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The Brussels Post, 1918-1-3, Page 8
999iete,s e -1t1+0914 • rsea ar f111444,1444+.t.+41),14,14=1, v=h R. SMITH Store Hess' pt Viand Hags 18 Cents and Better It Pays to keep them Thriving o Ni) Thne for Worms NNot when all your stock • nee', ep.eul! tie, -titian, because 4' the t ..,mai item pastore to dry most critical teed 7S ti, ..- of the to cr'l ve time, 10 . •, year. Keep up the ,1. getei condition -- Keep up the .;{. Suleinel lilnft ---keep Out the O 4. t1 In 111,, • Dr, hese' Stock Tonic a Drive, out the Worms, • Mikes stock Healthy. 4' 21h. pi(g..coq's 35E; TO lb. pkg. • $1,25 , 25 Ib, pail $2 50. I ly it for rip d. healthy growth of Pigs as well as for other ▪ stock, ee 0 Note is the time to feed D• r, Deas' Poultry Panacea eS 1 p your Hens healthy 1 ,:t the Pullets laying. e• 7 :11 pkgs. Ste. Small sc, ▪ Ili lnatant louse Killer • Kills Lice on Stock .1. d• The No Raise In Price on Although it casts the n7'elnm- factnrers thousands ofhill more to make VINOL ttnn it did a year ago, re the new War Tax cf United States, edited •, suit tut ther burdeu, they are not going to charge the people ary more for it -preferring to keep the good will of their customers and avoiding price irereases wherever possible, You can therefore • continue to ger VINOL from tie at the old price of $1.00 a bottle pine 40 for War Tex stamps, Many customers have proved by personal experience that Vino! Creates Strength For weak, run deem men and women and delicate c ildren, and that it is also a sp endid remedy for Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis. F R ■ Store SPil iTH Druggist and Stationer A T HURON AM Of AGRICULTURE 0 M'itillr•4 Will be Ilelil 11111/51 the above togrtuieatiuu in the Township Hull, Gerrie, Tuesday, January 8th (Nage Bell, Moleawarth, Wednesdity, Jae, 9th 0 The posters will be Mr. A.lt.G. nt et Si111,rNees Iitunbing ; mud ler, Miley 1It1Cenzie-Sulit11, (areveuhmst, The rorther will allow those present to sel- Irk the topics of lids neldreeses frohn I he following :-Field Crop and Rlltlt- l(nn ; Beef Cattle and Milking Sheet- ee horns. ,• Seed Control Act and Inapec- tiin \Norte ; t•rop Needs for 191S. Beetling subject will be "PtobleIus 1'1' the'Y11mg Agriculturist." Dr, elelienzite•Sntith s evening sub- , r t het. n 8x81 e' outfall and h(.t will 7 \\ I s L 1t N1 > i t 't$ 1l eslnn7sihilities," and "Life in Indra, Musieal program will be given at the evening mvetinga, Chair will be taken at Saud 7.80 p m. Public cordially invited to at tend these ineeeings and take part in the (1i 1 leRlnita. P. A, 11('ARTHUR AMOS SMITI8, Seeretltry, President, 44.0+0+44 011,44, d•0+0.1.®^FO'I•••F•'F•t••F•+•+••F•'A•'Y•+0+.+.440,004+0-1,Qri•000 +0+0 ebas los WRITS 1()18 note. NTS Caleudars are scare. MUNICIPAL Election day next Mon- day McnermY Horse Fair Thursday of this week. NEW bn:7ks have arrived for Brussels Publ,' (..'.hoary. :VI01010IYAi, Netnint.tion in Beites01s het M •t day evening is the 'lbwu Hall Rm. W. E. STA1+Soen, took part in program of Walton Methodist cburch anniversary New Year's night. 'ln0g'u(Y night a hockey match was played on the rink, Wingham and Brus- sels being rise contestants. Our boys have had Tittle practice. this being the first matela Mre, Pio Currie, accompanied by her sen, leen, and grandson, VViliie Mc- Dowell were visitors with G. F. and M's, E l :e, London, for tbe Christmas- tide. 