HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-16, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST D.ENNIS GENERAL MERHANT Phone WA[TON, ONT.S:sr-hPhone 19•r-5 Phone 232--r-1 SPECIALS FOR— Thursday, Friday and Saturday Macaroni 6 lb . ••••••,..., Manning's Chot+otate Cookies • • •'' -••• • • .per ih Prunes Figs ,,, 2 lb , • Chocolate Drops lb • 4 pkgs DeLuxe Jelly Powder & Plate Gold Medal Baking Powder & Bottle Vanilla all for • Fresh Grape. Fruit •7 for 5 lb Box Derby Soap Chips Small Chipso 2 pkgs Wonderful Soap • • .. • 5 bars • • • • Cashmere BoquetToilet Soap 2 for •• FREE YARDSTICKS TO EACH CUSTOMER FREE PAINT BOOK CHILDREN 25c 15c 19c 19c 15c 21c 23c 25c 35c 15c 15c llc Quality and Service CLASSIFIED ADS. FARM FOR SALE— ROOMS TO RENT ` :Al 7120• acres Mile Er.st of Walton; good con .,) s1$of. Grey, .Large bank born. Phpne 96, Brussels. ? Frank Finglaad, Clinton, Ont, LET US LOOK AT THE PAST Hors Are iterate Tokaft pro. of the Post 01 N end I Ysera &g. 50 YEAIS AGO ETHEL On Wednesday pt last week George A. Boyd and Miss Annie E, Adams were united in matrimony by Rev. J. Ferguson, of Atwood. ORANBOOK Knox Church—This building was moved a little to' the north atter which a foundation %Os guilt under it by Wm, Dark. The structure was then veneered with brick by D, Lowery, who also did the plastering. D. Zimmer had charge of the carpenter work, Miss Clara *Dark, * who lives a short distance east of here, was united in marriage to Robert Gor- don on Wednesday 'afternoon. MORRIS Thomas Farrow's sale was well attended on Friday .lost, Robert and* James Shedden who went to California a 'few weeks ago, are settled. for the present near San. Beruado, r * *. A son 45 Joe Smith left for Mani- toba last Tuesday, Above W. J. Proctor's Stor4 In . Le. 4. -and 5,'18 Gale lion Town-• GREY dition. - I • ,3t FOR SALE • — Good High Power Riflesjenilid for deer hunting; also good u1se d cars. phone 31-r-4 Douglas Black FOR SALE— '" h A quantity of Dry Wood, 14rlttei ' vhone 56-r-4 W. H. Manndp... STRAYED— t. 2 young Heifers on lot 20, Grey' Township% Con. 12, Oavner.: maY have them by proving and Paying for ad. phone 555-r-13 FOR SALE— Otte 'hundred Leghorn Pulleite, 1 laying stage. phone 34-r-16 Le.i ie Earl SALE S Morn Pil • are not earning $3. a day, goh'cannot afford to miss this op. portunity. Over 500 men make from y1S.00 to $30. weekly according Cplity with distribution of 200 guaranteed products. 'Cash sales. Combination offers.. Liberal coin, mission, Best time to start. For t,otn4ete details and catalogue free. FA•MILEX CO. T. 570 St. Clement, ir, • Montreal. :t; ortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage FOR SALE— i itliclt will be produced at the 40 Leghorn Pullets laying; wash- ' Wine' of sale there will be offered Mg machine and wringer; baby for sale by public auction carnage. . phone 28 -r -1G Russel I{night,,d r_ 1 SATURDAY, DECEOiBER 3, 1938 at the ,.,office . of Eimer , D. ,Bell FOR SALE— s+licitor, Brussels, at the hour of Jersey Cow, due January 1st; 2 two o'clock in the .afternoon, .the -Young Heifer' also 12 'good .pullets foliowtng parcel of land being Ace. ready to lay. Will accept Wood. -OC ,cribed as follows: Lot No. .30 and Hay as part payment. phone 561 it -7 the West half of Lot No, .31, ,Con - Dave Shiela, Graham Survey: ce9slon 16, ..in .the .Township ,of Grey and County of , Huron, „with the -exception of the one and •,one- ' quarter acre of land no the North., west corner of Lot 31, and the one acre .o5 .,land .on .the .Northeast corher of Lot No, 30, aforesaid, heretofore sold and conveyed to. others parties...., .. ,,.. • , ... , . . 'TEF(MS-Farm will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Ten percent of purchabe price shall be paid' on the date od sale and the. 