HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-31, Page 80d•Mit04.0.1.044'14i4.d 4)44444+R'hiM4t 449 4'i'4'1'41'4,itei'*644'341)4 l4no+ili.dlibDA,ul ural ft-Stt0tfttl' o ILrald says:-Aituu eh Clinton was FtI R. * 'event Lid for several dais duu'lg the fi 'event tt s of m the citizens n etc not whit - tet. c .1'. a daily newspaper, I'he C'lintuu snowbrT 11%.: G,a of which I, Leslie Kerr is the The Store 4. wilt• tit tke prumrtrtot' tem potai'i'' k (:ha eel from re weeks o a daily public 4 oMit l'te lnieS1 Lieu'., iu tabo,d farm e. was beamed by telegraph aril the pia). 4 plena' Cliulon nrorc kept. in touch \vial ,•j the outside world from lay to day until train nervine wa reslumed, Oret3 o d• • eopio, of the tomer Were s.tk1 ever;, uijU,' a:it many !tied things were said • :•m ra+a+ 0+s+•+e+e+s+e+e+4+e+e+4+.4.4.e 6+eat-tee+ • 1 41 6 e New Valentines and Valentine 41 Post Cards on Display. •r 0 4 ••t• e The 4"� Store :ra 4 ® •1.0ks•1.@•i•i•i•b4144 *+@4@+@+@+@4@ k.1@+41&441+@d•044•AP•F@'At►4@'M6 Pictures Pictorial From Review Horne Patterns The Army (Lives on Letters it is said, and when those longed•for envelopes, with the home town post mark, contaiu pictures of the home doings. they go far towards making happier hearts and faces. Keep your Kodak busy and have some snaps to enclose with your letters. We Develop and Print Films. Fna eupp'v of Eastman Films 1'rittriog Papers, Chemicals see weer Kodak necessaries. We carry a good stock of the cel- ebrated Pictorial Review Pat- terns, Titis will afford us the up- portuoity of supplying your de - weeds immediately. If you are not yet acquainted with their superior merits we recommend you to try one Rud you will use no other. You have a chance to Eliminate Extravagance But Not Smart Style Pictorial Review Patterns con- serve material, time and money because they save on every dress one-half to one yard of material on account of the patented cut- ting and construction guides. Try one Pictorial Review Pat- tern -see bow easy it is co use. It will look like the picture. The Spring Quarterly Style Book is now in. With this book, priced at 250, there is a coupon good for 150, which can be applied on any pattern selected This brings the price of the book down to Ion. We also carry The Pictorial Re- view Monthly Iviagazine. Price 150. F. R. SVHTH Druggist and Stationer fag etas 4i.eras HEAVY roads. Doormat r grows. CotlNC=L next Monday evening. THE snow plow is awelcome visitor. FRIDAY ushers in the month of Feb- ruary. TANOARY was a strenuous month for weather. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this week. How= Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany Annual meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, Friday, Febru- ary 15th. at a p. m, PUT an advertisement in the columns of THE PosT and get quick results. If von have for sale anything that the people want --or want to buy anything that somebody else may have for sale, a small ad, in this paper will bring quick response. To1Ns R. F. C, -Russel Moore, son ot Dr. and Mrs. Moore, Listowel, formerly of Brussels, has enlisted with the Royal Flying Corps at Toronto. Mr. Moore while not yet 18 years of age, has been determined for some time to enlist and at last his ambition has been realized. While somewhat young for so strenuous a life, yet his spirit must be admired. His brother, Lieut. H. C. Moore is in France. SCHooL TRUSTEE ELECTION, -Monday evening tbe delayed School Trustee Nomination for our Public School was held, Returning Officer Scott presiding. The Hall was not crowded R. Leath- erdale, fns. Fox and D. C. Ross were nominated and re-elected by acclama- tion. John Logan was the choice as successor to Peter Stewart resigned on account of disability in bearing. M. Black and J. Cunningham are the other members of the Board. 