HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-3, Page 5atellellne
44'4*. MINUS
The Hilreti Poultry Elmo
THE cill[f CHARtm
1:r show thee ever for Jan. 14, 15,
and 1 6th at GoderIch Special priza
[ .„„unting to $30 have been offered
. _
Ace 10 11/i4, Post 011100, El .1, tn..1
1 • sea, win null for 1,etfor
11I :AR LIMO 11, lees anar,on
than any other Auotieueer 10 4red, Huron or
on 11,u'L charge anything. ' , and order.;
,un OwuYO I.10 arranged wi otace or by
varjnoi applioation.
W •M. rill! r()IjA
, lien 5'1111 e (M000
a0 or,
Notary t161,110, &a. Office -Hi ewart.asitok
1 Joor Nor th of Oentr121
Bolioitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
Business Carus
1)05010600 10 M. EL Moore. et Ander-
son tiros. Livery stable, Brusser,.. Telephone
No. 29,
T. T. M' RAE
M. m. C. P.. 04 S. 0,
N. 0. IL, Village of Brussels.
_Physician, Surgeon, A00000110350
Office at residence, opposite Melvdle Church,
Wililosi struut.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Litientiatte of College of Physicians Ulla Sur:.
peens, Ontario ; ex-benior .11011ari 10000011 (It
Western Hoe pil . Toronto. Offices of late 12r.
A. MeKevey, Smith Block, Brussels.
Bond phone 46.
Personal graduate Depertnienr of Oplathal.
111ology McCormick modient Oolloge, Chicago,
111. lo proptired to test eyes and to glasses at
her office over Miss Inman's millinery store.
Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
1o128,1,l,; 1 to 80.10. Evenings by appoint -
711 ant. phone 1210
Honor graduate of the Outer' Veterinary
College. Day and night calls, 03liati opposite
Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satiafaction pasured Chargas moderate.
Write or Telephone If not convenient to mill.
Both Brussels find North Huron Phones.
Tonolier of
Organiat and Choir Bloater, Melville Church,
Brussels Pupils prepared for Toronto (fol-
iage of Masia 19xaminntione. Photo, 106
Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2ncl door from Hamilton
GOD1.9 till 'H. ONT.
Private finals to loan at loWEIS1 rates.
W. Pnounronm, R. 0. .1, R10.1.013.30
H..1. 1). (10006
k Winter Term tram Jan. ind
STRATFORD., 0 144,,,..,
Wo employ experienced instructors, ')
give thorough eonrses, give indivroml •
attention 101,0)112 anti platy, gatchiates
In positions. This School in 0110 of the 6,
9/ largest and. hist Comm orelni schools in
na 11 a.
%Vette fel- fret cattilogrie concerning 19;
g011)' Connnercial, Shorthand or Tele.
gravity Departm 1151 IS.
DAi,11,10,e1,500r0A 6,
4?-0Avt:44,34:1X,-VCW ,54-xnvVASY4Sald-gA
Flue, modern steam-
ers - equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agent%
941t1 StWToreatts
W. H. KERR,W;41"11
.A gent .A 11on Line, 133:30300le.
Best Brains
in Canada have partielpated in the pre.
privation of Oar splendid Homo Study
COUVICI ill Hanging, Economics, Higher
Accounting, 00iiimerei al Art, Show
(Jer4Writing. Pho.togennhy, if cumuli.
10)21, .81'016 8t.,'7 Wr1t109, S100.01001
and Bookkeeping. keleat On work
whieh inodt interosto you and write Oil
for particulars. Address
391-7 Yonge St., Toronto
One's feelings about prices high
Depends, the truth 16 tall,
On whether one desires to buy
Or one has, thiegs to sell.
LI AN fur competition entirely outside of
the County, which should help to
Soft, Clear, Smooth. Skin Comes With bring 6 good entry list !rum fliatatil,
The Use Of "FRUiT-A-TIVES". etgInts.
