The Brussels Post, 1938-12-7, Page 6•
A Very Fine Novel for ,doth the Old
and Young People to Read
Toby Stillwood lived for Isis work,
He was eager, and he was always
seeing the ideal film story and the
ideal flim heroine. Both were
here uow, he thought triumphantly
as he led the blue and gold figure
into the room where more types
were seen, discarded andrsent away,
than in any other studio in London.
"Hare Is our Goldilocks, Mathers,'
introduced Toby, as he led the girl
forward. "She is my idea of the
And little Pansie O'Connor Miss Shy -Girl. You come along
squeezed bis hand ever so grate- said meet my wife and we will read
fully. the 'script to you and talk it over."
He was so terribly, terribly good ' The girl leant her elbows on the
to hert marble -topper table and stared into
"So that's settled!" exclaimed vacancy. But it was not possible
she was not aware of the admiring
glances cast in her direction from a
group of three men at a. nearby
fully quiet at Riverview," Iu me and you will like my wife.
"Thank you, then—perhaps— She is wonderful."
but—" Still she heeitated, and "1 envy her," sighed Pansie. "I
into her eyes crept a look the man mean, she must be ita1 y and—and
could 1101 understand, It was ahnost —loved."
of fear. "You see, until I am sure There was a silence for a moment,
my steafather will not try to find then Toby glanced at his wrist.
me I feel like keeping i nmy own Patch.
room when I am not at the studio," "By the way," he added, " you
she faltered, "He would never don't know what happened to that
think of looking for me there—" poor fellow who walked from Lon.
"Or at my house, I should say.' don, do you? When it was, and all
laughed. Toby, "No, that won't do, that?"
She looked at
blushing cheeks.
"Oh, Mr. Stillwood, I know what
you are tbinking! You went to
help another lame dog over the
"Well—hang it an, be •might be a
clever chap, apart from the humane
side of the thing! Did he get in?
I suppose not, Only people with
cards from the agents would be
able to pass Marshall at the gates.
1 supose the poor devil had to walk
back again, unless he dropped on a
friend who lent him his fare."
"I hardly think so," said Pansie,
really co with wonderful insight into such
She sighed and sipped a glass of What will the other stars say?" matters. "Mostly those people
wine. Toby had insisted on her 'tProba'bly they will say I am who come down for crowd work are
having a glass 01 something good tc mad., and you are bad, and the as poor as can be—perhaps haven't
celebrate her 'nature, and lie, al- whole lot will be ready to cut sea bad a •decent breakfast. Maisie,
ways ready to enjoy a drink and a throats,'' said Toby promptly, the girl I am living with now, said
1.11y half hour, was having one 'But I am used to that sort of someone told her he was es thin
y thing."and as white as could be, and he
with her at an early lunch.
"Are you? Do you mean you had a clever face, too. Very ex -
"You her. "Wet worry art on tt" he „ presisve eyes, and a wren -educated
told shan't start Gold- often help people
locks and the Bear for some weeks. Toby blushed to the roots of his voice when he spoke."
and in the .meantime learn all you auburn hair. "Poor devil! When was it, did
can, and Laura will help you not to you say?"
" I like doing it when I can," he "yesterday morning," said Pansle.
feel shy." admitted. "I don't help the right
"And I think he is known to that
apes always, but I think L am do- big man who plays the boxer in—,'
Toby, presently as he sat facing
Pansie at a table in the restaurant
attached to the studios.
"It's too wonderful!" breathed table.
the girt, her blue eyes filling with "I cannot believe it, Mr. Still -
misty tears. "I—I can never thank wood," she said presently. "1 was
penniless and` 111 only a week or two
ago, and now—now here I am lunch-
ing with the author of so many
wonderful film stories and soon I
shall be playing a leading part!
you for what you have done. I hope
1 shall prove worthy of your beauti-
ful story, and that Mr, Mathers will
not give de up as hopeless when
thetimeall comes.a
him with soft13
"Lars" said
Pansie, and her
eyes narrowed suddenly,
'•She s a peach," said Toby.
draining his glass,
' A film Actress."