'balance FARM TO RENT— shall be paid within thirty clays. • ,Kneen a$, the late. Robt. Faapm¢ JAMES TAYLOR, Auctioneer... ton Farm, across the road" Afreen "ELMER D. BELL, 13igevale. Station;, a; good 100 -acre Solicitor for 'the Mortgagee. 'tarnrt ,lofA:y9 `oS 29 & '5Oi on UIe.lst Con, vin Morris. Good 'Jluild111'es; at'• conveniences. Possession given 1st of March, 1 aiiirly to 11. 'S, Hetherington, , Winghain, Ont. •1 WANTED— A small barn or building, suitable; for rebuilding to make a garageii--. , Phone 67X E. Dennis ,•_ WANTED - 7 Bead of Yeauiinga to Seed for" winter (Reasonable), ' phone 29-r-9 Fred Mitchell' r. FocusYourWants Classified Want Ads, will fill all your re- quirements. They act an .e terns which will concentrate all 7,0ur nee and bring them to • ,^rfect focus of ss..•., .,story results. • issiirsisomenesarmstatat- 4 Clerk's Notice , FIRST POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST Voters List, 1938, Township of Marls, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have cotnplled with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up In my office, Bluevale 0111, on the 2nd day or November 1038, the list of all persons entitled 10 vote in the said Municipality for members or Parliament, and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for ins)eetlen, And I hereby call uncut nil voters to take immediate proeeedinga 10 have any errors or omissions con rectcd accorclttig_ to law, the last day for }mime? being . tti'cciheaduy, November the 2111, ALI9X, Mact0.V''l0N, Cleric N'''ova'e, Ontario. Dated this 2nd day of November. Lewis Muller has disposed of his farm to his son-in-law James Den - men, • Thos.. Ballantyne, M.P.P., , Strat- ford bought the last of this season's make of •cheese of the Morris and Grey factory to be shipped to the Old Country. BLUEVALE Robt. King and Miss Beill King were on a visit this Week to their brother•in-taw, Mr, Powell, Luck - now * Duncan Kit, has•* had several cows, lately, that have tried to choke themselves eating apples. Miss Casemore, Turuberry gave heart and hand to 'Mr. Cantleton, of Manitoba on Wednesday. BRUSSELS Miss Jennie Hoggarth Is visiting her brother, Miss Hoggarth is at Present working in Kincardine. * a * MOB Nellie De Cantillou of Sea - forth is visiting her cousin, Eva O'Neil, A new verandah has very much improved the property of J. 1, Den- man. * * * John Ferguson of Stratford was in town last week. 25 YEARS AGO WROXETE•R Miss' Daisy Wilson was a visitor at -Brussels. * * 9 Mias M. Dittman ,''spent Saturday' at hes home In Drayton, * iR' * John Stewart, of Toronto, visited over Sunday witblbls mother, Mrs. D. Stewart of Turnberry, * *' * Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Wendt were in Mlldanay last Friday. Miss Lula Ru• tierford of Grand Valley, fished over Sunday with her parents here. JA M ESTO W N Mrs. Norman McLeod of Ripley is visiting finder the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. ▪ Richard Bates, of Iillltnan, Mich., are here on a visit at the home of Win, lrrallick. MONCRIEFF Following is the report 'Moncrlee S.S, no, 0, Grey Twp., for the month or October ---Sr, IV— Viola Sc;hn0ek, Arnold Alcifey; Jo, IV— Ora McKay, Flossie Livingstoto, Kat10 Howard, Helen 1,leQuarrio; Jr, 11---llot,ty Mantle, Earl Mechlin, oe9rge 3towit, , Illijait Mantle, Allan Staid; Pt. dl—Loraine Me. tGiy,. Lanza 'Melville; Sr. I—Willie Pride, Lizzie Pride, Willie Mantle, Printery.