HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-10, Page 2HUMOR II\
- 011e of the commonest prarks thnt 01,1) WAR TAXES REVIVED. CANADIANS 'MARVELS OF
tor„. the orders mime to temnamIze Nunkerous Artieles .11ave Been Taxed Wit II erroi1s on their quartue .
anunenition wee to get a stielt, put a t In Days of Old. •
the Tommiee used to piny on Fritz bee:
eith nuntlege. on tbor toots,
The imposition of a war the on theft- : . .tha 1 re et.liove 111 'the reofe,• I- ee east ea...
• - • - elm on it and matte it bob up and dowe ' . With tee trimming eound of twenty
— 1,0 simulate a soldier moving about an '.........
tre tickets le not, a new way to raise telet of erest and doll Cif COOL 0(111 and
BRUTALLY FRANK AND DDIECT, have been eeed up on this home, 1 money In time of stress. In periode of wed ur wee DOW St) Lilt 14-VSTFtli It 1.1411 HS
observation post. Tops of ammunition.
BUT KEEN. Soldiers laugh at (Meteor 1.0 forget special need Englaud has taxed Inds, tfbr,,,,gg 0111, laureileb eeuee. al, gaun.
0110111111VH, 11,1•311111011, i Wit /IS AO liy.
fear; That is why the big shells are Owe", inilt.'"'•,
tooth powder. glass, s•tone battiest,'
"Do• not neglect the electric genet-Ineedie trembles unsteadily then the
The Spirit of Fun Has Been in .the "Percy," Sic., and tiTeat is the delight bri°1'8 and aVen P11(1dIngs•
of the Tommy: who first diecoverte a Pitt, who was British (1 (111 fren, eer,
Shying at 11 paseipg cart, lavervitee
ter - named "jack Johnsons," "coal boxes
ator," mays an expert. le the only ; brushes do not tit properly or the com-
Trenches end on War Vessels -new ?hell and names it At moss he the &rut of the war With e'ranee, was mes„ieg tip an en elett. head to 13 1111
and lighting, and when,it fells to fake/ On some generator it ie easy to Teach . Conflict.
then las the opportunity to tell what nue and tried almost -every tax Reeking. at a Yankee gait, reaching at
a enev:y tour, .
souree•of current for ignition, startiug-: imitator grummed with oil and diet.
Throughout the -inquires: Have you mot Percy?" and et hie wile end I raise ettflicient reeve
elong the line. The efficlenee of the trernely difficult, sometimes requiring War has its humor. The brand is -•"Pereye ime and ate sowed tts it Mettle, golng so far RS to put a epee
tion properly yeti stoat trouble all the bru but others it is ex -
Do Not Neglect The Generator. rater is -revolving or the amme
brutally frank and direct and 'lacking comes through the air. . (dal charge 011 hair powder, which, ; -meaty me teuemeila „r„ tam.tag
those days, was n very import:tet item life (meth!
the generator removal tif the apperatus. aYet the
the b I - -din to WU (.4.11. 1.
The name', shell got its (111118 11) a
f the toilet For a time also Pitt
battery depende limit - in SO t et), acme g
output. The average driver is help- t commit -titter must be cleane or
spondents and others who have made ' gyee2.' n•ay. Palmer teas nearly mad 0
less in ease the generator falls, hut it 1 Inetithee refitted, OS the ease May be.
a study of it on the opet, For exe with a neuralgic pain in his head, plaeed a tax on servants, both wonlon
is inmeetant to he able. to tell when it illy raieing the brushes on some types
ample: Across No Man's Land one when a ellen burst near by, The ex- and men hut thie WIIS found tO
none t,r with a cloth dipped in gaso- ingt.ning there appeared in the Ger- plosion knocked him senseless for a
man trenchee the following Poster. thin. housekeeper that it was • eoon alien-
! detect
so heavily upon the humbler cities ef
is not wanking eerrcetly, so that :me or by remeying them 611 others this
Cheep. the tom -
may have it alien:led to by a ccanpet- may be acenrepliehed.
