HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-11-9, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST D ENNIS GENERAL MERCHANT Brussels WALTON,O T. Seaforth Prone 19-r-5 Phone 232t -r--1l Specials For Thurso & Sat,i1lay.1 O & 12 Redpath Sugar lU 16 .....•..•..•... ..... is�c Prairie Rose Flour Cwt. , . • • $2,50 P & G Soap 7 Bars • • • • .. 25e Falcon Brand Peas • .. 3 tins 25c Gold Medal Choice Quality Tomatoes • • • • 2 tins • • • • • 19e Mixed Cookies 2 lb 25c Oatmeal, Small or Large Flakes 7 tS • • • • ••• • 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes (with shopping bag) • • . 3 for • • . 23e Matches 3 Boxes • • • • 19e Highest Quality Oyster Shell Cwt. • $1.00 Grey Flannelette, yard wide ...........per yd 15e Best Quality Factory Yarn --- AtThe Right Price Men's Heavy Work Shirts EACH 79c Full Stock of Stove Pipes, Etc., On Hand FREE YARDSTICKS TO EACH CUSTOMER FREE PAINT BOOK FOR THE CHILDREN QUALITY = : ' ��yL 1LU E sE VIe 3 - 's RTESV MONINSCCSOSCOMICIII C LA SSIFIEDADS FOR SALE - 5o Rock Pullets, ready to lay. apply at the Post FOR SALE - 3 -year-old Lester Ram Lamb. phone 24-r-19 Chas. Pentound HOUND FOR SALE— FOR SALE— Good Fox Hound, 6 -pear -old, ,price Over 100 Pipes from 15c to $2.25 reasouaoble. apply at The Post just the pipe you want to buy men. ,:all in at Grewar's and see the FOR SALE— Good second-hand Cook Stove in good repair. phone 83-y6 Ed. King FOR SALE— Portion of shed at United Church Biuevate. Tenders will be receiv ed by she undersigned for the two south bents and replacing end of sited up to Saturday, November 12th Alex MeEwen, Secretary FOR SALE— • One Buggy, one Cutter, Set of Single Harness. phone 13-r-10 phone 13-r- 10 Alex, Brpans, Belgrave FOR SALE - 1 Purebred Hereford Bull, 14 months old 2 York sows, dee to farrow 1st Dec, phone 20-r-15 Stewart Turner FARM FOR SALE— — 120 acres. Mile East of Walton, LOIS 4 and. 5, 18 Concession Town- ship of Grey, Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Frank Fingland, Clinton, Ont. selection, Have you tried tha ;i lb. of Mac's Pipe Tobacco for only 25c. Save money, buy a cigarette lighter, good selection, WE SELL FOR LESS,..;c:; A. GREWAR•.•'.• Cash and Carry PLAY SAFE— Trade in that old, vl•indshield. wiper for a new one. Genuine- Trico Wipers for all ears at— Campbell's Garage Canadian Tire Products, - Wingham AGENTS— Send in today for our Profit Building Sales Plan. Build your own business. Get financial Inde- pendence by working for yourself! Familex Products sell on sight. Repeat business, sure. Start earn- ing NOw. Without obligation ask for catalogue and :prices: FAMILEX CO., 570 St, Clement, Montreal Good Used Car BARGAINS '37 De Luxe Chevrolet Sedan '36.= De Luxe Ford Coach '35 De Luxe Plyroth Coach '34 De ,LLfxe Chevrolet Coach, '32 De Luxe Chevrolet Coach '32 Standard Chevrolet' Coach '32 De Luxe Chevrolet Coupe '29 Ford Coach '28 Ford Coach '32 Studebaker Sedan '32 Chevrolet Truck — Short Wheelbase . '29 Chevrolet Truck Single Wheel '30 Hiavy Duty Ford Truck '31 Long wheelbase Ford Truck r31 Ford Panel Truck Jackson Motors LISTOWEL, ONT. Hem* C W'I1DNJa9StDAY, NOVI!EM13191t 9th, EV1IOLET 1939 Nor 0,110,100 „„oeouto ood tot lee CcOnt 1001 ,tv em SdnB ctOpopmstos o j e eon Site h,e°>' yP tiva ook' o. pv , r ade)e omoo) extre cot, Come in today. See this marvelous new Chevrolet for 2939... The highest quality motor car ever offered in the entire history of low- cost motoring ...with all these sen- sational new features making it the outstanding car for all-round satisfaction as well as the biggest buy in motordom. SSE IT—DRIVE IT—TODAY! BUY A CHEVROLET AND BE SATISFIED. EASIER THAN EVER TOSUY! At new reduced delivered price.,. . and with low monthly pay mento on the General Motor., Intalment Plan. ALL THE BEST OF ALL THAT'S NEW Orval Whitfield - - Champion's Garage C-196 WALTON The annual bazaar and supper of St. George's church was held in the D. Johnston house and was an un- qualified sucjeess. 'Favored! with; beautifud weather, a large crowd, assembled ea.ly in the prettily dec.' orated rooms. The bazaar was de- clared open by an address of wel- come from the rector, Rev. J, Graham and at once the ladies In cha,ge of the various booths were occupied in showing the large dis- play of aprons, quilts and fancy work to the many patrons. The fish pond and candy booths did a roar-` ing trade with the children and the home-made baking booth was also well patronized, A hot supper was served from 4 o'clock onwards and, attracted a large number, A very beautiful afghan made by the ladies. was drawn for and was won by Mrs. Lou, Williamson, Brussels, Great credit is due the officers and mem hers of the Guild and W.A., for one of the most successful bazaars in recent years. A vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Johnston for the use of his house. Tile United Farm., Women's As• sedation meeting will be held on November 16th at the home of Mrs, Walter Broadfoot. The Topic "Christmas” by Mrs. A. 