HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-10, Page 80+++++4.14+04.4+9,44,+04404+4+ 41+0+0+0+44,449+4 ++44++++ + • A a+ O •!r F. RP SMITH The Store Ness' Stock food Hogs 16 Cents and Better It Pays to keep them Thriving No Time for Worms +M • NOW is tvhen all your stock • needs special attention, because the ehonge from pasture to dry feed is one of the most critical • times of the year. Keep up the good condition - keep tip the Summer thrift - keep tint the worms, Dr. Ness' Stock Tonic • k• Drives out the Worms. Makes stock Healthy. 2 lb. pkg costs 350 ; Io Ib pkg. costs $t 25 ; 25 Ib. pail $2 5o. d Try it for rapid, healthy growth F of Pigs as well as for other 4. stock. O • Now is the time to feed t. Dr. Ness' Poultry Panacea 4 v It will keep your Hens healthy a^11 start the Pullets }evicg. Comes in 7 lb. pkgs SS e. Small pkgs are 35c. , } a Ness Instant louse Killer 4' Priv-;g^. Kills Lice on Stock 4. and Poultry. • . 0 k 4 i ease In Price of Although it costs the manu- facturers thousands of dollars more to make VINOL than it did a year ago, and the new War 'Pax of United States, added .t still further burden, they are not going to charge the people arty more Eur it -preferring to keep the good will of their customers and avoiding price increases wherever possible You can therefore continue to get VINOL from us at the old price of $i oo a•bottle plus 40 for War Tax stamps, Many customers have proved by personal experience that Vino! 0 h tit • year In lr keit by •ucc. A IWCKLY Maisel) N p y.r1 on the rink Wing5um 01111 tk a sal ('sing '1 e VIM s t 1 s Our buys have !tail little • pear n•e tir, Lain" 'hef .3 match. • 1111U.S11.5 p+lv'c 111 r tiu+H.'i m en." - 4, malts quantity un Cutin• til r. »+all. The 4 plverd hist 11113 .1-1, led 2.0,+:4 to ih,, 4' work, the sni,lier boys gifts being a tidy • chute iu itse'C, QU 3N'rr're of Mantilla seed wheat for `ads. Phone 4:111 Btus 1. U. Li N: ' ter are now awe trial owner at Palate I ih ary, A GREAT tine was enjoyed at 111uva10"i rink, skating the old veer out and the new ear in. Attendance Was large and the ice good REEVE PLusr s Now Years e11was an ncclamatiou election to the h'•o1 of the Attie r_n'+I 555111 41 f.+' 1518 N'.r tvi 1 18.25 per 5081101. .1011h MON Alttit, p, PA lit of antro which were ler) in wrong eat. 4 STRAYED from Lot 15. Con. 4, Morris, n bleak and tan hound 1 large dog ; ao.wet3 to name j j of"Rock." Any Information as to his where. 1 Will he thaukreliy' rra+"v+'d by n pouts n PETXa RUMMUCin, n.11e 5418. Font .ALS. -Horse, boggy, he rapes, robes and two cutters one hearty- new, .ripply FOR s Flro1.rt0ea AL3— Were le 1 In good repair, Hes gaud tire., ecotone,' with frame pump. tools, nlartn bell and rear parcel. carrier. Whea new was worth $511. Will In sold reasonable. For portionless aPPly to JAs 70ULAN, R. R. No 2, Brussels. Phone 11719 B. M. Conor, Queen st•., Brussels, 3.111 t ljRW51 hit 4. NATO 2 CEN'ra A Ln. ON Y01/12 5(0.&T. -The Iv Present prices at ottr meat market aro cash (or fi 110 &ire credit if arranged.) Cu+tomern 0110W. O oil 2 cents a lbunts over sashlprlooat t This ill 399 tell» 'b goes into effect to -day. Blegon BRos., Brussels, Jan. 10, 1915. 