HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-31, Page 4Ebe Ix aets 'post THURSDAY, JANUARY 3r, 1919 HURON OLD BOYS IN THE LIMELIGHT HON. SAM LATTA AND HON, T. A. CIIERAR BOTH HAILED FROM THAT COUNTY Something About the Boyhood Days Of These Three Notables. (By A. L. B,) The famous county to the west of the Province of Ontario is still being honored by her successful sons The last turn of the wheel of fortune has brought an- other trio of Huronites to the front When the leader of the Union Gov- ernment brought Hon. J. A , Calder to Ottawa the Province of Saskat- 1 chewan found a successor in Mr. Sam. J. Latta, of Govan. The steps by which this breezy Westerner has risen to fame are the following: Son of a blacksmith nut far from the parish where Premier Martin's father was tending his Presbyterian flock: educated at Clinton Collegiate Insti- tute and Model School, where his Premier also attended; wielded the birch in the Township of Turnberry, and after considerable experience in other parts of Ontario arrived in Saskatchewan twelve years ago, a homesteader. When his neighbors became familiar with his abilties they decided that nothing less than 1 a newspaper was sufficient to venti- late his views upon the topics of the b day. Bence from the office of the s Prairie News, Govan, to the Legis- t lature and the Cabinet as Minister of Railways was sure and sudden flight. This was all foreseen by those who knew the forceful lad of Huron, then known to his school- fellows as Sam Latta. The salve old county has been honored by the meteoric success of Tom Crerar, late President of the United Grain Growers' Association, but now Minister of Agriculture in the Union Government, In East Unique .ue r ntar(:)at that when the great whelk to lykttigllt to a close the Parliaments of Can- ada—Federal end Proyieetei—will have to divert to new trends of thought, so lar as the workers are concerned. 01 the matter of legislat- ing tor the masses." GREAT PROGRAM OF SHIPBUILDING FOR CANADA HON. MR. BALLANTYNE OUTLINES NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING POLICY OF UNION GOVERNMENT.—STOP CONSTRUCTION FOR FOREIGN REGISTRY — CANADIAN YARDS TO BE UTILIZED TO THEIR FULL. FST CAPACITY.—MODERN STEEL STEAMERS. 1)TTAWA, Jan. 3.—An ambitious program of national shipbuilding Is to has been un ,I dor consider- 1 atimr and Hon, C, C. B a Ilanfvne to -day out- lined clans designed to uttliz e f 0 t 11 e fullest capacity the Canadian yards and es Non CC BallanryrTe. tallish roll- ing mills as essential to the industry. Hon, Mr. Ballantyne said to -day: "The government has reached a de- cision to utilize the full capacity of ex- isting shipyards in Canada in the pro- duction of modern steel cargo steamers of the most approved types for the use of the Government and for registry in Canada FOR CANADIAN USE. "The productive capacity of these yards, which at present are engaged in the construction of ships for the t3ti- tish Government, local interests and for foreign account—the latter alinost ex- clusively for Norwegian registry—tray be roughly estimated at from 275,000 to 300,000 tons annually. During the continuance of the war and for some time therefore the construction of steel ships in Canadian yards for foreign registry will not be permitted. This policy is in line with that adopted by both Great Britain and the' ;United States, THREE DIFFERENT TYPES. The naval construction branch of the department of marine and fisheries is busily engaged in the development of the details of the contemplated pro- grade The work has not sufficiently advanced to enable a definite statement to be made, but the construction of three different types of ships is under consideration. One type will comprise vessels of approximately 3,000 tons, These may be built in shipyards situ- ated on the Great