The Brussels Post, 1918-1-24, Page 2etween C.usins; Wiz, it now but it has cnnleered toe, Thati NAVAL HISTORY 01•` IIII•, WAR. Is why I sent away Mr. \Iacgilvray. 1 meant to keep m secret and never to Brief Summary of the (.onflic•t'e Pro- marey anybody; nit yesterday, in the grecs un the Sett. Pass, 1 me'• Duncan, and then ---it it h rppen el On the see Client. 12121110 showed her "You have sent [away M Maegil- supremacy immediately eller the de - may 1" cried Albert, getting to his 2la2atien of w'222', forcing the eeteen. feet again, and in the action shaking navy to run In cover hohin'l llcligo- 'i£ the hand which Paneth had laid land het ht and in the Tiie..1 C':uirtl an i '''''''''"'"'"r-----7==7:77"":17.7.-- � ul,un his 1'h' uidor• compelling Ger'ntan merchant vessels -.:___._ __...-.. It was the lino! item of her 11 122 CHAPTER \\-111,-(('ont'd.1 • I uitel 1, forern attack which iron 1 upon which his lintel felt able to i'as+.- to seek neutral harbors all neer the pruhabfy, after all, be only a skirralst• cin. Fieri' was something' which l:iy vunt]d. The few German warships on "I1' you did not lure him, then I P'en lla, with her back to the room, within the limits of some lu• g' whL,tt and the high sea+ were run down. The than]. tied that you neon him sway, beat a !21111 lower Deer :t cyrinmtn of belief; whereas the rest— chief naval exploit of the war rya: Another minty will be more 1 1 222ate, fee±n tatich alt can: n'rking the Villi. 1f eur+u, I }save sent hint savoy, the battle of Jutland• which tools place and he will find your heart free.' t1 d lege •s, end remained s212lit• Whitt would be OW WO , t hia staying on bray al end June 1, lt)10, off Ui, Fenella said n" word, as ...Toss tho •,time Fenellu, you have sometnua,, here now that 1 am en 12,1'2, to Dun - i coast of Denmark in wltic•h Germany 10 to tell me, ha can. lint three list OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR, 1 their 2rc:, once •a 222 trrr•s2 12(1 "„ y ve roe not . v•• battleships, cis rruis••r; and drew together. This time there was a touch of hon -2 "Fou etre not engaged to Punran! fire dcatroyers, turd Great 111Itttin sex ...---- "Hewill 2nd y+sur heart tree, ask- 11ani a bind to the breeziness. id Albert, very quickly, turning. upon u, ei rht des41(11 1?. I'h, ed Duncan, with an twitter 11.4..1... in Itis " ee; I have ",methyl!, to tell you." his eister, 1'1'112 n imirh almost f c•rul_et. t1 l Denmark on the populace was pot on 21'2,±21 rations. voice The v ,,. eemetl to come up from ,, '•It 's absurd and non- {Germans withdrew to their home I helnnarh 18 now looking forward to The out horU l2:• care already eon sid0r. 17 a it a};ell.,.. Le,'11 hip +zurt• as ., alt' '1)114 r•att,d as an engage- Potts. I a redeetlun of rvh0at rations, Final ing a further seducthat its the tulinvett But F.12 11 t 211'11 nt. 00 the ;eel. Wren, h sc•n;irt1 to talk of it E" lana; .::= n2,- ±r, h••,. i)own went her t, .h • t.,owd,vl hie+sem . It t1'^a the eat 'est lite -muse he had the Mimi -,Kerman mines •soil; a few British figures for the sere:il hat rust show a ceusmnption. — e1� �,•.1. bask went. ti::' 1 21 1 ,,, •••1',11 chat secret 2')111 nt , .1 •o21 2u the Pass vessel:;, amine them the armored total of about G3,uon;100 bushels„ tion loci n,;, r iu .,a, dente to make lav eta }n win keep Line!: longer i l tell t i ,int into the half -bored 8 it' } 1 1 h t•'i`i ' to her heart f rrui •e1' Hampshire, in which Lord • which le 20,000,0e0 fh t •, to end from were amee yt t r 1 .. w°111'1be :t scene , The numb Weeklies:, was gone t t Kitchener and his staff w t _ - a, res ere ay. .. , .. - "\'out• 2,_..21 t: ''1t , Pat:t'Ilt"." e t:.,. t i f 1£ t yelling in 11(14, and about 10,(1(1(,000 less th2(1 you waeh it with soap and water be r. applying r the Uladcin She hada mad i ire to fling to the pain u1' e: -p, ing it to puldie ty; Uuth voice and eyes not., ::n4, lu its to T{ussin on Jt •:e ti, 1Jlb. The llrtt- her h:uade 02210 her tate, so as to w1.1 alert,- .t ;;Neat as the apprehen- negiuuing t'' circulate was Ostimatnd in the summer, when fort tT+�pplyn [ g place r:: a was ieh have lost ten hattleshin s, nine light i es- ,111 hese In;u. it'a•!ai eves, but Sion of results. mins brans, as the !craved blood til cruisers, and a large number of tile- r' n r , t o -t nhalf-frozen t t 1 nc th,l t i rof n t, a i, gveins then . ,the r 121ann.