HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-10-26, Page 4THE 'BRUSSELS POST
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Introduced Late LastYear,
Mfr. Clearing Balance .
at Genuine Saves
Richard Lees
Dies At Horne
In 83rd Year
(Y':t,•rherough Examiner)
Dell') closed .:'anter in the
educational develul;lnent of this
part of the vomit*. on Wednesday
in the passing of Richard Lees, M.A.
for many years Public school in-
.speetu, fur P, t.,rh:,'welt Fleet.
Public school pupils of a de-
cade ago and for many years before
that time will recall Mr. Lees as
a man distinguished in his profes-
sion, who made teaching and the
study of teaching methods his hob-
by as well as his lite work. He died
in his S3rd year Wednesday after-
noon at 2,45 o'clock at his residence
at 314 Giintour street after a long
Barn in Waterloo
'Ir. Lees was born in Waterloo
County on August '7, 1850, the son
of Scottish parents who had been
born within a few miles of one an-
other near Selkirk, in Scotiaud, but
who had been married here, They
were the late Andrew Lees and
diary Hislop, Sir, Lees' boyhood
was spent in 'Huron County at Wal-
ton, where his parents moved
shortly after his birth.
Surviving are his wife, formerly
Emma Waters, of Norwood; three
sons, Colin W, 'Lees, B.A., B.Paed.,
pitblle school inapector at Renfrew;
Dr. Harold Hislop Lees, of Wind-
sor, and Robert Bruce Lees, a
teacher on the staff of the Owen
Sound Collegiate; and two daugh-
ters, Miss E. Mary Lees, Ree„ at
home, and Hiss Margaret A. Lees,
a teacher on the staff of the Peter-
borough Collegiate Institute.
The funeral was held on Fri -
clay .afternoon at 2.50 o'clock from
St. 'Paul's' Presbyterian .Chunch,
Rev. Dr. A. T. Barr officiating. In-
terment was at Little Lake Ceme-
* * * * * * * * *
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
ETHEL t' L ful Bale of lard stock and 'mete-
, melts last week, leave title week
Members of Court Etho1 elo. ?Q1 for $aralia where they will reside
C. 0, F. are espeeralle requested with their daughter and son-in-laR,
to attend the regular monthly meet.,! Mr. and ;:'Mrs, OWforti Yeo,
iug, Oct. 2.7811, Last '1<hulatlaY.1
of each month at 8.30 pen., It is the •W AtLTON
regular meeting time for this court.
The place of meeting for his oe- ! 'Miss Doris Gill of Ethel, Miss
rasion, at which interesting 'new i Beryl 'Gill of Stratford, George and
business, will be under consider- t Edwin Hyde, also of the Classic
ation, will be the residence of Jos. City, with Mr. and Mee. Keu,tet'
Antes. Third house south from Ferg: The ladies are setters of Mrs.
Malnt street on west side of Queen Ferg; Mr, and Mrs, D, Neable of
street, crief with Mrs, R, W. Livingston;
Patronize Harvey J. McLelland Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and C. Hall -
for good service in clock and watch
repairing. One door east of Post
(Hike 111 Dunbar biotic,
Mu:koting the potato crop sails•
tactm•Ily this season is a big prob•
hen, due mostly to the varied atul
entertain -heathy of the supply.
The definite change to colder
,veathee has caused quick emit' in
the west of Moving stoves and ad-
justieg furnaces and other heating
at r:,ngemeuts.
I'rauk Sleightholnt is one of the
number of farmers to be congratu-
lated in herring a bumper erop this
year, Alter several days threshing
one gathering in the root crop
every nook and corner is practically
filled to overflowing.
Thursday, Nov, 10, is the date
announced the enc
re hid dance
entertainment to be given .in Grey
Twp hall, under the auspices of
Ethel Court of C.0 F Welcomer
greetings to all who can; come. A
minimum admittance fee for lady
and gent. Ladies bringing ' lunch
Anyone wanting stove wood sprit:'
and piled would make no "+. idstake'
in giving Billy Agar the work to do.
The death of ell's Ed. Mills,
made another sad incident ee qtd+
life of 15 -year-old Jack Miilty; Ethel
school pupil who has been 'iii Jus -
towel hospital for several weexs
after having a leg severely fractur-
ed while playing football .on Ethel
school grounds. Sincerest; •: aYm-
rathy of Ethel friends and 'aetdainf-
ances is extended to the Mills
family in these sad and grevious
* * * (By A, R, K.) * * *
11 They tax me a l come and go,
they tax me, when.. standing still,
they tax me if. 1 see a show, they
tax my hay and harness bill.