13atohers. SeTTr,0 ACCOUNTS -All neranne indebted to me are asked to square off a011001104 bV 3011. 19. Aft that date 7 pBer pentWillh•' added. O 0 O .�..'. 100,5 60tit" 0,01;9d1t80t*00,a /03,0441600€11$W5 V$t et5er3✓gfOViloYtl ea dile et 41 de. F W e$ 10 U W t0 is (O'3 0 W .15 en 05 1 a) t3 q Ti{E STAM+ I( OF' CANADA Ii0A0 OFFICE +• TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of mann. facturers, farmers and merchants. - EST'D 1573 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 BRUSSELS RANCH, G. I-1, SAMIS, ®E E Manager. -=:0a4m:-s.ean: 4aar w..05..w.x0r.0: rnvs.5:0,44.--4..r0400010,01444,4504.....40144540.40001.0004 ;a Ar tuna' 31 t'('lO of thin 111'0 5i11M- lit: it rctirt•d for the past len years, was 4 )0 0411:0_,11 ',vli1 be peril ucxt 21u1t4.15' 11 iatl 35111 ' Lodge He cotllal1 1151' 0115 el - ret t t •t In the NSW Dice tabs+^ on G. T. R came into t Grnud Lodge for one year, Mr Yltitch- t•ff,•.o la.t Monc11'+. The charil'''y en the 1 In -.on claimed his Castle Frank home v (; & B aur both trains from the t wet damaged by the construction of the I5.1st sate, doled 111 lunates later. 1 Bloor street vlat.luet tuft an action t'. Uut0'� IN5'r1 rti') t: -Brussels Wotn• whish he put In against the city is under 1 .•,1(741 a will convene in the And -.I arbitration now. 511', 51tVe liuson was home Room of the Public Library ea a member ui St 1'.tui's Anglican church, 1' 1LP-61 y, J 1+-1113.3 241h, a' 2 311 p 111, 1 Bluer street n.145 and leaves n Wife and. Nils H. W. Parsons, Toronto, Provin. 6 daughters. Funeral Monday. Old (•1.11 D0105.'ir, will address the ladies. flianda here tiddler sympathy to the She i+ an exceptionally g+'o.l speaker and ( bereaved. el l i� n�,r of the beet known and most cap- 1)tntcan McArthtu•, an old Mid w able Institute workers. Airs Parsons ku'wn resident of this locality, 'las been new ' �q' tr nn�oN Benasela ha:, devoted tnucb time topotrietic effort on the sick list at the Qu:011''4 hu' el and •"re Leghorn Cockerels from heavy ray noel - Ler atl'hessrs slung this line' are nutter the c-tre 01 a 170)x3. He is show- ® tug strain for solo. H Wu, 1T ARv0YBRr4N0, 'noon -inn Fiersu"Worn- jug considerable improvement 0)311 his Phone 125. sit is Ltdnslry," "Experiences In Ger. many+'Id 1lieud:; Rupe he Wiil soon be 1 moot," "A box for overseas,"' "Parlia• about as active as ever. NDnY anti wood 1VV7. sale. ONT Phone AM.Procedure,"f • v • i 1000 Bushels good swede Turnips for sale, 'I' Lot 8, Con. 4, 'Grey. WALT1,It 01.1800. •. Bin e. al o R. R. No. 2 ,',pql(' PRISM Sri Oysters at S. 0, WILsoN's. Cres 9tr+e S 00121M000 WAhT10n Freln Strength For weak, run down men and aomen and delicate childreu, and that it is also a splendid remedy for Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis. 10F. R. SM1Til to 20 pordeof hhardwood wanted for Methodist Cliurch,'Brus- p sets to be delivered before Feb- lot, For fur. ”' Phone 87 Brussels. they par banners see R. Le4'3R1tte 11Aral, '1 HOIIaa AND LOT FOR SALE. -Good frame house, 215 acre of land, fruit trees, well, &o•, ' in Brussels, For further particular's apply at 4 pan PORT. • '1' TURal4 Short Horn Buns Frani 10 to 12 months old s. P01 sale.hone 34S SPEW, Lot 20, Con, 01.Dn. PARb0R, Osteopathic Physician, visits • Brussels Monday and Thursday afternoons of + each week. Chronic, and nervous diseases 0 ericaessfnlly treated. Visite residences. 