The Brussels Post, 1918-1-17, Page 2pair, but if there are no gems below
it is possible for an injured machine !TWO BELGIAN
to be eafely landed, Nowndays in the
construction of the planes eoneiderable I
attention is paid to a design that will OREIPANAGE
help to break a fall for the pilot, even;
If the machine collapses around him.,
clays the Thtettre and the ai,11,) kg 19311'11%111a tt7P Ctir
The dormitory was in more leleurelY ertarriii 1-47, A', 7e 'vilORKIFiG
• \,,,i S geoleio Wero wont to congregate is PAR IN corin FT
auditorium where the stout beer- .
eata now lined with cots, and enlivenc• 1 1 9 •,, ..4 • ,
In the older type the motor and pro- :BOMBS FOR CHILDREN FROM The tit/where at Wlecams and Wi- TENS OF THOUSANDS OF et.Atil,t r.1 0 13 1: Lo
Sit:wing Thrt the Now•or tri:,•,ter Spirit
den ------ the middle of a game awl : Peoduced by War Has Greatly
a quarter, a dollar do riot seem much pense, Espeeially with a new ear oil Bemired of Belgium's Little flectuttect-Dig War SM.. Ratted.
Safety at a Great Height. I gaze retied with strangely dazed ex -
nightly by si hundred net iVe,
ous, gesticelating little gamins.
To Reduce Motor Upkeep. thet money, their proper use will save first the weight behind often fell for- ! stood their pitiable adventures. They LABORRS.
peller were behind the pilot, and if e eernee will tell you how the mental
the machine crashed to the earth nose ti,
processes or the children trier There re are Many little exposes mow thews theft. price in replacement ward on the unfortunate aviator,
ehout running a car whieh total or paria, On the other hand, a waste' crushing hie life out. Noble Werle Being Done For Thr
eestop And Over 100,000 Soldiers Wee seen
will tell vett of chilthem who quit-
eonaiderable sum A nickel, a dime, of lubrietent maltee unneeeseary ex-
The modelm mil 1110 are traetortea, p14 (3(131 a little mites who wake in 1,..0,,, ii,o, tho la.,,, 4,:,,,wan, 1.04 in ; Aided Matrimony.
A ear whieli licats with ordinary eel.° meek in. Th is the time when ex- gets oat er hand 1 It was durMg. Alarth, of 1915, that ilight;nare n'eemoriee tl t ho'•.• • I Irit' (IV"" "“ 'I
at the time, bat they pile up the coet laid grease should be watehed careful-
letellutiht‘teenenagninigewablitt(ilepeopeller in front, 1 the d•trit s -reaming horrible et the
per mile,frightfully, ly until the bearinge have had time to alartyrs.
lit settle!. wu, 0, min u Niu.,1 Arri,.,,. tjto Nati oes it it. 1. ,tiltiti.ot foci tali
care by the owner might be made to mosd likely. heig,ht ie often eafee than flying, a few only rontainIng settlemeet en this that elleneter a great e."Ivirt.plie
last three to five years. This meaos It ie net generally reelized that a
. laundred feet over the tiTourel, for if a I. ortunat•ely, the passing weeks see it.t.°)Rit•lei'velenttil 11 biti1Ti ni1i1Ituilt"'SI:',t1i:Gt°C •,:'111.1(1: ,11,,'"':::1,,g3111:1.111!,3:::,'1,1,3:ilyliti1:'‘1:i'l'1111011:1:ritit'litit:el:.3'113t,i::,;t;
it,t is the engine and propeller that first the project to provide orphanagois for their tender brains.
one eir two years, if given intelligent 3)3 ti for replacemeat a beerings is
ke the ground. Flying at a great tvliiiiasguff.sersitniie3te..iligilludrsimowtisfstlrutlitiiitIlloelinellsd, , Training: for the Future.
a thorough knowledge of the working thin. On March 20, 1 9 1 5, a nucleus of
' • the .seartity of' such . Ineiciti!.ite. yfethitusatv Init,tuillei:,111:1 I 131i1t11.16,•vitItitii,r. 1e.ri..iolt,i11111i.113,,.., r ,p‘,1:11,0,1..woil..irtv.,..,;rttitigiloae,,,ini.1,,,,g:.;,:i1; 01,,:;‘,1,i,401;
taking extraordinary mire and having
parts arid how to keep them in condi-
tion, and it means doing faithfully and
persistently the things necessary to
keep everything in order.
