HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-23, Page 2• THE BRUSSELS POST News and Information For the Busy Farmers (FURNISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT Op AGRICULTURE) Current Crop Report Fall Plowing has been in swing thrunghaut the province, but lack of moisture In many localities ties made the pi•oe'edure difficult, Pas- ture has also become quite short In many districts, necessitating considerable stable deeding, while a silo. Cage, of water is also report - public may see the judges actually I Royal exhibit sur several years I placing the Drize Winnera. past, Tile prizes are .distributed; as As there are altogether 15,000 follows: wheat, 1599 Prizes; cats, 120; barley, 110; aniseellaneous crop seeds, 120; potatoes, 80; corn 1021 alfalfa, clover and grasses,. 155; total, 810 prizes, 'These fig - men do not Include Boys' and Girls' Club exhibits, In the Boys' and Girls' Clttb exhibit sectigns decided improvement in demand, which form a part of the Seed the downward trend in values has Shaw display, the prizes offered been checked and prices are on are: wheat, 35 p•:zee; oats, 32;' the ap grade:'' The above infer- barley, 20; potatoes, 00; and corn, mi tion is contained in a report 30; total 107. received by the Delartment of The Seed and Grain Show at Trade and Commerce from W, 13. the Royal Agricultural Fair is Gornall, Canadian Fruit Trade filling a distinct place in the Do- Commisisoner in London. Mr. minion. Its viewpoint and scope, ' he obtained at a05 ed The bright dry weather of Gornall further reports that sup- , which canna plies of English apples are now ; other Canadian seed show, is nit - October and curly November,resents a however, has facilitated the tar- , quite light and the movementt tonal end lest seeds and ross-seat - trop; the United States is below lishment of other tasks. Thea warm vest of root Crays and the omP- i the volume prevailing at this time grown in Canada. last season. "These factors," be weather though has inte:'Pered Farm Interests Enlarged at the with satisfactory vegetable stor- states, "Indicates that the market may be able to absorb the present Royal Winter Fair age to some extent. There are also ; movement from •Canada without numerous complaints of weevil in- I difficulty and at satisfactory price The Royal Winter Fair at To - jury to stored grains. I levels." While Canadian ship• ionto, which opened on Tuesday, November 15th, to run through Guelph Winter Falr Has Big Entry List Officials of the Guelph Winter Fair from President Dr. W. J. R. Fowler down, are more than en- thubiastic over Prospects for this years show as entries continue to pour into the office of Secretary L. 5, O'Ne4l1, Parliament Build- ings. Toronto, Guelph Fair, known all over Ontario as "The Farmers' Show, is well and truly named. Here you will find the cream of Ontario horses, cattle, sheep, swine, seed and poultry under one roof. Here is where farmer meets I ments from September 1. to Oc- tober 18 showed an increase of about 21 .per cent., from the United States have declined by approximately 14 per cent, English culinary varieties of apples are reported to be not of the best keeping quality and few, If any, are being stored for later sale. This fact probably accounts for the quantity at present on of- fer, but once they are disposed of the market will be In a position to absorb Canadian shipments read ily, farmer in a warm and friendly at- Seed Show at Royal mosphere as they watch the judg- ing 01 the various classes in the At the 1938 Royal Winter Fair, large arena. which opened at Toronto in No• Horses are featured at Guelph. vember 15th and continues where there are no less than 110 through to the 23.11, a larger and classes for the "Farmers' Friend." more elaborate Seed Show prom - There are 47 classes for cattle 72 ilea to be not only an interesting for sheep; 26 for swine 40 for r but an exciting feature, due to and grain and 193 for pout- ; the increased number of entries u.,. over previous years and the con - Each evening of the fair is fea- tured estured by a light horse show. -It is an increasingly popular attraction. Don't forget the dates, Nov. 29, iii and Dec. 1. Guelph Fair is a pre -Christmas teat every farmer and his family should