0011• + 1 anitatlon at Queen's Hotel. O ! --0-- O I A large grain chopping machine ,bas beau installed by Ino. Logan to its mill, taaStare Druggist and Stationer• Brussels to take the place of the one The if"' 0 ° that blew up a month or so ago. It was a � � well tested o +h ut last Saturday with 37 * +++4+0+04.48+0+ 4+0+0+0+48+0+4 loads of grain and worked o, k, meetings of East Huron Board of Agri. jnxoaRY 24 and 25 are the dates of the 040040140404001404=04.0.4110000141010401100 410314.101•002a000,11 THe price of shaving and hair cutting ' culture, Two sessions each der, open foul 'tens encs has advanced 5 cents each and is note 15 to everybody, with musical program ata cents for the former and 25 lar the latter. ! (led to evening gatherings, Town Hall, CoNGRATULATTONs ale rx'euded to W. i lbu1sel5 Speakers will be I. W. Clark, A. and Mrs Lowry over the arrival of a 1 Cainsville; S. B. Smith, Smithdaie; and sou and heir. THE Pos'r will take oys• tvMrs H. W. Parsons, Toronto. The lat- ters ter will address the Women's Institute snNEsnAY of uext week the D. 0 G, , fi-St afteruooa in the Public Library M, will visit Western Star Lodge, No. 1 Audience room, Mark down the dates Icy, I 0 O. F-, Brussels, au.l install the and shoe; ur practicalothing ii ut gest nisi e- Decease d who b officers. A large attendance of mem- ing present. to bets is requested. make a meeting go with a 040®00•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••0••••••••d; ••••0••9'® 4•••int+4,*,i'e;v•••••aiR•e"tta•1••�+4:"•404/400400 4.0 4,4,0004606+d•800A csed&4564 1915. COLD. JANUARY. ICs harvest is on. HOLIDAY trade was good. MONDAY was Municipal Election day. Many acclamations cut out ballot mark 111g. "Breen of a Nation," Town Hall, Brussels, Friday of next week, ISth inst. It is worth coming miles to see. A 14U318ER of interesting matters are left over to next issue of THE PONT. Copy const come earl.' to be of use. 'I'RAIes from the East have been run- ning a long way behind their schedule, an hour late beings common occurrence. I'xs Ament teams and teamsters are busy at sawlog and heading teaming to the mill yard, Brussels. Roads have been splendid for such work. AT Hama in the Odd Fellows' Lodge room Thursday evening of this week and a good time promised Are you a three - linker i' If so you are wanted there, W sILe playing with some boys at the bowling green last Saturday, Archer, sin of W. A. au11 bars Grewar, had the elbow of one arm broken. We hope he will 50017 recover. FEIDAY afternoon of this week, at 3 o'clock, a W, C. 'I'. U. pray -r meeting will he held fu the Public Library Aud- ience room on opening of new sear. A cordial invitation. Tata tv4'k George Muldoon, Brussels, purchased the Shaw farm, adjoining the corporation, paying $8,0oo for it. Farm contains r35 acres and will suit Mr. Mul- doon line. He gets possession March rat, SAsxER Bens, have purchased the roomy stable in the rear of the'I'ne PO5T block from Mrs. George Jackson. town, and are transforming a large part of it into an ice house. It will be a handy spot. • DoN'T forget the Annual Meeting of East Huron Agricultural Society Wed -1 uesdav afternoon of next week at 1 30 4 o'clock. 