HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-3, Page 7t
('rues Prmitted by :1LIL(+. to Cony
Wernicke! Across 11otoiJrio11,
Many visitors to Canada ha
praised the hotipitals and senator
supplied by the Government throe
the Military Ito:.pitihls Commission fo
I of rammed snhl{ei
and the' schools comluctod in eine
tion with them £n the vacation
training and J'-educatiotn, Kett the. ho
happened, but that wo'Jd ie. far
true. SVc were t tlking mate eat
g� r�� ly, but our nerVett war,.till au
OM AR D k and qua talk wren about: t,h hay.
wz ll . taut been tut, 11 a all rola: est
ddae we had been to death and
int Ili iikali then wo were etill all
teb IN .1 FRONT LINE '1'}tio:('11 EN- carry an,
1 D1;11 .F11tE. feirluusly 1 do notret etnaer vf•rau•r
0 UT shell +. .�
i i while we
petals. on wheels, the shuttle -like i
sti tution.c w ie
t 1 MIMI ll it " •
r4 shot fromItt
C a
to coast over t t
ae rails beating the b
cases brought back ' from Engine
elude theta.
In these eau's, complete with ward
dispensary, kitchen, and perste,' at
stet urn quarters,
1 1
z2 t
bound forn
inland d
1 points 0011
fecdly eared for. The beds are Aare
and hospital cots, so spread with whi
linen and bolstered hi pillows 00 wow
make a weary salesmen weep with
envy; there ate )solicitous, nurses
perky white cape, and with every un
of cars two cat. u
physician to look erre
the men
One till' merles all the service fa
vilifies ]'here is a space equivalent t
thawing room accommodation in th
regular sleeping car reserved for
nurses, a diet kitchen, dispensary,
a compartment for the medical offic
consisting of upper and lower bee
The remainder of the space is g!
to eight cots for patients.
One special feature of the ear is
side entrance giving moist access f
the stretchers so that the patients m;
be moved with the least possible i
convenience to them, All cases a
brought In this way and transferr
to the adjoining ward car throng
doors made sporinlly wide for the pr
pose. To protect the men already
the first car, heavy curtains are dem
in cold weather,
The second ear is a. complete lva
giving sufficient space for 14 cots. Ti
upper berths are retained ev
though they are never used since they
provide good space for carrying line
anti supplies, and in case of a gime
emergency certain cases might b
earried there,
By arranging these cars in units o
two they may be attached to any or
Binary passenger train or made 'it
into a special train,
Disabled Soldiers Are Liven Instru
Mon in Vegetable Growing
Chrysanthemums such as Manitoba
gardeners have rarely seen wer
shown in the recent exhibition of wort
done by the soldiers in the vocational
training elasses conducted by the 14lili-
ta•y Hospitals Commission in connec-
tion with the Manitoba Military Con- '
veleccent Hospital in Winnipeg, and
directed much interest to the excel-
lence of the horticultural and garden- f
ing courses offered to the men.
The number of prizes which the
boys carried off in the fall fairs em- 11
phasized the gardening end of the
Work, but less has been said about the a
facilities -for horticulture, and land- e
scape gardening which are available t
for the men who want such courses. I
There are fine greenhouses and hot;
frames, and under the direction of Mr.
Fred Nichols the men are making fine p
progress. Florists are turning out b
such blooms as are not often seen out- to
side the southern countries,
With Canada's ever increasing pros- to
perity, the number of city people who °
demand summer vegetables in the alt
winter season multiplies, and the fu-; qu
ture for gardeners with hot .frames • gO
and the proper equipment to cater to
these tastes grows more golden. With ter
this in mind, many of the returned we
men are planning to establish gardens and
just outside the large cities with the wet
intention of supplying the markets in try
the slimmer, and the high class gro- th
cera in the cold season with green on
salad materials and out of date deli- len
cavies which will bring fancy prices. W0
The Commission is also prepared to 0ilo
give would -he landscape gardeners the oil
proper grounding' in gardening should be
they have sufficient ability and art bur
education to enable them to look to 411Y
success in this line. The openings for wo
stech work are limited, of course and pet,
soldier landscape gardeners will be whe
exceptional. - pla
frau:: rgr qtr:...-- 0;t7e ones eenreee- see
ural- - - , Join the Horne Defence I .AN I'i'JPC'ItIAI, ORDER.
