HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-7, Page 2Painting the Car, 1 and fill all cracks and holes with putty,
"Sohn we'll bave to get the car Allow the putty to become -thoroughly
painted. It's jus': awful!" And John, Dshits thelenemyth of good paiwithint ng,
looking the car over,had to admit'
after each rub -down, remove the
that it did look bad.; dust as thoroughly as possible. Next
The body, once sof111strous and; a coat of body color can be put on,
smooth, hada dull grayish appearance' and permitted to dry as before. This
and also bud a number of dents and in turn should be rubbed down with
scratches. Careless hands had rub- a very fine sandpaper or steel wool
bed the paint from the top of the and the dust removed. Then a oat
doors. The right roar fender sagged of color varnish may be applied and
in a sickly manner. The top was rubbed down after perfectly dry.
stained and rather pale, Mud was; Now, if an extra fine and du able
• ase eel all the running gear,' b is desired, a coat of what is Mown
fx�, co . 1 over
and the grain of the wood showed as robbing varnish should be put on.
in a number of places on the wheels. This, when hard, should be rubbed
Freckles of rust appeared upon vari-; down with a piece of felt and some
nus parts of the body. Wind and' pumice and water. Then the oat of
rain and dust had ce••.ainly made a finishing varnish isdue, after which
vintage to the appearance of the good; the car =hound be allowed to stand for ed to engulf the monsters. But, in danage done. 1We en .eH
old ":hip" and wmething would have 1 at least a week before being put into spite of all, the success of the tank has start to move from our billets, then is single file as it sr( t.; dusky n
� host over for an indefinite period, A.,
!every offensive on a large scale on the
western front, They were at Arras in
the spring, at the battle of the Mese
sines Ridge in June, and at the opera-
' tions around Ypt'es in August, each
time over 0 widely different country
and under different conditions. Nor
have their services been solely offen-
sive. When there have been no ma -
shine gun emplaeements ripe for
cracking they bave good naturedly
turned their' attention to work for
which their great strength and their
ability to manoeuvre across rough
ground has particularly fltted them.
They partake of the nature of the ox
as well na of the lion.
inc impression which titlenew arm
with a crash that startles, and through
it all we ntareh, on, out turd beyond,
leaving it all behind, for thus thing;
�a in the tttl:;�w cornet marc mtt3t +aft(z'
1 ,119x, One thing we don't l it a b'•.
hind are the ''mgrs In=l00d, a:; we tel
on, they get thither, their 111;1 0111 '
'HE PREPARATION 1'1)11 \ EIG fang grow more enlltinuoue There it
ATTACK. no wind, yet the air 14 frill of 510411';
!end weird sounds. We come to 111e
I last village eve will 11(111 tlleo'tglt -at
From Rest Billets to Fon Trench
keel; it eras onve a village. Now you
could tiot tell the Mayo' hot : c f"dm
With Bayonets Fixed heady 1 the poorcet vil'n(ler e e t maybe
For Advance, from the .tie of the pile (.f ingots,
Reaching the Tre• (:bete
'Zero day, the clay of days, has conte,.
�1 iT7mil s. r
1•'t , 1
is E
Waal. O
f f. II f THE 'c: a1S�A,RE3 VFS
A'' I'I';:1 \1 t.y i'' 1' .'tete'+ li'i el :,•',laza' '1'.,, its ill ':"lett
'1 ..7t,...
\111 C,r \L
'111 I.n 1' d,'. , 11 11 -',l r. Ott ..+1^1 lisle 1',,.'m
itee.,..i. :,A. •1 1i. real 'a, lave ilaV(' .\.•.••1• :•t+• ., .,
"'I el 1„
Every hour of it that •lasses has an Marching in halt' pinteonn we leave 1,:1 •
added value, says Lieut, J. S. Smith, the village and come oat Loll the open tree t , 1
e11 +. 1'
Germans and the a c4
has made on the Gex n
wholesome dread with which they re- .Pleasures and sensations of that day fields. About half a mile In front we i \, 1 H I t; , v.. ,a i
I come and go with added intensity, for , can FCC the entrance to our communi- :n : 1 ,: c ,u..: .. t 11 ,Lot :• il'+ h 1
gard it is revealed by 1111 counter
measures which they have adopted, 1 zero day O1' the one preceding arttrtaic, ratio( trench, winding up the side of i.t rix^ I: u ''.',,(1' b • t; r cn : ' 1 n '''1'1.