86 Drayton Ave., Toronto,
Nov. 10th, 1in.5.•
A beautiful complexion ish handsome
570116111's chief glory and he envy of her
Jess fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear
skin -glowing with health -is only the
wailer resoli f pure Blood.
"I was troubled foi a considerable
time with a veryonAleasani, disfiguring
Rath, which covered my faco and for
Which I used applications and remedies
without relia. After using "Fruit-a-
tives" for one week, the rash is com-
pletely gone. 111111 deeply thankful for
the relief :Wain the future, 1 will not be
without "Fruit -a -Lives".
60e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 26o.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Otaxo rerxe Bazzfrar
GOING 6011e11 G-0100 Ntnytot
Express 7:18 0 10 Mail 11 iga a in
0:22 510 Express
0:07 u nx
• .-'
To Toronto To Goderteh
itx0re00 7:32 a m 1 Express 11 Ng a Tr
Express 2;20 p m I Express 9:04pm
G1,11,4;141.0; - 7:11 o. m. and 11:81 p. m.
Going West - 12:1)11 mid 9:516.10.
All trains 3101031 600 nonhect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville rnr Owen Sound, Elora and 0'
G. B. stat)ons.
(.310. ALLAN, Lone' Awl'''.
nral fielus tenm
Will Cut Off Train
According to report (lie G, T. R.,
will ea ft the London train 4., -tang
what Is going to be the upshot
of the enormous financial clistrubance
caused by this universal raising of war
and of the diversion of such
vast sums of accuniulated wealth from
unproductive machinery or destrtic-
tiont Practically every important na-
tion on earth has either to raise ox-
ceptional revenue by taxation or to
borrow money at war -time interest
rates, All the wars that were waged in
Europe prior to the Crimean War are
estimated by de Block, the Russian
economist, to have "nvolvect on outlay
I of scone six and one•quarter billion
dollars, and he declared _more than
a century ago that no country could
bear the economic exhaustion +vlitch
a general outbreak of hostilities would
cause. Yet, at the rate of 390,000,000
a day, no less than sixteen times the
amount has been spent in this war,
and so far signs of exhaustion are to be
seen only in enemy quarters.
In England the pound sterling is
worth in commodities Just about half
what is was before the war. At that,
it has come nearer to mainaining its
parity than the money of any other
European beligerent countu, reports
the London correspondent of the New
York Sun, lie assert that banking au-
thorities in England believe American
money, as measured in commodities,
has depreciated quite as much as ster-
ling; and he goes on to say: -
When the war ends there will not
be a currency in the world honestly
based on file gold standard as the gold
standard was rated before the war.
The Legitimate honest supply and de-
mand movement of gold thru'out the
world has been suspended, and every '
month that the war continues means
the addition of a considerable period
after the war to that within which the
go"..i will have to be handled under the
moust careful restrictions in order that
even a nominal adherence to the gold
basis may continue.
'Nevertheless, every country is mak-
ing determined efforts to mobilize and
control its gold stocks. so that when
peace reterns, gold, no matter how
depreciated, may still retain Its piece
as the universal standard. It is realiz-
ed that in the era of world-wide re-
construction later there will be greater
need than eve before for a universal
up at 10:30 and returning at 4:15 on standard of some sort; and nobody has
January eth. This train was cut off ever remotely suggested the serious
last winter. possibility of substituting anything
Judgment in 0. W. S. Railway Case else for the ounce of gold.
Judgement has been Owen at ds- "'rlie English pound sterling is
goode in the ease of the Muni- about equivalent in value to the half-
pound of pre-war days. But England
cip,tlities against the Toronto General
Trusts Corporation. The decision 's still so much better off than Russia
that an English pound will buy twice
is against the municipalities on almost •
all points. as many rubles as it would buy before
. the war. The ruble was worth two
Huron County Assizes shillings before the war, and now it is
According' to the official announce- onty worth one shilling, while he one
anent of the sittings . of the supreme shilling, In turn, has lost half of its
court of tntario for the half year, Jan- value. a
0117)' to June, 1 91 8, the winter, assizes "The German mark has not done
for Huron County will open atfore t
' Gode- much better than Russia money. Be -
rich 00 March 11111, beforeMr, jus_ he war the mark was practically
tile Masten. The lion -jury sittings equivalent to the one shilling. It is
will open on April, 22nd before Mr. ewe worth little more than a half shill -
Justice Middleton. ing in the exchanges, and recently has
been tobogganning fast."
