HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-1-3, Page 1VOL. 46 NO, 2,7
$1.50 Per Allmon in Advance
0.14 TA RIO,
We are pleased Io see Will, Pandi-
ton Able to be about lkftov being a. pris-
oner to the house for 0 week, His
heart was the seat of teouble,
The annual ineel lug of the Board of
Agriculture, commonly called the
Fannees' Institute, will be held in the
Ovange Hall Moleeworth, Wedneedisy
of next week, afternoon and evening.
Speakers will be A. B. G, Smith, New
Hamburg, and Dv. Maly McKenzie -
Smith, Grevenburets
Mrs. T. D, McNeil continues quite
Mise Annie McLean was away tor
the holidays.
We expect some more weddings in
the near future. .
Reeve Livingston .is once more in
the municipal eaddle for another year.
Miss Besste alcQtetterie, teacher, was
epending the holidays at her home
The Misses MoVettie, Seafortb, were
spending the holidays with their aunt,
Mrs. Geo. eicTeesitit.
eoWill. and i4i.. lelefiay erel children
and Walter and Mrs. Meletty and fam-
ily, from Earl Grey, Seek., are visiting
relatives in thie
Misses Verit fasea lIlilolt, Gode-
rich, spent 0111'141111(18 week with Untie
aunt, Mrs. Tom Williennott. Their.
brother, Earl, paid a flying visit on
his way to Mol-sa, t, in eke. friends,
He taught richest] there r, 4 years but
is now on the teenbieg ereff of Upper
Canada College, 17nrotito,
Miss Evans, NfItchell; is visiting at
11. Hamilton'e.
A toed of young penple went to
Brussels to skate out 1917.
Miss Fair,. teacher in the Ryerson
School, Toronto, le visiting her sieter,
Mes (Rev.) Johnson.
Epworth Dengue is ' held after
church &twisty evening inetertd of
Thursday. The oejeet ia to save fuel.
We i,ret plesseal to have a eall from
Miss Havdy, Soutiman Men, where she
is teaching at present. She is staying
with Miss Alice Bare,
ts At Ethel School meeting A. McsKee
stepped out as Trustee and Thos.
Vodden goes in. He hal as associates
R. Bremner and Thos. Brown,
Dance in MoNeifes Hall Friday
e night. Although the weather was
extremely cold, Hall was well filled,
visitors being chiefly from a distance.
Hams Ecktmee, son of C. and Mrs.
Eckmier, and bride, ave spending the
New Year in Ethel, visiting the form-
er's parents. They live in Hamilton.
Hegh, son of B. Lang and his little
daughter, of Washington State; are.
here on a visit. 1111. Lank has been
employed in the mining business for
12 years.
Pte. Wilfrid Thompson; lately home
from ovetseaswho went to visit
Merles in Wawanosh, was taken
seriously ill. At time of writing he is
improving. •
Win. and Mrs. Cole, Mowat, have
been visiting friendearound for a few
clays have returned home. Mosinee
Geo. and Feed. Dole, Flood and Row-
land go next week.
Alvin, son of A. McKee, arid Wm.
Coates, son of Sohn Comes, recently
from Itegitta, have enlisted and are
called tio repoet for serviee at London
Tan. 3rd. They didn't: ask for exemp-
tion and have always worked at ferm
Skating has not been better on the
Maitland for years. Can skate all tbe
way from Chanhenok to Henfeyn.
Sosne of the older folk seem to enjny
this.healthy exercise as well as the
young.. Althorigh approaching the.
half century meals they seetn tO glide
along as gracefully as those who are
much ypunger. -
Hugh and Donald Mcianhald, sons
of the late It McDonald, 2nd Gen., are
among the many who have mule their
pile in the 'Maisie contitry, have en-
listed With the Wineipeg 11. 181 have
been visiting their othe ind °thee
friends. They wet" notified to report
in' Winnipeg for Jan. 8rd. Anothev
bother, Neil enlisted 2 yettrs ago and
Ss now 80 aviatot tealuitig in England.
G, W. P heed Wehrle to have put on
98 ahoy,. IP 110 due siogle-litualed be-
fot o retires; from hie blaekeinith shop.
Mee. h 8. Cole reeeived a Wiegman
hem the Soo, emitaining the ead ire
telligenee of the deeth of hie r sister,
Mrs. W. Nott, She had only been
ill it week with pneumonia and pleur-
isy, Deceased expected to coine down
to Sarnia to spend Christmas with her
ststasi sips, (Rev.) Elford and after a
short visit Intended rennin to Ethel,
Hence the sad pews was surely a shock
to Mrs. Dole anti family, She vvas of a
very 81'801, though rather retiring
dispoeition arid was kind and unselfish
in an 111111811 degree and had many
wenn frisiels, Mts. Taylor spent a
couple of years with Mrs. Cole, going
to the Soo about 5 years age, so many
will retnenthee her here. She leaves 3
brill hers 1 t he Sore on Canadian side
besidee 51 rs. end Mos. Dole.
