The Brussels Post, 1938-12-21, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
..r .,....... anisi._v•,,ww.r^YK4C0uf.'i•t,,3497.21 t ....n.,..\'kf:Vvt..t'ton`8"> .1lwtL �,1 vo. J ...a,. r,.r.4
PHONE 70 BRUSSELS •+ •r+ ^ ^ • Kmssa+Mssawsr•o+•s^rro��r0rs swoaya•rmoaa•a
Highest Quality ALWAYS Lowest P riles
"The Best In Everything" "Quality Unsurpassed"
isR SRIF; You All A
M1r,:hrkt � X, i
MeyT as
And A 1-14,py
W Year
(Bexcd & Mixed) NUTS
WAs Ne_- e` 3 Your Phone.
kiurtls, it of value chieflyhe
For in this
SweetheartRe-union treatment of cancer,aliens
Betty Jane drea5eu. carefully purpose Canada, in its
wondering if college had changed ,;units for the treatment of :aaltg'
possesses abort 90
Bill much. It was grand. having oar`'::..,... ' conservative
n;':trh, at ait
r„t .rite, about $700;000 though
eaf-1 foe clinics or those who sup
plied the element almost m, -e that
In the' use of radium for the treat-
ment of cancer the elv,"ent is plac-
ed in. tiny needles of platinum-
imdtl uvt each contaiuin_i so many
m111igrames. These -are inserte.l
into the growth or placed close to
t eltgrowth to be treated. The
constant rays given forth from the
radium kill the cancer cells, in in-
sbitutions where the supply is suf-
ficient, containers with 4, S, 10 or
more grams of radium are used.
The eloeet of these is similar to the
rays rout a muillion-volt x-ray equip-
Radium in the treatment of
cancer is used in another form. This
is radon or the rays from radium
produced. by an apparatus called an
emanation plant. There are sey
eral of these plants in Canada, The
plant, an engenious device of hollow
glass tubes and steel collects and
filters the radium rays emanatin=
front a solution of radium bromid'
These rays are finally asseu:ble•t
in tiny gold seeds about one-eightlh
of an inch in length . These, called
ration seeds, are planted in the
gt'owth to be treated and niay be
let there. They are e:utausted in
about 30 days. The effect of rad -
111111, in seeds, bomb or needle is the
sante, As already mentioned
radium rays Lill the cancer cell;
and this is done without groat
drainage to the normal veils r.tnnli-
about for the reason that c.nice”
cells are generally less resistant to
radium than normal cells.
The 111810 very anti pamine ti,ma 01
Odium in Northwest Canada w't11.0
lane years 11: 'i led marked re-
ductions in Li11 price of this V0.10.
able 810010nt, One remembers when
radium cost one hundred and
twenty -live thousand a gram, Seven
year ago the supply for one of our
large hospitals was secured fol'
about $56,000 a gram, Now the
price is $35,000 a gram. The enter -
Prise of the La 131100$ and their
associates In the discovery and pro-
duction of radium at Great Bear
Lake and the establishing of a re-
fining plant at Port ,Hope. On-
tario, deserves the commendation of
h1nle home for the holidaYS• rhe
tlooebell rang,
"Cnmristmas gift," cried Bill hand-
ing her a gayly -wrapped package,
and taking het' in his arms, BettY
Jane drew back, .She wasn't sure
she liked this Bill so well—he seem-
ed so sure of himself, She remem-
bered Bit las humble, wooing, oar her
"Come, say hello to the folks,
Betty Jane invited, "and see the
tree and smell turkey."
They went, hand in haat, "I sup-
pose you've met a lot of girls at
college,' she hazarded, "Tell me
about them."
"Well, there's just one I'm really
crazy about," 13i11 answered. "-'til
the fellows think sites swell. Her
pit(nre's onmy dresser, and when-
ever l'nt fu doubt. I talk things over
with her."
�'1•lmv annul." said Betty Jane in
a light little voice, They carte to
the. mistletoe. How different from
last year, when she was just learn-
ing to love hint
"1 have her picture on my watch
'too,' 11111 went on, his eyes twink-
ling brighter than the sliver star
atop the tree.
•'1'u ustd to carry'. mine there;'
y Jane observed, and managed
h,:w to laugh lightly.