"lend so is six of your mates," re.' Poeed were those on paper, news -
mark WEIS "Me neuralgia's gone," .
• 1 1 • .rtisements—the tax on
:1 bear- they are replaced the same side up, ' A the wore' thee: evei. lin-
ent men. he sure
I a, d at each end of the as they will not lit properly if re-
Irisehmans I When he came around his first "The first (e)re of every meehtudsm line, lf brushes are removed
re -
is lubrivatien, A place to o the
ings will he eun
armature. If the oil hele ie Closed , tereed . •
by a steel hall held in place by a spring I "The jet of eefittMg brothee would
The Streets. particular type of Fhell, on that front,
the oil on is applied, otherwise the method i$ to be place fief. smalpaper No reseonee was made during the thereafter was called' "Palmer's nem. gress of Englaml there is no calculate
the Mist should be wiped away before, beet be left to an expeet. The •ueual
grit will be carried into the bearings.. around the commutator and to revolve day, but at night a party of Irishmen ralgia cure!' • ing.
The paper duty, William III.'s in -
Use a light nil and inject a drop or : it v. ith the truebes resting on the went over the top, cleaned out the And yet there are those who Kay
two eeety few days. . sandpapee. This wears them to the. treneh, and brought back the poster that hemor does not blend with war! vention, began in 1694 and Meted till
The Englischmane are shooting
Wiles and Children
plied a. comrade. Pape) s ant in
1C110Wledge it has been called. How
"011 criekey!" lie replied, and that •
th tyres relerded the pro-
that they do not make jokes worth 1891, more than a COOlury and a half,
i 1 'tin the in- Memer eereatnee and 111 11401 a good' and with it some prisoners.
a repeating! that the hesiness of killing When Charles Knight publiebed the
P Enc -cloptedia in 1 MO he had to
dientiens• of correct action. The ' lit. According to Ian Hay, n 0 saw
"The next thing s o ,. . enny e
electricity. Rtit the meter at vary- , elearee no matter how rapidly the d1- PRUNE TREES FOR FRANCE. • ;,--,.,4!'s Or 31,4 (03.,"ordiog to 110 r Ai-
iWe onOtt to g•- 1 titer,: 10 11 -14(31 1)
amateur will 1110') l) the weep:it ease the emplace shews no . .,.
areat detel of war as a captain in the does not encourage wit! ee • •
; Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, . Glad the Stove Escaped. i pay $1 00,000 duty on the paper.
ing apeeds end itete lf the ammeter gine nuts the trouble may be, in a , the favorite diversion of the Tommies, Listen to the story of the sergeant In 171.1 Qu Anne put a duty on
indicate:4 1. (14t MI if the number a number of places, 1)1
1(3 it is leee.t to •
at whenever the trenches are -close to- .awaiting a meal in what was left of nbewspapers, 0 penny (two cents) a
California is fece-ain-g 1,5NI,I100 Tree; ' ,411,1 1 110,1 what rill lapp,,n? Will eur
!mete or the late Professor N.-wcomb);
anlperes increaees with -the epeed of hill the service station attend to 1 .
i gether, is to call "Waiter!" loudly and the !kitchen of at inn after a 12 inch s eet, which was 104 441 to 8 cents by
nn- ' •' .
pation of many Germans in England mons separating the dining -room aud and 5 1•' 11131 ((1 lbs of Sired Beans. 1 sun become a satellite of Vega?