Thos, and Mee. Dougherty, Henfryn,
went, to the Soo to attend the last sad'
rites and will be away 2 or 3 weeks.
Ititetnieet. was made in the family
plot alongside ratherand mother.
Nnw that the holiday season is over
the pet st,,Lis eseiety requestaall who
can palettes do so to call at Hopper's
itore %verve there is a supply of cute
onl eierluente and yarn on hand. ft
is urgent that our work be continued
as the need is as great as ever. Auy-
WV. te contribute to the funds
of Ow Sociel 17 might leave the same.
with the Treasurer, Mrs. T. Scandeett.
RED CnoSe REPOBT.-The following
is tit report: of the Red Cross Society
foe • year 1917. Contributions
11, follows :as -Weekly collectione
378 09; 3. P, arid Mrs. Mein eQ8h 35,00;
jack Shieltc 3500; Dahlias donation
Mee Hunter: 36 00 ; Edward Foltoti
35 00 ; Convert 335,65 ; proceeds from
pig donation 38200; S. S. N. lo
3200;,R/1111blee$ Garden Party_
314370 ; Subscription list 316.25 ; On.
Council 350 00 ; Township Council
880.00 ; Balance on hand -377.90. To-
tal, 3186.50; Expendituee, $445.45 ;
Balitnee °title:Id, $140.14, The follow-
ing work was done cluvittg the Year.
111 snits of pyjamas, 14 hospital shirts,
59e pillow 011.808, 425 towels, 9 quilts,
54 sheets, 98 surgical sponges, 3 dozen
,faee cloths,.280 pairs of socks out of
which 110 pairs have been sent to loud
boys at the front. Value of articles
is 3705 00. Sortie Belginne Relief
work was (Ione as follows 4-42 little
dresses ;. 59 suits of underwear, 32
undeesbute ; half dozen boys' shirts ;
0 childeen'e coats ; 3 ladies' coats s3
caps; 8 pairs children's boote ; 8 quilts.
Value, 3129 25. Mrs, Long, Treasurer,
Annie Menzies, Secretary.
Somme RePortes-The following is
the Report of Cetufbrook Public
School foe the 'months of November
and Decembee. Sr. Ronm.-Examin-
ed in Clomp , Germ., Hist, Hygiene,
Writ, and Read. The average
percentage given. The star indi-
cotes °Amelia) lento one or move exam.
Se. IV.-Liezie Berfeltz 92, Pearl Al -
deism) 87, Viola Mitchell 85, Calvin
Deuteron 81, Edith Dask 88, *Evilest
Speiren 70, *Lydia Steles 70. *Alex.
Sperling OS, *Elmo. Knight' 49. Jr,
IV. -Verna Hunter 85, Marie Baker
77, Ralph Noble 69, Fred, Smandon 66
TIL-AnniellIcIntosh 81, Jeettetta
McNabb, tin, Lily Berfelta 77, Mildred
Stele] i eg 68, *filed Pen it ington 64,
Carrel Desk 61, *Myrtle Locking 62,
*Rosa Speiran 61, *Mina Baker 65,
and Feed
Expected at Ethel
-lion by Cranbrook
niers' Club in the
Ed. Fulton
Phone 285 Sec.-Treas.
Sox and
• •
No matter how
cold or slushy the
• ,weather.is, your feet •
• Win be snug and /
* 'arm in a pair of socks and rubb':rs.
• .
iThick, warm, fleece lined & cks and stout snag- I
•?roof rubbers—that's a combinat:on that ean't be beat
* or out -door winter work.•
: We have them in all styles and sizes. They air• •
• '
• Jrieed tloten to coat bOttOrn, too.
1 I
Harness Depixrn
: Robes, Blankets,' Bells and 1,S1n le Harness at Lowest 1
• .
• Prices, •
: RICHARD'S 86 Go) Brussels •
; •••••••*****0•4**************4 ***44.4(•••••••••••••••
NUARY 3, 1918
W. II KIR-R, Proprietor
*Bessie Leitch 40, A., Room, Exam-
ined In Lit., Draw., Welt ,
Ounip,, Spoll„_ Read, He,
Stuallclon 83, le Hunter 79, *T, Pen-
tiington 65„I, Bled 65 JP.
Goreraitz 88, Hector Knight 84, L.
Jeecilke 80, le, McNabb 78, 1, peewit
71, P. Berfeltz 08, J. Noble 04, •W,
Locking 40, *I. Leitch 31. 1.-M,
Brown 03, e0. Knight. Primary
marked on week every day, -J. Noble,
jack Cameron, G. Knight, Jean Cam-
eron, tI. McNabb, J. Pennington, S.
Locking, G, Hutiter, NI. Steiee, R.
Doxoy. 15. aleNaste.
The Belgium Belief Day held in con-
nection with the Red Cross Society
was a decided enccess. A well reitdev-
ed program was given consisting of
solos by Misses Lortaine Blake Mur-
iel Hoover, Mrs. Olmstead and Mild-
red and Addle Spatting ; recitations
by Misses Muriel and Marjory Hoover
and'Oelia Rath well. Robt. McDonald
acted as cheirmast. fainch WAS eery -
ed. Proceeds were $27,00 of which
32.50 was given by Drembrook school.
