HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-10, Page 11 IG u VOL. 46 NO, 28 �jiI.50 Per Annum in Advance 4 BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. J.iNUAI?Y 10 11918 W. H. ICERR, Pro lrlets'n 0 o5W Adtisove r ntents be - eednu' Bees. For sols -dos. M. 0 urn. lib+511, 01* 61. Uiorry. The Birth or a Nanton. Loalh}I. W, Ferguson, Lnc+ni--Rnrvey ldryans. Strayod -seater Rutledge. Send wheat -John McNabb. For sale or rent -f., Button. Auction Sale -David Badgley, Farm for Rale -Arable 1) I{arr, ➢tiros found -Public Library, Acanunt*-G, N, Mol.nrea estate. County Council -Goo. W,. Holman. noeti age -E. 11, Board of A 1rirnlou re, Notice to l ,,rlitors-Lien. Brower a tato, Annual Meeting -Wroxeter '1'elepbooc Co. alt TSt:rt.Ct.Ctb Gorrie Wig. 131 NNET ' DIEL* SL'unisl6LY,—A gloom was cast over the village on Tuesday evening of last ween, when it was learned that SVu1. Bennett, an old and respected t'palcloart had .passed otway, death being clue to hettetfailur'e, The deeeneetl avail -1)1M] WWI br'r'n in Oavan, Ireland, in the year 1889 and came to Canada in 7897. Fie was married in 187.1 to Maria Reinhart, who passed away 8 years ago. He was again mauled in 1914 to Mrs. L, Sahldereon, who anrvives him. 17 years ago he left the farrn, boundary of Grey township on -which he had. lived foo' 20 years and r'etir'ed to Gorrie. Deceased was a maul of strong physique, never knew what Auction Sales AUt;TION SALE 015 IA1;'M ST001{, 651. 01.114514 00, Sts -15. S. :sett, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by Public Atwtion nt Lot 5, Len. 1, Grey, on Wednesday, January 28rd, at 1 o'clock, the following property horse 0 yea's old, 1111R1•e 6 year's old,,1 Percher - on colt 8 mouths old, .1 cows supporod in calf, 2 Heifers an poured to calf, I fat Row, 7 young dry own, 1 2-your-olrlsteer, 6 Spring calves, 10 pigs 100 lbs each, 1 sow to farrow in Feb., 0 young Leicester owon, 1 rain, 500 bus, oats, ofinntity of bay, 1 pig rook, 1 hay rack, 1 good lumber wagon, 1 wagon box and seat, 1 6hasso-Horris uawer 6 ft. nut, 1. Massey -Harris cultivator, 1 new steel roller, 1 Wisner Hoed 01r151, 1 disnhar- row, 110 -ft. Deering boy retro, I widlrhrg plow Fleury No, 21, 1 :Marrow plow No, 0 -Fleury, 1 sonOisr, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 set of bob- sleighs, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 sob of doable harness, 1 efnaseyflnrris root pulner, 1 Icrelotte cream sepparator, 1 Daisy cilium, 1 flour barrel, 10041. milder, 1 gravel box, 1 etorreboat, 1 grain cradle, 1 grindstone, chains, fork*, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention Terms -All suets of $5,00 and under 016011; aver that amount 9 months credit given on furnish- ing approved joint notes. 6 per nett off for one, on•crodit amounts. Groin and pigs to be emit. DAVID BADGLEX, Proprietor. East Huron Board of Agriculture - Meetings will be held as follows: Winthrop, Tuesday, January 22nd MManerieff, Wednesday, January 23rd Brussels, Thursday & Friday, Jan. 24 & 25 Sponlrora are ',T. W. Cleric, Oninsvllle, whose subjects aro :-Growing Alfalfa; Commer- ora) apple growing, how to make it pay Makinl,', R small farm pay ; Importance of seed selection ; Commercial Fertilizers: Do they pay 7 Evening -Poultry from A to Z; Coro of an Apiary. S. B. Smith, Sndthdnlo :-Beef Cattle, breed- ing end feeding; The sheep rndnstry in On- tnrlo; Cropping for beef and sheep farm; Seed. selection and soh problems. Hvening Cristo ; The Fanners Club as a means of Edna tion. Mrs. R. 1V, Parsons, Toronto :-Women in in- dustry ; .Experiences to Germany ; A Box fnr Overseas ; Parliamentary Procedure ; War from vnrlorrs standpoints • Let noth. hog be wasted ; Woman's dotty towards the National debt. Question Drawer nt oftornonn nlenthlg un TItolwday. Question* annwerod Friday. Musical program will be rendered each even- ing. Meetings open at 1,80 and 7,00. P. A. broARTaUt, /Gime SMITH, Secretary. President, +•ir9'i••i'+i•'Mq•d•'F't'•E++•b' ++.1'd'a•eetet'e BY PvilIc Demand Special Return Engagement TOWN ALL INN Q GHAM Direct from MasseY . Hail Positively your last chance t0 See. Wed esd- n a January i6tfj �i i 12 Piece Orchestra Secure Seats Early e l•itllese- wee. 1"1e wiie,l'c11d of a joke a. 1111 WKS r-' s tel'l11 r lit h' a n t l l I 101111. lie 0' 't eH O a n •h 111 it.ty d son, J. it, Win a and f 6 r 1 one daughto', tars, John Finlay, :1:Cotvick, The funeral tools place 'Thursday afternoon. Molesworth 11itemptornsi,.