HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-30, Page 5without delay
le in- read conditions that
would bog down ordinary
Arcs Goodyear Studded
Thor bite in and keep you
warsg a , a under control
*� seCOOdd
Everyone who races
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:reeds these tires: postmen;
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farmers bave paved them
Indispensable"; Ask your
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rail Goodyear Studded
Ices for your car•today!
Keep trucks, buses and tractors on
the go In the "bad road" season.
Your Goodyear dealer has then.
A. EIlio L's Garage
A Christmas
dstntas drew -lug ne. .
why can't we_ get together and
stake plans—" Robet Dr'read
no further. With calm del"---
ip '^
tion, he put the heavily scrawled...
letter back into its envelope.
"Alw-ay+ the impractical Hal," he
slid slowly. "No wonder he never
g,.ni anywhere:'
_\ list of appointments waited up-
on his ticsk. Vas its from two of
t-" most im ;•(1ttant men in tows(;
=1('egatiou about a right-ofnyay
t' '-r1t a tract of land he had just
purebased; a tenubrder or a talk he
bad premised to snake at a lunch-
eon, I: •-or';nt things, he .bought,
things Hal would never be calltd
upon to do.
Hastily be went throegh '
. •1
A square envelope to a familiar
hand caught his eye. He opened it
a little curiously. V+''bat could Vit.
Denby be writing hint about? His
long flngens drew out an artistic
Ohrdstmtas card. A conservative
with an an okl Christian carol
printed in English letters, That was
all, except the signature. "Eleanor
A flush stained his face, an un-
definable something sent the blood
singing through his veins. , "Elea-
nor," ,he said softly; "a (beautiful
name; how queer that I never heard
lit before,"
Then, as if resenting his weak-
ness and sentiment, he dug into his
mall again, But try as he would,
he could not concentrate on the
things that bad meant anything
to hint before, Something had
happened to Robert Dutton; a
Christmas greeting from a secre-
tary Whom he bad scarcely noticed
left him visibly unsettled.
Citistmas rne•uo-ies surged
Calor -II his heal t. He was back in
the old hc:ae again. Everybody was
rushing around in circles. He saw
tin h',; tree in the corner "of the
tarlor; the kitchen table piled high
-,, .,'• things to eat, And Moth-
er and" Dad, with happiness beam-
ing upon their faces.
He sic`:e,l up H'i's letter again.
After all, maybe his kid brother
wr-t't so crazy. The thought was
pushing throughhis mind that may-
ue it was be who lacked real sense,
Tltis time he read the letter in a
different stood. "Lot's give Dad and
Mother the atai•p:105 of their lives.
Let's go down and make one grand
'-.'c [stoles for tltent. You can turn
everything over to someone else for
week—everyone can handle things
like that there's nothing personal
or p.`ectous t, rut tht:..c,"
"Nothing personal or precious
,bout them:" He turned the words
over in his 'mind. Hal was right.
Someone else could handle the
things that had seemed so terribly
important. A few hours of confu-
sion, perhaps; then things would go
on as before. The world would for-
get him in a day.
His fingers reached for the pen
upon his desk, ''Dear Hal:' he
began; "1 heartily -agree with your
proposnl that we get together and
make plans to give Dad and Mother
fhe biggest surprise and the grand
est Christmas ever—" 14 ewes smil-
ing broadly, almost laughing
aloud, as he finished the letter with
a flourish.