tbe• engine, This should occur -up to Troubles in the generator, loose wires: ; many tithes—an allusion to the occu- shell made its home there. The parti- 1Gmeoirsg5e5HIi„,0a111dtme.resmnaottteath3olt litesde
a certain point \rhea the regnlator faulty ammeter, cutout or i.•egulathr
I the bar were riddled with bullets and me,
advertisement duty was imposed in Five und one hall' million poends of
also by Queen Anne. This seed beans and 1,500000 two-year-old aual.„1,
1 Profee,e31. Newt:meth 1, the eteett.et of
modern tat reetnner,) r ,.-1-.(a)ed the
"Occasionally listen citteel y to the only a skilled workman familiar tv
1 trenches from the first and cannot be back broken and the tables and chairs sum of 84 cents for 0 small advertise- in Callfonta foe shipment to Northern 1 ef :gate: in 111; universe at
will funetien. troubles, till of these may occue, and.
ith ; M the' peaceful days.
• it of fun - has WOO in the • • n .eTher iese f e i s
, The sem .ft tier ent. , ba I le, d t . amounted to the almost prohibitive French wine trees .are being gathered .somoweeee bete veil ram Colima; end
1 suppressed. In the early days when were in various stages of demolition. ' ment.' 1 pet 111114 11 Every one of them le
! • tor to note if the britehes are the system ehould be employed to t
squeaking. Th -ere le eneugh greplate trace out the defect. .
the men slept and obtained shelter in "What a fright you must - have had!" i en France the theatre tax did net orchards devastated by the (((111 114. '
France to rehabilitate the field', and ! a 1.,3„, ing
the cempoaition of the breshes to "Locate -a good service station if thethe
: dugoute not so comfortable as they , said the sergeant symPathetieallY. ! come with the present veer. For y -ears !in their retreat, sing -our own solar orb be-
' lubricate them, but accaeionally a ammeter shows no charge, or too geh.ea
consiaerable ingenuity Was ' "'Yes," replied the simple old lady i tug ,.ether a small one, relatively. Big -
displayed ie. making these quarters who was in the kitchen when every purchaser of a ticket at anY The beans are pink and black eye
Paris theatre hae contributed a tenth varieties, and the quantity ie. staled- er „„e.,„„i„ „I, ,, „ _a e , t
freSt Of them all is Arcturus, the Sear
of Jolt, which le, the. 3,1 (111 centee
brush etill squeak in epite of it. If a cherge, or possibly discharge W en aye now,
taa„eie_one oil eieraid be t,at on Mit. tMlee. an hour. The difficidtY itirtY he shralmel and erdiliter proof and also burst and miraeolouslY hod come of the amount to the public charities. 1 ent to plant 69,000 acres. The pram '' "1:0,;,!!..t.,...i..,;41,g- -;;;;-",-(!)•!0 tbn!)-e„ ‘111:1.U1U11'.';)(4 iela0inli
this occurs a very little vaseline or Dee engine runs at fifteen to to. the shell
111 devices to keep out as mtich 1)0 3)00 through alive. "I evae aleaid the! Had a special tax been imposed on trees will convert 15,000 acree into .14, 0,1r „In,.
mutator. Place scene on the fingei. a simple caw, requiring only a touch,
on placards on dugouts were Ritz The arrival of a chaplain in camp . Mg the Revolutionary war the revenue' There is et bit of sentiment in \' bit the Milky Way Is.
and. eu.b it the length of the com- to adjust it, or it may require a long , se:de, the rain. Favorite designations range was bustede,
i theatre tickets in New York char due- , benzine orcharde within two years.
