HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-10, Page 3111 LATEST IN FAIIIING. Raising' Turtles en 0 Six -Acre Lot in Maryland, U.S.A. Inditstey W11000 apnee, The first ()s- tyli+ farm was laughed al. Thu phawer ..bunli farm Was considered Most odoriferous jest and the Week fon farm it ,le•eelable fable, Already they hat e 1,e4e4>4et institutions 11.1U1'll111' wonderment or commeet. the turtle farm is the latesl -tenet," itelturtry to engage at - tele ion . Md„ ceists the only terrapin (arra on earth. Terrapin, as an (Theo.:. will tell you, is the chief ingredient of one of the most delee- table snaps veer emwocted. In former yeairs the reptile ,Vee, it is a reptile: --was so eemmon that terrapin wee not properly appreciated, Slaves were made o eat terrapin to :give more cementer, foode, 'and any tendeney te virtue !teethed the "lowly" diet was diseournged with a rawhide. . Now the resit may have to:gamin-- end A. T. 1,e Vellette, 44 oientific farmer, raises them on -a six -acre fern). The farm is divided into small 11(105 01 water, gress, mud and send. The terrapin are aseeeted according to sixe and iregregated Lo prevent the larger ones from injuring the small ones. Pisan 30,000 to 40o00 of them are always on hand, under guard of en armed negro who has 00 elevated stand like a prison guerd. At feeding thne another (minted at- tendont Claps his hands awl the terra- pins einne slithering through mud and grass to partake of their rations. The only emotion ('"el. exhibited by o diamondbnek tur•tle is manifest at feeding time. Then he betties royally far his ehare---and the other follows'. Mr, ta Valletee provides warm, dark pens for this winter borrowing. In the spring the creatures emerge and the female velvets, 0 :pot of warm, damp 414110 to excavate fer Inc nestt Once they have hatched into crea- ture; lor small and rened iie silver quurtere, they burrow tele the sun- light to ins the teed. Nue] world alone. Th.', mother turtle netser givee them itnether thought. But the farm attendents do. They .,e41 that they do not fall prey le, eats, snakee, fish and malnr. Mem tee animale stein a length of sie , er eeer they ere '.)lieft "counts" end ere each; for the market It telner a ierte, aliatet i./nes as Tong as a man to nmette, nig +:1 them not ettaloiets full she. until they are 50 or Ile yeere of me,. 'he hides - try citurot wait that long, so young turtle nee (lisp:gee of, The terile is a rail melee lueery now, where 0 century iir,*0 it Win.; 14 slave's centpulsery preeendr T. JAM FOR TOM ele - Vesr Quantities of Food Regnired Inc Army Rations. Neariy 2,000,000 peunds of jam in papier-mache containere is seen Lo Franec every week. Twelve varieties are issued, among, w•hieh etrawbeery, it is stated, largely preponderatee. The soft fruit crop of 1011 was al- roatly on the market when the War be- gan and the jam manufacturers had to rely entirely on apple and atone fruit elope to meet the government contraets. Bence the "plum and apple" or war notoriety. Lest 'year Australia. New Zealand and South Africa supplied 41,1100,000 pounds of larn and it was thus pos- sible to supply fresh fruit jam at nel- sons when it could not be obtained at home. The daily ration et the front includes three ounces of cheese, To enable this issue to be made the army eontracts department had, up to the beginning .of this year, purchased 137,000,000 pounds of cheese and be- tween 1,000,000 and '2,000,000 pounds is being sent .every week to the army in France alone. More then 500,000 pounds of tea is sent weekly to the army in France, Before the British war office became its own tea merclfant single orders for 1,000,000 pounds were no uncommon thing. The daily ration is just over half ae 001100. EFFECT OF ALTITUDE 8m/111101ln Is Difficult In the Mountain Lakes. Naltie1'nte4 drownings occurring re- cently in hikes of high elevation