1T• i.. h'oken: IF Cut= --in remitting re. newel eub,crtptiuus for 'flee Pos'r. the fo'lowmg are a few of tate cheery notes aeeamp.eni•ing the cash :-Front i1s' i- tobt---1 enclose you $10. 00 to make op arreerages and app'y balance to m-rk ing a'tead Accept thanks for wR ting sopit,enily. Wieblug you and voter:- prosperity oursprosperity -A Calgary resltleut wtrtea ; -'i'iilt PugT is a welcome weekly visitor and keeps us in touch with the doloes of tnauy old friends. It would seem ery strange not to gat THE Pos,E - Frotn Toronto an old friend says: -We welcome the weekly visits of THE PosT, especially as it keeps tis in touch with old friends and scenes. Son -ns Lew or Ray.. DR McCeee, Lennox -Lieut. Godfrey Wheable is at peerect in the Royal Alexander Hospi- tal in London, England, where he has recently undergone an operation ou his few', An interesting incident occurred on his way to Lot don from the Manches- ter hospital, where he had been a pa- tient for some months. He was stand- ing in a tram car when a man offered him a seat. When be answered a nurs- ing sister sitting near looked up and recognized him. She was nursing sis- ter, Bessie Baty, a graduate of Victoria Hospital, London, who went overseas recently. Living in Westminster when a little girl, at the time Rev. Dr, Me- Lrae was minister in the First Presby- terian church there, she was intimately acquainted with Mrs. Wheable, former- ly Miss Helen McCrae INSPECTOR E. W. BRUCE DIES SUD- DENLY IN 'Poaoxro,-Sart enly stricken wbile on bis way to one of his schools, Friday Jan. rsth, Inspector E. W. Bruce, of the Toronto Public schools, died early at bis home, 50 Fairview Boulevard. Inspector• Bruce was born on a farm iu Scarboro township 5o years ago, and received bis education in Toronto, Collingwood and St. Cathar- ines, in bisM A. degree Heo obtained g lies,' Toronto University. The late Inapee- tor Bruce went to Toronto 20 years ago. He was master of Mathematics at Har- bord Collegiate for some time and be- fore he appeared as a public school In- spector was principal of McCaul, Huron and Clinton schools. He was one of the best known public school men of the province. said Chief Inspector Cowley. An educationist of high intellectual and personal qualities. The Inspector had charge of number 2, between Carlaw and Ontario streets, Toronto, He is survived by his wife, one daughter Thelma, and two sons, Dr. Warren Bruce, of Toronto, and Ernest Bruce, of Calgary, Alta. Deceased was a son of the late Alex, Bruce, formerly of Brussels and Bluevale. ONTARIO Legislature v ill convene in Toronto Wednesday of next week witb Barrister Prouclfoot, M. P. P., of Centre Huron as Leader of the Opposition as successor to Hon. Mr. Rowell. NEXT Band Concert at the Skating rink will take place Monday evening and will no doubt attract a large attend- ance. It's a great Winter for good ice and the skaters are evidently appreciat- ing the fact by taking plenty of exercise. -0-- 8 Tomes pigs 8 menthe old for sale. Lot 28, Con. 8, Grey, FRANIS SLEIGRTDOLIS. SMALL band satchel found Wednesday morn- ing. May be hid at TIOS POST. ALL kinds of poultry wanted. Mao emptT seeks for which highest prices will be pall. Phone 82x. SAM. WETNsa'11N, EIGHEST melt pries paid for butter and eggs. R. Taonts0N. Six pigs, weighing about 80 pounds, for sale. Phone 462. JOHN EYARS. Peg SALE, -A few young Yorkshire sows, die to farrow in March and April. Also a thorn'-bredfrorkshire hog about 7 months old, bred from prize winning stock of Brethour Lott Featherstone C , rey breeding. P�MaixxosH, WHITE Leghorn Cockerels from heavy lay- ing strain for sale. HARVEY BREAMS,Phone 128. CORDWOOD WANTED. -From 10 to 20 cords of hardwood wanted for Methodist Church, Brno• eels, to be delivered