When I go in to buy a cap to
cover up my 'waving ears, I'm
spotted as an easy sap, I pay the
debts of other, years.
If I pay a tak for dressing up, for
driving in my pink sedan, I pay a
tax upon elle pup, a sale tax on my
garbage can,' -
11 There is a tax upon my pay,
another one upon my ehaok, they
tax mty artichokes and bay, the
woollen shirt. upon my back,
They tax ene when I write a
cheque, they tax me When I Mir -
obese seeks. they tax the collar on
my neck, they bake front nue my
googly petits,
11 They tax the book 1 long to
re: d, they tap my radio they do,
'501 taxed when I gulp foreign feed
that's brought In here from Tim-
i And yet there's one thing that
Is 'free, for that a goodly sigh. I
'heave, I cannot understand or see
how they can tay the air I breatre.
Witham Street,
Brussels, Ontario
'Pltetti tee
Day or Night Call
E mbalmer end Punersl
Rev. Me, Snell and quite a, muni
ber of the members of Etho'Fntted
church Young People's Asi3tycia9en
motored to Wiugham, Monday Oct',
24 to attend a session of Christian
Young People's Conference, at 7.30
p.m. They wore very apprpeciative,
of having the privilege`Mita jiejtig;
present at this session.
The church people of Ethel at-
tended the senvices in Untoiq (*We
last Sunday In lenge neenbiles.
Don't forget the Bazaa` rl unoder
auspices of St. George's,�'jchul'oh
Walton, on Friday, Nev tier t
at D. Johnson's House,
Blg Annual One Cent Sale next
week, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri.
day and Saturday at Smith's Rexa
Drug Store, Phone
,Watch' for your Sale.
Services in the United Church
were held on -Sundayit}l Rev.
Mr.- .'Mlenzies of Loils
charge. ;Rev, Mr. Sincla'3 , aster,
conducted anniversary services at
Kinburn United Ohurcln;;J�.A rtr
morning service the ` text' was
"A -certain man had a fid tree Iant=
ed' In his garden, Tilkieh rq'f" j :
trfbuted a splendid anthem, "1
Waited Patiently on the Lord,"
with Mrs. Phomas Laidlaw;r taditirg„
the solo Mart, ' ,it
Thomas Steep, a boy singer „of,
'Clinton was present arch.- gauge
splendid number, "Olt '' Bri tri 6l'
God," accompanied by A, h Cook,
During the Sunday SchollIlld�i.:l
a reading was given '113' '
Service in Anglican c3,
:SC;Ch wave'
held on Sunday evening when Dr.
H. A., Vokes presented slides on
the Bible and ire origin, Sunday
School convened at 10:15 a.m,
Residents of the town. and vicin-
ity Y regret the removal titv',Mr. ands
Mr. .Fidd'es an,d ra'mlly from t.otvn,
leor some time they have conducted
u store which has setWeii'ttte tulhlic
in a courteous manner ;,,?jy{rJ and
Milt Fettles +leave proved to be ex-
cellent citizens and will he missed
ill' the Community and Preebyterien
'itifiurch bl w iiplt they were tv ]t3ed
members, 5'hey leave this week
for Tara, where they will engage in
a similar business, ', , , -
'tr, and Mrs. 'Geonge 'Potter, .gait
Wewanoslt, who has a very succe85'
man- of Rochester with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Buchanan, Horace Rutledge
of Toronto with Ills parents, Mr,
and Mrs. F. Rutledge; ''list Mabel
liellough of Dungannon with 'her
sister, Mrs, William Kelly; Mrs.
Robert J. Naylor who visited here
for some time with relatives and
fiends, has returned to ber home
in Rocahester, N. Y.
Visitors away, William Brownly,
section manager, in Toronto; Earl
Hoy with his aunt, Mrs. Last, in
Windsor; Mrs. Woods with her
sister in Seaforth; Mrs, William
Kelly with her sister, Nurse Kel-
lough in Toronto; Mrs. Charles
Draper with relatives and friends
in Detroit, and will probable spend
the winter there.