Lakes. Another type will comprise ships of from 6,000 to 7,000 tons, while yet another will be a type with a dead weight capacity of from 8,000 to 10,000 tons. TO ESTABLISH MILLS. The Government, in the considera- tion of this question, recognizes that one of the chief difficulties in the way of successfully carrying on a construct- ion program arises from the fact that steel plates and shapes are not now manufactured in Canada, The over- whelming advantage to Canadian in- dustry, as well as to the general cause of making Canada self-contained in this regard is obvious. To overcome this difficulty and to meet the situation in an efficient manner, negotiations are now under way with responsible per- sons with the object of establishing et some suitable place or places in Can- ada, mills for the rolling of ship's plates and shapes to provide the maximum requirements, The loeleott antlers. IN September and ('Leber during the rutting seasonthe bunter occasionally hears the sounds of terrific romhat between those gisrts of the forest, the belt mouse. With their formidable aht)•'re cheek: he -4 creatures can snow a y,nand ilio' h t.'ee like F piers of ma -hem it. an 1 although it is only rarely teat the 4111 moose will attack a in to, if he does do sn the man has Itttle ellen:n unless he is quirk with his hi' powered rife. . The n",er doe un Ignace island. t entr-one anile. en•.t of Roeaport. on the C. P. R. x nsi, • Locked mon'" >, res was fonnd a'- t tragte re<<ra et a combat. Thee A had WA- 1'hy '.gee fighting when the rer.`nlns pent. !Aced glean antlers became entangled Ant unable' n nrw 11;. l aruuud to extrirsts sari etbel the two ant- bears (uresis who of nr w male died there of starvation, their 1.!11 •rc„ ny m th e the Huron, where the Liberals were so plentiful that the old representative ' in Mowat's party, Tom Gibson, had , a life job, the Crerars lived near j Molesworth. It is still a well-known I name in Grey Township. But this young statesman mounted to sic- cess by of the West, where he went early in life. in fact, he might be called a Westerner if it where pos- sibla to get the clannishness of the , County out of one's system. Hon. T. A, Crerar also rose by the stepping stones of the pedagogue to his first position of influence. He was sub- sequently a farmer, and thus has solid foundation for a yet high'' -r career, John Milton Godfrey went up to Clinton school from the Methodist parsonage in Hensall. But this well- known patron of win -the -war candi- dates, the erstwhile Bonne Entente leader and visitor to Quebec, this handyman for very good and Pa- triotic cause, is a Huronite. They say he was not born there. That is about the only loss he has as yet felt. At any rata, it was there he read his first lessons in French under Principal Turnbull, and learned to display his winsome talents on the platform, And it is current report up in that neighborhood that he on:e took an appointment for his fatter in the old brick church of Wawanosh when the local preacher was not available. Moreover, he was then a Tory through and through. All of which goes to prove that he has never fallen into ruts, and will yet do greater honor to his old County, WHAT ONE TORY SAID (Guelph Mercury, Lib. usy yet crawlin' out from under the "It is my intention to proceeed a- torm that struck him. Tories in con- long the lines advocated by the Lib- rol of Union Government: Bah! They are like —: !—:'" — Rowell's runnin' the country now, and the Tories weren't voting for him, it looks to me as though he'd put one oyer on them as big as a farm horse. 