- looked • n- r .. a r nt t is h.t; f.tll colorstorpedoes, a Fm cd 71'.q t submarines, ilei • •s .uUtn 11 p sire et. r v1t1 h- e, 1.)usjctl, ,l4, ' h r li i t u1' 1 21 utt t `r tt h Ila 1 I t ' r Meet*d body. 11 t 1 v 2,•v •l c <1 tial lar ed merchant auxiliary cruisers uisers and by 1. 1 K Dee i e (� t h , � t her Ir 1'l t 1 at ht t rho , - h dnultlr is .� .: did not fall Left,re those o e, c . you ore eng et u , ear a in t t , r q Il 2,000,000 inse tons of t ti ti eve,, the h of senses: end r h a t-. iutg um- I t,sello, =ton;! nu ttaight, to I with bother. shipping', nearly one -tent drop e;,l.-1, d upon the lar u1' a sett of w•ren.4) of resolution, faced •'111 did not make lute in me —11e: whole Iirili•h mercantile tonnage, likeMedia, 2,21,1 hung there for 1 moment rouuti turvatds iter brother, dict not mean to; he thought I had 212" During the nest eight. months of like a crystal bead, he made a quills 1,I am eiiga.ged. Albert --to Dunes) c•rpted hit•. Ma •• '1 •••ay. It •was I who! the present year 4,501.0(10 tons oil step forward. and chocking himself, 1I Pain1211," betrayal myself:" shitting were sunk, including allied drew balk again. , The words were ,suite platiln to •11 Fou?., Albert's lips twitched into,' tl Don't pith with ole, Miss Fenella,' best's ears, anti even to 111s ander- :t sneer, gas the intercourse with; and neutral ships, New construction he said, with a new and rather a`etn •sanding if that which befits against. Pe+t;•utts, h VMS then estimated at about u million cur rm,stnouSnees without being you as low as t 18, o . a•hiclt 1 Invu=*ht ad- a^ts mad enuup' to solemnity. "Am I the man?" d h' tons, !covin•° the loss to shipping his There wa4 the[ in the urgency of 'tt 1 tat , its inner rireit c i+t he sold. T; •nellu"" • (2.500,002) tons. hi; tone which heat down even bnsit- fulnees. Almost as solemnly as the I)tulrcm M'Donnel:"" was all he }lead went up by ::other inch. m Aped with e1': sael. at a blank in "Fes; it i you:" amge+', and with as great being brought lcnx•. I)un..,n c u•es, lv siukings^havo lately been reduced. :!gain he made an imret•nius for- his yoiee as though he 1!1221 never heard for me. and I care tor him, ant! have,Shipbuilding le increasing. 'Colinage ward numernseee and again stopped the Fes name before. let ur nusin, you l:row, \1- \Ir, h im se1 see That sheJuthatia has let Is amounting to i1;10u,10U has already himself forcibly, 1 keeping till rigidly I If it is no ,4ts. been contracted for in the LTnite,l ml e, c 2 u •he .lain. Although she grew reader, yet hes, The climax of the destruction came t P vi it 55 ship, sunk for the question 7.nnt t11_ low but clear ons 1 without either a�10111 hmeni n1' I dun's !near what you mean by week en1lin" 011 April Vie tveel: w e Uer`.." ready to marry lint. • to his side of the road. "Since when"" nske,l the• m 1st f h then why for me"" State More. Although 90 per cent, "Miss Fenella!" he said deliberately,' a 1 1 imagine that run will be; of the I i 'this cannot be done in a hm•ry; not ce n1' to - 'iii -h merchant tonnage had Litnl1 none nt you Since yestctdey • allowed to marry this boor?" been destroyed, Great Bathos's tm- tirlle3s you are quite cet•tain that you Albert happened to be standing near ••1 ant sure father will 2)112)22• i`.," . ports show a decrease of only t; per know 1'1121 you are doing. '(112412 it a chairwh=±n the blow fell; he sat (To be continued_) cent compered with last year. More- ls pity e.at is moving you; but I down anon it without taking his eyes --._ over, the d). 