'McCall and Mrs. Ed, Bryans.:, The roll call to be answered by a 'Christmas Thought.' !'i The thank -offering meeting held IA the United Church basement on ;he evening of Nov, 2nd 'was well attended. Miss 'McGowan who 'silent four .years In China was the guest speaker and all ,appreciated her address also the slides shown. Members froom the 'Winthrop Auxil- iary were present and gave tw8 numbers on the programme, a solo by Mrs. Cuthill and a short dialogue on - Missions, A letter from the National i0mengency Re- lief Committee -.reporting the ur- gent need for clothing and bedding (if the Prairie Provinces and in some daett•icts of Northern Ontario was read. The railways have offer- ed to carry these articles free to the three Prairie tProvinces and half -express rates for Northern On- tario bales, Anyone wishing to make a donation be prepared as the hale will seen be packed. • The Next Meeting of HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS COURT HOUSE, CODERICH Tuesday, November 15th, 1938 at 2 p.m. All accounts, Notices of Deputa- tions and other business requir- ing attention should he in the hands of the County Clerk by November 12th, J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, Gotlerich, Ont CRANBROOK Mrs. C. Olmstead is visiting with her sister Mrs. L. H, Gordon this week, Miss Vida Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin, James and Allan Mar- tin of Detroit, Mich„ were visitors at the home o Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron last week -end. Mr. and Mrs, Jolm Noble and daughter Yvonne of Hanover were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Noble last Sunday. The neighbours and friends od Mr. William Smalldon are very sorry to hear of his illness but are all hoping dor a speedy recovery. IMr, Stanley Fischer has purchas- ed the property known as the Raddatz farm. t ' , The Y. W. M. S. of Knox Pres- byterian Church held their Nov- ember Meeting last Thursday even- ing at the home of Miss Binned Williams, The meeting in charge of the vice-president Mrs. C. Kernaghan opened with the singing of a hymn and the Lord:a (prayer Was repeated in unison, The Scripture lesson was read. by Miss ' Clara .Middleton. The minutes of the previous meet- ing meeting were read and the roll call was answered 'with a verse of Scripture. Miss Jean " Igsmeron led In prayer, -A hymn was sung and Mrs, A, Cameron gado a read- ing, The topic was read .by '141st' Eluned Williams taken from the study hook 'India on the march,' The current events were read by Mise Mae Fischer, Miss Jean Cam- eron, Mrs, A, .Campbell, Miss .Doris Porter and Mrs, C. Robinson, Airs. C. Kernaghan read a very . interesting missionary story and the meeting carie to a close by singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpa'h benediction in unison. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The Y.W,M.S. are invited to hold their December meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Robinson, The meeting to be in charge of the Piesident Miss Mae Fischer. We are glad to hoar that little Miss Madeline Cameron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Cameron who has been very sink with pneumonia is able to be out a little each dray and will soon be .able to attend school again, 'The services in Il -(sox i;resliyter- tan church nest Sunday morning, NoVernber 12th, will be coidrtcted by Formosa Missionary, home on furlough, Mr, G .W. McKay, WROXETER Mrs. Percy Rogers, of Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs. George Paulin Sr. 11r. Wilford Leeson, of Toronto, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McNaughton Thursday of last week. HAROLD W. LOVE Ethel, Ont. •— Phone 22•$ General Insurance Agent Mr, Tom and Miss Beatrice Shear- er npent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin, Wingh,am, Mrs. Leggett, Mount Forest, spent part of last week with Miss Mae Davidson, Master Jack McLaughlin, Wing - ham, spent the week -end with Mas- ter John McNaughton•t BORN "Sits Perkins," a ' comedy drama MILLS -7n Grey Township, on Oc- recently put on 'lin` young people of tober 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl St, James Church, was successfully Mills, a daughter, Dorothy Jean. ' staged at Forclwlch, Friday evening last. —Agent ,for De Laval Cream Separators also keep a supply of Repairs on band, and oil. Repairing maorines. Thomas Grant, Phone 600•r-15 Wroxeter, R.R. 2 In Memoriam Miller—In loving memory of Robert Miller who passed away four years ago, November Sth, 1934. Peaceful be thy rest, dear father It is sweet to breathe tlty name; In life we loved you dearly, In death we do tthe same. —(Sadly missed by wife and family, TELEPHO1E TALKS IN THE "1 MUwe 'CO.$ ,4t 0 TOMOS N0 IT'S Ne'p� WATSON FAMILY s..cr. This Family haws no Distant Relatives Not that the Watson family to so small. On the contrary, there are uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces and so on, scattered across the Dominion. But they never lode track of leach other. I,ong Distance brings them tbgether again on many antuversagEy and special occasions throughout the year .. at surprisingly little cost. Reductions in telephone rates -local and long distance —• in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected savings to telephone user.+ in Ontario and Netted of nearly ono million dollars yearly,