'Those 1-1 * ?? ! ,9 situps of Tories down in Ottawa make the sick:" So there now. It wilt be a matter of some satisfaction for the Liberals to know that one good Tory things they ars really in the saddle at Ottau a He was giving vent to his feelings about the Union Government in no uncertain manner. And he wasn't a disgruntled Grit, either. He was a real good Conservative, in fact, good enough to be called a Tory, It was the day after the latest prohibition move had been announced from Ot- tawa, Some of the language wasn't according to Hoyle, and is indicated by marks known to printers, and but vaguely understood by the reading public, As the interview man puts it, he said: ''They told us Tories before the election that we'd still have things er our own way in the Union Gov nment , and that the ---- 1 1 Grits would be in the minority, and we had noth- ing to fear from Borden them. wasn't brave enough to tell us before the election day that the— 1 --- 1 I 1 I — ; Union Government would cut off the last chance' of having a drink hipped in, By —1 1 --- 1 't a if he had done se) he'd have been licked SO 1 I I 1 1* hard that keel keen x NEW ONTARIO LIBERAL LEADER CONGRATULATED BY POLITICAL FRIEND AND FOE, ALIKE "Accept my congratulations," said Hon. W. D. McPherson, Provincial Secretary in the Hearst Conserva- tive Government, Queen's Park, to William Proudfoot, K. C., M. P. P., the t lv dealt with, That is a question temporary leader of the Ontario Op- i position in the Legislature, when the which should be given the most seri- two men met on the street this 1 ors consideration by both the Opposi- morning. k then -and the Government, and, so far "Good luck, and all prosperity to 1 as the Opposition is concerned, 1 am erels for the past six or seven years," said Alr, Proudfoot. "It is also my intention, though I have not yet had an opportunity to go into the matter fully, to bring forward at the next sitting of the Ontario Legislature legislation along advanced lines, leg- islature that will be of material .bene- fit to the Province as a whole. I am also in favor of advanced legislation along war lines, but just what forts it will take 1 cannot say until I have had an opportunity of going into the question. 1 may say that so far as I an concerned, 1 am strongly in favor of the Provincial Government, during the term of the war and afterwards, doing everything that will prove of beneficial assistance to the returned soldiers, "They should he generously treat- ed; in fact, no returned soldier should be able to say that he has been harsh - you," said Mr. McPherson, and then he added, with a senile, "Consistent with my duty to my party." 'Twasn't Law This A. M. These two personal and profes- sional friends, if politically opposed, shook hands in a spirit of mutual liking, When Mr. Proudfoot arrived at his law office in the Confederation Life Building. law had to be banished for the major part of the forenoon. The telephone rang congratula- tions, the -telegraph wires tick -tick- ed, 'eat off at a flattering rate, and personal calls emphasized the gen- eral esteem felt for Mr , Proud - WILLIAM PROUDFOOT foot, One telegram came from Mount 'Clemens, Mich., where Mr. Proud - foot had been taking the baths for two weeks: All "Good 011nplans" wished him well in the enjoyment of the honorable position for which he had been chosen, Mr, Proudfoot represents Centre Huron, and his home is in Goderich, although he has a big law office in Toronto. As to his home, there would be no home in the meantime, he told a friend, As Party Leador. "After yesterday's honor," said The Star, "What have you in your lotted?" satisfied that anything that can be done for the returned soldier will be done." Liberal Party United. "The Liberal party Is still united, and the best evidence of that is borne out by my appointment, which was made without a vote being taken. We are out to win the war, notwithstanding any differences that may have existed in the past. This is a free country, and while some of the party may have differed, the dif- ferences are not going to stand in