'There should be a large at ten- dance of farmers and townspeople so e, that extra energy would be put into the 4 Fall Fair of 1918 Become a member if not so already and get bttsy. • REo CRoss'PEA,-Saturday afternoon • of this week, at 3 o'clock, a meeting of the ladies of the losing side in the recent - knitting and serving contest, will beheld in the Public Library to decide on the • date of the Tea they are to arrange for. - Will every person interested endeavor to • attend. MRS D C Ross. CHANGES AT PUBLIC LIBRARY, -00m- 6 • A 0 4 4 • a • 4 • • O 6+ 0 6 d 5) 15 0 B Q 4 0 6, 13 13 • • 191 alealda.r m 'I'u any of our Customers who have not )'et ♦3 O' • 9 STORE a ® .>:.:t••;•a4,�_ru t31c5£!43&G)£34)'Etdtet3a�.4,i 7Eo'Bd Year Sr ago t \VE 1 X'I'ENL) (JUR BEST WISI11,S ICOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NLi' 1I 1:R, received one of our Calendars we extend a cordial invitation to call for one, 9 43 DRUG STORE V Notice to Creditors :111', )natter of the estate of 0..'.,) Brewer, late of the Tots :Isla p t f !ileitis, in the County of Huron, mentor/ oinWal lout nr- ger Leman, deceased. loos :;11131 pointe," "Let d 1t' towards13. bthe 6CRN Notion 1141101'051y given pttr tient to "'fire Gr- ad alai ':b1" It [tarp pee the hied ,,4( 0I of Duhu•io," that all 000141tors Nal a,:+at D:hl is exp+.eled Mrs Lo 113, and Brussels, WLowry, 110011.1, 1915, 10 and others listing eluting against the mist,. of M r, and Mrs. W. A. Lowry, NOTICE P,110) 4 will address the children 311 in the the said (,surge Brewer, who diad on or about SC11Ont in the foreno•,n of the sono day cy1100 0.....go1 t`,enth day 11) .r, oil ontow+etltA, D„h 1917, As is waitimpossibleto send a 11 e'itea to RCNNx111( —Tri Unri•le, an January 1st, 1018, of Jaunary, a. 1)., 10)8,to'.ort+' by postprepai 1 as BI'us? e' ror'3 31ra11V 'l0330ani R1 11 .o ,aged 78 yeura and 7 n tie. or deliver 1.0 .h'• nudersig a Li Exiwntors oP the A pplientiona for 5110 05l,. P Assessor for the every branch nu DAVInaaN-711 Davidson,ker,Oklaholol'ly Jam 8111, U x�se4 Si East Huron the in the 1adjoin. 1 .1- 51 ('urnei Dformerly of Etheh last W111 and Ta=tnm,.no ,f , ai,ct rrased,at Tawnshipnr 1,11 ,1 4 n911he, t,}I+r,1+'n'1by12th 1 c 1 a. Ilru.gets P 0„ 4heh• ('hrllHan inti Nnrnamel mater.ianrd anal �ntnriln,r, Y an i nyl 11' 10 to the led•cs 117 the ad 11 11 n ed ?5 years, I add rte+0, and d+warippt)me, the fel) purltem)ars lest., or at le eating of council at Winthrop, on lug ,aeras (O he d earn[ Couto and hitt' - `of their claims, the atYntementor t11,1r 000001174 January 14th, tit 2.121 p➢1URDINI, (llnrla MIS Par$Vn5 and 111115 a 51151)11 with AUCTION SALES and the nature of the seenritws lir any) hotel seuporth p, 0. on WBI,N1:e0AY, JAN. 291011,-1rar111 stook, (111. 1 h.9 them). 