HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-10-26, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
W1iPNDSDi' , OCTOl33Jli
News and Information
For the Busy Farmers
Current +Crop Report
Silo -Sling and hau'vesiting of
Mange's have been under way in
many, districts. Huron CountY
reports pasture$ excellent for this
time al year. 61ali plowing is the
order of .the day in most parts of
the province, Harvesting of the
seed crop in llaldlmano is' eon-
titnuiug with all possible Speed.I
Sugar be and celery harvests
have been under way 18 Lambton.
Lincoln Coullty reirorts that every
farmer has more titan enough ea- Preparing Winter Quarters
silage to d11 his silo, the first time For Poultry
in, many years that this has been In cuunmon practice on tile ov-
ate case. Potato -harvesting Is erase Canadian farm, late Sem.
general 111 Middles'ex, with, yields temper or the month of October
Curr seg 1.om 100 to 300 bushels Is the time the new crop of pullets
per acre and quality good. Hast- is poured in preparation, on, Por their
legs reports that livestock are in. flrs.t
good shape there and milk flow is
Before the
pruductipare birds are taken off
holding up well for the time of
year. Northumberland makes a :sage,,., however, it is necessary
similar report. Vic to: da states In the interest of the comfort and
genera, health of the birds, us
well as the convenience of the op-
erator, to give the +p'ouitry prem-
ises a thorough and systematic
A start should be made with the
Elimination of all cider s.ocic that
is not to be carried over the win•
test If the farmer depends on. the
purchase of day-old chicks for
bock renewal, this may possibly
mean the disposal of all stock in
the plant. If breeders are to be
retained, they should be separated
from the laying stock if sufficient
space is available.
Government through W, J• W.
Lennox, will piece some corn
facts" before the grower anti feed-
er of Ontario corn,
Generally speaking, Ontario
crops have been above the aver-
verage and prospects are good far the
largest seed show in the history of
the Guelph 'Show,
Dates for this year's fair are
November 29, 3n, and December 1st.
that the yield of grain on most
farms is the best 10 a few years.
Red clover is of a high quality in
Grenville, while in Lennox and
Addington poultry are going to
market earlier than usual, with
vices ,lightly above last year,
Guelph Winter Fair
Increased ,prize money for
ciaeses of early oats and seed corn
has been approved by the Direc-
tors of the Guelph Winter Fair.
This is In keeping with their de-
sire to give greater recognition, to
the products of the field as well
as to Live stock, announces E. K.
Hampson, Vice -?resident of the
Fair and Chairman of the Seed
Depar:utent. It is also in recogni-
tion of the loyalty and interest of
the large number of seed pro-
ducers who support the Show
from, year to year, Mr. Hampsen
Having removed surplus, stock,
attention should be centred on the
premises. it portable panel feiLn-
-Ing is used, the hurdles may be re-
moved and stored for the winter.
Runways may be limed and
plougbed. If convenient, remove
all loose fittings such as nests,
roosts, drop boards, from the
The Guel«+h Winter Fair is house and expose them to the
known throughout Ontario as the bright sun Por several days, They
"Fa niter's Show." Here gather should first of course, be cleaned
scores of the best farmers of the of all dust and litter, Scrape and
Proyince to meet their neighbors sweep floors and sweep walls and
and get the newest information reIlings, After cleaning is coin -
from the Ontario Agricultural plead, apply a good time wash to ;
College officials, who are always -every part of the interior of the
in attendance, I house, Disinfectant may be add-
This year the O.A.C. will have ed to the wash if consldened ad -
a large dia'play showing the re- ; citable. •;4.1I11,0„
weir., of pasture and feeding ex -
Incidentally, a spray pump is
periments, as well as, a description
of the argroved varieties of pots. ; the most sakiseactory method or
tie., grin and ether farm crops, I whitewashing as' it is then Pos-
In co-operation with the Corn sable to drive the material into
Grower's Association, the .Federal all cracks or seams. Apply a
thorough coat of whitewash t0
' the fittings, nests, roosts, ec., be-
fore they are returned to 1?ia0e.