— A very pretty wedding wae solemnized at the home of Mrs, Robert lel iWhen, Melee worth, Oil Wednesday, De.cembee 261h, when her yaltIgest slaughter, Mabel Ethel, was united in marriage to John O1.uipbell, a peospetone young farmer of Grey. Rev, T. A. 13e11 officiating. The bride looked sweet in a costume of white elelonne, with bridal veil and ral'l'ied a shower boquet of roses and fen, She -was given away by her brother, Harm d 51itchell, Mee. Alex. (000ar, a sister of the bride, played the wedding music, while the pri0ci. pals tonic their places under an arch of evergreens. After a sumptuous re- past, the bride and groom left on the 0, P. R. for Toronto and other points.. Upon return Mu. and Mrs. Campbell: will reside nn the gro0m'a fine' farm, 3rd Con., Grey. Hearty congratula- tions are extended from a wide circle of friends. Belgrave Prenenselo M1THo0IsT Dies IN 90`•ret Y1EAlt,-10 the death of Rev, Robert Godfrey, who died at Saskatoon on Der•embe' 31s0, Canada has lost one of the last of those wino blazed the trail for Methodism in this country. Far the last 10 reals 5Fr. Godfrey lived WWI 1114 daughter, Mrs. P, Ceihwnn, in Saskatoon, Seek, He was 89 year's of age and died from pneumonia after a hi id illness, I3oen iu the County of Kerry, Ireland, in the year 1828, Rev. Me. Godfrey, after receiving his early ednraatiun, r1rue to Canada at the age of 17, For 5 years he taught school in Wellington county and in 1853 studied foo•. Lhe Methodist Ministry, Ira 3894 hewer superannuated and during his retirement rn Saskatoon often occupi- ed the pulpit at the chulcl) services. The late Mr. Godfrey is survived by 2 NOON, Dr. Foshee Gnditey, 51, P. P„ and Barrister J. M. Godfrey, Toronto, and 2 daughters residing in the West,. Mr's. P. Gibson, Saskatoon and Mrs. 1'Vur. Ar,'light. Mnrtichuk, Sask, The funeral took place from the home of J. M. Godfrey, 72 Lowther avenue, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon, 'Che service was private and interment took took place it) Park Lawn ceme- tery, Rev. Mr, Godfrey was a one time pastor of Belgrave circuit, Crarobrook Rev, Mr. Cook, of India, will preach in Knox church Sunday morning. Jas, and Mrs. McCallum, of Owen Sound, were visitors with John and Mrs, Hunter. The latter ha a daughter. The wood contract for the school (vent to J. 101. Knight, who gets $4 90 per cord for 20 coeds of hardwood, ,16 inch cut.. 51r, McKay, wife and family are here on a visit. Mee. McKay is a sis- ter to 101re, George Sparlfug. It is 15 years since they went West. John Campbell, Weyburn, and Geo. Oampbell and daughter, Valeria, 111i1e- stone, are here on a visit. Geo. will attend a School of histauctionfor Ford car mann geinent at Torb,'Lo. SiioWER.-011 Uli tistwas e, e. at the rneuiae, Airs, J. L. McCulloch gave 14 miscellaneous "shower" in honor of O'11s9 Violet Leitch, Silver, linen, china, etc., were presented, accom- panied by poetic good wishes. Miss Leitch thanked Rev. and Mrs. Mc- Culloch and the kind young friends by a few well chosen words, After a dainty lunch was served all joined hands and sang l'or "She's a jelly good fellow',' after which the couapluly separated world eying who would be the next bride to be, Ant:mass AND 15RESENT AIrloN.—A few days ago W. 3. Uunte, a former resident of Oranbiook, was the central figure of a very pleasant little inci- dent. lie is engaged in the services of the McLranchatui i410 Lin 00, at Oshawa an depeetuletlt fnrernan and the mere who have been ander his charge paid a tribute to his pnpnlarity Feeley in a very practical way. 1 tlday after- noon 51v. Hunter was requested to present himself in the North ronin of his ti s'pai'tms'll 5, asnl wags 805prf0c11 to 11016 every one of his subordinates as- sernbled there. Bnwevel' the situa- tion was merle elear when the epnkee- nran Per the men delivered the f•'llow- ing address:—Ni.LLOW (lo-woioi{ERs —As you ata a awe] e, we are 0.10enrblod for the pulpiest: of giving expression. to the oentin:enls of goodswill and re- spect which we all reel towards oar furemaorl, 111. Minter. The honor of wetting. nln' npmenial ion of his gentle- manly quell ti and sterling -worth hire fallen to nice 1Vitioot any desiee oil 111y part. 1.0 *Hook, a speech or hand 0106 borynrl:s it„lreer'inliintiely, I wieh to 1:111.10 I h,Ll. ;;0 fay a0 lay personal 1t1.1111ill1 1a'Ise tri 111 011. I:l nn ter goes, 1 hove always