HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-30, Page 4W1oDN'ESDAY, NGVlOMB10 . THE BRUSSELS POST • Howick Council �� RE HRMFOL horcttvlch, lQov. 31(l, 1035 G1156ES DISTRICT THEll151NEWSOF Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ELUEVALE w. tmlluld Rubetltson spent Smi- ley with his mother and brother on Ste 1st line. A1., and Mrs. llciward Johnston :mud Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Sperling J0hn.t0n and sous is ent Sunday in Laudon with Mr. and Airs, ltobt. Turnbull, Jt:•. Jas. Gadkin of Wi,gllam (pent a few clays with Mr. and Mrs. Atltls°u Fraser and family. Mr. Wilfred Aic'Iewen of 'Detr'oit sperm the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McEwen, Sir. and Mrs, Hugh Berry of Brucetield visited on Sunday with 1,1r. anti Mrs, Alvin Smith and dun liter of Bluevale, Sir. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and 31r and Mrs. Chas. Johnston and son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Slee. Cooper Nethery and Miss Viola Mothers returned John and Thomas Strachan and Miss Jessie Strachan of Grey with Mrs. P. S. MacEwen; Miss Marie Baker, Ethel, with Miss Malaret Turvey: Elmer Smith of Alberta is visiting his father, John Smith, J1.'nest's o.ohestra sttp1lying the music. The number of married people attending was practleally Nil, GREY The Connell of the Township of t in lite United Church I Hill according Moses to illustrate how people plan The Sunday Schpol Concert at to hide their sitz and think them- Roe's United Church Will be held. p 011 serve secure, at the United Church F.Iday, December 3 morning service. In the evening he for furt furthper ti ul Glx. Sunday spoke of Melchizedek as a type 01 School will hold their annual Christ - Ms. Christ. Watch ized to sign the application for t1 Peter S. AlacEwen, accemp- mas concert on Dec. 21st. Yoemaus, for further particulars. . Provincial Subside, of one mill, for anted by her sister, Alm the year Rev. A. V, Robb used the story of unless they are an EXACT CORRECTION of the 311111lc t n1p your EYES to adjplll'lllll'ellt members were all present except true of Retraction of l Lenses until councillor Robert Baker, the Reeve, That is why we will not supply J. Ai uteans, in s1. chair. Were we have given your EYES a :Minutes of last meeting Examination, so that Wad and on ladopt, of Toner and COMPLETE E� art of the Winter, were adopted.how every P Moved by Tater and Strong that we KNOW Mechanism is a grant of $10.00 be given the Delicate Eye Gerrie Snorts Committee to assist functioning. Thus we eliminate in Entertainment. the Christmas Tree the Guesswork and get Entertain'inept• C�tir:9ecl. •Moved by Strong and Toner that Satisfactory Results the Reeve, the Cleric, the Treasurer when others fail and the Aae4e0501' he hereby author Detroit, and her brother, Dou�ga Strachan. Brussels, visited with r. and Mrs, Alek Mo1Cercher, at Wroxeter, Ales. Lillow 1.114 Ber- nard are in Toronto. MONCRIEFF Mr. and Mrs. L. Kress of Wing - ham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mann on Sunday last. Christmas entertainment is dated for Friday; Dec, 161h, A 1938. Carried. Moved by Winter and •Strong that the School Attendatladolice 0.- flcer's Report, as read, be and placed on file, Carried. Moved by Strong anal Toner that Our I the Road Superintendent be hereby authorized to notify Sheldon ETHEL good iprogramrue is being premised. Bricker to remove the fence and the Watch for further particulars. II windmill from off the road allow - daughter at Belglwve, Mrs. Ander of Listowel enjoyed A miscellanequs shower was once on the West side of lot 31 on t red a week -end visit with her daughter tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood the 7th Concession of the Township hone on Monday from Toronto Airs. Casper Fleet. tendMeTered t on anday evening in of Hativick, and also to fill up well the community hall. A large crowd on sante road allowance, said work atter a week's visit with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Neockert (formerly to be completed within. fifteen days and outer friends. • Edna Franklin) responded in happy was in,sttendance. Mrs. 