'rile Letter is Mrs. Currie's daugh- ter, John and Mrs. Lynn, Waikerville, have been renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality. Mrs. Lynn is a danghter of P. and Mrs. Ament, Brus- sels. Teey also visited Mr. Lynn's re',atives at Fnrd:vieh and had a good time all round. A cable list of wounded Canadians show tat Lieut, (1 A Wheable, Lon - doe, se omdna,',, 7 In law of Rev Dr. D. L. Mc- Rae, i.f rh, Hamilton Road, Presbyter- ico tai tee 1, former officer of the 14205 is In p tie in O'd London. He was u.,,uitil c: some time ago. 001213'1'. M. 'Thomson, of the Royal Fitting (.opts, was in town this week. He is just l:10118 from 'texas where he had been in croup and expects to leave shortly for oversew. He is 0 son of R and ells Thomson, Seaforth, former- ly Ol Bru55als, EN IERTAINISn C:1ro1R - New Year's eve 1'. 12 Mult'.•run, choir leader and organist, enter:anted the members of Melville choir at the home of Mrs. Chas. i11 at Bedford, Indiana, but he: fortunate- i friends re'uruing on Wednesday. Ritchie, where he hoard;. A royal time ly had good Friends there in the persons i J 0. azul Mrs. Pridham, Toronto,. wee enjeteii to ga'ne:•, rn 5:12. oaclal chat of Mr, and Mrs. Beard. Mr. Grant to , were holiday visitors with the latter's and iie,ter sapper. An interesting progressing favorably. 90121 t's, P. and Mete McQuarrie, event tvAA'he uresetttation, by the 013010, RED CROSS -Montle\ veeiree, a(7 31' ; hi in Gladys Ross_, Kincardine, visited of a gold siv e' t ring to Harold Work, o'clock sharp, the R, d C-re...y C irele is writ relatives in Brussels. She is the one of the members who dons the Kings asked to meet at the Lib' : ;o discuss eldest daughter of Robt, and Mra, Ross, plans of work. Tuesday af'rruoon, at the regular meeting, iyfl-s ii Ili Hender- son will give a talk on "Work at St. Christopher House and Farm " Mist: Gertrude Deadman will ting. A good attendance hoped for. PTE Stanley Campbell, on of Angus and Mrs. Campbell, Brussels, who wet' overseas with the Fort Garry Horse and on to France is now in the. 4th Battalion infantry, along with his brother, Harold Latter went through a number :7f (eon! hard battles unscathed, He was a wit - mess of a zeppelin raid in Northanlpino While visiting relatives in leugtand, Both boys got Christmas presents from 1 Brussels Red Cross'Circle and wish to return thanks for the same, Tug 47th anniversary of the. marriage of S. and Mrs. Bailey, highly esteemed residents of town, WAS observed last Friday evening at their home, John street, by e social gathering of a number of friends who much enjoyed the over- flowing hospitality. After a 111001 enj y able time a short itnprotnpen !newton of cougratuletoty speech leaking by ladies and gentleman was tu(lttlged in, . led by Rev, W. 2, Stafford, to which the genial host and hostess mala felicitous replies. I The guests departed expreesrng the hope l live to that Mr, -and Mrs Bellewwould celebrate their Golden wedding and bitted at an invitation to title touch eke ; sired but often den) •cl rna+rirnoniel event. Mr. and air'.. 13:12111323 Dem- perative good health We. arc-, pleased 10 stalte1 Sonoot re -opens nest Meurley in town. Harry and Mrs. Church dl and daugh- ter, Loreen, McGaw, were hers for New Years. CATTLE Auction Sale announced -for last Saturday afternoon did not eventu- ate owing to the non.arrival of the stock from the West. They were being shipped by Jas. Botz, formerly of this locality.