found hila a real gentle - limn and 1 know t‘ hen 1 melte that etttlernt.ut 1: rite a mouthpiece for every item here, 'l'nruing to elle Hunter the speaker-eOltinnell. Nn\y, 1011'• Hunter, we, your indicted incites, felt ive could not lets this 14110.0051 of eompli 0101(1aly exchanges pant• without ten- tlei•lltg y011 an evidel•ee of one regard, SO detected we could Best do po in 150 Mein o1' a Cllrintmtts girt. O'n behalf ofthe wee of yrour,_rleparlantant, it, (affords me the keenest ,pleitsu e in presp1Lieg to you this little token of our esteem. The. presentation whirl) 0olsI806d of a beautiFut parlor rug and ton Rhin-rhnir' rocker wee duly carried ,. nut amid tench a 1 lhu . , Y e 11 ilea' 1 I l II Mr, Hunte', I would like en behalf of everyman pore to extend to you and youhs otll' heartiest wishes rot. a Merly Ohrioltnas nod a bright, and. prosperous New Year. Mr. Hunter tvas,vienely affected but replied in, a few well chosen renerks• He said, I 5math oe lose 11 1, ) r arta l as fnrweeds 'o 'cex- press t 1 x press my feelings but let 1115. 11s8ure you, 10011, I aper pri'1 00 frost, the but - tem of My heat 1, the splendid spirit cif good fellowship you have shown tyle tacitly, I feel i1 recompenses Ire for Ole triads and Leortblee wbleb go haisd 111 hand with a forenamahip, I *tort aware lay 'enceees has depended f laellorgewsly nnhave thetiltriviays backed me up agiiitieent way you anti Lmlrat slay this incident will snake rny Christmas 14 very happy one. I I180010 you it Inca always been and al- ways will be my keenest desire to live up to the principles of a ge1tieman, as iny friend has chosen to describe me, ole. Hunter thanked the men for their gift and wished them the con- plimeuis of the sea8011. A hearty round of applause brought the gather- ing to a close, McKillop McKillop electors showed good pram Mal sense in war time by avoid- 'i'ng expense of a Municipal Election on re-elaolirig 1917 Beard by acclama- tion. :Township Council will meet next Monday, Applications will be receiv- ed for ARSE/eel/1' as Assessor Evans, it ho Nerved 1111(11y years has resigned, Meeting will be held at Winthrop. Past 1411,',,0 Board of Agriculture will hold a public fleeting in the Hall herr on Tuesday, January 22ia1„,at 2 rued7 p. ro. Talent will be Mr. Olark, Galesville Mr•. Smith, Smithdale ; anti Mrs. Parsons, Toronto. A good chest Mir is expected. W1a11DlNf} IJELL5.—A very pretty Bowe wedding was solemnized this week at the home of the bride's par- ents, John and Mrs. McGaviu, Mc- Killop, when their only daughter, Miss Jennie, wae united in marriage with Wilbur Turnbull, son of Oliver Turnbull, Grey towuehip, Rev. Mr. Lundy, Walton, performing the ceremony. Only the near relatives of bol'h parties attended the wedding. Gifts were most beautiful testifying the very high esteem in which both bride and gl'oam are Heid. Mr. and Sire. Turnbull will vesicle with his parents until their new residence is completed on the groom's fine faun, 15111 Con. Grey, Their many friends wish them a prosperous voyage over the matrimonial sea, Ethel A rubber lost may be recovered ab Jno. McDonald's store. Oranbrook sent a delegation of skat- ers over for an evening's fun on the Maitland. Rev. Mr. Cook, of India, will preach in the Preabyterian church next Sun - (lay afternoon, Alvin McKee and Wm. Coates are in the London training camp at the Western Fair grounds. Miss Olive Oooper, who is training for a nurse in Chatham, was home for the holiday. She is a daughter of D. Cooper, A meeting of the Girls' Patr'iot'ic Club will be held at -the home of Miss Alice Barr next Monday evening, at 7 30 o'clock. Next Sunday evening Rev, Mr. Staf- ford, Brussels, will preach in the Meth- odistchurch, Rev. Mr. Johnson goes to Belgrave for bloat day. Social Ser- vice is the theme. Arthur Laing and grand-daug4lter, who were visiting here, left for Spok- oke, Washington, calling on relatives at Brantford, Detroit, Battle Creek and Wisconsin en route. He is the eldest son of B. and Mrs. Laing, of Ethel, and has not been here fur 10 years, A pretty but quiet wedding took place at Lhe home of J. and Mrs. Flood when their oldest daughter, Miss • Bernice 3•, was united in marriage to Joseph Smith, a prosperous young, farmer. Rev. Mr. Johnson perform- ed the ceremony. Houle was decorat- ed with evergreens, holly and red bells. Bride and groom stood under an arch with a large white bell in the centre. The bride came in