The Brussels Post, 1918-1-24, Page 1VOL. 46 .V() 3o r.5o Per Alumna in Advance
'ea, ,..a•-ef
lb.' , )
a special feature by this Bank. 238
G. H. SAMIS, ID ID It/ Manager.
Advances to farmers are made
istrist iletD5
Pte. Hugh Sinnamen, who ie train.
in at Niagara oaw p1 speut the week
end here,
Mos. Gamma sr. is 111 with pleuelay.
Hoe minty Mende wish her a speedy
Nes. Ed. Rogers took (1 stroke on
elay and is yeey low. Little
hope is held nut for her recovery.
About a dozen extee men were en-
gaged ou the G. T. R. here cutting
back big &Me, the effects of storm
last week.
Nies, Robt. Aitchison was operated
nn for appendicitis on feteday at the
Wingham hospital and is getting
along nicely.
*sot( Shaw eeceived notice front
Ottawa on Monday that his son, Pta.
Frank Shaw had been wounded in
leettnce on Jan, 12th. It is a bayonet
wound in arm and was accidental.
The water in the river here is get -
ties very low. A. large numberof
greats are coming here from outside
places and unless one January thaw
soon mimes power will be low.
East Huron
Board of
Agricu I ture
Meetings will be held as follows:
Brussels, Thursday & friday, 'Jac 24 & 25
Speakers are 'J. W. Clark, Oaineville, whose
subjects are :-Growing Alfalfa; Commer
Mal apple growing, how to make it pay ;
Malting a small farm pay ; Importance of
seed selection; Commercial Fertilizers; Do
they pay Evening -Poultry from A to 2;
Care of an Apiary,
8. 8, Smith, Stalthdale :-Beef Cattle, breed-
ing and feeding; The sheep Industry in On.
torte; Cropping for beef and sheep farm;
Seed selection and eon problems Evening
-Crisis ; The Ferment' Olob as a means of
Mrs Et W. Parsons, Toronto :-Women in In.
dnatry ; Experiences in Germany ; A Box
for Overaeas Parlifircolltary Procedure ;
War from various standpoints ; Lot nol.h.
Mg he wasted ; Woman's duty towards the
National debt,
Question Drawer at afternoon meeting on
Thursday. Questions answered Prldity.
Musical program will'he rendered each even-
Meetings open ab 1.80 and 7,80.
Secretary. PreSident.
i. John Thynne is seriouly ill with
pneernonia but hope he will soon be
o k.
Wmeleuff, who underwent an op-
eration in hospital at St. Thomas
several weeks ago is home fox fete
weeks test..
Mrs. James Strnehan visited her
daughter. Mrs. P, S. McEwen, Turn -
hem y, during the past week.
014// Illati /An& and Red Oros shipped
2 guiles, 45 eteet Ouse maps and 40 face
cloths to the Red Guess heatiquatems
at Toronto tide month.
1Voeti has bee 11 received from a
onetime 00 the Jamestown boys than
they have received elude Ole istunts
parcels sent by the ladies here and
have appreciated them very much,
The Institute and Red Cross referee -
bee the boys well in the seeks line,
sending each boy 2 pairs every 3
About midnight last Satutelay eight
Wm, Willie died at, Lia home, Lot. 7,
Con, 1, Grey, aged 58 yeers and 8
niont.lis. Ile had been in failing health
for over 3 years from heat 1..
and his demise was Hot at" uttexpeeted
event. etlr. Willis was born 111 Nis -
501101 township Mid ilad lived in 'rutin.
ben y township berore he bought the
Nem of Wtn, McKelvey here. He was
inarried revive, the lase meatier being
called away last July. The children
nee ;-.4.l 1)1(1., ill the West ; Leiveence
on the homestead ; and. 41*5. A. Nich-
ol, of °Amick township. Funeral took
piece Tuesday afternoon 10 Wroxeter
cemetety. Service was taken by Rev.
Me. Sinclair, Belmot 0.„ The snhjeet
this notice was an ifidtistriimil man
who wee eespected hy t110 community
and the helpmeet' elm( e the sympa-
thy of the people 00 the Inv:Oily.
Geo. N. McLaren
The time has been extended
for closing up the adenoids of
the tete Geo. N McLaren to
January 31st, Aft er that date
they will be passed to other
Mtn& for colleceion, with costs
Address a postcard to us now and
receive by return mail a copy of our
now illustrated 80 -page catalogue of
Garden, Flower and Field Seeds,
Root Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, Small
Fruits, Garden Tools, Etc.
