HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-23, Page 4THE. BRUSSELS POST
Your Attention Please
The Blue Sunoco Service Station wishes to
remind their many customers that
winter is just around the corner,
which meansit h high time to
have your car serviced for
--- Colder Weather
They Carry a Full Line of
ANTIFREEZE in Prestone & Alcohol
WINTER OILS of all grades and weights
Transmission & Differential Greases
Automobile Heaters and Defrosters
Firestone and Gotta Percha Tires & Tubes
r p /
Willard & Exide Batteries
a Government Licensed Mechanic
at Your Service
Drive in and have your servicing done now
They have an up-to-date greasing service
Notices in they column cod
25c up to four lines; Sc for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad. Orden taken
over 'Phone 35e.
•Pipes—Men just the one you have
been looking to vii at Grewar's, All
Prices; Cigarette Lighters' Buy
your Tobacco at Grewar's • and be
assured of it always fresh. 1
•Between Richard Aleocks and
John Mcooks, pair wire pincers &
staple pullers combined. `Reward,
'Hinder please notify The Post or
Dick Alcock, Phone 45-e-19..
A Black and Tan Hound, medium
size, north of Brussels.
Phone 66-r-9 Harry Workman
HOP—bas been opened for business in
the Dunbar block. Courteous ser-
vice combinedwith good meat will
be of interest to you, Your patron-
age appreciated.
E, Thompson, Butcher.
In Memorium
Whitfield—In loving memory of
Gordon C. Whitfield, who passed
away two years ago November
26tb, 1936.
Your last parting wish
We would liked to have heard
And breathed in your ear
Our last parting word
Only those who have lost,'
Are able to tell,
The pain in the heart
At not saying farewell,
Ever remembered by his wife and
In Memorium
Jacklin—In loving memory of our
dear mother Catharine (Mrs. • R,
Jacklin) who passed so suddenly
away November 111h, 1937,
in our home there's a beandwni,
To us it is dearer than gold,
It is a picture of our dearest mother.
Whose memory will never grow
No one knows Trow much we miss
As it dawns another sad years
Sad and sudden was the parting;;
We little thought ber end so near.
To those who have a mother,
Cherish her with care,
You will sure miss your mother, r
When you see her vaoant chair',
Inserted by her loving daughter
(and sons) 'Catharine Mae and`sla-
In-law Jack (Carl and Harvey), t
Aiwyaya true, unselfish, gentle and
kind t�
A beautiful memory left behind;
Sadly missed by her little- g. huh
daughters Velma and Lois Former.
Each year at rho Christmas seaao -c-..
re asked to share our blessings with
those who aro less fartunato th ah war aaro
We aro aslred to ghe p atuber a ?v3
taco -wide fight against tubprculasIL
may affect any organ of the body, b
Tuberculosis Is a germ diseaso 4` M!
arts most fro handy attacked•;ate tb
lungs, bones and glands. People are not
LOST—horn with tuberculosis and it is not
Inherited. The germs .that rause t
must comafrom some one who,,naa th
Light red, ((Alert -haired Collie, 'bob ' disease, Infections from cattle can b
transmitted to human beings In milk and
tail, Crimea by La'.cIie. ; fleshof diseased anyimals. Therefore,
phone 36-r-16 Dave Smith, unless
omshe�althy cows, It certified
IA ways hu;
Morris pasteurized. Tho great allies of the
germ aro overwork, strain, dlastpatlon,
insufficient food and all those elements,..
Mat lower one's resistance. Although the
terms are all about us, 11 wo lead )ustrIkit»y
vee wo throw them off and" o., n0l'
contract tho disease,. Ohhdren liowbver.
aro morn sueceptiblo than grown-ups,
therefore It 19 most Important "rash
their health be espeulally proteetcd,
Recovery from tuberculosis t6 slow
and Ira success depends upon ah early
discovery of the condition, and faithful'
treatmnce to all the t be caroms of the
treatment. medicines. cannot bo cured b • drugs
or patent 0-day.The Methods of
treatment to -day, while cleanly follo*the
those developed century,
toward the end of the
last country, 1001, sunlight, fresh air,
and proper food, under med(cal stfpu••
vision, b ini boon augmooted by surgery,
an combining to hem rho body in, its
fight against the ravager of the germs.
A strong resolution to gat well is a grout
hetp aleso meareful dristagingvear sulressful battle.
The (10805 his o eo en
the road ahead, ever ntestut of manger.