1 Grey FRIEND Sa CxAVF. BLOOD054(8•-Tu1'on'o Star 148),' ltl' vudl*ttO ro clock. l'D119111 Ba gley, nionttl0ited duG (110 paid Fsucntora v41er 11'pre- 'salevn''e.e onecltU lil,,,mhut,:rw n..eUa eP the d+rensrcl Farmfor Sale of last Satge,1(( refers to rho following 1rnp.; r ,.91'"15, Aun. tn,nt tin parl4es emtitled thereto, having re- oealh, tris gentleman being the husband I _ lard only to the 3101,08 of Widish they linin rhea of M ,' Rsch el A1wit Il t', Ntrrile i,l 55 —"—" - -" have notice; owl. the sad Executers will nal (`ontnblhlu 173 eat ea, habil Lot 8, (Jon, ll, Brussels, mud who with hire Iluichin1„n BRUSf3F.L8 MARKET be 11111110 5011 f110onld-assets or any Part dines- alai part of (.nts7and 8, Von 12, CTruy town - of La env 1,eram or unisons of whose rho°1 hip Well :catered, comfortable fauna house, V Isi1'd in town last Fall 1V 11i11m Wl,,nd 82 170 11207 notice shall not bare been 1401.1ved by Lieut at lank tern wifllat nc.tubo, 511E711 fent; gouts 113U1 Hu:c11 noon, a well known'it •115 Wheat 75 5 lbs time of such distt•11 1lin,. drive th,A hen lion -e, rig pea and pomp trCt and 311'.buil(e, Toronto, ilia paned p+,,,,, 859 999 11 1(1 at ;9urlde,1111 9Ih day u£ January• don e I,ari1e crchar+l and about 5 acres nto.h. tiw Frau at tris late residence, 53 Castle , Bxrley 11U 112 A, D. IDIS Rural mailand t+de;.>hun0, )i utile fromarhnnl Batter 111 Na Wel[. WILILINr,ON,')rxenuturl, nntlatuil+'1 h•um Rrnwel0 For Pnrtl)er par- Frauk road, at tor a shoat illness, ha,' au ; Eggs is 45 W57. BREW 19131 ii Oculars 'tinily to matt. E Di+'B:+uN, operation 1,•t• a healed ear 110Vrt .} wetkS , Haga 17 50 17 00 .-. .. - __. .-_ F. R. No. 5, Brussels. 50 910 1190 For Sale or Rent ago a .d was; anpm'ently recovering, but Hai' 7 10 71 50 internal l:emurfhages het in. Kenneth Potatoes per bag Murray, a friend gave a quart of blood .. ._ -- - -(t Company l0U acre Farm for aNe ar to rent, n..1tr ,inion,. last Huron ligriculturel Society to prolong Mr Hu'ehinsou s life, but in ( o star Telephone tIQIII all town nn thel01Lb30. Motais tmvn.hu, Cnn• spite of this heroic tffort, Mr. 1r Mur. I Vie 0 t4 p p y son ralbid but for 24 hours Mr Mur.' ray wilt, is teeing a medical course at I the'l'otmtto Univershy, is not feeling ANNUAL MEETINO any serious results. . Mr. Hutchinson 7,110 Annual Meeting of Elle Wroxeter Rural was born lu 'isotonic) about 54 years ago T(Thuhoun to„ eting of will ba held Sri rho 011 Yeage street, just above, Alive street, Town Hnll, W1•ncet,•r, nt2p. m., int W+,dnes- near where his father was also born of day. January 211 1, g 18, (or ors receiving 118 the Enkiantl parents. His ynual onrandtl,0180tingnlRoeroefol'theseneees• mother tv i:S English, coming here at theery. Sv. U. HAZL,E 0005, sen. -Treasurer. Farre for Sae The un+ler0ign+•tl (dere fol• sato iia 140 acre fol•v1, being K'; ),ort Lot 11, ('on 8, Morris tntvnahio. (dnod h, ink house and firat•oloaa outbuildings cit premises For lurth or earths. Mara apply to ANC'H IR 1) IL10RR, 21-4 R. 11, No, 5, Brussels. swing. age of 4 years. ata widen to eoho"1. For further parr 100115'0 ftp• ply to L RUT1'AN, 252 B1ueVnal0. ANNUAL MEETING meetingof Nitron Co. council The Arnnalllleet ngof hhwt Huron Agrlinl• lural ale, ory w'll ,,•hoito the Town 1, at 13301'els, k 1 \i 1. Rusin January11010 a1Mee 111 at I ts, n'clurk ,. 