"Oh, no! He laughed. opening his
Rat gold case, a present from a
grateful mother whose son had
been allowed to "walk on'' in a ball-
room scene in a film in which Toby
had written the major part of the
dialogue. "Laura is my wife."
Narrower than ever went the
blue eyes, and the red mouth parted
with a queer movement.
"You are married, then, Mr.
"Five years," he said, watching
her white fingers as they hovered
over the proffered cigarette case.
"And+ she IS a sport. She wants
you to come along to our place to
dinner next Sunday, Will you?"
"I would love it, but---" The
white hand fell to the table and the
cigarettes were refused with a
shake of the golden head. "No,
thank you, Mr .,Stiliwood, I never
have smoked, My stepfather would
have killed ,me, besides, it is bad for
the teeth, anyway.
Toby nodded. -- ",:
Mg it at the time, so I do it all for 1. "Sullivan," said Toby sharply. "I
the hest." I know who you ;mean. He lives
"I see," She nodded admiring-
ly. "You are a good man, I
realise that. I understand now
what young Mr. Peters—one of the
assistant camera men, I think he is
—meant when he said in my hear-
ing the otrer day, that you were
the lame dog's friend. And tali'
ing the other day, that you were
poor actor—and I think a very,
very clever one—crit, found in a
fainting condition by the railway
station here by some of the crowd
who were coming down for a 11m.
He had walked from London and
crawled to the station hoping to
meet some friend among the artists.
Wasn't it awful?" She shuddered.
"I know that it is to suber!'
"It's disgraceful!" Toby thump-
ed his fist on the table. "I can't
bear to hear about it, and for a girl
like you --'Weil—"
"I brought it al] on myself, I am
afraid," said Pansie, "1 ran away
from ]tome, you see."
,'From a deanken brute of a
"Good little . thing!" he said. "I didn't tell you that..
"But why not tome on Sunday? Blue eyes flashed a look of appeal
Why hesitate? We shall be alone at his euraged face.
—yor needn't he afraid of meeting a "Not exactly, but I guess!" Toby
whole gaup of .people. My wife ! set his jaw, "Wall, send your step -
never entertains over week -ends father to see me if ever he traces
wben 1 am busy, and we are fright- you. Meantime, you have a friend
is known all over Brussels and District for Expert Eye
Examinations, Perfect Glasses and Moderate ('rices, R. A.
Reid has conducted an honorable business for over 20 years.
1£ *•-tor have faulty or imperfect vision, headaches, eyestrain
or any eyesight trouble consult R. A. Reid! He renders a
complete eyesight service at a moderate cost,
�a Stratford's Leading Optometrist
• (i For Nearly 20 Years
'Phone SI for Appointment
down here and we always get him
for bruiser parts, and so forth. I'll
see him and find out what happened
to the other man,"
"You are an :angel," whispered
Pansie O'Connor, and IC her blue
eyes were full of admiration it was
not surprising.
It must have been sheer absent-
mindedness that made Pansie ac-
cept a cigarette from his case be-
fore he hurried away!
The Two Women.
"I bet she doesn't turn Up."
Toby in a striped red and yellow
garden chair out on the green lawn
of Riverview made the same remark
for the third time in an hour,
Laura reading a book in a nearby
seat, glanced over at him quizzical-
"Why shouldn't she come? And
if she doesn't what's the loss?' '
.LET V L# r oor 1
Nerd Aro item. raker) Prow
Alas of the Pott of If
and XS Year. Agle
Zech Mcliee split the big toe of
one of his feet last Monday while
• ,•o
The new barn of Maluolm Lamont
to replace the one destroyed a few
mouths ago by tigbtning, is sp al.
thought the cold weather and snow
somewhat detains the work.
Mr, and Mrs. Powell, Lucknow,
were visiting friends in the neigh-
borhood las Sunday.