1)11 tion of the suhma- wontd net be tel. -ten out of pity." X11 off his sister—all the testlr=mess sucl 7'provide•t new foal rachet the the old :aeons w•2,° (12 his r-o.re as he daily lid out of Itis limb, 211111 in theP tltrmselvr is ine•rea• in'r . 11111'. 1. States bureau of fisheries: United t e t said t I t to 1 Food Shortage in France. td-turp_..tu, ,—� Food I i wheal in I°rancc to lie - "You I half rh_1'212:2 v, - >r 212,E jut h-•tr,l into an intelligible you are in town, drop int cooing 1,11 2 x211 morn 21121uing each i nothing than Only half y u: e e." thought, She had dream nearer now, :ext. time y r week. M. Mauler. Lung, 1linister for Fou shall have be awe and V.-11SSpeaking in haste, . a: the hardware store and get a small; Fou are ready to be a tvurktnan's "Listen, Pertie; I know, of 1'0nr1e, coal -scuttle. Take it dowel to the 1 General Revictla.11iitg o1 France, iuili- ryife"" granary and keep it there for putting!rated r0.eatly •that •a •further r2chtc• "I ant ready to be y„ur wife, Dun- that you will not like it ---you cannot tion nl' 90 per cent. in the bread teflon cart." like it—and it hurts me to go against �railt into sacks. Beats anything you, but I cannot item it. I have been , w'ould 80)1(2 become iatp1)1)12e. The ht? you are strong fig t itWi for the fighting against it all summer --I know; you ever trier! 1 manufacInt•2 nod cuunnn11111011 of 1)aS- ficht? —for a bitter fight it will be." "Ftt i; net ant of pity. Drolc',lro" new position sticc,ntlnnet 11 -Oft' experiment with canning. and corning M her with an attention 01111011 And you will not regret what you to t,atrsfnrm w•hnt he 0(•111 meat. I "With you i am strong enough for.. anything." He paused one moment longer, then: slowly came across the road, and slow- ly took her two hands in his. But, for the way in which they shook, his; t.en, outward calmness (tight have deceived her. Very slow too and gentle was the first touch of his lips upon hers. But the second was different, for: already something had begun to racea in both their reins. The hest kiss f._,t Lbw iby *._—...- --.2,^+I try regarded as a luxury was entirely. st1Ppreeeed 011 January 1.,t, except on 'Sunday and holidays. Switzerland on Rations. Che food sitnation in Switzerland is rapidly falling to the danger line. A I ration that is far below lite consume., tion in many of the countries at war I hits already been ordered, lender the ermlY I new regulations, the Swiss may have had been that of the umble he21worship,\'ALLE OF ST:1'rIONARI' DEVICI S I only a pound and a half of sugar per per at the feet of his goddess, the sec- per month. The bread ration and was that of the human lover to hes' There. is a great difference between! Every device can now' be bought in perscm human lore, 1 a modern hoose kitchen and a mod or a clamped fm. There is the bread, has been fixed at about halt a pound Then for a space Fel:ells leaned diz— ern Intel or institution kitchen. This Mixer, which can he fastened equally'., a day, and the butter ration at nne- zily against his arm, Rotund her the difference is not so much one of size well to shelf, stool or table. There is filth of ti pound a month, hills seemed to turn in a circle, --a i its of principle. Fur instance, in the'the cake mixer, which screws to t magic to which kept out. t1e world.! home kitchen w•e have separate de table top. There is the meat chopper',At, attachment for telephone mea!y- A lung,, lung breath came over her i Cached tables, stoves, Ota, and port- —just consider bow much more 211'171 ers which silences 'tell the buzzing, lips such a breath a, is breathed atI at Very little en this tool is than the howl and'I whirring and jarring noises has been the end of a struggle. both by- the van -able emetic?. equipme quishet and the vanquished. is built in or permanent. In the in-' hand -chopper which it supplants ; •invented by a Dutch engineer. After a space Protean spoke) stitution kitchen, on the other hand,: merely because it is fastened instead: thoughtfully: ,tables are more likely to he connect - ',of loose and wobbly! There are also,_ "And