HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-30, Page 6WEpN•> Sl)AY, h'QVl 131731' tit •�,_ • THE BRUSSELS, POST Howick Council I I. NEWS.OF THEDISTRIC1_ Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents John and Thomas 6lrachan and 1l•'nest's o,eltebtra sup; -lying the :Hiss Jessie Strachan of Grey with I music. The . number of married Mrs. P. S. MacEwen; hiss Marie people attending yeas practically Balser, Ethel, with Miss Mai ;An, Vet li Nil, Turvey; Ebner Smith of Alberta is visiting his patter, .Sohn Smith, ^ aL Itev, A. V. Robb used the story of The Suudtty. School Concert (0 hided to air sin how people plan Roe's United Chuielt will be 1101(1 011 to cheer sin and thiels them- December 23rd. solve secure, at the United Church F.iday, morning. service. In the evening he for further particul �hurctr Sunda}' s. spoke or Melchizedek as a type of Inion United Christ. 1 it annual C Christ. lis, peter S, MacEwen aoconrp anted by her sister, Mrs, l oenvans, Detroit, and her brother, Dougal f3LUEVALE Mr. Ihmuld Roberits0u spent San - ley with his mother' and brother on elle 1st line.Johnston M.. and Mrs, andEdward Mrs. Sperling Joel Carl a11( Mr, ant Sunday 1n ,Jolru4tuu and sous a, Mrs. FcoUt• Loudon with Mr, and Turnbull, NI.:. Jas.Codicil' of \Vhtgham aspctt. a few' days with Mr, and Mrs. Acrd son Fraser and famIlY. Mr. Wilfred Mcliwen of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Alex McdOwen. Iver. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry of Strachan, Brussels, visited with ek 5(y ndld Mrs. Alvin on Smithay rad and WIoxetelr.s 2s0, Dillow t'anedr-' Ber- My and nard 510 in Toronto. aYancltter of Blvevale. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Johnston and 31r• and Mrs. Chas. Johnston and son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cooper Nethery and daughter at Belerave, Miss Viola Matters returned home on Monday from Toronto after a week's visit with her sister awl other friends. • The ,members of the local L. 0. L. of held. their regular meeting in the ! tended to them, on the oPre,'alw eek, lodge roam this week tor purPose baby daughter, Friday of electing officers for the year, I Nov. 25, with the following results: Worship- Robert Brown, Ethel blacksmith, ful master, Ross Smith; deputy' is finding it necessary to still take master, Wilson Thornton; chaplain, i special treatment ,for a Carl Johnston; recording secretary 1 which developed from injuries re - Robert J. Forest; financial secre- 1 ceived. while in the employ of fav, Will Peacock; treasurer, Listowel knitting mills some month George Thornton; first lecturer,I ago. Charles Mathers; second lecturer, I A pot luck supper at Union Unit - Earl Hamilton; r arshall, George • ed church, was an out of town at - Hetherington; first camimittee-man, traction of Ethelites for Monday Fred Selling; tyler, Ross Abraham, : night, Nov. 28. Mrs. R. F. Garniss was the los- j There was a good attendance at less on Thursday tor an afternoon I Ethel United church Young Peo- and evening sewing meeting of the • pie's regular meeting at 8.15 Mon- Pluevale circle of Ladies' Aid of I day, Nov. 28. Election of officers the Presbyterian church. A pot I was 111 order, luck supper was served. The L, 0. L. dance held in Mrs. Archie Messer and Mr's. Alex 1 Brown's Hall, Wednesday night of Mowbray spent a part of this week last week was apparently with e with :hiss McAllister, Dungannon; dance, GREY F01d"ich, Nov. 3111, 1931 The Council or the 'Township 01 How•IcII mot in hte L'nit.ed Minh Hn11 according to adjournment members were all present except Councillor Robert Baker, the Reeve, J. A. Bryans, in the chair. ween � Minutes or last meeting read and on motion of Toner and 1 Winter, were adopted, Moved' by $10 e0 ante Strgiong that rite a grant of Gerrie Sports Committee to assist In financing the Christmas Tree Entertainment. C ar:led. .Moved by Strong and Toner that the Reeve, the Clerk, the Treasurer School will Hold tee 1 and the As..essor be hereby author mos concert on Dec. 21st• Watch ; ized to sign' the application for the of one mill, for the year 1938. Carried, fo, further PNrticulars, Provincial Subsid7 Moved by Winter and Strong MON-CRIEFF Mr. and Mrs. L, Kress of Wing. ham visited with Mr, and Mrs, Archie Mann on Sunday last. Our Christmas entertainment 1s ated for Friday; Dec. 16th, A ETHEL elgood programme is being prepai:ed.LI enjoyed Watch for further particulars. Mrs. Ander of with her er daughter A ,miscellaneous shower was a weekend visit w^tendered to Mr, and Mrs, Elwood 91rs, Casper Fleet. McTaggart on Monday evening in Mr. and