have pointed out a serious menace to swim- mers, 50 well as the necessity Inc the tamest enee on the part of 11410111mi or others from the lowlands who so- Journ about such waters, says the Popular Mechanics Megazine, It is o wollknown fact that persons physi- cally sound, dwelling in locations near sett level, find themselves short of breath under the seighest exertion when in high altitudes. Thus', when nett a person plunges into a moun. tain lake lie findthat the exertion of swimming quickly exhausts 1118 enev- gles. Normal respiration is inmos- t:Deo and the heart action becomes dangerously rapid. It is the tittering° or oxygen (1110 to lam olovation that omments fer some of the recent tra- gedies of Ilig' Bear and Little Bear Lakes in the See 13401151511110 Motel. taine, 1.a1405, more than a mile above sea level, are frequeated by fisherimm and pleasure seekrs from the 1 °viands. Cobham) and turnips give soup at delirious 21110011. Any attempt to turn the knob no bisere a key rings a burglar alarm in a leek that at New Yore man has he, vented. iROYAL BANK OF CANADA ASSETS NEARLY DOUBLE TOTAL OF THREE YEARS A00. Purehase of Quebec Bank Add. 20 I Millions-- Total increase Derinle 3917 is 82 Millions, • Iloyel dank of Canada's etotes meet shows •at.olil• 1, thm- rid growth that 1144.1 market the re- : cent history of the institution, a growth areelerated in the inset year. ' be the absorption of the Qeeliee licink on January let last,. The perching of the Quebec.. L'ank add" "mrd'hing like 20- millions to !the aesets of the Reyna That, how- ever, aecounter for n eel:diva:1y small part of the expansion, fer the increase in total asset5 as compared with Nov - tele, amounts to more than 82 • millions, in the poet three years the bank has practically doubled the re - (0(1110011 at its command; they are ap- proximately seven titres the total of only ten years ago. Succeeding statements of the a- 1 stitution contieue to give every inffie cation that the progressive policy 'of the management has else been charac- i ierized by sound judgment. As the bank has gone forward, partly under the stimulus of successive absorptions of smaller institutions, and partly as la natural result of growth within its !existing business, its position has !been rapidly consolidated and strengthened before the next forward movethent. Evidence of public confidence is ap- . parent in its deposit accounts, These h o glow 0 millions in the past year and of lle millions in the past three years. Savings deposits, billed in this model. McCall Pattern; taken sepnrately, are about nine times Nn. 80$8, Girl's Dross, In 0 sizes, ' the total of ten years ago. 4 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. The statement of profits continues* 0E20 \ t"-• 4" Attrnei. Two materials :re attractively cam- toshow ericceesful direetion of the 1 ' bunk's affairs, A sulietantial gain in e the p1161 year earried the figures to the highest level yet reached, with a' showing of slightly better than 18 per cent earned 00 p461 -up capital against 17.8 per cent, the preceding year. As the Quebec Dankee record its an term r had been inferior to that of the institution in which itis now absorbed, st the ehowing in that respect is highly e • ' satisfactory. '1 Profit and loss figures for three j. years are compared in the following teble• 1517, 10111. 1015. 14e1111,01,.. 745..240 '070,472 0140O12 . 2 111,307 1,500,570 2,180.325 2.787,775 2,819,638 131,1. mots 1,340,401 1,417.207 1,307,200 ("05(1(11, 'mew (new inoemo Premises sseeee . 250,000 250,000 \la). . 120,257 105,000 Patriot. 