enjoy. British Apple Market Stronger "The market for fresh apples in the United Kinpdom appears to be in a more healthy condition than for some time. There is a FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM It STONE SONS LED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL BRUSSELS — PHONE 72 hesuent keener competition. Those responsible for this Seed Show of its promotes for making this in violation of the Canada Tem - appreciate that good seed is not feature of the Royal Winter Fair perance Act which the Supreme only the basis but the necessity of a leader on this continent, Large Court of Canada has declared to be good agriculture in all its' entries have come in from almost in force here, Mr. Cooper invited branches. every province, ^Pen discussion of the beverage Already there Is considerable1 In the poultry division the room situation, including operating speculation among some of the ex- , working farmer and the small conditions as seen by •those living hibitors as to who will be this i producer of eggs and poultry ^will in municipalities where they are in year's Canadian wheat champion. ; find their needs catered for in the operation. It is possible that a new winner vest exhibit by the combined Rev. W. P. Lane, Mrs, M. W may take the crown. With regard poultry induitiy, Dominion De- Howell and Mrs. Geo. Howell spoke to close competition in the chain- pertinent or Agriculture, and on the spending by the young men places and championships in the manufacturers of equipment. This of the townfor beer, Pocket money places and ohamvionshjps In the is a novel feature of the Fair this formerly spent for wholesome ton - alfalfa, late oats, barley, and po- year and in itself should be well fecttouery, stating that since the worth a visit to Toronto from any opening' of beverage rooms sales tato classes have to be vary y carried good, anndd judging from the en- Part of Ontario, in the lines of confectioner tries a real strugle for first Place The swine position appears to by restaurants had fallen oft very winners will take place. be getting brighter and pure bred materially, She also spoke of the breeders are enthusiastic about effect on ,the morels of the youth A special feature or the Seed Show, which was introduced last therefore, showing at the Royal of the town of both sexes and cited year and is to be 'continued this to the limit of their pens, In the case of a young giri, who she ghee also, the stead said was the last person she would year, is the analyzing of small p y increase throughout have thought would frequent a bey seeds for impurities right in the Lauth consumption throughout show race and all the factors Canada and the widened market erage room, having been seen tom - which enter into the placing of has encouraged sheep breeders to ing out of the place so drunk that awards will be done on the floor larger representation in the ten she could' not walk straight. Mrs. and exhibitors• and the general breeds that have featured the Geo. Johnston, referring to the $400, avproximlatety, revenue accruing to the town from beverage sales, said the 231d, has a Program of greater variety In farm activities, larger prize lists, and odder scope gener- ally than at any 'Fan In its 17 - year history. In comlmercial and breeding horses, beef and dairy cattle, sheep, and swine there promise to be larger entries than in 1937 and a good representation of American stables and herds is already as- sured. The prairie .provinces "taming back" with a large wheat and brain crop, are sending more stock than at any time since 1934, probably running to 35 or 40 rail- way cars, Distribution of ex- hibits among the three western provinres Is also more even than at any previous time. Changes and improvements have been made in the judging schedules and in the accommodation. A much enlarged seed and grain show is listed with the h,o»e that the fine condition of the craps will permit the exhibitors this year to measure up to the nigh ideals head of livestock, ineluding poul- try, turkeys, dtsoks, geese, small pet stock (us well as 000 outstand• )ng dogs and 300 of Canada's best tilts) the Fair gives every Farmer a chance of seeing very much in the .25-aere space it covers. Sale of Liquor In Huron County Is