• _0 - TYar asntrA left at Pox's Drug Store may ba obtained by the owner proving property ant paying for dila nottoe. J. Pox. DRY soft wood for sa1e. Apply to W. A. LAUON0, Phone 8418, DURHAM Cow for sale, due to calve. Lot 14, Oon. 18, grey township, Phone R. ,i 13ttrRszD• A SIM or money was found by Thna. Miller, Morrie. . ott 1Brussels, and plroving by calling on 1888 Rnsbels Mood Swede Turnips for sale. Lot 8, Con. 4, Grey. WALTER 0 RSR , Innovate140, 2 FOR SA1,11.-8 thoro'bred York pigs. 4 weeks old. Apply to Maim B5)12115, phone 8518, Bthel, PRIME Oysters at S.O. Wltan/ea. HARD wood wanted in exchange 'Por single I harness. MioDAtiva & 011. QO13DW00D WANTED.--Pt•0i17 10 10 20 cords or hardwood wanted for Metbodi,t (`hurch,Brns' eels, to be delivered before Pell 1st, Poe fur• ther particularssPeenIt Llama ERD.t %% 87 usaels. Boum AND Tom 1101( SALii,-Good frame horse, 2/5acreof land, fruit trees, well, &e., in Brussels. For further particulars apply at THE POST. TERVE Short Horn Bulla from 10 to 12 months old for sale. JAS. 101110, Lot 20, Con. 8, Morris. Phone 108, DR. PARKRa, Osteopathia Physician visits Brussels, and Thursday afternoon successfully treate2 Visits reaidenoes. Consultation a'. Queen's Hotel, _ 0_ Word was received that Lieut. Frank I Scott, of town, had been seriously injured in England, Later news .fated he was able to resume hie duties and we 1 hope be is o. k. by ibis time. While enroute to California from Winnipeg J. R. Grant, formerly Post- master of Brussels, was taken enddeuly Church Chimes A bele of clothing, quilts, toys, &e , valued at $53 coo, was shipped by the Junior League of tbe Methodist church to the Deaconess Horne, Toronto, last week Next Sunday is the date of the Call to Plater by King George for the Empire and its place in the world's war. The subject will be placed before the various congrega,iens as the practical subject ie one of total importance to our cause. The filet sho,•tage is a perplexing 0001,tem to pastors and church officials sad interfering considerably in many a plan. A+ the M'ssionary service in the Mc hodist Sabbath School last Sunday a fine program was presented. by Mrs, Ira Parker's class which consisted of read- ss by Misses Ada Fulton, 011a Arm- strong and Mut. Parker, piano solo by Wee Mae Wilkinson and a vocal solo by Miss Isabel Dark. Chester Armstrong added a few remarks on the satisfactory progress of the Temperance cause. Contribution toward the $75.00 for the year was 133 85. $1 People We Talk About 1 Miss Kate Ament was home from Lon don for Christmas. Merner Wood is spending the week with relatives at London. Athol McQuarrie, Toronto, made a brief vigil volt bis mother. Miss Knox from the West is a visitor with Mrs. Ed. Pollard. Lieut, Vernon Ross was home oyer Sunday Erom London Camp. Miss Verne Walker ie visiting relatives at New Hamburg and Kitchener, Miss Minnie Edward's was holidaying at tbe home of her sister at Stratford. Miss Mina McRae, Kincardine, was a holiday visitor with relatives in Brussels. Mail Clerk, Wyman Sperling, Hamil- ton, was home for t.;Griatmas dinner last week. Miss Muriel Brothers, Toronto, spent the Christmas holiday with relatives here. Mrs, Roble Bell and Miss Cherry Bell, of Hamilton, are visitors at G. A, Dead - man's, Jin.. and Mrs. Smith, Hallett, were viei:ors with Mrs, Geo, Jackson on New