The Brussels Post, 1938-12-28, Page 51
A Business Men for u Businerq
Your vote and infiuero
espe $fully
,for eleotioh of
fl' Coy.rIoimlor
For a
EcDnnIity Ef ihti it ►1iiiflistratifll
To the rat; "teff = y ers of the
Town of Brussels
As 1 am stand ing this year for a
council -man for 1939.•
1 would appreciate r,c_1r patronage
in supporting m3.
And if elected 1 will do all in my
power in the interest of this town.
Respectfully Your's
Walter R. Huggari
,ft5c`A`5cg► Jc'�t�5cam%Akgwc-A.`_-J- .1 %c�i�S:J .
To the electors of the
Municipality of Brussels
As 1 am again a nominee for the
position of councillor for year 1939,
would appreciate your continued sup-
port in my re-election to that office
Thanking you for past favors and
wishing you all the Compliments
of the Season.
1 amu Respectfully Yours
Harry Champion
AV Vg5Wft5SsfY.V.M.'k
If I am elected l drill con-
tinueto serve you faithfully
as 1 h 've endeavorad to do
in the past.
Your Vote and
Influence for
For Councillor for 1939
Will h e Appreciated
Your Vote and
n iuence will be
Appreciated by
t V
i �.k {, ei �S �t�
tfi �11 t ;h R e ,
For 1939 Council
9 ,J
popoommveoWil 4!!.
mart eofaiiita01o ay
1 ' •1Wadsley •
"Dodge it," adsieed. Toby lacor'1'
ca'i1 "Yon '1uc y; no3( and itlo le
before you, and If you 110 what we
'all think you yid with tIoldilnrlts
tlii:re 111 110 110w fat' you will
,•11 11 4(pent: .1 grad, seal on Yen('
.a -:f Miss O'Connor," sold Lantra un.,
xplOtcdly, 0114 suddenly her eye..
swain the s1t1'i face with a (0411 11
keenness ,the other found dlscoucel t.
toga "You ou Ore w ondettully fortunate
to having dropped into the New
I':aglieh nine Suet when they wer1
without the type of girl required Tor
the p_,t1 in the next Broil .And gait
::,o eanbiy fortnmato Iu havillc
made a blend of my husband.'
"And of yeti, i ridge," n1u1'1lu:7e•.'
Pana.e softly.
7itn't eeent a gdeat deah but
,y husband anis Mt, Mat ltels and
;r. Pet til::"ten 1* ye sera :1l great
.eleta and faith in year 0 011b
; thinkthio the rest .e 0, yt1111
"You are wither me
new OUS, 11.111 1 , "I Slra((
go all to ra if y..11 (wee mefee!
so- •so erpunalb.,
"Don't you worry, Icdiile," minim
Toby kindly, at the cU Reseed little
face '1111 see •yoo t.f.oush."
Latii'a bit her lip, Her hu^btln'
.was absolutely lifting this lame tlea.
quer the style, and it would t.:•
hunt her to clamber a little ea:
herself. She Was a very sail -
reliant person, Luura decided, .end
lighting her own battle would (leap
to mould and strengthen her theme -
And later, -luring dinner, it Was
the sante.
Toby was ever ready to eked 'th-
surd help to this glee whose pre'le
fare was her chief asset, as tar .,s
Laura c•onlel see. It was atre
110000tll1l one in the line site ha,:
Outsell. and she ante /i naive chaeta
that appealed to Laura who was
not easily given to likes 00 dislike0..
outside. her own farmer. Her father
and mother• 10 Devonshire Whom
:she adored, and Toby ;made up he:
world. Toby was her all --but ate
love Tor hint had ,eometltteg of
mother's. 'So far no child had heir
given to thecal, and the prove.+til••
devotion that lies dormant in tone
woolen was awakened by reser :1. -
tense 'love for her husband til
would have made any. 811/14114 ' f e.
his happiness.
Their loci'+making had been 1.11
pulsive and swift ou his part --slow
and deep on ue1c,,
Whet) Tobtl oentreti his lvit'rest e1'
anal!ter woman or man site telt a
vague sense of uneasiness. almost 1i.
seemed no it he wore ctattdiu',
petp'-tually on the brink of a vol.
calm, 1t^t Always her .hand woa
there behind him to hold him back
should he walk Wildly over.
tG'hen Pnvsie, atter uri.
tearful farewell had gone Back 10
the sedateness of the Kenllinet'(1
Park ltoad. Laura ., d by 411,
open. French wlwdvrw of thrh• pretty
drawinlg-room beside Toby, as lie
smoked a finai cigarette.
