HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-17, Page 1VOL, l.6 Np, 29
OZT'D 1873
le -
/rl.5n Per JrfiMum ill. flGi7Jt771G2 iR7rrnr. -
Ing Women's organizations of (,ant
1 b
Your surplus earnings in our
Savings Department
g earn inter-
est at current rate. 236
G. H. SAMIS, ®®�1
." stri.ct t ti.D5
Fanners Institute meeting next
Weduesdiay ae 2 and 7.30,
hecC(d (71 al Knox chur•c11,3I Ianncetf,Will Sun-
day, Jan, 27th, at 2 30 and 7.30 p. m.,
followed by a first-class Entertain.
men b on Monday night. Fuller par-
ticulars next week,
Don't forget the clearing Auction
lthl farm cyteD .Bacick, lgle y, nBastcof
Jamestown, Wednesday of next week,
at 1 p. tn. F. S. Scott will be the Aue-
ti0neer', Mr. Badgley has sold the
farm to 1111'. Grainer and will take a
rest as his health has not been good
for some time. We hope he will im-
BAD F1RE,-Last Saturday at mid-
night a big fire broke out and before
it was stayed buildings occupied by
Shinbeia, boot and shoe store, barber
shop, millinery ;milers, McDonald's
store, with Banister Murphy's and
De's. Foster and Parker's offices were
either burned or badly damaged. It
W718 a wild night for a lire and the
miracle was that it diel not sweep both
sides of the street. Further particu-
lars are not to hand owing to non -
arrival of daily papers.
There died in her 92tel year, in Listo-
wel, on Dec. 24th, 10I7, Mrs. Donald
Wilson. Sh0lived in the township of
Grey foe 25 years and Was born in
Nova Scotia of Scotch parents. De-
ceased prized the Gaelic) Bible. Fun -
GM f'
edl id10,3
The time has been extended
for closing up the aco0uut1 of
the late Cleo. N. McLaren to
Januttey 81st, After Limb date
they will be passed to other
(hands for collection, with 0U8t8
147, 13LAOI+
East Huron
Board of
rkkL9 gthre
Meetings will be held as follows:
Winthrop, Tuesday, January 22nd
fdonerieff, Wednesday, January 23rd
Brussels, Thursday & Friday, Jau, 24 & 25
Speakers ,
1 a na•,T.W,Clark, .3(fal7u' e, whose
sobcial ooteapple aro :-csg, bog Alfalfa; (((8' e it PaYr-
cial apple growing, haw to moire it pay
seedMaltsl 6• it small farm Any ; Importance of
ied 09(7 (77(011; OOmms,'o(el FOatitl%or's: Do
they pay P Ipiary. g-POuItryfrm)1 A to Z;
Care Oen Apiary.
P. 13.8mibb, 87wit1149(77:-13oef 006670, breed-
ing and feeding: Ti10 07(70( Industry' h) 011.
barlo; Cropping for beef end aloe( Corm;
Se0118818311011 end soil probe,+ln9. Firming
-Oriete ; The Farmers Oh,b 00 0 mum); of
Mrs. H. W, POrsmtO, Toronto :-.Women in De
duotry ; 2rperi88300 in Germany ; .A box
for Overseas ; Parliamentary Procedure ;
War from various standpoints ; Let limb"
Inc be )vested ; Women's duty towards the
Netlonnl debt,
Question Drawer at afternoon Meeting on
Thursday. Q;lestions answered Friday.
Magical program will be rendered each even -
Meetings open at 1,00 end 7,80.
P. A. MIOART.13Ult, AIn08 SMITH,
8eoretory, President.
88(61 was held 'Thursday, Dec, 2711), to
the old Listowel 0eaetery where her
husband was burled 19 years ago, ser-
vice being sonductod by Rev. J, Al.
Niohol, of Knox church, Pallbear'er's
were Ja0, McKenzie, Vilna ; ,101(11 Mil-
ler, Idinto; Malcolm McNichol, Listo-
wel ; 1Vul, Fraser, Geo, Brown and
Thos. Onmm)ogs, Grey, She was a
fine old lady and enjoyed the esteem
01 a wide circle of friends.