Walton •
mivranfoterAL,-A very pretty wed-
ding wits uotermilzed at the borne of
John arid Mee, Bennett, Walton, on
Obt lettuas Day, when their daughter,
Miss Mabel Muriel, W418 united in mite -
liege toef. 0&vhlhe Habkirk, Brussels.
At 12 o'clock, to the. strains of the
Wedding March , front Lohengrin,
played by Miss Barbara Reid, Hamil-
ton, the bride entered the living room,
allendea by her huller, and took her
place beside the geoom under an arch
of evergeeen and holly. Bride wore a
lovely gown of white accordeon pleat-
ed chiffon over ivory Duchesse satin,
with tulle veil and orange blossories
and carviecl a bequet of bridal roses.
Ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. Craik. After congratulations
about 50 guests sat down to a sump-
teous wedding dinner. k Mr. and Mrs.
Habkirk left on the afternoon train
for Torontn amid showers of confetti.
They will be at home to their friends
after Jan. 2011i, in Brussels, and covey
with them the hearty good wishes of
a wide °hole, of relatives and old
friends for a happy add prosperous
Grey /
Arthite Denman is spendielg his holi-
days with friends in Tat:deem*.
Stanley Hutchinson, "leoungstown,
Alta., is visiting with old friend_in
ZeMiss Laura Smith, Payee:, is a vistitor
with her sister, Mrs. Wes( Stephenson,
5th Con. i
Miss Henrietta Denintn has return-
ed to her school at Kir carditie after
holidaying withsher pardits here.
A Patriotic entertamin nt was held
at Trowbridge, Dr. J. M. :loore presid-
ed, sProgearn was entertisining: Jno.
Pearson gave a short address: A
quilt was odd. i
Archie Barron, who/hs spent the
past 10 years insthe-far West has been
home. He. ehlisted in Regina for
overseas service and was here nn a
visit to the old home, 161.11 ,Con.
Itt S. S. No. 2 James Metfadzean
was elected School Trustee, succeed-
ing Oliver Turnbull. The 2 other
members of the Bnard are D. CUIDling-
ham and Juo. Killtconnell. Miss
Any Roe is the teacher.
The Patriotic enteetainnient in
Duke's school house drew a crowded
house and the repair) was fine.
Ohne. Casella, ps, wits chairman.
Proceeds totalled $110.00, Some of the
audience should take a few lessons in
what is known as decent behaviour,
A Dorset ewe belonging to 0. Smith
5th COD., set a good exatnple .by pee -
senting her owner with a lamb on
December 2711i. The birthday of tilde
ewe's former lamb was April 1917,
Mr. Smith thinks the Dorsets are
hard to beat. ..
Last week Abraill13lehop, 8111 Clon.,
had the misfortune to have his left
heed seveeely iiijoeed in the windmill.
Ttvo joints of first finger had to be
amputated and the 2ed midi:11'd fingers
were considerably damaged. VVe
hope he will !Mon be able to lute his
heed as well as ever.
James and Mrs. Hoggard and datiali.
ters, oi It ty more, Sask., are here on a
visit, 8011,1. a sin prise ttarty to their
relatives. Mrs. Eloggard is a daugh-
ter of Wm, end Moe Rands, 121h Con.
Mr. 'Eloggard was a former resident
of this locality, being a son of S. and
Mts. Beggar& •
Tursday afternoon S. S. No. 10,
Grey, held their exercises and °Miele
mas ',Ieeee After a lengthy and inuch
enjoyed program the pupils presented
Miss Leita with a handsome case of
silverware and the following address':
-PEAR MISS •LDITCII.-It was with
deep regret that we) learned of your
departure from among us and we take
this oppnetonity to give expression in
some tangible form of the high es-
teem in which yell are held by youe
pimile and friends of 3. Si No, 10.
Geey township. We thank you for
your minting efforts put forth for our
special benefit during the 3 yeate with
us, We know that, we have caused
you many heartaches by olie indiffer-
ence to your eartieet, endeavor' foe our
welfare in futnee life, bat as you go
from no to other fields where you will
only have "one pupil'' we wish you
every comfort and happiness in your
new home and relationship. May the
God'of our fathers watch . over and
protect your everywelk. Please ac-
cept these silver knives and forks with
this berryspoon; May they be the tie
that holds Memory dear to the days of
other years, thet you spent among us.
Signed on behalf of S. S, No. 10.
Belle Inglis
'Laura Patterson. Gladys
'Whitfield, Margaret Stevenson and
Etic Whitfield.
Distribution.of the presents from the
Obristmas tree followed, then lunch,
after which Goodbyes were said amid
good wishes to their teacher who has
been with than for the lad 0 yeses,
The annual meeting for Deli e'e
tiebool eiected Campbell, Tr118100.