though with little success. They ap-' and who knows what the morrow will a gradually sloping 1111 until it 112 +! •1 i''''s
•y • t n 1111 ` • v ar
point special observers to watch for bring? reaches the top of the crest where our to bite,
the approach of the tanks and have I It is a day Of busy preparatiou from front floc. vertu. In the: morning
we A l ox 2.111 , 11 01' y < c !
established new "tank guns" in the ' daylight to dark, checking over and shall go down the other side of that ent'srt(cea to la,1y ;,stir• •.0 Lite 1 1 '
trenches, Riflemen are served out j issuing to the men all their needs and hill to meet the enemy. 1tor On telt - con•)1• tic 1
The air smells strongly of powder,3 h� 1 1
with armor piercing bullets for use at 'requirements, the cleaning of billets eer• rho Germans aro not talrint* their Yc'•i' Lame, the nal,' .us'e'd 1.11 ', 1
close quarters, and cunningly camou-
flaged "tank traps" have been prepare
before we march off, and while wait- We we; natio, t tete motel), i!: ate'
in to march we lie about, getting as Punishment quietly. ore forttmut', menet 011.(1(1.1; at tit :•l), i (t('1
g though, and get into the 0, T. with no
much rest as possible, for when wet • th• trench e here I hapoemet to le, :1 g tat{, u
nd we Gntnt-tl'•: 1 Iht•'1 l,l,,l
to be done. 1 service. been uniform and continuous, <tnmblo along m silence, for it has tea on the 11 end 1 2 1 to e ,el
An interview with a near -by paint- If the car is not badly scarred or! It was not until the recent advance � each company is ready it goes down been n long day and we have not ,vet to t,.n. : h Nal ,1 lin;.. c, 111
ear! scratched a coat of color varnish rub -
lett Carmbrxi, over a year after its first the road to lie and waft for the rest of started on out 'ob. We are anxious to I%an'l12) her, 11:11 11' w • st,, itc I t:,
01' revealed that fact that Butthe battalion, The colonel is there at,
had be pained. for $40. John hed down and followed bya a coat s- the tank's, that the full measure of et to our assembly trenches so that tall:, thio beast trotted up, ;al 1 I: nl•;
car painted, and de-' finishing varnish will make a 011110 the tank's usefulness was revealed. the appointed meeting place as wee get cur rest. So we scramble through tollpe'1• :'11(1 021'12 '1:" Iran h'
had once seen ,, p
+ (do < • '11tH himself. So', factory slob. The running gear can be ; It was the first attempt to use tanks ,come along. We halt, and he walks what seems leagues of trenehea, until . round, r::dc•(1 it a lbrep;.v; .. 011 r=1;
Bided he could the 1100111ds us, one of the old contempt
he went to it friend who undelr-tood' painted with ordinary carriage paint, : v a really ,the scale, and, the tha finally we branch off to our final poli- -•llntdrlcre. I'drew• hece le alarm lin 1
snit work and talked the matter over, with little or no rubbing, The ern- world knows, they justified coati- j fides." Our company commander ceolg'tio 1 in No Man's Land. Thzre we lay it 1 etrentorl.
The labor o1' course wive the main gine can be enameled with a special. deuce that had been placed in them. ! us to attention, salutes, and the rntil dawn �houkl break, so that we Oh, ilan't mind Felted e c l 1 to it
Item the paint and other material be- heat -proof preparation which can be By paralyzing the defence and cleat•-' otter returns it and then, instead of a could move into enemy territory and the German hew: feint 1:2;11 •1 11:)11
P I long harangue,he'simply says,ale Ger, 'he Oe half tinder 1;1.11 ha•: mo
Ong n co our dollars
small expense,' Outfits
from any accessory house, ing a passage through the wire en- arl will; fill up our prisoners cage
four (1,111 s covering, !
.Free or t t >a usually
all the outlay necessary.
g Outfits (mntainiug all the needed ma -,tanglements for the infantry they ob- beet you all at our objective.
