HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-30, Page 7• WEDNESDAY, NOW/ 30th, 30th, v THE PIRUSSELS POST . �•-w-----�-�-"^f _ A. New COMIllalltifilri. Featuring The Last Word! WOMEN'S OATS John 13-34 Untted by l;ev, .1, taralttuu„ 1 have read rt ,:tu.wliere, t do not rtnratd,er who e, that when some - on(: \S•'•8 3$ 31 how Way command- ment Ft. e e•'s they analye- 1l 's•r, ' eleven that there .are the ten coin. 0111U1npents 01 the Cid 'Testament and the new ct.an.mandment that our Lord gave us In ,the New Testa- C'yt a:53 iu a sense they pittely right. Said our Lord, ,'A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved yon." This coon- maiitlent was spoken by our Lord on i the last night of his earthly minis- try joist berole he was betraued and arrested. In the U[tper Room they had kept the Passover, our Lord had inrt'tuted the Lord's Supper, he had given itis disciples that never -to -be - forgotten demonstration or humil- ity when he washed the disciple's feet. He had warned Judas of the 1.eachely that he was about to commit and Judas had just gone out to betray him. It was then just before he was arrested, while there was (,1(11 time and no doubt I thinking of his followers in all the future that Jesus• gave them this commandment for said he, By this hall all men know that ye are MY disciples. Let us notice that it was addresser to his disciples, to his followers. He had already sum- med up the Ten Commandments in two creat commandments, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength" and "thy, neighbor, as thyself," and he had also made clear who is our neighyor by his parable of the good 'Samaritan, but here he gives this new command- ment to his followers. Christian people are to love others as they love themselves, that commandment has not been done away with, it still bolds good, but there is also the other commandment that our Lord himself calls "a '+yaw com- mandment," that is just as binding to Christian people as any of the others. Hoge necessarily surely it is to preach the gospel of love to- day when we look out upon the world where Hate, the very opposite is largely In control. What a spec- tacle the world presents at the ,present timel No doubt if a vial - Mg upon their faces. tor from some other planet could He nir'cc:l up Ht1's letter again, come and look at the world at the without delay on STUDDED TIRES • In road conditions that would bog down ordinary does Goodyear Studded 11. s bite in and keep you aobag .. e under control ....tom second., Everyone who faces -off the•pavemeist" driv ing, in heavy mud orsuow :feeds these tires: postmen] s octors, salesmen and farmers have p;kved them dispensablei Ask your t,00dyear dealer to show Iran Goodyear Studded Thee for your car today! I THE LUG TIRES ' IKeep trucks, buses and tractors on the ao In the "bid road" season. Your Goodyear dealer his thein. GOODYEAR (EXCLUSIVE AGI T) A. Eliiot2s Garage Phone 82 .A Christmas Awakening "With Christmas drewing ne'r why can't we get together and Robe 't Dr en read , make plans—" d„t„•�•„ no further. With calm tion, he put the 1leavily scrawled letter back into its envelope. . "Always the impractical Hal,” he said slowly. "No wonder lie never g,: t; anywhere." -1 list or appointments wetted up- on his tit sic, VI. its from two al t'.,° roost im;ottant men in town; n do'eg:tiol about a right-of-way •-r h a tract of land he had just purchased; a reminder of a talk he had premised to make at a lunch- eon, 1.:,^or' Int things, he 'hots: i't, things Hal would never be cal od upon to do. Hastily he went thrnegh A square enVelope in a familial' hand caught his eye. He opened it a little curiously. What 00111(1 3(, Denby be writing him about? His long fingers drew out an .artistic Christmas card. A conservative with an an old 'Christian carol printed In English letters. That was all, except: the signature. "Eleanor Denby." A flush stained his face, an un- definable something sent the blood singing through his veins, . "Elea- nor," ,,he said softly; "a )beautiful name; ,how queer that I never heard it before." Then, as tf resenting his weak. gess and sentiment, he dug into his BRUSSELS, ONT. left hl'n visibly unsettled. Cisl ;etmas memo ,les surged tiller -I1 itis beast. He was back in the old Ic:ne again, Everybody was