"-.and st 11 iso," said Bill, exbiltti-
Lea ?I. "All the fellows are jealous
;•,1 1 left behind me. There
[-n , : .'.1 in all the world, let
alta e91 Te, like you Betty' Jane.
At ! by t',e catty • 3'ou don') lntow
lith a 1,t iF :,LI shouhl always Step•
when she routes to mistletoe?"
by Grant Fleming, M. 0.
A doctor In Nett York has 1u1 5
radiant needles presumably by theft
These 000111es contained altogether
50 niilligrammes or radium worth, every Canadian citizen. Radium 1s,
at present prices, about a couple of according to present knowledge, 31'•
thousand dollars, • - 0601181 In the treatment of cancel'.
Radium, apart from its valve in 'Canaan is amble to supply t1i"-
conumencial entet-lrr!ae of vai•10110 I demand,
qa ill COM 4-tudif
C1.1RISTMAS: Good going Friday, Dec, 113 until 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 26 inclusive.
Return limit to leave destination not laic' than midTucednnight, y. Dca 27, 1938.
NEW YEAR'S: Good going Friday. Dec. 30 until 2 p.m, Monday Jan. 2 inclo,iva
Itoturning to leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday, Jan, 3, 1939.
Goad gog Tuesday,
Sw ay,Jan.2"ve. Return limit to leave
destination oto tmidnight, o7,1939.
What more annreeinted Gift than a prepaid rail
w y ticket for ioarn,y anywhere in Canada or
ted States? Jut. -about this convenient plan.
Tlekets and complete information from any agent
To You,
as one of our old
and Valued Customers,
, W e SEND A .
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy .New Year
May our friendly relations continue
for many years to come.
and staff
TO MANY, Christmas means turkey stuffed with spicy
dressing, cranberries, plum pudding, mince pie, and all the
Yuletide delicacies. • • But let us not forget the real meaning
—that first Christmas when a huge Star heralded the coming
of the Christ Child and the Angels sang, "Peace on earth to
men of good will." • •The true spirit of Christmas •must .be
manifested by joy, peace, and friendshp. • •Friendship, yes,
that makes Christmas somthing broader and richer to each
of us each year • • . Let's reclaim the spirit of good will and
pray that the coming year will bring increasing contentment
and happiness. ... For your loyalsupport during the past year
I am profoundly grateful, and it is my ardent wish that you
will accept this as a personal message for a
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year
and a
C'-71 It�p
The Friendship which you have
shown by your patronage
is appreciated
We Send You Our Very Best
Merry, Christmas'
New Year Wishes
ParaftgaraG% 'c„;'datatataf ,2tatatetg',aaetitsVm LDOPSOC!CIOgtaMtgst tigagyeia a swear t
Clare Long ' Adrian McTaggart
—The Postmaster, Staff and Mail Carriers
Fred Hunter
Duncan McKinnon
Wm. Stiles
Miss Thynne
Dan Denman
Earl Somers
Wishing You 71
May the New Year bring
to you health, Nappiuess
and Prosperity
Orwell Elliott
Best Wishes For A
Merry Christmas
and a
Happe+ New Year
Ira McLean . Barber
i- C G
Boy Leaves Hospital.
Under His Own !Iowa -
m rAfter Four Long Years
Lad's Parents Don't Pay question, "How about it, now; don't
,the doctors and hospital make some
Cent For Expert Care • of hohcan afford oback from fhe pay?ivate patients
wand Treatment "Would it be news," he asked,
"that out of the 434 beds in the Hos-
Eight-year-old Jim has gone back • pital for Sick Children, 414 are in
to the north country after four years public wards? We had 9,000 patients
last year, and less than five per cent.
Ttheoronto., HHe walked out, carrying Hospital for Sick Children,' of these were private patients.
his own handbag. "We are a public hospital, and like
Four years earlier, when he was every public hospital, we are re -
hardly more than a baby, his parents quired by law to accept any patient
made the long journey down to To- I who comes to our doors in need of
ronto, bringing Jim with them. They treatment. We give them everything
• appeared in the out-patients' clinic they 'need, and it's not unusual for
et the Hospital for Sick Children the hospital to furnish from $300 to
and told the doctor that Jim had a $400 worth of serum to a single
sore back. tient suffering from ps
As they do with thousands of other Whatever the cost to us, we get only
oar regular allowance of $2.35 a day.
per patient." ,
Some serums are given free to the
hospitals by the Provincial Depart-
ment of Health; the others, not on
the free list, must be paid for,
It's pretty obvious, then, that the
hospital has to make up its operat-
ing loss some other way.