"If brushes Sh,.es. spalke while gen- 11(01 to the factory for repairs." Californies sending piling ovellards It (4 1. 4.13111 ntinutee fer light to
and o•ther names of London and Paris rimy rostrum, Empty ration boxes iontgdyPtiabifiecwepx1Pa7hoet%esT180 Pt ' tpe„ bFlireant(hea' taagiatvIevatatitehi2,eir ittosrnfirrsei tzel1(1:44:rornr,iahr,, I4alarn..., trici(titliii‘i!,,,e,133r,f,h; niliczt,1;
• nurtator. setirch and the return of the gener-
Hotel," "Hotel Cecil," "Rue Dormir" made it necessary to erect a tempo- pi would not have gone far to-
t hotels. Signboards on roads leading to were picked up at random and nailed Iclitayrdbodaesftreace;
the front were matited; "This way to together. The regimeetal chaplain as -1 that time. Besides, the Provincial prune trees, from the neareet star 3.-1.1elitt Cen-
- ' the Prussians" and on the other side • tended it and announced for the open- , Congress had paesed a resolution sus.' since that time the prune °reit:iris
This was in 1 856 end tauri) to reach ue. Thu, tletronomers
How the Natives of Tierra del Fuego A Story of the Noble Chivalry Which - ,
, of the line, before the .Marne; "This ing hymn "The Church's Sure Faunae- pending all public amusement%
t . say that Alpha: Centauri le IA bit over
Are Proteeted From Cold. Distinguishes Aviators.
!way to Paris." . tion." A hurricane of laughter fol- 1 During the British occepation Lord to the growers more than 810,000,000
I cover nearly 100,000 Beres and bring few,
total "Ithtia-le1.:10ret'l'ert(1,1,e,,tanttb.,. 1-';;t111tivet;
bat on a winter's day you imtt how high-spirited the allied Now that conditions are reveesed lowed. Being unable to Proceed, the , Howe and Sir Henry Clinton reopened I
h. ther ' eein,t017 is can only be gutlesed from there is a chuckle in the story of the chaplain went down among the eon- 'the john Street Theatre, tt year.
If an average crop is raieed from „entethim.., nee aeneu latht,y,earg
1 (which we eall the Milky Way) te
German General who to impress the gregation. Then he, too, entered into which stood .
Seppose t,
inhabitants of Aix-la-Chapelle march- the joke. The pulpit on all sides bore
ed lets Belgian prisoners over the same the brand of a famous whiskey.
route five times, of beans -next summer to each of thee ele.19,1 of a watok, with a teueeneee
The "Black Maria," which at one . produced, with Britieh military men
sweep digs a hole eight feet deep and 1 appearing in the leading Toles. :40,000,000 residents. Shipments he• ! „ese about ometirth of it, eeeteer.
Humor on the High Seas. -
Humor is not confined to the men warning. lel'o fl.ag. sig.nal man is need- 1 The Laughter of the English.
Dollownecited and hollow flanked,
lean ttf rib end hip,
Siralned and siek and 11.1.0 ry 11'3(11 ( It
WialOW of the ship,
Wad to rmoll the turf hear the
Tread again the eountry road they
lost at 'Alontrealt
Vote may bring ile.a; Mlle and woe; •
better steeds 11);1 th
Sleep beside the :1)1 '14
tired leagues away;
But till war haat need M
11 thelr reins,
Softly fall the feet or tb
English lanes.
TilPtitAill ;TA(E.
There Are Mere Tient 500 Billione of
Sters. livery One of Them a
Blazing thin.
-When the Pee. jeeeer ••Tho
tam de 111001'," )11' '11:1111 001"-
reet, It inovee 0144(114 twee. y times tet
feet FA projsctile 11.•1e1, from a W-
hich rifted gun. Al thi tretnendoue
:e.eed the sum with the earth ;Intl
(:1 11,r 011111,1.s. i; leavAltag toward the
great star Vega. in tha coastellatiort
of h. Tyl .
F1'0111 t110 Of 0 l'IC111.001
- • :0
trein you. 001) 0'" hemeee and Mlle)
eleieete paesieg ty, met hy the rale of
timie 1111)11'!:' 1,011 you Judge the spce
at abieh 1'00 OJT 110/43 TIli`
(!Y 'teonomer, .ke33' the same way,
runs hum weiehee tde stars, and ro Ale 3.0
!estirmel, the sd,ssi of the sun and to
11'111 14-11I 1Y determine Om 13 '.1' Ion of it, journey.