Victory Lean Payments. 1 The huge liabilities entailed by the
war will not, of course, press equally
'rhe Finance Department at Ottawa
has ftnnouncd that subscribers to the upon all the nations engaged. As H.
Victory Loan may make the January J. jennings points out in the North
payment any time between the first and
teth of January, when the Scrip Certifi-
cate will be exchanged for the Provis-
ional Receipt which must be surrender-
ed to the Ilan k when payment is made,
,smerican Review, they will vary ac-
cording to conditions, such, for in-
stance, as the population of this or that
country, whether the occupations of
its people are chiefly agricultural or
manufacturing, the extent of its ac -
A Live Advertising Agency cumulated wealth and of its na-
McConnell & Ferguson's Advertising tional income.
Agency In London has become one of lie concludes: "It is obvious that
the leading Advertising Agencies *of an agricultural country like Turkey
Canada. For fifteen years their head- or Rumania will not have the same re -
garters have been at Lond011. They cuperative power, apart altogether
have, live and nourishing brancbs at i from the question of relattive wealth,
Toronto and Winnipeg and have just as a commercial and manufacturing
opened another branch at Montreal. .- .0.
Advertisers in every part of the DO -
minion are now planning business
through McConnell & Ferguson.
Must Be Assessed
In order that married women will
have the right to exercise the vote
at the forthcoming municipal elec-
tions, it will be necessary that they
be tissesseti either as part owners of
property, or as tenants, or for in-
come up to 8400, It is not sufficient
that their husbands' names are oat
the list to enable the wives to vote.
On the other hand, widows and
spinsters will vote as usual, and
married women who are assessed
their own name will vote for the i
board of e(1ieation only,
gian Kongo, Mis ploYY41 a More pro.
ductive 111211111)d than the customary
vertical incision system.
For detectinn u
g leaks Inderground
I , .wAter pipes an Instrument has been
invented consisting chiefly tit a rod
to be thrust Into the ground to pick,
up• the sound and 0 telephone reeuiver
II [R VINOL. -11.:i ::a1,',',..1,1.11n4::i),11',1(' ' ':"'idt.e,e that In-
Vestigated found..that the production
And She Soon Got Back aii.of London's electric power in. a
Her Strength
New Castle, Ind, -"The measles
left me run down no alVetIte, could
net rest at night, and If topk a severe
cold which settled on my lungs, so I
was unable to keep about my house-
work. My doctor adviaud me to take
Vin,ol, and six bottles restored my
health so 5 do all my housework, in-
cluding washing. Vinol is the best
medicine I ever used." -Alice Record,
So, xxth St., New Castle, Ind.
We guarantee this wonderful cod
liver and Iran tonic, Vinol, for all
weak, run-down, nervous conditions,
11'. IL 19311'I'14. uggist,
Also at the best Druggists in all ()a-
taxia tow 110,
country like the United Kingdon: or the
United States, Also, the pressure up-
on a small or stationary population will
be heavier than that upon a large and
increasing one, It would he absurd to
class Bulgaria or even the Dual Mon-
archy with France or with the United
Kingdom, with, a transferable wealth
estimated at eighty-five billions and a
national income of fifteen billions.
One effect of the war will be to stim-
ulate the trade 'activity of the world to
find a recompense for the money that
Inas been spent. Where that activity is
effectual it will help in varying degrees
to make the burden of taxation endur-
able. Even an aggressively pushing
people like the Germans will require
many years to re-establish themselves
in the inar140.1se world."