Pease You may wonder whet a man's' tote'(( 1aan:tri:, He w•n'I't h ea yen.'
terials for refinishing a ear can be t.iated the necessity for the prelimin- be there on time." That's all, but Ire; thoughts are lying' out m the mud a P,r.. I did nut and •1 meant a great deal more IIe knew
f•• Mari . m lel '''•'1 •e t i
a< '1 retied Fritz I .: 1 nt_•,1 11'
The first step was to get the car, purchased from a good accessozl ; ary bombardment which would have €, Fort distance f from the enemy with •'lel tat i ; very telt, a, 1.'
thoroughly clean. This meant more house or reliable paint store," betrayed the impending attack. and we knew, we all wouldn't ga1there shorbut the sky a;; protection, them (1 1(1 mined no!' to :uv.,l.1 th
but why prattle about it . !nothing Well, there are no thoughts. Almost German lady's( invitntina to gal. Bet
Smashed Hindenburg Line. I
rhe would n:ot be denied. Ii I v.:'t r •;
gager( on Tuc„clay urbane t ('nual 4o
011 Wednesday. and it not o l \' wine; -
day, thea Friday wool,? "uir her meet-
ly well, So. in the end, I wee wee' le -
ally forced to accept.
Inept :•s a H0_sc Pct.
"I eimpl3• dreaded going to bei
hoose ” raid the Toronto lady. "That
than the usual removal of mud and 1 Redressing the Top
dirt, The grease and oil on the; The .inside of the top, which as a
parts to he painted had to come off I rile becomes dull and stained by the
A German account of the battle, The Colonel's Message. I every elan snatched what sleep he
shows that the tanks have not lost To each company as it came up he 1 could. To those who could not sleep
• • 1£
cels o, This twat done with a brush,; I rule ,refinished with a lining their power to inspire terror since the went 111 the sante quiet, confident man- than thoughts 11110 fa too X80(0( or
a small pail of gasoline, and a cloth. 1 ruin, con bt « publication. '10 those who (1icl not,
dye, which is applied with a brush and Somme, As they advanced in masses, Her, giving his message to them. That
Get Rid of the Dirt gives a nice even color as when new. (with very small intervals between little message did more to give then( !dawn came, with the air full of a
The radiato • and hood and all t1e, rhe outside of the top may be renew -'them, they reminded one of Hannibal's confidence than a long line of "'ot:
strange, rushing, whiney sort of roar,
t The I elephants or the sickle chariots of the hair;' as the• company grouch always
beggariner dpecription, to end in a
dr:.tcks and crevices that aecunuiiatc ed with a good top dressing. p bursting crash, and a wall of flame in
l 11'• 11 .1. C: 1',; • 1
11y 1 l a1 •
\1 ,, ae l i ii I t!; ' ,.( • 1,1. 1t
1,1 ,r,. 1111 a. , V.'11 C./l'''0,111
i1 111 11,1 -mo; that (1,, ho.1 ,I' a•ir
day. '2:, mai" w'-1'(' 1121 !WW1
111':'L•1'. 1't' 11,11:(1: ! 1 Ale ,!1 ( • a
111 t 9;1. err ,
I e 2'e: i•1l!'•e. Atone Orr 1112 of ea -
'1 w;;)1 t1 'flu't'e t •'mat' trade
11111.1.1 to bat it 0 . (1't art 114,14)11
"made" -'0 ('1,1 In an ,eaer0i1' 1,11,1
ee tits t1: (flick.' an•i 1.1 1• feet' Inir.-
111(„ (•1111 , „'11'1 21, .cerin tie ea
ever it!
\ rte rel ole to p t•I t. ad ty 1-
/ ... 1 11.011.1 of tee ie is 1'l t ee'es -
le d e 111 1 eetltberl pi:tht c •,,iu11,
.l , •(1 tnp'1.ther is 1, rrt!', with
h'rwt; 1e;wr'1 tut{•'t{uv' •, (1. 2)1 -hat
to:1 11(1' ( 21111 I I .,,) 10(lI1"'!it, I'I't'11. ill!3•
12!12• s; garrote, an"i i•)! 1• ea.ttury pater.
is Dern In 1.0 gratin:; etet•t•: l.revaeti'-
i;: 0r e era11 1101 11100.