A Red Orees Concert will be held in
Ding's Ball, Oranbrook, on Friday,
21(11 (net. Pimp:tit will consist of
dialogues, 111710117, etc, l;verybody
The Leadbury school pupils, coach-
ed by Miss Cora Forbes, the energetic
teacher, has turned in 12 pair of
socks to Walton Red Cross Union,
Knitting was excellent, none better,
The girls and boys are to be onngrat-
elated, At last meeting of Red Cross
the splendid emu of $22,18 was paid
over by the same school las the returns
from suite boxes in the hands of pupils,
This is a record worthy of note. A
Wee was given by Miss Forbes to the
scholar collecting the largest amount
of money and it went to Willie .Hoy,
Such patriotism is very much move
real than merely singing the National
Anthem and is worthy of others fol-
illg suit.
Mrs. Arch. McDonald and daughter,
Helen, spent the week end in Harris -
.1,1w, ca(784tlon +frieMcKenzie,
ds a ldei'elatives
Misses Agnes Stewart and Mary
Cummings have gone to Guelph to
take 71 course in the 14IcDouald testi-
A Red Cross tea will be held at the
home of Mrs. George Robertson,
Boundary West, Thursday, .Trus. 17th.
Good program is being prepared.
Everybody welcome,
A. was speut
at the 1)0,7(0 ofllMrs eveningnt JanMcDonald,
1'ee0011y, when ra ihu'ge number of
their friends gathered to spend au
evening with her sons, Ptes. Donald
and. Hugh McDonald oleo Pte. Bert
10!l(otband Pte. Leen° Oampbel( be-
fore leaving to join their Battalion. in
Winnipeg and Toronto. The occasion
was taken advantage of to p189e1t
Bert. Elliott and Hugh McDonald
with a soldier's fowwtaifr pen and
Lorne Campbell with a wrist watch,
as 11 slight (10170(1 of appreciation from
their friends of the step they are
taking it) helping to defend our coun-
try and bootee.
The fierce storm pence(led the ehwreh
se1Vieee last Sunday.
0. P. It. was tied up this week ow-
ing to the badly drifted trllcic• The
snowplow tvur(ced its way as Tar as
Auburn by Plurality night. It must
be 40 vents since such to storm visited
119 bnf,lte,
The laseregulnr meeting of Walton
L. O. L. No, 252, elected the following
officers; ('07' the ensuing
to :-
gY .Ha M.
W .
111 '
Lon ; (7htlphain,'ltev. F. \V. 0ea(k ;
i1en,-Sen„ Ohne, (lase ; 117 t. -Ste D.
01nnv1uld ; Tress., Gro. 31(,OA77 ; Utr,
of Ceremonies, W. S. Feriae; ; Ieet(e'-
ere, I), Johnston and CL, Hoy ; 1st
00111/11 080047 , J, 1'-ovc' ; 2nd, IL
Holmes ; Srd, A, 13111(,71 ; 411), IVm,
\Vends ; 501, A,. McCall ;'Tyler, Adeli-
ne Hoy,
AIRS. PAre oN( COMINo,--Piet 101 (.he
avnnsn And ,;iris of the community
keep the 16113 amen of :Friday, Jan,
25111, lice ('0r the meeting 47 2130 in
the A. 0. U. \V. shall, under the ans-
pices of Woneo's Institute. It will be
addressed by On pt. 1\h s. H. W. Pt,'-
8nn0, Toronto, ethe has et we 73711 of
experience in 110, 1Voulen'8 Ieseitiue
mid (ate been identified with the lead-
'4.40••Oe•teeeE{a�•@900.04teisteee••QASeeeteeete,, r„
i •as••fi0•••r!•ty4r •
d, ,918
s IN '.L IID
v s o
-. I.I
0 Will take you out of the Job-huntingg Olas8 and sub n
for whore .Tobe (and good (llem) are Hunting,
1 y u 1)l (be CitLss
117e train our 8ttldeuts to give the 1r
mese t ,
ti 8
lYi , l
therefore h
best -paid servire. Affiliated will, the Central ' teffn'e the
• T n1 13usinese College,
;p Stratford, anti the EI1)ott Business College, Toronto,
0 D. A. MCLAG19LAN, Pres. A. HAV(
LAFIDt Prirrioipal.