Take tires, for instance. The vest
due to neglect is often greater than
pilotor.sal..e emen by shrap- into vovational lain g.
and deterioration of tires are: Driv- unless sure it is at fault. Excessive
ne . Riddling t ie. plane with bullets, ed with tel and suffeimg, .
Th' Ilia -110‘17•01,110VOr Spirit begen
gas tank or the propeller are not hit, culture. The older girls care for the 1 seas serelee and .P1 41'.1.2.61..itedleil."s:rlice Ittkel“'lors mull they Moat two himitt.
and loom to mend 1
the cost of actual wear. Some of the tor ehould be in proper 13. i] .
ts exaggevatecl. Very few mathmee
Mg into holes in the street or in. deep . • the cylinder causes a deckl- I
so long as the pilot, the engine, the fl°0:tding
' equipment necessary for their '1 43111(13
much faster than the learn tailoring, carpentry and Levi-. fewer thee itearei
Regi. ' to work, and "now" elmosi alw pys
things -which caused excessive wear It is aut. aell to adjust the carburetor .
b ought cl
smalees very little difference. MachinesPvillages food was requisitioned ba
. From neighboring fEtrms and ,,,lig 0111e,
embi °him 'it'rel to N i i at the' beauti son and Southwest Orotteeerate
Ind eleewhere, 1113131(13 19 tie. telion (aura
the pavement, and a berth e Me 1 tra gasoline. The importance of lceep- fel nit of.lace-makvi:1;:which has beei; : trellis a total of 313 2,26o. In addition, ! will.' in fact, of a POssihiltilim:t1s1.0Voaliti.d"
which jerks the car suddenly from al ing the muffler free 131 not usually un-
bracPes will' be scratched. In fact, it
the .an, provised clothing, beds and bedding
were startling to look upon. For many ssoislieleisasrldyiswhi.piretd 011t ill all the Velem.' a! least 4,11011 1' 11 11, Englithd al their i le'rlitii(g.1.,.sit froulls,h1,13 etilbg.aa„eitilliosiitts and mar -
There is a good Plape• giving oPpor..! n11 \C‘1.11-11111eedPselii,saP„,1,"1:111",11110(11111eini,i•111:......eceisrI:(1iirl ; (11,11,10.11111.!;1..csItis71mtpl.lfuteetilitlii‘i‘i'l.isit ‘.‘111114111a1I.1,;.°1111011r4
tielledonilaieloe,nroifiltellvil without toai few holes bat 'mot highehanded manner, and the im-
standstill, causing needless wear, deb 00(1 . taken for granted that every time las ', days the staffs of both ovphanages I
went sleepless; but at last chaos euh- 1 etnntes.,,floilt.
the front wheels get otit of alignment proper power without waste, tile en- lines it will have bee n.bit, andeonici'll is
ttri's i •
s.ided, and the present ordered ways of the , ec ataelird- the Al lation corps.
$10,000,000 to War Funds.
Married Lovers,
Then there are such things as letting To insure each cylinder getting Its
machine goes out et el the' g emn IT si cuas1 ciasytor un est inoan
nearly so, the result being that the lever advaneed as tar as possible with- ea . . -
en trip. When a et is not in the i Three Hundred h al' ed. created a school of disputative post- in a CI 1111 1 warfare, our email loyal '
color gifts of all Ellgliall artist have .ks to What line hee11 aeconiplislied
hasn't Men given the power over hive
so that they do not run parallel, or gine should be driven with the spark account it ie always exemined af ter ; hia slowly evolved. However, the censor.e Mee pencil
the road. There should be a slig,ht toe plug gaps should be adjusted properly air he has far more libert than an of ! There are close 'on three hundred impressionists among the yottegee white ItOpulation put doN,11 the relwi
Ilion in Sunni ..f\Crica whi, 11 broke out
post from ril.,t,,n13.:::a1f1o,vroa 11,1191111tetewo 3j/ill:Int;
tire is slid instead of being rolled over out (tensing back pressure, The spark and Mese, ym, and Cupid Is usIng the
is allowed, it costs inoney to go beyond charge, the spark plugs should he clean !viCe. He '.an rove behind the lines on clues, All are drawn from thattered la tide Pleasant environment one's ' soon after the deelarniiou of war
against the Feutral poe ors: 11 fur- • create and
in for mechanical reasons, butt thi$ to insure a thorough ignition of the fieer in any other brancliYof the sm.--; children in the orphanages at Wis- children.