before Feb, let, For fur- ther particulars see R. L,5ATaEa5ALE, Phone 87 Brussels. Hausa AND LOT FOR SALE. Good frame house, 218 sere of land, fruit trees, well, &o., n 1 in Brussels. For further particularsPP y at Ton POST. THREE Short Horn Bulls from 10 to 12 8 on lwklithonel188,Jna. STRIA, Lot 29, Con, DR. PARKER, osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday and Thursdny afternoons of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully lab treated. Hotels residences. Con - AT the meeting of tbe Red Cross Circle :airs. B. G, Walker gave a Talk on "Common Colds," for whicb she was thanked. Mrs. Walker is a trained nurse so bas had experiences. It is proposed by the young ladies of tows to arrange for a Play for the benefit of the Circle funds. Yarn is being worked into sox for the soldiers by more than Sister Susan these days. Ask for yarn from Mrs, A, J. Lowry at the Library Wednesday or Saturday of each week. Circle meetings are now held Wednes- day afternoon instead of Tuesday, since new arrangement of days, Library is open. $100.00 ;was brought into the Treasury by the personal canvas cam- paign for month of January, A Smote subscription was welcomed in the a- mount. 21 pairs of sox were brought in on Wednesday. Mrs, I. Parker presid- ed at the Circle in the absence of Mrs, W. H, Kerr. Help this worthy cause, New Post, --Major A, H. Monteith of the est Depot Battalion, W. O. Regi. meet, formerly of Stretford and Brus- sels, and Lieut. 0, 5. Reid, M, C„ of the C. E. F., Reserve of officers, have been appointed to act as members of ---.-o--- COUNTY Orange Lodge will meet in Wingham on the 20d Tuesday in Feb. No mail train from the East Monday on account of snow blockade. The reg- ular time table is being badly mixed up by the storms, ANNUAL meeting of Brussels, Morris & Grev Telephone Company will he held in the Towu Hall on Tuesday, February 12th. at 1,30 p. m. THE A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Church will hold their annual Pancake Social on the evening of Shrove Tuesday, Feb, %elle, in the basement of the church, A musical program will also be provided, Admission 25 And 75 cents, Everybody welcome, AUTOMOBILE lffAguERs.- The Ig18 markers are smaller than those of last year, but are considered a much neater type. They are about a inch smaller each way. The figures are blue this year on white background. Last year they were black on white grotind. WINS MILITARY (.'Ross, -Wold has been received iu Listowel, that Capt. Will. Moore, sou of Henry anti. Mrs. Moore, Elma, hes been awarded 11 military cross for conspicuous work on the field of action. Capt. Moore was practising medicine in the West when war broke out, but has been in France for some time. His many friends ex. tt ratuta tions, staff, which tend heartiest co g Hent conducting a[i the Erma g p r, e times when one is to have charge of all troops crossing WELL DON -These e,sE I a the Atlantic to and from Canada. They hears so much about lyse grafting and ' is reFteshin to hear of will leave for Halifax shortly to under- profiteering it g take their new duties, Instead of the cases where men give their best energies usual conducting officers, who have been entirely without remtlneration. Such in charge of troops aboard ship, a per- an instance came to light in Walkerton, ticatfent staff to each troopship is being when the Treasurer of the I. 0. D. E created eoneieting of as officer cons- received a cheque for $375 from A. In di adjutant and one subordin- Collins, J. J, Sebumacher and J. H. tn01 STADARO QF CANADA HEAD OFFICE e TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and 7'� interest at current�vrate. BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAWS, M Manager. 239 Smith,.- 0 n Saskakchowan, -..... BORN_ Mrs Aicx ivettfrom I CUT'r.