lean- ing 00 (510 101 to of her father and wore a handsome whits silk dress, her veil was oracle• ofwhite net and had a wreath of white roses, snap dragon mitt maiden hair fern and carried e lame bac st of bridal roses and Fern, Her little sister, Miss Dut'othy, evade pretty little ring bearer and wore a cream dress (rimmed with pale blue' ribbon. Site carried the ring in a white calla lily. • Wedding March was played by Miss Lela Vodden, welsh' of the bi ide. Geoorn presented hsidewith agold wrist watch, Miss. Leta with a silver bon bon dish lined wish gold and little Miss Dorothy' with a gold signet ring. After the marriage ceremony guests went to the dining room where a sumptuous sapper was spread. Bride received a Int of beautiful and useful presents from friends in Ethel, Paisley, Toren- London oron- Lohdon and Ohesley, 11301100LREPORT.—Following is the report for November and December of 17thelPublic Schierl. Sr, Department. Poi in V. Total 650. Pass 390, Bon- ner( 485 — Margaret. McDonald 506, Verna McCall 479, Mao Vodden 474. Form IV Sr.—Total 600. Pass 360. I:lonors 450,— Rhea McLelland 475, Leslie Pollard 416, Blake Rowlett 464,. Leonard Kreuter uter 400. Form : IV Jr.— !rota] 500. Pass 300, Honors 375. Myrtle McKee 425, Ella Mitchel 304, Mervyn 17cktnier 856, Willie Mitchel 354, Lillie Sanders 980, Ruby ()leaver 320, Lloyd Dunbar 294. morin III, Sr,' Total 400, Pass 240. Honors 300, Velma Michael 271. For .III Jr. Total 700, Pass 420, Honors 525, -- Eleanor Begley 546, Audrey etc nee 488, Walker Mitchell 444, Edith Dare 427, B 1"nl MrD bald 408, Ralph. Rowland 806, Susie Rowland 349, Joe Martin and Willie Woods missed all egatllinabiOns, Jr, Room. Percentage given. Sr, IL—Jennie Melee 82. Eddie Gill 78, Annie Wood 75, FrankFlood 68, Jr, n.—Earl Bowes 79, Hanley Eckmier 71, Pearl Janne 70, Itnl Ih McI)nn e e dtl I 05 S • „ I, 1 NWT •' r t n J e Thompson 83, len AlriD11uaJA 65(:Inyne 311011.1e1 61, Sim Woods 62, bled. "'11ur- 1icy 57, Alice Davidson 55, Jim blued 54, Ozzie Wooed 59, Jr. .1,—Sylvia Thompson 75, Ploward McKee 00, Harold Vodden 49, Roxy Rowland 41. Hr. Primer, --Wilbert Flood, Athol Murray, G'lenJlckrnier, Given 3,511104, Doris Mc;Duuald, Jr. Primer, Ilx''el- lerlt-3anet 13rown, Beryl Gill. Coed -harry Mitchell, Harold Flood, Boxy W noels, Thos. and Mrs. Davidson ret'rivp d the sad news that their em1, Unreel, {Yea burned to death in a gasoline ex- plosion in Hooker, Oklahoma, on Tuesday. Further 1) 01610(5105 have not Yet heel] received. The funeral will be held from the Presbyterian elmechllext Monday afternoon, at3 o'clock, with servlee at 280, Inter- ment in Ethel cemetery. Jamestown Mrs. W. 'Ii, MrCutaheon and. son, Frank, London, and Driver Roy L. Mc0utcheon, of St. John's Training Depot, Quebec, were the guests of 1. 3. and Mrs, Me0utcheon during the holiday season. A clearing Auotion Sale of Farm stock, implements, &r,., will be held by D. Badgley, jest Hest of here, Wednesday afternoon, 28i'tl inst., at 1 p. m, R. S. Scott, Auctioneer. Sale without reserve as Mr. 13aclgley has sold bis farm. See list in another column. The annual seh0nl meeting of Uninn 5. S. No, 1. Bowick and Grey, was held as pee Statute with A, McEwen in the chair. While the 001)001 }rouse WM. not badly crowded the perfect nno1bar was present and the usual business was transacted, Wm. Gib- son was elected Truster, succeeding ,Robert Earls and with Andrew and Jas. Douglas will constitute the Board: Contract fon' 20 nor ds of 20 limb maple wood we' let to Robert Earls at 83 25. Caretakik , of school was given to A. Dnns lac at $50.00. The new teacher for 1918 is Miss Jennie Oluff, Dungan- nnn, who receives $60(1 per annum. School property is in good shape. Grey TRE POST gives the news. Help lis, Wood bees are common these days. Many of them handle fence rail tim ber. The McCartney brothers, who have been so seriously ill, are making a good recovery. 