\\earl( of the r;, -it 21,1e.
i tc reetury phurl. id two or ter, e
feet high. thought ''420 '1,ewluae,
sod etuelc tree, flit, r•nn:a \Voll.h,rwe
lin 1,mc ,11.111 u,'• • '•1.2)12 tor
it : imilar tri(21 in wh1c11 thee • (nye-
I(•ry awn, almeet. llal-cl, I1, the 02101.
are suddenly even to held in their up -
ted right hood•: r:.;:'etively cit car
of ripe curet, several rl•;p ear', of
wlie.,t and a rabbit, cit a sea 'aa 1:110(1
2 h,rre' 1' 00 1•ern nr wheel' 1.111:' i,a til.:
11 vide any ahere "
No (vender that Father lis1',p,elea,
r lyre name i. hito•ie, 111(" 0111 hay •
dirt were carefully attended to, It this radiator, if of the enameled type,' Pharaohs. called the long 4perches that an a come-. front of thrix very eyes. Those who he •n cont hived thnL u+ he ':\pr.• • (y
dist held been allowed to remain in the ,houl(1 of course have a new coat of I "The western front has become so times inflicted on the boys. the mir11O1, he 1)1' perinit"-
Hamel n lied but not over the cool- !strong that ate can withstand every 3 ' i slept woke to the din, saw that wall of horrible clog had given me the creeps.
car it would have turned to dust, (1 PP g "Tomm • Atkins" knows he is a be-' flame and mechanically reached for However, there 1.04 nothing fer it but rd otos(. 1! 2h(' 1,rk ,f 1-11'l•:• i, 1111"'
which (could have settled on the ire:lt• ing 0 fin=, as ;his woo 111 interfere with attack," said t Hindenburg. in April ter man than the Boche and be doesn't i1 1 ho not erre see, with ::le,v;a .;
v in'shec ';m•faces ane! made a the efficiency of the radiator. 191 i. Ile was thinking of tlxe maze of need to be told it, and he doesn't be- I their bayonets to fix them on their to gas and at the time appoin.rd I 1'l -
13 a 1 i lilies. rived at her resd(lanee. T was ushin•_ 'in 1111e:1(1 `made' take• ripe rh,^ries
ruu• lalooking job. Any mechanami troubles that the concrete and sand bags which is call- have in worldwide advertising of the nrlt. ,f his mouth is T'ehrnt: rc :'
< may conveniently be 1110nd0d' ed the Hindenburg line. And it was i The time had come, we had passed ed Tato the drawing -room awl eimply
- If the surface of the car le very • car Irl F, fact. He l.nows it and so does the,from zero day to zero hour, felt a shudder at Um mewed of that It leer a 1'hippe(ta mystr r;; moa
much eeratc•hed + n and ` eigh lE is to dune• the painting 1 eecese, In. the Hindenburg line that the tanks Beetle. They are two interested )
fierce -looking creature of here aptm'*-
who did that. And another noire ,le
reports a i
1' 1 with i 1 Aft th 1 while the body is being painted t -WHEN THERE WAS NO SI'G.IR, sent and correct to the colonel, mil 1 mg -coca, I speed 11 bask"t, large (1s 'uric (m ilp n 1
paint him been softened it can be. room permits. Any ,lents or crashed, by his command we move off..In the'Convidescent Soldiers Eager to do It wickerwo!sty clothes ha -leer, such (11 051111 ran:<1'2 them b;; (humminla.
scraped off. All lumps and patches' places in the fenders or body should 000 Years Ago Honey Was the Only distance, preparing the way for us as • Afore for the \\ear.use ""'1 "' '"'""' *^ ''"""" '
neec"ary� to rcnvrre the chi paint, flit the body any be removed and, helped to smash in a single morning. parties, so why
say any more? -`"-' ,—"—' wnrhrr tans: sevc'al little lcn'•!oa e:ld•
ing out at me again Sure enough in
This inn he dant' with a go .1 pair,( re-, th(, engine andP ] p 1 ,a corner of the welt Eula hed thaw
other arts overhaul- The adjutant r o t "battalionre ' 11AKINC TRENCH CANDLES ghat of human bring=• end, Irving
mover a p ted w•i n a x'us t, After ' c( w ' 1 " buried them I their middles 1'
of paint must. be removed and the sur be repaired. Frequently a weak fen
we march with our faces toward the Propped upwithpillowsS mo, t Frets fashlnn.
face rubbed down w1th sandpaper till, der cat be strengthened by applying Kind of Sweet.many in his hos- hanging out the oft cave It Was lin-.