SPEC1AL-We will also sons' you
/780 d package (yalue 15c) 01(311re/wi5e
Butterfly Flower
'.1 his is one of the airiest and daint-
iest flowers imaginable, especially
adapted to bordering beds of taller
flowers ane those of a heavier growth,
Tho seeds germinate quickly and
come into bloom in a few weeks
from sowing. The florescence is
eraeefe. such as to completely obscure 'the
foliage makieg the plant a veritable
pyramid of the most delicate and
charming bloom. The Butterfly
Flower make udmirable pot plants for the houso in late winter and eerie
spring. For this purpose sow in the autumn.
Send for Catalogue and learn 01 051(01' valuable preinittins
••••••••** • OOO ••••••••••• ***** •••••••04iteoeo•••••••••••••
I Will teke you out of the joh-huntieg Class atgl pee yen in the Class '
for whom Jobs (and good ones) are Hunting.
We teeth 001 student's to give the moat, offinient, theeefore the •
t best -p5118 service. Affiliated with the Central ihnliness College•
,e Stratford, arid the Elliott Business College, Totionto, 1 •
: D. A. IVIeLAOHILAN, Pres. A. HAVILAND, Prinelpal.
1 The regtenti intiethig of the
t/ei Wont' O's Teeth rte will he held
in Viet nein Ball, Wed necelay,3ifienti y
301.1), al, 2 a/ p 10. Ml89 Mai y John-
son will give an intereating tells on a
selected three. Roll call to he maim:w-
ed by ('00.51)1(8 why le would be advice
able to sign the Food Pledge, or net,
Dismission, led by levesIdent Mrs. Boit,
*10 00110(8 Roll Call.
(Intended far lam week)
There is a new ha by boy at "Rory"
MeKays this week,
Query, 8011 Of 1'))1.Jaek lin, is visit-
ing old le iends around home.
.A I her! Hi ighttiri has been visiting at
Mt s. Wrn Moses' for a ?NW (Jaye.
/MSS B lake 18 visiting in 'Wing -
ham Chas. Lido is again home fermi
the West.
Roy and Mrs McLean, of Gull Luke,
Seek., visited 111511' Unlit, M2.8, John
St rectum.
Miss Maggie Richardson visited her
parents, Douai() rind Mire. 'Richardson,
for the ilididity.
James Ffogg, who is visiting at
Loretizo Finites is impeoved in health
we rive glari to state.
Seven farm teams and a number of
sturdy farmers broke the made and
opened tartffic on Monday after the
141 (5, Wm. Turnbull still remains
with het brothel's, McCartney Bros,
Hngh is now so far (00088.7018 as to
dispense with the attendance of a
Dan. :31 ettehan, Hanover, and Rev.
J. T. Stettchan, 13. A , R D., and Mrs.
Straehan and little MPLeall visited at
Mte. Joie' Stiaeltan's for New Years,
Gotemillou Walter Yuill marshalled
the roadbreakers on the gravel road
on Monday. We will being 511 our
woes to Wat, now.
Deputy Reeve McNabb is attending
the 0o. 000(1811 enlivened in GInderiele
Dime forget, the Red Cross Concert
111 Lorig's Hall Friday evening of this
week. First-class program. Admis-
sion 15 and 25 cent&
Knox church Amami Report lute
Mem 'leiter' nnel 51)11(85 the critigrega-
ion to be ill a healthy coedit inn. Miss
Annie Leitch is Seceetney-Tt ensurer
of the
W. J. and Mrs. Huntee, Oshawa,
were calling at the former's parents.'
home. They came to Brossels to at-
tend the funeerte of Mrs. Hnnter's
brother, Jas, 8. Shaw, who died in the
Geneeal Hospital, 'Iemontn, hug Fie.
Mr. and Mies Oatembell, Chesley,
have been visiting their uncle, Jonas
The Endeavor in the Presbyterian
church has been discontinued clueing
the Whiter months.
Girls' Patriotic.: 010)1 will meet at the
!mine of Mies Ella Peayson, Monday
everting next, at 8,o'clock,
Mete Roble 1312(01(87 has been in poor
health foe 2 or 3 months Past but we
hope to hear of wetly improvement..