1918 Township Council will convene, as per Statute, next Monday at the Township Hall, Ethel. Chas. E. Lake, of Kindersley, Sask,. has arrived home to spend the Winter months under the parental roof. Miss'011aOldfleld, milliner, of Tor- onto, was a visitor at the hone of D. and Mrs. Meehan. She is a niece. The tine farm of Mrs. Elias Dickson, 11th and 12th Oohs„ is offered for sale in this week's issue of THE POsT. It is a desirable property. Hugh and Mrs. Hutchinson and family, of Newmarket, were holiday visitors at H.:and Mts. Tyreman's, parents of Mrs, Hutchinson. New ::'oar's visitors at the home of John Lake's 4th Con,, were, R. 0. and Mrs. McGuire, Belgrave, H. and Mrs. Bosman, Blnevale and Mrs. Bosman and Mrs• Henry and Stuart, Wing - am. A reception was held at the home of James and Mrs. Parr Wednesday evening forRobt. Bowman and bride, the latter being the only daugihter of the family. Fine time was enjnyed. Anniversniy 001105)110 in Union Methodi,.l eltnrcIs will he preached nn' Sunday, 2011s inst., at 11. awl 7 ,,'clock, by Rev. \V. Conway, 'Trowbridge,. 7 uosday evwliug funny. tut; n Concert will be given 5ry the Jubilee singers. Uninn School Section No. 10, chose Jas. OV111'itrnsor) vac Tenetee f,''' the next term, succeeding Gen, William- son. The wand supply w 11 he furnish. ed by John Bolger nt $3 40 p -'t en1 d, OlifEorel Rhotic will au'n't to the caretaking foe the sem of $15 00 °ARD ON THANKS.— We wish through the Columns nl' PR11 Pos'r to convey our pumice to malty rid friends not neighbors for 111eitr kindly sympathy expressed. 111 lie iii nue un- expected hrreavrwelttOnly those se •who have h, rn callwl np„u 111 undergo 111 1111110. experiences Itnnw too' to ap- preciate 5Ircoe expressions. We cer- tainly are gentel'til, VI ne en' y, N. HI.Otit itme0 Sete. The 08 acre fare) of I3 *sell ftnbert- so1, Lots 5 and 6, °nth? 12, has been sold to Arthur Bull, pi ice being $4,600. He gets possession 011 March 1st. Mt. Robertson, who has lived there 4 years, has purchased Lot 27, Con, 16, Grey, frnrn Wilbert Bray and will move there March 1st. The pur- chaser was born 31 miles from this farm so is getting bank home. \Ve wish both purchasers success. have not heard where Mr. Bray purposes locating. M1t5. PleT.R Emma ()ALLIED AWAY, -Word was received last week. of the denease of Jane Loney, beloved wife of Peter Ritchie, of Zeiandia, Sask., who passed away on Jan, .1st, in her filet year. :She had been bed- fast for several months. 'Deceased watt born in Perthshire, Scotland, and carne to Canada with her husband and family ovee30years 'ago. After living.abll'ergns for a short time they 'moved- to .Brussels where they won the esteem of many, Before going West 8 or 0 years ago they lived . on r, 14, Grey, 8 children were born to family and this is the first break ;he circle. The children are, David, ales and Peter atot Misses Mary, _en aandZ Sahel I elandia • Wm , o f Portae la Prairie ; Portage and Jeri. S., of Grey. To Mr Ritchie and family, a host of old friends in this corm innity extend sympathy in their bereave- ment. Mrs. Ritchie was a flee type of Christian womanhood, a true wife a noble mother and a kindly, genet, - nus nelghbdr, 11'ss ,tela (tri 1 11 1 I Lll. 1511 55 (, tY 11 1 l 1 u I t nu oen'o able visit hots *1 ! 111 J Y 110)151151111 where 0m4 is aileudin;i 1111' ('1111, pial' , taking u11 1st Ness 'Peach - ere' Certificate lretk, Gordon P.,well, Lnnduo, spent the holiday with his uucic a,.11 mint, (ewe ter and Alis, most Nom, 10111 (len, The visitor 14 asinl 1,' Rey, and Mrs, P ,hell, forromiy 111' Brussels, The fame al of 31rs, t';rb,,,n 1'ntdj)f, Friday aro-Ti :on li ',s very lat'pely asi''inled Rev 31r: llnnn eun,theied 1 he ee vice. baht, al els 41,1e Juo;, Jas. and Joseph Peal SUM' Will, and L,nfe Cardiff and Gus, S* heels•, In- t etwent . w(w (11(18„ hu Ilrussels or'nla, t,•ry. Arnnng friends remit a distance were Win. Al; (uthey, 51ileal'ase, Klett, ; A. and ;Mrs. lllrigslon, ,Wing - ham 115, mid 11 P4, 1j1*,p, Mtullclon ; J,.13. nod 411.e, nettle, Noma ; rind lite, Rad J1 es. M et:reit, 'I'row Mudge, Moncrieff The 5011110 al In,•eting of Knox church wire held 'i'needa•y afternoon. tta's Archie Crone and. Warren Melville, ' f 5k. Marys, were holiday vinit11le 11.1 the home nl'.las 'ileliay sr. (4 'n, 51 ,he•tanu was elected ...rental l T151:,1000 100 0515]0e0501' 1111 Luke 0. Speirarl, for the corning lean fn aur school. Waller and Mrs. McKay and fami- ly, Will, and Mfrs. McKay and family and Robert McKay, all of Earl Grey, Sask., have arrived home to spend a few months with parents, Jas. and Mrs. McKay se. and other relatives. A fine time 16550 enjoyed at the Patriotic enterlaiumeut held in Knox church. Reeve Livingstone occupied the chair and the well rendered pro - wenn consisted of the following ;— Violin selections by Messrs. Prances and Ruerengesser ; duet, M}sses Myrtle and Ieal' Speit'an ; patriotic address by Pte. Harry McNaught, la returned seddier