now it is we two against all 1ed with the stove surface, ,ill equip -1 excellent devices Tor beating eggs and', the others." Iment is at the same height, connected; mayonnaise also clamped. Coffee We two agalmit, all the others,",by various means, so that work may be; grinders may be fastened to wall or sherepeated; and a moment later o t 1" done one step after the table; contrast such types with the' ll which the rep a, roe et or added: ether' aid -time square coffee mill, v "Not against all, father will be on our side, I think." U 12a. Many more places of equipment, too,worker held in her lap and which re 1'C turnip on the j CHAPTER XIX, vantage here is that everything is; lap until the coffee was exeunt'. !are permanently installed. The ad- spired avast deal c g the w ready when it as needed, and need ( In the kitchen there should be some I Frowningly Albert M'Donnell rt not be adjusted, moved around or pas-!soof shelf so first that even heavy watched the dip of the oars in the w2,- i ibly lost. In the home kitchen of devices may he kept permanently; ed,ebut a week -end -was from.not yet reach- him 1 the future this ideal will have to be damped on it, The utility motor, for ; o a note from Julia good pie him instance, which takes the place of any; home. It honoained a piece uf. I met—stationary, permanent insinish-I . news, though not the one he had been ! tion, similiar inf type, similar in finish, ; servant in the (tome, should be sta looking for. right Berrell had spoken,, height of surface, err, Ik is this denary. There Is 0f more and all was right between him and ideal which is now s0 well worked out'scenar and less drawers needin the average Julia. So far so good. That cat . in shopsand factories, in hotel latehens, "ki'e'.Vs If a device is really worth was killed, anyway. b. Bul id doubt in cafeterias, etc. 2 while and is used a is .ray enough tion as there had been little doubt re- Stop a moment and think what arty to justify its purchase, it should be; the acg this issue, so was elation ixt one does in making a cake in the usual ermeriently installed instead of be- affaii'csti'll waist ng to be ed fact. .tempered, eli with wee I manner, How much of the work is ng set shyly 00 a shelf or in a ch a be a far more critical nature, as after spent in actual beating and how much' 10 where it must he hauled out every the note of this morning he could no 1 its holding a wobbly howl in place? , time it ie needed. longer doubt; for it had brought news Every act of beating, mixing, grating,: of. Fenella as well, though crowded in- 22molding bread, etc., which is done int The reason the portable device 18 to a postscript by the writer's personal a wobbly way, is Mei ease in di milky inefficient i because it take, so much pre -occupations• land muscle strain 25 per cent, Now,' energy to hold it in place, aside ('•0111 "I cant make her out at all," Julia I why does not the housewife see the , the actual energy needed for the task wrote at the bottom ofa the edge. "No-! advantage of the clamped, perms-! itself. 'Therefor of it'emaking itally doubles thing seems .thave ilvrey thd between totlter; neatly fastened fixture? Recall again,' tlietiworkhe clamped device, however, art her -and tile. bIa e d ay ' the mixer for mixing eggs or syrups \\ night. Arid yet she doesn't Seem at all a hused at the modern socia fountain. Is the energy of the worker cern go into at day that hae although I heard yester had lett Balladrorhit" I it, not damped 00 screwed to the shelf' or the 11(2 1121 task of heating, grinding', whatever 11 may h0, It was this postscript which, like a'surface and ,elf -operating? If as can- „Clam , clamp• clamp;' should be trumpet -note of alarm, was rolling maul did it, w0Jlr1 she: oat still cling P Albert to At•dioc2. He could have! to the trarlitiunnl way 0! bolding a one of flu' holl,'e'vc'vc;' alugau+, It lived two days longer without press -•wobbly how} and operating a ,lerky will !!104211 more efficient kitchen; and fn he Berrell hour!, but he felt (,20(21'? les 0.1:"('44 ('11('1(437, that he could not sleep anothernight: without knowing the reason'(1 Ronald [IOW To EcoNON: il ON 1 Haigh-lewdeparture. ,<lt'It IN Bit EA la n' tal.illS `, 'wltr brood' nuan1',:o r<,,'1l rd,dy absorbed. 