Vega is 0 („(3011t 011113 111.111.3reilS , Of
41,1 alung 7110 time.; ;.,.s 11.1; as our own orb ef day,
tand et, tenet 1)1,111) • timee n-. 1(143313(1111.
were abliged to go 01.14.
clothing than a fait•-eized plece of the etoriee of his daily life that come
sheep:43M with the wool on, to pro- , back to the civilian world.
tee the windward eide of your body. ! Laurence La Tourette Briggs, who
You would surely freeze. And yet ,hae collected the hero tales of the
the netiee people of Tierra del Fuego air scouts on the western front, sees
re peefectle, setiefied with this sort in a recent issue of the Outlook: "If
of weather defense. They dwell in a :medals and military creeses were con-
. latitude (smith of the Strait of Maga. • 44, 1(1) awarded every airman would
lanl that, hes a climate correeponding ef neeeesitY be almost daily deco-
. • a His opportunities are always
near Broadway, and gave it the (aIle
of Royal Theatre. For two or the dition to the food supply of France
the California seed it will mean an ad- , Perhaps the mos1 wonderful Dell 101, -
.of More than two and one half noun& !of th, uniya.,10 of a:1n,, 11. 111,
meat of 111011 1104 1:0`,11 1 11, meaeuring
seasons English classical plays were
fifteen feet acroes, gives ten seconds •aa gan early in the new year. We must be not far frem the 'middle
of it, inasmuch as the stars in th.
ashore; the men afloat have their ed to give the alarm, the red flag of i (New York Sum) • SOUTH AMERICAN RAIN TREE., Milky 1011,Y seem equally d-mst, 110 11103 '
share of it and doubtless the war will danger having no place on the front. !England, We know thee better now! -- ter from what point on the ('1(1111 wo
develop a certain type of humor hi Tbe men, when the whistle of the !Unuttered all thy Seem;
the submarine am! aerial branches of "Black Maria" is beard, take to what : Thy humor wears the stern clay out
Theiv are no sheep in Tierra th3.1 thicie upou him. Embracing death is
call their rabbit warrens. Leaves COndense Moisture From the view the sky.
e of in of confessing a shameful act to never be as broad or have so wine a themselves, because of their seramb-
They And mocks the grim to -morrow. Atmosphere. When we gaze upon the Milky Way
to that of Labrador, -
naHve either ttex ie. a plecWe are loeking 131)4(1) 11 the vaet. me: -
Fuego. The "windeeltirt" used by the ' easy to the airman, eontpared to the ; the service. But humor elsewheye can they
.0 bide, wilitth, with the hair his fellows. That hind of tortare range as thc: humor of -the . trenches ling abilities in rushing to a place to tee,A. tree known 05 the rain -tree— • •
mu. dtsk of the universe. 'file :tare
-ide out is attached to the body by a - eventeally drives tht remorseful pilot with its• mixing of many nationalities. huddle . together, have nicknamed while Ithe 1101111 said, "Let none Pithecollob•ium Saman—is found in
3 no toe . -,,sr toe',41101' 111011 t110.4t
In the first naval fight off Heligo- themselves- rabbits. When the scream There is no mirth hereafter!"
smile; the drier parts of South America. Thi
tree grows to the height of 60 feel,
heavens; but. they apoear so, for
••;.trinii.led over other parts. of the (11
couple o 00131111111' 000-
f -stripe of the same kind of ,• 0
. well lenown to the older members of shells "Love to the Kaiser." Even ni in their direetion they cry out, "Here The "golden lads" of Shakespeare s ant 1 s euees .
"The story of -one such episode is land the. British tars scratched on their
ofthe shell denotes that it is conung
is worm • oor freighteued lad the face of death humor will not be comes the gamekeeper!" No second perty of condensing the moieture
leather, untanned, No other elothiug !