solo, Hartley Men- zies : readings by Misses Mae Livings- ton and Mae Inglis. Proceeds :180.00 to be devoted to Red Cross purposes. Wednesday, 23rd lust, is the date set for the annual meeting of East Huron Board of Agriculture in Mo1- crieff, at 2 and 7.30 o'clock. Good program should be afforded with Mrs. Parsons, Toronto ; Ivlr. Clark, Clt5us- ville ; and Mr. Smith, Smithdale. At the evening gathering it is expected a program of vocal and instrumental music will intersperse the addresses. If you are interested in the various phases of'Agticulture you should be in attendance on the 23rd. Morris New Council will meet next Monday at 11 n. in. Miss Maude Jackson, who is milliner at Omemee, is home for her vacaaion. There were 8 "Bills" in the Muuiei- pal•race.ltast Monday and -all, good for face value. Royand Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. David McDonald and R. T. McDonald, of Brigtleu, have been visiting at H. and Mee, Jackson's. Albert and Alts. Elliott and son, Wilfrid, of Lumsden, Sask,, are here for a holiday with relatives in Morris and Wawanosh. Mrs. Elliott was for- mally Miss Annie Garniss, of Bluevale locality. • A light case of smallpox has develop- ed, the subject being A. Knox, a form- er resident who recently arrived from the West. Precautions are being taken by quarantine,' ,Sea, to prevent the spread of the disease. At a meeting in the Jackson church Jon. McElroy turas appointed as Stew- ard and Treats. in the place of the late Albert Howlett. Frank Bell was chosen Sunday School Superintend- ent. We wish thein hearty support. • 8, S. No. 0 elected Joseph Bewley Trus tee for next term, succeeding Geo, Kelly, Wood contract went to Jho. Evans at $5.00 per cord. Bert Kelly gets 530.00 for lighting the flee at: the school and Jno, R. Bell $11.00 for scrubbing. Hugh Kerr, who spent several months in Saskatchewan last year, is offering his 140 acre farm, 3rc1 line for sale, as 11e pru'poses returning West next Spring. .He is well pleased with East seasons results and is a assured that lie and his sons can do well there. Advertis m e eat may be read in this issue, CARD 015 THANI{0 —i wish to ee .• press my hearty thanks to the electors of Morrie, for the honor you did me laet Monday in electing 111e 'to the Reeve's chair. I will endeavor to do my host to retain your favor by loop- ing after the intereste of one tenni- cilall' y ,t for 1018 as careful) a pn • slble. Wishing, yon one 1d 'all, a prosperous year, Pours truly, W. H. F2As1110., HUGH FOBSTTra DECEASED.— old and well known forrner resident of the 6th line, died at the home of his son, Hugh, at Frobisher, Sask., on Dec. 31st, in his 82nd year, Mrs Forsyth passed away 8 year's ago, 2 sons, Htigh and John and a derighter, Mrs, O'Brien survive, The family want West 16 or 18 years age. Mr. Forsyth, who was buried January 2nd, was a man of integtit}, and en- joyed the respect of a wide circle of friends, 11UNIOTP AT, l7LTcC'I'TON.—hien day last was election (11514 in lvinr•ris when a lively race rya01111• nee rnahis) Wee la close contest bel ("0511 ('onlit•illni'e \V. 14. Fraser ned W. (1. 1','lidbLw, 111P for- mer witiuing by 7 voles, Cenut:illrms chosen are Wte, Elston, ,1,11. Pear, Walter Ysiill end A, Procter, :The re- turns were as follows : -- Reeve— 1 2 8 4 5 6 Fraser .,.:, 18 6 25 '[0' 5113 31.-283 -2 Lnidl'nw°.,,56 'LI 61 41 24 20-226 Majority for .I+reasea...,...., 7 Councillors -- Elston 11 20 48 40 55 Fear ,. ,63 59 88 (10 '22 Henderson 13 11 15 12 48 Procter,,,, 19 21 52 84 55 Yuill 20 40 18 51 20 00-204 23-280 24-118 41.222 81-280 II M ACCOUNTS 0 S The time has been extended fee closing lip the aecouute 0f the late (leo. N. MsLnree to January 31st. After that date they will he passed to other hands fur collection, with costs added. 