who &! ,� n T13UV('1'tl(iIt or the CUI1 'f:rVa^ ! Orden' of Kt, hiiehael raid is±. 4Ecnrge to
how' I 81111;e1) Il.►1!'' -,` tion of food, Help to pre- "ihe Moot 1)istingui::bel"
.. ^_ P I e Qrde, of Vit. 1lichael altit St, i
,tier)' '� •-.,.:,,.J Vita waste by dent riding tli! , 17
" to n T,., r lr.. Lm,rge, a7 n+•eiclt 4he 1'rinc:' of Wales
whole wli(,clt , r&,111 in. IAi'ki! ]r now (lrlupl &1ttstrr, ie l:r,t tut ancient
fast foods and bread Stuffs. fnurdttt-ion, hat i1. ;. pet•uliurl
V. i were under the I,nm1•arfiment, mein!
s- :+light Relief Obtained From Mental I illu°1nl)er every other Mehl'.. at
hi t Jene 1 I renis he
11- Tenslnh 'J'llat (;amts h'runl i l m a Seeing a
St , rade hit knew just how he fell, on
;doll .
qt remember feeling -
erl Exploding Shelia.
shim or giving him ;mother though
tl, 1 hove n0 hesitation In (teetering. a remember helping to p1111 another
bombardment the most trying and after he had been burled, and le
td nerve nicking and the best hated part him down by the parapet, but so
t sof
i b41 h''as le
es a is In the field, says I nr env thought of him l i
nut, c t
W. N Btck e f1 t t n.d t
1 48th ti •11 els after l i 1 to 1 t thltt
f" muni i '
a e
pe n
- t .l.,l , 3 blank. I remember the man besid
113 an attack, a raid, a working speaking to me and my anew
ld party, u f'aligue or the hundred and him. 1 remember exactly what
one other activities of the trenches you said, yet Ido not remember ever
have the excitement or the work of tiring him crouching neat' me.
the moment to celery you through, In' Such is a bombardment. Any
b. ,
the tt ho has n as T stealtry b h
1 to exbeen inthe
,front trenches
r plain, you have practically nothing France will recognize the truth of
but what native grit you are possess -1 (1°seriptin. I have never yet me
ed of to sustain you. You can only do ;man who became hardened to the b
e your best to grin and bear it. bardments; rather they kaam to w
the Reasons for Bombardment. ger anti ; he has to face them. I have seen men
As rule the enemy will open ago completely off their head d
Substitute ,.t• t for l"'1•t.il one. h1 the 171. ns
�IafJ::tltlxte whole vc'l1c:a
meat, e r s and vvfeci '[ire (trice' of 1l
is � Pota.toeS ,•,t:.rl oriL;ir.filiy fur the 1„tu
y an 1In-
a of that
;•,batt 1 on -
^) f,whole h.1.tnds,
I l
cam• J k- - 2 wheat grain is the and that
�t ('
most perfect food given fat'•11;1ti it 114111. 1. 14 ), the We
fur �*
P 1, .. . i"""'”
t 1 i . r
, 1
hat ,:
t e "'us
to mon. In .�J ;y'i 1" c �! a e
ni ,.,t ()1'!lct' for
nut tp# a1" Wheat Bi
,$CPA) you have ihe ! r t' 1, Empire.
ylng :;;:,"tb,vtl lr(„.4fiF„
' the NI%lpi@ Wheat ly�t"tin made 7'he "ill"' "r of the' l)1••ler aP
For making
For wafters -
Ing water.
For removing
For dtatnfoattng
sinks, 'closets,
Ortel no and oses,
other purposes,
AmV088 aV0®t'Ira(Ctl,
CA MA bit
far %l i,
t _ digestiblesteam-cooking,d u 1 an'1 t t 10 .1, I:, very ap- 1 Ta attract birds sow dwarf •f
eon -
o t pre a'ately "11 f t . 3 sem-
I i dwelt
w n uishe a
+e heed in e
! h garden
• r'� a next spring
fe 1 X' )3 1
t eta
... g i
S � •a •
,bre r •,
dila t ., t g
and y tl. .) o. .
-1 1
baking, 1 11 r t ,
gotose c
Pseed. Birds
7161 •
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tt] 1
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d -�1 rlt f.