-In Golle•irh on ,h,0 7 21st, 1018, to is et -11;1)g Co65114es and o' -tel friends in Air, nett t1ra. d, Clnlvi).Cutts hair t,nna, Brussels and locality. MORAE.-In Bresaels, on dimers 2111i, 1818, to 1sdtvin 'Cuss es, formerly Chief Game Dr. T. P. nnd't.tro, McRae, a son, •. Wereeu 1Ontario, n d c met l H ' e was 11 rela'ive 01 Mrs, Neil \lelemehha, Brue. Livia •L'nl. McCrae, sun of Lieut. -Cot, D tvid Mverse, Guelph, died of pneu- monia in France. fie was arlistingaish- ed pill .lour ltnd in command ot Cana- dian liumpital No. Sat Boulogne, Preece He was only 45 years of age and a cousin to the late John McCrae's family, of Brussels locality. Ohurch Oft irttes Bert. Lott addressed the Enworth League an "Religion and the was," chair was occtupied by Miss Flureuce Buchanan, President. Rev. W. E Stafford's sermons last Sunday were based on "Walking and fainting not" in the morning and "Temple building" at the evening ser- vice. Sacrament of the Load's Supper will be observed in Melville Presbyterian church next Saobatb at 11 a. m Pre- paratory service will be held Friday, Feb 1st, at 2 30 p ni , conducted by Rev R. A Luudy, Walton. Next Sunday will be the Quarterly Com'nuuion in the Methodist church, Testimony ttu ening at 10 a. m , preach- ing at 11 followed by the Lord's Sup- per. Pastor wilt be in charge, Official Tuesday da' ev enin next u s Board w 111 meet 1 g at 8 it it to Sunday afternoon )est in Me t church Sabbath School a special c Ker- ing was lalreu for the starving A,men- ians A map talk was given by Rev Mr. Mann having reference to the h.•me and needs of the people, $32 00 was the respectable 511111 contributed. For the next 3 months the Protestant churches of Mount Forest, are cotnbin Mg in holding services, 6 weeks in the Methodist church and 6 in the Presbv- terlan. First Sabbath Rev, D Wren took morning sermon and Rev. Mr. Cooper, Presbyterian, preached at night, Sunday Schools and other services also unite. DIED AT PARKLAND, ALBERTA -Mrs Robert Wilson, sister to R Leatherdale, Brussels, died at her home in Parkland, January 6.11, 1908, Susanna Leather- dalen. born in Esser England, and has , wben 4 years of age came with her par- ents to Toronto, Ont. The fancily re- sided for a short time in Orillia, but set- tled in Galt, where in December 1875 she was married to Robt, L Wilson. After living near Gorrie for some years the family went to Alberta in igo7, to benefit Mrs, Wilson's health, which had beeu failing for some time. 'they were pleased with Alberta climate and settled on their present home which Mr. Wilson bought. Mrs. Wilson was, an invalid from rheumatism for about 20 years but through it all had been very cheerful and happy and an inspiration to all who bad the pleasure of knowing her. She is survived by 3 sisters and 2 brothers in Ontario and only child, Miss Bessie at home, who tenderly cared for her moth- er for years and with the devoted hus- band le left to mourn the loss of a good wife and mother. D. B and Mrs. Wil so11, Killam, Alts„ and Mrs Mases, Calgary, were the outof town attendants of the funeral which was conducted by Revels. Reid and Peal at the home Tuesday afternoon, Tan 8th, Relatives and old friends here tender sympathy to the bereaved. Mrs. Wilson was RD 8x. tra fine person, She was 72 years of age, ate officer and this staff will remain on eaob boat permauently, Major Mon- teith is to set as a commanding officer and Lieut. Reid as a subordinate officer but they wilt not be employed on the same boat. Their duties will he to supervise the men both going trotn and returning to Canada and will assist the conducting officers seht by the unit 86 n Ranesbottom to he devoted to soldiers work. The cheque represented the first half of the pay received from the Government by these ase men for sell- l- ing $110,000 worth of Victory Bonds in Walkerton, When the second cbegtte for $375 comes along, it will also be turned over to the I, 0 D E , .making $750 contributed in all by these three eft tans. *Well the troops batilt i C nR da, genermns l Auction Sales CLOD iY 11.aON.