HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-7, Page 3USE OF GLASS IN RHEUMATISM A MYSTERY.- • OLDEN TIMES , This Trouhie in Booted in the EXQUISITE ARTI(�Llsii W111('H WI: ('.t,''JXIYI' REPRODUCE. (;Itss fur lwetn'stle Purposes Was 1.1x. I(•r.,'tely 1 -c<! Two'l'hottsamd A. g o. !• ,s „ ;,cech, Merle An. ', tcr'.11 • •cm': 0111t Or, But 1 4, til,•,!, :;:re. 1 v- ,;l. a drink. Slave, .4 ;1,'1: m • a .me!1 bottle of the obi 41', - with cobwebs on :c. r. .s crystal drinking i 1 Itatnon - Senator, 1'. i'•.xi 1 ,, for it was none other, had e l• to celebrating, the re- 1 l . . 1u: c of .1. Caesar. He was 1.',:t holy about li, tt "crystal cup"? 1: w ri wov beautiful goblet of glow, cul 1st ': fa"hiened, though le.t clearly t'-ait.l.:1rent like a modern tumid, r. • Yet, 4.a thin respect it was, for ;1,10 period, ratlr^4 remarkable and the f :utter teed paid for it, much Inure Lhan EI C:0141 '1 ves8041 of equal ,.4114 would have rust. (Class 2,4100 Years Ago. On 0 tette ucta'by was a very (dab - ort:? • r r 1w ice of glassware, every arti- cle of whi.-h-'h,:-h this wan 2000 ..:urs ago would he regarded to -day as of admirable workmanship. Not' 1 this to b considered sur'pris- i",r', ile,Ine 41 a.. 1,11 ,4.1 wan no porce- lain for the table in those dugs ants the phare of it was taken by glass- ware- -44144"s di h v, 44111311 drinking cut! 8, but did not got any relief, On vie. cloy: Talking to a fellow clerk, she sal (;1083, (04' (`eme,tie pulq)0490, wa her sister had been "cured of iii m•.ch mere o`tensirc:;S used then than trouble by Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills to-'!ny, It war' largely employed for Although not feeling very hopeful th ( .anent) h uses 7h.ly, for took two boxes hone that evening and r r 4 34'•, the wail, of the e oxieu't din- urged! 1215 wife [0 try them, Ily the uwr.. 1 wwl,'• panelled with thin time they 184)88 uod they had done 1.1:1 • :n4. 1: L' l ria y -colored owl ex- her eo 41111(11 peed that site required no 41 i»1 1 11.10 :air • . , Pres=ing to continue the treatment dl:' `. 144.- 11 41' uai wvare o•p:- and otter caking six or seven boxes ::knwvise did 1,11.8.(11144 tens completely cured, As I have 1''•, , 1. t ens ,hnuld rcaliac that 141114 tbls was 114)0111 a year ago, and i•:.et, - 411 (4)01:'14:; of glas, 4 be. has lead 110 return of the trouble ; ac:: `ince, I feel very grateful for the im- Blood and Can Only he Cured ' , by F`nrjclthig the Blood. Setup d'e ii.'•., five immunity from 8 lotl:er etteek, but rheumatism works ' just the Wiwi!Wiwi!way. !livery attack of rheumatism inwh :melt II; worse thea 11'14. it reduce, tee 1-caly'S;ic:wer so ISA. (cit eitaek :, ..e t (t that the one. I cfrre. if any 11. seete n,,'^13 unclog early 1t ;4.. 11 101131 1r111, 1,111 1 1113, 12 ,7caree'y any ( ,_', U 2t p1 .iriluio find inure 111111,1''' •e treat i•ueeessfully, When t In, d:ci1•o demi cure rheumatism lienefc:rc: it ix worthy of special notice. Medical 01M -rides agree that the Mond beer+nos titin with alarming' rapidity as rhearlirtlisin develops.: Maintaining the quality of the blocit is therefore a reasonable way of prevent- ing and combating rheumatism. That It works out to (fret is shown by the 1)e0ebtlal affects whleli follow the Ireetnlent ('f rheumatism, .aceite, nnis- t(dar and articular, with that great blood tonic, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, That thousands of people who have (aim Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for 1111'1 rheumatism have been cured is a fact beyond dispute. That rheu- matism does net r'etur'n as long as the bloc,] Is kept: Hell and red is equally true:, 1C therefore. you are suffering from rheumatism in any form you should Lire no time in giving Dr, Wll- lie.nn' fink Pills a flair trial. Mr. A. 11 Minton, Western Ave., Toronto, • ay s: "alp to about a year ago, 1ny wife had suffered for nearly three Scars from 1-heaniatism, from which she suffered ed greatly. Site had been (unser the care of several doctors, be- sides spending dollars on