- • side and riveting; •,,1 � rumble, we hear the steady pounding pital cot, a wounded Canadian c(1 with a nice soft cover;ng, if you i`nexplain;rhle "Ata•acles."
all ie clean and smooth, Then the car! a plate to the under -t g 1 Think of it, girls! In Rome 2,000 of the gats. Any one looking for any , lad returned from the front as unfit please, and was ostensibly the bed of Major Powell tells of the weaken.
should be washed with meeoline and al through in a neat way. If the fenders years ago there was not a single candy signs of emotion or nervousness would' for further military service, is doing this hulking big beast to which I had or "spirit mat," need by a "nteda." It
lowed to dry. f are badly damaged it would be more i store. Not even the most attentive be fooled. If a ratan feels anything, his bit for the boys at the front by taken such an intense dislike. Imag- ' ;was a rudely made doll of dirty rags,
Vest a coat ,f primer i; applied,; satisfactory to replace Cham. The � young man coulcd offer to his lady love and every one. almost invariably does, :coffin
preferably with acamel's-hair brush, ander side of the fenders should be, 0 box of lollipops, for such thing's were he doesn't show it. g paper candies which will light ins such a nasty brute in a drawing, 8:essed ]ince an Indian child and ;about
p 31 the dugouts of the comrades he left room! I sat there in apprehension•' half the ,size or life.
After this ha:: been allowed to set I painted, as the rust attacks thatpart unheard of, Clad in fighting kit we swing along behind or brew their tea. , expecting every moment that the dog • The "meds" stood in the middle of
for a dos or en, go over the eurfacc'. Bret and soon weakens then(, I Sugar in those days was known in out of the village to the tune of "The: In the convalescent hospitals of the' would romp in and repeat his unpleas-, the mem where the cerenla,ny ;(sol.
- !Europe only in the form of honey, "Black Bear" from the pipe band. Alt,.11iilitary Hospitals Commission, candle ,ant attentions of our first encounter,; place. and after chanting for 11(" . r:(1
sly zing to the Germans, The ungainly which was considered a great luxury, the old French people come to wave us: making has become a popular occupy- ' Then by hostess appeared, and point- minutes etretehed out his hazels t, -
!appearance and queer waddling in- obtainable only by the well-to-do. The gpodby. One old French woman On-: tional work for the ben who are too ing to the empty basket, exclaime:l in ward the dell, At once it ro=e in an
spired them to laughter, but there was high price it brought offered much en- quires of Tommy, .French
and he re-, worsted by battle to do anything Mora; a tearful voice: 'Ab, poor Fritz, ha erect posture and can, forward,
11�'� �t TEUTONS i no doubt about the efficiency. Ma- couragement to bee keeping, which plies in excellenC French, "Out, Ma_' strenuous at this time. • It cheers the will not bother you to -clay, standing as Of alive. The ins: tory man
1 E R�il Y ;chine gun emplacements, such as had was then a much more important and dame, Allemand Rhine toot sweet, ;then to (Flynt( that they can still do' a :
Taken by the A4ilit.ary, talked to it and received anewere fr,m
_.— I taken heavy toll he previous attacks, extensive industry, especially in Asia
which pleases her greatly, She hob little something to win the war, and (('The military authorities lave tak- 1 it much in the some way as a vlartrilo•
fell an easy prey. Bombs exploded Minor, than it is to -day. Boats loaded bees off to tell the zest that at hundreds of the new trench candles' en slim away for his six months' train- ; nuist with a puppet. When ho hal
NEW 11'_11 ENGINE :AT I T,.\RF.D,•,M,„„„,,• ,, • ;„-t their ,olid flanks with hives Hooted Along' the Nile, the the German swine will be showed over' ate .being turned out weekly. ....11",..1 "11, finished, he stretched oat his hlnult
ON AL'(ICST 29, 19111.
:1'hes.e 'Ungainly Monsters Have a
Paralyzing Effect Upon the
German Troops.
It was on August 2112, 19123, that the
first batch of tankx, fifty in number,
landed in France, says Lieut. S. P.
Lloyd. Thy made their way up the
line, some by rail, others by road, with
due precaution for secrecy, and arriv-
ed in time to take part in the second
stage of the greet allied offenoive on
the Somme.