00000 Reserve 10, 521.800 Tnial 2410,001 1.036,438 1,84 1150 Balance ,604,264 152441 070,472 It will be noted from the foregoing that a substantial addition has been made to reserve account. There was also added to reserve the Premium on stock issued to the Quebec sharehold- ers, and total reserve lose irom $12,5001,000 a year ago to ;114,000,000 against a present paid-up capital of $12,911,700. The cash and the "liquid" position of the bank are virtually on a parity with tt year ago. The proportion of cash assets, including 'With earth on hand the cover in the Central Gold Reserve for excess note issue, equals About 16,4 per centof liabilities. to the public, against 113,2 per cent. a year ago, and the proportion of liquid assets about 58.9 per cent. against 53.2 per cent. A notable feature of the balance eheet is an Increase of stewards of 21 millions in holdings of Dominion and Peovincial Government securities and an aggregate increase of about 26 millions in all security holdings, Tho figures are a measure of the aired aesietance whirl) the bank has been giving to war financing, in addition to the assist:nice given less directly through 11141 •financing of the business of corporatione engaged in manufac- turing war supplies, The circulation and current loan items both reflect the large demands of business in the bank's territory both at home and abroad. Leading features of the balance sheets for two years follow: LI 113T TT 104; 1017 1510 Elcuoslos 00111.. .5 70,410,007 44 50,005,100 lIa.1111,1,1"1 1•4•'22,1'11,1•310r2 "0101617448g Ciret(Johalitti1 "ii0,153:311 201bn:72,28 gitt.11(11.111)4i, 107,11(3,7041 rig.OG1,111P/ A 8810TS Serie ,,,, 10,075,830 >0,072,704 Dom notes , 11,20•1,444 14,240130 a.,N°02,711 30,011,571 kkemettios . 50,080,84 30,100,066 lOaIufloas, 0111.,, 1024,767S1 nlain . 14,574,120 21472420 l)i2N DJ 0GitrOtei 1 M 1'2 O01', Imes 102,061.07 00080.031 Da abroad 83,704.037 17:020,027 no. overdue 400,004 406,040 Do, total . 1116412,10,i 125,181,200 02'1 titareqg 120,674,180 262401,427 Old stockings, with feet cut oir and opened up the log, make excellent dust cloths When dipped into kerogene oil nod 'Law out8ido on a Moe foe the entail of Oil to difiappeare • Every one needs an apron, and this is a. very good design. McCall Pat- tern No. 6920, Ladies' and Misses' One -Piece Apron. In 3 sizes, small, Medium and lerge, Price, 10 cents. I These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. --e THANKFUL MOTHERS Mrs. Willie Theriault, Panquetville, N, 13„ says:—"I am extremely thank- ful that 1 tried Baby's Own Tablets for my baby. 'Through their use baby thrived .wonderfully and I feel as if cannot recommend -them too highly." Baby's Own Tablets break up colds and simple fevers; euro constipation, colic and indigestion and make teeth- ing easy. In fact they cure all the minor ills of little cities, They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, One _nes NEED 200,000 ASH TREES. English Government Asks Land- owners for Woods for Planes. During the past few weeks between 3,000 and 4,000 ash trees have been of- fered to the British Government for the purpose of aeronlane construction, as the result of an appeal to landown- ers by the Aerial League, It is expected that this Mao will shortly bo increased to 50,000 trees, 'Phis prospective supply, although large, is far bel9ve the demand, for it is stated that -Government require. rants in the next 12 menthe are ex- pected to exceed 200,000. The plan is to ask English land- owners to offer their tree 'standing at a pride of 4s. 61. a cubic foot, and •the Government undertake to do the felling, carting, and general handling of the -blither. At the eamo time, the league, of 'which Lord Montague of Beaulieu is president, has arranged to plea two menage in the place of every ash tree taken, In this way it is hoped to ereate a reserve of the finest ash in the world, Among the many matters under the consideration of the Ministry of Re- construction is replacing the thither that has been cut for war purposes, Sir R. Winfrey, In the House of Com- mons, said that meaewhile the Board of Agriculture and Office of