-In ParldnNt, Alberta, on ,Tnntinry 6th, 1518. Susanna 1',entlierdale, beloved wif, of Robert L. Wilson (formerly of Howioll) and sister to 1t. Leatherdale, Brussels, aged 72 years. AUCTION SALES WRIDKI, Iran, 1sT.-Farpl Stock, Implements &0., at 005 8, Con 11, Grey. Salo, unreserved. at 12 o'olook. Dickson Bros., Props, t Scott, Auo. WEDS EaDAT, Fxn, 1341. -Farm Stook, Im' plenlents, Furniture, &s., at Lot 18, Con. 8, Grey. sale unreserved et 1 o'clock, 4.P. Me- Ke_yy Prop N. S. Scott, Ane. Na)DAY, If RR WARY, 16Th --Farm atoak, Lot 0, Con, 12, Grey. Sale nnreeerved at 1 p. m. H. Tyermmt, Prop. F. S. Booth, Axle. TUESDAY. Elm tette-Perm Stock, Imple- ments, &o., at Lot 56, (Son. 1, Morris. Sale un' 7 eeerved, as lease has expired, at 1 p• m. Jae, Kernagbau, Prop. ; F, S, Scott, Ano, l3RUSSEC-S MARKET £2 00 $2 07 110 112 17 680 80 0 t7 b0 1 600 11 60 0 Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hogs- Hay Hoga.... potatoes per bag A VF 44 O 1 4 A A to 4 58 a 0 Farms for Sale One cm: `lining 160 acres, being Lot 14, Con, 12, and W14 Lot 72, Con. 18, in the Township of Grey, On the premises is a comfortable brick house, bank moan with water lin stable, wind- mill And litter oorchar, large driving bush hhed and ]leo hoose, two orchards, C,' 10 rorkehush ; tales phone ; ?i n,I1e from Cranbrook and J}.�y miles from Brussels. Also a good grass farm containing 100 aerea, being hot 13, Con 18. Grey. For further plat. ioularI'aOSOtIE, Crenbrook, Ont. AUOTION SA051 OF FAME STOCK, IM- PLEMltams, &0 -V' S. Seett, Auctioneer, has been inetrneted to sell byPublic Auction riday February `re on F Con. 11, U letLaG 8, o'clotih, the following valuable prop- erty •-1 aged draft mare supposed in foal to Goldlink, 1 general purpose mare 0 years old, 1 draft mare rising 6 years, 2 draft geldilige rising 4 years, 1 driving Howe rising 0 ,years, 1 draft gelding ricin 8 years, 1 draft filly rising 8 ears, 1 draft gelding rining 2 yenre, 1 drlv'ng filly rising 2 years, 1 draft filly rising 1 year, 8 fresh news with calves at foot, 0 cows supposed in calf, 1 registered Durham heifer teeing 2 Years, 0 Osseo; rising 2 years,0 heifers rising 2 years, 2 yearling heifers, yearling steer, 2 steers rising 1 year, 4 beifor•e rising I year, 4 ateer calves, 0 heifer Delves, 2 saws to farrow Feb, 26, 1 sore to farrow Mer. 16, 8 sows to for - row April let, 7 store pigs, 6 pigs 70 lbs., 17 pigs 65ffia., 1 Deering tinder 7 ft, cut, 1 Massey - Hartle mower 6 ft, cut, 1 Deering rake 10 rt, nearly new, 1 Frost & Wood 12 hoe drill, 1 Peter Hamilton nultivetor nearly neW, 1 Btesel disc with 14 dims, l etrel roller, 2 sets diamond harrows, 2 single walking plows, 2 gang plows, 2 aeuiitars a nearly now),1 lumber wagon with box and spring Heat. 1 hay rack and stook rank combined, 1 truck wagon, 1 light wagon, 1 top buggy,1 rubber tired buggy, 1 Bart, 1 set bob- sleighs with box and Limits, 2 nutters 11 newt, 1 0l,w'oe trend power and nutting box, 1 fan- ning mill, 1 set 2000 Ib. scales, 1 hay fork, oar. ropes and pulleys, 1 set breeching har,ese, 2 sets plow harness, 1 set double driving harness new, 2 sets single harness, n quantity of hay, quantity of gealeleen Date, a quem tiny of bar- ley, a quantity of turnips, forks, chains, rakes, any tbee and nulnel'oaa other• articles. Sale without reserveao the propria cash ore gains West, Terms -$10 and undder oaah 1 over that amount 10 months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes 6 per cent off for oaah on aradit am 1)X1t'1FoO