1�1 1. .al. t•
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.�Ve1t Order I :particle oftheIt i of .,
Y „ whole t. I at- aril soo
•n locate the h 1
j, !ts
ial anda
ring m
t l t.
a�' �k.." c 1 ,M'
1 the C tY
d t
!7 �l
j, •• t I the new
:l'A�' q. t h a
wheat ( r
w ez eci
p mens- of birds ,will be at -
waw t � ,; A t grailT is used including (>,drr el etre Bath the "moat honor- � tree
nn- w"it; 4 3, fi;, , h� outer bran coat , ' i,;,lt.•„ r ted by the seed, wh eh they seem
p . t1t,5'yd,r•:>b which is Thr. r•hnix'1 of the Ord" r is in ' to rel+eh
so useful ill keeping the bow- ht • Yawl'..; the ,then di whit it 0(11121s .
one ' P'` k � + els healthywhore stood old St, Pauls ,n ;;hake- 00inexd's Liniment Dimes Liete:near.
m and active. For ti„• it n ,l• ,' 1 f
IYllt1 was �---•—+•
<1 fruit pie will not boil over if the
this any ineal with milk and fresh o • ac eat, nal • rr• s.
� ski t .b > eel tong Norman
1 » . �I
ip bei i
t” , o h
a plan out more and more the lon
g 1' 1 BIBLE) WANTED 131' i'1WOPS.
f1].tts. ('onluesi. Hero, as w,.o cad et the; sugar is put under the fruit.
dedication, tion ha �• th
Made in Canada
` loll
ers s during,
heavy bombardment on you for one but generally after, a heavy bombard -
hs, of four reasons; First, in preparation meet, and I can only regard the sub-
ven for an attack by themselves; second, Conscious state in which one lives due-
' to defeat or break up an attack they ing• shell fire as the reason that any
a think you are about to make; third, in man can keep his senses after under -
°r retaliation for a bombardment you going a number' of. these terrible ex -
y have given them; fourth, to break up peiances
T1- a working party they think you are
00 organizing in your trench.
The last of these is the one least
.h expected and therefore hits you the
,' hardest, so I will relate a 'typical in -3 Overstudy and lack of exercise
Mance of one as an example of a Boclhet make thin bloodless children. Study
A suit to delight his heart is t
one of cheeped worsted. There
two styles of sleeve, and knee tr
sers, McCall Pattern No. 7406. lu
sizes, 2 to fi years; Price, 15 cents.
This pattern may be obtained fr
your Local McCall dealer' or from
McCall Co., 70 Bond Se, Toron
Dept, W
Urgent Appiications For. Scriptures
From Me•sopotamia,,,
his An event long ''asked for hos wire..
ng e banners of the•'
men •`who have built up and defend
ed the I,mpn1•e. They deserve all thei
r' t t ,Tilt. 1) 't10Jty, 1 (tits,
internal and external. cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Writs
11s before ion late, Dr. 13011man Medical
Llu1led, Cotlingwood, Ont.
are red, and in the multitude fir other !n- Make this beauty notion for a few
ou (010Tts has received eery little tee, cents and see for yourself,
1 cl atllmation. The Ete Inas entered i
;Jerusalem—the,rloly Sepulchre fought tele) girl or woman hasn't heard of
om 1 for throughout the centuries is one: lemon juice to remove compleelen
the more hi the hands of (ihrietlen per,. hieed:41es; to whiten the skin and to
roses, emo and The .3
A few months before I left England, tb<+ hidden beady? But tomos jute; � The
Mht a �'•4"•
1 Ynu can titre your fall share )n this
important national win -the -war measure,
and b, 'lit both in pocket,,,ard in health
til yea use the proper economic and
labor-saving methods 1n the preparation
of the stair of life --bread.