T1108( Mills retieed,Miss '.1,i, Bergese,
Collingwo.od, who (loins; good tvot)k
is 1 o•engaged as teachee.
Al; the wound:School meeting in S.
S, No, 3, Wes. Stephenson wae re'
elected teuetee. The other members
of the 13oard eve Geo. Tuenbull and 0,
Smith. The school property ie itegood
shape and Miss Amos, Ansa Craig, is
the neW teacher, to whom it welcome
is exteeded.
Thos. Smith and daughter, Mien Ella,
Wet:meter, were holiday visitors with
Oliphanb and Mee. Smith' and family.
The format) ie the father of the host
and although past 80 you's of age is
wonderfully smart for his age. Be
was for years a well knowst resident
of the locality.
Wednesday of last week the annual
school meeting 01. 3. S. No. 1 was held.
ktobb. Miller retiting as Teustee end
J. Henry Hoover was elected. 20
cords of wood weeeotdered 'from Win.
Hemingway at $4.00 a cord. Russel
Grant does the citeetaking for *1800
and R. Miller the scrubbing when
necessavy at 32 50 a scrub. The 2
other Teuetees are Andrew Lamont
and Jas. Grant,
ber of the immediate neighbors of W.
A, and Mrs. Lamout spent a Wily en-
joyable time at their home Friday
evening last. After pattaking of a
bouuteous supper the company re-
paired to the parlor where the even-
ing was spent te a friendly and social
way, biterspersed with music and
song. When we say nmeicwe don't
mean of the ordinary but of the ex-
traordinary quality, consisting of 2
violins with organ and hat p .11.00001.
paninaent. Towards the midnight
hour ice cream and ceke were served.
ft McKay, in a short speech'exprees.
ed thanks for the troy splendid evens,
ing's pleasure, wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Lamont good success .for the hiture
and many retinets of their anniver-
sary, anise -es; '0"e.4.41ien they again cel-
ebeateelle, !Olen might be there to see
and enjoy. S. le, McOrae, who was
visiting his friends here, and is uncle
to the host and hostess, contributed
consideettbly to the evening's program
being somewhat of an encertainer itt
various lines. Mr. aed Mts. Lamont
have been mareiee 7 years and in that
tilne haite built foe themselves a cou-
venient and comfortable honle and
gseatlyinsproved the 1. 8110 on which
they live, being Loe 12, Con. 8, All
ag.ree that they know how • to enter-
tain. Company dispersed after sing-
ing "He's a jolly good fellow," "Auld
Lang Syne" and "Good night ladies.".
the closing.day of school in S; S. No. 3
an intecesting program vvas given in
the school house, in the presence of a
goodly nutnber of the section. Tom
Armstrong,' a formee teacher, tilled
the post of chairman well. The fol-
lowing address was read by Willie
McDonald. and Roy McFaelturee pre-
sented the retiring teacher, Harold
Work, with Bible, safety 11.11D0r,
11,111.0 annl °hal 1 :-
DEAxt TEAor en.1.-We, the pupils ,of
S. S. No. 3, on the closing day of
school, are artery to know that ties
that hind 05 as teacher and Ourdis
must be severed. In response to the
call of the Empire you have °flood
your set vices and we are proud of you
for so doing and trust your example
will teach the high principles of true
Patriotism. While regretting your
departure we hope you may be guided
and guarded through dangers seen
and unseen and be permitted to return
to your many frie.nds in safety when
duty hes beer done it) keeping the old
flag flying iit defence 14 the Mallow -
land. We ask ynti 11 sweeptthis
safety seem), knife 11110 !halm and
Holy Bible mid 1, ut I lull 1 hey may
remind you ol' your school cloys in and
teaching daye i,iold No. 8 %Visiting.
YOU the eetwoit'eseemptintimie and ex-
pressing the hope that honorable
Peace may soett he an 1185111 (81 fact.
ave yeues very 1l illy. Pupils of
S. S. No. 3, Grey Twit,
The eecipient Medea very ti impose tete
reply. filloet addresses we're also
miule hy Trit,tee Steplemsen, 0. f.ot.
mom, tuid otheie. Candies and
oranges were distributed ro the pupila
by the tettchee Malty A hearty hand-
shake was 'iveli the deptil i leg teach-
er aehe goes to du his ,atit" for de-
fence cif the "best old ti tg on eaeth,"
elte Work reported at No ,too hhis
week and will go into active training.
Eleseetsmse.- Thursday, December
271Ii, at 5 o'cloek le in a pretty home
wedding wits solemnized at the resi-
dence -of 1,11e bride's piteente, Win.
and Mrs, Rands, "Sunnyside" Mum,
when their daughter, Miss Jennie,
W118 united in marriage wth
Stanley Wheeler, sot) of -Lawrence
Wheeler, Greey township, Rev. W. E.