Denounced Temperance Federation Convention Protests It As a Violation of Canada Temperance Act CLINTON, Nov. 16—Tbe Huron County Temperance Federation Convention held on Wednesday in 'Wesley Willie Cuhrch, Clinton, was enthusiastic from the opening of the morning session at 9.30 until the close at 5 p,m. Twenty ministers and nearly as many laymen and women delegates weer in atten- dance, which though not as many as on former similar occasions was considered good when the inclemen- cy of the weather was taken into account. ,Rev. Andrew Lane opened the ' convention with a short devotional period and the ,president, It. P. Watson, Brucefield, then took charge. Repots of secretary Rev. W. A. Bremner, Seaforth, and Frank Howson, Wingham, were read ant! adopted. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, conducted an open discussion on the beverage room question at it applies to Hu- ron County. In introducing the subject he asked the convention delegates to sing a verse of Onward Christian Soldiers, explaining after- ward that it had been the battle song of the temperance campaign when the fight was on which made Huron county dry, Mr. Cower then reviewed briefly the history of tem- perance achievements in the coun- ty. He scathingly denounced the action of Premier Hepburn in auth- orizing beer parlors in this county Christmas Suggestions= - Buy them Now while there is a large choke Lamps Smokers Mattresses End Tables Fern Stands Cedar Chests Studio Couches Magazine Racks Occasional Chairs ,.:"ie rors & Table Mirrors Book Ends • Card Tables Rugs and Mats Dinner Wagons Chesterfield Suites Dinning Room Suites Pictures and Picture Frames • A full line of Furniture to suit your requirements D. 11. R iNN Furniture -- Funeral & Ambulance Service Phone 36 Brussels that amount is paltry compared With what we ,'pend for welfare and relief, the .necessity for which expenditure arises out of 'the ex- penditures xpenditures for drink, ODlrs, John- ston is a member of the Godertclr welfare board,) Rev. W, A, Bremner, speaking of the situation in Seaforth, said, "I feet quite sure that the weight oP public sentiment Is strongly in op- position to the ' existence of bev- erage rooms in. 'that town, The trouble," said, he, "is to get a collet- live expression of. opinion,'' Rev, F. R, McClung said% "I once asked a bootlegger If the beverage rooms spoiled his trade and he replied, 'No, the beverage rooms started me in business and keeps it flourishing." The general opinion .brought out in the discussion was that the bev- arid young girls In particular and erage rooms area deadly menace to the morals o.P youth in general that conefsteet determined effort on the part of the temperance people Is urgently needed in combat- ing that menace. Lohtdon Speaker At the afternoon session the con- vention delegates and others heard fin address by Rev. J. F. J: Millyard, aP London, tvho flayed the liquor traffic, He quoted figures to show that and^r preach condill one erline 01 all varieties has increased, Auto- mobile aceldent fatalities, as a re- sult of drunk drivers, aro on the in- crease, he said. Automobile !neut. ante rates are being raised as a WEDNESDAY, NOV, 2111t, 1938 Round Trip Bargain Fares From BRUSSELS Fri. & Sat., Nov. 25th & 26th To Oshawtr, Bowmaaville, port Hope, Conourl;, Trenton Jct„ • Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Gan,an•oque, Broeksille, Presents, Morriaburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterbore, Campbellford, Newmarket, Penetang, Colldngweed, Mearord, Barrie, Orillitt, Mld. land, Gravenhurst, Braeebrldge, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns In Naw Ontario on tine of Tennis - kerning & Northern Ontario Rly., Ndplseing Central Rly, Kapiakaa- ing, Lenglac, Nakiva, Tasltota, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, Jellieos Beardmore, Port Arthur, Meoford, Barrie Orillie, Melford, Gravenpuro , Bracebrldge, Saturday Oct. 26th to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Ohatham, Mosley, Clinton, Durham, Ex, eter, Fergus Goderich, Casten, Hamilton, Hanover, Hai'rieton, Inger- eoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Palaley, Palmerston, Paris, Port 10gin, St Catharines, 