to 1 pies says efts Donald Shaw bring out the r thefreshness
when it began to I e Jlent that our
Mane IS id, ihmotole irritating, and (• Js
conquest of the Holy Laud was only Aimed be mixed with orchard white �5�62!! °+
bombardment, does not usually hurt a bill t school tt f 1
We had 1 d 11 � wti U .and ku.ndh Strain through a tine riots
r c a 501100 I a ma ere 0 1101(1 relatives 1 )is way. $(r 1
ening our trenches,
a night strength- titers$' the studies encroach an time Gasoline Boats With Speed and Steer-! of (Akers and soalicts fighting with the juice of. two fresh lemons info a
exercise. But lack of exercise and ram Shore, wive urgent applications - of orchard whi
rc! g and clay dawned should be sport in out-of-doors I t•ag Gear Controlled I (reneJal Maude were amused to re_bottle containing about three ounces
1° on a v ry tired lot of )nen wh
o weremixer
preparing to sleepthe ; n11 ns rot IIthle, to Whits, then shake well and a i'
g greater part of overstuey is a combination heat brings I Once more the Germans have sprung I be sent out to them immediately. , you hire a whole qr
erter pint of skin '
n the day, The enemy had either healed on St. Vitus dance. If your boy or girl a surprise on the allied forces this Never had there been h and complexion 1 i
'en sue a run on ` c. n of en at about. the
at tis Working during the night or saW I at school is thin and pale, listless and !time in the shape of a crewless raider the Scriptm•es, the fact bete- that it cost one usually Pays far
inattentive, has a fickle a g 3 a small Jar
° by daylight that we )tad improved our appetite, is 'that is electrically operated through a; had ethaned upon many men wen, of ordinary cold croon). Se sure to
, trench, for, just after breakfast and unallle to stand s(1ll or sit still, you cable floor a shore station, says the. though brought up in 1111 ordinary reit- "train the lemon juice St) no pulp gets
as we were finding places to sleep the! must remember that health is much Scientific American. Already several 81005 teaching, had, like many otters, into the bottle, then this lotion will re-
shells started to burst around us. more important than education, and of these craft have been encountered paid vett' little real attention to their main pure and fresh for month
- I First an odd shell or two fell here nhoh a time should be given to exercise I by British warships cruisin off the 1 inner meanie tha • the applied diet} • to the s. When
and recreation, Ig truth t le was a great S face, neck, arms.
p . and there but we thought nothing of Belgian coast, but at the moment of I deal more in the old prophecies
and hearts It should help to bleach,
this, simply lying low and hoping it See to it at 03105 that the child does ' uniting all such attacks have failed of than they lead ever appreciated.
I. clear, smoothen and beautify the skin.:
D would soon be over. We knew these, not overstudy, gets plenty of out•;?- result, I In all probability these same men i Any druggist will supply three
We learn from statements of the
British Admiralty that these crew
less raiders are electrically -control
led boats propelled by two gasolin
engines, partially closed in, and ar
capable of travelling at a high ra
of speed, Each raider carries
first shells were range finders, but we j door exorcise, sleeps ten out of every
c_ also knew they were used every day twenty-four hours, and takes a safe,
. and never lasted more than a few min- reliable tonic -litre Dr. Williams Pink
utes. ` Pills tmtil the color returns to the
As the minutes passed and still cheeks and lips and the appetite be-
° these shells kept dropping at inter- comes normal. For growing chit -ran
c vats around us we began to get aux- who became Palo and thin Dr. 1V11 -
ions and wondered if we were in for a
real bombardment. Some of us chang-
ed our positions to a less exposed
place and settled down as best we
could to await developments. Soon
after this the shells started coming
aster and faster, until we were in the
nidst of a regular bombardinent.
There was nothing for us to do but get
11 the cover possible, sit tight and
amp up every minute to take a loots
cross No Man's Land to see that the
nervy were not malting an attack and
o pray it would soon be over.
Effect of a Barrage.
While the first range tinders were
laying around us we had laaughed and
lked to one another; and unless one
urst very close to us had paid no at-
ntion to it. If one burst very close
us it would make us start, 1oolt at
no another in a nervous way and,
en we found we were still alive, in -
ire with a grin, "Where did that one
As the bombardment became heav-
our laughing and joking ceased,
looked continuously at one another
when we spoke it was in a half
'spec. There was no need now to
to show the fellows around you
at you felt quite at ease, for each
e knew exaety what he was facing,
ew that that night a burying party
uld be busy at some cemetery a
rt way behind the linos, and could
y hope and pray that he would not
one of the central figures at the
ial. The only chance we had to do
thing was when one of the boys
uld be buried under a fallen pave -
Then we would pull him out. Or
n a man was hit then we would
ce hila as close to the parapet as
Bible and call for, stretcher bearers,
y the time the bombardment was
is height we could only wlvspel' to
other, an that only when netts-
. Our ears had been deadened to
Bound of bursting shells, our
es deadened to what might hap_
to Ilse We Rept a constant look -
on the' German ±00310hes. If a
was buried there were always
s to get hint out, for wo were
oils wrecks and Only craved ac -
of some kind. The stretcher
ers along had something to take
minds off the bell we were living
ugh. The rest of us could only
there and wonder if the infernal
ould ' ever cease • Tlne . sights
nt1 the trenches—tile dead, the
dcd, demolished dugouts—meant
ng to us. Outside of the fact
we wbro there for a purpose, and
purpose was to hold our trench
costs, we were"'liko eleac! men•
Firing Seethed Interminable,
eemed hours, even days, since we
card the first shells coin over.
my noticed, in R subconscious
When they at last started to
rl, and when finally the bons-
eat ceased altogether we woke
in a horrible dream.