the way of any augmentation of the Liberals in an effort to keep the old flag flying and do what is best in the interests of the country." Regarding the Hydro -Electric, Mr. Proudfoot said: "Personally, I have always been strongly in favor of E. It is a scheme of gigantic proportions, and I feel that before the Chippewa scheme is proceeded with, that a Commission should be appointed to devise a scheme for the securing of the largest amount of waterfall through the pro- posed extension extending to within a short distance of Brock's Monu- ment, the idea being to secure every possible horsepower that can be ob- tained, and at the salve time arrange the division of the power so that the United States will get its proper pro- • portion. , • • Ultimate Result a Benefit m "This scheme would no doubt in- volve a large expenditure of money, but the ultimate result will be so • beneficial to the people of the Pro- vince that even such a large expendi-I • lure will be fully warrented by its results. Apart from Niagara there are •• many water powers in the Province which have not been developed, The ' whole power scheme of the Province should be worked Out on a most mod- I r► ern basis, and should ultimately be controlled by the Province, m y "ifa opinion the time is oppor- tune for more advanced legislaCott for the wage-earners, The condi- thous of the war, in which the work- • ers have played a prominent part, have so changed in the past four years that the workers are entitled 1 • to every consideration in the matter brought about by the war in all sec- tions of Canada has been wonderful, ••and it is only reasonable to expect • a-,s4.1,^'4s1s.$4,11,4 s'a' ,• . 46c4i'R 61stein Successor to M. Yolteck i 4 4 • 4 m Is prepared to pay the s highest price tier y Scrap Iron, e IR2tgRubbers, 4 &G. P • • ��tpp,tt.a!y,,.p..w+r. ,te,,.wy, r*, „ran ,... r. ., ,• ' •'• • Notice to Creditors way S tu&ion The following interesting st to:lent by Lord Slaaughno:.SY on the Canadian Railway Situatit:1 appears in the Annual Financial Survey of the Toronto Globe. F'I'I It forty mmllhe of this 'vat the suggestion, are looking (to Male' Auot11 • ,u'• the railw h t.)- fully to the eentruliaed effort of an a1 , ,1 la t'ana,ln pre +elan, a overworked (lovor umeet ivhen they -......_ ..-• ," trolled very di ^e. t'et face tram - ['.let- of elonthf 4,0114.1.- Pea) a tithes. when Ile+- chief pt•, 1' rot enterprise of the individual Indus- t, :nave ,tete Ihe pre,blelss of 'Level- trial units that have bent so efli ieut. epment and cn•'sh'ucth,n neceasir)' Iv developed during Coma; of pt,tu*. to l(nap pace with a huge itumi„ra- ibr::u:se any form of control that will tient, !li^ve Ihe effect of lessening the An tndic•tttinn of aha titrference It a.. a of keenoees and reapomildlity eonditicts Is shown, in c'ana,le's en the pert c'f thele unite, is save t.0 trade balance, which lis been outs- be disastrous in Its re tilts. If they ver"ed from A,"t "mines" to a 111.0 net oIrdlily our x- eubnaua"irshe exportsfor peri'n'e !maid 10 h yshould eleven mouths of 1917 ext cetiitie oohs :ho!r traffic problem by plasltl thosover 01 a a billionlllar dolla sio1 ksrlthe)3 by total railroadsIntGovernment tilshippers, leafing imort od period in 11013 wits Neon' ort DTIfm. tRt ce, than a eperatinghe otstairs.with untremmelledtllby billion dollars (tn be exact 91(1.1.117,- poiltle,tl corsitierntiene, to find out 000) the increase In traffic-roovieg hon' to carry the maximum traffic to effort may he realized. That 'rota given parts at a given time, over a eportatlon energy and inereee, of given route, end helping these rail - traffic have been colueldent w tt.', a roads to secure on fair terms the growing shortage of Inbar. a 19a:her funds for necessary mallttenanee and cost of living, necessitating hi'. er equiemetlt. A Government Controller