Clerk's Notice
Voters List, - 1938, Township of 1 '
Grey, County; of Huron
p i
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 9 of the
Voters" Lists Act and that I have
posted up in my office, Ethel
Ont. on the 28th day of September,
1938, the list or all persona entitled
to vote in the said Municipality for
Members of Parliament,, and at
Municipal Elections, and that such
list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call won all voters '
to take Imrmediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions cor- t
reeled according to law, the last
day for appeal being Wednesday,
October the 19th, 1938
Ethel, Ont.
Dated th's 28th day of September..
Money is Tight
But there are people who
are constantly looking for
opportunities to tend money
on gold security. If you want
to borrow d few dollars, or a
few thousand, our Want Ada.
will put you in touch s'ith
1loctaaae who have money�to
h. ,,,,,,.,,..»......
Stop any Ovalle, suck es Welt
seams, knot !hies, eta„ and 1'epleoe
broken Window glass and any
torn cotton In the ventlating
Put in a good sulaply of fresh
clean litter, and your house is
ready for the birds Whenever
they are brought in a't'om range.
High or Low Grade Honey
Honey, to the chemist, is eases•
tially a highly concentrated sugar
solution, To the consumer honey
is a delicious food direct from na-
ture. It contains, besides the
highly nurtltive sugars, imanY
other eleuteuts essential to the
human body.
Since most honey Is marketed
in the extracted foam, unchanged
in compositions, it is of many dif-
ferent shades of colour and has a
great variety of flavours. Honey
also variety in moisture content
depending, to a certain, extent, on,
the weather conditions during the
nectar gathering period, The
length of time the honey is allow-
ed to remain on the hive berme
extracting has also a bearing on
the density, therefore, the super's
should not be removed 'Por ex-
tracting until the combs are at
leavt three -quartets capped Dur- •
NOTE AND COM can lierdty imagine such a Mate -
Mont Car
471�A► COMMENT Mont -being made it the d'ree1lel k w
were epnslder'ing making a trip to To Be Added
Ari satiety in Toronto Is display, London. To Ford Line
in a large collection of the palat-
ing of women, PietUres we meail,
Fascism has its goad points. As
,proof the order 1n Germany !that
road hogs are to have their tires
debated on the spot.
Even the old-timers have been
having 'hard work remembering
such a long shell or warn( weather
in October.
Premier Bracken is callhtg for
lower tariffs, That is unusual. 11
is Customary to ask for such things
when one's party Is in opposition.
The Liquor Control Board Promis-
es au investigation into the source
or the suP'ply of beer runners. Well
they don't get their stack from the
dairy companies.
It falls to l.he lot of few men to
have caused such a commotion as
Albert Willlains, 63 years old and a
ticket puncher at a Louden sttation.
Thousands went on strike because
Albert dill not belong to the union.
Ing extiacting, care should be Wonsan in Welland is to get $3.50
taken to avoid the hooey becotn- for every family she can show has
irg• spoiled in any way. no right to be on the relief list. And
like as not some of the local
people have remarked that she is
around sticking her nose into other
People's affairs.
This, may happen by the ab-
sortltiouof moisture from, the air,
ao that •the drier the honey house
the better. Steam should not be
allowed to escape into the air of
the extracting room and the win-
dows should be kept closed dur-
ing damp or rainy 'weather. Even
capped or comb honey stored' in a
damp place will absorb moisture
front the air.
Honey should be 'heated only
sufficiently to facilitate straining,
if, indeed. heating is necessary.
The volatile oils avhich are pres-
ent in infinitely s.ma11 quantities
are driven off by heat. It is these
oils which give honey its fine
aroma and flavour, therefore, ex-
cessive heat should be avoided.
The texture of granulated
honey depends largely on its
treatment while in the liquid
state. Granulation is retarded by
heating and the quicker the gran-
ulation the more uniformly
smooth the final produce. There-
fore, after extracting honey considering the evidence and bring -
should be stored in a cool, dry lag in a verdict. And we dare say
place. .' , the jury system would (unction at
its best in a community where the
Cleanliness in .handling honeY task was taken with such serious -
cannot be emphasized too much, Hess,
We learn tbere are to be new
precaauionst taken against imperson-
ation in Toronto civic elections.