Years. Mrs. Goodwin, Kincardine, was here fur Christmas visiting her grand daugh- ter, Mrs 1, A Kyle. J', T. Davidson Is looking after tbe chores on the farm of tbe late Albert Howlett, 7:11 line Morris. Jai, 1301, Hamilton, was in tows last week calling OD old friends, He was a former resident of Brussels. Harry and Willie James, Seaforth, spent New Years with their aunt and uncle at the American Hotel. Mrs. Walter Sharpe and Ino. Sburrie went to L.ucknow to attend the funeral of Mrs, Jlto Pctclter, a relative, Mrs. H. McQuarrie and hire, Pringle were the guests of W, F, and Mrs. Stretton dicing the past week. R. and McAlpine, St, Marys, were heiolay visitors at the home of Mrs, Wm, Rose, mother to Mrs. McAlpine, Jacob Wilton, Guelph, was here for a betel visit this week with relatives and ta'T D 1873 in aTHk OF CANADA 1-I$AD OFFICE - TORONTO MOM N lfJ1,Ps? cif e 1N'wYrGr tf - - • Money Orders and Drafts are a issued by this Bank payable in Pit• 234 • all parts of the world. BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAM1S, D ®VI Manager. n•- arsontanguagesishinmeo F and MiS Beckwith, Geelpli, were 'Che 17fde was gowned in white New Y al's Vtsiturs Wilit S .0 -and B'lts. wore, 1 to crepe, enlbroideetot ill ell Yee re cousins. Mr. told veru 0 Veil of title 1)1arylh1 10 tier BeekwThe ladies a Beek with ie 5.crr(ury of the Y. hi. C. lovely hair with ei•r1ug1 blossoms. A for :Ito R.,yat City She tell l led a shower becettet of roses and betty hyacinths. Mies Care wore a bii(lesnnild gown of pule Elite�ink good;, to crepe and 111/le Aline E wore pl+ileiend white" The bride and groom Attlee in the 1 •bgratulaeioIS of relatit s and old ft .ds here, Nomination Day l311l3Sa1.LS Lest Monday evening was the elate set for the elruticipalNominations mid The ddhlg tee a place ttl, 5t.. Mat - was accorded the aliment attendance thew'' ` loch, `1.,titrant, 011 Monday stud apparently the least iuteeeat of of last kei et, G. Oaineron, K. 0„ such gatherings ever held in Brussels. Godet'i 1' :n'a, daughter of A. B,, Possibly the prexilniey of the holiday, and IV, •o, Smith's Falls The the foregone conclusion that no op- nfilci: • rynlarl was Rev, Geo. position would bo offend 1917 Council E. R N rr.,•t+'ly pastor of Knox and the cold weather had to do with chute ' r - all, The bride is well cuttin>down the moat' but whether kno+, .c'wlcb, having resided ier nn It hada bad look. there. ' nbcr of years. Pellet- ier nominations were llnt(10 tatlol •- 111 • lie internal fug event will to Reeru'uing Officer F. S. Scott :- be .•x'. ••"• d many friends. Reeve -S. T. Plum, proposed by Howard Rall and Geo. McNichol' \rw,tt� 1; •'z+noon of lat week Councillors -D. Walket' and G. A, at.Jlelvill.alt„uobit eh titaia::e, 13st'ussels, Best proposed by S. T. Plum and M. Fraser, M. Fraser and S. Wilton Hey. A J \l1 ,, . 13, A., perfortuecl the propescd by John Long and James i , eres7tnony betweof en ty\ ing the Irelau(l. ivatrimtooniy,a] w Ii. V. The Returning Officer deelaved them (-tlaziel, n %tett known resident of elected by acclamation at the close of Clinton awl Mt, Ll: le Rosa, youngest the hoote deuglieer of d,,u0.1 .' id Mrs. IreIaddi Allhottplt opportunity woe given fee Oas 'ett street' Q 1 n -nt'! .cuth The Wile nominating the Chose School l raetl•• the toluol 018 betI' unattended, The neeeesat'y 110 110171ilitttiOns were nInle, I 1 hence the matter went by default •' .e1 good 1, eleiug bele, appeared very another nominating. meeting wit! lo' trim in her travelling snit of brown, necessary. The retiring Trustees 7w, ee with wlitte Mrsil bio , It took beaten n bat. D. C. Ross, R. Leatherclale and .lite. 11(11011 express (ol• L"(.1011 011 a Short Fox. The only nominees present veva trip and tyrant to Olintou Monday of Reeve. Plum and Councillor let ease.