The Brussels Post, 1938-12-21, Page 9Wishing You Ail Walton 521" MRS la And A PPS NeYou D. ENNIS GENERAL STORE GREY You are cordially invited to at- tend the Xmas concert at Roe's church on Friday evening, Dec, 23rd• A good program is being prepared including music by the orches- tra and a one - aol play entttleu ":lice Decides." No ad- mission fee, gut a silver collection will be taken. Mr. Kenneth Edgar, teacher, and pupils of S, S, no. 4, (Trey are to be congratulated In the excellence of their Christmas program given on Wednesday, Dec, 20th. Parents and friends In the school section were invited guests, BLUEVALE The annual meeting of the W. M. S .of the 1'nited Church was held on Thursday afternoon with the vice President, Mrs, Joseph Breckenridge presiding. itri,t,.rts of the year's wank wets found encouraging. Her. A. V. Robb vnndu,•ted the cl c inn of 1)1(1110 which resulted as follows; President. Mrs, tieorge Thornton: Sive . r dent 'Alps. Ed- ward. Jo1in1.{ rn Y., t. 191-, Mrs. Jo:; ph t'u. Ns; ri, ssur ri, Mrs. Ar- Nino 8111w: pr, -00 1sporter, \Iia. For Ideal Gifts SUGGESTIONS ! Fall and Winter Hats Reduced to Below Cost WOOL SETS— (HATS & SCARFS) PARKAHOODS BABY'S BONNETS SEQUIN CORSAGE FLOWERS Gainsborough Hosiery— , 65c, 75c, and $1.00 pair SPECIAL RATES STILL ON ON PARISIAN DRY CLEANING C. Hingston Robert Shaw; Stranger's secretary, Mrs. Rudd; teonhierance secretary Mrs. J. Breolcenaitlge; missionalry and supply secretary, Mrs. James Robetson; Ohristan stewardship and finance secretary, Mrs. A. V, Rchb; organist, Mrs. Robert Mac - Lennon. Word was received here this week that Peter D. King, a resident of the village who is spending the winter in Toronto, had suuerecl n stroke or paralysis.. Your Duty Within the next two weeks ntuni- ei;rallties in this district will be called upon to choose their govern- ing bodies for the year 1939. Throughout tine past those who have served in office have given freely of their best efforts on the part of their respective municipali- ties, But some of these men have earned the tight to retire by virtue of long service. Ana in their re- tirement they issue a challenge to others to take up the wont and sere in a similar manner, 11 has often occurred to us that we shirk this responsibility- 11 you are tatted upon be well Insulting eIli- sens to act hi office, why not con- sider it seriously, It Is a sacridre, that is true, liut what worthwhile effort den's not entail some personal sacrifice? Christmas Salads t claim salads ;Mires risen or rt. d wd eat out in various Christina; designs make effertive salads, A Christmas Thrill Look cu'mmd and g,t 7011.' baying a (hrstmas doll for a little girl who hasn't any. Aporn:d ins t My. 9,000t,000 .\nl erf- eaus pay rhaletulas trees every year. thrill JAMES TAYLOR Llrenaed Auctioneer for the Couot3 or I3uron, Sales attended to it: all Parts of the country, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no pay, Orders len at The 'Post' promptly attended to Belgraee Poet Office PHONE; — Brussels Phone 14-r-9 s`El 4CREEN FARES AND TRAIN SERVICES! ATTRACTIVE 19/teay.1 «s¢. CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS MONEY ORDERS AND EXPRESS • SPEED, DEPENDABILITY? SAFETY Indulge in your favorite Summer spore —alt Winter—in the balmy, invigorat. ing climate of Canada's Evergreen Play. ground. Golf; hiking, tiding, mototi0Si yachting, tennis ... enjoy majestic mountain scenery—see snow -clad Canadian Rockies en route. Special Winter rates at hotels. Attractive rail fares now in effect and until May 14. Return limit: Standard, 3 months Tourist and Coach, 6 months, Stop- overs allowed at intermediate points: Enjoy Winter sports In the Canadian Rockies --spiels( tow roll. tares In eiSeetduring Jan. nary, February and March. Aul! informdtionJram 40 ticket aOaab CANADIAN NATIONAL SEE OUR TOYS I,O:'1 GIRLS AND BOYS Itntin Where Your Christmas Dollar Has More Cents. BILTMORE HATS New arrivals in smart winter shades, Snap Brims and Ilombergs. $1,49 to $2.49 XMAS TIES Without a new and glea- ming tie ... no costume is really complete, Our boxed ties will bring yule- tide cheer to any man. 29c to 75c The SMART Xmas GIFT SOCKS . , the tita- nic trifle that make the well dressed en- semble. Newest pat- terns in heavy cash- meres and Silk and Wools. 19c to 75c Boxed HANKIES Finest snow White Linens and Lawns for Men, Women and chil- dren beautifully boxed. An always pleasing es- sential, 15c to $1.25 EXQUISITELY SHEER - Kingless Chiffons, lovely crepes and sturdy service weight. Hose, always wel- come for milady at Christmas. 