2,••••e•••••••••••••+•. . •
Dut4og poet Lwo y4%10 /WV eery
tail'' +++M+Mk.I++d'•i•,9.dh•1•tN•h•N•1•'4'A'd'•i'•t••1+++
)ave s•n mud} in demand by not I
otic r r
L1'(- 4,
(s a t Save
fluent, 61foreefel epelLinzetionelkerPtwithns
knowledge of subplots of lnteeest
has awomen vvanged and pHs.
lalave Mrs. Parsons
address 140 school children in the
Mer -nu
The Statutory meeting of the new
Connell shnul7 have been held on
Mwrarrnfpostpon ed n�ttil Trls hursday ofere otthis
Herbert J. Manning and daughter,
Dorothy, were laid aside 11 ern an
attack of pnenrnonha but heave pleas-
ed to hear they are recovering nicely
Mrs, J, W, Shoetreed, of Peace
River, is here on la visit with relatives
and Mends, She was Miss Alice
Kirkby, of the 0th line, before her
We. Jno, 0aist071, widow of the late
,Tno. Caist07', and daughter, Miss
Laura, are holidaying here for a few
weeks. The forme' is a daughter of
Geo. and Mrs, Kirkby. The home of
the vieitnr0 (0 Michigan,
Don't forget the meeeings under the
Board of Apiculture of East Huron,
to be held in Brussels Town Hall,
Thursday and Friday of next week.
Meetings at 2 and 7.30. Women's In-
stitute will be addressed in the Public
Library Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock by Mrs. Parsons, Toronto, a
member of the delegable'', who will
speak in the Town Hall at the joint
meeting at eight. A musical program
will also be rendered.
A business -like mother and daugh-
ter of Morris invested in two little
pigs, that could be easily stored in a
wire Chaff basket, Months went by
with good care for the porkers. The
old nursery rhyme was reproducer'
viz "This little pig went to market,"
the result being the receipt of over
$43,00. "This little pig stayed at,
home" was also literally true because
it was manufactured into pork •for the
family bili of fare and is proving a
practical lesson of the transaction,
Miss Ella Hansuld returned to het
school at Rent Centre after the holi
Dr. (Capt.) Brace, brother-in-law of
Mr's. (Rev.) Johnson, is back from
France on a 3 months' furlough,
Last Monday the Statutory Council
meeting had to be postponed owing to
the snow blockade and consequent
non-appearance of members.
Alvin Clark, a popular young bache-
lor of 5th Con.,Grey, was married to
on nsNecv Year's day, L. Mason, of WMayetheir njoys
be many,
The body of Currie, Davidson was
expected from Oklahoma last Satur-
day night but owing to delayed trains
and the severe storm the casket was
detained at Londa[,
The monthly meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute will he held at the home
of Mr's, Edward Fletcher, Thursday,
Jan. 2401. A special meeting is asked
for to make arrangements for a Red
(hoes Concert to he held in February.
At the monthly meeting of Court
Ethel, No. 201, 0. 0. F., the following
officers were re-elected :-Chief Rang-
er, .1 -no, Kreuter ; Vice Chief Ranger,
Percy Stephenson ; Fin. -Sect., .4. H.
McDonald ; Rea -Sec., 0. F. Han8111d ;
Chaplain, Alex, Collins ; Sr, Wood-
ward, Christian Eckmier ; Jr, Wood-
ward, Win. Brown ; Sr, Beadle, Win.
Clark ; Jr. Beadle, Robb. Dilworth ;
Auditors, ;leo. McDonald, Ohne.
the close of a splendid Miesiooary
meeting, held 'Tuesday of last week at
the home of Mrs. P, J. McKay, the
following address and presentation
was trade to the heathen who will
be shortly removing we are sorry to
state : DEAR M118, MOKAY.-071 be-
half of the W, M. S. of Ethel Presby-
terian church, we ask you to accept
this 'Primate sever and casserole pie
dish las a slight., token of the esteem III
whicht are •.
you a• held by your fellow
w0r'kees 11) the Society. Your sym-
pathetic 118819Lance will be greatly
missed by us i(1 our work. We sin -
(lovely trust youv remembrance of our
past 8,9130ciali0ns Will be as pleasant
and happy as em's will be and that the
good work in which lye all have been
and will still be engaged may grow
and increase in results. -'Thal, the
grace of our Lord and Saviour may
over continue to comfort you and Mc,.