Par a tlnle husband and wife did
not speak, she did not wish, to Mu
Web the sweet pear.w of the night.
1 thio bit gest alas ('0ee.
taut:o?" Presently, Toby forked
h}w x1(11 in`11is wift"'s and pressed
her closer to him, his dark eyes
.starling• tate 41 clump or (Bray sat ti
trees over whlclt the mann w."•
sinking towards lite river,
"1 don't know yet," smiled
Laura, ''1 will 1(•.1l you --later.'
"But 110 ydht think she 1114a
nlilitles.?" lie persisted. and lhrt'•o
(Mee 11(8 rl}farei.l1' end tutu ::it
(folk tt es of the garden.
•'(11' all colts and Vat i,,110A<"
11(1,8 wiled anima gudr kclly.
";the is. deucedly mow," h1• went
on in 11 el rte bed bete. "I'll 111 1
14111'll minty sirup' mind limiting 111,1
worth 1111('1' lae'p:•rite 11:1'.' a .,'1,'.
ti ,.hl' ub-like c•hlldrrn and trier ,n
1111! good 011 the fillies,"
i11 (11'• el ht•1'so1l 1,at(ta int"`-.•,'
1111 .,Steered his Iowa
I a ((Milo ( w,, t t 01e
l'anetv 111 neater} 1 to : n11t1.11L
lh, 1104 routs, 11 1,,11 Is (1y 1 .1,•;.
ens the (fight
_ - "it xma steer her »t -.r. w-ai 1„
Oy iv ''1'ttby ++•rid ;•nullll r?:eptly 73
s414,11 a bid. 111141 1111Ic y 111.1 alta 1:1'1
a mato, lite- nitheett one t(1!':'
Pleaa111-1'' Ihi11't t f it. 11Th'• 111,1a
wan11, a11r1 thank m1 lunnl(ly fol .,11
the. Wee id -tinge 1 have endowed you
with, 1116• ,Precihll8, 1 '•(0U.
blotdeni•, pita ape 61 10e pt=-
;± 1111 .tt. Il It.'rl 0, lir• 1•10( •,.
1,110:t1 Into hie ams 10 rola in'r
t -,..1'y massed' against hint, elle-
h ishe left his evert beating againet
'oh, Laura. I lure you to deate;
y:n 1ale,lnl c yell saint!" lir w hasp .•'
eel, and with a loves emotion ht''.,
ell the fed nmutll that returned alto.
held bin kisses,
Fur Laura there smelled not
living wllielt .could (tier the wonde
fel h:iI'a pass she felt at b1..'i.;
9 uby's wife.
:tinily 110 tante deg would eve',
tee :e•n4 blit the hand that had
1. nilly helm d them over liter' stile;
She hoped (10t! She prayed 11
l.,nilt atter Toby .hall fallen souad
ly aslet"'p slie-layawake, her dark
eyse fixed on the nl:ouliiht
silvered tnoir room,
She telt sure the fates would b'
kind and let them 110 c on in Ir.4:
paradise. And yet anal yet --
Oh. they had ev e. y thing: .Tutt
whom the gods love --
She shuddered, and t ate: h . (
7Ol,y's hind as it lay Outside the
(0vcilot 1tlseerl it softly,
Please, dear Toby, don't do any•
thing silly. or rash anti spoil it ail."
she played.
1ih?" grouted Toby sleepily. an
she smiled through those suit,
tears that Suoh foments bring.
'Hord night and God bless you."
she said.
"'Bless you!" auswt r0tl Toby In
his dreams.
W ilh 7"hanks For
'c3trr P .tronage
ch Vhistle
Extends Its Best ,
W--ishes For A
Happy and
New Year
v -t V1
c c c I c c c c c c aca
regret is felt for
but the enngregat.i0n
Godepeeeil in their
-11(11,1 !(N(te1 preacher and ate lys speaker, deep
lead a }Valu; Suer het: for hiq -: 11' their removal
eregatieu, Mrs. Leggett Itl'u is a at -'hes them
graduate deaconess s1141 is a capi,•11G nen• chane.
('H.1I'TIOIt fit.
The Other Lame Dog.