When the red ((0118 signals,, he Stops. ,.So.
2 ynung Heifers on 1ot. 20, Cort. 12
They. 11/4 mile east Cranbrook. Own-
er may have them by proving and
Paling for ad,
phone 55-r-13 Jahn Pride
1 Heifer or; lot 26, (trey Twp. Con.
iL Owner may have same by
)rrovine and ptlytn0, expenses
phone 204.1 Mrs. Jim, Carnoeben
Here is a prllrtical plan that will
enable you to build an independent
hustness cf your men with the (Re-
tribution of over 200 'guaranteed ne-
cessities in select district. Every
(ley is pay day. Repeat orders on
I geode. Lower priced. Offer
)ell in nil behest, ambitious, alert
Write today without ohliga-
to 1O AM:ILI.1X CO.
870 St, Clement, Montreal,
too, should we rause when tuberculosis
svergenaoraliy oru(0 110W necmid111tblv�i3Otu11
devisor signals or ads disease too often
E)on't be afraid to consult a 1itysi inn,
Ito will diagnose your trouble, and rlon't
lose heart if your fears aro confirmed.
With proper tr001ment there 15 Avery,,
of reeove0y,
1ho Muskoka and Toronto liop111lr
for Cnnetrmptives and 1118 ft110048 Mary
Fins ital for Oonsumb1130 Ohtldron stand
ready 11 50030 all 011)0 aro aalietld bu•`
in thls'Inoy must havo the help of mtinl
Phase will you aid this ale -"twine
work h sendin a Contribution to
Nanous(lege Sanity-eone o.Association, 2110
aerials—A petals .1, cough, toes o w a
Beautiful pep weather again
with Christmas only a iponth ahead,
looks like us 1t Santa Clans, will
have to use Iris automobile again
111(5 year,
The hunting party of which P. N,
Currie waa n member hunting iu
Btacebrldge terh'itery, arrived hesne
at the first of the week, each of
Mem bringing back the full allot-
ment of veni5oll allowed, the In-
dividual hunter in any one seasop.
Ethel L.O.L. dance was elated for
Nev, 23, in Browns Hall,
Hervey J. MOClellaud, clock and
wateh repairer bus ree.uved from'
role boor east of the Post office to
one door west.
'the little pony owned by Dot'
Vodden, can make to Big scene in a 1
anaway stunt, Monday aiterrioen
w•'hUe being driven around village
streets, was startled by a dog mim-
ing in sudden noisy contact with it,
eaasiug it to get out of control.
Fortunately no person was seriously
hart. •
Speaking of clogs, we feel sate in'
saying that Ethel can boast of hav-
ing the most dogs collectively with
to biggest variations in size and
colour and the number of breeds
represented, or any place of its size
in the county or possibly in even a
larger area.
• When staying in the village Billy
Agar occupies the apartment in the
rear of the barber shop in Dunbar
block, Billy Is a willing worker
at many jobs, but anyone having
stove wood to split and pile, ould•
:make no mistake In giving himwIbe
work to do.
C,O.F. euchre and dance Thurs-
day, Dec. 8, in Brown's Hall, All
are invited to come and share in the
enjoyment of a, better than ever
While feeling, just not huite up to
per, E. L, Jardine is gaining in
health and a complete recovery is
wished for,
P. N. Currie assumed duties as
agent at Ethel C.N.R. station Tues-
day morning, Nov. 22, after two
week's. holidays.
Relieving agent 2. Sperling whose
hoane is in New hamburg was in
charge of the C.N.R. office at Ethel
for more thana week during Mr.
Cunrie's holiday, when he received
a special assignment to Tavistock.
Mr, S. Henry of Flora finished out
the period in Ethel office for Mr.
en' the school rooms of Ethel
United church there will be a
Crokluole social held Friday, Nov,
25 under the auspices of the W.M.S.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21ht, /038
Mrs. Robt. \larwick returned
from Toronto on Saturday after
visiting with friends and taking in
,the Royal Winter Fair there.
Mr. Alvin Smith and Mrs, George
Thornton took in the Royal Winter
Fair in Toornto on Saturday and
visited with friends there.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and
daughters, Hepworth, spent the
weeg-end with leis father and Mrs.
Rudd of Bluevale.