That the Germans expected some-
thing unusual ie shown by a captured
army order of September 14, which
spoke of "new engines of war, as cruel
as effective," But the realization was
elt•l1 worse than the anticipation. A
German newspaper thus described the
horror of the men in their trenches as
they saw the tanks advancing out of
the mist:
"0110 (tared and stared as if ouehad
lost the power of one's. limbs. The
nonstera approached us slowly, hob-
bling, rolling and rocking, but they ap-
proached. Nothing impeded them.
Some 0115 in the trenches said 'the
devil is coming,' and the word was
passed along the line like (wildfire,”
Paralyzed the Enemy.
.The sight of these monsters (vile as
exhilarating to our men as it was par -
Naturally the element of surprise was bees flying ashore to gather nectar the Rhine immediately, 'f1 not sooner,' They are made of strips of news=; Such is the German military system, l again, and the doll fell into a ebnp('-
partly responsible for the overwhelm- 'from Hovers on the banks, and the whole village cheer in their j paper folded and rolled tightly into Both man and beast must serve their less mass, as it had been before.
fn success of the tanks on their first It is thought likely, however, that feeble old voice„ ;We answer with a different sized candles. They are then turn 1 tl 1 b b t td h I Operated by strings? That w•n 0,1
ane the c um r1' o woo ave
earnnce. The unexpected arrival sugar derived from cane was known (oar, which loaves them all in such clipped into paz•affnn mut„ allowed to many a trued blow and whip -stroke ereseem to be the obvious explauatie n,
P in China and India as loo ago as
their new ally put fresh heart into g good cheer 1111., they go back and feed; dry. They are then very hard to ex- he learned bis lesson of pulling down ,But, says Major Powell m his account
our mon, just as it lowered the morale 4000 B. C. The sugar cane was prig- the chickens a little extra grain and � tinguish and so resist draughts well.1 prisoners and biting dummies arrayed of the experiment, the cleft ems ev nl-
of the Germans, inally native to those countries, and the pigs a little more turnip, The They also give off more heat than the in uniforms different from the Hun feed carefully ent,before 011(1 (tae the
But they Proved in addition that washe early
brought to Europe ctg e by
sugartraders chickens cackle louder, the pigs grunt usual wax candle and burn longer, field -grey. Truly the Kaiser's state- "seance,” and 110 strings vers' 1i.;ecly-
P with pleasure the old people talk
they were capable of destroying the from the Indies. Europeans called about the Allemand and the Rhine and menti that he would enrol every cat'erahle.
machine gun emplacements, of cleating it "honey mace 'front reeds.”�� and clog On 0± speech was more than a ! A miracle somewhat familiarly
with enemy personnel, and above all of i we go o our tray singing. So every- To stop hiccups give the patient a; more figure of speech. known, though never explained, is
I 1"47 Berlin chemist discovered
The Prisoners' Cage. Vinegar, If this remedy does not himself in a lodge surrounded by a
In r a er m c elms c tseovere body is appy,
of granulated sugar and; that in which the mystery man scat.
fattening out a broad way for the fn- that the same kind of sugar could be that
thoough the deadly wire entan-
glements. They were !the percentage of sugar has been in- On ,our left is a bit, square corn -
rifle and machine gun fire and even creased so considerably by selective pound, enclosed with barhetl (vire to a. Since you worked your examples Brave dog, you share the fighting risk lodge fifty yards away is encircled in
at their slow gait of three miles an breeding of the vegetables that now- height of about eight feet, with raised so nicely, said the pretty teacher, I On fields of France afar, the same manner. Bath lodges are
hour their low height and protective adays a ton of it is derived from nine sentry boxes. It is the prisoners' shall give you a kiss. Teacher, 1 Yet never• for your sake is flown tightly closed. Yet, a few minutes
coloring made thorn a difficult target tons of the roots, cage. At the same time to -morrow it didn't know there wus to be a reward,' A shining service star. later, the `meds" is discovered sitting
for artillery. The average person in this country, will be full of Boches. As we pass it responded the honest urchin, "It's only You thread the bloody battle -ground in the lodge that was previously
It was obvious that the tanks had consumes two-thirds of his own w`ei5, 1, we enter the shell zone. We know, be- fall' to tell you that my big brother empty, the other one being vncat:ed.