McKay is our earnest prayer. We
wish you both health, prosperity and
happiness in your future home.
Trusting we may have 1110 pleasure of
meeting you often here and at last
that we may all meet around the
great white throne above where part-
ing and 007r0W shaft be no more.
Signed by MRs. IV..13RDMN.3R, Pres,,
:The address! votes read by 14Ivs A. 11
MCDOIn11ll and Mrs. Lake presented
the girlie. Mrs. McIiay made a brief'
bet most appropriate reply. Before
leaving a tasty lunch was served,
7R01I OVID11831A8,-The Po/lowing
was received by Mrs. E; }Lowland, of
Grey township, from her son, Pte,
Clifford Rowland, nolo in ' England
recuperating from a severe illne83 lie
has had and is now training :-D1LA1t
DAD ' AND NIOTHER--Received your
letter dated Nov. 12t11 and tvae glad to
hear you were all well atpresent,
Received your parcel to -night, also
had one from the Women's Institute
and the Girl's Patr(otio Club of Ethel,
I got
the la
g 1 last h
and E
g d the
Woman's Lnetitute nhe 3 or 4 not lite
ago, o, They were all In gond shape,
althOu w dinged
gII the tine , were a little dnc{
up, It ns fairly good weather hope,
only pretty cold. 1Ve (tad rI mite a
snow storm it day 01' 90 ago and hest
of it is here yet, 1 got this writing
lc. �r
a PPouo
I on Your Meat
The present prices at our +
+ Meat Market are cash (or
4. 3o days' credit if arrang-
+ ed.) Customers allowing 4
* their accounts to run long-
er will be charged 2 cents
+ a pound over cash prices.
+ This system took effect
•+;4 January loth, 1918, :
Backer Bros. t
44 -1 -++++++++44÷ -1 -1. -Hee
paper in the Girl's parcel. You sent
one Sid's address. He will be almost
home now and I gne88 "Nick" Thotnp-
son will be ho -me too, I enuld have
been away on pass now if I had want-
ed to but 1 thought I would wait till
after Christmas. We get a pretty
good dinner here. I saw the diet
sheet to -day. For breakfast there is
scrambled eggs and bacon, tea, etc.,
and roast turkey, pudding, apples,
etc„ for dinner and mince pie, cold
turkey, &c., for supper. 'I will tell
you more about It when I get it. I
I guess I will say good-bye for this
time but will write again in a day or
so, Wishing you all a Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year, From
P. S. -We had au air raid last night
and another one to -night. We could
hear the bombs dropping here.
Numerous people are bothered with
a lagrippe form of cold not easily
parted with.
The churches were not badly crowd-
ed last Sunday, nor have the day
schools required extra seats this week.
Herbert and Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs.
Richard Mitchell, of Kelfleld, Sask„
are here on a visit with relatives and
Most of the 8ideroads have gone in-
to the banking business, the result of
the recent snow storm, Heavy de-
posits have been made from which
few care to draw.
Aenive'sary services next Snnclay
at Union. Rev, Mr, Conway, Trow-
bridge, will be the preacher, Patter-
son Jubilee Singers give a Concert on
Tuesday evening.
Last Saturday Mrs. Alex, Dark, nee
Miss L(Iah Wilkinson, 9113 Con., was
operated on for appendi0itis and the
patient is making favorable progress
the are pleased to state. We trust she
will soon be convalescent.
Mrs. James 1Tnggard and 2 year n1d
daughter, wile ore visiting at the
home of With and Mrs, Rands, from
Raymnre, Sask.. have been on the
sick' list Willi hronehial pneumonia
but are improving nicely n(1w,
On aeenun7 of J, P. lefeKey selling
his farm. 871) 7.1)71„ hnlvill hn1(1 nclear-
iug Auction Sale Wedneslln7 elGrr-
noou, Feb. 1311. He gives 00 posses-
sion on March 1ct to Milton Palm the
put•ohafter. Alv, and Mrs. Mel\ny n
go to Brussels to live, fore. time at
When the (71„s(ng tiny of s,•itne!