The ":wind-ekin" is elated front one 0°1'95. 09° 9
fiett in terror and left a fe1 10W SUPPFCSSS(1, 1110.1 ther0 the -story of warning is necessary.
side of the body' to another, according
emit &Gee to fight his way clear the British boat blown up by a sub-
• • Coolness Amid Danger.
to the point of the eompoes ro
, overwhelming force returned head- manne. TWO tars wele stiueg ing in
11111(11 the -tied blows. It le, alto -
ion the combat a few reinmee the water. Said one, "It's a long nay A British General driving the Ger-
gether eufficient from the 11011 p01 leng
inter and hurled his machine dellber- to Tipperary," the words of the song mons forward was within twenty feet
of the natives. In fad, pneumonia What griefs lie in the silent deem:,
or consumption has soon wiped out What agonies unspoken. -
siely luta the nearest enemy airplane. telling the whole story of their situa- of a shell that exploded hut miraeu-
Emil machines fell together, their tion in half a dozen words. "Yes," re- Ilonsly did him no barna
nmet of the residents of Tierra del . plied the other iestantly, "if you are "Twenty yarde nearer," remarked
Fuego whom the missionaries have wings broken and both engines lane- But all the world hears is the quip
persuaded to wear civilized clethes.
' eoesent the enemy air fighters with- Diplomacy sometimes deals with , shell would have caused El promotion
" hat That flouts at panie's rumor,
tog with fierce liamee. By common going to swim." the General to one of his staff„ t
The natives are among the most Where toff and cockney carry on
primitive people in the evorld. For . drew from the fleld—all knowing too eubtle humor, as witness the converse- lin the staff."
tion between a Russian and an Aus- An aviator chafed before he won his
- In high intrepid humor.
houses they dig holes In the geound. well (ho cause of this terrible sacra
Impelled by that noble chivalrY ' triad) diplomat. The Austrian eemark- 1 decorations because the work he was
They are great voyagees, spending fice. Simple and subtle in thy mood--
gt,,, 1 of the air service they paid tribute to ed that he was, surprieed that the Rus- di:meted to do in the air was monoto- '
much of their time in canoes. To Not honorin Fritz to hate 111111i
011 alarm of Witt they build bonfires ' I I' e• "Your roads are so 'and leave my calling card with lem-
- I ' 11 ° d d at.
,eTtireg 1111 puzz e . illy jests,
this desperate act. of atouement." slave were requisitioning. so many i nous. "If only they would la me go
on the mountain tops (for smoke mg- • vherewith ye rate him.
nals), and it was this habit of theirs
that caused the early Spanieh ex -
Outfaced their doom with laughter, from the atmosphere. So copious is
this eoedensation that a continual „iee..,„ I fro, tbe ewer.
Wt. guess what. inward throes must shower falls from the loaves and. 'We are just about 8..t.il1ttl miles
shake branches until the surrounding stiu nearer tn the star Vega Ihno we were
The t. hart C11 unbroken • Is converted into to veritable marsh. ut, thia .11„„ yeat,.„,aur. w„ nr,... mew
Places that would otherwise be bar- million mile.; nearer than ellen the
3311F313 temeem that lethted lamp, :won
from one 'old of a bridge look thiek,
thomth they would be sea tie( ed if
German Sought to Deceive French
ren desert are by this 111011.118 converted
with the most luxuriant forests. Marty
years ago the Government introduced
this tree into India to counteract the
aridity of certain portions of that
• A Good Signature.