wages, and Immense lntlease in of Shipments. cm•resptulittt to nuc the cost of material neecesary Director of Overseas 9'ran=port, to for maintenance tied repair of nee led, nef a Government Controller roadbed and equipment, so that or P,ailron'la It Is f'Ty to send out the added tralllc has meant not an S. (1 S. call for Government enn- increaseal profit but increased trnl or ownerahin of the railroads anxiety for the carriers. The labor themselves, a control which exPeri- ence has shown to be fatally opposed to economy and e^.'car 'cy. Realizlna that tha fo. rests i1 lo- call'aes stand sec owl 1. ,he tnte:eata et the nation as a s ,,'e, the Cana- dian railways have arree.l to retluco competitive aervleos 1'herever pos- sible, eo that train crows end enc' ,- meat should be is -teasel for the 'ae vital effort, nr.mele the e"trient tran- sportation of war sul+'.d'es, and for this pnrlt,.r t'" <'lrn_'Lsn Railway Asanrtt`ion of Netio.p.1 11 005 ee Iraa eeu formed, rend r(4'llif e totoc 1 - dye heeds of the Ieul1•r. railways. They are doing tills ist;h the un - quaff e,l support of the Board of Railway Commissioner's without <lie- turbing—indeed. they are furthering —the admirable wont of that body which, under its statutory pn•Ilrtnn has semi-lndleial rather than admini- strative powers. In this way the railways themselves are dome- effi- ciently, ecronomically and w{ti,out political interference v hat might shortage may be illustrated from the records of our own 1To'ou1' Roll which show that up to December er 0th. 7,021 employees of the Canadian Pa- cific had enlisted for active service. The satisfactory features are the efficiency with which the Canadian railways have done their part under surb trying circumstances, and the remarkable. absence of congestion ae compared with the congestion that has been so noticeable on the rail- roads of the United States slave our great neighbor to the south entered the war and faced identical problems cabarets networks of railway's Can. With fewer ports and a much less oda has solved its war -export pro- blems with infinitely less confusion. From be beginning of August, 1914 to Not ember. 30th, 1917• the Canadian railweys have handled for the im- perial Government over OA million tons of enmities, exclusive of horses and mules, most of which may he considered as supplementary to nor- mal trams', but so admirably has the have been d.tne ineffici"•a';y and ex - movement been timed with the arrival pensively under Oovernnleat eonIrrrl, and departure of steamers that nota They are working teg^t':ot• harnimll- cent has been earned by the ships as Ot t l e y leca eepattheyiotio are v ata tt tlwa' demurrage. the The burden of iinaneing su'1t move- absence of friction with w''L:'h 1'1chr meat of traffic under such r -" Ntlnns economies are being re, Plvcd by the bas. however. )waved too sertnns for public shotes that the on'.1llr has ran - some Canadian railways. and were 9 ildence in their Judgment. 1'nder not that the Canadian Pacific is more such guidance the r'anad'ttn railway's than a mere transportation system are in a position to m^''aaia their sed bolds extraneous assets of great present efficient operatrr.d of a very va)t:a that have moved an unexpect' levee volume of irn're, and, indeed, erily large source of income. we relieve the longest"'l \ ••erieen ru1l- might have had IttBputty to finding roads of tra'..r which aaprars to be the very considerable sum that we becoming too much fn • them. have invested in war tonne to the Our only "pal hard! 1•. I> i'•s rlitll- Britlsh and Canadian Governments eulty of flnancine 110 epei•attnn of not to manila the dividends that sur ra.ile/nye at the old rotes, when our shareholder= and the tinancirl cost of labor and ens' of material world at large leve become acorn- keep mounting up. With a reason- tomed to expect. 