5t Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wangbam, Woodstock. For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tiukets, consult nearest Agent, em Fares. Retem Units, Train Information, Tickets. coes.it nearest Anent. See Handbias• -. CANADIAN NATIONAL result of the increasing number of fall, and was listed' later to appear accidents. One insurance agency on Nov, 8th and which bas been z. orted that during the past year again further postponed. in only one of the numerous , ac- be 4, Resolved that copies of the cidents investigated there was no above resolutions be sent d the liquor drinking involved. In the Premier United States drunk -drivers auto- mobile accident cases have increas- ed four -fold, Mr. Millya'rd also touched on the moral issue -involved and the lowering of disease reels - tante affecting human health. A primrary contributing factor to these conditions is the almost complete absence of regulation of the liquor traffic since the repeal of probibi- tion. Others who spoke were .lira. R. W, Craw, McKillop, Miss Jean Mur- ray, H'ensall, W.C.T.U. represent - Pass Vigorous Resolutions A. resolutions committee compos- ed et A, T. Cooper, Clinton, chair- man, Rev. R, •C, Copeland, of Exeter, A. M, Roberttson and Rev S. R, McClung, of Godenich and Rev. C. B. Heckendorn of Zurich, drafted the following strongly -worded reso- lutions which were unanimously en- t-arsed by the convention. 1. Resolved, that we of the Huron C'omlty Temperance Federation in annual conference assembled in Clinton on the 15th day of Novem- ber, 1938, do em,phatleally protest against the issuance.of authorities for the sale of liquor In beverage rooms within the hounds of tuns in, Clinton; K. McLean, Wingham; county in violation 01 the - anada 1 J. W. Penrose, Elmville; J, Peters, Temperance Act,. which has been Varna; 11. E. Wright, Brucefield; declared to be in force in Huron A. R. 9leC1ng, Goderich; R. A, County by the Supreme Court of Brook, Henson; A. Sinelair, Blyth; Canada and the validity of which R, W Craw, Seaforth; G E, Bea - has been affirmed by the Privy cant, Gfautl Bend; R, C. Copeland. Council, and tbat we again demand Exeter; C. 13. Heckendorn, Zurich; of the Ontario Government the can - Watson, warm tribute was paid R. P. collation of the authorities that Watson, Brucefleld, president of the have besen issued in this county. I Federation for five successive years 2 Resohved, that we protest and now retiring to be succeeded against the repelfted and unwar• by W. G. Medd, Exeter. Mr. Watson ranted delay (which delay Is prey will be among the honorary presf- fltably to the liquor interests) in dents. the appeal to the supreme court promised by Premier Hepburn at Kincardine In 1937. 3. Resolved, that, because of its vital importance, we urge the 1m- • mediate hearing of and judgment 1 on the Solomon case of Manitoulin Island, Thls' case was presented to the supreme court oP Ontario In June 1st, ands was deferred to the at the 'province an Attorney -General of the province. 5. Resolved, that we further auth- orize the executive of ani• County Federation to institute any test case, on they ,matter of beverage rooms that may be deemed advis- able. 6.Resolved, that we recommend the advance of a temperance educa- tional program through local rallies and picnics to be held semi-annual- ly. emi-annual-ly. 7. Resolved, that we recommend the findings of the Older Boys' Parliament of Ontario in favour of the temperance issue, and that we instruct the executive to advance the interests of the Youth Temper- ance Federation, .0 '1'9 8, Resolved, that we extend thanks to the pastor and the trus- tees of Wesley Willis United cburch for their kindly consent of the use of their building for our annual meeting. And added to this our thanks to the ladies of the church for their magnificent generosity in supplying us with our mid-day meal. Ministers in attendance were: Reverends W. P. Lane, Goderich; W .A. Brener, C. C. Koine, H. V. Workman, Seaforth; Andrew Lane, G. G. 'Burton, G, A. Peddle, S, Trew- WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Anent, Conveyancer and Commissioner General Insurance Mice Main Ilh'eet. — Ethel. Ontario TIME IS GETTING SHORT Mind ORDER Your Personal Christmas Cards NOW at the Post Call 31 t Samples shown upon request