31Iu,'h of the At the I ,.torp he began ., '1:. � ftuni}t. r Itis mt.t:ors, 2'1111'11 ,•2(1.,stcvl in iv-! n,e,•d 2 (1re,! by rrnnbining a mini- 1S1,h,a,, fluur on the ma11.•! at Pre - r • orders, asked :t.1211•ltt :. t. fb,nr with nth- 1'r nt it t;u•^=4,y white tlo,1 to 22.21,•2 ing Julia h.,2, t "'um u,,ntt of vh,.t Ori to the =ann what harried felitt' 0 • t t ,-. ,a ,.4 fur 1,11111,1 1(11(1:1112:, [11012, Iran lt,, b, ou added. nous for an nndial'.urhed half-hour iu Ili' i'''''''''' of mar(22?1(1wing pat Burne of the 11112(1 at; 21(X11 may with was i u he tilt. (u•st 21/1 •Pitt nl• '2"5.lis:,,', .:now1. 111, fo rrth; 21' 'Ile be suleettuteti lei' wheal. flour are: 1t. was in the wire (eft alone 1 ,r,Loan room th'aF Cher vve±�e (eft •done tlryr',,,',',1. .-tri - 1 t, it - tvulrnt that, rnrneor;al, lucialt:.t.,t fl -u, soy Lr, of l., , ' tt r ,e., 1 tri) ••r' 4 fhe ('urttme:d ,per lov(1 ['211 1 • n• , tau l; bossy. trilt. t' meal 1(01 potato tlnur. Ow flowers in the winch a -box, ,\11,1'rt (;teat., the t5,ad slur• its c•:7•11 as the may be (teed in the proportion 4 one somewhat provoked at 112 -2r:C; hie' 2 142: .•ntolint of 12,•e c l ton!‹..MX EllAt !sept , el t11,1:,l t0 twe haul n `et habitual waders.. eucv111•iee, 911d i 1111'1•[!; ,crus! 1',;,12!1'1 2 grist!;; lie -see :al, flour, Iniek heat tl1< 1 1 111110: troll heat to nrteeal the frust, by It re 1. ('itis nr1h,1 mineral 'matter!nap be- "I e- with reboot. 1'loar in tuty pr01X221ion. peregrinatlen of the rnnrn. „lit ;ii+d f.,rl n in 01,4 21:;' 'IP Lhe With boon rotad and votrun-steel meat1 (1am sura .Thea will 2 24 ,r „ ,11,, ul ,• 2ti1,1,.n, r 1'r 125 the door h,>:+'d ni,olt are bath ,eful in ;rant!] aruou,.t,;, rte. e1 ne,ry,l, ' TIP' nl,2:22(21'' .Ire of 114)1'11112 21'4 the now iihiX'(2 '01111' 2.1 Fenella Potato 222(1(1', sii,'h a, ha,, been Said something' arghiosetnot Loi not trod ;leer, n wheat. meal, wits h is s2, clean 1'1 and 2 111 1241(101 1 oat c;011)yIly avail• quite intellitibk7, he wn1C. on without :,101111, ,.h2 nine ;;1',111 - ah1e1 in one 12121 0k2t", hu1 l'ai'd (12.,01)' i nn:•c..: t runty 1, 2µs been almost t ., 402:[ may he ''11121214 1121011 for t p ":1nd In/ a x,ut ;'ou Fen'? , 1 :ehlml t d, r !nubs. h •ettusc 111'its e1' putts. your 1it.1)e, affair is eetall.d by able t ( vie" 1'. may al .1' 1e• 1 •1'l ;ice ., bahi12', 1)21 t" its been 22nd t>hlrhtly lees than half thewlrh 1'„n• !n fro 11. Boil 1 t.ime'l 14 wrnitd be rather ":°"4 ,,m' minil ;[ +alt , r tent, fIr nu of tons type.. about t.h.:• . ,t.,: [u o;,, 7 `.fou to )11* Or a double event of it?” I,1• lax ttnm lnrpe0ties, which' Ou+. to rhe arsenal eu ed t lou:: t fu I 1!. r (2..,n 4 1122(lo, although the pro.. 1, Equal me tvure: of rr,ol:c(1 le et2 p2112 n,1 bend l'o had selected thin lou:zt14ein of the roarso. fl0nrs ma not be and finer are :atistactnt' in linable. urn} bantering tone orf the one most j y ! y Hotcl Dcl Corollao Coronado !reach, Ca@itfornia Near San Diego MOTORING, TENNIS, BAY AND SURF i3ATIHING, FISHING AND BOATING. Food Cor T 4 Corner Taking 1'!1'72'1 "n Jan. 121. 1102118021 from the hood Controller' am required by all in:untfactcn'ru•s u2' itupurta•rw u1' 1, alif:est I,2 tofcal Nimbi if lete'aded for sale in any part of Canada tine! in packages of less than '20 pounds each, 1''cw people teal!yo the 222121 of the cereal and breakfast purl): ,,2 food consumption in ihc' 1Jout!Pion . Pho speehtl committee eppoiir`cd ,be the Food Cou t roller to rove liglte, cum reaiul'e2 of this trade has made s de- tailed report on the subject. "It is t bu-Lles the mcnlbt'r'2 of the (nmcru tee nee in their' iuteml212- 10t y remarks, "which lets teethed large proportions in the last ('ew ycau•s, he magnitude hits given rise to the :dee that the mares are ee. leaves; ant. and that fortunes have been (1112,40 in this tredc, The tondo [tee t add:, however, !hat "while fol tunes ( have Leen made iu the 111112, its may t 1,1. the most casirs it is quite evi<leu, ih 2 large profits have resulted from the enormous quantity of the nac2:,l;es :old." 1.2 •'. shelves 2222 r• any- ^'1 •,r I A F. tit .1 �e 1 � or slots of of th (mistime ^e one P will c1' 1 l t • his trade in package tl .. 