Just why any person world want
to impersonate any person in that
town is something we can't quite
The FI•ench.Canadian Educational
Association was informed by the
French minister to Canada that he.
desired to see French taught to
Fretchr- reaking children and Eng-
tish-apealydog children. And itn be-
tween times how about considering
a little English?
Jury in Quebec considering a
murder ease asked penntissiou to go
to a nearby church and Pray before
Honey rapidly deteriorates• under
careless handling, and while the
grading regulations attempt to
ensure the consumer that he is
getting a quality product, only
the carefulness of the producer
can give him honey at hs best,
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary
or the U.S. Treasury, says he does
not know of any fund which can be
drawn on to finance a visit of the
King and Queen to Washington. We
Changes Xn Entrance
Exams Are Outlined
The following circular has been
forwarded' to public solurol prinoi•
PON hn the dIstriet setting out the
changes. in the High 'School Ear
trance examination regulatione
brought about by the eilnau11e5 to
the public school curricula. An an-
aouncement regarding this wag re-
cently trade at Toronto.
Fodlawing la the text of the air -
The Minister pf Education an.
nnnneee that candidates for admits,
aion• to a High School in 1939 shah
have coanlf,leted the courses of
Grade VIII in the subjegts of the
following groups: Group It ,Social
Studies, Soience, Health, Music,
Art, Crafts, Home Economics, and
Agriculture; Group II: English Lit-
erature, Composition and Grammar,
Spelling, Writing and Mathematics.
There will be no Departmental
examinations in the subjects of
Group 6, certificates showing
that the courses of study have been
sucoeswrulIy covered by the candi-
dates' Shall bre furntiehed the High
School Entrance Boards by the
.ra•incipads of the schools at'euded
by the candidates. There will be
Departmental examinations in the
subjects of Group II.
The question paper in Literature
will be based on eight passages, in
prose and' poetry.
There will be no formal gaper in
Writing, but candidates will be
judged in Ws subject on. one of
the answer papers to be decided by
each, High School Entranpe Board
Immediately following the written
The manks,for the subjects of
Group fl shall be apportioned as
follows: Literature, 100; Composi-
tion!, 100; Spelling, 60. Writing,
50; Mathematics, 100. A candidate
who obtains 40 per cent. of the
marks in each subject and 60 per
cent. of the aggregate in, the ex-
a.minatIons' of Group 1I shall be en-
titled to pass standing In. the group,
Provided that the certificate fur -
Walled by the rrincipal relating to
the subjects of Group I is accept-
able to the High School Entrance
High School Entrance Boards
will continue to issue High School
Entrance certificates under the
scheme of admission by reeommen.
dations as heretofore.
United States Is the home of very
nearly twice as many people cal-
ling themselves Irish as there are
in the Emerald Isle itself.
A new car to be known as the
"Mercury. 8" will be added to the
1939 FordltLttncolm ZeP'her line,
l Asea Ford, President of the Ford
Motor Company, announced last
week. T118 new product Will have
a 116 -inch wheel base, a V8 engine
more powerful than any sno11 engine
ever before marketed by Ford, 11Y-
drantic braises auelo advanced
mechanlea1 features. Focht' said tile
new car would be priced in the
range beteveen 011e de Luxe Ford
V8 and the 1112 Lincoln -zephyr,
Wharton Echo
Recently we have been t1'ydng to
collect outstanding subscriptions be-
oause we need the money, and be-
cause outside adtventieling is based
on paid-up subscriptions.
It is surprising what tales' we
hear. One woman who has been a
subscriber for years, had through no
fault of her o set gotten behind. She
came in to toll( the matter over and
she said: 'Three of my neighbors
get The Echo from me every week
and they all have more money than
I have." She told us' 11110 they
were and we smiled when we heard
or one for we remembered he can-
celled ,his substription because he
received a bill when It was overdue.
Ho ham, there fat one satisfaction
and that is they alt read it—wheth-
er they pay or not. A weekly paper
is like a wife—every man should
have one of his own.
Young 'Mach,"Father, I have to
have an atlas for school,"
Old MaciYI"Ah, weel, ye'd bet-
ter wait till the wor'rld's malr set-
To the Music of
Harold Sneider's Swing Band
At Brussels Town Hall
Y, OCT. 28th
Dancing Every Two Weeks So Come Out and Enjoy Yoursel f