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The Brussels Post, 1938-11-9, Page 8
THE ,BRUSSELS POST Wampole Week FOR MANY YEAR'S This Well -Known Firm Has Held the Confidence of their customers for Reliability of Their Medicines—. WAMPOLES EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL STILL THE BEST ALL -THE -YEAR-ROUND TONIC $1.00 A BOTTLE HELPS TO KEEP ONE WELL A FREE DECORATED FRUIT JUIOE TUMBLER WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF Britten Toothy Paste CLEANS AND BRIGHTENS ' TEETH — Both for 29c REXALL SPECIAL Better Quality • TOOTH BRUSH Mi 31 Tooth Paste SHAVING CREAM ALL FG•. 49c Regular 48e Value HAMONY ROSE GLYCERINE SOAP ,15c — 2 for 25c A. S. A. COUGH DRfOPS 10c Pkg Still a Few 'Letf Flowering Bulbs TULIPS, HYACINTHS, DAFFODILS (Not Too Late For Oustside or Inside Planting) FERTABS 25c Pkg. THE WONDER FOOD FOR HOUSE PLANTS .F. R. SMITH *ELEPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. Si Open Season For Deer In Grey and Bruce Nov. 14th to 19th A special deer -shooting season) for the counties of Grey and Bruce was announced yesterday by Hon. Harry C. Nixon, Minister of Game and Fisheries. It will be from Nov. 14th to Nov. 19th, both days inclusive. All regula- tions applying to other sections of the province will apply to these counties, with the exception that running of dogs will not be allowed, MOW SUPERIOR STORE QUALITY SERVICE P & G Naptha Soap • 5 bars for 17c New Pitted Dates •••••.•••. . •• 2 lb for 23c Royal York Coffee, special 1 tb tin 33c Derby Cheese . 1/2's • per r pack 14c Loose Ready -cut Macaroni .. 2 tb for 9c Cooking Figs . • • per lb 10c Pu=re Linen Hand Towelling, heavy colored border per yd 23c Girls Fleeced Bloomers • • . each 29c Boys Fleeced Shirts & Drawers . • • each 35c Sateen, heavy weight, all colors 36 -inch wide • • per yd 29c 10 Ladies' Crepe Dresses • •• • to clear at $1.00 Men's Wool Pullover Sweaters each 98c Men's Penman's Wool Shirts & Drawers ••••. • • • . each $1.19 HIGHEST PRICES PAID 1.OR PRODUCE WIVI5 ZIEGLER Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont. Don't Get Glasses Until you have had yourEyes PROPERLY EXAMINED by our 25 point method. These 25 different tests enable us to check every part and function of the I delicate Eye Mechanism and to supply Lenses or Treatment that actually corrects the errors which obstruct NORMAL COMFORTABLE VISION I expect to be at my BRUSSELS OFFICE in Miss Maude Bryan's Home all day and evening . , . . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th to Examine Eyes and supply necessary treatments or Lenses — Phone 26X Brussels for appointment Frederick F. HornuthPhm., R. 0. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST HARRISTON BRUSSELS Phone 118 Phone 26X ' WUDNDSDAY, NOVEM73Plg. 9tli, Your Attention Please! The Blue Sunoco Service Station wishes to remind their many customers that winter is just around the corner, which means it is high time to have your car serviced for — Colder Weather — They Carry a Full Line of— ANTIFREEZE in Prestone & Alcohol WINTER OILS of all grades and weights Transmission & Differential Greases Automobile Heaters and Defrosters Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires & Tubes Willard & Exide Batteries ALSO— a Government Licensed Mechanic at Your Service Drive in and have your servicing done now They have an up-to-date greasing service HAVE YOUR CAR GREASED BEFORE FREEZt-UP —AT— j. CHAMPION'S GARAGE ROBERT GEMMEL, Mechanic Hundreds of Satisfied People In and Around Brussels testify to the Perfect Comfort and Satisfaction of REID'S GLASSES. Don't take chances with the only eyes you'll ever have. Find out their TRUE condition and if glasses are necessary, they can be procured at LOW COST from R. A. Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE, —MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 "Phone 51 for Appointment RED BAND STORE ";g^° SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 2 lbs, 25c Heinz Spaghetti • 2 tins 23c Heinz Macaroni . • • • ; • • • 2 tins • . 23c Hemphill's' Wheat Ferries • ••.••• • •• 23c L. R• Hupfer's Pure Clover Honey 4 tb 39c 8 tb 79c Pineapple Marmalade 29c Aylmer Pumpkin 2 tilts ..