a 181500 , nd Prop Proprietors. People We Talk About $$ tt $$ Wyman Sparling is home for a holiday from Hamilton. Mrs. Stacey, St. Marys, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Fletcher Sperling, Mrs. N. Flalt'sheelth is not as good as usual but we hope for early improve- ment. Miss Bessie Goodwin, of Palmerston, was visiting Mrs, F. Sparling For the week end, Congratulations are extended to Dr. and Mrs, McRae over the arrival of son and beir. Miss Myrtle Pascoe, Mitchell, 1s R vis- itor in town at the hotne of B, G. and Mrs Walker. Mrs. A. R. Currie, John street, has been under the doctor's care during tbe past week but we wish her speedy con- valescence Robert Dark underwent an operation for Hernia at the Wingham hospital last week and is improving nicely we are glad to state. Mrs. McPherson, Detroit, and Mrs. 0, Walker, London, were called to Brute eels owing to the serious illness of Mrs. A.R Currie, e town. , 0. G, and Mrs. Maks r 'n Buffalo, N. Y., l: aro visitors with J Le They ee old friends. The visitors were former residents of Bruseels, Lieut. Frank Gerry has gone to France and joined the 4511 Caned= Mounted Riflea over there We hope as be does his dilly that no harm will come to him, He is the oldest son of N, F. and Mrs. Gerry, Brussels, THE POST is sorry to state that Isaac Tuck, an old re, ident of this locality, is confined to bell from the results of a ettoke of paralysis. To add to his troubles he fractured one of his limbs. Tele is being well cared for at the home of his sister, Mrs, D. Robb, '1'tirnherry street, AUPLE0S CIINTs,, FUll1551aE, &O tlF. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the under- signed to sell by Public Anotion nt Lot 18, Con, 8 Grey, on Wednaedny, February 18th, et1 o1oloek, the following valuable property, viz 1 -1 driving mere, 1 general purpose horee 8 years old, 1 draft horse rising 6 yenre, 1 draft filly rising 8 years, 5 Bows empposed in calf, 1 dry cow, 4 steers rising 8 years, 1 heifer riming 9 years, ll heifere rising 2 years, 2 ateera rieing 2 years, 6 steer oatvae, 1 fat coif 10 months old, 1 brood sow, 2 young Yorkshire brood sem, 0 pigs 015 mouths Old, 8 store hogs, 20 White Leg- horn e • Lmillets, eghoruroosterBhens, s,1 Dem Ing binder,1 1)e rim- e Deering mower, 1 Deering rake, 1 Deering hay lender, 1 Mneeey-6arrie hay tedder, 1 Prost & Wood cultivator, 1 John Neve manure aprender, 1 12•hoe seed drill,1 lend roller, 2 Fleury plows No. 21, 1 Crown gang plow, 1 set harrows, 1 moufiler, 1 pelt harverter, 1lulnber wagon, 1 wegot 1pox, 1 set steel wagon wheels, 1 gravel box, 1 sot elelghe, 1 wood resit, 2log banks, 1 hey real, 1 fist hay rook with car, 4 oedxr rack mills 14 feet long, 1 buggy, 1 nutter, 1 entter pole, 1 fanning mill, 1 turnip putter, 1 set of smiles, o quanta ty of lumber, 1 gemolme barrel, 1 grindstone, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 net team bar- 4 Home 1 set plow harness,. 2 sets single hernnsa, 1 1 Malone cream enparetor, 1 milk can, number r of milk pnlls,1 Daisy churn, 1 15ox1for bolding flour, 1 sugar kettle, 26 sa tine, 1 ditobing spade, chains, fortes, rakes, &o r dttdnt11y max- ed hay, quantity gnod Glenn ontc'No. 72, 75 has, barley No 21, 260 hue, mixed grain, 2 doz, grain bags, 1 60egg 1neubel.or, I sideboard, 1 Ostten- ato, table, 0 dining.room (emirs, 1 Bell 0oetnve organ, 1 dresser, 2 washOtenclS, 2 bedatends, 2 sets bedapringe, 1 cupboard, 1. parlor table, 1 Wrenn, 1 coal on 51055, 2 doz. glees jars, 1 doz. dinnerr pintos, dozen eerie plates and et her eha articles. file nnre ortl nspro- prietor p o pclesr moldtlafarm. Terms- amno un- der retell ; over that amount 10 Months credit Will be given on furnishing approved Saint notes, 2 per tient allowed off for Minh on credit amounts, .1 P, tttoMAAYpriOtor, re 