Colonel Archibald Young, V.D., in
a lecture in Edinburgh, mentioned a
bad." "But yours are so good," corn- ! peror William!" lie once remarked, . • curious incident, of the recent British
, „
mented the other quickly. advance towards Palestine,
1 A British cavalry subaltern WELS cut
Soldiers' letters frequently tell of ,o0' from hie men on the edgef England, we know thee better now! When the British troops were ap-
plorers to call the noon (which is an their work in a humorous way. 'Wrote : wood. He hid as best he could e-anici Through all the years hereafter preaching a certain town in the desert
archipelago) Tierial tlel Fuego, or ; Peasants in Ingenious Way.
a Tommy on the battlefront whee the 'finally 50.0 a German soldier patrol- Shall 1117 name, England, ring for us a . • , ,. .
deputation oi the natives came out
Land of Fire. Germans had it all their own way: At ling the road. It loolted to him like A chime of valiant laughter, to meet them. The headman of the
who made his escape 1rG111 a prison 4 o'clock Monday morning they at- =Her to kill the German undo,. the "Flying Fisk" Torpedo. deputatioe asked for an interview with
'' A young• German newspaper man
I came in the south of France has hoen tacked us again, so we left the milk eircumetances so wh . 0 the onnortun- the British commander. In the COUrSO
captured after two weeks' liberty, He , (303) on the doorstep and retired !ity presented itself 1,11 sub.alle;:n gay, Aerial torpedoes—t118 bane of Ger-
1 ' e. 1 t evil. ore le te 1101:14tV epok-
A rulther-based bounciog bond, 11,=.,d
great war began. Alia yet the star
does not look pereeptibly brighter.
Some hundred.; of thoueentle of years
from now, however, it :led bevy gained
visibly in inmenitude end brilliuney;
end doubtless there will to maltitudee
of people on the earth to admire the
giant orb when, by 1111.011 of nue
planet's nearer approach. 3( 1)11.,) be.
come the greateet WO11111ir (lie
heavens. -
4:1 ----•••
110 UNCI (; 13())1 ES.
Novel Weapon Used hy tfeeman
SKIPl'ER EARNS $125.GOO. of the interview lie urged the. clairae
t t n L
Briton's Hazardous Calling Pays Well WAS weari g g • I the Hun a swift kick, which sent him
- man submarine crews ancl first-line of the nativee to kind treatment and iST I t -
a long eh:eh like that worn by, some The poiltt ie juet as fond of his Ioke eereaming and running, affording the trepeltee—have been called "flying mentioned that he had brought, with ell °' °I Iks
f sse• A tits miehes from tho
n a long
1 black beard and a fan
remit, acem.ding to ,' aelri ,tit .,
During War, fish" because their tapering malindri- him a document showing how well tint
It wae announeed by the Northeaate his hand he carried a French eraYet- !post ofilee not far from a trench was ter and getting back.
the tropic $ea creature, The (0091)11055 last meAida:1 on which theit. town wag
Int up this notice; "We close from ; A British Tommy tvith a keen eense
ern Sea Fisheries Committee that a .book, on the flyleaf at whieh he had
tevrhtert in perfect French that 11.n was !noon to 2 part, The Prussian cannon ' of humor noted a cold storage car are held up right in the air and given vieited by European troops.
000 since the war 1,10116 out, and an- • a prietet on a pilgrimage to Lourdeo, 'are requested to do likewise,. !temporarily held em on the Tome i a ariVing
mice which Strikes the 1111s, spineilig which was found to be all that ho
velocity by the air resist- •He duly produeed the (torment',
litill fishing skipper has earned $ 125,- :
other made $75,000 in two years. lilted that he had vowed to make the ' With some c la k le sua c le am os.
the French r.ligh.PUS (game In as Tommy eel bodies and huge air -fins suggest honorably they had behaved on the "Tit' bombs ore Pro1 e
is. At a temporary French ravalryman an opportunity for laugh -
resilient base of leather. ul11,,' arel
rope, whitel makes them 310110(3 4.1n-
0111 1'11 i»in the air after et..ikiag the
ground. The special ruee 11110111111
(muses the bomb to 101,,l 11 IWO it lom
The chief officer eemerke it his re- jeurney ten foot aud evithout epeeking I its side A th. llg: "eer is „ • . ' " • reaeleed the pinnacle el it, bound,
them round and eound. Contrary to represented it. It -vne segued "Na-
Reselen Joke.
