for the improving of their farms. In it you Will rind 100 pages of valu- able advice—each page dcvoted t o 5o11i e one looney 9'1lvin,e,' it -provelnent that y Olt C a 11 11::1:e y cursclf clt:ite c iw ily of CONCRETE Tells bow to build a Silo, n root emelt a water-Uor.;h, a cucr, a ('11:d:rning 01111), or ) rte 9101. 1`iva.pia1110t why it le better to bund [hue land manerous other fern utilities,) of con- crete, than of any other known 11111111111. Gives 0.,1)111') yet complete derletions. All the buildings and small jobs the farmer needs to build am be constructed of concrete, which is nothing more. nor lees than a com- bination of cement, sand, pebbles or cleated. stone -ail sdt11'e prcducts easily and cheaply obtainable. Consider these important advate. tages of Concrete: fireproof; water- tight; durable, vermin -proof; sanitary; weatherproof; rigid; rapidly built; no repairs; no painting, the forhe boo check oft on the coupon below the subjects in Which you are interested. -'Canada Cetnenf ' ConipanyLimited 'o'' fetald Building • MONTREAL eta/ num Prosperity is ,e Directly Dependent o11 Good Roads The only kind of road surface that will not be torn by either fast 1 moving vehicles or heavy slowly -driven trucks are those known as Permanent highways of Concrete. Concrete is just as important a factor in improving Road conditions as i h it is h'1 bettering a farm. It makes a Road as durable and sntisfactory as your Concrete Silo, Concrete 'Tank or Concrete iiatn Foundation. (hire For Scorched Linen. 140 m0it00' how hardly linen is medall- ed (', I'r l - cd you can make a big improvement in it by 1•arrying out the following s• Boil of u 3< Il hnR' 1)l f instruct) n a pint Vinegar, half an ounce of snap, two ounces of Fuller's earth, and the ,mica of several Onions. Spread thio over the scorched places and leave it 017- t)1 dry, 'T11e11 w11511 the material and you will find little it am' I1aee of rho tt•011bre. An 0xeel)ett :furniture polish is made as follew5( --Take a 11109 sweat oil, a little turpentine, a gill of vit40- gaa` and the white of one egg, flare in a bottle and shake till thoroughly blended, which trill be in about live minutes. Apply in the usual manner,