M. and Mrs. Racey, Shakespeare,
are eliciting the latter's son, R. J. lel me
rtey, G. T. It agent, Mr. Racey being
1»s stepfather.
Jas, McCallum tore down a house
and drew it 2e miles to the village all
inside of 24 home, Whn will do the
next big day's work in Ethel ?
A Royal Arch Purple degree meet-
ing will be held in the lodge room on
Monday evening next at which all the
members are requested to be present.
W. and Mrs. Fletchee, Roblin, Mate,
are visiting °uteri° friends. They
alE at present with the former's broth-
er, Ed., in town. Thele wives are sis-
Nicholson and J. 'McCallum have
got a speeding cutter from J. McNeil
1)1' morning constitutionals. Jack
doeen't care (1,5 long as they don't
(wet eh the paint off It.
John McDonald received a cable on
Moightv .frorn his son, Pte, Stewart.
+tying he was in England and got a
tIlieftiOtt, and the most important
tart of message Wail that he would
ike $100 as Sf1011 a4 possible to cote -
am 1,11%1 aa
ll ngel/len te,
r,,,st Monday's attendance at the
ee melee Situday School 1855 01, and
..e,. mixt Sunday. Don't
). maw.. prrrokreri to give a good
i• old of the 2e Innen At'
• el ' allowing. Dollar
/I II ;.,01 001a1 (((1 the pint e.
If Pe, vim at rived 111 Toronto
11 trot, be)hel TOPA-
111 11111118 friend,
1. to h tie al len0 depot.
(15 lie hi Rtitdimlott
Ire '71, e mettleg of Parliament
et It 14 III /1 IV.. 111,110 IVISUIP when
1)ee in.
A ineptly 'medley *tweed ota'Pritlity
pay the last (.11ml e reepent to the
I. OM fie)Davidson Pall heavers
000 110 1,1110%, 0r t 110 0111,1111 OrdPr Of
11i1/11 110 Was a 11101111101/ 11,/ V MP
Pfloll .0/n1 /1 01110 101 ter 0/4,m 1/1a
lel 0 in Oknthetie.e h
r cleneed
et lupe Heel -dune Steen itileteireit of
e Suede y 8141o111 and piii posed g4
)1I(1 4)1I 10 *1 1(5137 for the Baptiet Win-
A pair of voting git 1e al rived a I" the
0(11. of John end Mee Kelm) er Met
idey emitting. TI1P older ladies of
e town who have the 1 'mutat inn of
ening 8/11 11 0011141 1,8 dingy nf happen-
gs of this kind 0)5111) they nee the
St pair born within the city limits.
this is coerece they should he en -
Jed to at tenet a Nee army nf the
l pet- ao
s son 130 19)1217' names tette
LEO1PURE,,-4p7119 evening a
attire will be given in the Methodist
arch here by Rev. 'Cape Robert
anent, M. P. P., no "Onnadians in
emcee" where the leathern, settee() as
aplain, .A musical peogram Will
o be given. Peotieeds will go to Red
ose put poses. Leitteve under the
spices of the WOrne11's traidtilte
11'1, 111155 it at Capt. Pompon ill a
• pl
41••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••+********4*****
All the available 111011 113 101811 bay
110011 elsovelling snow 1111 11(0 IL T. It.
There le a euse of' ptieumeide in II'
Womb; hotne hut, we hope for ettely
i move v eaten t.
Mist; A. fr, leanatityne, thanber, syntl
01111ed to thenteele to ateericl th
el e fetter -
'if hey envie, the tete Jae. 8. tiliaw.
0 ES Jfat IIMP1',1 ON,- Torn n Stet'
'meek's of father arid beocher of etre,
Mete) Joheson tie fellows t-Itev. T,
11. atch teed appeared roe 1 he 17,1.1151/-
lion of Douglas H. leittecliford, one til
his three eons. Mr, .131elehronl ia in
his finalyear al, 1 °route y
end the applicantes eldest ant; 11'1(8killed in actem in Flanders on April
25313, younger brother is at pipe-
ent in 'Witely camp, Etiglae mon his
way to Fiance. Judge Oontaworth
tevereed the iributters de -Melon, ex.
erupting Blatchford until 011355 2,
11 have. keit. ,t tr. • ., I eie
; i/1111411M 10/41 /11,1,-11
0 in* 1% 1011 V01 4411/01 1,41/Volnia'r 01 1 10, °nubile
y2.111' Was t.1,1S. j
Ii2241 ti
"13,,11" lys oto ('81,1 37 week le- to
hiv relatives 4,1,1 1 rie,,d, 111111 ,111Y
heed a day 111 (111' liosni101. 1,/ was
mitarried mid 11110111 38 yeitis of 1(341.