Mr. and, Mrs, Cooper Nethery and
raughter visited on Sunday after-
noon with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Johnston, est line,
, 'Miss Lillian Vogan spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers,
Mr. Harvey Robertson spent Sun-
day with bis wife in Hamilton
Miss Viola Mothers spent a few
—Clays in Toronto with her sister
pearl and took In the Royal Winter
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Johnston and
'son spent Sunday afternoop with
Mr. and Mrs, Harry .Barnard on the
' Mrs. Addison Fraser and baby
,came home from Wiugham hospital
bids week.
Word was received 'here of the
death in Toronto of a former rest.
dent of this village in the person of
Mary Messer, lite of the late Wit-
iiam. Gannett,
,Mrs, Gannett was born, In Blue -
vele, a daughter of the late :Mr. and
7v,. John Messer, She wn5 mar -
tied in Bluevale and cont:intled to
live here fora tube, then moved to
Winghanr, where she 'lived until
ttvo year's ago, Folloying the death
of her hnsban<l, she uoved to Tor-
onto ehui made her home with a.
daughter, where she passed away,
The remains will he brought to
Wingttam far burial.
Mrs. flanneti'e v.t1,,, w••s the
first male -keeper 111 Bluevale.
W, M. si, Holds Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of
the 1•V, M: S. of the United P11000l1,
Was held in the school -room with
the president, Mrs. W. J. Johnston,
th charge, "Making Canaria Christ -
Ian," was the theme decided upon
/ for study the coining year, - and
Hire's the Big Chance
Regularly Priced to $20.00
0 K. in Quality
0. K. in Style
0..' K. in Price:
special purchase
of new Parkmant
_Overcoats direct from
the factory to which
we have added some
of our higher grade
coats, make this an
outstanding overcoat
opportunity • -• .
These are all
guaranteed quality
Raglans, Chesterfields,
City Ulsters, Baalmacaus,
In Grey, Brown, Green Black
All Sizes • 35 to 48
TEWART Bros. Seaforth
Mrts. Edward Jouuston rear elle lot
cllapte;, "Weaving A New Web•"
The Scripture ture lesson was read by
.Airs. Rudd.
A poem, "When All Can Pray,
Not ANne, or Thine, But Ours," was
read by Mrs'. W. J, Johnston,
Mrs. Waiter 0, Davidson, Cradle
Roll supel'intendent of Kuox Pres-
byterian Church, was hostess Tues-
day afternoon at a social gathering
for members of the Cradle Roll and
their parents. Durisg the aftenoon
the Mothers enjoyeddiscussing the
problems and pleasures of children.
Regret was expressed that owing to
sickness some of the number were
unable 10 be present. The hostess
served supper and everything
passed off so suocesstfully chat it
was considered ]making it an an-
nual affair,
Rev. Mr, M•o&ay, missionary for
Northern Ontario and Southern
yianitoba, addressed a joint sneeting
of Rllievale and Eadies' oongregat•
Mrs, 0. Wray,
returned to her home accompanied
by ber sister, ,Miss Barbara Thynne.
Miss Jennie 'Thompson of Wing -
ham, with. Mr,enob Mrs. Eldrid Nich-
ol„ Tularberry. , -
Mrs, E. J. 'Sutton Is visiting in
Mrs. Mary MoDfatt has returned to
Toronto accorwpanied by Mr. and
Mrs, 2, C. Higgins who will vlsdt
with • Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Higgins.
James 'Breckenridge, Jack fellow,
Arthur Edgar, Wi11111 t Garnfss,
Reuben Garniss, Leonard Gates,
Fret; Irrison, Toronto, were hunt-
ing in Bruce.
of Woodrow. Sask.,
Services 111 the United eburelt
were held with Rev, Arthur Sinclair
In charge, The text for the morn-
ing aevtre wag ''Thou are not far
from the Kingdom of G0t1," dealing
with the life of John Wesley. A
solo was sung by Jamie Sims. At
the evening service the subject was
"The Seven Wonders of the Wonid."
At the Sunday School session a
chorus was sung by eight junior
;Mss Clara McGowan, former
teacher in Ohengtu, Chins, w111 pre-
sent lantern slides under the ahs.
picas of the ;Mission 'Band of the
Onlle2 church,
Mlse 10, Leslie, St. Themes, at
her borne here; Mrs. Archie Bender,
':'r'on1o, 1vit11 her mother, Mrs.