75c to $1,50 LINGERIE The lovely Luxuri- ous Personal gift in non -run rayons, * Vests 25c * Bloomers , 50c * Panties ., 29c XMAS CHEER With a Sports Sweater offine wool, and its pure wool in grand patterns and lively col- ors. Coat or pullover styles. $1,98 to $2.98 RAINBOW PASTELS The newest, smart- est Patterns you ever saw guaranteed by Canada's best shirt makers, he'll be proud of one of these shirts. $1.00 to $2,00 C i� .W Specially Priced For Christmas and what could be more popular than the gift of a beautiful Scarf for men or women. 50c to $1,00 ,m—caro GIVE CLOTHING Men's O'coats 14.95 Men's Suits 14.95 Ladies' Coats 12,95 House Dresses,. 98c Aprons 25c Blankets .. , , $6.95 6 ib, hewv ,r,t11 12/4 Ibex Flette 62.29 Gift GLOVES Beautiful Kid Gloves, both lined and unlined. The last word in style and colorings. $1.00 to $1.50 Sports Clothing Stylish, Warm and Practical too Newest .Colors and Styles in heavy all wool blanket Cloths and imported Eng- lish Meltons.. * Ski Pants., $2.95 * Wind Breaks 2.95 * Ski Jackets $2.95 *Campus coats 4,95 * Sport Tams 50c * Wool Mitts 15c * Gloves 25c to 89c SEAFO it Open Evenings `i' UEL PHONE 37 Until C ri;tmas PHONE 61 RompasmammarammatmerAummros,. Only Shopping rays - Gift Suggest; ns Now on Display Make(This Christmas -A- Labor and Time Save BY GIVING HER One of these electrical appliances or an Electric Hot Plate, 1 & 2 burner; Silex Coffee Maker; (CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS) Radios �l'hilco, DeForest Crosley Rogers, and Westinghouse Iectric Washers,. FrigicIaires WARWICK'S RADIO AND ELECTRICAL SHOP Phone 92X 1 (, 6 R(t Brussels Ok W. N19SDAY, PECEJVI3''] S1'i Municipal Notice i hereby g've notice that the Nomination of Reeve, and Four Councillors' to serve the Township of Morris .during the year 1939 will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL, MORRIS at Twelve O'Clock P.M. on FRIpAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1935 11 duln0ndcc1 at full w111 be opened at the following places on FrtIPAY, DECEMBER 30th, 1938 Polling Sub -Division No. 1— At School House S.S, No. 1 Sub-Dlvislon No, 2 -- At School House S.S. No. 9 Sub -Division• No. 3— At School House S.S, No- 2 Shb-Division No. 4— At Township Halt Polling Sub-Divis'on No. 5— Stone School House s,s, No. 7 Polling Sub -Division No, 6— t School House S.S. No. 18 Polls to b,e open from 8 o'clock a.m. to 5 p.m. Alex MacEwen, Returning Officer Bluevele, December 15th, 1938. Polling Polling Polling Mun:c.pai Notice I hereby nive notice that the Nomination of Reeve; Deputy Reeve. and Three Councillors; to, serve the Townshly of Grey during the year 1939 will be held at"the ---- T'QWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL at 1 O'Clock P.M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1932 If demanded a Poll will be opened) at the following places on MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1939 Polling Sub- Division No. 1 — At School House B.S. No. 4 Polling Sub -Division No, 2— At School House S.S. No. t Polling Sub.Division No. 3— At School House S.S. Polling Sub -Division No, '3A At A.O.U.W, Hall, Walto Polling Sub -Division No. 41 Community Hall, Moncrielf Polling Sub -Division No, 5 • — Township Office, Ethel Polling Sub -Division No. 6— At School House S.S. No. 8 Polling Sub-Dlvislon No, 7— At Community Hall, Cranbrook Polls to be open from 9 o'clock a.00. to 5 p.m, J. H. Fear, Returning Offices' Ethel, December 15th, 1938 - Municipal Notice I hereby gjve notice that the Nomination of Reeve; Four Council- lors; Three School Trustees:,one member of the Hydro Elect, -9c Commission to serve the Municipal- ity of the Village of Brussels. - during the year 1939 will be held at the COUNCIL CHAMBER AT THE TOWN HALL, BRUSSEL§ At 7 o'clock P.M. b. MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 193' All No:a;:r„t'ons to be in by 8 p -t If demanc'ed a Poll will be open,. at the following places on MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1939 Sub -Division No. 1— Codncil Chamber, Brrssels D.R,O.—Robt. Patrick Poll Clerk—Wm, Bell Sub•Division No. 2-- Publ'c Library, Brussels D,R,7O—H, Sullivan Poll Clerk—E. Plum Poll to be open from 8 o'clock a.,:. to 5 p.m. R. 5, Warwick, Clerk, Returning Officer James IMF a Howtck an Mutual Fire insurance, —Hartford Windstorm —Tornado Insurance —Automobile Insurance 'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnberry Brussels, Ontario D' Alii FURNITURE s. FUNERAL _: AMBULANCE ;:; SERVICE Licensed Funeral 1h.ee u,. and Embalmer Phone 36, Erusseh