0167713 at 14rn,lhpgeli e very enjnyrtble
617110 W silent fr
tL tats 911'.
I 1 11. Ihlin Rehm)), of
which plies Mary Machin, le the
ca able teacln'r. A prowl( in of 7711187.
cal and literary uuulbere Christmas
tree, &e„ W09 given and to cap the
Van address itneompanied by a
French ivory toilet and manien'e sot
was presented the mesh.'(' hy the
Trustees, Mies Meehan matte as suit-
able reply. She has been Ill years in
the school.
The aunnal tweeting of the Maple
Leaf Club was held in the school
ro0nr of Union church when the fol.
lowingreport was read, Money res.
ed, 6478.92. Received fro
Oo. Council, $130.00 ; from P37111 Huron0.
Council, $58 00 ; sent to the British
Red Cross, $10.00 ; to the Belgian Re-
lief fund, $25.00; shipped to Hyman
Hall, London, 497 articles valued eft
3305,25 ; pesonally to our boys over-
seas, 60 articles and 1t Xmas hoose
valued at .$104,75 ; total value, $'1410.
Officers were elected as follows :-
I -Ion, -Pres., Rev. J. W. Johnson ;
Tres,, Mrs. W. Whitfield ; Vice -Pres;,
Mrs, H. Speiran ; Secretary, Mrs. H,
Richmond ; Treas., Miss Pgima But-
SOICOOT, REPORT. -Following is the
repay[• of S. S. No. 8, (trey, for the
mon the of November and December,
Examined in Oohnp,, History, I,ite'a,
lure, Spelling, Arlthrnetic, Genera-
Writing and Gran11n111'. Sr. IV.
T4ggai.t 84, Adriati McPag-
gala 70. .T , IV, -Mal' tares MoNa1
George McNair 76, Mt,rjcry1P111(;nn
Jr, 1I1.. -Gordon M7I'nggavt 72,
ole MC1.lL
ggn.rt (IL Exam. 1)1
rile,, Lit„ Spell„ Arith., Geog,,
Tit. and Lang, Sr, fl, --Howard
tchell 73 ; Fergus Me7.aggaet 71,
IL-Vinleb Heath 73. Jr, I.-
McNair 78, Clifford Brown 71,
mer. flood,-Jaok'Puiton.
Ar tale Pompey, Teacher,
The Posh this leek
Owing to the lit' -up of (Alin. nett
the consegnont cull lug olt ell l •t-
Le1s ant) 77 p, 1.,r 1)hl++ 7117.le r 1
crespirtf t„t,iI1(( 11(1
0(7 (101atlnl Of the km; 7^,11.i./11,11
HI 01 in and hlo,kndr Tun 1-,I peers rs this 1(107.71 to hail 1 I..t 'rn•,
hut puhli8h(d in weal time .+u
11, rimy 78.01,71 117 r.:ndets eat rte ma, ly
gid le
oflute pen,\Vstnlay re; 7',,7 iend” v
thin Next
work 111)1888 bnoine.s ((veil, up.
An interesting and env i,, pull est.
le being carried an in the 1:141011
(.harsh League over the lnenmeizieg
((r 8(411)1ure, Sides are ea teethed by
Will Spe(ran and Fred linyd, Con-
test closes at end of num th and losing
side hits t,1 711'111011 as plopeill 1wr
next oleeliug.
A new stopping place for the G. T,
R, was resumed this week after 805,(1. -
al years withdrawal, on the rear of
the farms of John ()revile and R. J.
Hoover, 011i
Iow lrkt,1eiencto con.,
and steel in the
shape of snowplow and locomotives 011
Monday, The engines ran out of coal
and water and had to pull hack to
Winghaul for supplies. The cut re-
ferred to frequently gagged trains
some years ago but of late had not in-
terfered much with the railway traffic,
The annual meeting of 'Wroxeter
RurlalTelephone Go, will be held in
the Town Hell, at 2 p. m., Wednesday
28rcd it
1st. Annual repot will be pre-
sented, officers elected and other
necessary 1)081,7088 transacted,
Brussels 0ouncil
The new Council consisting of Reeve
8, T. Plum and Conucillors D. Walk-
er, M. Fraser and 8, Wilton (G. A,
Best absent), having taken the usual
declaration of office, took their seats,
at the Board last Monday,
Reeve Plum in the chair, 1V1771utee of
last meeting read and passed.