United States Firms Dominate Our each
Lake Fisheries, sar7
The greater portion of the Canadian new
lake -fishing business is controlled by pen
United States finis, and this is due to out
the fact'that more than 00 per cent, man
of the total output finds its market in hand
the United States, new
�0n our Great Lakes, a very large tion
fishing industry is carried on, not only bear
during the summer and autumn their
months, but also in mid -winter, when thz•o
the fish are taken through the ioo,1Iie
• and, owing to climatic conditions can din w
.and are shipped to various centres itnithat
the United States, especially in the at all
Western states, although there 15 11
g)•owing• demand for Canadian lake
fish in Eastern markets also,
To keep teens from casting dub evit1
mutton fat and wrap in brown paper
before putting away.
Sulphate of iron is an excellent cor-
,rectivo .for many plants that age A f
sickly, Make a solntiori, using half trench
an ;Bice of sulphate of iron to a gal- plasia
Ion of water, and water the ailing to pull
plants once or twice with. this soli)- ` %vel'e
f{ort' Was go
be transported tong distances without
requiring expensive methods of re=
frigeration• They aro frozen natural-
ly as soon as taken from the water
It i8
We 0
as fro
ew minutes of fixing wit the
, miring for the wounded end
g the dead out of sight seemed
hes together again, and we
00011 talking about it—I alhnost
ing t0'say as if nothing had
Hams Pink Pills are not only safe but,+ drum with between 30 and 50 mit
in most
cases are the very best tonic of insulated, single -core cable, which i i'ai'' 35 11 n in the
month t January I valuable for use in window gardens.,
that coir be taken. These pine bub1d is paid out in the wake of the Ves- in the root. 1 tried 8111 1010,13eof renis- The alcohol must touch the insect to be
up the blood, strengthen the nerves sel and through which the methane dbesnn to'10(11 ng did me :west• gond• note fatal_ Alcohol evaporates rapidly'
to -day have learned a practical lesson ;wares of orchard white at very little
in matters appertaining to Christian- emit a.ild the grocer has the lemons
!la the great modern exponent of cheaper,
bettor, cleaner, digestible, ]tomo -mads
ut your baker's bill in half, and Ol-
in/Mite your doctor's account.
Bahr. your money, arta buy government
war -bonds,
Bald bar your local dealer, 01' may be
nrdored dieser from ul or our agents,
delacered.all charges paid,
Four loaf size ..,.$2,75 each
Eight loaf size ,... 3.25 each
The principle of sating and economy
as practiced by users or the "Oanuck'•
will eventually win the war.
�rty which they will never forget, and "— r — l E. T. WRIGHT CO., LIMITED
a for which their descendants will bel Alcohol will kill any insect with HAMILTON, - - CANADA
a'the better and the surer in the faith. ! which it comes in contact and it is -
to I not injurious to plants, or to most;'
a plants at least. Alcohol, is clean, I e5 8tnnsieur:�IICURp
does not stain and for this reason is
and assist nature in keepingld me about .lY1NdkA8 I.JNI- and unless applied directly to the in -i
pato ism is controlled from share. The � altexT; as soon Aa 1 tr;ed It the Bator•
with th rapid growth. fore part earMea a eorisider able•• 1 • fight, the nett lnoln tt I was le 1 ecth well
charge of high explosive, probably
from 300 to 500 pounds which is ar-
ranged to explode on impact.
The' method of operating the crew -
less raider is to start the engines,
after which the men leave the boat.
A seaplane, protected by a strong
fighting patrol, then accompanies the
vessel at a distance of from three to
five miles and signals to the shore
operator of the helm. These signals
need only be `"starboard," "port,' or
By an obviously clever grouping of
the wireless idea, the high-speed
gasoline craft, and the electrically
controlled plan, the Germans have
made use of the crewless-raider
scheme in a 20th century way. They
have not overcome the disadvant-
ages of a trailing cable, to be sure;
bat they have overcome the problem;
of visibility, for the aerial observer
in the seaplane which convoys the
raider is at all times within veinal
av n few_ ; s evaporate before they come
You can get Dr, Williams Plnk Pills Ing vary gond: t tan sen"this remeas, •in contact with it.