The actor known as ('lite M ' c w
-drank kis last rater( owl 410
bicker env ars 11 puff at ;tents, 1,11111
came to through the (0111.101* of it,
small Inelsitting-room in the +a1a•'
noisy but convenient road that hod
been Panole O'Connor's first Lofoten
But'I'auaie stall moved eisrwn .e,
now and her going fuel left room t'u'
011ve Marlow 111 Mrs. I'll.41,(14
It. is quite tea1arkable how Be-
hentian ,11nple help 1':1'4 nil t"
find suitable rooms and atnneH1.ntt1
e;trk and often motley
The 4 ac104t,' anti lovely 51111 ee• t
haired Peasie. barite; ;1 fill nr ('Itt
Marlow's trouble and '" Tele eti 11-
W1(Od'K 11. 1p to get him in One of too
"el VW ;' Sn'gge811-d t+ ii 0)0111'
elate, Ma tete. t11a1 tri. t,uilhtie:
rnnnt they thou sltare•r1 mewl- be
1(selid to the hay when alit. tiv,l
Maxie moved into a 2,1e-: " ria• r^n
the boor below,
'lits Clive Mahlon, cuuiful•tabiy
housed and with a few shillings in
his pockets, lay alneki8,.2 on the hod
that a,fter1100n,
Ile WAS a f81i11, fair y0'It1 with
very 804410/1 huh* ;lltd blue ,yes .1114
a' siuile that rete:111+1 1seellant
teetc, He was of the delicate,
a:acet c ,true and had shin hotels
and well -kept ullise,
Certainly he looked in wail, of
good meals, but there was a 00110es
vitality about bion that betrayed a
mind ready to entig11er matter,
On a table under the window lay a
few warted 0010110 sketches-
ketchestic and yierd, yet showing a settee
of beauty 0111(80111 iu it:8 treatment.
Clive tens a clever boy when tri
obese, and he Chose to exert 1174
eleva.enB$s at the moment.
The rottg(h sketches were glline, to
be shown to a very inrp0l tanit 111'.
0ouag'e on the reit/ming day.
(only' hu knew how he nod
"wrlalvlell" that rl1tl1Ce to show hie
ratet,7lus to 'l'4'11y Stilhvond, aril
tate he 111,1 ((1' ' lural nu they
printed tolls 111,1 quite 1101.0fly -fele
served by Wei, tel several or eke.
11.in1111gs had been "(mucked -11(1" 1'y
1 Inver a1tist 1.111' had died, haat
tov neettis 1::14 rrti(Heiae,1 401 1.'lo''
:Marken '11 (1004.
77 Q 4n
".11.71,11' .ilia. M
Lift 1 arvials fly"1q./'( Pay •ue.$'teh. "How about 11. now; don't
the doctors and hap: -1 wake some
(rltk 4TI wf:4'I'1 �.iore 0f this back from the ( .110 patients
wlxo can afford to par
*I3d1 Td Yliei I£ i t 1 `"would it be . t c " he asked,
+ "thet out of the 431 e ds in the Hos-
E: i , .:-013 J11 a 1..+ back pitaf fvr S110 (air 1 11, 414 are fn
to t'1 nc 11 t 1. 1 1 1 v r nohi v sell W had '1.000 patients
v : i lc..,. Cann (.':e per cent.
in t1 FI' 1,,i i t- 'urw� . �f there }vele 1i ate patients.
h' 1 t,e .,aE.,c•i cat, tarryin P
hi•. r yr ha 1c.. . 'rhe are a p'-1'a::r hr glial, and like
t:: 114 v cstittr, v.h n t1' was t 1'y public ho pital, we are re -
0:11 -44'r 1- th:.,1 a Lahr. his f :'•. ts o,'irrl by lova t„1 acoeet any patient
(.1a.:.' the 1'1':: j yul rey down to To-; with comes to 1:u1' doors in need of
reit,. 1101141114brirair't 1.11 wilt 111 40. They treatment. We 1211E them everything
1'r 1 , 1, n 1 ai '- 1t; eifnme they nc-a, a'sd - it's not unusual for
aa the Il 1 tor , Children the hospital to furnish from $300 to
tad t ,e e that Jan had a 1,00 worth of serum to a single pa”
sore bati1. i *1en1 suffering from pneumonia.
AA hey da. wall arm f oilier Whatever -the cost to us, we set only
,ae, ,It cv - 1 t1bdat theur- ptuern ipra'uelnatr:atlowatice of 10.33 a day,
11,,,1 L''''''''''''''-'''''' S'""e ui the Some sermnsare siren free to the
a'aaet pliaeaeues rild surgeonS in hospitals by the Pre erla1 Depart-
'i,,r t 1 rola a-1 . T11,Y., t .h
of Health: il' others. not an
rsy- made 11 /d _t_ arid '•ec- the free list, tali U p-.ivi for.
t,tn r i 1'aei ',hut Jim fish a It's pretty obi u r •a, that the
1: 1'. eu c ` e They took him hospital has to '1-,..1, ,1Y zt> 'forst.
tans , and ,!e.,1 k ul .0 bed, while in vas .ome of a ray.
his tale, wan rt t•a: stayed around This is the reason tor the regular
rex1 a- . 1'1'1 flier: ''''''''t ba •
ck annaal appeal to h .inane and chari-
table 11.,,,1.1',T table citizen for donations.