- this week, where they purpose mak- and 011 being called upon gave -h' 11 fug their home. \\ 0. ,l,ng gifts con- adLlresses. 11.2080 Pluto refer'. cl 10 sisted of silver, chine, (teen, enc. pins Co. Council work as well as the heed several substantial. rpt Boles. Many affairs for 1917, and both wielieti the good wishes from a wide circle of ratepayers tt l tIIIIY New Isla' If relatives and friends are extended to not present t0 accept the good wielt"s. Mr. and Mrs. Glazier for 1long, bap- Brusselites must wake up or Hie, e py and sticceeeful voyage on the mat- te a danger of dying of dry rot. It rlmoual sett. was not always thus and it is pour ret- {� conrttgetnetit to met, in office, GREY TOWNSHIP { Board �1 Agriculture, tore, CAM:CRON-.VlOLBAN t , LA7.1 EB -IRELAND colors this week, and who takes w bite the good swishes of a hoot of friends. Before the party broke up, we will not state the hoar, Mr. Mulberon was heart- ily thanked in epeecn and song for the very reeeeant time 3 other members of the ch 7l we, were home, left for their respect:ve posts of dilly: -&lies Edith D_.Ilm::r to Varsity, Toronto ; Miss Juliette Ryser to her pisition as teacher 111 St iff110 501100 ; sod Tom Arms striae1 1 Q.i -- is LTolverslty, Kingston, M • e. lt.t1 .,, mole le on admirable hostess. DIED Su1,D1:N1.Y Li TORONvor--John Bateman was failed to Toronto owing to the (tecpt.1) ret his brother-in-law, F. G. Preemie. Last Saturday's Daily Star gives the following particulars :-Frank George 1. retenau, a well known butcher of Cole,resitret, passed away soddenly Thula lay et his home, 1 Robert street, Ile at' m lest business 50 usual bit eom- penned et feeling unwell about 4 o'clock in Ole alt. rneou. Ills death, resulting from peeltesls, (warred early in the evening. He was born in Oxfordshire, B':gla, i. 1,5 y, -ars ago. He has been 25 yr Ira in Tomlin) and lived ott College stl'tot for i(, sears. He is survived by Mi. wife, Mrs, Amy Freeman, and six cher) en : Mrs. les. See, Cookeville ; Capttuu Mlirgatet in the Salvation Army; Mrs Wm Andrews, Mrs. Wm. Skure, 13ngltr George Freeman and 1Pr,ln1. Onesll;ter, Mrs. Laura Smith, iS in 1' neeend and Mrs Nellie Merman fesides n Clinton. Feneral look place Saturday. formerly of town. Hilton Hunter and family, Wingham, and Capt, and Mrs. J. M. Moore, Guelph, spent New Year's at Mrs. A, Hunter's, Thomas street, Mrs A. A, Wheeler and children and Miss M. Livingstone, Detroit, and Miss Mary Livingston, Toronto, have been visiting their mother in 'Brussels. Roy and Mrs, M.Lean sod Mies Ho111125, ail from the West, were visitors at D. Ewan's and the Misses Holmes, The ladies are nieces to the Brueselites, Will. Goodwin, who is a relieving assent on the G, T. P., Alberta, was here on a visit with G, T. R, agent and Mrs, Kyle, The visitor Is Mrs. Kyle's bretlrof. Miss Jo. Ross and her brother, R. W. Ross, Toronto, were welcome visitors at the home of their mother, William Street, Miss Georgia .Kerr was also home, Mrs. (Rev ) Ferguson has gone to b ',ver, Colorado, where she