Il rive minutes later Miss Denby
entered his private attire to find a
new Robert Dutton. iShe almost
dropped her book in surprise at
rho expression neon his face, and
t?te new way In which he greeted
NMI ready to begin, Mr. Out-
ten," site began nervously, wizen be
made no motion to start the routine
of the day,
Holley is Tight
But there are people who
are constantly looking for
opportunities to tend mond
on good security,. 1t you wont
to borrow a few dollars, or u
few thousand,our Want Ads
will put you in touch with
O ; ose Who have mercy to
loan. _ _.. .%
A New Commandant
John 13.34
ihr.ted l,y- ltev- J. Graham.,
1 levy read E'.u:t whore, I do not
remcu.ber whe: tt, that when seine-
'w,ts asked hte,v to sty command,
meat Ft''e ' sre•'e they answe,'ed
eleven, that there are the ten coin•
niandm'enti el the 011 • Testament
and the new cctu.ntandment that our
Lord gave us in 4115 New Testa-
.. C''.( 'c in a sense they ,
tv-: , t,r. e1, rely right. Said our :
Lord, ,'A new commandment I give
unto you, That ye love one another,
as 1 Have loved you." This colo- 111
munden't was Spoken by our Lord on
the last night of his earthly mlai$-
try hist before he was betraned and
;trreited. In the Upper Room they
had kept the Passover, our Lord bad
inrittuled the Lord's Supper, he had
given his disciples that never -to -be -
forgotten demonstration of htunil-
ity when he washed the disciple's
feet. He had warned Judas of the
treachery that he was about to
commit and Judas had just gone
out to betray him, It was then
just before he was arrested, while
there was ci1111 time and no doubt
thinking at his 'followers in all the
future that Jeans gave them this
commandment for said he, By this
shall all men know that ye are my
disciples, (Let us notice that it
was addresser to his disciples, to his
follower's. He had already sum-
mei up the Ten Commandments in
two creat commandments, ''Thou
shalt love the Lord tby God: with all
thy heart and with all thy soul and
with all thy mind and with all thy
strength" and "thy neighbor, as
thyself;' and he had also made
clear who is our neighyor by his
parable o•t the good Samaritan, but
here he gives this new command-
ment to his followers. Christian
people are to love others as they
love themselves, that commandment
has not been done away with, it
still holds good, but there is also
the other commandment that our
Lord himself calls "a -+linty com-
mandment,'' that is. just as binding
to Christian people as any of the
others. How necessarily surely
It is to preach the gospel or love to-
day when we look out upon the
world where Hate, the very opposite
is largely in control. What a spec-
tacle the world presents at the
present time: No doubt if a visi-
tor from some other planet could
come and look at the world at the
present time he would think that
men had lost their reason and no
doubt he would also be surprised to
learn that Christ had ever been
here, We have the whole spirit
and attitude of Germany, or at least
of the rules of Germany, toward
most of the rest or the world which
once again almost caused a World
War and may do so yet together
with her merciless and bloody per-
secution of all those within her
bordem who are not of pure Ger-
manic blood. Today the world
stands horrified at what Is going on
In Ge'imany, There is also her per-
secution of the Chtlatian church,
both the Protestant and Roman
Catholic, and all, simply because
Chnist is apposed to the whole spirit
and attitude of Galliuny and to
what she Is doing, No wonder at
all that one of the first things the
present rulers of Germany did was
to repudiate Christ for they knew
that ' Christ and they were
entirely opposed. In repudiating
hint they were being logical and
'.ro'gl'Nforward. Today Hate and
not Lave rules in Germany,
"We're going to forget business
far today, Miss Denby, and go
Cht•isl:nus shopping, that is, if you
want to help me oat," He fumbled
with his tie tis be spoke, noticing
for the f1'tt time the soft curving
, of iter white netlt, "Your Christ
MRS nmol,' 'ire went on, "wrought
sante miracle• I've found out that
business and .making honey aren't
evOUlhing itt life. They're bout
flat' in their way, but there are
other titins, roc; nrerlotts ult'r'a
that T'vo been overlouking." Jte'
ea•nte (loser to her side and looked
hand into her oyes. "Tor instance,
gain gslmpphtg With a good-looking the farmer, the 'professional men
and adorable secertaty."
The LastWord!
Impor' alit New Styles
New Lines of Bcd y and Sleeves, more
flattering, more becoming than ever,
giving you that -square look- that
vogue emphasises. We understand
the fashion significance of fur; that is
why these coats are so luxuriously
furred. Every color fur and weave
that style dictates is here.