Stafford, B. A., perfonning the cere-
mony, which took place under a latge
flower bell, in front of a book of ferns
and foliage. The bride who' looked
pretty th a gown of white silk Kaye
crepe, with trimmings of white satin,
was given away by hen father, as the
steatite of the Bridal chorus from
Lohengrin, were being played by
the bride's sister, Miss Ella. After
congratulations and the signing of the
register'the guests numbering about
65, sat down to a most sumptuous
wedding repast, prepared in the
hostess' usual good style. Dining
room and tables were prettily decorat-
ed with geeeneand carnations. Even-
ing. was enjoyably spent in games,
social chat and a' musical program.
The gate includieg furniture,. silver-
ware. eel; glass, hand painted china,
linen, etc. were beautifel, testifying
to the high esteent in which both
bride and' groom are held. Guests
from a distance were, Mrs. Beacom
aud Miss Cala, Toronto ; Sergi). Web-
ber, London ; Mies E. Mulvey, Wing.
ham ; Jack and Mrs. Walker and
family, Seaferth,. Thos. and Mrs.
Rands and Miss. MaYbene, Seaforth ;
/eines and Mee, Hogisard, Belmont,"
Seek , the 18,11.81' being ,a, teeter of the
beide. The happy couple will 11111110
111011' 1101110 on the gietont's fine teem
Cray township, with the best wii41-
1.?', (If 0 illlige elvele rolativee aud
friends for a height and tivespot nue
voyage over the melt into I I IA I bPly.
At the antatal selitiol meeting of S.
8, Ne. 8, 1./001.1c0 piaTitgiott,L wit8 elitis-
m) invitee eel suceessior to
Zieglee, Caretaking of school goes to
Amos Atwood at 31.400 20 seeds of
hal .10116 were ordered from ,T8 015
A.. 51 ent iv, itt, 32 86 mid Jos. Fulton
,uppliee a cord id (00101 at 32 50
Strornss; 1)Ete1ne.-The news of Airs,
Nelsott ettrdiff's sudden doate 11,1 010
110010 Or bee brothers, Robert end Jae.
McCartney, Lot 20, Con. 8, 001110 /18 a
• surpeise laet. Monday movables
Der Mothers liad beet, ill with notes -
mettle, nod were making favorable
peng,eets wheal liugh, enotbee brot her
o1. 'rugitekit, Sask., arrived home ancl
fell a pvey to the same insidnous ens -
ease. Tbentigb Liko passiog weeks
Mete Cat diff had taken chaege of their
home, assieted by 11 011188. 'Sunday
about inithlight she got leech Peed y
for the mirse.alicl sat clown in a rock-
ing chair near the 5108e. Thinking
she wee hawing a sleep the lioree did
not dietitel) her: until she found the
fire bnening low about m. and
happening to touch Mrs. Cardiff's
folded heeds fouled them cold and dis-
covered that life had fled. It is sne-
posed sbe passed away possibly when
she sat down. Deceased's maiden
nome was Agnes McCartney and she
was born on tiet McCinsiltey home-
stead wheve she died. On June 71.0,
1890 she was united in inatelage to
Nelson H. Cardiff and came -to bis
finesfartn, Lot, 2, Con. 7, front whence
the funeral will take place Friday
afternoon at 260 o'clock to Brussels
cemetery, service being conducted
half limn earlier. itt addition to her
,husband one son, Albert, aged 16
years, survives. Mrs. Witt. Turnbull,
Grey, and Ms, Geo. McOartney,
Tuckersmith, are sisters and the
brothers, pi evionsly tnentioned and
Will., of Milestotie, Sask., constituter]
the family, Both parents are deceas-
ed, ' Mrs. McCartney passing away
nearly 4 years ago. Mrs. Cardiff had
complained on previous occasions of
heart trouble but being of an energet-
le.temperament she paid little atten-
tion to R. She wax of a bright, cheer.
ful 'mune, industrious and kindly and
beloved by a wide circle of friends
who are a unit in tendering to the
sorrowing deep sympathy in the sud-
den bereavement at a time when least
suspected. Death must have come
very peacefully as , there W8E1 DO evi-
dence oistruggle or call feu help that
Was near at hand. The end came as
she heroleally clid her duty to those'
who required her aid in the hour of
serious Illness,
'There will likely be a lively ekirmish
next Monday over the Municipal elec-
Miss Jennie Scott, ne Fergus, Wes
home fer a holiday with her parebts,
R. and Mrs. Scott, 6Lh line.
Mrs. L. Lattineer and MiSEI Susie, of
Eginond vine, were renewing old
friendships during the holiday, re -
tenting this week.
Alt's . Win. MoMiehael, who was here
on a visit, has returned to her home
°A Brantford. Her sister, Selisti Gertie
Bone accompanied her.
It is 2() years elude David Hann°,
went West from Morris. lite is here
flow on 0, visit to old scenes. Some
say -but 110 tales nornit be told on the
boys. .
Miss 'Annie Rozell and the Salter
children, her nephews and nieces, 81.8
visiting H. and Mrs; Manning, The
!tidies ate sietsers. Miss Bezel' was a,
former resident of this Ideality.
At the school meeting in S. S. No, 6
T. W. Bone was, elected Trustee. fol-
lowing Walter Yuill, who declined as
he intended running for Counciline.