advertise 1 `te The Weekly Fashions I MODELS OF RUINS AS Toys, Are Very Popular 11.) ;eh Istrnlls Gifts for German (.lfildreu Prince Edward Island Show Belgian Devastation. Px lltntlon over 111 ravages of the Teuton armies in Prance and llelgiunt, --- eetered largely into the german eh(: 611. M, i4.tSelteault '4`111 What dren's Christmas this year, a, shown by 114lnet'u05 toy.; from Germany i I)odd'el Kidney Pills Did which ht.'s fallen into the hands of 1`01 ij7111, the Mae: h, Samples of leaden models i t 1 Ili 0 vide.: destroyed by P,0rinan 0 oopa, were l ecutly seen 01 Paris by a ear -1 tespau(net of the A„soeiated Pres; in They Gave Him Quiets Relief From the library and museum of war,! Headache and backache -He Re- founded by the ',emelt Ministry of commends teem to All Sufferers, Public Instruction and the Fine Art' -,i The models showed in 11811:11 the hoapa ! (ape Figment, P,I;.1., Jim. 28i11 - of brick and mortar 14)1(1 stones which ,Special.)- Dodd's 1(1(1411•)' Pits lu118 were all that remained in hundreds of numerous friends In this tight. little towns of northern France and Bel- teian11, end among the a,oet entlulsi- ginm, faithfully reproduced for the oldie of them i4.•. MI', Mathnrin Arsen- delight of German's rising genera( ion. Paull, of this place. In addition to these objects, there "1 reeumnlend Dodd's Kidney Pills have been gathered picture books ail- to all who suffer," :fir. Arsen('auit ed with illustrations of military open-; says. "1 had bauu troubled with bnad- atiols in which the German emperor's 20110 and baekarihn about (Wo years troops have always had the upper; till 1 read in Dodd's Almanac how hand, their enemies invariably being'many sufferers had b111011ted by using annihilated. The Library and Museum 117odd's Kidney Pills. of War in Paris is assuming such pro- l "1 decided io send for two boxes. portions that a large institution will 'Before I had finished taking them I bo necessary to house it. The begin -1 was feeling as well as ever, ning of the collection Yds furnished I "It gives me great pleasure to say by 1'Ienri and Madame Leblanc, of a few words for Dodd's Kidney P111s," Paris, who had brought together relics All over the island you find people from the battlefields. who tell of benefits received from The museum has been placed under. Dadd's Kidney Pills. They are recog- the care of Camille Bloch, General In- wised as the standard remedy for kid - specter of the French National Li- uey ills. Aeting directly on the kid- hraries and Archives, and he has an- neys, they refresh and invigorate those tnou010d his intention to make it inter organs. The result is that they do nayional by appealing to all the Allied their full work of straining all the int - Powers to furnish him with documents purities, all -the seeds 0f disease, out and exhibits. of the blood, That is why Dodd's The collection is to contain trench Kidney Pills are recognized as a tonic. The ?:iajor'4 Job, A (0t 1441 job i; sometimes regarded a r e u1 ore. 11:1l a humorous ex- change flit 0(1' the idea by title story (d 241 (nbilluus Colored trooper in the I I mtt'.i , tu, 1 figgah3 Ilse goin' 1'. ger lii;t14's commission s(0n," ' said h e- I overheard de k4Ln1el talk4n to d(1(11,1441.401 abol,t somebody and saylo Ile won't de foh a lieu- (engin,'cause n lieutenant (leen know natltin anti 114.0 c tel'ythil,'; lie won't (l0 roh a c ,,ale cause a captain knows everyt,tin' end dean do nothhn'; but by suttinly would meke a majah, I carie 11 1flUj0h ren do nu(hin' and, (Joan 1.n01�' r18 -t11411'," Probuhly 11(1-,•144' before was the seed ce,l'n eltuatl"Il worse; Never a greater scarcity of seed corn with satisfactory germinating power available for plant-; ing, • horn grown in the year just' closed tannut be depended upon ex- rept by ear test, Bean Loaf -Two cops- cold baked bears, one egg, beaten; one cup bread MONEY ORDERS icrunlh salt and pepper; one table - Buy your out of town Supplies with !spoon finely 1014185(4 onion and two Dominion lexpress Money ()rdere. !tablespoons tomato pt11p or catsup, Pave dollars.coats three cants. 