3 able increase of rntee roma. mending The effrctenel• and absence of con- 1( this increased rest of production, gertfon with which our enormous the Canadian railways are well able war trail', has beer handled might to face even severer traffic problems well be taken to heart by our Amesi than those which they have already can friends who, el I may venture eo admirably solved, STATEMENT OF Receipts and Disbursements OF THE 1.1 '14mover 4f 'he 4s'14'4. f I!Inl<-s 7:ntr11•, 1' I I-- 1 ,• ns,rp "1 11 Ili 111 t'•,u., y of 1)u,on, L tre4r, d cen,e,1, Nsl1 1 ht, day given ptut+uaut to '1'10. 1visrll lu,ur , 1 unto,lu;' 11 n11t1 ,oath„,,, nod mli le,t.H+ horn nolo i ther.tllte,t I h,'.xti 11uu,. sin, , ',1,o died nnc.11144111,1,011.! III' 71 ghlh da, a r 7151110, A Is. 1„•I,d1,11 on o, MrfurHlee Ni itl h tl ev •of P,•b, 11• inial A L 16t.1111c1 IHr111 tx- ui. nto ii'dtih clivi Ittl;w t Tc, -1- .,cccitf11154' 15wat, at fir t:• soh, t• t 1 lir. r 11)1'101E111 n, 5 ynl t., Inns, 111' 1 r, vo owldeo.' I t1 1, u1- full psi !Iridium of th• Olin., t1.0 silo* 111.,n1 1 I in Ir ,it.r4,0nle land Ilan 1111t01.0 EA!' 0J11 ,w•uriti,,s elf soy l bt+'d by nein And furti,er tithe i,,,,,Lint otic su 111,11111,11mrnl1 di date OP. autl 11x/. nt1,. ,violIt amp r' of to tribute the asiet, of Ihe deceased nuin,tg the parli . el 111I,',t 11e'1510. 11111/11g_ 111• lino, only to the chit na et which '+hp shall Shan Lav„ ran"•, loaf the .cid Pix, eatrix will not be habi- f-I:h' .ail a0. to on,,, tart there. el' 6• ti , n ren el ;Pitons of w 110,0 e111-.01 e n t 1 I ot bilyy I. y ,,..,tad. by her at the dine I' loth dr tr,bu,ion, I)nta tat in assets that lath day ,,f January, A, I) (ilia. 1515111t. 't'A Nt117[i.11118, 20 a 192eentrix. Notice to Creditors IN '1 if 14", 1s•+'1'A' Is 01 ALIBEt2'C 110',A1.1:1'1', nk''EASED. Natio to hereby ;1' en that all itP1'so11s hav- ing (lithos against the estate of Albert Flow. lett, In H of the Township of Al orris, in 171e t'aunty of Huron, et+-res,ed, who died on or about the 2Uh day of OYcennIHr, 1017, ore re• r4.,1ry d it, deliver bo Willi, o t c yler or Henry ,'slid„1'H'lll, the Fxeeeiors of the said estate, or iIi.'ir ir,hmtor, un or before the 15th day of 1`,•t,t 1y, bine, a fall statement of their claims tone; her with par ii,:uiar• thereof and the eat - or the aernrltl'-..tf any, held by 51500all duly verifiedtt td(1in•I1 And t 6 u u' lh t af'Hr iln'1.41itl Itwl•1011- lamed 1i,,lite, id Net •store will proceed to ':.:tribute t11e ,state of the sista deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having rozald only to ouch nlatnls tic 11111 shall have reeeived due nonny and in neoordo nee there• with Dalt dot Clinton this 12th day of Jennary, ' A O. tats, NVI. lit' l) INE, { 80., tieleitnr for the Exrentors, t "0111Ftdi'I'ABI.1t fl0UgE AND 5,01' 151015 u I•1 ax1 well amt elatern, fruit trees, &o. .1 loo 1 ;ler, o, eorpoottion with largo et end dalila 0t•'1. Poe further particu- lar, n•. h, price, terms, Seo., apply to 1115 1,e50, i Rruo-els. Brussels, Morris & Grey Rural Telephone Company For the Year ending Dec. 31st, 1917 REG LIP'1'S Oaah on hand Dee 31, 1010.. $ 215 73 Gash nom Cent.' ill 1010 58 43 Telephne lentitle 11135 11) 'Tey Pl)ttn,-a 151'1'141, ,119 'I' 1 1.1, t • , i„ hells Mot " itl 1 h, 'Tad,: 1\ i , g . (,,,• 'pail .. . . SP 1' .I Ill Tt,lls Lon .1Tons • ••• M,•vieg'photies I1 n'." 1x1,1 NN ," a' tel 12.,1 t'"I %NO111,'re Ili OW11 181 lira mer It I, r axe Gebenlure itrrl,uul loon -. . Dehe0111res sold Ji,l ''P51 141 P5' id dellenhnr At nen e 1 by subset lino,: 1.11' 144.:1:111,1111 11(4. . _ 653 44 Hp-'r.iai a' 't'•')II'•nl. • 000 88 81wup", (.111 11(1 ojTire 14 5 81) 100 54 $10808 96, 1. 