will visit will. I.er brother, She was a former reeid•-n+ of that city when Dr, Ferguson was alive. Dr, and Mrs. Fraser, Sudbury, were here on a holiday visit at the home of Councillor and Mrs. Fraser, Ring street, and rile() Visited 111e Drs, brother and other relatives at JanoeetoVem Fred and Mrs. Mee and son, Robe Stratford, wore Christmas visitore tit the home of Mrs. Mee's parents, W, anti Mrs. Wilboe, The latter Went to Steed. lord for New Veers The Nomination attracted a fair crotid. During the hour the old Council was renominated, viz. :- Reeve, Robert Livingston ; Deput Reeve, John McNabb ; Oc uneti1 ,cr:r•- 'Win. Fraser, J, Oolllus and 011811 Harris who were elected by acclam,r- tion, Sheet speeches were made by the nominees, with 'township ()fere Macdonald in the chair. Reeve Liv ing;etoue enters on his 12th year al - Reeve and he was 6 years Councillor.'. MORRIS TOWNSHIP Returning Officer edelewen received the following nominations last 111011 day for elle Opuneil 1.,71, 101.5 :-Reeve, John Shurtreed, Duncan Johnston. W, O. Laidlaw and W. 1-1, Fraser, all of whom were meutbees of last year's Board. Messrs, Shortreed and John- ston Withdrew hence a lively election will take place.beeweeo the other two gentlemen next Jlonday, For Councillors, Wm. Elston, John TT, Feat, W. J. leendersoo, Walter Yuill and Alma)! Procter were plac- ed in 00nit111ttinn front which the ratepayers will be tufted to select 4. With 0. Campbell 'in Ole shalt a program of speech making ensued. The opening of the 6 ballot boxes at 1 p. m. Monday, will have to be awaited to ascertain who will occupy the chairs at the Municipal Board for this year. Matrimonial Alliances A'slimly attended meeting of the pleat Huron Board of Agriculture was held last Saturday afternoon in the Public Library Board room, President Amos Smith in the ohair. Those 7resent were P. A. McArthur, Richd. Procter, A. Gardiner, Jas. Simpson, las. McFadzean, W. H. Fraser, John Pearson and A. 0. Dares. Ai rangs- ments ware made for holding the dost series of meetings at Gor tie and Mules - 201(11 on the Sth and 911 10515., re- epeetively, at wiliol7 atfdresees trill be given by A. 11. (3. Smith, New Ilitn,- i7u1'g, and Dr, 11htl'y Mcl.enzle-510111), Grave:nhuvst. Meetings open at land 7 B0. Other particulars of these mem.- legs may he read in another coinu111. Second series of un''tingo will aln•- welie on Jan. 21e1, al Winthrop; 22cu1, et. Moucrieif ; and 21111 and 25th, at lirttsssls. Speakers will be .1. 1V. C/ainsville; S. 13. Smith, Smith - ;I '.lu ; and Mrs I1, W. Parsons, To,- 11 or1a was moved by Alex. Gardine,•, seemaled by John Pearson that ire .talc 1.110 0,111,117 02/10011 to appoint 13iar111 Rept esentative for 'Horne Onion This 521ts caLltied Linitiltm00' ly MeeCiag then adjourned. Ro 5LLr. 1i.AT i]1vis.GL A quiet wedding tools place at Lin- coln street, Methodist church, Walk- erville, on Thu"sday, December 20111, when Miss Sadie .A.. Rath well, (laugh- ter of Thus. 10x1 Mrs. I(atliwell, 01i ton, was invited in ineve'iage with 0. B, Rozell, of the Rozell Dairy Farm, Huron Road, Oliuton„ Oetemony was performed by the Rev, Me, Gra- ham, pastor of the chufcb, and was wibneesed by a fete imluediate friends,, Bride wore her travelling snit of taupe cloth with hat and shoes to snatch, The couple were unatl ended, After the ecsremuny Mr, and Mos. Rozell loft on a short honeymoon trip visiting several points in Michigan and Monday returned to their home on the Huron Road, Congratulations and good wtati0s for happiness and prosperity are extended to Me. and Mrs Rozell, The groom was a former resident of. Brussels locality and rela- tives and old friends join in he,, ty good wishes for a long, happy and successful life. WoO.ns--B'.00V71R. PRETTY WI8nD1NO..