This is the reason for the regular
annual appeal to humane and chari-
table citizens for donations.
The out-natiente clinic was crowd-
ed by 9:30 this morning. Waiting
teasingly, turned loose all the taa;,te room and corridors ware fillewith
of modernmedicine—forfour long parents and children from infants to
red come
years, while the little boy ticked off heree every day, maneraly from outside
his Well, it ays•
Toronto. .
it worked. Jim did get bet-
ter, and he walked out or the hos- Of all the hundreds of fathers and.
pital with a strong back set ell 11:5mothers who brought in their ailing.
sturdy legs. lie's up home again. in E youngsters. •r few. who could, paid
the bush country of Northern On- 150 ltleorhigher hfor might
and •lother
tari.o, special work, but the majority paid
And bNTu DIDN'T PAY CENT less and many nnthin, at all.
And because especially
ymarhospitve are' Look closely into the neart of the
organized in mmespeciadidn't marvellous Hospital for Sick Children, and
way, Jim's parents didn't pay a you'll find not only kindness and
sin,lc cent for the four years of ex- superb skill but an organization that
pert cars and treatment. His muni- is almost unique m the world. It is
Paid the Hospital for Sick a children's ho_p'.tal for everyone in
Children the Public Ward heti kf Ontario. drawing its patients from
a day for every day the On-cevery municipality even to the farth-
laria ter was lard paidd and the ry est corners of the province.
ratio f 60 Government the hospital
rate as G51. But it cost he haspital provision
at least 51.00 a day more than the "There is no statutory p
$2.35. The Hospital for Sick Chil- for establishing an out-patients' de-
dren invested $1,400.00 of its own partment in any hospital." said Mr.
money in Jim's recovery. Bower. "But municipalities through -
They do things like that every out the province have come to real -
day in the week. The doctors who ize the importance of our out -pa -
looked after Jim for four years 1 tients department. since a very large
donated their services, as they are propoetion of the patients treated
continually doing for helpless young- there would otherwise be occupying
sters who come to them with bad beds in the hospital. And that would
tonsils. poor eyes, weak chests, result in a much increased financial
hereditary diseases and a hundred load for the municipalities.
other ailments. So there is one reason for the size
Broken bones come In for setting, of the great daily clinic, which hunts
Babies who aren't feeding properly, out the ills of thousands of young -
and older children whose teeth sters and results in upwards of
haven't been attended to since they 100,000 visits a year.
were born, are looked after, The The Hospital for Sick Children
biggest men on the hospital's staff does not share in the funds collected
carry on their daily clinic in the by the Toronto Federation for Com -
morning, diagnose troubles, and give munity Service because patients are
the delicate operations and care to admitted from all over Ontario.
those who are already in
hospital. Over $83,000.00 is needed this year•
Last year, for Instance, the highly to meet the unavoidable deficit.
skilled physicians and surgeons on Even small gifts are not only wel-
the staff of the Hospital for Sick comed and appreciated but are the
Children gave 'free of charge more Hospital's assurance from the people
than 40,000 hours of their valuable of Ontario that they should continue
time, Put a value on it --say $5,00 the great work of serving sick and
an hour, which is on little—and you crippled children without regard es
have more than $200,000 worth of to race, creed or financial circum -
medical services given away in a stance,
single hospital, Your gift should be mailed to the
MOST IN PUBLIC WARDS Appeal Secretary, The hospital for
Joseph Bower, Superintendent of Sick Children, 67 College street, To -
the Hospital, listened alertly to the ronto.
patients every year, the doctors
the clinic gave the little boy a thor-
ough examination. Some of the
ablest physicians and surgeons in
Toronto were there. They took X-
rays, made blood tests and "sec-
tions," and found that Jim had a
upstairs and ar pput him ltto bedey kwwhile
his father and mother stayed around
for a tea days and then went back
up north.
Privately, the doctor's thought that
Jim had scarcely a chance to get bet-
ter But they worked over him un-
ovirem ow
The Russell Studio
Listowel, Ont.
There is still time for that
You will never regret having a
portrait taken by us, whether it b
of yourself or the children
Evening Sittings by Api