'Dd. Smith and Bob visited from the date of this notice. The members of the local L. 0. L. gladness h congratulations arrival es Carried. tended to them, on the arrival of a Mr. and Mils: Leon McKay in Ham- ilton last week._•:-., Moved by Winter and Bryans Mr. and Mrs. L. Sinclair and baby that the Road Superintendent be Barbara and Mrs. McNair of Ethel hereby authorized to notify A, E. visited with Alex Mann's on Sunday. Cooper to remove and level stones The hunters ,from this locality were fortunate'••• enough to bring home 18 nunil)et: o4' deer and report a good holiday, held their regular meeting in the lodge 10001 this week for purpose at electing officers for the year, 1.t following results: Worship - baby daughter, Friday of last week, Nov. 25. with the Robert Brown, Ethel blacksmith, ful master, Ross Smith; deputy 1 is finding it necessary to still take master. Wilson Thornton; chaplain, I special treatment 'for a trouble Carl Johnston; recording secretary which developed from injuries re - Robert J. Forest; financial secre- 1 ceived while in the employ of ter: v Will Peacock; treasurer, Listowel.knitting mills some month .George Thornton; first lecturer, 1 ago. Charles Alathers; second lecturer, A pot luck supper at Union Unit - Earl Hamilton; marshal], George . ed church, was an out of town at - Hetherington; first committee -man, ; traction of Ethelites for MondaY Fred Soiling; tyler, Ross Abraham, ; 1115111, Nov. 28. Mrs. R, F. Garniss was the hes- ' There was a good attendance at tees on Thursday for an afternoon 1 Ethel United church Young Peo- and evening sewing meeting of the pie's regular ;meeting at 8.15 Mon- Pluevale circle of Ladies' Aid of I day, Nov. 28. Election of officers the Presbyterian church. A pot I was in order. luck supper was served.The L, 0. L. dance held in Mrs. Archie Messer and Mrs. Alex I Brown's Hall, Wednesday night of the Afnwbray spent a part of this week apparentlydance, with Miss McAllister, Dungannon; last week younger was generation's SUPERIOR STORE QUALITY SERVICE Oxydel, large Cize • • - per pack 21c Royal York Tea 1 lb 65c, and 1 fancy two -cup Teapot Free Golden Wax Beans 2's • • 2 tins for 15c Hillcrest Pure Lard l's • .• , . . • • 2 lb for 23c Jam, R1.opberry or Strawberry, large •.•• • • • • • • • per jar 27c Aylmer Soups, Tomato or Vegetable 3 tins for 25c Ginger Snaps • per tri 10c Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves ••• per pr. 98c Men's 'Home -knit Socks • • •^• • • • • • .............. • • per pr. 79c Children's Home -knit Mitts • • per pr. 35c Men's Home -knit Mitts, double • • •••• • • • • • • • • ' per pr. 95c Men's Doeskin Shirts, navy & red • •• • eachRemnants - See Our Table for .Bargains WM. ZIEGLER Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont. YOUR BAST CHLNCE the Brussels Post Special Ellfer Ends EMMY, DEC. Tth Months for $1.59 :-.BLY'TH At the evening service in the United Church, Rev. Arthur Sinclair spoke on "The Seven Wonders of Heaven." At this service Tomm1Y Steep, boy soprano of Clinton, sang two solos, The Mission Band of Queen Street Churcl, held their thankof- fering meeting, Miss Clare Mc- Gowan showed lantern slides. as required by the Council, from and upon road allowance on the West side of lot 3.6 on the 4th Con- cession of the Township of Howick. Carried. Moved by Winter and Strong that the following bills be paid. Carried. United Church Fo•divich, tent of hall Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk W. Underwood, sheep killed or injured by dogs Wm. Kroft, overcharge on repair on Branch B. Muni Drain No. 11. E. C. Denny, overcharge on E. P. Brown of Goderich was 11.1. 1 repair on Branch B. charge of Anglican Church sere- I Mun, Drain No. 11 Geo. 131uu1, overcharge on repair on Branch B, Mun. Drain No. 11 United Church, Fordwich, rent of Hall for T. B. meeting S, S. No. 2, relit of School for T. B. meeting Milton Leonard, assisting County Valuators County Treas. Hospital Expenses for Eileen Kaake Isaac Gamble, Fees and by- laws, McMichael Mun, ices, The Guild of the Anglican Chu.ch met at the home of Airs. William While. Mrs. W. J. Armstrong, Sault Ste. liar le, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Johnston; Mrs. George Cowan and son Billy, with relatives in Stratford. r_ ATWOOD 1liss Jean Hamilton entertained at her home on Friday evening, at bridge the honors going to Mrs, William' Evans and Mrs. R. E. Drain Switzer, County Tress. Hospital Ex- penses afternoon in the For- penises for L, Bing and ester's Hall, the bazaar sponsored C Severt by the A .Y. P. A., of St. Alban's 1 Dins MC. Knight, Telephone church was well' patronized and in account, for 1933 .. the evening many attended the hot I Wm •Gathers, work on Mc- snpper. Michael Mun. Drain .. , Rev. and Mls. Skinnr of Ailsa F. A. Edgar, Supt, of cou- Cra.ig, will move to Atwood on structlon, McMichael Tuesday.. He was recently appoint- Man. Drain ed to 1.h¢ ACrvood liarish. .r A, Bryans, Trlp to Clinton Miss Ruth Pruett has accepted with Mrs. Dainty a position in R. 'P. Dennis' grocery t Howick School Pair, Grant store: I Howick Agr. 