rushing around In circles, He saw the h,, tree in the corner Of the tarter; the kitchen table piled high .:,r things to eat. And Moth- erand Dad, with happiness bealw After all, maybe his kid brother ser' -t't so crazy, The thought was Pushing through his mind that may- ue it was he Nebo lacked real sense. This time he read the letter in different mood. "Let's give Dad 11n Mother the suip.ise of their lives.. Let's go down and make one grand istmas for thein. You can turn everything over to someone else for t wee:: ---everyone can handle things present time he would think that men had lost their reason and no doubt he would also he surprised to learn that Christ had ever been here. We have the whole spirit and attitude of Germany, or at least of the rules of Gerwtany, toward most of the rest of the world which once again almost caused a World War and may do so yet together with her merciless and bloody per - like that—there's nothing personal I secution of all those within her or r'ecious 1, n1t ths..1." borders: who are not of pure Ger- "Nothing persona] or precious manic blood. Today the world about them!" He turned the words stands horrified at what Is going on over in his mond. Hal was right. in Ge^many, There is also her per - Someone else could handle the secution of the Chiiatlan church, things that had seemed so tetu•ib1Y both the Protestant and Roman important. A few hours of confu- Catholic, and all, simply because soon, perhaps; then things would go Chnist is apposed to the whole spirit on as before. The world would for- and attitude of Germany and to get him in a day. what she is doing. No wonder at His fingers reached for the pen all that one of the Brat things the upon his desk, "Dear Hal," he present raters of Germany did was to repudiate Christ for they knew began; "I heartily •agree with Your " that ' Christ and they were proposal that we get toga her And entirely opposed. In repudiating make plans to give Dad and Mother him they were being logical and the biggest surprise and the grand ra gl Nlforwarll. Today Hate and est Christmas ever—" Hewes stud" not Lave rules In Germany, Ing broadly. almost laughing - mall again, But try as ,he wonid, aloud, as lie finished the letter with he could not concentrate of the a fl0(11'is11. things that had meant anYthitkg Five minutes later Mita Denby to honor before..Something had entered' his private office to final s happened to Robert Dutton; a new Robert Dutton. She 'almost Christmas greeting from a scows 0' dropped 'her book in surprise at tory whom be had scarcely noticed 1 the expression upon his face, and the new way in.. which he greeted her, "I'm ready to begin, MIr. Dut- ton," ut- ton " she Megan nervously: when he tt l' .�II i made no motion to start the routine / i or the clay, �`` 1 1 "We're going to forget business -7•1•-------"--4--&- fpr today. Miss Denby, and go .....‘„s-4-..."---: I Chrie:-uas shopplwg, that is, if Yon 7-1...:-.-‘....!- 1 want to help me out." He fumbled "' 11with lis tie as he spoke, noticing tar th0 ti rt time the soft curving 1, of her white neck. "Your Christ- mas card,' 'lie went on, "wrought some miracle. I've found out tila` Money is Tight who But there are people w ere constantly looking our opportunities to lend mines on good security,, If you want to borrow a iew dollars, or a few thousarnu ,00rt Want Ads • 11000 putyou have moneyAto loan. business and snaking money aren , event thing in lite. TheY'r'e both fine in their, way, but there aro other :bines. Ino; nr( iotta chi'+^Q that 'I've been overlooking" 'Re came closer to her side and looked bald Into her eyes, "For instance, gotn gshopping with a good lo'oldnS end adorable secertary," Irpor: ant New Styles New Lines of Body and Sleeves, more flattering, more becoming than ever, giving you that -square look- that/ 1 `' vogue emphasises. We understand j n' the fashion significance of fur; that is ;? 1 why these coats are so luxuriously : I : 1 ,' furred. Every color fur and weave i ' 1 that style dictates is here. COME IN AND SEE THEM PRICE ;,,. 