.The regular meeting of the Y.P.S.
was held Sunday evening with the
;president, Arthur Beuley in charge.
'T1ie scripture lesson was read by
ka.rl Coutts and the topic taken by
Mr, Beeley, after which Rev, Mr.
Cumming gave a short talk. The
efeeting closed by all repeating the
:Treat) benediction.
Don't forget the Bazaar, under
auspices of St. George's church,
Walton, on Friday, ,Nevember 4th
at D. Johnson's House.
Big Annual One Cent Sale next
week, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday at Smith's Rexall
Drug Store, Phoee 62, Brussels.,
Watch for your Sale Btll.
special •Sunday eveuing of story and
Song et the Christmas season.
The regular meeting of the Brick
Community Young 'People's SocietY
wag held in the h i6 et orf last week
roft on Friday
With Group T1u
meeting.e gathering wiisC Pro
ended over by Alfred Iviason with
Lavine McBurney at the organ!
The devotional ecenases were
taken by Gilbert deeecroft and
Gladys McBurney, The topic of the
evening was an address and paper
on "Temperance" based
material taken from the "Temper-
ance Attvocate" and given by Roy
Pearce, Comment on the topic was
later given by Mary Mason and Gil-
bert Beecroft, It was arranged.
to hold the next meeting at the
.home of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Walker
on Friday, Nov, 411h. The Young
People will co-operate is rho Hal-
lowe'en Social to be held at the
home of M'.', and Mrs. Mason next
Friday night, October 2Sth, and
will be in .charge of the game
;period. Plans were laid and char -
.:eters chosen for two Christmas
plays, each of one act. Otto of them
Is a gripping draan'a and the other
is a wholesome comedY.
A very 'p'leasant time was enoyed
In the Foi•eeee.'s Hall, i3slgrave, on
Wednetelay evening when a fowl
sewer was heldl uud'er th,e auspcies
of the Ladies+ Guild of Trinity
Anglican Church, Belgsave. The
tables were nicely decorated with
grapes' and apples' In pmnpkin con-
tain'ers', and candies. About four
hundred enjoyed the bountiful
slttper prepared for them by the
wadies. R'Iusdc. was played Owing
the serving of .the supper. When
all had been served a fine program
ewes presented. James McCrea
aoted as ohattenan and expressed
appreciation to all for their pres-
ence, and thanked thos'e who. had
worked to bring the evening event
to such s'u'ccess. The pregnane in-
cLuded a solo and encore by Brock
Rachar, of London, accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Raohar; a duet
with electric gutters by John
ldanselevood, of Toronto, and Clif-
ford. Logan, was enjoyed, Moving
Pictures were presented by Rev, R.
M. Weekes, rector of the church, at
liras time on' "scenery of the Banff
National Park." Another duet with
the guitars followed and then a
comic reel of Mickey Mouse and
"Our Gang," which met with heartY
response from the younger mem-
bers of the audience in particular.
The next reel was "A Trip Around
The World on the Empress of Bri-
tain," which gave a glimpse of
many couotries, A vocal thtet by
Brock and Ross Radhar was. en-
joyed, Another reel of pictures was
(followed. by a guitite duet by the
same boys, andthe singeng of the
National Anlbenv closed a 8ne eV-
ening's entertainanent.
Mrs. W. +Smith of Ldndon, ea,
commented Mr, and..' Mrs, Rachar
and, sons Prom London. on' Wednes
daY •• - t
Mr.Joe Dunbar ha.e purchased' a
hoaseeand lee,frim' "Santee Wight
man In the village. '
Mts. W. J. Geddes is under the
dootor's care at the home ' of her
daughter, Mese J. Little, near Sea -
forth. t
Mrs, Thynne Wray of Woodrow,
Seek., is a visitor with Sirs, J.
•s'; BIg Annual• One Cent Sale nextr Bi•andom..
week, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri -
Hugh Blair is. able to be home
day and Saturday at Smith's. Rexell from Wtrrgham Hospital where he
Drug store, Sa1.` Brussels'ri' was taken following 'an abicldent''in
Watch for yourr Sale le B11ILI• the removal' of the threshing mach.
lee from a barn.