Wood hontract went to Wm. Moses
at *300 wed cedthll 10 'Writ), Sellers, ab
32 00 pee cord. 3. IL Sellere was
chairman and A. _W. S. Cochrane
Secretary. .
'Adam J. Smith, of Dand, Man.,
made a short visit to relatives and
fteends in this locality. He called et
Haileybury on the way East and
spent Christmas with Sheriff and
Mrs. Citillhick. The latter is his sister.
Mr. Smith plans to get down at least
once a year to eee the old .friends.
He's alwayii welcome.
PRESENTATION.- Before closing
school fot Christmas, Miss .jettnie
daughter of 3111,, and Mrs. Robb, 61.1r
line, was presented with the following
appreciative addeess, accompanied by
a purse of money by the School Sec-
tion in Mao township Wellington
Co„ where she has taughl for the past
Wears and tewhieh she returns this
week t---Dsan Mies Iloen.-We, the
ratepayers of 8, S. No, 14, Minbo,
wish to exptees onr appreciation of
your excellent Work during . the 3
years that you have been with us.
Besides your wot k ae a teacher you
have been a help -and inspiration to
the community and have alsvays tak-
en a deep interest in pattiotie and
social work. We are satisfied that
your manner and character hes id.
ways been exemplery for youe pupils
and'the pc feet linenicely which pre,
yails between oopil and teacher. 011
behalf of the 0. 011111111111 y 14 inil!y Accopt,
our small token of 301 1, ntle and love
in this .puese and oonteats, lint for Rs
intrinsic value but the epiril, ita which
it is giveh, Wishing yeti not only it
Merry Xnute and a'Ranpy New. Year
but many of thetti. Signed tut behalf
of Section Trusteeit; Loole
' Wtre' Wilkin,
W, Stinson,
A suitable erply .veits made by' Miss
Robb for the kind Weeds ,and the id,
ways acceptable cash, The tot was
complimentary to both teachee and
3. S. No, 4, ve.elented RobtSmith
as 500(101 Trustee and with D. 30111611
end \V. 11. bleCtitclieon: Will be the
Botted for 1018, VV:rn. 'Meet1 will sup-
ply 14 inelt haedwood at 34,00 per
cord aid will attend to caretaking of
5(11110111,1 340.00 rot the year.
.1 Ito, Sol let s, wife mid childrem of
Cliyedon, ate here on a visit
with velativee and old friend. It 18
10 yeavs since Mr, Salton went, West
and 4 since be .was Imre. Mrs, Sellers
le a daughter of WnI, and Mrs. Souell,
3r6 line. They are welcome hack to
0o.an ov TrtalrXe.-We wish to re-
cord nue thittike in many friends who
by weed and cleeds tenclerecl.syttmathy
1 o 114 ill 1110 110111' of our sorrow mai
helve e 0jtiait. 1158115 much appreciat-
ed mid will long be remembered.
Mae. A. Bowmen, ARP 0, Howmerr
WOTTLO MAXIE A Goon Coutterhmort.
--Walter Yule is a nominee for Mor-
ris Council for 1918 being the only
candidate on the Easteely side of the
township. Reis an old resident Well
acquainted and has had a good
auquaintance with Public affairs, For
past 12 years he W118 11 member of
School Board iri 8. 8. No. 6. Hope bo,
see him a winner next Monday.
GOOD STUPE. -Pte. Roy Thnell, son
of W. snd Mrs. 'Pima, 0111 line, who
W115 so seriously wounded in France,
is improving and able to notice some
reeling in °tie limb. Roy was shot
liteoligh the eight lung, the bullet.
lodging in the spine causing paralysis
of his limbs. 11.,, is now in a hospital
al 1. iVElOpOOl, England. gond
es will aid his vecovety he should irn-
peeve quickly., There are 8 Thuell
Bros. and 110011810 wearing the King's
The funeral of the late Albert How-
lett, was largely attended, Service
W0.5 conducted by Rev. Mr. McCor-
mick, Blyth, assisted by Rev. Me.
Keine, Londesboro, and Rev. Me,
Stafford, Beuesels. Pallbearers- weve,
Wm. Taylor, Jno. Smith, jpo. Mc-
Ilroy, Frank Beirries and Wm -Cun-
ningham. The floral tributes were
beautiful. Arnoeg friends front a
distance Were Mrs. Bowmen and Mrs.
Atinsiste 1211mira ; Mrs. Harper and
Geo, Howlett, Elms ; Mrs.•Edy, Hate
riation ; Alex. Findlater, Belmqre t G.
Finillater, Gilbert Plains and Mts.
Robb, Young, Loedesboro.
Wednesday of Itnit.week Robb. J.
BOW111014.44 well known young man ofi
the 8rd line; was united in marriage
to Miss Evelyn, only daughter of Jae,
Parr, Grey township. The ceremony
was performed et the Methodist par-
sonage, Wingham, by Rev. 11. F.