Woods had raised about forty million treeIn the Crown nurseries, and as SOOrt as supplies of wIre-netting could he 'see Mired they would be planted Out. Offieial figures show that the seerees a Anieriaan citlei are long enough t girdle the eerth. e -o -------- l• The Children of the Road. The conduce -or may hey° his tram- eantineetal train and. the eleeping .ear condueter his travelling hotel, but -thr !teethe' foreman with big six milee of reedited and steel Week and stench ts etnething that thee others must olive as they rush past his bailee be- side the traek ----he hes a home to sellieh he an cera lent every evening to the wife and kideiee. A trim two elerev hos it is, with a gardt'll all the right of way alopreeide on which he van raise hie vegetables and keep a enw :led ehiekens and pigs. The wife, ne eied' e looks on the rarden tie her mme,f ;iovegelables and small fruits, but twice a month rho may travel on a J11(4 to the nearest city to make any purchases rho requires. - The henna 114(111 may have (met $3,000 to build, is' unplied by the rail- way at a nominal rent, in places where housefieult to obtain, and many' other -eh-lieges ere alerts al- lowed. Se ' "cavemen, for Instance, are permit-, • e: use old ties as fire- wood, so that their fuel costs them nothieg. Many of them become so at- tached- to their six mile stretch that they would not leave it on any ac- count, but the more ambitious may be- come road -masters. The section foreman has a busy life keeping the track in good repair, pro- perly spiked and jointed, with ditches well preserved and dreined. He must keep the right of way clear of weeds, and look after farm crossings, test the crossing alarin bells where such exist, and generally:police the track, 'watch- ing against possible danger from freshets or fires, replacing worn rails and ties. Prizes ranging from $10.00 to $1 00.00 are given each year to the foremen who show the greatest im- provemer ' --m their sections, and these are eagerIy competed for, the men taking extraordinary interest in their work. Many of them began work upon the road as casual laborers, bnt now with their comfortable houses and their $80.00 to $90.00 a month (and ten dollars a month more in the; cities), with a pension when they reach the age of sixty,' ih free fool and garden, and with a family pass once a year over any part of the line, they consider themselves the "Chil- dren of the Road," and its chief sup- port and mainstay. Test now they have nerticularly good reason to feel satiefierl, as the scale of pay has been re-adtveted in their favor by an arbi- tration board to an extent which is costing the C,P.R., for instance, over a million dollars a year. ALL BRITISH We are all British, what we have we will hold from the Hun, The honors we have fought fur and victories won, English, Irish, Scotch, and Colonials, too, We are all Britieh, and fighi for the Red, White and Blue. Canada's emblem, the Maple Lear, is dyed red, • The blood of her heroes for Britain was shed, English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and . Colonials, too, We are all 13ritisb, and fight for the Red, White and Blue. TIM men of Old England have proved they are true, 13y land and by sea they are grit through and through, English, Irish, Scotch, Weleh and Colcl111n10, too, Wo are all British, and fight for the R Will ., The sons of old Ireland, eure they all They are doing their purl for God and ' the right, English, leisb, Scotch, 'Welsh and Colonials, too, Wo are 011 1311111611, g ' the Rod, While and Blue. The sons of Auld Scotiatid, the lads that we kon, We are proud of the kilt and our brave I Scottish mei English, Irish, Scotch. Welsh and Colonials, too, We ere all Britieth, and fight for the 1100, White and Blue. The Men of the Welsh hills, hardy and bravo, Are giving their live, their eenntry • to save. English, Irish, Scotch, ' Welsh and Colonials, too, We are all Brillsh, and nett rte. the Red, While and Blue. But we 11>181. 