-Mss Mae Fischer returned home
on Sunday after spending two
weeks in Leamington and Detroit,
Mer• and Mrs. Cameron of London
are visitors at Mrs, R, K. McDonald.t
Mr. Maldwyn Williams of Kno
College, Toronto, took charge of the
services in Knox Presbyterian
church, Cranbrook and Ethel Pres-
byterian Church on Sunday
Miss Marlon Cameron of New
York is a visitor at the home of her
`grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm,J
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Raddatz of
I)etroet, Mich„ are visitors at the
-Nome of Mr, and Mrs, . Jacob
Rev. Mr. Williams, pastor of
Knox Presbyterian church, was in
'Toronto over the week -end.
The Community Club held their
eeting on Monday : evening 'thee
;;new officers 'are: Pres., Jamea4
e eleys; viceipres., Clifford' Kernag
Lan; Sec-, Stuart McNair; 'Treas., •
Stanley Fischer; Director, Archie
Don't forget the Bazaar, under
auspices' ,of. St. . George's . 'church,:
Walton, on Friday, 'Nevewber 4th
at D. Johnson's House.
e The Yopng People's Union of the
',United Church met in the school-'!
room of the church on Tuesday
„night of last week with the Mission
{,any Committee In charge, Kenneth
Wheeler conducted the meeting and
Freda Jordan was at the piano. 'J'he
lesson was read by Helen Vnlll,
The Witte for the evening ("oltsistetl
of a chapter from "Adventures In
Servtre" and an int;odu :nry se.
dress by Marjorie 'Grasby, The
material was well p erwr.t.M and
the now study book bids fair to be
come quite popular, The musical
feature of tete evening was a vocal
solo by 1'ta ii:•,'rre). fee big the
bushier,, tees het it Ives er.anged 10
have a Hallowe'en Social on Wed,
'chitty, Ort. 20 and to accept an
invitation to visit', tilt( - Westfielde
society on Wednesday, November
24td, The .first of a series of Sun' Watch for your Sale Bill.
day evening Clashes will be held on
Sunday evening, October 30th with Don't forget the Bazaar, under
the abject Of preparingfor a auspices of St, George's church,
M,rsd A,tmol'd of Hamilton incl two•
daughters Miss Edith, who teaches
stfltool In Toronto. and Miss Grace,
teadher in Hamilton were recent
visitors with Mrs, Albert Cirooks,
James and Mrs, Tuntibuil, Guellph
were week -end vIsi.ters at the home
of Mete Duke Jordan.
Chas, and Mrs, Davis, Dorothy
Bone and Millie M:aFarlane Were
visitons during g •the pastwith
I.iencl,s' in Seltromberg,
Jim's, A. Brewer was recently a
vl:1101 at the Ma.nee. Puce, guest
with tee Rev, anld Mrs, Moore.
Big Annual One Cent Sale next
week, Wedntisday, Thursday, :Fri.
ilaryt;a2t� Satlakday at Snilltrt1'a Reatal
Drug Store, Phone 62, BrutitelL
w413410$DAY, OCTogoort
akti d21171
JlLclve 6e1 Cvey.
ACOTTON CARNIVAL—scores of new ways
to use them. Cottons for daytime and even-
ing wear; sparkling new ways to wear them.
Diverting new ideas for home decoration.
Come and see how easy it is to freshen up the
home — to introduce colour to your rooms.
Special Wabasso representative will be at our store
Wednsday and Saturday inclusive
November 2nd to 5th
To discuss with you and advise you on your home furnishing
and dressmalcng problems -
We cordially invite the ladies of Brussels to attend.
Walton, on .Friday, iNevernber 4th
at,-D,'Johnson's House, i •
Mrs. N. 'McCauley and' Mervyn
motored to Theedford'on !'Saturday
morning to attend the diineral of
their couaigs Mr. and 11Mre. Fred
Wills and, Norma, who met death in
a car accident on. No. 7 Highway
near Parkhill on Thursday,
Have Your
(Office Mias Bryans Home, Brussels)
Every one should have their EYES EXAMINED at least
Once every two years to make sure that everything is
functioning properly; Come to Brussels
and have your Eyes Properly Examined by the most
Modern Method Known.
Our Examination includes over Twenty -Five separate Teats,
thus eliminating all "Guesswork" and assuring you
Satisfactory Results
Remember having your Eyes Examined does not necessarily
mean that you Must get glasses.
Frederick F. Bon pthPhme, R.O.
Phone 118 Phone 26X