112 l .' tse- j wives, too, know the heavy 111,1': of the week food expenses that le token $ up in package goods. In the broadest under..tending of "food control", therefore, the regula- tion of the package cereals trade is obviously important. It was also one of the most readily reaclud of our Canadian food supplies, because centred in comparatively few firma and makers. Nothing was dune with- out due regard to the le(it!maie re- quirements of a trade t1' hick has, through extensive told sustained ad- vertising, be2ame well known to the public. In fact, the investigation was undertaken by men who command the respect of the manufacture ., the wholesalers, the retailers and ,h2 gen- eral public. The Chairman 2022 I'ruf. R. Harcourt, Professor !n Chomi>-1ry at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. The other ,n• ,demo were Dr, A, M,'Gill, Chief An 1 t to the Department of Inland le. '-rue, Ottawa; Mr. P. B. Tuetin, Chief oi' the Food and Dairy Division, Health De- partment, Winnipeg; and Mr. \s. S. Locky, of the War Purchasing Com- mission, Ottawa. What, it, will be asked, was the ob- ject of regulating the sale of package foods under 20 pounds in weight? Primarily, to keep down excessive pro- fits on Stich paelteges, which naturally are bought in the smallest .sizes by the poorer classes. There was also the desire to prove how great a saving in cost could be made by the purchase of cereals in bulk. The difference in the last named case was such as the average housewife could not be ex- pected to find for herself. Rolled oats were found to be selling in pack- ages weight a little over three pounds at the rate of 8,78 cents a pound. Bought in ten -pound bulk lots the same oats could be obtained for 0.50 cents a pound, and in 90 -pound lots at (1.26 cents a pound. Measured by the diffei`enre in energy -giving units the variation in brands was found to be as striking. For instance, a pertain fairly well ad- vertised mark of oats giving 1,000 "calories" or energy units, cost only 4.41 cents, while another breakfast food giving the same calories cost 21.98 cents. With the licensing of the manu- facture of these cereals a set of re- gulations has been drawn up which will enable the e.ots\imer to know precisely what quantity of food he or she is buying in the small package. Licenses will protect the public in what they buy through the operation of regulations, and which have to be competed with before a license can issue, that there must be printed on the package in easily read form: 1, the name of the article; 2, name and ad- dress of the mailul'auturer; 3, license lumber; and 4, net weight of con- tents in potunis and ounces, The committee insisted also that the cost of containers, empty cartons and bags must be only a small proportion of the total cost, so that the consumer may not be paying for the package at food rates. Still more important, the regulations contain the stipulntiou: "The price at which the goods aro sold to the public must not exceed an amount allowing a reasonable profit, To assure the carrying out of these regulations the manufacturer's books must be open to inspection, subject to t the cancellation, at a month's notice, of his license. A fee front $10 to $60 and even upwards based on year- ly turnover will be charged for. licenses, Another new turd important depar- ture in food control is contained under the scheme by the provision the tho "licensee roust agree, if so required, at once to make earnest endeavors to • find substitutes for ingredients which, from time to time,• may be neeeseary to