Iles. Neockert (formerly I the community hall. A large crowd Edna Franklin) responded in happy was in ,attendance. gladness to congratulations ex,Mrs. Ed. Smith and Bob visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon -McKay in Ham- ilton last week.', Mr. and Mrs. L. Sinclair and baby Barbara and .Mrs. ,,McNair of Ethel visited with Alex Mann's on Sunday, The hunters _from this locality were fortunate'% enough to bring home ai ridm1rel of deer and report a good, holiday. younger generation's SUPERIOR STORE SERVICE ERVICE Oxydcl, large aze ,., per pack 21c Royal York Tea 1 Ib 65c, and 1 fancy two -cup Teapot Free Golden Wax Beans 2's • • • • • • • -' 2 tins for 15cc • • • Hillcrest Pure Lard 1's • • 2 R, for 2 Jam, Raspberry or Strawberry, large ••••. • • 3 tieper forjrs ar 27c33 Aylmer Soups, Tomato or Vegetable per • 25c Ginger Snaps • per pr. 10c Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves ' • per pr. 98c 9c Men's 'Home -knit Socks • • • per pr. 39c Children's Home -knit Mitts69c Men's Home -knit Mitts, double • • •••• • , , ' • ' • , , per reach 95c Men's Doeskin Shirts, navy & red Remnants - See Our Table for ,Bargains WM. ZIEGLER Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont. YOUR LftST CHANCE the Brussels Past Special Offer Ends JBKtSB13 UEC. lth Months for $1.511 • ..BLY'T H At the evening service in the United Churc1, Rev. Arthur Sinclair spoke on "Tire . 'Seven Wonders of Heaven.'' At this service To m1Y Steep, boy soprano of Clinton, sang two solos. The Mission Band of Queen Street Church held their thank1� faring meeting. Mise Clare Gowan showed lantern slides. E C Denny, overcharge on E. P. grown of Goderich was in 1 repair on Branch B. charge of Anglipan Church sere- I Mun Drain No. 11 Geo. Blurn, overcharge on repair on .Branch B, Ytun. Drain No, 11 United Church, Fordwlch, rent of Hall for T. B. meeting S. S. No. 2. rent of School for T. B. greeting Milton Leonard, assisting County Valuators County Tress, Hospital Miss lean Hamilton entertained Expenses for Eileen iiaake at her home on Friday evening, at Gamble, Fees and by - bridge the honors going to l•Irs. Isaaclaws, Gamble, Mun, William', Evans and Mrs, R. E. i that the School Attendance Of- ficer's Repot, as read, be adopted and placed on file. Carried. Moved by Strong and Toner that the Road Su'perintendent be hereby authorized to notify Sheldon Bricker to remove the fence and the windmill from off the road allow- ance on the West side of lot 31. on the 7th Concession of the Tow11s11P of Howick, and also to fill up well on same road allowance, said work to be completed within. fifteen days from the date of this notice. Carried. Moved by Winter and Bryans that the Road .Superintendent be hereby authorized to notify A. E. Cooper to reprove and level stones as required by the Council, from and upon road allowance on the West side of lot 16 on the 4th Con- cession of the Township of Howick. Carried. ,Moved by Winter and Strong that the following bills be paid. Carried. United Church Fordasieh, rent of hall Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk W. Underwood, sheep killed or injured by clogs Wm, Kroft, overcharge on repair on Branch 13. Mun, Drain No. 11 ices. The Guild of the Anglican Chu:ch inet at the home of Mrs. William White, Mrs. W. J. Armstrong, Sault Ste. Mal ie, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, Johnston; Mrs. George Cowan and son' Billy, with relatives in Stratford. ATWOOD Drain Switzer. County Tress. Hospital Ex - ,Saturday afternoon in the For- penes for L, King and ester's Hall, the bazaar sponsored C Savert . by the A .Y. P.. A., of St. Alban's Mrs, M. C. Knight, Telephone chuech WAS, well' patronized and in account for 1938 . the evening many attended the hot I \\ nr. •Cather work on Mc- Michael Mun. Drain Bev, Rey', and Mts. Skinner of Ailsa F.A.Supt. Edgar, of con - Craig, will anose to Astwood onstrvntion, McMichael1 Tuesday.. He was recently appoint- Mun. Drain ed to the,' A$wood Iiarish. X. A. Bryans, Trip to Clinton Miss Ruth Elliott has accepted II` with Mrs, Dainty a position in. R. P. Dennis' grocery I Howick School Fair, Grant store: `^•. I Hawick Agr. Society Grant Mr, and Mrs, George M. Phemle- E. A, Corbett, payment on ter spentd' Mrs. -Clarence , monies held in trust Mr. and' •Mrs, Clarence iBlatch- for Veterans ford, Mr. ,anda,,)Uirs, Kenneth Love, David R etelie i, servicing Miss Ev,sdyii Talailiuld and 3. M. street lights in Wroxeter Erskine werefat 7!orbnto on Satin. - Norman Wade, .premium on day, policy en Wroxeter hall , , Municipal World, Supplies for Clerk's Office Relief, for