‘l54. J. I lett, of ties 1.11190113 is
15111'me 11 11.18,, 110,0,
NI 00 1 11141/01i0 1/ pm.; the 1,11.
1)..)' wit I) to lentle itt Tee-ts et. a
Miss 11288'! Baker, 114111111o0, sprit
he holiday With her pat
MIKA Leila Midi vet iirhed Lome on
81*tturtifty nee "len 10g her Feet. 1. 10.71%,
Dli ,100, A111%1111,31' 1.4 1,Winv,h.,11.1
to the beside of lee lior. Mr. 1S 11110
11,l4, 181111 5 111,
11. It, and .11)8, Lir10g,1010., 110/0
011011 1. IL 1'011 days Mel ek
.1 teal e. eirreray and ke'in, omit
elee. Irwin.
It r. 8. Devi -me, 15el34reve, n ill ms.
('(((11' 1111' pulpit in the eletheili-1.
chio eh next Huntley.
etre. \V,. Nioltol and foully, Trott -
104 e vieiting with her parente,
\Vie, and Mrs, Lowry.
Reeve Livingston is et Goderich this
week attending Hutton Go. Commie
A member from this locality attend-
ed Union Church Anniversary Seedily
and took in the Jubilee Concert Tues-
day evening,
Next Smithey Amiiversary sermons
will be preached in Knox church here
at 2.30 and 7,30 p. m., by Rev. Mr. Tel-
ford, 13. D., Blyth. Special music and
special offering. Monday evening 11
grand Coucert will be held, with Rev,
R. A. Lundy in the chair. Tnient will
00951519 00 Mr. McGee, the Harpy Laud-
er Of Canada ; Oarthew, Bidets,. ;
Misses Ballantyne, Hoover, Bath well.
Livingston and Harrison, elocu Lion -
i085 ; and Reeds. 'McCulloch, Johnson,
MeDimald, Thompson mid D041,11, ad-
dresses, giving a musical and Ilternry
bill of fare not easily equalled. Ad-
mission 25 and 15 cents.
80030 places on the gravel read are
well buttressed by snow banks.
John, the 12 year old son of NV. 3,
and Mrs. Shot treed, who under svelte
an operation for eppendicitis 3 weeks
ago, is making good pl ogress and will
soon be n. k, we tenet.
Next Sunday moulting Rev. Mr. Tel-
fot cl, Myth, will occupy the pulpit of
Duff's church. He goes to itliiiicrieff
for afternoon and evening, that being
their anniversary. Rev. Mr. Lundy
will preach at Blyth nn Sunday.
Monday, 1411) hist., Wm. J. HalYnws,
son of 3138(11) 13(118 el es. Biterows, Wal-
ton, died in the eledicine Bat hospital
whit:het' he had gone for an operation
for appendicitis. He was 43 yeatts and
5 months of age. The remains were
brought to the parental home and on
Saturday afternoon the funeral took
place to the Brussels cemetery, De-
ceased who has lived in the West for
a member of yew's, was home 2 years
ago. He was unmarried and was an
industrious straightforward man, re-
spected by all who knew him. In ad-
dieion to the parents, 2 brothers and 3
sisters survive who have the sympa-
ehy of the community.
Reeve Donglas is attending County
Council at Griderich this week.
Mrs. D. McTavish 11118 801(3(3(518 feotu
a UMW'S visit with relatives in Tor-
Tindall Ritchie, Wingham, spelt
Monday With his mother, Mrs. Jas.
C. D. Simpson recently of Loring,
Ont., has taken position in the hal
ware store of J no. Douglas,
89800 wa,s netted for the Red Orose
Fund Ete 13 boX 801)1a1 held at the Iasi.dtice of A lee. el eKeech et , Howlett.
Veil' high prices were t ealized at
the auction tette or 1e.001 sleek and
impletneitis 0 Wm. cesetutiee sr.
funeral of the tete \V,,,. Willis
who died at hie home neat. James.
torrif honk !dude to the Wroxelee
cemeteey rtiesdity afternoon.