conserve. Just at present there shnuid be a saving or all the wheat possible. • 'Thos it will be seen, taking the ex- tent or the cereal trade in the Dom- • inion into .account, that the Food Con- troller. has by ti simple expedient under his dicer tionaty Powers, al- ready secured effective control of ono of the food supplies of Canada. Ile has, 171„10•"', t:1', by the 821100 simple method without interfering' with 61,- 2 (finery course of trade ,o far its the retailer and his custom011 are concerns , ed, given the public an effective lrnaren1ee that p1'iew( will 11(12 soar tbreugh 112220es width. Indy not be justified. 18 -Holo Got Course lintel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager 1==e 11' rte:-waayzu�:r?a oseize:•^. eeaeelsetc .•e Item m.,oese saxes-'- lso.e s,T.,. ertt ze 1'f Pay Better Than Ever ODAY a bushel of corn or wheat buys more fertilizer (potash excepted, of course) than at any time during the past three years. Note how much cheaper you can buy a 2-10 fertilizer now than before the war. t i Irl. 1914 would buy In terms of farm products, fertilizer's cost less today than in .1914. Fertilizersipaid you than—they will pay you better now. Fertilizers are today more profitable and more necessary to efficient production than before the war. Boost crop production, grow more per acre and increase your profits by using fertilizer, Help both the railroads and yourself by ordering Spring Fertilizers NOW. Send for literature to Department 45 Soil Improvement Committee of the National Fertilizer Association Postal Telegraph Bldg., Chicago The Mummy Bldg., Baltimore 492 V. wVV...'t 0.. s2,. 2_ `2 w (aye til 1,t/ NII 'i" geara 4ein• "Hundreds of Dollars In ActualProfit" More than one farmer has told us --since he has got a copy of " What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete," that the advice it gave him netted him hundreds of dollars in actual profit. Get the book—it's free—and by reading it you will see the profit there is in building improvements of CONCRETE according to its plain, simple directions. For instance, there's a page devoted to Watering Troughs --showing how to build the sanitary kind that will not rot, rust or leak. Several pages devoted to Concrete Silos. Others telling how to build concrete foundations for barns. All these are improvements a farm needs—its value will go up considerably if you use concrete in the building of them. AndY ou'll he able to " work" your farts with less effort and on a more profitable basis if your buildings and utilities are of the modern Concrete type. This book gives all the directions you'll need. ltelneraba'c—Concrete improvements are fire proof, rot -proof, vermin -proof and indestructible.. The honk also contains interest ing photographs showing whist other Canadian farmers have accomplished; how working plane reecelin2 hothey did it, Perhape you are specially interested in some of the features listed In our cou1 eon, Poi a 2;ass opposite the ones about which you want particular information, e et -.1'r :s. :.:,:,a:-a-� ^:x is v +N 1\iZni( wlul tiac1, 14 !nForei t',2,"lout,:.rW�w rt.00115 DAIRY ROUSES CONCRETE (LOC45 " OARNS SILOS .. T FENCE FOSTS GARAGES �... ROOT CELLARS tROUGHs AM) T24185 ROADS tWha¢ the fanner as do wn11t cor,ae ' t tarda (emelit € enupafly Lim fed 603 guild Bldg., Montreal atlearty MAST A xc $. d W Figure the Titus waste Involved In nvoldh,2 the bud wad. hether driving or mot swing, you cm, travel over a two• site stretch of concrete quicker (1042 over a ene•mlle section of old-style road. Permanent tei3ItrraYO of Concrete will enable un to greatly sabre the curt of hauling farm produce. ll our eodnlry`e buaineas will be 41)2!122 nitndedutho olld•style,, rut -tilled monomlzed ed rands with roads of concrete. You use Con(rete on y0,10(11110 to 2c• ace the Cost of faro, up -keep—, because CoAternte niminntes "25(121(20" or the same remelt, boost for 2APatete as a mail material--lt is We ns effective in MYM ting econox 21121 the Farm. n 1