'Combine the ingreedien•.s an,t shape the I mixture into a loaf, • =nerd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. - MADE IN CANADA A cereal cooked in milk makes an excellent substitute for meat. A. variety of cereals used in the same way or breads made from several dif- ferent cereals are better food than 0110 alone. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Garret In Cows Cooked raisins are par' 1' ;surly good for growing children, 141-41 the child who hili refuse rai8(ns In any form is '1probably not to be founds. Since she can buy seedless raisins, m1011 labor caved the housekeeper. With the assurance that transpol'ta-f tion problems are going to be more • flus°ELLax ays and more difficult, now is the time to Co-operate in the purchase of spray materials. Don't put off ordering d ioulnals tvorl s of propaganda specs them. e Pon work or play, this sunt 1s equally mens of paper war money,. medals, sappropriate. McCall Pattern No, 7870, parliamentary documents, military in- Misses' Service Suit. In 4 sizes, 14 signia, ration cards, war stamps and, to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. in fact, everything that has a bearing I 04:30 oil the war. The French Government has asked the Chamber of Commerce for a $50,- 000 appropriation, and various persons have promised gifts for the further- , I I �""+li R�RIRi ante of: the worlc. • Pluck• Take your trouble standing up, Bear its buffet bravely. If the drop o'erflows your cup Quaff your portion gravely. Face to -morrow fair and square; Look beyond it, trusting; Keep good temper in repair Else it will be rusting. Search for sunshine in the cloud, Glints of silver snatching, Minor will infect a crowd; • Dumps are also catching. -Jessie Pope. o-n-„-.-u-•-a-n--4-._,4.._.0-n-0 -u--, ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, l ° DOESN'T HURT A BIT.4 j a."4. 1-4• 14., 4,411+. 110,11: it atioli1111 a de meow gold in'. Williams' Pink Pills )r!,' lsrnt 1:,,d 4.a 04, 44, 0.0 whin, 4, 1111110 dole 4041 wife', end I hope other A dainty Little dress is this for the dainty small person, easy• to make and requiring very little material, Mc- Call Pattern No. 0430, Child's One or c. •Il( in medicine, of b mail at u0 zes, 13 months 1lr• 1::( e4.; Rcnu(n_, kn>:wv not hew semis a 614: 4..r,aix host- fen $2,50 from to (4 years. Price, 10 cents. t.. 1 i perm( glass: free from The 11:•. Williams'' ''Medicine CO, These patterns may be obtained i.e....! bol ,: , (''t they could make 11rt.c1,1:Ce ma from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. T Among the exhibits are the medals struck by order of the German em- peror in honor of the sinking of the Lusitania and the Sussex, • PREHISTORIC SKULL BORINGS. r,';:•• ^..•hurt'; h:rrc (11111 1,10,11,10,1(y f11_ `nll'rre., _will *benefit by her expert• n:od'3 times, Trephining Practised by the Ancient 1 o :u, Peruvians. yce ruts g'rt these pills through any One of the Lest Arts, 14. two Piece Dress. In 5 si h eesit ei seen elee of this •ta, dal bice r .d (i'ltn:011- 1 1 ,o ,,f (71'1'1 imegibablo rotor- WAR W0114( FOR SEA GULLS. 4-' ; scy. 110 41 i'1' (e imitate rn:'e1.. _ - ful4y 1,--,,a;"• Untied ;hates inventor Will Train 31 1 see, (yen then it Wal 410 very; Them to Follow II -Boats. 1 (w u1'1, nn an 1:'rynt'a•1 monument d It, !.: back to 20(1(4 year; 13,C. has; Sel, gulls' commonly follow ships in bete found a t c.;" (el, of a man blow the expectation of picking up food • -tel,' unmistakable.; waste that is thrown overboard, They tai...:;,,.,.r . -1,. 