Ifralik Mitchell fold daughter heve
eturned to their home 51 Tegpeee,
Sask., having re nie t,( ItIl. s 18 s he
funeralI 1
0: Lie 11 3 titer's mother, the
late Mee. A. Miteliell,
PLR, 11,0 1)8(1, Ifeleete eldest son of
Jas. A. mei \Ira helgar, Detvick, who
enfieted the West e ith the 162ed
13at1'. goiter oveteente 17 months Agee
arrived at Qu' -ben leer k end has
since been eene to Regime ti her e he
will receive l,is distill/Lege, Ile wee
wounded Met Speing h'ts '01 re..
coveed the use 1,0 (5918 of
This week Reeve W. H, Feaser is
ettemling the Comity Council al,
Gide This will be an ehjoyable
peeienne for him,
Setert. Stewart lel eKercher, 117rox•
eter, who lots been overseas and is
home recoperating, was a, welcome
visitor with A. and Mts. Adams, 5t11
line, hie (mole and aim le
A wood bee wits held Met Friday
cat venomat Wm. Dark's, 1119 which 18
knee weep neeptidatine, Me, Dark
who Waft SO seriously ill W1 (1) I1181) -
11111111a, is able to be about hot has to
be vetty careful during such exteeme
weather. Ile nemeecialed be kind -
mess nf Itisighlems and friends.
eeported the* a well known 1 esidan 17
of •the 8th line 00 Mertes township, who
enlisted with the letst Huron Bete
was killed in action on October 20t1).
The lest report received 600021111 ng
hitu mune feign Pie, Agar, of Brnssels,
who wrote that he, Lawson and oth-
era were in it shell 1011e seeking protec-
t inn om a German onslaught,. Agar
was Imeied excepti his head and aim
by tt ellen.. What becenit of his com-
panions he did not know, II, is hoped
Mr. LaWSOti was 1 aken prisoner by the
enemy although 10819101) Weed 11138*38-
('15818. Pte. Lawson Was the 2t)(1 son
of 301113 Lawson, ne1 old and well
known resident n? the 81,11 line. He
owned 100 neves of land and when he
enlisted, in March, 1910, arranged to
J. Bente, lionver WAS af Deegan -
»on last. week a teetidittg the funeral
(4 hie emeriti, Hold. le elea vet), who
died the Seturclity previoue.
Last week Robert Miller. 12th Con.,
Aoki a tine draft 0 year n111 horse to
Philip Anient, foe the snug sum of
$230 00. Mr, Amen keeps a lot r/r
g1111r1 tecI114 and does »ot stiek at the
price when he gets what voits him,
il`yertria», of the West griteed
road, has dettided to give up farming
and purposee holdieg eletteing gale
of Nem ethele on Friday, Feb. 15th,
at 1 p. In, Livf 111/3y he 111a31 10 11118
iSime of True Posy, PPley Tsernien,
the youngest son, will Mirsue farming
opetations cre the 1)01,(0.313l,01,
One morning last week when the
snow plow gmng of the (4. '1'. It. and
their band of helpers were working to
get the track clear 111 of the number
had their breakfast ue .1 no. Steiss' and
13 had theitt first meal for the day at:
Chas. MeQuattle's. To feed a (vowel
like that on such 01101 -1. notiee Ineent
ample resoneces and ready Mums to
get it ready for the hungry 111811 181(0
liad been working all night. '11104
ladies did their part in zreat shape
and itt was appreciated highly,
Spr. R. G. McKercher Writes
from France
Spy. MoKercher, SOn of W. S. Me-
Keether, Wroxeter, *mites thterest-
ingly as farms :-
02,395 FATHER -Here comes anoth-
er Sunday and an opportunity to
write. Tomiglit it is snowing a little
for the first time this Winter. It has
been .faitily cold of late but the days
were always sunny and as a conse-
quence we di188 not feel the cold. We
had Battalion church parade to -day
and OolnnePs inspection afterwards.