-*Lealle Machan, Gordon McTitggnrt, lteetrlee Meehan, Elton Incl{ay, Maggie bride, Flora Smith, W110e McKay Clifford" irlacidadl Marjory Sin:th, My. tie B. Files ! teacher, • CRANBROOK Josclrim Coombee of Blyth is visit- ing' his daughters, \irs Ai'' MlDen_ aid. * * * George Siemou 'has been kept busy night and day lately between chopping and slaking cider. ETHEL Mrs. S, S, Cole is in 'reroute title week attending the Women's Insti- tute Conventlea. y u * Mrs, sa,mes Barnett of St; Marys was a visitor with her sister, Mrs, C. Rayuard, of Ethel. * Deports says Brussel'h is to have more Ethelites as residents in the near future, J. and Mrs, Krautei inteding to stove there. —5 WALTON Mrs. Anderson Is visiting rela- tives at Gownnstown, -. + * * Wm. Thoils was a welcome visitor in the village last Sunday. ▪ Y * ,...-. Colin McNeil has arrived home after spending the harvest in the' West. * * * Mrs, C. Dickson, of Teeswater hag' returned home after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Neil McNeil/ at Walton. I GREY Mrs, Day and. Cecil, of Gorrie, were visitors at the home of L. Frain over Sunday. * * * Robt. McKay, 15th con., is offer- ing 10 acres of soft timber for sale. BELGRAVE -This Week week Mrs. Will, Praetor, is at Toronto attending the convention oftheWomen's Institute. * Rev, Mr, Boyle, the new Presby- terian minister here, had a Brus- sels rural telephone installed. MORRIS Mr. and Mrs, A, I. McCall of Chatham, Mr, and. Mrs, S. B. McCall of Toronto were visiting relatives here during the week, A baby iso, p:r, Margaret Ger- trude, ha's taken up her residence et Alex Rusesll's, 6th line, : arriving On Friday last. - - MONCRIEFF 'MI'S. F. A. Harrison, of ,Wrest Montrose, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. A chopping mill*isxbeing erected by J. Rhie1. * * Miss Lily Harrison* has returned 'home front an enjoyable visit with friends in Stratford, BRUSSELS '•r; Eli Smith was away this wecek on a short trip,* Miss Daisy Wilson,-,ot, Wroxeter{ "Ares 'visiting under' the"- parental roof. ' 15' r 1Ir. Teskies r Ier•m nlr sister Mrs. 'R, M teCiat St. Marys for a few days. MO. P. Scott • *is*atT week representinvg Brussels 1.._ George Lott, has been orf duty for the past two weeksowing to illness, ' AGI^ , Postcaster !Scott,* Pete ecott an, Alfred Booker, were at Lisjow8 Wednesday. 'a' 2),N1-121 William Gordon, Whb"=1ia''S been sj{ Niagara Falls for the past fele months, was here this week„ h_ ELMER D. BEL'E1,9B:A. Barrister, SolicitoetEtc Phone 20X - Brussels, Ort! WALKER'S FUNERAL HOE William street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTEND/41GS 'Phone 85 4 In •.'fir Day at Night Cale k' MOTOR HEARSE El 13, WALKER Embalmer and funeral Director, ood Used Car BARGAINS 1937 DeLuxe Chevrolet Sedan 1937 DeLuxe Ford Sedan 1937 Standard Ford Coach 1936 Standard Ford Sedan 1936 DeLuxe Ford Coach 1935 DeLuxe Ford Coach 1934 DeLuxe Chevrolet Coach 1934 DeLuxe Ford Victoria Coupe 1935 DeLuxe Plymouth Coach 1933 Frontenac Coach 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 1932 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Durant Sedan 1928 Pontiac Coach COMMERCIAL - 1932 Chevrolet Truck Heavy Duty fir' 1929 Chevrolet Truck, Single Wheel 1•1« 1930 Ford Truck, Like New 1935 Dodge Truck, Long Wheelbase A Real Bargain In a Good Used Fordson Tractor It 1 • .., 1d=k; L. & w. Jackson Motors I LISTOWEL, ONT. A HALT by Grant Fleming, M. D. oaswie11ax0 A HEALIM 0ERfliICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL AS6"OCiATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES V THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE OF MEDICINE In the care of the sick, besides the physician, there are engaged, practical, and .trained nurses, drug- gists, cooks, dietitians, orderlies, nambuIauce drivers. hospital record clerks, x-ray and laboratory techni- cians, anaeth'etists, physical ther- apy technicians and thousands of social workers, Each of these are specialists in their respective duties. The