14 A grid qua) ty lint \Vatee ilottla i4 a n(ces•uu'y part of every Ituusehul,1 eitidpolen1.. You will find rl 1w ext c ill u1 Gold Wer, thet Comfort and those whtch we :offer acro:gualltuteed to give pet feet satisfaction, livery Bottle fully guaranteed, 'There alto go many uses for such Lt h0usohultl nese.arty L1141. un 1101110 Is Complete wilbola oho, s ' 1 coil c Q2 We ecerrely th1111r. it Ilel'1w4ltt•y to gay anything in rltllintetltlft- 0 0 Lion of our well known Cough Remedy. In many homes ites 0 occupies fleet plaice for Coughs and Colds. The ever increasing 0 • demand fol' it le the heat ae-m'alter wP have of the gene -rad eat- a 0 isfaetion it gives. Try it. 0 0 25c & 50c per bottle ;,."411,1,1,3;,"e 0 .__ _... ewer.,. eD O 0 m 41 O el0 0a00 realae3arowt'TDa0a006s4eal00eassoeJ083meaaaaaaaseaceeseetlw t o h Gyre STORE 9 DRUG STORE Annual Meeting Brussels, PrT orris The AnnealelhOIle oo1 as Br & Grey n apho rt Company ono will ae, held in the Town Sall,,at 1.2211 2 on Auditors' ltoport ro- aro 12th, 1018, to , 1 m, Auromen ' d ;my Will be presented, Dlreotnrs chosen and ally other bushiest: ta'anauoted list may colic With- in' the range of the meeting. F. S SCOTT President. M. BLACK, SCOTT, Tamorth Hogs for Sale The undersigned offers for sale n number of choice young Tomworth Hogs rowdy for ser- vice, off prize winning stock. For immediate sale. A100 0 etiolt of Rods Elm tinder 12 inches square 8and 0.8 60 feet long. WM. T. GRIEVE, 61eliillop'Phone 14122 Walton Farm for Sae Farm for Sale The endereigned offers for sale lila 140 anre farm, being N14 part Tet 11, Con 8, Morrie township. Good brick bovine and first -Bless outbuildings on premises For further pertio- ulare apply to A15C11I0 1) KERR, 28.4 It. R, No, 6, Brunetti. Farm for Sale Containing 174 acrma, being Lot 8, Oon. 11, And part of Lots 7 and 8, Con 12, Way town- ship Well %ntered, comfortable frame house, bank been with stone stable 68 x 70 feet ; good drive shed, hen lionss, pig pen and pump hoose Large nrnhard and about 6 acres bnah. Rural mail and telephone. f :elle from school and 8 miles from Brneeele. icor further par- ticulare apply to MIRS. EB. . No SON,BrusBels. Stock for Sae I30 sores being Lot0 UO,. 70 Gray township. . P Lirecnotch Short Horn Bull. ll. AIO 9 bulls Frame house, bank born, all with water d old, grand iredpGnl/ef rd Mar - through etablea, 2 acres hardwood bnah, ^id ni.,genitryto119,imiar siredhvAistoruN. 02whose grand sire is (+,d,tererd Malga Lot 80, Con. 8 Morris 1254 miles North of Brussels on gravel road.) THOS. PIERCE, Phone 1810 Brussels P. 0. small orchard. Farm all seeded down. miles from the Village of Nruseely. Also 60 tons of hay for sale, For further partiou- lars apply to L. HOLLIINGER,Brussels P 0. a0,o0004mo•c'do®e®04t*904,044004•p0104100e•0e000400414d6'•A4 r•+N0®er34r414p914000o4t04o4o40 d A A O 12 e 0 O 4 to,rate as Some of our Et 5pecials for 890 600 y,ircl8 Thetis Goodsin all wool Venetian Cash- meres, fltllry weaves and plaids, old dyes, color's guaranteed fast, to•day's mill ix'ice $1.50 a yard. Sale Special 80c yard ..;070?•, x0215 0, '00,0'...,<s `510 49c 300 yards of Dress Goads in Poplins, Voile, Lustre and Fancy Tweed Effects, suitable for children's o1' Women's wear, old dyes, regular 75c. Sale Special 49e yard 15c 1000 yds, Nash Ganda con- sisting of Prints, Ging- hams, Cashmere's, Crepes, tiluslins, etc„ all gnat an - teed washing materials, regular 25rr.. Sale Special '15,t yattl thh eek Ce=212011ealletEiffl _TEEamoi 15c 1500 yds. White and Grey Cottons, fine even Weave, free from dressing, full 36 in, wide, A grand oppor" trinity to bny gout' Sum- mer Col.rnna. Mill trine to -flay 101c, Special 15c 62zc 20 doz. I1eavy Ribh Wool Worsted Hnee, suitable for welhell'a and 'boys' weal', ' made 111)111 good cin ny ivnrlled yarns, old dolitts, e sizes Sg to 10 Rrg, Ssr,. Sale Special 02:jc. 4 a O 41 s e 0 re H 4 • 1a 4. 