the proper limit. to prevent the loss of a charge of gas his own machine or drive a car if he teems anti villages Mose behind the thoughts turn involuntarily toward
desires to do so. A flyer rotating an thirty miles of trenehe.e that are P 13013 thcee children whom the orphanage%
gim, . Pre_ have been tinable to accommodate nished the army wtili which (teemed matt filo, ,.0.1.oc,o aloi gam, ovor am
eater is surcharged with lining Tara -
Adjusters tell us that a very large through non -ignition, likewise the in- individual to a greater extent than an the eastern frontier of Del ._.1 Botha conquered German Staultivest
' t n I Die tlietributer ,d'i er ermy or naval officer, Lind abate to fleck salvatiort they had ex- the children vane stilt exist in the or -
" - h e ar all did, shattereti villages behind the the conquest of German East .1friea
NN-li4 effected; all expeditionary force
Africa; the bulk of that Well which sage,.
tisher Is poor with his tongna anti his
111 normal times the overage 110.
Attla_fly)ag, at 17,000 feet, NVOS W011114- 7.0110 Or battle to the chateau at We Is ellen 1 • 1 -
roes. A few weeks later a similar in- Their etudies, their games and their 1:111011 hauls tippet xintaleb .1 . .
protected, sheltered growth are grado- I•hese mere 111E04 fifty per (P 111. ttro flat, thy 01,1 maxim litth lovc.
in ti.t tiering the loot three
large number of thinge enter into t
tr get nutchine beeomee unmanageable, the ' orphaned gmle '.',el 31 c113
the most rut of a goiloo glooline pilot has inore time to get it righted.
This means proper lubrieation. fell 10,000 feet, and the rush of etitution for bor. was opened in the
ally effacing past terrors and sup- Dutch, amtmg whom is a larg•• 91etion N't 3P. 114' lins le•oo lout y
econinnical use of gasoline.
all moving pais must work properly, l‘le mentions the ease of a pilot who
Eur him to consciousness and 1 neighlmring village of 1313 3/313110 ' planting them With a happy. hopertil or Naiiiinaliete (wpm ed to lito War.
, present,
of the engine should lire properly the
lenn to make ft safe landing. it was a menial time. 'The second! aim have done mitilleg allat,•ter to Years
h gl iu1 1 not slip and the carl'eme-
T e danger from anti-aircraft guns
• and batches of tiny children, p1111113 11131(113 of 'flume was at its maximum, i Among the older childven the or- further It. Nei erthelese. the 31) 1) • roder normal celelltIone, 11,11) 1)11114
ciliary imocesse$ of education develop liltarrs at allable eltila that of Prono,a15, w0111t1 have hung file for
' • 1 from August. tele, to- May, lel 7, no Ycara The 1;14;11 "can't•efferil 11"
letedieeppett far too many tit our
brakes should not drag; each cylinder e(,•I)
ruts; turning corners at too high
speed; stopping the ear so quickly
with the brake that the wheels slide an
ed lose of power, thee to back pressure
on the piston, and the partial clogging
f the muffler indirectly consumes- ex -
percentage of tire failures is eanSett
by under inflation, which allows the
tree to Platen and breaks the side
walls. Every tire should be tested
should be Icept clean and propeity ad- this, perhaps, is one of the reason; fisted under (30001410130 •
justed. that the air service makes such a descriptive powers. Many had lost trenches. that has won for itself a brilliant te- pen, hut when Tommy s tu
To u 100 (1119
se alt the gas that is taken into strong appeal to so many high-epirited both parents, either by death or by Life Amidst Death. I cord on the battle feont tu Flanders. out, seriliblieg-book on knee, aucl
1 • tion from them ,luraig their With the thildeen of Belgium reste , and 1111114 that have figured In the kr,aws that it's on the ley a the gods
• • I lii• • s to whether his body mac 33 11) ft
5133131r31• flight before the Germans, Scores; the dubious future of an eepunget 1 , fighting 111 \194011u
With a gauge and not n41311 the eye or; the cylinder there 31110014 be no os. young men.