1 to have originated will even hover -about the wake of a in Egypt, and at the period when submarine that is travelling subnlerg- th"i-=t lived it was utilized for morn; e(1. From aloft in the air they can see p-rrnoaes than 1304:114)11)':, the underwater craft at a considerable The bourns of 14:11 motile in ancient depth. Bone, in the def a of the Caesars, had Thin circumstance is Said 10 have windowpanes 4..f glass tat in (rimes, cost the Germans a number of sub- ef bronze. They were uneven and marines, the presence of which was Nil of deoct,, 80 that the view of betrayed to patrolboats and destroyers 'hinge out41(1', from iu,iclo, must have by flocks of circling gulls. been rather unsatisfactory, But at I An American inventor; Dr. A, D. that time they were doubtless regard-, Pentz, has hit upon the idea of train- ed as the height of luxury. Such ing gulls to follow enemy U-boats, us- ('1a11C= were not 6104141, but cast on ing for the purpose a friendly sub - atone, When used for public build- n1ar;ne provided with apparatus for in,rs they were .et in' pierced slabs of distributing minced fish or scraps of marble. food waste of any Lind. The stuff floats to the surface of tite water and ('(1AL iN TITE FUTURE. the birds pick it ftp. • By thie means the gulls- are to be Ateilrhle Limited Supply Must Be enlisted as our allies. We shall edu- ('onserved. ' tate them to shown ear chasers where well-informed the Hun U-boats are, Theft we can There are well-informed peraons drop a few depth bombs where they elu, confidently assert that fifty years ere most needed, from flow the utilization of "raw" coal I • for burning in furnaces, kitchen tottr8; an') other pu'po; ,'s will he eon- A PORTAI3LI3 DARK R001(1. ridered tamest a•erime, `Then• is ,just so mut11 coal in the Photographers Will Fines Tide Invee- inrlet of the mirth economically au- than a Convenience. • ceeeib1e, Every ton taken .Out diming- between twenty and thirty torpedo tshes the catl capital by one ton, Corel Weighing but seven and one-half tubes for the layingof 21'11188 and the nature darn not replace it, ilitmifest1 pounces when completely collapsed and discharge of torpedoes at enemy craft, the available stock underground must ready to be carried about withthe ton- Its engines were enormous, driving the be conserved to the utmost ve1110ntee 0.f a 51111414 suitcase, the port- beat at twenty-six knots on the sur - When coal is burned for feel in our able dallc chamber recently perfected face and sixteen knots tinder water, It 4)818 11 wasteful way, great values in by A. Benito of New York City should could cruise 25,000-milee. 4)0145111184 by-pl•oduc•is are lost, The prove of interest to photographers 11:nglancl joins Benson's statement tin10"will n8ri10 1101010 long, it is staving need for such equipment. with Goeben's invention and with re - believed, when no hnnseh0ldee or man- The portable dark room, says the ports of attacks node by German ufactu el' will be permitted to burn Scientific American, can be used equal- cruisers on the seas and believes that "raw" coal, ly well in,dilaylight or artificial light, the diving cruiser is now an acttlal- indoors or outdoors. It obviates the ity. They will burn colic•--representiflg the residue after all possible by- darkening ofa room or the fitting up It carries a thin wooden shell out - products have been extracted from of -t special room forphotographic side its ironsides and to all appear - the coal. Cotis4)iruons among theso work, hence does away with objection- anew is a neutral tramp, a neutral by-products are Illuminating gas and able gases and vapors arising from 0ouetry's )lame painted large on • its coal tar. Front the latter are oh- kerosene lamps and outer illuminants side aiding this impression, Its per- tained an enormous number of useful apt to prove injurious •t0 sensitized scope is hidden in a fraudulent smoke surfaces. stack(, noel its every lino indicates its commercial put'pose. When seen ap- ln'0110hing a merchant ship it is un- suspected and allowed to approach, Suddenly the wooden hull collapses into the water, the smoke stock is hauled down by the sailors and heavy turrets bristling with flaming 6 -inch guns appear. Caugllt.unawarefl, the merchant ship gees down in a wal- lowing plunge. If pursued by allied cruisers faster than itself, the German ship can sub- merge and continue to safety. It is not intended to operate tauter water except as a means of escape. Such destructive