41 A QUOTION SATE OF FARMSTOOK.-F.S, Heott, Auotioieer, has been isabr,mted by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction nt Lot 0 Oon,12, Grey Oil lf,dday, February 16th at I rector*, the following valuable stook ;-.1 heavy horse 4 yOnrn old, 1 heavy mere 8 years ors,supposed in hall. 1.02.yea .0n calf, 1c1steers,d1 reg. fatored 2•yeer•old Hhorlhn'5 brill, 12yeorlinea 11 lust year (selves, 2 brood sows, 2 geese A11 must be sold as the proprietor is giving ftp firming. 'Terme-All eu„4 of$10and under cash ; over that amount 12 months eredil will be given no furnishing approved joint notes.. l :per aunt off for . tPrnemoth TYDRMANeelter. 0 4. 39c 10 doz. Heavy Wool Rib- bed trod Clashmerino Hose, made from gnotl strung yams, seamless and a very getviceable stocking, sizes Sy to 10. Reg. 50c. Sale Special 39c 250 100 pea Duly Ladies' Fleece Lined Lisle Finished Erose, elastiet'fbbed top, spliced heel and toe, old dyes, sizes 8i to 10. While they last Smle'Special 25o 39c 10 doz. Women's Veale and Drawers, Med. weight, fine ribbed, in while Or natural, well made gal'- ntente, sort and warm. Sizes 36 to 38. Reg. 50e, Sale Special 3911 39c 8 doe, Women's & Misses' Pure Wool Cape and Tante, tiiede from finest (Dailey yarns, brushed wool 14111 Ohl, knit. Regular price 75e. Sale Special 89e 330 2 doz, Ohiildren's finished \Voul and Worsted Claps, :army rib stitch ; aoloes, Cardinal and Gley. Reg. '100, Sale Special 88o 25 1\f isles' Wool Toques as- sorted. colors. Special 40e 490 10 doz. Men's Heavy Otey Wool Sox, emboli ORS t and well finished heels and toes what ribbed leg and plaid knit foot, a good wenn sax fot \Vince. Reg. bun. Sale Special 49e $1.19 8 tins Men's heavy elastic rib, wool Shirts and Draw- ers. Shirts trouble breast - weight, ed, gond 'Whiteyiil.t g lit t thine from fine soft pure yarn, sizes 81 Lo 44. Reg, $1 50, Sale Special $1,10 $1.35 Girnnlwi's Over -stockings with Rubber attaelled- Sizes 21 to 8 1,75 for 161. 35 lliaseri 1 to 2 1,50 " 1.35 0irls' 11 501.3140 " 1.19 Gil )s'8tolil 1.25 " 05 Ohlld'e 4 to 7 1.15 " 89 64c 6, a 0 G A 0 O v m 0 4 A a E 4 b a a 4 4 e 0 A a 5 doz. Wotuen's Rib, Wool 4 and Reece Lifted Vests and o Drawers, mase from line tp even yarns, natural or V white Winter weight. 1 Splendid Ruing 5 0210nt. 0 Reg. 85o. Sale Special Oke 00 0 0 950 10 doz, Men's Warm Win- ter Caps, made from good , heavy all wool materials, large peak, golf style, warm 10i' -lined laud, Mill 0 price to -day $1.10, Sale Special osc 1 �4 0 • $2.69 40 pairs Men's Snag Proof Gum Rubbers, laced or 2 buckle, solid heel and best quality Red Sole Granby liranel, sizes O to 10, Reg. $8,00 Sale Special $2 09 $1.69 ib non Men's i'leavy Klin- k' Duck WaLe proof Leg- giilge, leather trimmed, 1 (inutile(inutile4 g la sawn, and . til ng fasteners, sizes O to 10. 1?,atgulttt$2,25 Sale fi tf•rhtt $1 110 i $1.69 Youth's 2 13uckle Snag Proof 'Rubbers, heavy dou- ble sole, solid heel, sizes 11 to 18. Reg, $1,85• Sat0S>ctial$ 1, 00 '40 1. to 5, Reg s' sizes s i2 Sale ) aeS Sint v 1.89 l e ,. I $2.49 25 pairs Women's Dongole 1311.1nher Bale, u, good Ile - ting boot, medium heel, tt sirviveable 1)1105 for street • s'7,HS �+ to se weal i or }untie � r 5„ Regular $1 011 Sale Spteial $2.40 $1.89 80 pairs Misses' Dongnla liluohet' Gals., full toe and medium heel, easy fitting list, gond wearing gttallLy. 1r xtrtt Special.coca1, While ile they lust. Only $1.80 ExtraEcliI les and d Overcoats �� l;r Scot off i•�l o �iaat 9 You Pay Less Mere Carswell Egos. Snucoessors to G. N. IV9cLa,ren The Store with The Goods 1 5. 1 1 4 A 1 0 1 a 1 1 1 4 0 • 1i1s11i1i14141i11VSQase11@r ♦111141♦♦01Al, @6404" 41Po4 b4®60 04@11A@111♦0@@114' 441111! `.t