hand, and 'kept to the gressere ,set by' of compeession through leaky valves. --...— . .
the tire maker. or weak valve springs, or poor gaskets Burr:tAN'S NEW SEA LORD. !WM living in villages that were bom-.
1 tion. 111s net well to have the minds
i • i poli and Macedinda. pioco of shrapnel or .a Minot within
' To get the greatest life out of a on spark plugs or valve caps, and it — heeded daily. They stayed because i it. e tii i i a e e e '
, amc w... motia. -la- -u-are Lepriveu in , civilians have cmaributeil intwarde Om Mine he lets himself go. Alai ha
tire it should be watched continuallyis equally impotent that pet cocks, Sir Rossiya Erskine WenlYse gueeeed, tbeir stunned little minds knew no al- I their -formative stage of all'schooling,of $10,1100,110 to the War fatal., if tortneges to grew quite sontimental
when this happens.
for small tattle through the rubber to t cylindey head, where there is one, and Sir John Jellico0.all ambition, all thought ar finer South Africa fuel 013111 (punt -lies.
the fabric. Most tiees will be found! piston rings are tight so that gas will
The t'Veat. war hae
. brought nronue.!
i ternative, because they had 'no means!
of escape. Often 3331 have found 31)01» '
is the environment in which they are laborers have been reeruited, both for of love anti {mien,. lin face of detult.
things. Woree than any deprivation : penally tens of thotetand, of black ,tsk the censer. 11' could tell tales
after a short ureic:6 to have from two' not waste. i tione and distinetions to Sir R'osslyn living ill the cellar5. of shattered 1
to a dozen such cuts, These will all It is 110t eafe to leave these tiltngi, ', , , , . __. . houses, their only food the fragments; developing. Aside from all physical Europe and East :Vein. where they reticence and shyness are not pope.
low sand to work in and.loosen the to the chauffeer and the garage man. Erskine laymyss (m enoun.ett cans)
i ho lute lust succeeded Admiral Sir ,
and waste that they could beg or steal.' danger, it is hard to conceive any saw- i are employed in road making, unload- lar
Ill bber and then moisture gets in and• The °weer should leitrn how himself IV .. , • , They Were verminous, filthy and hel
' P- roundings more thoroughly destauetive . iug slaps and trains and similar work. ! Hubby, 1•111 there, writes to the
-thi • ,Tohn Jelheoe as First Sea Lord of the
less, mad Imam of them were so terri- than thie atmosphere of long-continu-;
little woman at Item, letters that 3111"
131 1331 3413431 titans with which those cute may be! knowledge inside his thinking ma- Admiralty. Rear- Admiral IN emy ee
became Vice Admiral Sir Roselyn
rots the fabric. There are prepare-, to keep them right.
• healed in a few minutes. Serious cuts,1 chine he will find that his propelling
especially where the rubber is loosen -1 machine will work better, and that he since the war began, as a reward for
distinguished service with the fleet.
ed from the fabric, should be taken! will not only have more use and plea -
at once to the vulcanizer. sureout of it, but Ile will save a very He seyved as commander of the squad -
While MI and grease of good quality appreciable part of the cost of upkeep. ron at the successful and 'hopeful land -
HOW GRMANY OBTAINS MONEY etwer thialght ntreita, they reach
tied that they lacked the filial te 0 ed s a ion a .