* * *
Jas, Thompson, teacher, has been
absent for a day or two.
"I want you to know her and to
help her and advise her and take
luer under your wing," said Toby,
struggling Into a sitting posture and
w-rinkltng his brows, Sho's so
young and yet she has tons of
sense. I should never have learnt
about young ' Clive Malloy if it
hadn't been for her mentioning the
incident at the station. She was as
hltert:,ted :'s I was, and most girls
arcklenty placed in her position
wouldn't bave given a thought to a
poor actor walking from London on
the chance of getting a Job when
the odds against him were a
thousand to one."
"Site seems a sympathetic little
, 00111," remarked. Laura, closing her
book, and settling a cert cm11!on
t behind her dark head, 'Tint all the
same, Toby, s girl who ran tied the
courage to run OW5y ns she did
without teethes 01' money -4o tide
to u luggage van d rl'.'1 you tell
me?_... , , ,;.,. r,• .:;ntpi to Inlay
smelt a part as Gnidilocke wIthnut
any previous e-xpee ianiw ,Ave ihnae
'did clays 10 it crowd, femme to be
quite capable of paddling her own
canoe," Laura's grey eyes dark -
enact. ".I might upset it fM' her if
1 Interefere,"
Vanstone Bros. commenced re-
moving the machinery from Sun-
shine this week. It will be shipped
to Southampton from Brussels,
Alex Miskimm• ius is ]tome on a
Colin Sraw is laid up with .a cut in
his foot. He was up in an apple
tree Cutting off some limbs when
the axe glanced and struck his foot.
* *
W. Downing, who has tilled a
position on the United Empire all -
summer, arrived home this week.
He was away about seven months.
The Empire is laid up at Sarnia.
* *
Stanley Anderson, teacher at
Shine's school, and wife have be-
come residents of Brussels.
* * * *
L.O.L.—The following officers
were elected earl installed for 1859
in connection with L. 0. L. No. ??d.
Bro, Matthew Wilson, W,IlL; Bro.
Jas. H, Bowman, D.M.; Bro. H.
Mooney, Chaplin; Bro, A. Gerry,
Roc. -Sec.; Bro. Cardiff, Fin, Secy:
Bro. W. R. Mooney, Treas; Bro. M.
M. Cardik, D. Cer.; Bro. Jno. Bow-
man, Lecturer; Bro. Jno. ltjeCutch-
ean, 1st Com; Bro. F, McCntoheon,
Ind Cam,; Bro. Jae. Oakley, 3rd
Com;Bro. Geo, Mooney, 4th Com:
Bro. Jas. Smith, 5th Come Bro, Dr.
T, B. Holmes, L.A.; Bro, B. Gerry.
M, A.; Bro. Geo, Fitzpatrick, C.T.
* *
Turnbull-Smith—In Stratford, on
Dec, 11111, to Rev. P. Wright, at the
residence of Mr. Addie, Mr, James
Turnbull to Miss Isilda Smith, both
of Brussels,
Miss Beta Tarn and Master
Joe spent a week with relatives in
Miss Lizzie Patterson is spending
a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs.
Wm, Patterson, Moncriefej
• * *
John Loutitt moved from the 16111
con, where he hes leased the A.
Campbell property,
Louis Blake was in the Queen
City this week en business,
• • •
.los, and Mrs, Bennett spent a
few days with friends In Wingham.
* * *
Miss Mabel Bullard of Winthrop
was a guest of Mrs. M. Spoddeu last
Miss Eltia 13aelewood visited
relatives in Clifford on Satrlay.