12.50 to 25.00
against the laborer and the laborer
against the professional men, until
to listen to some one would think
that the other fellow was a thief
and a scoundrel and the greatest
criminal imaginable. No doubt
our present system has its weak-
nesses, but it doesn't look as if
any of the other systems, Naziism,
or Fascisau or Communism or Aber-
hartisnt 0r any other of the "isms"
is perfect. Moreover it would have
to be acknowledged that as the
years have gone by our present
system has made a truly wonderful
contribution to civilization and that
from time to time injustices have
been remedied. Nor is the end
in sight for there never was a time
vireo mtore legislation was being
Again, but oft 5 smaller scale we
have the same thing In Italy, so
that had it not been for the Chris-
tian -like statesmanship of Mr.Cbantberlaln first of all in negotiat-
ing, in face of considerable oppose
Um a treaty of 'Mutual Understand-
ing with Italy and secondly in going
to see Hitler :personally; already
another World War would have
broke flout. There is arse the
slaughter of the Chinese people and
the deatruttion of China by the
Japanese without excuse and the
slaughter of 010 'Spanish people and
the destruction or Spain largely by
Italian and German flans, so that
today among the nations of theworld, Hate very largely rules in-
stead or Love.
Countties for the welfare of man-
kind, 'than the present. But there
are those, a small minority of agita-
tors, who would stir up hatred
between class and class. Let us
work for reforans by all oceans, for so
the betterment of conditions of all 1,
glasses, but we do not need to hate
each other to do it:
Lastly, does the spirit of Hate
play any part in our life as an
individual, or does the Spirit of
Love rule there as it should Lot
us be honest with ourselves. Let
us turn the spotlight on our own
heart and life and see if we love y.
other people as we should, N.o, it
won't always be easy to do it for
some have a more pleasing person-
ality than others, some have a more
likeable disposition than others,
some are easter to get along with
than others. We may not like some
people at least as much as we do
others, incidentally it may not be
their fault, the fault nay be our
own, but we can love them or learn
'to love them nevertheless, Do we
love other people as we should?
Said our Lord "By this, by this more
more than anything else, shall all
men know that ye are my disciples.'
If this old world of ours needs one
thing more than another it is a
fresh baptism of the spirit of love,
but, where is it going to get it if it
doesn't get it from the Christian
d at least in Democratic
Within all the stations, our own
included, what is nil this talk about
Class Hatred, Clues Antagonism,
Class Warfare. The ,Capitalist
pitted' against the worker and the
worker against tete Oepitatist, the
Employer ageing the Employee,
the it+iupieyeo against tate l0mploy-
er, the farmer agnhtat the business
man and the business mean against
Ontario's 645,000
Registrar Sicken Expects
This Number to be Issued
to Drivers for 1938.39
J. P. Biekell, registrar or
Department of Highways,
there were same 615,000 license
plates issued last year, and he ex
pects to see this total increased
A similar increase in the num-
ber of licensed drivers was also
forecast by the registrar. Last
year, he said, almost 900,000 driv-
ers were registered, with a regis-
tration or 91,000 expected for
"Judging by the annual increase
in the number of drivers it should
not be more than two years before
we have at least a million in the
HOW OFTEN Have you thougrt of A
Having Your Portrait Taken,
but put it off?
Why not please your friends this
Christmas by giving'; them the one
thing they cannot buy—
Evening Sittings by Appointment
Mr. Dave Miller
The Russell Studio
Listowel, Ont.
AV a OVVAI� � + AVONV Mica � I :
�'� k=�MR' 1�'�F'1C��"�Ser»F'
Our Service Department
has achieved an enviable reputation for satisfaction in every
aspect of the word. Drive in, have your car checked by
our mechanics, and see for yourself that the reputation is
warranted. —A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK,
Now Is The Time To Buy-
Our Large Stock of Used Cars gives you an teneacelled
choice, and you may buy with utmost confidence.