-- her heart. De mg remancee at e st lied
1 To appreciute properly the nobiej
5PTeeheellbroad pertal of the old chateau , Work of the orphanages, you must , Levies Subscriptions For Carrying on .t,,oflaln,,thii,114 31334 3(11) li‘ltiiiier:
looks back on the comings and going , have wandered among the charnel tub 1 , .111,
• i ne noys come 1l31(1' 11118 111.111e.
the War.
of five bloodstained centuries, yet the bith heaps that the villages whence I
Dark Ages never created histories !the children can.1e; you must bevel Mil' 31".11" ur arousing 1-'1131nr'las111 • The OW Adage.
d' over another of Weenany's ziumermis . • .' i 118 down the
1 are the most severe that can be devis-
passed into one of the tragic issues of here of late. One baby was in its mo- ! above all, you must have known the i an 3133316 (11131 illm,lralio" of hou 1 -ler' ' N,:,(111.11‘,.‘11:313,,,',1.1 Ms' lif1n.1111!,11111s1 141)1 iy1,1"13(11 :11)'.371:3.1-
', ed. It is taken for granted that every
the war. But before the failure at man public. sentimeet is duped aud ile•
what elie. had always left to his
I ia rman is without fear. they's aisle when a ft.agment of shell children before and after they have 1
te the Dardanelles he WaS called -to Leh- „Heed off the woman's head, leaving : entered these unassuming retreats. cc -teed. Five thousand French and wris.
. also taken for granted ne an unman,
But that is not enough. Daring !mt101111..sittoyhe Second Sea Lord of the Ad -
He was created a knight iu ,0 1 , t t1 , e )1'd. it„ea',.tt a 11 1,01„ter,
le alibi unseathed. another watt ' Ilere are three hundred who will be fit . English
e 11111 a it 1 . . . . 0 (.1 :t . , .. . t Prieotier.; cf war were as . e lame tunlers:andie...
brave and daring. H
- e must have -- ea% in recngnition of hie e...1 • • •
t 1 N icee in bullet hours before. Yet a third play- !lives have been loved is the least that arwther.
Aim had been kill 1 I
-et. .IY a streY 'rifle ; of Belgian eivilization. That tieir , •
" ' • ; and teken 113 truth from one eity to
They t la each tie were exhibited as a
the outset of the campaign • ilmArlilideettllit); !.1101t1,14113,r 1103(.1:111 1,1 11. tyinvt:.11,e,
War Caned' 311311 131 rl`vonling the
thiugs that there wasn't Gnat 11/ Mal
cl..,,' 191a and received higher flag rank in t et 1. • forward the dre ing banner I senibled at
but to 4133131(81 110 xnuet be ntore than i
1 • • • 1 ettlighteument
ing of troops on Gallipoli peninsula,
more terrible than those of the small , sensed the spnit o emeee
mortals who have 3.0311131 sanetuary . death that enfolds that funereal land; , tette:, upon her citizens' 1.0:40111Tile 114 • ••• •
ril, 1915 an operation that later
Even the Hun Breaks Only One Rule:
That Aeroplanes Shall Not
gift of acting inetantaneously m the
East. Mentioned in dm- ,1
on the kitchen floor while ite mo- has ..con done for them. 03.
patchee he NNINe speedily rewarded prisoners taken in one , • •
and he must also act correctly. It hike' , thEn• rested quietly against her wash- 'been provided with the advantages' 811iAle l'atdi
(term!! smash ou the west front a , through the nom.
fare of the most appalling danger, the Near
• mander of the Bath, the soakine,s elothes. There is a little while. In the midst of Denth they few daY8 Pnviens• 8111,8 4.111ilultan The" 111aY "01 he 11341'4'
been fonnd that the young men have. , w1"1' the oecorntion of Com- tub with her brains 'spattered among , that alone ean make those lives worth
111.33„nee w As matter or race fug a/ leisure ite the 3131111pro.
plieeled-thenite to the letterariting
this faculty more general e Ian •
Sir Roselyn VMS 1301'11 111 )/)f, Scot -girl with a bullet in olie eye, Oat 11- ale In
' land, April 141, 1804, at Wemyss Castle.
ally she is growing totally' blind. And ' ' •
ehltrs. The elder man may be fear -I
seeead He entered the navy at th•-.) early leg • there are records 03. 1)3003' tiny unnam-
less and have unlimited dariug, but as!