power as a vessel of this type possesses is obvious, and tC G0rteally has them 'ht quantities it has only been by extraordinary ac- tivlty that England has kept thein doyn, WINTER WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Our Canadian winters are extremely hard on the health of little ones. The weather is often so severe that the mother cannot take the hale one out for an airing, The consequence is that baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes colds and be- comes cross and peevish, Baby's Own Tablets should be given to keep the little one healthy. They regulate the stomach- and bowels and prevent or cure colds. The Tablets aro sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 26 Dents a box from The Dr. Williamsr Medicine Co„ Brockville, 0at, SUBS AS "FAKE" STEAMERS. Believed That Germany is Using Sub- mersible Cruisers. It is believed in England that Ger- many is using submersible cruisers in its attacks upon allied shipping, and that these, plying as "false" tramp steamers, are the boats which Admiral William S. Benson, chief of operations in the American naval board, describ- ed lest autumn when he said a Ger- man engineer and inventor, Dr. Groe- ben, some time ago ,perfected a diving cruiser of 5,000 tons displacement and capable of bearing heavy cannon and things, including all the colors of the rainbow (in tllc shape of dyes), 1111d no end of drugs vt1111ab10 for ,medicinal pnrp0ae5, - - From coal tar is obtained carbolic acid, which is the basis of all the im- portant war •explosives. A by -pre - duet of gas manufacture from coal Is toluol, which, by treatment with nitric acid, is made to yield the fame nus "T,N.T," toe filling (;hells and other ilnrp0aee of military destruction, have a breadbonrd and breadknife on the table and cut a slice of bread only as there is demand for it, Twelfth Day is a feast, celebrated largely in England, twelve days after Christmas, on the Epiphany, January 6. Another great advantage of this ap- paratus is the fact that the Operator need not put his heed inside the dark chamber, but can work freely outside of it, performing the necessary mani- pulations with his hands simply in- serted through the light -tight Buffs that Afford temple elbow freedom, Now is h time toget rid o goodd of all uup1Oductive faint stock. ,Animals kept at a loss had better not be kept at all, but turned into human food. The operation called "trephining,' by which a button of skull is removed is regarded in these modern days as very hazardpus, and to be attempted only' as a last resort. But the ancient Peruvians, centuries before Columbus landed, practised it very comnnonly. Of 1,000 of their skulls, recently obtained by the United States Bureau of Ethnology from pre- historic caves and cemeteries, nearly two per cent. had been trephined. The 1 P ear y eruvitins used clubs and war -hatchets in battle; also slings for throwing stones: Skull -fractures must often Have resulted. But apparently they trephined also for brain troubles, and possibly for other diseases. The surgeon of ancient Peru held the head of his patient between his knees, and with a sharp flint sawed out the button of bone -an agonizing process, surely. Sometimes he filled the hole with a button of silver, or of mollusk -shell, but more often he was content to cover it simply with the flap of scalp. It is usually possible, by examina- tion of one of the trephined skulls, to find out whether or -not the victim survived the operation, because, if he did so, a new growth of bone shows it, From evidence thus obtained it appears that the operative mortality exceeded 50 per cent. This was rather creditable, consider- ing the lack of suitable instruments, antiseptics, etc, But, on the whole, an ancient Peruvian who got through life without leaving a hole bored in his mind -box was rather fortunate. a PLATE Granulated Eyelids; '*air'' Sore Eyes, Lyes Ina:,ned by Sun Duston Wince u 71 dies. quickly Y FOR�relieped by Murine. Try it in g�it'�,tin- (E� 800414yesandinDabY's) yes. S U 4181.sYNoSmertiag,JustEyeComfert mai..