111 our men who aro loyal d tru e, We will show the fiend Oen what Bra tain can do.. English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and Colonials, ice, We will hold fast to the last Ora of the Red, 'White and 131110. alargatet 0. Campbell, Farmers do not always quite reulize the great value of cleaning up the or - (herd during the winter, Many insects and fungous diseases which would make trouble the following season Oen bordestroyed in the cold months. First remove ell trash and burn it, there- by desteoydSg the insects that are lying dormant. Then remove from the orchard all inemmied fruits. Old rotten peaches, tipples, pluins and Oth- er fruits, whether on the tree oe 011 the ground, contain Millions of spores Whicli nee capable of spreading dis- eases to the next crop of fruit, --- eeintnetre adittemet 040405 Colds, :ego. 1 PAIN ? NOT A 211T A HINESE MAR PYR. LIFT I YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Na humbug I Apply few drops then just lift them away with green,' 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 - ° ° '1'11 lo (1(101 ug is an ether com- er/end dieeovereil by a cinelneati e) (were, e ial (11(11 11(101 be (,l,1(1111(1!1 10 tiny 1104.1 ties as here 1,how at very eft 11. 11111 1(117 drug Yloro. Jest ask for frirtesoue. Apply a 011141 (11' two (II rev ape]] a tender (411154 00 callus awl inenintly the sersness derappears.' Shortly you will find the eorn 01' callus 80 louse that you (1(11 11(1 it off. root and all, with the lingers. Not a twinge of pain, 1411r011005 or irritation; not even the 0113(1) r.411 smartieg, eillorr when applying (1007.0114)' or '1i 14 I, hill I Man Brave Enough to Dare the Wrath Of An Empress, In Mr, W, Ie, Gee's book, Eighteen Capitals of China, there is ail inteveet- nevount of 'the Chinese patriot, Yuan, The author had stopped at llangehow, and before leaving made a pilgrimage to the grave of the far- igh tell /1 111 oAnan. From the tety, he .14>1,00 1 tool: a - their to the ge,AVe of the patriot. lis 0'W1 in power •When the e1riiiel041; issued .11 n ediet erdering all foreigners to be killed. Die- fereighted ;Tee saw new- erfal fleet`, canning from the eunrise, vied legions of twined men apreeteing up in avenge, So he rhanced-the word "kill" to "protect" and publiehod the edict broadeest, 111 thio form it did its work, and few foreiga lives were het m the province. Bel of eourse the empress eoeld not brook nuth treason, and Yeen was sawed asunder 'and the haleve We body were thrown into a rough box. Later, when the Chinese realioed that his foreeight was kneel -led, publie feel- ing veered; the box was encaorril in a heavy anil costly colin, and the em- eerer entered a state funeral to be heat The proceesion. which traversed ne.011 of the Great Street, was honor- ed hy many etterifeers. and the nigne of Yuan wag ineeribed in the Hell of I Fame. broke a :qtriy; of eetTAT,1711 and lnid it in reepect on the grave of the Iwiee Mna elan Wail brave enengh to dare the wrath of an emprese and act for the geed of helpless foreigners ; and of an ignorant nation. afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the Loin Or eallns, but eloevele them eo they loosen and ceme right on(, is• no humbug!, It works like a eliartn. For a few Cents you tiln get rid of every hard corn, eerie corn or corn 00- , tween the toes, as well as painful cultures on bottom or pen. feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites or inflames. If your dieleglet hasn't any freezone yet, 1e11 him to get a little bottle for you from his wholesale hcenre. Teaching Farming. • -The teaching of agriculture in the rural public schools of Ontario is op- tional with the teachers. In 1915, very few of the teileh,,l'S 111 Dundee county, Ontario, where