• • ' of thirteen years. 'Ten years Inter, '
ell children who reached the shelter of : l'he 'Monitor Once More.
a itde he be guided by his sober
not one of us had been 11 t a
vile" lees than three menthe. And, as 311 war time tor lore that ;lite hut 11
T arterword learned, at the very time ftedgliug groaing 3,, mouthy und
13114 "evidence of victory" wus making PerrPrticol 33 111 or thtiag
There is one braneh of 3111. 1113113813' foe e second thought. !hie captaincy COMO in 1901. He reath- I ' ' 1 13 10131 the present NVOY the moniter a circuit of Germany. the llun lines in
tt, oeittlenage (ndv. ta time to die
Be Disguised. thought. In the air there is 110
mi 1R87, be attained hi' lieutenant!, ant ,,,„.„,,
service in which even the Hun has it is said that as a rule the boy or . a „ _ . e . , It seems useless to re•count such in -
rank in 191.. when he nee eidents when Europe immbers their to- was regarded as a thoroughly obsolete the west were reeling mid retreating . it's the eanie -with the enges.011 veep-
alry. That is the Me service. In the youth of 22, and he beeter again than Beyond Battle &electron,. telity by hundred timiteanas. ; type of fighting. erart, the construe- before 41, 33131)1111 British and 1i 31(11 tev. 13 33 oPeuiteg their hearts to
.tion of whieh had altogether ceased. offeesIves.
, on nodding terais with death 3,,,)Q.
. each other and absent., %thee he is
maintained traditions of warliam chiv- 19 rattles a better aviator then the i ed "ag
made rear admiral and pieced 111 COM -
NN -1101 he chrected alTi the following. !But to -day vessels of the type of But the German populace cheered
air the Hun fighte fair and 311 41t00 the youpg man or 25. It is not to be • 111,1ra '.-4 the Wisquee and Wizernes.
important one, and is the rule that grows oldei• as an aviator he becomes i eear. Peeve:MS 1,0 this 11., had execo„ 1 £13O 01)1118011,3 at has a Fricsson's famous "vbeese box ort a our eaptors and jeered us and bought day , and slates cat'ryt31g on at home le
111,e., experienee lee a coupl0. of ye.ars noacmming 1bituolion, w1th. a broil raft" are taking an active pert in na- more German bonds 'rho fatherland 1110, Jul' 114' Fr'' UP i'' W1'"WC1 Ili' vette.
they try:, call -Is mak-mi. 3. 111 rrow fote
only one role. Phi..., bewevee, is an supposed, of 1001 1. that ats a man'.
aeroplanes shall net be dieguised. less effective, Experience count e here
es Cononesl” e of 110331 Navy bal.- 1 outlookti,cat le ocet.., an( 1 fertile fields ant vol operations in almost every part of was victorious on every retina
what army it belongs. The Allies sign tancoes thought and action has been , rateks:a 1 1..:‘ra billerey lies in a distant hollow., and at 311111 11. - the globe Since the war began the had been assured. i'Vallee Nves do der.
F,ach must show by a painted sign to as (33 011110311 if the habit of Medan- 110 18 is. a .t'inr,)1..iti.r fl.tiure at court i gui :‘. un.t. lila ing tills. St. Omer o
is a red, white and blue bull's-eye; the aequieetl. : to the. hence 3.' o alitim to the le.C.Is illa la,t (lying lay, fall cineesIngle
' . e -• ,, , e .., s . , , i , ,.. ,, , .., . . ... , 1 1 is
B ..1 h navy has built many large feated and 111erail-aim Buglaud was :
monitors which have been tmed effee- starving, Italy was ready to Give ' con• 1 0131.'n Ti.„ viti„
Love Triumphant.