12.5LIto25.LIO,......._._. x TEWART Bros. seaf�orth 'against the laborer and the laborer some have amore pleasing person against the professional men, Until altty than others, some have a more to listen to some one would think likeable disposition than others, that the other fellow was a thief some are easiei to get along with and a scoundrel and the greatest than others. We may not like some criminal Imaginable. No doubt people at least as much as we do our present system has its weak- others, incidentally it may not be nesses, but it doesn't look as if their fault, the fault may be our any of the other systems, Naziism, i own, but we can love them or learn or Fascism: or Communism or Aber -;'to love them nevertheless. Do we hartism or any other of the "isms" I love other people as we should? is perfect. Moreover it would have ' Said our Lord "By this, by this more to be acknowledged. that as the more than anything else, shall all years have gone by our Present men know that ye are my disciples.' system has made a truly wonderful ; If this old world of ours needs one contribution to civilization and that thing more than another it is a from time to time injustices have fresh baptism of the spirit of love, Nor is the endb ut where is it going to get it if it , Ontario's 645,000 Registrar Bickel1 Expects This Number to be issued to Drivers for 1938-39 J. P. Bickel, registrar of the Department of Highways, saga there were some 515,000 license plates issued last year, and he ex- pects xpects to see this total increased A similar increase in the num- ber of licensed drivers was also forecast by the registrar. Last year, he said, almost 900,000 driv- ers were registered, with a regis- tration of 921,000 expected for 1939- "Judging by the annual increase in the number of drivers it should not be more than two years before been remedied. in sight for there never was a time doesn't get it from the Christian we have at least a mullion in the when 10000 legislation was being 1 Church, province." , passed at least in Democratic �,�s.��( � .��(.��� .�;� Countries for the welfare of man- 31 c s'�SJcf7 e7► plaid , tiJa Jc' :J '' kind, than the present. Hitt there are those, a small, minority of agita- tors•, who would stir up hatred -. between class and class. Let its work for refotnis by all means, for the betterment of conditions of all classes; but we do not need to hate each other to do it: Lastly, does the spirit of Hate play any part in our life as an Individual, or does the Spirit of Love rule there as it should. Let us be honest with ourselves. , Let us turn the spot -light on our pwn heart and life and see if we „love other people as we should. No, it won't always be easy to do it for Again but on a smaller scale we have the same thing in Italy, so that had it not been for the Ohris- tian-like statesmanship of Mr, Chamberlain first of all in negotiat- ing, in face of considerable enamel, Hon, a treaty of Mutual Understand- ing with Italy and secondly in going to see Hitler ;personally; already another World War would have broke nout, There is also the slaughter of the Chinese people and the destru0tiol at Chinn by the Japanese without excuse and the slaughter of the ,Spanish people and the destruction or Spain largely by 115111nn and German alma, so that today among the nations of the world, Hate very largely rules In- stead at Love, HOW OFTEN Have you thougrt of Having Your Portrait Taken, but put it off? A. Why not please your friends this t Christmas by giving them the one thing they cannot YOUR PORTRAIT Evening Sittings by .' ppoinitment Mr. Dave Miller The Russell Studio ;� eListowwel,, On. nt+ l Within ail the nations, our own included, what is till this talk about Class Hatred,, Class Antagonism, Class Warfare. The Capitalist pitted agaiuet the worker 511(1 the worker agalest the Calviteliat, the Etiiployet agaitlaf the Employee, the Employee against the Employ- er, the fanner against the business :Ilan And the business man against the fanner, the ,prOfessioltal men FENDER BUMPING AND BODY WORK MAKES 'EM LOOK LIKE NEW ALL HOURS - WRECKER SERVICE - ALL YOURS Our Service Department 1mommiss SERVICE WITH A SMILE has achieved an enviable reputation for satisfaction in every aspect of the word. Drive in, have your car checked by our mechanics, and see for yourself that the reputation is warranted. —A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. Now Is The Time To Buy Our Large Stock of Used Cars gives you an unexcelled choice, and you may buy with utmost confidence. \ JACKSON MOTORS Ltd.