-The ILS An- geles (Oali'fotnia), Times speaks its follows of a wedding iii which the bride belongs to a family of this lo- cality :-"Miss Not Luella 'Hooves., daughter of J. Il. and Mrs. 34onvel', of Bi:'tlssels, Oneuffi ., became the bride of 001102a11 Whitney Woods, n, young Los Angeles attorney, at a beautiful wedding ceremony Which took phiee at the residence of Dr. and Mos. \V, R. Omer, 18o, 2742 Pi emote smarm', rm', uncle anti aunt of the beide, Die Charles 13(1217 d Locke was the ullter.' ant and Miss Mrtry Edna Carr, cottein itk. th All WE EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES POR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NE\V YEAR. 1918 Calendar To any of our Customers who have 1101 -yet received Onee of our Calendars we extend a cordial invitation to call for one. , 'tom r e, 7,41P STORE DRUG STORE • 3 to 08 to 68 • g • . • . 2500 Geieeca•tom©•®oopcs t4i8••es1••••1'8t0 eOIRN BRowN.-In Grey township, on December Olet, 1517 bo Mr 01, 11(12 D.ivid Brown, 11 eon, 00n'1'Ts,-In MsI0lllop town -Jury 011 Pen,anbor 23x1', 1817, to Mr. and 1r .tames Coot 1 +, e daughter. ➢7AI,10, In Morris township, ':n Dere ntboe 2801 1817 to Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Marks, a MAR WED OA>(enom-MOf.1(Av A1St.Matthow'seb,,eOt M•",bre11, en December 24th, 1817 1.7 Ilei. 11' .Pee p1. Bose, 13.A., 13 D , M'is+1•'I ,rn, •ater of Mr. and Mrs A. 13.,., -hien, r, 11'tl Palls, to M,•, 140100115 . 11e on. 1i. 0 , (5oderich 135111,1-1311NN1os^r.-On Ohri 11121 t P. W. Ormik, at 1lie h. , i the b,•vi,.'s parents. fur. J 01.911 1,. 1'-ru.. Is, to Miss Mabel 11111fol ra,otter of Id t1 tire John l3,nm•11 a e r n - R011:11 47.1nwarr -At Moan' -1 0(11111 d' nrah, Natlrervl I le on 1'eleinher 20-1, 17. by Rev 101r (Train. A,1 17011,' or Mr. 8110a 1, h..-11,10 kir. la !.sell, both or Clinton 2.1,11 ', AIM.-- At the MAP,. !t ,1Inn, On 210,1, 1118 by 1'. A- i.ln,dy, hir Wsial to ➢fiat+ .-.-r Ria May 'J'aer, buil Grew township, 2111151, n -t4 0,5 -At "So •ns5840"011Deo. smi11 '171h,1tt17 by ltev. W, E. Stafford B. A B-'usuala, 1U 855 ,w.y W17oster hn RIMS Jennie daughter or Nil', 505 Mrs. William Banc :hath of Gra: i •.tvnehlp. NOTICE A pollenbn'. N. Inc tNlee of Assessor for the troa'nsh a, t . K, .n, will he received by 1175 undm 1 n•, 1 aturd,s January bleb ins1,, o7 �'t • .1 (leaflet? et Winthrop, on ,Tamar, /4 11, ,. i 0 80 ,•1. MURDll5, (Sleek, searorth P, Oe Farm for Sale Containing 174 nates, being Tot 8, Onn.1!, 8101 part o1 Lots , and 8, Can 12, Grey towt7- a17te Wall wateroL 1 111Pe7•tsb ,'frame house hank barn with stone stable 80 x 73 feet; good drive alien, het house, \,l5. reit and pomp hh n -e. Large n, (1 , L and shoot 5 stores bash. Mont man and 1.01e 1••nr•. r5 miie from school s,,18 miles froom V1.0. a 1011, rn•,hor par. Haulers apply, to 0213 1" D11110811/4, .li it 19'o Il, lirutsels, East Huron Agricultural Society ANNUAI. Min0 TING The At rival Meottttg o '.a ' 111Tron Azfloot- bm'ld Society will be Inc a ie Ute Town Hall, I 737'eosnls, On Wedoordny,.tnn,:are 1Otl1,11118, at 185 o'clock ,117• 13na11' '. , f {tie me,•tl)t - Up p . l Of the bottle note maul of honor, i2anMvhlg 1. 