he Germans fMgan to violate :itials ae,V,O, and Cael.,(1„ having been , linger on the ruined Old-Werld splen- ' gris 'River end off the coast of Flan; gbost• In eonverseileni 'with an btel- etched 1114 ii,v . i . i; ‘... • e ' .e1
to • tivelv at, the Dardanelles, on the Ti- and lineela Imdalreadv Melded 1 th . t ' 11 ''''' ' '
IP • t• • t)13)311in the••• d•tse• led he' e It
Gerfnans' is a Maltese crosb. , Youth is Necessary. 1 he can Mime after hie name the in- about St. Bertin's tower, seeming
. .• h • d Another nelson why flyers who
ervide 11.4 311 of the 1,1 3.0311311 Order .clor. When on a soft spring evening ' ders, Some have been armed With lieont Yonug ehan with se0ke B11411511 fottl by ti.01,L1s33r"4:'et'I'111;:1T1‘1'....1,111'1' '',1•1•1311;
' •fif I learned the reason for the peculiar pen-nlbe. Oillaratie., e, 'met peva tied
the unwritten evi
to paint his small Malteem crose with- have not reached majorite me •,e to,
• °mod flyers as older men is that physi2; in 1001 and Commander of Michael
C' • in la 1 1
in the bull s-eee. thee seeping p
semblance of fairness, but this hue cal strength not required, nor pow -
been abendoned 1)014, and German fly- ers estaurame. It is not necesimry.
I Sir R.OSSlyll'S 1' 1.1 1.1 t b)11 1)
13 place of 1040111311, and the great tower,
t • ma. even to 111,30 a quick hand. The Etero-
deemed in London to fit him eopeciale beneath which the babies dwell,' can navigate comparatively shallow twrittlions.
tack and draws so little nate), a
leVieti 11e111. O111• , T11111.0 are meter Iloilo- ilist ern
as strategist nnd 1134403111 1111301
Y , rivers and coaetal waters. The bril-alloyee mitst tile a schedule of the parted, and he PriS 1 hat n re even fug
the full moon rises g•loriettie beim( fourteen -inch and o
steep gables and pointed turrets, tho' tee narah gu114. The modern monitor even vell ess 0! (101111511 101111 ealre inall•brette are 1113 ire•eall ef
0341 t•hateatt becomes the very birth- the old 413113. 1)0110131(1 meunlit
is virtually immune fi•om toi•pedo at- Paigns.
• rermativ doeen't merely (.311ort eel). when the nightingale sang.
chines that ennine; be - distinguished plane is controlled by gentle tone les.
the trying post to which he has
ing men go ai e .. ,
front those of the French or British by Guymeyer, the most famoue of the ' la' for
and . just been appointed. The First Sea
the gunners. it is only -when- they French aees. limited like a girl,
open lire with their Machine guns that there aro other groat flyers whom a. Lord, while subordinate to the
their identity becomes known. - }low- , month in the trenches with' utterly :Lord of the Admh•alty, civilian head
ever, apart from this the German air- break down, of the Royal Navy, has technical
It is the opinion of an expert flyer - charge or the handling 03. 1.1113 fleet
• , . unite and the disposition of the naval
man is said to play the game.
Requirements I'or Air Service.
In any other branch of the service
such camouflage would pass without sometime, „.etirs g„,1 men „eat,
notice, and eveuld, indeed, be consider- something aide to shell -shock. When
ed finite justifiable. But hieth etand- a man's -nerves are affected he in of no
Lads are adhered to by the flying men. further use in the air until he has had
They are the very chlvah.y of the war, a long met far from the front.
the samurai of the armiee. This expert contends that the avia-
No man is ever drafted into the fly-
ing service, No one 31/01' becomes an
aviator by compel:don. All are volun-
teers, and the tests they must pass
that the most tieing expet iet ,
forcee to best Eidvantetge,
aviator is to fly amid bureting shelle.