!s ver d• I
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mall postpaid at 50 cents a box or six
boxes tor $2.50 from The Dr. 'Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Transform Silver Into Gold by Chemi-
cal Action.
Silver just now is attractin
tracrdinary amount of attention. It
is certainly a wonderful metal,
At a pinch it can disguise itself as
gold with such convincingness that
anybody save a skilled chemist would
be deceived, It assumes the color of
gold, all of tho brilliancy of the lat-
ter and even its lustre.
Any alchemist of old who knew the
trick could easily have made incalcu-
lable money by transforming silver
into this seeming gold for the benefit
of greedy get -rich -quick persons. The,
Baron de Rate (original of the storied
Bluebeard), who murdered scores of
children to gain. the help of the devil,
would have "fallen for" the scheme
To transform silver into gold all
yon have to do is to take green sul-
phate of iron, citrate of soda and sit wire cable, depending on the salt wa-
g an ex -
distance, Since power to drive the'
craft is entirely- self-contained and!
need not be transmitted through the '
cable, the Germans have been able to
use a much smaller cable and thus
overcome the difficulties in this direc-
ver nitrate—a 30 per cent. solution di ter for the return current to complete
the first, a 40 per cent. solution of the, the circuit. 1,
second and a 10 per cent. solution oe I lust how effective the crewloss;
the laded. Mix equal quantities of 'raider 'is in practice still remains to
these, shake vigorously for several
minutes, allow the stuff to settle for
a quarter of an hoer and pour off the
liquid. It leave behind a jelly-
like residue; which, if spread on paper,
turns blood -red.
"In one of the forms thus obtained "
says a very emineet chemist, lieurinele" e Remade AeYe" n'""i"ree"
soluble silver assumes a shape ex- eye sels.,1T, Term t;5-8, 1.1062F,74111:.- gre! ,o
be proved.
y goo could gee you a ggad 1 i
eertincate any Lbne that you would like ' I
to have one. If any aline I conte to hear ninardrs Lini>nent Cates (}argot is Cows !
about any person si k
c ul t heumutism, I 1
saute toll warn ;;boat rhl remedy 1 The most delicious rice puddingi
'4t thl truly
ERNEST 1.J•li'1:1LLE, j made with one cup of boiled rice, one -
Nast,\iantr ]
8 Rue Ontario ea
Which Itched and Burned.
Swelled Enough for Two.
O Sleep' for Weeks.
• "My fingers all broke out in white
Pub 14, 1208. - ' half cup of sugar, one teaspoon salt, ; pimples and would crack and smart
ch that I mad
two teaspoons butter, one quart milk 1,1'x`, hardly at keep from sCratcl
and a tittle nutmeg. PIace in a but n�jJ//�'v"si. ing. They began to sive!!
German Out -Pigs the Pig, tered baking dish and bake slowly .i. > - �� and were big enough for
Having tried a substitute for ' al-
stirring occasionally till all the milk two. I never had any sleep
most everything, the Germans, we ars is absorbed.for weeks because they
131 "-
Mold, are stopping short of nothing
their attempt to make certain ne
'foods take the place of those ma
1 scarce by the war. The latest repo
saye that a sausage dealer in Berl
has been fined $500 for selling sa
sage made of macerated rubber, fin_
ly ground hair and gelatin. His cam
oufiage product contained no liver, n
flash and no fats. At that, it sem
probably as digestible ns some so -call
ed .enusage on sale in this country.
Dominion Express Foreigu Cheques
P. accepted by t:.i„ia Cashiers ;iiI
u -
Paymasters ineFrance for their full
face value. Tieere is nu better Way
10 send money to the boys In the
Britisa Auction Germen Pig.