Edith 73011; Mr. and Mrs, George
Cowan and 131111e, Mr, and Mrs. 13en.
son Cowan visited George Irwin
01,0: 11r, and Mrs. W. Henry, Wing -
Young People's Tlnice met In. the
United Ohurch for their weekly
meeting which took the form of an
Armistice Day commemoration ser
vice, The program was prepared by
Miss Gladys Fawcett. "Armistice
Day and Vliny Ridge Memorial,"
W. s the tore: taken by Miss Mar-
garet Hirons. Reading were given
by Vivian McElroy. Margaret Vinc-
ent, Jamie Sinus anti Ray. Dobbyn.
Mrs. Mustard, of Takonta, Wash-
ington, who haul been visiting her
brother, Wsn. Taylor, and Mrs, 13re-
nizer, Adeline, 'ansas, left for their
Sympathy Is extended to Mrs.
Rana Thuell and Mrs, De Los Tam-
an in the death of their .farther,
Joseph Breckenridge, of Bluevale,
Mrs. Sadie CM -nailing is visiting in
A large number of relatives and
friends gathered together Thursday
evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
James Scott, Wawanosh, in honor
of their daughter Mrs, Art Scott
and Mr. Scott, recently newlyweds.
The young couple were presented
with a reisee11ane005 shower, The
groom thanked all dor thole good
wishes and many useful gifts. The
eventing was spent in social chat
and dancing. Lunch was served by
the ladies.
The annual, meeting of the Ben
grave Clommrunity 'Skating Rink was
heed in the Orange Hall on Thurs-
day evening, C. H. Wade, president,
presided, The chief business was
the election of officers vvllldt ('saint
Ml's, J, M. Coultes are also spend -
Ing a 0507 day's in Toronto. Mrs.
Walter Mason of Wawanosb, also
accompanied them,
Airs. R. Yule spent Saturday in
Toron to,
Three Delegates Named
Airs. J. Yuill, airs. Lyle Hopper,
R. Procter- and Robert Coultes are
the delegates representing the Bel-
gravia Fanners' Club ,at the con-
vention of UnitedUnitedFarmers being
held in Toronto this week on Tues-
day', Wednesday and Thursday.
Some 75 tersons were present at
the social evening sponsored by
Port Belgrave Lodge No. 98, Can-
adian Order of Foresters, in the
lodge rooms at Belgrave 011 Friday
evening. Those represented came
from Belgrave, Stratford and dis-
trict, Euchre and dancing, the,
latter to the must° of Jackson's
orchestra of Belgrave, were much
enjoyed. The whmers ' at cards
were: ladies, Mrs. John Mason, 1st;
Miss Maly Mason, 2nd.; men's Fred
Aitichell, Stratford, 1st; Stewart
AfeBuraley, 2n1; consolation, Mrs,.
Nelson Higgins, Harry McGuire.
The floor managers were Brother
George Jordan, assisted by Alex
Young, Mrs, Willial Litz of Strat-
00rd, 4180 assisted 1n calling off the
dances and proved to be a feature
Orf the evening's entertainmecommitteeThe committee in charge of the en-
tertainment was Alex Young, -chair-
man; Harry ,McGuire and Leslie
, L0
ed as 'follows: President, Alex.
Young; vice - president, Morris
Leitch; treasurer, Harry McGuire;
secretary, Ken Wheeler; directors
George' Clink, Alex Manning, C, H.
Wade, C. R. Coultes, William Dun-
bar, Martin Grasby. Further ar-
rangements were left for a later
meeting et the clivectors,
11, 3, Scott spent a couple of clays
in Toronto and. Montreal.
A gathering of relatives and
neighbors was held in the Red
Sobool on Friday night In honor of
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Coultes, recent
nen'ly-weds, 'The evening W118 silent
in d,anrdug and social shat. During
the evening John Taylor react en
address of welcome to Mrs. Caultes
and good wishes to both for a long
011 tlllalvny-enaarled life and aakell
them to accept an 0(ea 0001151 chair
and end, table as a token of good
wishes -from the gathering as-
sembled. The presentations were
made by G. Johnston anti IT, IT,
Coultes. Luliell was served by the
Mr. and Mrs. C, R. Conitos and
Alarm Clocks
Given Away
For 90 Cents
and paid up purchases
totalling 5.00
Purchases can he made at either
Ian McDonald's Butcher Shop
The Scotch Thistle Restaurant
Insist on a receipt with
every purchase so
that you may get
a clock as soon
as possible
Gather all McDonald's Meat
Slips (issued to anyone) after
November 7th,
These clacks are strictly
a $2.00 Value and make
Ideal Christmas Presents
'AN McDONAt1 n