The Chaplain of the Battalion is an
old 28t1i Battalion man, He preached
femn a pulpit made of deems. We
have 2 bends in the Bat Fallon, a Metes
band and a bugle band. The brass
band played the hymns on Sunday
and the 2 bands go with ue on all
route marcres. AS we have been
down the line fee almnst 8 weeks now,
I den% Stippose it would make much
difference if I gave you some idea of
where we were, etc. We left England
the last of October, landed in Fiance
on November Isle went to Caliadian
Base of Maples for advanced gas in-
struction and medical exams., left
there in box cars, the usua3 hemp train
11 10313008 resembling a cattle treitt In
)nada, for one lene teflon. The 200
O. R. T. Wae the 2701 infantry 13at-
alion-ealled the 12th York Rangers,
vont Toronto and North Perk) it 1841,11
tonverted into a Runway Battalion
efore leaving England. 'The &Mai-
er; was up in the Yelps' snlient and
'0" Crenpany, the one I came to, WAS
he nit !heet tip the line, sn I got right
tito it from the start. The Railway
mops as you no doubt know, build
ght railways for BP rrying Op guns,
mmultition, etc. 001 Company was
(irking between the heavy at tillevy
nil the remit Hee and 08 1). consequence
eceiveil the benefit of the shells ((18(1-
18 at us atel also those alined at the
nee. We had grate a minthee or
(50(31 ties nothing minipare
ith these of the Imperial labor 13ne-
allow; working for us. The Rallwity
rums are supposed to knew how to
1)11131)1113 railways, you 1500 and each eith-
er is nab 011133348 1(1' a gang of
meals and simettinteruls the Job,
bile the Imperials do the Work.
ometimes I had as many as 2 m
5 en
(irking Pol. me and you may haveme idea of how 1011011 T know of
tilling ettilways, The mound rip
st Ypres 18 304t like a. honeyromb
r shell holes. There's not a blade of
ass left, tepee OR large ns the ones ill
((00nt of the 110088 are t111018(1ight off
d Snialsbeil all I 151801'..,151801'..,ere. One
s nhsolniply no idea or the et entigth
an explosion or one of 11(11.91' /al (70
ells, Yon have heal d of the "pill
Res" the.Geellettle had on the 'Verve
Rene, They are little Men
lees ettle
feeeo-eoncrete, walle of P0111011 1
out 2 00 8 feet think mei Ipinforeeti
steel ends ahem: ineh dittemlete
tilting in n.11 divectimec through the
nettle These "pill boxes" held
nett 20 to 40 mete I saw one (het
d Leen hitt hy a big shell 13(111 ie wits
mated en 3110005.3110005. It reminded
Of a tontine( after had 110211 1111%
a haenniet, Neediest; to stay the
etnahs wells e839111 in their box, The
vet pea of 01111 job, always Dement -
the labelling, is grading for tient
Ismer of Attioniebile Licenses
ler Huron Comity.
Helen. by eloney 'ler or
Mkeit Ch
et eque, lexellange
tenet be added In all eheques.
- .8..11 eheques muse be made jaw -
able to le. H. Wood. Postage
fee return of (1113(18018 within
20 miles of (301887101)50 ; (1801'(1801'2et miles 10e.
lines becatiee you haVo t0 Wink Over
grotinti that has Jost, been gained and
it is covered with dead, etc. How-
ever were bet tee off than the infante y,
1(20110051(2011005 eve always have a tent or a
thig-out to come home to at night.
We ale enjoying the test all right,
Of course. we are mere regimental
now, shifting buttons, polishing rifles,
shoes, ete., but we usually have the
aftetetoorts off. We are having field
day null sports on Tuesday and on
Wed needity we are having a Battalion
shoothig Competition, 'prizes. of 875
fiance eye to be given. The Y. 111, 0.
A. hae vestablished a recreation camp
here and we are having Concerts
every few nights. Monday and Tues-
day last 1811 had the 1611) Battalion
Canadian Scottish from Winnipeg
West, to Vancotiver giving concerts
and they were flue. Next night the
band gave a concert and so on. ]3e.
sidesthis the Company is preparing
for a Christmas dinuer. We are go-
ing to have it in an old mill. Got a
parcel from the Young Ladies' Re-
cruiting League and it was fine. 15(11
on headquarters cook house fatigue
tremorrow so will have to get up early.
Got some papers of Oct, 6, the other
day from you, rend them of course.
Haven't beatd from you for eorne time
but expect the letters are waylaid
entnewhere. How is 0013Seription
going 11 It seems like a lot of non,
50(388 ell the squabbling that is going
on over in Canada when the felloses
are wading around here in the mud
and water regardless of religion,
politice and such foolishuese. The
snow is corning through ihe roof of
our palatal dwelling so must quit and
crawl into (71137ly blankets before they
get wet. Peaker, a, chum of mine, is
having his nightlp. louse hunt, For-
tunately I haven't bothered.