the ('011140)0- s sion of Conservation is eonductingi illustration farm work, wore giving instruction in agriculture, In 1016,I it was being taught in 70 out of thei 78'schools of the county. Twenty-, eight Dundas county teachers took the teacher's short course in agrieulture. at Goelph this .Thlrteen was the highest number from any, other country. GIRLS! LEMON JUICE . IS SKIN WHITENER How to mase a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents, The juice of two freeii lemona ! strained hue 0 bottle coetaining three ounces of orchard while makes a whole quarter pint of the most re- markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost oee must pay for a email jar of the ordinary cold creame. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juige through a fine cloth so 110 lemeil pulp gels in, then this 1011013 will keep fresh for months, Every i woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blown ishes as freckles, sallowness and tan Eta is the ideal skilesortener, whiten-. er and beautifier. Just try it! Got three ounces of ,1 orchard white at any drug stoke and two lemons front the grocer and make ' up it quarter pint of this sweetly frag- rant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, Ilea, arms and hands. Ham iliscuite.—One cupful of corn- meal, one cupful of flour, one tea- spoonful of salt, five teaspoonfuls of baking powder, two tablespoonfuls of shortening, one-half cupful of finely 'minced ham, one capful of milk. Mix in the order given, beating hard to blend. Drop by the spoonful on a well -greased and floured baking pan. Bake in 11 hot Oven for tifteen minutee. Serve with cream sauce. Minsca,s Liniment Cures .laiwgst in Cows Ok. 6 1 r''''' For retailing .in1aoap. For ecriten- , . water. R.E.TT's IN CANAL:, For removing paint. Far disinfecting refrigoratorOt sinks, closets, drains undfor SOO other purposoo. skrso,„, R=FUse iftmoTitinge. 11 • nth Already Fried. There iti a volcanic peek in the South Amerism Andes with It theme's out (-teensy moreels in the ferin ash al - reads, fried, Thie peak is called the 'I'unguragna, Underneuth th'., mouth of the volcano. is a subterranean lake, me! when the eruptiun le active the suction draws up thou41and,4 of gallon3 of water, carrying slung 511,, fish, which are cooked by the it•iferno they peer; through. 'That a; the scientific explartation of the phenomenon. But the nal ives be- lieve thet when an ertiptem take.: plater, ruinieg their erops, the mystic spirit of the Tenguragua provides the fried fieh :so thet they will rent want. MONEY ORDERS A Dominion Expiates Mow:" Oi•der for five (loners eimis three emote An irrigetion projere nearing cone, Pletien in. the Hawaiian Elands will pierce five mountain ranges and de- liver 50,000,000 gallons of wutr daily to p141111 14010115. • Iiltinard's Liniment Cures DipIttherin. TAKE NOTICE We publish simple, straight testi.. tnetlinlit, 1401 Pretie leterviews, 1 froni wellamown peepl41. e rom all over Ani erten 1!ey 10111 4(3' • 14I3S0112,L.13.17EOUS • 1to the encrlig of 21 ;NA 1.1.43'S LIND- ' tee, nee 1.1:elt tlos. PS, 14100., 011 '01 tee hest of IlonS,b(lid out 1,0111 1101110 tt10 /0.((1110 0' t, I.., la 1.P. Dr. 1-4•qlman medwei 1.1Nl.0leNT inn.. LTD. ge reili1,rttee:1, Japanese government experts are raising te1inee0 in Kerea from Ameri- can seed. A story is told of an old Highland sergeantin one of'the Scottishleg!