Armstrong, B. D. We extend. con-
gratulations. The happy young
couple will live on the Bowman home-
stead which the groom bought from
his father, James Bt.:mutat), 11I. P.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman se. will visit
relatives and friends before leaving
for Ottawa, w twee the former will
take his seat once more in the House
of Dominoes.
Fins 'bete .-The en terteinmen t held
in the school house of 13- S. No. 8, on
'Deco -libel! 21s1, was a decided success.
Proceeds amounted to $46,00, Pro-
'gum1 was well rendered and was as
follows 1-Ch080s by pupils ; chair-
-man's addeess ; dialogue ."Keeping
store" ; inetrumeittal by Messrs.
Woodeow, Stewart and Me'Vettie ;
recitation,* Margaret •McVettie '• mo-
th))) song, Mothers girls ; dialogue,
"The three applicants ; solo, Miss
Agnes .A.i Whose)) ,• flag drill ; recita-
tion, Marjoey Grasby r dialogue,
"Where's my cake ?" ; mouth organ
selection, Messrs. McVettie /Led Stow -
1111; solo, Miss Margaret' Clarifies ;
recitation -' Kenneth McVettie ; dial-
ogue, "A11 kinds ef trouble" ; solo,
iss Agnes Aitcheson ; reading, Hiss
Jean Archibald •, pan torn ne, -"Court-
ship under ditliculties" ; recitation,
Alfred Johnoton ;' instrumental, Mos -
SVS. Stowe). IVIcVettie awl Wood-
row ; dialogue, "Visitors from the
city" ; solo, Miss Margaret Garidas ;
dialogue, "Aunt Betsey's beau" ; "God
8080 1110 King:"
GREAT TIME: -On December 21s1 the
patents and friends of the teacher and
pupils of S. S. No. 5, gathered at the
school to spend an afternoon togethei.
.Miss E. D. Ferguson is the efficient
t)eacher and she and the pupils had
propel tia a splendid program of songs,
recitations, a dialogue and a pley.
Pupils did their pert in grand styM
and the dialogue, mailed "The Fairy
Queen's decision." was repeated on
request of the audience. 0.ihe play,
'glie making of the Canadian Flag"
was good enough Inc any platfoem
and exceedingly well done. bliss Fer-
guson heti taken great 0815 10 training
lier pupils aid had her program care-
fully aetanged, stataing with a wel-
come to all by Geo. Muth), Santa
Claus was brought in then in soix
and stotT, the fleet Christmas was in-
troduced Itieulcating love and adorn -
ion for the infant Redeethee ; then
dialogue, kindness to dumb animals
was taught and the play fairly over-
flowed With patviotism and love for
the grand old !jag, There were songs
atid recitations foe the brave boys
who are now defending it; in the
drietdful 1,10111(. In addition to the
011110 ieit's inut Play ton 1)1(0C tee, a
former teachet), gave an arldeess which
wits very 11111011 001/11/0101811. There
1011.3(1 good solo, by bliss Armstrong,
line instrtimelltatIluinbei's J. '0. and
11/1195 1301 and 13thit, and Jackson,
folloWerl by an address from IS, 1.)1200-.
Ler, the 0a0er111 energetic See..Trens.
lie spoke of leiter he hed received
from the Inspectov asking the pupils:
to put forth 11111 0881. efforts to pro -
alum more food end in order ID get the
children interested Mr, Proctee Offered
his salary as Sec, -Trees., to them in 4
ihizes 2 for hoys and g for girls. The
rules for the competition are as fol-
lows :-Names of competitors must be
on the roll of No. 5 11,11 018 and send
eamee to Mv. Proeter ott or before
July 10111, 1918. Por the boys $1.50
and $1.00 for best, row of inangela 40
the egad hut as soon as it Is planted ho
have not, 10 prepare soli or Dina
Insist tette charffe or work, pot up
stakes marking 010 own row or rows
end ie bound on his buten to avocet
no help, bat is 10 do all the weeding,
thinning and 'Ito:Atte. himself, GlilFe
priees are Shin 81.50 aml 31,00 for 2
best, citrone, Ole giele to take charge
of them as aeon OS the eeed is planted
and attend to them Ull they are udg.
ed without any assist/time. On a day
to be fixed a disinterested persou will
judge the ehteles in the fields and
gortlene, aecompanied by Betted of
Tetistees. 1(1 will 1)0 010(1 to say what
will grow oub of thie enntest., lf Mr,
ProcLee's salary bad been big enough
we might have hod a School Fair
aniseed next Surrunee. Aftor the
pbaros egitraa
l er: ittittnecilv
at deioee
Filusv(8ve:Tvlegcl ppiontivideicet
an abundant, supply. Misses T. Proc-
ter. M. Procter end 51, Cole had a
Candy store where bome-rnade candies
were sold, proceeds together With
i nognreor ;key 10) raoselsislw1 oilnk ntheopnoi.11e1101
of Jas, 11nseJh, seeoncled by F. Martin
a vote of thanks MLR liDallitY101191y ,
tetidered to Miss Ferguson 11110 pt2pils
foe the very D10/1811111 tainment
they had provided, To clew) the day
the audience joined in Um tthorus of
"The Maple Leaf forevel" when all
went to their homes, highly pleased
with themselves and with every/etc
else. Pupils had bolter keep this
camp of '1'int Peery so es to have the
rules of the race hi produetion at any
Hepworth (Mt.) Progtess or Dec, 2010
speaks as fellows :---Ou the„evening of
her departure, bliss Dora Watsou who
resigned tte teacher of S. El, No. 10,
Ameba], was 1811011 by surprise at the
home of Ohas, Gates, when 48 of the
ratepayers and friends gathered to ex-
press their regret at bee departure.