10 Annnett S31 +nn Wet anti Antlif , Little Mise Dorothy Fritz was 0 0ap1 f- pee liaport, appointhlg (.:IIIre1'e for the year vetting little flower girl and Olaude 1D18, a, JNO. FieRQV0ON, Peeeldent, AhdietWe was M1•. Woods' beet roan. It1.BLACK, eeorotary, L Hull. D1E0 CAItn11'r.-DI (limy him/mine, on De121,11301 111,4, 1817, Agnes 11n7`a7'tney, beloved wire C Nelson Fl, Cardiff, aged 40 yeere and 8 days. 111.01-01114N.-In5Jandolit oucaged7111 December slat, EkL11 ,t e Judde Gives Riaiiind n e : cn of Farr ern M3, Justice Duff (the Final Court of Appeal) De- clares it is Essential that there shall be No Diminution in Agricultural Production. (Published by authority of Director of Public Information Ottawa.) Hon. Mr. Justice Duff gave judgment on December Gth, in the first test case brought before him, as Central Appeal Judge (the final court of appeal), for the exemp- tion of a farmer. The appeal was made by W. H. Rown- tree in respect of his son, W. J. Rowntree, from the decision of Local Tribunal, Ontario, No. 421, which refused a claim for exemption. The son was stated to be an experienced farm hand, who had been working on the farm continuously foe the past seven years, and ever since leaving school. He lives and works with his father, who owns a farm of 150 acres near Weston, Ontario. With the exception of a younger brother, he is the only male help of the father on the farm. The father is a man of advanced years, In granting the mar. eeoreption "until he ceases to he employed in agriclixturati labor," Mr. Justice Duff said "The Military Service Act does not deal with the subject of the exemption of persons engaged in the agri- cultural industry; and the question which it is my duty' to decide is whether the applicant being and having been, as above mentioned, habitually and effectively en- gaged in agriculture and in labor essential to the carry- ing on of agricultural production, ought to be exempted under the provisions of the Military Service Act. "These two propositions are indisputable : "(1) In order that the military power of the allies may be adequately sustained, it is essential that in this country and under the present conditions, there should be no diminution in agricultural production, "(2) The supply of competent labor available for. the purpose of agricultural production is not abundant, but actually is deficient. "The proper conclusion appears to be that the ap- plicant, a competent person, who had been habitually and effectively .engaged 'in labor essential to such pro- duction, ought not to be withdrawn from it. "It is perhaps unnecessary to say that such exemp- tions are not granted as concessions on account of per- sonal hardship, still less as a favor to a class. The sole .ground of them is that the national interest is the better served by keeping these men at home. The supreme necessity (upon the existence of which as its reamble P shows, p this policy of the Military Service Act is found- ed) ed that leads the State to take men by corn pulsion and put them in the fighting line requires that inen shall be kept at home who are engaged in work essential to en- able the State to maintain the full (efficiency of the com- batant force, and whose places cannot be taken by others not within tbe,cla'Bs called out," 1 Ottawa, bec. 8, 1917.