. ^>•t4PEiPa•wse.,,,nr...:ae r.,.ae,w
William Street,
Brussels, Ontario
'Phone 85
rear or Night Calls
e mbeimer and Iuneral
Round Trip Bargain Fares
Fri. & Sat*, Dec. 9th & 10th
To Oshawa, Bewtnanvttle, Port Hope, Pobuut'g, Trenton Jct.,
Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Ganavoque, d3roelrvilto, Prescott,
Morrlsburg, Cornwell Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterbono, Camlybellford,
Newniamket, Penetang, ColDingwood, Meaford, Ba1Tle, Orilla, Mid.
land, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North BAY,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on lino of Temla
taming & Northern Ontario Ray„ Ndpissing Central Rly., ItaPiskas'
ing, Lomglao, Nakilna, Taslnota, eleux Lookout, Geraldlton, J'elticoe
Beardmore, Port Arthur, Meotord, Barrie Orilla, Meaford,
Gravenburel, Bracebridge,
Saturday, Dec., 10th toTORONTO
Also to 13rantlord, Ohasham, Ohesley, Clinton, ,Durban, Ex-
eter, Fergus Goderidll, Guelph, Hamlbbton, HantYver, Harrdaton, Inger-
ngerboll, Kincardine, Kbtcbener, London, Lietdwel, Mitchell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paieiey, Palmerston, Pasts, Port Dg1n, St,
Catharines, $t Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy,
Walkerton, Whitton, VWinglnam, Woodstock.
For Fares, Return Ltmida, Train Information, Ttukets, consult
nearest Agent,
'nr Pares. Return Limits, Train. Inlormatton, Tickeu, consult nearest Agent, See Handbills. ,
Miss Florence Ra5y.10 able to be
eck to school teaching.
* *
Mrs. Ednvards, if Toronto
est of Mrs. G. P. Jackson,
• * *
Jas. Ballantyne has
tis livery business
Lowry, Brussels.
G. McCurdy, of Hewer, Sask.,
s here on a visit to relatives.
• • •
W. R. Mooney was home for a
hurt visit from Toronto,
* * •
Allan and Mrs. RAdams. 5th line,
were visiting Wm. MoKercher, of
is the
disposed of
to Edward
Miss L ,Dark returned to Hamil-
ton after visiting her mother,
* * •
Chris Heuther arrived home on
Friday last.
* • *
Arthur Penoyer bas gone to Strat-
ford to attend Business College-
The W. 1. will meet at the
of Mrs. S. Cote, on Dec, SStlt.
Nell MlNuir le attending the
Winter Fair at Guelph.
Chas, and Miss Olive Lake, 4th
Con. were visiting relatives at
Lakelet last week.
• * • *
Mrs. A. W. Beacon of Hullett ,
Twp„ were visitors at Robert
Pearson',. - i fia ESN 1
Miss Leise Sinclair is home from
a visit with relatives in Stratford..
Mrs, John Galbraith spent a few
days in Torouto during the past
* * •
Mts. (Dr.) McNaughton has been
spending a few days in. London.
* * a
Mrs. Parker. Foster, of Kincardine
was visiting at her father's home.
• 4 •
Robert W. Ross is •ba.ok to town
alter an extended absence.
• • •
John Livingston of Detroit is here
on a visit,
Ethel, Ont. - Phone 22-8
General Insurance Agent
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 20X - Brussels, Ont.
James McFadzean
Howlck Mutual Fire insurance
—Also --
-Hartford Windstorm
—Tornado Insurance
—Automobile Insurance
'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnherry SL
Brussels, Ontario
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Sales attended to In all
Darts of the country. Satisfactioe
Guaranteed or 110 pay. Orders left
at The 'Post' promptly attended to
Belgrave Poet Office
PHONE: - Brussels Phone 14r-9
It's Just like summer
at home. daddy
There's dependableo y armth adaptable to insurance
changes-plenty Harmer) Coki Easily
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changes na Dustless, smokeless,
coldest snap' Today's best fue
minimum h•
bargain -call your local dealer
qsk Yo the new 'bout
HAMCO Autotttotic
Two great money
saving convntonces
HAbi1410N, C,SNAOA
D. N. McDonald, Brussels
J. H. Fear, Ethel
HAMCO-NOW THE Tib.' carr• R tIGt :•1N ''t*ARS