Yours trnly,
SPIt. R. G, MoKEamega,
2192529 "De Cloy. 2nd Batt, C.R.T.
B. E. Fe France,
Dec, 10, 1017,
Fatal Accident by Gas Explosion
T. 0. Davidson moots His Death
The Hooker ((018181)0(317) Advance, of
January nth, gives the following par.
118010551 of the sad and fatal accident
that suddenly cut elf the life of "Curnel"
1)71911(030,1)71911(030,sou of Thos and Mrs. David-
son., old residents of Ethel locality who
recently took up remdence in Brussels
aod to welch 'roe P0011' referred to
briefly Ian week •-
nAn accident that terminated fatally
oecurred Nicotine when a soldering pot
exploded and set fire to the clothing of
T, C. Davidson, burning Isis face' hands
'and hotly terribly The accidentoccur-
red in the presence of several customers
some el whom 18070 (1)00 painfully burn-
ed, but who were unable to render aid
soon 03)083411, owing to the Oircumstan.
esS tinder Which the accident occurred,
It seems that Curnel, (as he was known
to all Itis friencle) had Just the res-
ervoir of the soldering pot with same
gasoline and thee filled the air chamber
with air from the pressure tank 310518 for
ailing tires, as was commonly done in
the shop ; lot got too (1)11011(1)11011 air 13) tile
tank, anti jest as lie WAS- about to test
the pressure the *auk b ew up scattering
the ignited gasoline about in a radios of
t Went)? feet
The clothiug of Joe Hodges ane A, C.
118 red were set ablaze and they ran to
frout door of the :atop where JJakeCrisper's, who was also in the shop at
the tette, assisted them in extinguishing
the fire of their clothlug.
Gurnee in the meantime had run out
/lie back door of the shop, intending
doubt, to extinguish the flames of the
burning gasoline 10. hydrant about 20
ratite from the shop, But when he
reached the 11'1'd580111'1'd5801he was tumble to
turn ou the water,
ivItS 11380393), who eaw Mt' David-
son, hie clothes in a mass of flames,
manilla front his :Mop, ran WA assist.
:ince and was the only one who was
close ettough to give aid to the tinter-
tunate vietitn. It wee with her aid tbat
Mr, Davidson tore off the most of his
clothes and after helping hint Into Mil
tot Johnston's nutomobile, she called
up Dr. Risen, uotifyiteg hint of the a0-
cideut so Oust they could have every-
thing in readiness when the ear Arrived
Dr, Risen and A. J, Kerlin dressed
the 180111)185 and moved the victim to
the 1)519)031)001)519)031)00 Hotel, where members
of the Baptiet church took charge and
W. H. KERR, Propitotor
did everethiug peeedee le ;1,0
care awl nursieg the tiel eeme
shortly atter noon, lefeerlaw
I'. Gurnee Davelsou eves horn it lethes,
Ontario, icily 21, 18152. 1<ea02 ng 1135
(00(10151) 1)511137 Pieced mein [mu, sem•
menced to earn IlVing early in Ille and
after working ie Camille tor a new years
he came to the 'termed States to learn
the etetomobile business told te tamed
He is 8urv5ve0 hy /IN peietals. 11n4
er, Clue:tee. Mel 3 sistt Is. etre. Peiey
Aimed, Atwood h.cality ; and P40818
11 (1)831 and Alive al home, who 51115511u 11
walespi eed 07*111p1111137.
leeneral seremes were conducted at
the baptist church Wednesday evening.
51 7 3'), the Rev. E. T. einem egleiaiine.
The remains were kept at the eluneh
until No. 2 arriVed Thursday when they
were stepped to his parents. The cae-
k et tvas piled high with Ifni
wreaths arta ilerai ottermgs, hiving re.
membrauces from the members a 11(3
Sunday School class, his friends and his
Mr. Davidson came to Hooker about
3 years ago and by honest endeavor,
clew.) living and cheerful theposition
won the friendship, coefirlence and te-
spect of all that came irt contact with
hem He was our friend. /May he rest
in peace."