11. BLACK 3 NO. FERGUSON. ,Nina Etta Mel:ante who has lived at Robert dlol1111rtcy'5, 41h litre, has gone l to 1111,st \\'awviuMsh where she has at, (wonted a posltien. Several schools had tt holiday last Monday on Recount of the school houses being used as polling places l'or the Municipal Election. Wroxeter Reeve Douglas we salute you. Miss Cassie MoDougalllel't for Tor- onto on Wednesday. Miss Jeanette Black, Harriston, visited over Sunday at her home here. Pins, Hemphill, Hensel], spent the week end with his son, T. G. Hemp - 111, Mrs. John Di ew, Oanningtou, is the fin11est of hes' parents, Geo, and lobs. OVearring, Miss Wynees of Essex, Principal of the Uontinnattifni classes, took charge of the wnl•lt on Thursday. A social evening was spent by the Anglican congregation, in the Odd - fellows' hall, on Thursday evening when an enjoyable time was spent. At the Municipal Election on Mon- dayL,lno, Douglas was elected Reeve by a ruajo.'ity of 10. Geo. Town was hi As epp0rleut. A union interceaeorp service was held in the Methodist church on Sun- day, the pastor, Rev. Mr, Stride, pre- siding. There was a Targe attendance and appropriate addresses for the oc- casion given by pastor and Revds. J. Malcolm and G. T. Powell, A collec- tion of $11.05 was given to the Red Fund, Dies. Win, $ayes, Howlett, is the proud recipient of a military medal won by her son, Walter Hayes, for conspicuous bravery On the field. The young elan who enlisted with the 20011 Battalion as Signaller and Dispatch carrier, has spent almost 3 years in active service and has been wounded once in that time. Flight Lieut. -Stewart McKereber, who recently returned from Sask., went to London, Ont., Monday, where he will consult the military authori- ties as'to his further movements. Re had his leg badly fractured while on active service in France and the latter was given 6 months leave. The time is about up but Stewart is still unable to move without the aicl of a cane and no doubt will receive his discharge. Walton THE POST gives the news. Annual meetingof Duff's congrega- tion was held ednesday of this week. Walton Orange Lodge was repre- sented at the District Orange Lodge in Brussels on Tuesday. Next Sabbath morning the regular service will be held in the Methodist church conducted by the pastor. Regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be postponed until 2ihley, January, 25th, when meeting will be held in A. 0. U. 1V. Hall.525 2.00 was sent to bliss Brown, Treasurer for Belgian relief from Wal- ton. $5 00 of this amount was paid by St. George's Anglican Bunting School and balance by Red Cross of- fcring. Ifave. you linked up with the Red Gross knitting and Sewing Oontest 1' It is opening with considerable en- thusiasm and everybody should lend a hand as the 0x050 is a host worthy 01111. At the annual school tneetitig Jas. McDonald wa8 elected Trustee as succesoo' to W1Yr, Sholdiee whose teem had exlihed, Contract for wood was lel. bo John Shcrtreed at $4.00 per cord. \Vomen's institute has arranged for a 2 week's Serving Course. Insttuct- or coming to take charge. 15 women anti girls have ah'eady joined. Others who wish to take course please apply to Mrs. A. 13, Bruce, President of Ars, Geo, Clark, See, Charge is $1,25 for Institute members or $1,50 for ant-' eld ers. Walcot aeninr department of the Public School supporta soldier prison. er of tear in Germany, 10 takes $250 a month and 011 organization has beeu (named, with Mary 11lcDonald Secre- tary, to promote this good worst, wit.li Miss Dickson. teacher as director, the worthy object gees forward in good ahaepe. Two payments have al- ready boort m(Lde' 1't is an eV:silent teaming in economy and patriotism. A1Tas PAR,s0NM C05tTNe.—Let all the woolen and girls of the community keep the aftt'inool of Friday, Jan. 25111, 0'ee foe the meeting et 230 in the A, 0. U. W. Hall, nodes' the Rue- clew of Women's Inot.115te. It will be adtdr'essed by Cap(. Mis, H. W. Par- sons, Toter oto. She has a wealth of experience in the \Nonce's Institute and has been identified with olio lead- ing Women's organizations of Canada. Darin past n n two years ata her' p services have been nnueh in demand by patri- otic organizations' Mrs, Parentis is a' fluent, fo'cefel speaker with wide Itn0wledgc of subjects of interest to both women and girls. School Boaed Imo arranged to have g v Mrs.Parsons address the 'school children in the Morning, NLo1 els Club wee !X le0- Rented at the l''aenters' Convent ion by 3,'J, McGavin, w 14 pppiiiiiela or 0111, 'tip Delude, I Gli Jno,.n.11n Bolger, and M. Rowland, Regular Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month ID the A, 0. U. W. Hall, The Methodist church *15(5(6140.1455(147 passed off with a good swing. On Sunday Rev. Air, Sykes, Kitchener, pr'eaelied two rnlineutly practical sermons to large and interested con• ggregatimrs, (hull tousle was rendered i) the choir, New Yeads night bi crowd attended Uhe'1'ea lvleetin . An elegant supper was served in the base- ment after which a long and varied program wee rendered with Rev, blr. Craik, pastor, in the chat•. In addi- tion to whorl addresses by 1}evils. Lat, ) r 11 Walton • tt 'son Het r • L e I vl nt v Stetyn'd,Brussels; I&Ioculiunisk Han- nah, London, gave a number of selee.