HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-10-26, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST CLASSIFIED ADS, ,FOR SALL,—, A washing xMaebine, 71(,,40" with wringer, Phone 554-14 'laundry HOUND FOR SALE= Good,fox hound, 6 years ori. Price reasonable, enquire art 'Post FOR SALE - 5 Chunks of Piga, apply to Earl Somers -'hone 101X -r-2 Brussels .PUH SALE•- (, year-old White Leghorn Hens. ring 23-r-11 ,POR SALE Durham Cow due to calf end • of November, 1-1) phone 58-r'-8 Wm, Smith F'JR SALE- Top Buggy; High Glass Side- board; and Cutter Pole. 1-e apply to Chas. Garniss Mill. FJR SALE- 50 White Leghorn Pullets, ,phone 36-r-23 Ernest Smith FOR SALE - 12 Head of year-old Durham,, phone 50-r-7 Robert Baker R.R, 3, Brussels FARM FOR SALE- — 120 acres. Mile East of Walton, Lofs 4 and: 5, 13 Concession Town- ship of Grey, Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Frank Finglan•rl, Clinton, Ont. FOR SALE— One Farm, 100 acres, goal build- ings, S' Lot 29, Con. 3, Morris Twp. Grass Farm 110 acres part bush, North pt. 29 and 30, Con. 3, Morris Trap. 4-'p Executors John Yuill Jack Bowman PLAY SAFE" Trade in that old windshield wiper for a new one, Genuine Trico Wipers for all cars at— Campbell's Garage, Canadian Tire Products, Wingham FOR SALE— Anyone wanting to purchase house or wanting to rent half of it. phone 79 Mrs. Wm. Sinclair JOIN FAMILEX— To insure you share in the busi- ness pick-up and snake a decent living. No risk. Experience to door to door preferable, 'but not necessary. Every person, a cus- tomer. Exceptional quality. Low prices. Attractive packages. Very Profitable Plan. For a permanent. growing business investigate. Full details and catalogue without obli- gation: FAM1LEX Co. 570 5t. clement, Montreal BLUEVALE The Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyter- ian church met in the Sunday School room on 'Sunday evening with theAce-president, .Arnold Lillow, gpresiding, The first 10 verses of the 13th chapter- of Jere- miah was read by Gordon Greig and Arnold . Lillow offered prayers Rev: J, R. 'Greig gave the sedond lesson In the study course on ',The 'Forma- tion of .the, Old Testament," ,: • , • -Miss Jean Elliott read a chapter from the.. -'Study Book, t'Twelve Tests of Character," entitled "Long Ropes and Strong Stakes,"' 1point- ing'out that if our young people are to be more energetic and ac- tive than their forefathers they must have strong principles: - Rev. J. R. Greig and John Mit- chell spent Monday in 'Guelph. Mr„. and •MIs. Joseph Brecken- ridge have returned from a visit ,wsith• their daughters, Mrs, Taman and Mrs, 71h.ueli ;at Blyth. Flemming Black on a business. trip to Buffalo, N,Y. Mr. :and Mrs, P. D. King left last' week to spent the winter in Tor- ento; William Mills, w110 has been visiting 'his sister, Mrs. Grace Snell, has returned to his home at Sioux Falls, North Dakota; Mrs, Thomas Coultea is spending the winter in Toronto' with ,her daughter, Miss Mabel Coultas, Mrs, Susan -Morrison • is with her grandson, Verdon, and' Mrs. Mowbray at Umlauts; Ma'. and Mrs, Wellington W, Mann are spending two " weeks . in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. S. F, Rolph; Mrs. P. Mad -Dwell, Mi's, J,J. Elliott, Mrs, R. IP, Gau•nism, Miss Hazel Mundell, 'ATVs. Alec Mowbray anti 'Mtn Olive Scott attended the' W,M;S. Sectional meeting nt Dadle's Church. J. iMpw�pray,.1 111iteqthr1r 0v1ait 'With his soil; Ate C,, anti Mrs, Mowbray; Miss ,Mite' and Florence Beattie, Seaford), Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and daughter, Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, with Mac and • Olive Scott. -Sorry to hear Mrs. Ed arils Mil ligan passed away on Sunday morn' ing in Winghan t hospital after at illness of a week, Mr. Robs, Warwick and Mr, Wm• J, Scott and (Laughter Evelyn and Miss Viola Matters went to Torun. to last Wednesday to a state dinner In the Royal York hotel in honor Of Mrs. -Rgbt, Warwick's