Following accounts were present-
ed :-
Geo. Henderson, hauling coal,
Electric Light $ 20 92
Jno, Evens, wooed for Hall 3 00
TEE Pow printing 5 50
W. A. Lowry, sale of right
of way 60 00
Dr. T. T. McRae, Medical
Health Officer, salary100 00
Moved by Walken- Wilton, that
accounts be paid, Oau'ied.
On motion of Wilton -Fraser, Ino,
Ferguson and N. F. Gerry were ap-
e of
Br)i sees P r 1918,® atfsa aryvillofa310.00
each, Other appointments were :-
Member of Library Board, W. H.
Kerr ; Member of Board of Health,
Alex, Stewart ; Assessor, John Long,
salary, 350.00 ; Collector of Taxes,
Caretaker, &c„ Robe. Oliver, at
$45.00 per month,
W. H. Kerry applied for annual
grant to Brussels Public Library
Moved by D. Walker, seconded by M.
Fraser, that the usual grant of 3 mills
on the dollar of Assessment be made
to the Public Library. ('tarried,
310.00 was granted to Heron Go.
Children's Aid. Society.
By -Laws Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were
read and panned cnnfirmiug the above
A By -Law was passed authorizing
the holding of a Nonrotation meeting
in the Town Hall for 4 -public Settee'
Trustees, Monday evening, Jan, 28tH
at 7,80 o'clock and Election a week
later if necessary,
Finance Committee for 1018, Reeve,
Best tied Walker.
Street Committee, Reeve, Fraser
anti Wilton.
Council then adjourned,
Hugh McKinnon n rho ROCfpient
Thursday evening Western Star
Lodge No. 140, I. 0. 0. F., Brussels,
were the hosts et an At Home, the
special leatnr0 of which was the pees-
eat11ti00 of a Military special service
medal to Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, 71,11
Con.,' Grey township, Won en a French
battlefield, by her gallant son, Seep.
J. Ross McKinnon, who afterward
made the suprelu0 sacrifice for hie
King and .Empire.
A goodly company having as;eu-
blecl W. H, Ilea took the chair and
introduced the follon'ing interesting
and well rendered program 1 -Instep.
mental music, violin and organ, J. and
Mrs. Clouse ; short address, Rev,,
Henry Smith ; solo, Mies13illg0ton ;'
reading, J. T. \Vood ; solo, Will, Oar.
diff ; address, Rev. . E. Stafford ;
instrumental, Mr, and Mrs, Cheese;
presentation of medal by B1'ns. F. I1.
Gilroy and R. Hende'sou, N. G. ; re•
plies by Rev. A. J. Mann and Role.,
McKay, the latter being a broths' of
Mrs. McKinnon ; song., F, H. Gilroy ;
vote of thanks by Ins. Jones and \V.
A. Geewar, with reels, by Rev. Mr,
Smith ; National Anthem ; prayer by
Rev, t'74r, 11171nrn. et 1•,47y ("well was
00rved 11ef0re clilneeeine.
Tho ackh,,,, erns 118 f''111) 77 1-
TO Mies. I9 Met olfree k l''-tAtrLy
InAii FRt>SND$.-A vin3' great inn,
0t bas'beei, flonf7rred upon \\regimen
Star. Lodge No, 149, 131ns-tele in twilit;
asked to act as the median th)migh
the Distinguished Servide Med-
al for bravery upon the battlefield,
won by your late son and brother,
Se7, J. R. Me innnn is to he present-
ed you, Knowing that yon have
already suffered exceedingly by the
lose yeti have 0118tta(tled, the would nob
feedlot, harrow your feelings het we
wonld 111(7 to take this opportunity of
I W, Proudfoot, M. P. P.