The casket arrived a' lirtIssels. Thurs-
day and the funeral took place Friday
afternoon to E Mel cemetery. Rev. A.
j. Mann conducted a short 5089100 53( the
parental home and Rev. 1. L alcCul-
loch was In eharge at Ethel, assisted by
Orange Lodge, of vhSoh deceased was a
member. Pallbearers were, Cecil Ra-
mjet., Loots Engler, Ben. aud Fled.
Hollinbeck, Elwyn Dobson and Stanley
Following letter was received bv 1313.
and Mrs. Davidson from Rev, 11. T.
Thorn, pastor of the Baptist Choi eh at
Hooker, Okla., and is no doubt very
comforting to the bereaved 10 the midst
of their sudden grief :-
DEAR FRIENDs.-The remains ot our
young brother and your dear boy,
"Gurnee" as we all knew him, is on 'be
way to you. He was my persona] bleed.
It was here in one of our revival meet-
ings, the first one in our church on mv '
coming to the paStorate, Nit he was
converted and I bud the delightful
pleasure of bap' izing him aril of leeeing
in liberating him 10 18)0 Greece ministry.
He had been elected as assistaut Super-
intendent in our Sunday School, titt
must go home to God before being per-
mitted to am in that capacity. We had
all plautted great things for our youug
preacher boy, our elnareh 00.8 looking
forward when he would enter our Bap-
tist University at Shawnee, Okla., ard
how be would provide for his educatten,
etc. He was working so bat() to that
end, his books were bis compantoes
when be could find some mements trier'
hit trade duties. He loveci bis Bible
arid could make such splendid talks.
His last service in our church was lead.
1034 our Young People's service. He
did it so well. All of us were so fond
of him, yea, proud of him,
The funeral was conducted from our
church Wednesday evening at 731)
o'clock, and at least 400 people 8('0l')d,
did rny best to present Ins ep et.del.
ife as I knew it from a trio of texts,
Matt, 9:24, "The maid is net dead, but
leepeth" ; John 101 1, "Our friend
Lazarus sleepetb" 1 Cor. 15:6, "Some
re falleu asleep "
Our church was so beautifully decoc-
ted for the occasion, bandsome cut
oweis aod pot flowers, reacting vines.
, and the music was by our splendid
boir, all singing and so sweet. Robt,
Mayer, our leader, did hie very best.
But shall I write now of his going
rum among us. Bev As he always was
ith the people who had snob confidence
his rare skill, he overloaded his blow -
pc with air and the tank blew all to
feces, throwing gasoline everywhere
nd his clothing becoming fully saturat-
of course and the other men in the
eliding all on lire acid of course couldn't
elp each other, Bro, Davidson became
0837 (1)0011 excited and ran out into the
te 080 00 our women, a member of
r church too, SAW him, and ran to his
smut and stood with hina uutil all of
s clothes were off. Thea he WAN
shed to the physician's office and
eated immediately and by the beet
yeician in all this land, Dr, W. le
sen, but he had inhaled some femme,
en more than any of us expected.
ur people SaW that he had every m-
otion possible for a human being to
ve and we stayed by bedside, not one
long us ever dreamed that the end
laid be so soon, but lie complained
t one tin3e, when he said, "I am so
and Eves so, for our deae Lord
n came end put "our bey" off to lied
d some clay, I know not when, our
ther's voice will arouse him from bis
mbers. 10 531 of you had been right
the scene, not another thing could
ve been done to him in the way 00
p, for all 00 318 loved him teuderlv,
1 we are so lonesome with hint gone
u us, but we wilier e Curuet in anotte
and better clime. Go not forget that
church sympathises with 3700 fully,
his, one of the saddest hours of your
and we pray for you that strength
y be giveu trait Him, A.V110 alone is
e to help in this sad hoer.
will not write more now, but at
then time I will come to you,
lay richest trace be given you,
Vei y +NU& yours,
3000,35 T. THORN
in t
11 is
ITCHHOLS.S DOW add variety to some
lone of the gravel road.
ID Klee Com. has the people no
ails on their marrow beies lall right.
neve TAYLOR, of Steplem townehip,
elected Warden of Huron County,
ating Reeve Lobb, Goderich town.
, be one vote.
tte two junior deparl Melds of the
tic School have heel) closed (hie
k, temporarily, owing to the fuel
lege, These experieocee nre new es
ler situations never existed la town,
to be hoped the stringency will tmou
be relieved,