•••••• 19c Red Band Baking Powder • • • • 19c Crushed Nut Butter in pint jar • •••• 23c Spanish Onions Are Delicious Large Raisins with Seed 2 tb 25c New Cut mixed Peel, Lemon, Orange, " Citron, per T 25c Kellogg's Corn. Flakes with cereal . boWls 3pkgs . • •••• • • 25c Seedless Raisdts iI- 2 lb • . 23c P & G Soap •.d 6 'bars 25c Handy Animdnia . 5c Giant Oxydolt ......... pkg .... . . . .. . . 72c North Star *hetes • • •••• 3 boxes 21c POTATOES WANTED Highest Prices Paid LOOK Beautiful Alarm Clocks Given Away For 90 Cents and paid up purchases totalling 5.00 Purchases can be made at either Ian McDonald's Butcher Shop —nr— The Scotch Thistle Restaurant Insist on a receipt with every purchase so that you may get a clock as soon as possible Gather all McDonald's Meat Slips (Issued to anyone) after November 7th. These clocks are strictly a $2.00 Value and make Ideal Christmas Presents 'AN MCDONALD 1 (�1ERig R QUALITY - - SERVICE P & G SOAP 5 bars 17c Red River Cereal per, pkg Lushus Jelly Powders 3 pkgls • • •••• • • • • •. • • . • • • • • . . 25c Choice Cooking Figs . 2 It • . . 19c Five Roses Flour • • • • 24 It, Toddy in 1 16 tins Hillcrest Shortening 1.'. • • • • ••••. 2 tb Derby Cheese 1/2 tb pkg Each 14c New Pitted Dates • • . • . ••.• • . 2 Ib 23c Infant's Delight Soap 4; cakes • 17c Tuna Fish Flakes per tin 150 Superior Baking Powder 8 oz. tins • • 14c Fresh Salted Peanuts- ' ' `' per tb • • • • • •.. • • • . . • 15c McCormick's Assorted Cookies per tb 17c Hemphill's Split Peas for Soup per pkg . 20c Spanish Onions • • • • 3 ft . . 25c Winter Grapes per lb . • • .. 10c Clark's Vegetable Soup Special 2 tins • • . ...... • • • . • • •.••... 15c Choppd Nut Crush, Two Sizes • • • -• • • • • • 15c and 25c Our Own Brand Coffee Ground Fresh per its . • • . • • •`••••.. 39c Brussels .... Thur allay Phone 641 L, W, ECkIflIPI'�Frida� �+ !I Saturday 25c ... ••• 85c 39c . 25c Notice To Creditors Notice To Creditors In the estate ,' of the Township of Morris ih i • of Noble Forbes, fate The Store With the County of Huron, Labourer I Quality Goods. who died on or about the sixth day of October, A.D. 1938. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above•mientioned deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undermention- ed solicitor on or before the 28th. day of November, .A.D. 1338, upon which date the undersigned admin- istratrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which she shall then have received, DATED at Brussels this 5th day of November, A.D., 1935. Viola Jane Hemingway, Administratrix, by her solicitor lamer D. Bell, Brussels, Ontario Woolettes & Tadousac Cotton Flannels 35c Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose 25c Wheeling Yarn ••• $1.00 tb Cotton Quilt Bats 72x90 35c up Men's Work Socks • • . • • 25c up Men's Chore Sweaters • • . $1.50 Boy's -Pullovers with zipper front 75c up Turnbulls & Stanfields Underwear Cooking Figs, choice 2 tb 19c Glazed Cherries 50c tb Mixed Cookies • • • 19c Ib Prunes, large Santa Clara 2 tb 23c A. WOOD Brussels — Phone 24 Brusselr General Stare PHONE 61 See Our Big Sale Bill for Other Bargains Come to our store and get your supply of Clothing for the cold weather which is now with us,. below we mention a few of the many lines in stock Men's Underwear Stanfields, Turnbulls Cetee and Fleece Lined Men's Heavy Wool Socks © 25c, 30c, 35c40c, & 50c a pair Men's Cashmere Socks s • • • • ...... , ct 40c, 50c and 75c pair Men's Sweater Coats and Pullbvers — ._ EXTRA VALUE Men's Pyjamas and Nightgowns in Flannelette and Yama Cloth — All Sizes and Prices Ladies' Hose —cHave you tried our Orient Brand in Cashmere and Silk & Wool Extra Value and Wear Ladies' Underwear in silk, silk & wool, all wool and heavy cotton Headquarters for D and A Foundation Garments Monarch Yarns — Suits and Sweaters Ladies' Coats --- All Chamois Lined Pure Wool Blankets, large size Special••........ , OUR GROCERIES ARE FRESH $700 a pair Large Can Pork & Beans Pure 'Lard2 lb „' ` l Oc Vegetable & Tomato Soups 3 cans for 25c 25c Fresh Cookies 2 Ib for• • 25c nossnoolooselOsoseElH toomwo iRtCt y E. J. MCTAVJSH GENERAL STORE ' !