>vyel,bemedy,,,Ari soap ;"0,544 ae eu. rya aaloo, lel Tubes 261. For Boa Of 4140 s3s. - Free. A•sk 4gasrine Exit Reaaedg' Co., Cklcago d The Gray Loaf. A contributor to an English weekly says that persons who look with dis- favor upon the gray eoaf that has dis- placed white bread, and think •of the dingy edible as something new -owing to the war -should remember that ilfty years ago the white loaf was a rarity. English millers had the 0110014 of their lives when they discovered the whiteness of foreign flour. The Brit- ish mills could produce nothing to sat-' isfy the baker, who in turn had to please his customers with white bread, Imports of flour increased alarmingly, and all because the British public de, mended white bread, Rumors of wonderful machinery' producing white flour fn Budapest - caused English millers to visit Aus• trea»Hungary. The result of this de- `. pllt4ti0n was that in 1878 the first complete plant to reduce wheat to.' I white flour was installed in Bilston, So started the English maimfactuee of White bread, The people are bidding farewell not to an old friend but to an Alien invader. a.. The publisher of the best Farmer's Met. in the Maritime Provinces In writing to us states: "I Would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD'1 LINIMIENT, It has been an unfailing remedy 1)1 our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens or would-be competitors and imitators." Dummy Plane Targets. France has adopted a novel method of training its gunners to shoot effec tively at Boche airplanes. It suspends on wires a dummy plane, quite small, hung twenty or thirty feet from the 1 gunners. The machine is wobbled 1 about, elevated, lowered, thrown into a simulation -of the "nose spin" and the "falling leaf" and other coronion aviation tricks. Considering the size of the machine and the rapidity with which it is moved about, it is exactly as difficult to hit as a real machine up in the heavens. The officers operating the wires call out the range to the gunners exactly as they do when ob- serving Teuton planes. Minard's Liniiaent. Cures Colas. Eta New Milk Regulations. The Food Controller has limited the amount which distributors of milk, may add to the actual cost of the pro- duct delivered at their premises, Since 114nuary 1st and until further notice the amount thus added must not exceed such cost by more than 514, cents per quart anywhere in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Albert and British Columbia or by snore than 5 cents per quart anywhere in Ontario, Quo- bec, Nova Scotia, NewBrunswick or Prince Edward Island. Vegetable chowder makes an exeeI- lent meal in itself if served with some bread and butter. LEMONS MAKE SK(N WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a few cents and see for yourself. What girl or woman hasn't heard of • complexionlemon. juice to remove complexion blemishes; to whiten the skitand to bring out the roses, the freshness and the hidden beaut:: ? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and mimedshould be mixed with mimedwhite this way. Strait througha fine Moth tiro juice of two fresh leptons into a botllo colnleiin•ing aboutthroe ounces' of orchard white, then shako well and you have a whole quarter pint of Rhinand eompdexioln lotion at about the cost one tentally pays for a small jar Of ordinary cold ereanl. De sure to strain who lemon juice ao no pulp gets oto the bottle, thus( this lotion will re. main. pure and fresh for inont115. When applied daily to the fare, neck, arms and hands It should help to bleach, clear, smoothen anis beautify the skin. The xeiseols grander F11wo$' finds) Most things 01111. ?21aareiti 441110nent C t ai:.t.. f Any druggist Will supply three 0111(0044 of 0101100.11 white at very littie cost and the grocer has the 10moue, • ISSUE No, 5--`I8. Ifft No foolishness) L your corns j andcalluses 9 e off with fingers e e I Sore corns, hard corns, soft earns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly he lifted right out with the ftugers if you apply upon the corn it few (irope of treezone, says a Cincinnati a(ltharity. -It's like m1Olcl For 11tt10 cost one can i %�l'3.,8;14 f T ,1t'IPi't•:1, �l w )'.42'PR d,! • 10i, 4.1 /14140g plant In Rastel•n ontarlu I u„:1 , .d 51 dui,, wytll l;a rut al n' , n ul' 1. ,',ile `''.