Opposition Leader
Tho member for Centre Huron
rel. P1ou,71,,,7 K. (1., of Centre
!Imam 1, the temporary leader of the
Lee! et pert? in (Muni,, (7, succesei0n
t , 11.01. 117. II'. l(,(well, The selection
W aA made at a 00111'eralrce 0f Llbe1al
11. 10, P's Land the prespective caudl-
l01e8, in ihr 1'00me oP the 001;a110
ltetet'111 A'l'locution, Toronto, last
)seek. The decision was unanimous,
declared Chity, M. Bowman, chief
Liberal whip, who called the Oonf
ellee together and presided over
gathering. Severe/ other names w
mentioned, but they withdrew
favor of Mr. Proudfoot,
The name of Mr, Bowman was m
Honed at the beginning of the meet(
but llewaived his claim of seniori
Mr. Dewart, Toronto, and J. C. Ellin
ed, but they withalso were
drew theirnnam
making the decision unanimous,
"Mr. Proudfoot will be our leader
the House during the coming session
said Iyer. Bowman, "and a Proviso'
Convention will be held during t
session for the purpose of appoint(
a permanent leader,"
London Advertiser refers to 14I
Proudfoot's selection as follows :
tura have made a good choice, W
Prod (foot, K. 0., of Toronto an
Goderieh is well qualified to fill th
position. He is one of the leadfu
members of the Ontario bar, and h
represented Centre Huron in 11)
Lduring tht111 11ime o0ne of the 02, He has
members of the House,
The Proudfoot fancily has take
naturally to the pre908810ns and Turn
!shell distinguished members ill law
medicine told the °huret". The Rev
Dr, Proudfoot, the founder of t13
First Presbyterfau church in Londe
WAS the grandfathev of the leader o
the Oppos(toa. He wa8 a big, Mead
shouldered Sen ehmen, who exercise
in his day much influence for good •
this comrnunity, lois son, Rev, Dr
J. A. Proudfoot, uncle of the ne
leader, succeeded him as pastor of th
First church and occupied it unt
comparatively recent years. I3e wa
nue of the Professore of Knox Oolleg
for many years before his death. An
other uncle, Vice-01jaucellor' Proud.
foot, was one of the best equity judges
the Province ever had. On the bench
lie looked ovary inch a Judge. The
medical profession for two generations
had representatives of the family,
wi0 have taken a leading place,
\Villiers Proudfoot, R. 0., M. P, P.,
is a native of the County of Heron, a
son of r
R lbert
Plondfoot. He eeceived
his education in Goderieh, and after
his call to the bat- formed a partner-
ship with the late Judge (,arrow, He
has been the head of a legal firm in
enticricll and Toronto for many years
past. Hie legal practice and his ex-
perience in the Legislature have lnta-
111)0l his judgment. He will be a safe
loathe'. He has already rendered
splendid service to the Province, but
the fntere will bring out the best that
(s in hint, Much will bo expected of
hint es th,8Prondfoots are regarded Tae
a very able. family, The Advertiser
believes he wilt maintain the reputa-
tion of the 111011ly and tvhebh08 in op-
position or in power' C00901e11ti0n81y
and ably 1111 the position of leader of
the Opposition or Premier of the
Province o1' ()titmice
n -
payhlg 781bute to the ulemoty of your
gallant' EMU all/1 0111' esteemed 'wallet
Oticlfa'll(W, who, having heard the call,
so nobly -and devotedly performed the
taste nssigneal to hire, Nothing that
bnuld he said by us can tnitigate your
suffering, but it will be a consolation
to you to know that yen had u son
and a Moths' wilo bronght no dia-
credit but lusting glory and h0nee to
the 11111118 he hove and also to know
that his mime hoe been inscribed
with these of ()thee hsr008 on the
Honer Roll of the Bri1(sh Empire,'
On behalf of Western Star Ledge,
No. 149, R. Heermil tsote, N. gG,
nJ. ll
LAcr., Ree, -Sec,
Befoee Seep. M7Tiinnon welt OM,
00118 11( Was presented with a wrist
watt)[ 1)y his brethren of \Veste+u
Star Lodge, IT(3 w<a0 a o110ery, heave'
fellow with a widee oiICle of friends
who vnty deeply regretted his demise,
entime ticallyt1011otveddidiis the old Red,
White and Blue, The modal will 11
treasured by the relatives as is token
of hie recognition by the &twin) 7600,
soldier true,
Brussels Bible Society Branch
Bost Your On nocord-.$201,e5
Thanks to the good work done by the
Collectors and the liberality of the coin
tributors is the locality. 19)7 is the
best record of thi