October Road Expenditures Gordon Wright, repair to culvert las. Inglis, Repair to culvert H. Nickols, repair to cula'ert A. Demerling, Frestone, 1. gal, Thos. Wright, repair to culvert & gravel Geo, Wright, repair to culn'et t Wm. Mclean, weeds Jos. ICermath, weeds R. Jackson, gravel C. Grainger, Spreading gravel N ,Gowdy, operating Power Grader R. Watters, fencing and tr.t• yl', p0 aforesaid, gravel $1.50 35.90 9.00 2.48 21.85 Mortgage` Sa'•e Under and by virtue of the powers contained mortgage which will be _ produced ut the time of sale"fftei`4.,wi11 be offered for .sale. •by,,,Jublic auction SATURDAY,;. ,DECEMBER 3, 1938 at the ,,,office . of Elmer . D. ,Sell solicitor, Brussels, 'at the hour of two o'clock In the ,afternoon, .the following parcel of land' being ,des- crlbed as follows: Lot No. .30 and the West half of Lot,No. .31, .Con- cession 16, rim ,the ,Township ,of Grey and County of .Huron, ,.with the exception of the one and ..one- quarter acre of land n the North- west cornet of Lot 31,and the one acre of land .on .the ,Northeast corne of heteto,o,•c soli and conveyed to other parties .,H, - • • • • • ^ • • TERMS-F,afn1 will be sold subject to a reserve 1,14, Ten percent of purchase pr'ce shall be pald 011 the date od sale and the balance shall be paid Within thirty days. JAMES TAYLOR, Auctioneer. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for tho Mortgagee. 1.48 3.00 1.50 7.00 GI1S1ESME llRMru1 unless they are an EXACT CORRECTION of the E rs of Retraction of your EYES ra � 1 eases until That is why we will not supply L we have given your EYES a COMPLETE Examination, so that we KNOW how every part of the Delicate Eye Mechanism is functioning. Thus we eliminate the Guesswork and get Satisfactory Results when others fail I expect to be M My Brussels Office in Miss Maude Bryans' Home all day• • , ,. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th to Examine Eyes and Fit Lenses - when necessary Every One Should Have Their Eyes Properly Examined At Least Once -Every Two Years- Frederick ears- Fr, ederick F. HornuthFhm., R. °. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST HARRI BRUSSELS STON Phone 26X Phone 118 culvert John Montgomery, road Supt. salary Ed, Kaufman, 'weeds .. , . , • Carl Geiger, needs ..... • ••• A .Pike, weeds Isaac Kroft, weed..s Elmer Williamson, weeds .. Sawyer -Massey, 'blades & bolts County of Huron, Atlacide & patching tar roads, Fordw ich E .W. Bolton, spark plugs J. Montgomery, freight on blades Wm, Stewart drafing g1011'el Jas. Walkom, spreading gravel Anson Wolfe, repair to grader ... .............. Frank Wright, repair to 1.00 3.00 culvert ................. Ha'Fa] old Dickers, lighting 2.40 74,00 lantern ............... 12.40 1.20 F, A. Edgar, engineer , , , . . 1.20 Mrs, R. F, Edgar, work on 20.00 1.10 � Road Supt, Books .... 1.00 Moved by Toner and Winter that ,20 this Council clo now ahiourn to meet in the Township Hall, on the 15th 9.62 dey of December, according to 1 Statute, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. 17.00 Isaac Gamble, Clerk, 1,50 1 .50 BORN 14.40 7.00 Go11-10 Morris Township, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Goll, en Tuesday, 1.151 November 29th. 1933, a daughter, Lois Eleanor. L. H. CORDON CRANBROOK PHONE 52-10 23.60 1I SPECIALS FOR - Thursday, Friday and Saturday PITTED DATES Lb. 10c 1,91 lOc Cooking Figs, ,Choice Quality • • per It, 49.60 two sizes 24c & 44c Soyomalt Health Drink, •••••• 15c Rose Baking Powder • • •........ 1 m• can 35.00 , , . 23c Cut Mixed Peel •••• • • • • per lb • 23c 4'80 Horne's Jelly Powders • • • • . • 3 pkgs with Bowl 15,00 24• tli bag . 49c 125.00 Pastry Flour• .. 30.00 15.75 Robert Wallace, giant. on wire fence John I-IYndruan, tile and labor \V. E, Patterson, gas & oil Wnt. Campbell, pit run gravel 5.00 74.00 20.00 2.30 27.91 .80 .80 .80 3.6 8.40 1.00 1.60 1.00 .75 CAR OF RE -CLEANED SCREENINGS TO UNLOAD ABOUT DECEMBER 5th $14.5Q PER TON FARMER'S STORE Phone 46 Brussels 011r Reputation is known all over Brussels and District for Expert Eye 4.GU Examinations, Perfect Glasses and Moderate Prices. R. A. Reid has conducted an honorable business for over 20 years. 82,05 If you have faulty or imperfect vision, headaches, eyestrain or any eyesight trouble consult R. A• 'Reid! He renders a 103.00 complete eyesight service at a moderate cost. 8,00 R. A. Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Yeara 14.10 Al BRUSSELS OFFICE MISS HINGSTON'S STORE 70.05 EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 33,75 'Plume 51 for Appointment .1, H. Rcge,s, 2 bags salt ,:. 1.00 Wm. Krelter, repair to