'Society Grant Mr. and 'Mrs. George M. Phemts- I E. A, Corbett, payment ou ter spett4.,5t1nday at Countright, , monies held In trust Mr. and Mrs, Clarence 'Match- 80' Veterans ford, Mr. am ,,,3(trs, Kenneth Love, David Robinson, servicing Miss E1e1yil TtiTibuit and 3, M. street lights in Wroxeter Erskine ' 1' he at Toronto on Satan Norman Wade, premium on day, policy on Wroxeter hall , . Municipal World, Supplies for Clerk's Office Relief, for October Road Expenditures Gordon W11ght, repair to culvert Ins. Inglis, Repair to culvert H. Nichols, repair to culvert A. Demerling, Prestone, 1 gal, Thos. Wright, repair to culvert & gravel Geo, Wright, repair to Clll'Ver t Wirt), McLean, weeds Jos. 'Kelnrath, weeds , R. Jackson, gravel 0. Grainger, Spreading gravel N Gowdyoperating Power Grader R. Walters, fencing and gravel , I2.0bert Wallaoe, giant on wile fence John liynd+man Idle and labor ,,..,,,.. • W. 1:, Patterson, gas & o11 Wm, Campbell, pit run JAMES TA„Y.LOti, Attotloneer, gravel •. ELMER D. BELL, J. 1 . lloge.s, 2 bags snit , Solicitor for the Mortgagee, Wm' Kreller, retrain t0 31.50 35.00 Mortgage` L.a'.e Under and by virtue of the powers contained .1n...a..ce1tain mortgage which will be ,: prpduced at the time of sale the mill be offered for sale,134 aubli1 auction BATURQAX, DECEMBER 3, 1938 at the ,..office . of Elmer ,D. .Bell solicitor, Brussels, 'at the hour of two o'clock in the ,afternoon, .the following parcel of land being ,des. crihed as follows: Lot No. ,30 and the West half of Lot ,No. .31, ,Con- cession 16, i,in ,the .Townsh'p ,of Grey and County of . Huron, .,with the exception of the one and .,one- quarter acre of land .. the North- west corner of Lot 31, and the one acre of land ,on .the ,Northeast corns of t ^t No 30, aforesaid, heretoore sol;; and conveyed to other parties, •,.... , .. • , • • • • TERMS-Farrn will he sold subject to a reserve bid,.. Ten percent of purchase pr ce 'shall be paid orf the date od sale and the balance shall be paid within thirty days. 9.00 2.4S 21.55 1.43 3.00 1.50 7.00 23,60 30,00 15.75 1,91 49.60 I expect to be at My Brussels Office in Miss Maude Bryans' Home all day........ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th to Examine Eyes and Fit Lenses'. when necessary Every One Should Have Their Eyes Properly Examined At Least Once -Every Two Years - Frederick F. HornuthPhm•, R• 0. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST TRUSSELS HARRISTON Phone 26X Phone 118 culvert John Montgomery, road ,Supt. salary Ed. Kaufman, weeds Carl Geiger, needs ..... •••• A .Pike, weeds Isaac Kroft, weed„s Elsner Williamson, weeds .. Sawyer -Massey, 'blades & bolts County of Huron, Atiacide & patching tar roads, Fordwich E ,W. Bolton, spark 'plugs J. Montgomery, freight on blades Wen. .Stewart drafing gravel Jas. Walkom, spreading gravel Anson Wolfe, repair to grader .........- Frame Wright, repair to 35.00 3.00 culvert Harold Dickert, lighting 2.40 74,00 lantern •• 17.50 1.20 F. A. Edgar, engineer 1.20 Mrs, R. F. Edgar, work on 20 00 1.10 ; Road Supt, Books .. , . 1.00 Moved by Toner and Winter that .20 this Council do now ahjourn to meet in the Township Hall, on the 151.11 9.62 duy of December, according to Statute, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. 17.00 , Isaac Gamble, Clerk. 1.50 1.00 .50 BORN 14.40 7,00 , 1.16 4.80 15.00 125.00 5.00 74.00 20,00 2.36 27.91 .80 .80 ,80 3.e3 8.40 1.00 1.60 1,00 .75 4.00 82,95 103.60 8,00 14.10 70.65 38,75 1.00 Goll -In Morris Township, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goll, 011 Tuesday' November 211th, 1933, n daughter, Lois h leaner• L, H. CORD ON CRANBROOK PHONE 52-10 SPECIALS FOR - Thursday, Friday and Saturday PITTED DATES. Lb. 110c Cooking Figs, ,Choice Quality ............per lb lOc Soyomalt Health Drink, •• two sizes • • • • 24c & 44c ' •�•• Rose Baking Powder • • • • • ' .. 1 lb, can 15c Cut Mixed Peel .... • • • • per ib • • 23c Horne's Jelly Powders • • • • . • 3 pkgs with Bowl 23c ,••••••.,,... 24. tin bag, .,...... , 49c Pastry Flour. ... - CAR OF ,RE -CLEANED SCREENINGS TO UNLOAD ABOUT DECEMBER 5th $14.5Q PER TON FARMER'S STORE Phone 46 Brussels Ina am 011r RelltatiOfl is known all over Brussels and District for Expert Eye Examinations, Perfect '•Glasses and Moderate Prices. R. A. Reid has conducted an honorable business for over 20 years. If you have faulty or imperfect vision, headaches, eyestrain or any eyesight trouble consult R. A• Reid! He renders a complete eyesight service at a moderate cost. Stratford's Leadittg Optometrist R. A. Rei Far Nearly 20 Year. Al BRUSSELS OFFICE. -MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5,00 ?hone 51 for Appointment