During the .battle of Falklend Li-
anas, when the Dresden was sunk the
German creiese's mania. a pet pig,
20.1111 Until iescued by British sailors.,
rho.rechriaanad it Tirpitz. The pig
ecame the meesot of the crULer Was-.
env and 110W' 111M grown immensely
at, so that it is impracticable for a
et. The pig is being offered for sale
t auction for the benefit of the Red
.ction of England. Tirpitz promises
ateerd the most expensive bacon on
e weevil, much grain is lost after it
aches the bit. With green selling .
the present high prim! 11000 of us'
balmy of gold. Spread in a pasty
condition with a fine brush over paper,
it takes in drying a lustre as high as
tbat of gold leaf. In fact, anybody
would mistake it for gold leaf. The
effect, however, may be better seen by
brushing the substance over a plate
of clean glass, the result, when the
paste has had time to try, being a
most bea,utiful and palled gold -col-
ored mister,"
Thet wet piece oe -land that yielded
only trotble this year could produce a
good crop in 1018—if it had tile drains
under it,
' Mix one4tale pint (if corn -meal,
teaspoonful of cheese crumbs, rebbed
flee, Put this on a saucer and set in
the rate' rueaway. They tvill eat of
it readily, In a eow days add plaster
or Paris to a new lot of the seine mix-
ture. The rate, whce they driek Wa-
ter dear eatieg the Mixture, ,w111 get
hard lump that will kill them, and
scare away any that do not eat of thie
His Present.
It was mother's birthday and Bobbie 11
was very anxious to give her a pee- I
sent, but, unfortunately, the recent th
helklays had somewhat depleted Bob- re
bie's exchequer. at
"I easr, mother," he ejaculatete ca
"would my drawing slate be rely tiee
"No, dear," replied his patent:ninth
a mile,
"Well, do you think you'd like eo
have my tin steamboat?" inquired the
small youth anxiously.
"No, that* you, little man," anSwer-
ed !nether.
"Well, phaps could do something
for you," he continued, and then a
happy thought struck him.
"I Bey, mother," he exclaimed elle
thusiastically, "I tell you whae I'll
talto a dose of castor oil for you, with-
Aitiminum Street care Moe boot
adopted by a Swiss railway Isecense. of
the metal's lightness RIM l'iitAttAttfy-
eanleieut cures rheas. ea
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
The Jordan Valley
in Southeastern Orecon Is n beautiful,
fertile district that yen await to In.
vestiente. Many shrewd farmers ere
40100 there, bectume their keen bust.
mss rwrclaht tans them that Invest.
met will nay MG :Mona free tea
cetera! iner•ace In the ealde ea',
Van are roralcilv invited to call at
Thom 112. 13.10/1 Pnabric Iscaldiu4 7.0
N. A. Mai F.lhelastrisi 151.
Ilwartna l'.11155, An. lete
will reduee them and lemm no blemishes 1
Stops lameness promptly. Does not Wis. ,
ter or ranove. the hair, and horse ran bo ;
workcd. 12 a bottle delivered. Rook 6 el free.
eInuxisie or delicatmi. WM tall you more 11 red Sctstat
Alurablne and /thserblec, Tr.. arc 01551 le Canada. 1
itched and burned.
"I was told diem Cuti-
cure Soap and Ointment,
and I only had to use two
cakes of Cuticura Soap and two tins of
Ointment when 1 was healed." (Signed)
efiss Eilda-Manser, 62 Ingersoll led.,
Woodstock, Ont.
Prevent further trouble hy using Cu-
ticura Soap daily for the toilet.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. .A,
Boston, D. S. A." Sold everywhere.
Men ho Training
Fighting isn't the only duty oi" a
soldier, and exposure to bullets is
not as serious as exposure to all
kinds of weaklier and dampness.
Rheumatic aches, sore and stiff
muscles, straine and sprains, chil-
blains and neuralgia, all are enemies
of the soldier, and. the relief for all
these pains and aches is Sloan's
Liniment. Clean. and convenient to
2c5irrysiko,,rsIt.iosoe: does not stain, and
penetrates without rubbing.
Gencrousulacci bottles. at all druggist.%
New Antoinette Valve TYPe• CoMplete with supply and enhatat
flywheel, etc. WIll accept $1,200 cash for Immediate sale.
1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110.120 Volts DX,
WM accept $425 cash for Immediate sale,
I LARGE,LEATHER DELT. Double, Endless. 24 inch 70 ft.
Will aocept 000 for linneseaete tele, although belt la In excellent con.
dItIon and new ono would coat about $60e.
PULLEYS, Large size.
2 BLOWERS OR FANS, Buffalo maim
CMS 10 Inch, okher 14 Inch diecharge—$30 each. .
60 St. West, Toronto!