111. Business of the Meeting - The Connell of the Corporation or the Cnida• R„co h,g thiappointing 10,31f11eStatement inor 5 a Sdar tyv of Huron will meet in the (Rumen t9,1o1,or, ors Report., Uodorieh, atOo'clock. on Tuceda3 the 32nd 1918, 5511, ,TNt1.FEfi(4URON, President. in -t., tela c4E0. W. liohrttAT0 11. 311 RLAI'K, Secretary. t4odertch, Jan. Tilt, 1018, 04009.040,004340a0+1 £+•400 004.400. 4400 SS000000041840000 9 • O ,,* ....u•. Opera am Day o. e, Q 8 p House �N `• U i r,thr onde of the Wort ! 4 6 e •• • b 9 9 O 4 4 0 9 0 40 A 4 4 O 4 meueing next week, owing to fuel shot t• age, the Public Library will only be op- en Wednesday and Saturday afternoons anti evenings of each week. Hours 7 to y 30 in the evening. Due notice will be given) when regular hours are resumed. Board wet Tuesday and decided on this course, ALhtt•s•r every trade and profession has its newspaper or journal looking after its Special interests, '''here ate . $, several farm papers, but curly one that can he truly called the Farmers' Basi mess paper. That paper is the Weekly Sun, 'Toronto Every farmer who I 4 farms for profit should be a Subsct)her j The Sun will pay for itself )natty Imes I c over daring the year. • WON M11,1TARY MNDAL--•WeArepleas- 4 ed to state: that Pte N W. Scott, 1t'2nd , 4 Battalion, and brother to 11• S Scott, Brussels, has been swatdell the Military 4 Medal for conspicuous services on the battlefield, being twine recommended • for the honor. He was W00113101 On • Nov 2ent1 and is now in a. Liverpool, F r Th fl inar.11an r T The Most Tremendous Dramatic Spectacle that Drain of Man has yet Produced Ten Times Bigger than the Biggest Circus Exactly as Presented in all of the large Cities in Canada and the United States Remember RESERVE YOUR SEATS EARLY as the capacity of the Hall is limited, SEATS ON SALE AT FOX'S DRUG STORE ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE. MIGHTIEST e PECTACLE EitER Pff�O9•, r r M ,^'�.'� .tt -•.+rte � tb°3' :s. ' , w' i "c'si 5�..::. �'- h.' . i 3 .1*" ,'sa •.. •et,'k t.. " ., a my Tororit -...11.11.- � .»w....,..•_.,......,.,..._. A Question Have you seen 11I'h"s 13i1•th'of a Nation ?" No? Go, because this is a Limited En- gagcment, and it will be the last chance to see it in its entirety. PRICES WITHIN THE • REACH Or EVERYONE. The Greatest ,a rt Conquest since the Beginning of Civilization. 4, 0 .34 9 a • 4 4 • A 1184 4 O 4 A 4 4> • 0 ea • 4 9 e fondertaa6 than `3en- 4 e a • 4 Hvir or any other Production. Marl n Prices e-�c,5]c&25i Evening - $1,00, 15r & 50c ORIGINAL MUST e�i� Under the Direction of the Famous V Pilaster JULES BRAZIL STAGE EFFECTS e ,2, England, ivlilitaryhoapital. This brave � Concert as lata had just completed a year of service iu the front tranches unharmed when he was injured by shrapnel, We hope he z a' AAAAABAdAAeAAtANA•A•O CA•A@ O.OAAirOAAAAA0AAA0AAi 3500®• OA®OAOOa $0®®A••AIAOs 444.440.0••••0 4•A0Ao004 ta4a •411800404.0000441.140440:0041001•41wilt 50011 be convalescent, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAiAd_►A+►