physician is, of the entire lot„ the only one who under- stands the whole problem of the care of the sick. He is the master mind.. He is ,probably .the most highly trained man In our diviliza- tion. It is only arter a high school education, 6 years in a medical school, one or two years as inn interne in hospital and frown 3 to 5 .years in !further, postgraduate work that he is qualtfled for' a spec . tatty. The coat of his education, in- cluding lost earnings, .may reach the sums of $15 to $20,000. By training and by experience, he Tis the only' one in the gr'o'up who is presumed to know the nature of the patient's. illness, the tests necessary to be made for making a diagnosis, the various' types of treatment re- guired and the chances of the pa- tient's recovery tinder the treat- ment administered.' It is only the physician who is concerned with all the aspects or the care of the sick. All the others are concerned with some single aspect of the case,' Who then but the physician is entitled to have the final any as to what is to be done for the patient and how it is to be done? In these days we bear People talk glibly of state medicine with but the faintestt notion or what state medicine is, or how it Can be carried' out, If state medicine means that doctors are to become civil servants, to be hired and fired at the whim'' of politil'ians, their we rise to remark that it won't work. If it means that the m,edicaj,an•nctice 11 the future is to be governed and •managed by com- nrerc'ial concerns, like a great rec- tory we say again that it won't work. Successful medical ,practice de- mands intimate confidence between doctor and patient. No buxeauency no committee and no organization, the members, of which do not see and examine the natieut, can hops to succeed as .the family doctor sue- ceeds. In every plan of medioal practice the • doctor, to show the largest measure of success, must be a free• agent- No outsider can be ' allowed to dictate the medical Pro- cedure, nor the remedies or other measures designed for cure, The I doctor must remain the master in the house of medicine. There is a further consideration. The prevention of disease has made such extraordinary advances even J within the last 25 years, that no system of so --called state medicine or health insurance, which is a dif- ferent inferent thing altogether, can be econ- omically successful unless attelr., tion is given to preventive measures against disease. Prevention is verily the basis of the entire medi cal •problem. We can preveu tuberculosis, smallpox, diphther' scarlet fever, measles and tyrph fever, to mane but a small utinorm of diseases. Future medicine, predict, will -•bh concerned 'moa With cure; -In this field again, , the doctor is the master mind, ELECTRIC FENCE ON TRIAL 'AT DELEWARE GIVES PIGS A LESSON The story 'is being told out Deleware''Township way thesedays of a hog profitteer who has success- fully outsmarted a high-pressure salesmen and solved a barnyard problem in one fell swoop. Some pigs the farmer had cor rales in the orchard were cot tlnually scratching their books a picket fence inelosing• the More than once the heavy anima knocked down the fence and bro, stets while indulging in scratch orgies. Than one day an electric saleetuan called; around- and anteed that once the pigs lot ceived a "poke'' from'his pate wire fence they would never against it again, 'Cannily, farmer consented to a 10 -day trial. When the salesman again around every pig heti- . lean lesson about staying a sa tante from fences, • The then refused to My - the te after I.he saleman hail rigged an omulinaty:r:ivi'` the inoloeut•e, ,t.s N a pig has. 't "dead'' Wire since. the story is, "It's bei' a poke in the pig t pig in the poke,"