�; 09. 'iixou 1')11.1+,4,�n:•; i.. 4.14. 7•nr:utn. t.1\t:1111, TI•w ,1 4, ).1'912':1. L:TC", es.• iota, nut and l..rra1, (141(.)4 wlt12- nut Pain 114 4141'I, (a0Nnta?u., Write us before too 1et t, 0.-11,ann Medical Cq, Limited. (1r3110,rwr03. )4nt, I'ott:ors Recommend. ! BOB -000 fillir Ike Eyes t get a Sinaii II bottle of freezono at any drug store. which wi11 positively rid one's fe-ei of every corn or callus without pain, j This simple drug dries The ml)lnent 11 is applied wad does not even irri- tate the surrounding skin while ap- plying it. or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your drug- gist hasn't any freezoue tell him to j surely get a small bottle for you from ; his wholesale drug house, T110,1,1:-,,,,00.1 ',ye perinlisas pre- scribe Ticar �ep:o :10. (1 (0 10314),.. remedy i, il,e 4leutmnmt "1 Heys 11.0(1u1 and to st1';4441 i(en 1)448141;- mole. money resen,i ,tna,amry 1p- all dr1Y(ii0ls. The Soul of a Piano 1s the Action. Insist on the I" "OTTO IGEL ' PIAN -O ACTION The Cause of Heart Trouble Faulty digestion causes the generation of gases in the stomach which irflateand press down= the heart and interfere with its regular action, causing faintness and pain. 35 to 304fa drops of Mother Sei el' Curative Syrup after meals acts digestion right,which allows the heart to beat full and regular. y r Of; jilit11{ads Rhes matic AChC Drive them out with Sler:'a Liniment, the quick -acting, soothing linimcn t that ramet8ates without rubbin,m and relieves the pain. So much cleanerthan plasters or ointments[ it 84008 not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle in the house for the aches and pains of rheumatism, gout, Ium- bago, strains, sprains, stili joints and all muscle soreness. Ceneroup '-a battles at ail druagioto, 25c. 5(,,11.00, � Vv4thf ch B, G inliiigSkinS Sleep And tiled mothers rest after giving baleett,/est bail, with Cut ieurn followed by a gentlo 141)1.11 ,tion of i Lewes Ointment. Peeve falle 00 1isiracied household, when. C•uti- 1 cul•u enters. Trial free. r For free amok 1 )kiston(, tl,s.A.! 1. " 1,0:1 kl'•'i plten t1a•OngbOat (Do 00,2,4. THOSEs 1 CRSS . Suggestions that may save Much Suffering Marysville, Pa.- !. m twelve years •I snife ed witht•1 a 1, o31...eps. 1 1 11l 33 11(1 114(wt' to stn IPAlt!s111lli:l1n 410(';tcs every)1 snn o er.as t ll.layI tried all Hails of remedies and was treated by doctors, Lamy trouble con - tinned until ono clay I reed 0bout Lydia Pu11.1,a:11'141,'ege- tol'la Compound and what it had done for others. I tried It .1111 nes," I om never troubled tvril1 cramps and feel like a ei,Terent women. 1 84411720, praise Lydia• E. 1'iuk11an1 5 w t get blas Com- pound too highly and 1 sin r., conlnlcr,d- 1 r i .to my i ie.ntlsu'nosill7craslelld.'' K.:0'.Gml R. NAYLOly Box 72, 113.rysv1110,- omeIra, Young wvn who are troubled with )sinful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging:adown sensations fainting spells or indigestion should •take Lydia E. Pinicbant's Vegetable Compound.,. Thousands have been re- stored to health by this root and herb remedy. Write for free and helpful advice to Lydia P. Piulcham Medicine Co. (con. fldential. , Lynn, Mass, Only Women open and read such lettere. 1r 1. 1 W nEr.1LOCIC -ENGINE, 11€x42. New Automatic Valve Type, Complete with supply and exhouat plpinp, flywheel, etc. WIlI accept 41,200 cash for Immediate sale. 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 KW,, 110-120 Volts D.C., Wm accept 1425 oaah for Immediate sale. PULLEYS, Large size. 25x66-$30; 12)060.-420 ; 121,4x40-$1 ; 12x36--$8, 1 BLOWER OR I4AN, Buffalo Make, ' - 14 Inch dlsoharge--$30, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. 60 From Of. West( Toronto