t stay.usTheiractivities by! 1 did (flea sums And finch where wounded lie, This, be it observed, is accomplished
just on the' edge o the enemy s ex-
treme range. From now on we are
Farmers may help the rod situs- "in it,” and before we know it we are
tion by using wood and by making at the centre of what seemed such a
wood available for use by others, peaceful little village. Now it fairly
The cravingfor sweets in grown- teems with activity. Troops every -
ups as well as in children may be where; trench motor batteries, ma -
satisfied by dried fruits because the chine gun companies, engineers, field
fruit sugar answers the natural physi- dressing' stations, pioneers incl artil-
ologic demand for sweets and without, lerymen; horses, trucks—big and little
the injury that accompanies the con- —automobiles, wagons, water wagons,
sumption of ordinary sugar food. feed wagons, every kind of wagon,
Many of the objections to pastry and piles of ammunition—big and little—
sweet desserts will be removed it more timber in all sizes and' shapes, barbed
fruits are used in their preparation to wire and barbed wire stakes, Over it
the exclusion of sugar,
obtained from beets, and since then
impervious to afford instant relief repeat the dose.. To a. Red Cross Dog, ring of brightly blazing fire. An empty
come o ac lvt res were of sugar On a year. cause the prisoners cage is always Then heedless of the shell and shot
no means confined to the western 1 P 1 Potato Breach.—Two an(111 half cups You bring their succor nigh, with joot hundreds of persons looking on,
front.Some of them entered Egypt mashed potato two and a half cups It is just a trick, of c:onrse, but no-
before the end of the year and were in flour, two and a half teaspoons salt, Were I your toaster I should want body has ever succeeded in explain -
action before Gaza. During the winter one and a half tablespoons sugar, one To give your valor fruit, . ,
great strides were made both with cake compressed yeast and two table- And fly a comet on a flag—
their manufacture and development, g spoons water. Acrd the dissolved yeast A star that has a tail. York tanks that took the. field in the to the lukewarm potatoes. Then add - —New York Sun.
spring of 1917 had all the improve- the salt, the sugar and half a op -e.---'
of the flour, Mix the sponge thor- Whey left from making cottage Board for the lnlumrfaclure of am -
al and let it rise until it is very cheese should not he (wasted, It can planes now has a nlouthly output of
light (about two hours). To this be used in beverages in place of mills well over a hundredatnn1(113 o , accord -
well risen sponge add the remaining for mulcing bread and in desserts,
flour and allow it to treble in volume.
Turn ander, shape it into loaves, and
after it has doubled in bulk bake it
all the big howitzers fire continually :for forty-five to fifty minutes.
bents that experience and experiment
had suggested, Their limitations and
their relation to the infantry had been
discussed and decided. They took
the field no longer as free lances, but
as one unit in a harmonious whole.
Share Every Offensive,
They have taken part in 1917 in
Canadian Airplane Output.
The factories operated in Eastern
Canada by the Imperial Munitions
T'tri , 1'M aceeta TO W0AR-
Of t, ti6
WNAT Area T1205j
Ls,r°I�- •
Australia has a movement on foot
for the preservation of its gigantic
"stringy -bark" trees, which are the
tallest in the world.
A PeR5Oel GE±
A l_oT Op
Go't -rHE IDEA
1 AN`I WA`1,
ing to word recently received 111(0, The
spruce used in making the airplanes
is cut In British Columbia, and a mar-
ket for a considerable quantity of
British Columbia Coast spruce, which
otherwise might not be used for com-
mercial purposes, has now been found,
The First Invention.
"Pa, who was the first inventor?".
"Adam, my son »
"What did he invent?"
"The poor execuse,"
War broad can be made either with
or without potatoes.
Rica gruel, potnto gruel and whew -
meal gruel aro the best farinaceous
foods for an infant, Tho dict should
never be confined to monis, Vet --
table purees and fruit jtliecs shouie
be give{ �, to children. Children should
be taught to drink frequently three to
sirs ounces of water daily between
meals, and shoul..l he taught 'to
masticate their food thoroughly, This
is very :mportant, as the habd'e of food-
chewiitg formed in childhood is 1:i(ety
to bo maintained through We, Ito•
gularilty o:k meals is .also highll( im-