• port that "the skippere earn all they word. Ile then asked thee he be That Ivan hes ---------------gn 'leen . filled with e hot fostuff owinfor the KThisaiser." • 9°""''' ;,„e cert ant corms oe 110)8011 Bonaparte."
receive when the petite of the North • et," bread to eat and water to drink in the placard which a Russian left on air reeistance speed up rather than re -
about eie feet in the nir,
• Sea are renstmthere:i." and a 113lging at night „tune. The a pile of broad wlneh in 140t1011111131 th 11 turtling falling objects. Not on y1,318 1 Th4. 111011 (3al1e( 011L. • e. "Butts of theee 1) til bombe eebieh
• Gemmel had shown thio soiled prayer- soldiere were unable to cerry away, Do not ea Your sewing machine ,aerial torpedome but till airplane farm is the hard 01(381 1)81111, As have been picked up 31 11. 1-1011- all
New zealand etmehlerbee the pre-. book .everywhere along hie evny, and VCiport the bread was poured gaeoline. belt when it gets 10050. Instead put j bombs and darts, 11101 now grooved , seen 00 eider ceases to ae. etetetly are :trot idod with a base of 3,111,114. 11 •
dealer, of salt feom sea water, , the simple-minded peasants, believing I"We hear that the Germans need bread few (Irons of castor oll on the hand, fiened to'whirl in falling, The Ger- ! sweet, put it away where it wow{ rubber and are wrtipecel around and
Ing 04) 13) • te,,ailable heelee-electeic ;him to he a priest, had fed ale] eliel-; and gasoline; here they are," the is r101 the limeiline 41 few minutes, and it ' Man Zeppelin bonlbs are similarly eon- tempt anybody, and see that it 11 1441101)1.
1(1 00 mewed with rope, ninkire them ee-
l• • I h'm evithout euepleion. I wrote. n'.11 1,eti ittened • 1 slructed, vinegar rather than drimIcat.ds.
1 lan'T TrINI citt1/41 •,:n•rfum li (tas ,:rote -ra'6
oilier.: .:,IDE.:" (1114'(1114'"NE ...,,,yRevr artieemg
11(tE 1,414.4.111)14al-ie:f; B411814,. ._.‘ ',.., VOA '-
02:11NO itA1140104..1 ? riliiril .-1----
'27 Ma a Z1IL
341 I Or}, I CV
a.. OA COI:Alec; Pfatelei
'4333o'& bat4 "fR4 (W;
-ro FLIRT v.0-r1A 831
V41i4't AND I V401,1V\101)
----- -
ILS2' talm. '41*
-- , ---
}law Yer.RM. )
1121.1.0 11 -tel -
- • c
eleetieA CIGAR
_ 100 OLD SCOU'll
LAUDE -90W Age
.te no
"The bombe are v. elehe 3 .to
the end with 1.111' rubber pad Atilt
strike the grotincl firet. the Ifni:act
with 1110 earth set:, ie 114,'
'1,11)111 fuse, whieh deteetat,•„ the bomb
o frateion nf a eceotel hotel', when :he
bomb 11110 bounded into th eite"
Trot: in 33.1e1eors.
In the old world iho art of eitivitiog
area waa di.wovered about ltlua 1,1.11,
It hee emeseihnee beet: :effect:este:1 thet
iron Mole and weapone may have been
made at an ieeriler period I•t•oni
teoritee, and recently n vonsiderablek
araottat of Wildcats, in taloa or (ilk
hypothesis has 'been 1'1.-443.(h'(1 by (1,
'V% Zimmer, Ile has eompiled a Het of
theeneown iron -emit dining meteorites,
nearly all Accumulated within the 1st
ceutury, and he show,: from thee,
alone about '250 tone of teen 111:31311 311'
Obtained. Of this Amount more than
90 per cent, ie melleable, consiethig of
nieltellron alloy,