The commission of conservation has
been investigating the reproduction
and growth of pulpwood species on
cut -over areas in the St. Maurice Valley
Quebec, with a view of determining
what technical measures are necessary
to perpetuate the vast pulpwood foress
of Eastern Canada. Although the in-
vestigation is only in its early stakes,
some startling facts have already been
revealed, It has been the opinion of
lumbermen that the spruce and baisom
on these heavily culled lands could be
cut over every 20 years and the same
amount of material obtained as before,
but the investigation clearly demos-
strates that, henceforth, a period of
from 30 to 50 years must elapse be-
tween such cuttings if these pulpwood
species are to be perpetuated.
Another interesting fact brought out
is that two-thirds of the stand on these
areas is hardwood. .As little of this is
cut, while the pulpwood species such
as spruce and balsam are being regu-
larly exploited, the problem of secur-
ing a market for the hardwoods, espe-
cially yellow birch, becomes pressing
If the pulpwood species are cut regu-
larly its now, the hardwoods will soon
monopolize the light and air of the for-
est and prevent the growth of the
young spruce and balsam,
A new automobile spring lubricator
resembles a hatchet, grease being con-
tained in the handle and passing
through the blade as it is inserted
tween the leaves of a spring.
Because locusts are rich in nitrogen
and phosphoric acid the government of
Uruguary has appointed a commission
to ascertain if the insects cannot be
utilized in fertilizers, soap and lubri-
To enable a rifleman to see where
his bullets go an Ohio inventor has
designed a target which, when hit, ex-
tinguishes lights in front of it and
shows a light from the back through
the bullet hole,
Rubber tree tapping by a series of
small bores in a circle, the inven-
tion of an English expert in the Bel -
0.4....••••••••••••••.• * •••••••••••••••••••••........• :
• A SHORT counsio IN TRH el
• •
1/01 •
• .
- •
• ----.10/` •
• "iume.- Ai., •
• •
i •
Will take you 0111) 01 the Job -hunting Class and put you in the Class
for Minna Jobs (and good on(9s) tt.e Bunting.
We tvain out. students to give the most efficient, therefore the
hosi.paid service. Affilluted with ' the Central Business College, •
kovatfoed, and the Elliott, 1111411 fig nOilegey Toronto.
D. A. NIcLACHLAN, Pres, A. HAVILAND, Principal.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4•••••••••••••••••••••••••
Eie rut Holiday Gifts
• Would Please the Whole Family
• A Columbian Grafanola
few central stations would save 6,
000 toms of coil, II year and , g 1 ectoy +A . tlioln,:iiit,i,ii-i„titi 14, ,,die,910151,1,1.118101016f evnottebalinsaynoau iitItliseltayitiiitit;liftimiletiNillit11141,1110,1)L111,i:
lessen the smoke evil.
• 11 01 t.lies it delightful ',Ivaco L. Flee ortr alit/lee stock and bear •
For ventilating lit' places where 111:121. ii.i.
the fine tone.
11:31 is being done there ha', been in- .
vented a vernished canva, pipe wli,,lii •
has the advantage of l'o'ne practically Tined. who iii ef et t hie 'll)'l6 01 music can bo suited beyond >toy
1111''.) 11)11 by kiving an ordee, A gunrnn Lee goes with every •
on of ageing damage 15,011 1,120!-, si, 11 0
To facilitate rapid a riting there has t .._,Plittiii,
collapses if st 1 t. .
4,6 II 1,it.il,'0,!, 1'1•. ,i,i.1 Lager sewingMachine ,i.7,f,),,.t,y,r. faeaili!)',11.11,1
, t.
been Invented a 3118131 device to be T. Ni, "10"
a shelf on which to rest the next tin- t 1....,...........,...............*.ww..................................a.r.sema rauesu.aramom ow...
1..OW 111 9015e,
clamped to the little finger 013(1 uith •
ger and slide I/1 el' .1 ,.erf.t...e r.ritten 0
. e 001 i li 11.11 a 600 116.