Pr va _t , !t, 1 +'1rs a l int that Phe out-patient: petl-, cIn is was crowd-
3imf 4..,r_v 0:11 c t Letba- ed by P.,0 this morning. «Tatting
1'o:, 13,1 fuer v 1 ,v hu i m roam and r u ?r were filled with
re:l. iz 1 to + 1 . e !ti .' 1,10i, •l1' rt: 1110 children from infants to
of red 1 (z;w, 1 :, , f 1 fon p Several hundred come
yea le h11.' t1.e 1 tt e bi ; u t d f Heol "° a• r?aty, ninny front outside
Il•, ,1 t1 dal: t rot i
Wei( tt ;.l c 7 1 . u ] e,.
11)1, tall he walked lilt iii cl- h,,
10 -
OT t.11 111 hund.eala of !other_ and
glut with a strena 110(21 et w t;'1 mothers nho b _t'. Y 111 their ailing
1.t'n,,1y t - H 1. 1,. ai(1 . ,i t 11.1.., a 111410. who t could. pals
l .ut r e1' 1 reit Might be rills a
"'f" t 1 t
ncr�••1 v ,, in,t lire irairrity p�bl
And bee'.,"s to it '.c1.1"14)1b:11'''''.Laui c o t.• Enfo the •:earl of tike
yn 1 1',,;i , ., .
11, 1111' . h l,cc 1.,1 ".0 awn Ou *'
PARENT flitah'T P.1S IN}sI 3111 n,L• 1'.014,1114 at 811. '
1.1's"nate4 in o'1 e 2'-.,1ilx t i 11'. 117711.z n:tat fur Sick Children, and
way. Jim's T t, d 1'i 1 pay •
coli 11 1.1 ,1 not only kindness and
sineI . 1,."'11.1. torthe four t 11 e sup:•1b -..:ll Bot a•1 organization that:
par r I 111 t1e(U- 't' EI :num 1a alnio 1 un:que in the war1d, IL to
einat11 p;id tilti .'11 4 r Sick , 111411en hospital for everyone mit
$.7541 n H1-, , 1:)l c ti d tate of Clatario, drawls its patients from
$1.17 a 1I •x t,,,, eve 11 uav the w
••.,1',l va.. 1.,J un n', ria Cm ricer mumclnaLtx tiro to the iarth-
111n i r.'., 11'.•111 (114(4 tri 13(11.r,1v e:.1 corner; of til: (1(111 rice.
rata 4.1 e,J:• Lt1 it coat the ,tdtpda1 1000(0 VISITS A YEAR
a1 I Y. 91.118 9 day more than the' '•Tat. e ,' 1.' statutory provision
s2.11' The H.,.'4tal for 1,.•k ('shit- . for establishing an oltl-p;d cots' de -
then n. - i..1 51.40848 of la:s own' nartment 1n 11'.71' Ito,p1 ." said Mr.
mnu 1.1 .1110'.. 1'.'m(ery Sawar. "Sul inunicil0 (1, (s through-
Thae 4, theta. eke that :•vet;" out the province 11n,l, come to real -
day u, flat 1',,'•i1. Tin, ill into:, who 1,e the inlnorlance 1,i' oto• ottt-pa-
iookea 0,"10 Jun f.0• 11,1 1 y:•ars lien's department. thio a very large
donate:* 11, 11' sereic''.. a, th:.y ace , proportion of the patients treated
o•zntiterillY d"'t1, fir h'lp ess 4(141111.0-, there would otherwise be occupying
sten, wild rum,, to them wait bad beds in the hospital. And that would
tonsils. poor eye, wove 141114:114.' result in a much increased financial
bei•cditar;v di,:n.l eA and a hundred load for the municipalities."
other ailment_. • 1 So there is one reason for the size
Srnken bongs come in for sating. ; of the great daily clinic. which hunts
Babic' who aren't feeding properly, out the ills of thousands of youny-
ami older r111141et1 wimnse teeth sters and results in upwards oC
haeen't boon attended t+, since they ,100:000 visits a year.
were born, are looked atter. The i The Hospital tor Sick Children
biggest men on the bv,pital's staff ; does not share 111 the funds collected
Com -
tarry can their daily bn:c in the by the Toronto Federation for Coxn-
morning. diagnose troubles, and give i triunity Service,because patients aro
the delicate operations and care to admitted from. a1('over Ontario.
those wits arc already in 12 191ta(. Over 583,000:00 isueeded this year
Last year. for i