- ments who was going his ('00(1(15 ene eight to see that all lights were out. in tlia barrack i•oonts. Coming to a • room where he. saw a light :Mining he roared 0111 --"Put met that liptht there!" One of the men shouted back, "It'e the moon, sergeant." Not hear - 10g very well, the sergeant cried in dinna <rare what it is, Put it oot, and dinint argue.' indin ie now 11115111.r 0,3 ton on 263,000 neves of land: en inereitee of about 7 per eent. from last year. When chicken feet have been 031,4)' fully cletined, «aided and scraped.' they should be -4telee(tWhAl, the ,4 . with it, for they yield gelatine until make the gravy more nourishing', WONDERFUL SURGF.RY An Artificial Eye Capable of Normal MovemeaL To make the ntiltielel eye eretille.1- tY Ole Cie e itIltOsIl 111)13' Ein'tgr.C-n 1100 1)44411(11151 wirii a. bail 00 tt sle,iitlitite for a me,n1 one. A. sphere of 111, 11 when put in plat:e est 01,113:1, tions with bleed 'Ve.e.:.',E.$ rounding tiseue,. Who, run:, 1:1 the Cavity It is stlape1,n1 1,, (kil val•able of movement (1, 70',074).,14114 a n.crmal eye, inn: 5110 SPlaCe S.0 11(1(1 then, I.'', dernees ;don, LIS is 1110001014 ie.' eon, 'eau a ehell 114 nettl. Attie:ens% ineHl vet prove the pramieettithe , 1, ...gleene, there is reueou to expe,.. !het ,13t, tsar has brought 101.111 .04)4 441 iiitletie 6011:Vey. Minaret's Liniment Cures Disiexner. Represents Canadd'e Iniereete. Mr. J, 17. Brum, age et J.f the 1.1.4') .1 Bank of Canada in .New York, has been a ohe sd he the Fen I Controller to represent Cithadahi intereets berore the International Sugar Commi ...ion which is now silting at 111 Welt So., New Yorii. City. vg—G—T- 44.1te -s ro y7,1otioc Tty it it 0 jp. Your ETes and in Eyes: tesPie Satintire. Jest EyeCorefort Murine Eye !teem e.dy lana Sillvo, in Tubo', .no. Por go:le:Jae neveriste gye /Remedy CO., C110s10140 1 The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTO HK -LI' P.NO A07.17I,IN 0 --' . -- - — ----- y1111 cl:prir- .- lh,,,„„, e tl il t i Uk,id U r;31 .1' II R Tridi- • iv, .,-1 m 4 H v• <, LI . 1 ' i Wilk --- l A \ 4';'' 'f-arici()Intment 1)14 A il\ t".. whiclt givc ...k rciiv: ( 41: k t • 1,(31.4;114,,,iiii, , I y7, etent, Thee the'ret sweet, v leeneinake --'7-.Z-......) rtre, sltper. Now that Alger 411 searee honey, an important food artiele, is more in de- mand then ever. The best .les made by conintereial bakers ere sweetened with honey, 118 limey mutant the best cake, which hoops fresh 'tong - 00 than cake sweetenod oj31isltga.e.1 Miley can be used fremently for I sweetening in home smoking in place; of engar, which will save the suger for table use. People at times have felt tie', knee,' was a luxury because the price seemed high, but new ;ndispem3able they have found it. There is no 1,vuste and from every serving of basun cooled one gets excellent driapings withal eau be used! in place 4-,1 either lard of butter 111 pastry making:salad dreeeinge an0! for frying, It also gives a fine flay. or to the foods, 13acon is gireq 4:4 one of the first fooris to conneles—g- because of the high food vairee, creailly enl- (1110'10"i,,il(' tecry-llay 1.41ce itrepara- tiot, prevent little sate tinelees becoming 04rlt,11S. I`csr tree 'Ii itiwt-carOt• 'Cutin Dem. N. Reston, 13.13,411," • 5o10 tiwouglato, tia world. rizzd fr.0 Try SlOan's• LiMment and sec how quickly the swelling ;s reduced and the peat need to rub; it perm. trates quickly and bringsrelief, Have 41t..., a bottle bendy for des.e-' rheumatic pains; a. 1iee7i4 Ig lit, back eche and ell inns- cle sonseces Ger:emus si bottlee, at your drugeist, 25c.„ 50c., $1,00, ;1'1' see . efeseseo Machinery F r Sale 1 WHEELOCX ENGINE, 1Sx42. New Automate, Valve Type, Complete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, eta Will accept $1„100 cash for Immediate sele. 1 ELEcritic GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. Will accept $420 o1(Si) for Immediate sale, I,ARGE LEATHER BELT, Double, Endless. 2.1 inch It 70 ft. Will accept $300 for immediate Sale, although belt Is In expellent con. cittion and new one would cost about WO: PULLEYS, Large size. aexee -Sao ; 11x60—$20 ; 121sexri8-$ 12 ; 1200 2 BLOWERS OR FANS, Banda make. 'e ono 10 Inch, other I4 inch diechet ge-$30 eaah, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION. LTD, • 130 Front St. West, Toronto