- tiom that found faviu' with the audi- ence and he will be welcome back. Choice vocal selections of music were interspersed. Proceeds of the anui- ves'oary totalled 51.35,00 and proved a clacked success thvoughiut and en- couraging to pastor told people. Morris Township lissessorshi P MR. EDITOR—Using the columns of your paper ars a medium through which, I wish it to be made known, that any returned soldier seeing Rt to apply to the Municipal Board of the Township of Morris; for: the -office of Assessor, to do so, as I will not op- pose him, I rain of the conviction that any guardian of the Empire who has given of his services and made the sacfice, through the impairment of health or loss of limb, thus rendering him unlit for many occupations, is entitled to first consideration bythose in au- thority, in the selection of their offici- ary, Apply ! Da not be deluded by thinking yourself incompetent to do the work. I have done it, so can you. If you apply and receive the appoint- ment, I assure you my 5 year's ex- perience on the job and my. knowledge • of the work are freely at your ser vice. Yours truly, THOS. MILLER. $1 People We Talk About #$ $$ $$ Miss Mary E Ross is holidaylug with Monkton friends. David Hogg is not enjoying as rugged, health as in years gone by but we hope he will soon improve. Mr. and Mrs Borebam, Toronto, have returned to Toronto after a visit with the McMillan fenny. Thos and Mrs. Davidson and family, of Ethel, have moved to town, We welcome them to Brussels. Mrs. Wm. Ross and daughter, Mrs. Jessie Kerr, are 'visiting at St, Marys at the borne of R. and Mrs, McAlpine. We are sorry to hear that Mrs John Meadows sr„ is ill but we hope she will soon be better. Her daughter from Chicago is here. Wm. Serv,ce, London. was here 011 a visit to his sister, Mrs, F. S. Scott., The latter keeps quite poorly we are sorry to say. Miss Laura Hryaus has returned to, her position in Toronto after an enjoy- able vacation with relatives and friends in Brussels and locality. S. H. Jackson and Harry Moreau, of Moose law, arrived 0 town Wednesday. They are former residents and well known to many readers of Ties PosT. 13, 13. and Mrs, Churchill and (laugh- ter, of Megaw, were visiting Geo, and. Mr, Edwards and family. The former and George Edwards took a holiday trip to Detroit for a few days. T. and Mrs, Blackstoek, of Coiling wood, have been visiting 13. S. and Mrs. Scott while on a wedding trip. The ladies are sisters, Congratulations are extended for a long and prosperous life. Tile bride has been here on other occasions, Mrs. Hooper, Exeter, sister to Mrs. (Rev.) Mann, and Miss Matin, Port Elgin, nod Mrs, Fred. George and daughter,Miss Ma t uetite ' are visitors t0r R Melvile manse, Miss Mann and 1 Mrs. George are Rev. Mr, Mann's sis- ter's. Church Chimes Electric light has-been installed in St. JoRehn's rectMo.oLry. ,, v ao1: of. India will RCi pl re i 0 Melville church next Sunday night, Ile will be at Crauhroolc in the moruiug and Ethel in the afternoon, Owing to fuel shortage the usual ser- vices of Week of Prayer are not be- ing observed at this season as Ear as enrols meetings are concerned. '1`o cuuserve the shortage iu the fuel supply the various congregations in town have been holdlug Sabbath ser- vices in the comfortable, Lecture rooms of the churches, Next Sabbath Rev. Mr, Ureu, Kincar- dine, Chairman of Winghani District will preach sermons '' Brussels Metho- dist church in connection with a cell peigu in Sncinl Service and Evangelista. The pastor will be on the Ethel circuit on a similar 111 esiou. Sabbath afternoon, 2.1'11 hist, a speck al offering will be token in the.. Metho- dist Sunday - School for the sutferiug Armenian children, reudsl•ed so by the murderous 'inhumanity of the Mutter - able Turk, Interestin program will bo given, $25.00, is alined at, Nekt Sunday eveliug a memorial e s +viceI tv li be held ' c mSt,olinschtt 1 1 rot bearing on the death of this 'gallant sol- dier lad, Set'gt, Geo. Davis, who died for a righteous cause in France. 'Rev. Fleury Smith will conduct the service, Iu ortunectiou with this 'eerviee the ttfeinbers of 13tussels L. 0. L. end visite irig.bretbrenare asked to Meet at thole Lodge room et 6,3o so .as to march to the Chllreit 18S a body,