A French 241101151 has Invented a
substance made ircon vegetable juices
which, when sprayed upon grape vines
and fruit trees early in the spring,
forms a waxy coating that protects
the fruit buds from late frosts
Por determining the character of the
bottoms of inland waterways sounding
been invented, mud buttons producing
dull noises on vessels using the de-
vices and stony bottoms a series of
A patent has been granted tor a wii-
4, of .4. 0+11.4.41**+41.4.•+•+4.4.,
Agent, Brussels
tective lining that is removed when
the garment is sold, safe -guarding the
from persons who may have tried it
on in the stores.
For tourists there has been Invented
0 clothing closet, Mounted on a wire 1
finite which can be folded and carried -
III a trunk, being extended *and hung
a nail when a hotel room lc reach-
read ,made dress with a pro- ed.
After experimenting fur several
years Swedish railroad officials have
decidedthat peat powder it an efficient
and practical fuel for locomotives with
trvalue about two thirds that of coal.
• To lessen the humming of telephone
wires when fastened to buildings a
sysem invented in Europe encloses
them in cement cylinders that are
softer on the inside than the outside.
itaglillEMIEW 4tTagf
The Mirror of the World's Happening
13ecause it mirrors the news of the world
fn which 1 live and am interested.
Whether it be an epoch -marking event
like the sinking of the Lusitania, or but the
story of a local happening, I know I shall find
it described, pictuved, or commented upon
fully and sanely in "My Paper!"
Whether it be the current sport or the
latest theological discussion, I know I shall
find its importance fully recognized in
`Nly Paperl'
Whether it be a political discussion of a
Government Measure, or a searching analyT
. of some sociological problem, fknow
shall find the matter sanely treated in "\lv
Whether it be just the I3edtime Stories
for the Kiddies, or the Fashion News from
New York, Paris, and London for my wife,
"The Star" to each Of them is "My Paper!"
Whether it he a witty paragraph, or the
problems in "Bringing Pp Father," 'the
whole family enjoy the humour of "My
A Few of the
News and $pecial
Features Exelug.
ive to
The Toronto
Daily Star
Va.131e ..ervits- from The
Ster's own toe rf 111017 not
ably 10. A. 20-1±04,110. ,031.
Leaden rosInnnt or...,nnnn-
11nnt, 11 90101110 War IsrlInr,
In lIo.ly. Miss Ito,01non.1
Boultbee, 11:0 .0:13 t'a .0 -
titan 100103(11 13 , (Ire in r 07
of tho wnr z000s.
In 111.100n. 111,00•3, ievn.
gin. late Snrgi.-'113Onn II% 11,
0. 11,. now 00 r.11.1 .r S))'
010 f. 110 111. 1, nn in
1 nalliar*itilay f.w 1,0 V0,1 NI,.
1,, Canada, rp. Int .3.317
000 in Ottawa. :51 (00:,
Quebor, 11111I
0)1101: ilwan
001 ird nnu, 1 A 11,,
(x0100100 In l'aPont)), 811I4,0
werld ilnWS and 1,01101,1'
splemilst ar 001.1, s. 0. •
1'0I'000700(100'3011.1 In
allied y.111117..
All lIin 0111,,
NOwle rpet I I,;. 1 front
a staff of ful..0h.o. 3,0in 0,1
ar vor15-s-000/10,•,.
Innp renlIv in 1,L1,,
All the mem: 1 17 313.
sinr's 03(4(1: 11,
a I
nom -
,1.. 1,0.1
WI 10'1.8 >0 (hr. 1 ..!! 1
'1`110 1,)uiI 1 .
00170.4 all 1,00111 :V Wars 5,0.
alcra talcon by other
(Van douirs, uCi 110, 1000
(1100 rrnnii, .1 lilt 1'1:all A•.-
Snelat vtl Pre, n 1 060,,
Mon . oso, 101041 11900
fIxoloolvo rIgItIN In 00
pi( turNI or 1,1' London
06117 Alio:or, (('003
170,1 CrA,0011.14, lathy Mail,
'1'01,10a I, g0n0r01 rn 11 inn
off1( lal 11 I. 115000d.,
^poi te, 0>".
The price is $3.00 a year in advance. You may send this to the publisher
of your local paper, to your Postmaster, or direct to
- 3