23 11(1 25 1111 IMO :37 47 35 SO 55 88 (10 0 5(1 20 25 27 11(1 28 O•i 7 80 5 (10 7 till 5 00 21 75 3070 18 3001 14 00 40 Yl1.41,110;0, I(4 14,t1',"r4 ,11111 lie nit ., EXP EN DITU RE Oapitat account $ 1705 27 1laintenanee account Opertit EMI 211 les Otliaft,',.nbu•ies , Lit,, itl"t,'. ealtl'y I)1 • el..' s'xrllul•hes .. .... .. tbt•r tvages . .. .......... 'faxes and Iltantltl1CP Printing Freight lull express Fuel and light soopliee 11.11 'l.'1'tepht111P O0 ..... ......... Loans •. •••• •. •• Ptteddenl'11 nein Milt. UP 13y- intvs, Tel, tool meolieg Una Tot Aesooiatinll .,... 70 20 lliarellnneous 1513 43 Farm for Sale Containing'2110e' to, viz , " Lot a0, Con 0, ',[orris township, and Lot 1, Con. 1, (trey tnwn- .111p Iv.'' watered, comfortable house, brook barn and nisoure shod, drivu,g house, wind milt, orchard, (lc utiles North ,if Rruseels nn grrlv,•t row[. Ru101 snail ,u'd rural 'phone, L.; nr.1-tit -drool, w111 0«11 tither or both is,„,„ 1, oute,tld is fort, tn,t•,ber 1st will ho rented. 5`•a' rn then pat ticutars apply to ALF35 POttsY I'd, Proprietor, Brussels, or P. A. ;.,'OTT, Rrus-eta. 0•d For Sale •'e( nerve of farm lauds In the Township of ttarres, adjoining the Collage of nrassela, 111 ens field. There Is a good gravel pit, If t own- ed rip, front 2 to 5 acre„ It has boon tested and enough or gravel there t'0 supply tit,' town and virhdt for the mod quarter of a century: fi building Io Iota on Tornberry stn et ; 1 lot on (irol'ge ni reel, 110/1r 1110 railway station ' 11100 lay private re:+taenoe on Ihe river bank, corner of William and Albert streets. For further two tictltnrs apply to the undersigned at his resist thee. .1. LECKIE. Runssola, 15tH Starch, 1017. - Cluning Rates For 1918 Following are the Clubbing Rates TaK Pos'r is raking for next year to Octnadian Postofiieea :— Tnr Pos'r and Daily Globe $ 5 00 SIaiI-Empire...... ,,, 5 00 Toe onto IVorld,,,. 5 00 rl'4)4.o1110 Stur..,,,1 25 Toronto News 4 25 London Advertiser 4 25 London Free Press 4 25 1"iriily Iieratd., . 2 75 Weekly Witness . 2 80 Far. Advoettte 3 01) Not', Messenger2 00 World Wide, „ , 3 20 Pc veby Lelia)) , 2 75 Perm and Dail y... 'L 30 Fat mgr's Sun ,,... 2 20 cc If pipers 1515 to he emit to the Unit - 1133 02 ed States additional tutelage ie neaes- 7,;82 50 snug, 140 (5! 0tyh tnueLancalnplu)3' all orders as 7011 1)11 the city pltpet's give uta credit. 50 00 5..nd money by Express. Order, Post - 00 itl Nolc,n Registered Letter. thunk 44,7 95 (Thrones must have Celnllliealrin added, 7d 42 Address 30 75 9300 8 6 8'81824' 8 I 77 82 MONTHLY 1231 tie :3010 (17 W. H. Ki01SB, l'lIL P(1S7) Brussels, 0111. A `3S1;'1:'•1 7'I'Pleihlionem 1115111(1 ed $ Phone reefs and oaten. unpaid 'Polls unpaid . ,: ..,,. Rent of moots •. ' 4 ,Main. expense nn 11111, lend, Furs Wanted All kinds al' Raw lours tvt5nt- 4 ed. Highest )alms paid. Call • on the ltntlersigned before you sell, , Alenhity S ee - shins and Peoltry. VVrile or Phone 02x 4 4 4 SAM WEINSTEIN • 360 00 203 26 413 45 9 00 $111893 95 HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regulat. Monthly Ilois,• Fairs will be held this season as I'ollnwe 'I'TIUl3,SDAY, Flal3 2850 APl3,. 4111 LTAIBILI'TIES Leading Local Ind Outside Buyers Present Amount doe bunk ,,.,, ,,,.... $ 100 54 By Order or'Oounet, 1f. S. SCOTT, Clerk, to be paid eclnitlly ht) iwo 1000 00 Stntlt a';; hand ::. -902 81 Steady Work add Good Wages yl `1038 61 $ 100 54 ----FOE-- r ;,UN T C3 II, BANES, 11. 111+A(, Ti, JNO, 1 rRCi U t tlnclhlnrs. Treaeurpt., Heoretary, -N. h, (3f012RYt 1 ..._:__ .,..a..t -----.__. Annual Meeting The Anlin hleetin u gill he hold in Ihe'l'awn Hall, 73ruasels, TUESDAY, Ic'L+'1312UARY 1201. 1013, at, 1.80 p. 111,, when tepcn'ts will be presented, Dir. • eaten elected and other necessary business transacted, itILL fiTitielsa'T 13RUS13NLf3 y� • t J 1 B1 SooLs•eaidant, :►•••*i••.l*0*+'•i/*A***4 *3•ii y@�F Rr ad Tien A poly 10 excelsior Knitting M. MASA,ilAills brussels Secretary, Call Phones 20x or 85.