niece, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Moses visited on Sunday afternoon 'with her father in Bluev.aie and with her. uncle an daunts, Mr, Henry Mathers and sletein in the evening, Sir. and -Mrs. Jefferson spent Sun- day ultll her parents Mr, and Mrs. George Thornton and family on the boundny, Mr. Henry Mathers and Charlie and Miss Jane and Adeline visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr; and Mrs, L. Jewitt of Wingham. Miss Margaret Abbott of Toronto Is visiting with. Rev, and Mrs. Robb and her uncle and aunts, Mr. and Mrs, .Alex McElen, let line. Mr. and Mrs, R, P, Garniss and Miss Olive Scott with Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEacheru at Mount For- , est. The Eastern Division of 111e W. M. S. of the Maitand 'Presbyterial of the Presbyterian church held the sectional meeting at liadie's churc>fr, on Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs, JEM'arry McGee of Wingham presiding assisted by Mrs. W. A. Williams of Granbrook. Fepre' sentativea were present from Cran- brook, Ethel, 131'usesls, Molesworth, Bluevale, Wingham and Barites, The opening devotional period opened with prayer by Mrs, Williams and the reading of ps, .0 by Miss Grace Stewart, Brussels and a season of prayer by Mrs, J. J, Elliott, Blue• vale, Mrs. George Wilson, Whig. ham . and Molesworth. Mrs. Robert Thomson, Brussels was. re-elected sec«etary. Mrs, John Pollock, Whitechurch Presented' the financial statement, some of the auxiliaries were abead of last year at bilis time while others bad not remitted quite • as much. Mrs. J. R. Greig, Blnevale corresponding secertary gave a brief talk on the contents of the Blue boot, and suggested a study of the constitution and By laws, Mrs. ' Metcalf extended words of welcome I from the Eadtes' auxiliary to which f Mrs. Williams replied and extend- ed an invitation to hold the next sectional meeting at Granbrook. Mrs. Kenneth MaoI.,ean,, "Tir.InglattlA:,. gave a most instruotive report.. the Provincial Board meeting, leav- ing some special items from fl each provincial secretary to reiin4m ler anal in closing urged ail td: gi�re prayer a larger place in their lives, A. solo "Scattering Sinilesr'"', 'by Mrs, J, Oliver of Brussels was en- joyed• Mrs. Harold. Parker, Brits- sell gave a fine talk on ,The Gunner Mission Field' in Manitoba, where Mrs. McKenzie carried .on a work among all nations for 14 years, •The newly organised Mission Band et Eadies presented a Missionary Ex. ercise, Following the reports of the Pres- byterial secretaries and the offer - Ing which was dedicated in prayer by Miss 'ablator. Member's of the Emile, auxiliary served lunch and all joined in a social hour.. Big Annual One Cent Sale next week, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri. day and Saturday at Smith's. Retort , Drug Store, Phone 62, Brussels, Watch for your Sale Bill. ' Don't forget the Izazaar, under auspices of St. George's church, Walton, on Friday,. :Nevember 4th at D. Johnson's House. New Winter Fashions DRESSES For Every Occasion Simplicity of line plus richness of fabric velvets, taffetas, crepes, wools $4.95 to $16,50 COATS NEW WEAVES, RICH COLORINGS, PERFECT WEARING QUALITIES COLOURFUL TWEEDS, PLAINBOUCLES FUR TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED MODELS $12.50 to $49.50 CSL_ -OL'^ -3• HATS THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN TAILORED AND DRESS MODELS $1.95 to $3.95 Phone K I N G'S Wingham - W. A. F. NALS- Owen Sound U nit d vs. Brssels ON TURDAY, OCTOBER 29th he Recreation Park Seaforth Game called at 3.30 Shar ., ,(i$Q Minute Game) In event of a tie, this game is ordered, to be played to a finish Both these • teams having a 2-1 victory to their credit, are tied on the round, and being very evenly matched be prove to the ga., this shouldme of the season. The W.F.A.Cup will be presented to the winners after the game. Admission -ladies 1 5c, Gents 25c, Children Free Rally Round and heli the . Boys bring the Silverware to Huron once more