This has a nerve-racking effect which
It bee, been discovered that when
submarine le at the bottom of the
ocean oysters can be sucked up bite
it on the vacuum -cleaner principle.
tor's lot is not, after all, so dangerous
as many suppose. Flying itself, he
contends, is almost safe. Of coutse,
any mechanism is apt to get out of re -
The dumpling 18 a particularly
economical rood in wartime because
eaten 'hot and combined with gravy
it is more filling than cold white bread,
utilizee all the nourishment of the
breathes forth that poignant myster
number of persous he employs end loving through Parting% To both
of winch fairyland is made, thant advance o. le
The old chapel that the Benedictines ! potamia, which culminated in the cap- 1 the wages Paid to moth On ilds bests . 1,,,,,,, mean very, 1111101 more than could
MI "allotmete of bonds is made to he expretemd. They offer the neelitun
meals are served again 311 the refec- I tore of Bagdad, was owing in large
are formay "requeeted" 3 0 . why there a re mom irtte lot toot. writ..
latilt LS 310W 1110 girls' main dormitory;
!measure to the effective weile of the every 011a canaille of paying for ally. : that britittlls MO world. end that is
tory or bygone days; classrooms,' smaller m001101'0 on the Tigris River, i TheY
workrooms, e11a3301, infirmary and kite 1 Firing under the direction or aerial ,'(,:ihnstisc.st1.01111111.11sobwitirytiloonns). acsusistuinstmentst11.1- , t‘se.:310(tio,elailykistliir over borer., In + 11 a
then have been installed with remark-; obeervers, the monitors are being esed .
the Emelese donated !
ably little improvisation. Now all the ' very (3ueeessfully on the Flandere :.11.),a,r1310aiire'n.k61.1!!0)11,1..1(11-0Y macs. or won
rooms are bright with pictures, and coast. After a recent heavy bombard-
Meekly's flood Work.
brightest of all, because or the !kinder -I ment of Ostend, aerial reconnaiseance 1, I
garten decorations that adorn its showed that the Germans bad with- 1 To keep moths out of clothe): eup- i ..
eittekti has evinced a lett 6161 isn't
walle, is the creche, where the babes 1 drawn all their naval vessels from the !boards and boxes, paira the walls and i mid generosity in its centributioits to
. port. If the Allied navies decide to flotoiy. epviutilinpLitilmettitinnse. or air
lietWeen 1 the Entount of 0131311)) (31.13111 work that
_ ...., !the Red Cross out of alfproportIon to
livPe'erhape it is only flitting that the I make an attack upon the coast of Ger-
boys' environment should be less pie- , many, so well protected naturally hY • the hulls of, vessels and the water !has liemi clone there. Thuteiatels of
turesque. Their buildings are in the 1i shoals and eliallows, the monitors wig i British engineers hc e
ip . to save steam dollars 'were ealsed in place, allele nu
j craft 12 per cent. or the fuel eon- organizatimi had even been (0313 31)
of Wizernes, on the Route Na -;u' ncloubtedly Lake a leading part in the
them e to ' • ' - It I plated, and the enthusiasm Amite) in
I sineption,
many parts made it appear that her
spirit of patriotiein and geueroeity
. should, if possible, be made more o1-
fective by perfecting oreunieations in
ment, Loo, by eh:sorbing its juices. • •
eaaoeenFfMcm..........,....*rasrtewxvrttrmaam,waaagrsroe•RNya•nw...w.,..•m•xviusacr.nmrwrmraA...=n•,,,,,,,,, • . .
. • .
(ritigb 1-14E. -111418.
THIS AfTeRnoot icr
111 GuasT PRoto
Ilea! kloRx AVervi
5MAK3. lefotelAht
5HE o31'H
141GH-13R0w oit THE.
1306Ele WEAR --
A colzoKY
Mo emaNT
- I sUPPose
the leading towns,
At Owford Ttailay.
. Old Oxford'e wells are giT;' 1111,1 1.30'1,
She I::tate trutho
i' teare,
But to -day 1114 stand,i with u011(3(1111I
Crowned with eternal yeare,
thine arcsher sons, yete h
33,', 11;l 10
In the glery or their youth,
'For she beought them forth to live er
' By frootl rang i1i6titq., I 1.111 h.
113111117 :31 111131133 is 141101,()) pairintiun.
i Early snoW is a labor -Haver in that
133. 3.3313.031 the plewe of hantl.spread pro-
teetiou for 'dente that are liable to in-
jitry ii imi 1,e3(-1311333 iold to.,,,i-MCC,