As a teacher,and ono of the eolointsni-'
5/18S Watson has endeared herself
and the cords of friendship will not
soon be severed. Her reaeon .for giv-
ing up teaching i 11 health. The
presentation iecluclell Icoduk and
sweatet coat. Following address was
read after whieh genies and music
were indulged in and IlIloll served :-
DEAR Miss WaTsox.VVith profonnd
regret we have learned of yam: intend-
ed departure from amongst its, Dur-
ing your stay with its we have learned
to love and reseed: you as a teacher
and friend and can assot e you that
you will not beforgotten by your
.)many friends hero We have gather-
ed here this evening to show onr es-
teem for you and.we ask on to aectept
these gifts in remembrance of your
friends in this school sectum, Wish -
Mg you a Merry Chriet Inas end every
happiness in the New eal'. Sig1,104 ,
on behall' of School Section No. 10 and
friends. Although taken completely,.
by surprise, Miss Watson fittingly re-
plied. She left for her home at l3rits-
eels Monday morning.
1e5011 and eveniug itf 11e21 L week, at 2
and 7.30 o'clock,. pnblie meetiugs will
be held in the 01'11030 RI111, s1In1e1. 1110
auspices of Rost I-Luron Boatel of Agri-
cullawe, Add Lessee are expected from
A. le. G. Smith, New leitinharg, and
Dr. Maey McKetizie-Smith, Graven-
hurst. Subjects of addresses may be
read ittiothee column. Musical pro-
gram will be rendered at the evening
meeting. ieverybody is invited to at-
tend and actively lake pet b.
Thos. Ihmis has gone
to Toronto for tlie Winter. -Rus. Mc-
Kinney, Toronto, visited relatives here
last week. -W. and Mrs. Manley and
daughter. Southenipto», are, visiting
feientls h81e.--13di8 Laura Holmes,
Wiarton, spent, the bolidaye at bee
home leerti.--Miste Mary Stewart, 0in.5-
ley, is visiting laba parents bora-The
Xmas Tree entertaiement was well
patronized and h.- good program ren-
dered, proeeede amounting to 359.-
W113, 'Doff, who underwent. an Opera-
tion st St. Thotnas recently, is ilDprOv-
ing. His many friends wieh han a
apeedy recovery. --At the 9011001 meet-
ing on Dec. 281.0 3. , illeCracken NV1,1
appointed Trustee to see:toed George
McDonald, -51r. Wm. liewitt 111(11
daughter, Guelph, spent Xmas with
Mrs. Smeitzer.-Mrs,3111110, 8111 11) is
on the sielt list. We wish her a speedy
' Wroxete
Notens.-George Muir, Stidlmry, 18
spending a few holidays, '%ILh relati yes
It, this vidoity.-J. A. antlitIrs, 1101190,
-Otnege, /tee guests of the la(1.
ter's 910 81(11, Je.titee 1111(1 31, , Edgar,
Howeer. --- Geo. M 0211,120 0, Montreal,
wise a regent visitor at the home of
John DOVid8011.--Lietib, Stewart Ale-
Kees:her hes 011( 1113(06 fume Sask.,
whele Ile has 89011 a months.--,Temes
McEw en, 811(111. ete Maria spent a few
days last week with his parents, Sohn
and Mrs. McNwen, Tuvilberry.--Sain,
Pope arvivecl hotne from. 11looSe Jaw,
Sask., recently and will spend -a few
months 98111) 11(6 bo 1111(1, D. C. Pope,
and other ries:tide bovit-Wnr, Geldner -
has SOCOred 9091 (111 Toront,(1 11,1111
101.1 flit! that 1111108 1)11 Wedneedit)',-
'Pile funeral of 1,11e late
Iewiti, who 'passed mvay at the 1101110
of her daughter, airs, It. 'Ocainger,
Howlett, Wedneeilay of lest week,
took place to the Wroxet or cemetery
on 5'ritlay after:loom-There le it live-
ly Reeveship race on between ,31)1111
Douglas, who hoe sttt 1112 he Omincif,
and Geolge Town, a well known resi-
dent, Councillors 1'110.0 eleeted by art-
feorn 0 14f 5 tor 'Reeve.---Villade °leek
demotion. Eleetion next Monday
f3rethaver lio,s not boon well tins week,.
but we wish him 'moody 00nea1es-