HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-10-26, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST wzmiFiSD44,7., p'CJPQ33 n x IIx Of Special Interest to Women Headers TESTED RECIPES Butterscotch Pineapple Pudding Heir cup, quick tapioca, i/s tea.. $paean salt, 3 tablespoons butter, ai'4 cup brown sugar, ub eup granulated sugar, 2 slices of pineapple Add to juice of 1 can of pineapple enough. water to make 4 cups. Bring to boll; add tapioca, lee cup granulated sugar and salt and cook 15 mtnutes, attiring often. Melt butter and brown slightly, then add to tapioca mixture. • Pour into serving dish amt arrange over top guarters of sliced ,pineapple. Lemon Chiffon ;Pudding 6 tablespoons flour 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons batter Cteaan and add, 3 ogg yolks, beaten 1/4 cap lemon juice 1 cup milk Fold in: 3 egg whites, stilly beaten Bake in Individual custard cups', Set, in a pan of warm water. Bake -35 minutes in oven (300 to 376 de grees bi,) Will form a Dake top with a layer of custard below. Lighthouse on the H111 1 pkg cherry -flavored gelatine - pint wanm water Glaed apricots, prunes, and pine- apple Dissolve gelatine in. warm water. Turn into mold, • Chill until firm. Unenold. Gafnds'h with glaed fruit. Serve with whipped cream. Serves 9. For glaed fruit, preparea/ thick sugar arne4 p of 1 cup sugar, cup water and 1 tablespoon light corn syrup; boll 2 minutes'. Simmer half rings of canned pineapple, then soaked, dried apricots and Seeded prunes, in syrulp 20 minutes, or until glazed. Cool. Glaze only a few fruitsat a time and do not allow syrup to boll hard; this avoid breaking of fruit. Temperance Act Some Brief Notes of the Canada No, 6 --The Ontario Government's Appeal Dismissed Subsequent to the decision prey lousily related of the Supreme Court of Canada, the Ontario gov- ernment asked leave of the Privy Council to enter an appeal deem that decision. In doing so they sernt to England a body of mateiial ob- tained in the Factual they bad' pre- pared for the Supreme Court of Canada dealing with the claim that the Canada Temperanre Act was ultra vires. The Supreme Couri bad decided that under the sub- mission of the Dominion govern- ment it could not deal with the question of validity and this eve - dense theerfore fell to the gerund. Reconizing that Its tenor was calcu- lated to prejudice the mind of the English Jurislts, Mr. Rowell made application to the Registrar of the Supreme Cort who ordered the return of the documents and the excision of this matter, Shortly afterward a legal action of very' peculiar aspect occurred al 'Cooksville in. Peel County, A Mr. Varley, who had purchased some liquor in. Toronto, took it into the hotel at Cookeville and quite openly consumed it in the rotunda. Two policemen weer conveniently pres- ent and Promptly arrested him. He was charged under the Liquor Control Act WJth consuming liquor in a public place: The Moderation League defended him, Mr, Greer. Its pre4d'ent, conducting the case, while Mr. Sedgnvick (then of the Attorney -General's Department and who had attacked the Canada Tem. perance Act in the Supreme Court hearing conducted the prosecu- tion. The 'magistrate convicted Mr. Varley of a breach of the Liquor Control Act, The Moderation. League appealed from the decision to the County 1DRESSED FILLETS OF HADDOCK 1 cup of milk 1/; cup of dour 1 tablespoon of mustard 2 cups of grated old Cana. dean cheese 2 tablespoons of boner fresh chopped parsley Prepare a white sauce with the butter, the flour, the mustard, and the milk; add the grated cheese, season. Wipe the fillets with a damp cloth, cut in Individual pieces, oovor each piece with the cheese mixture, sprinkle with chopped parsley, place on well buttered oven dish, and cook 20 minutes in moderate oven, Pilled of any other kind of Canadian Fish may be used instead of Haddock fillets. THE •KIDDIES'' EYES will sparkle when you bring in an appetizing platter of Fish, It's a dish fit for a king, with its delicious, palate - pleasing flavour . : . yet so inexpensive that you will have money leftover for extra meal- time treats. You can enjoy Canadian Fish and Shellfish all the year 'round — over 60 different kinds -- fresh, fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickl- ed ... as often as you wish. Many tempting recipes make it easy for you to offer delightful variety to hearty appetites, bEFARTMENT Of FISHERIES, OTTAWA. e ( WR/7E FOR FREE BOOffLET/ Please send me your free Booklet, "100 li'emptieg 1 Irish (recipes". 264 Thane f (Please Print Lotteti Plainly) Judge. At the hearing, the seuie legal represen'ative 'appeared, Ar. gement re the validity of the Can. oda Temperance Act and much of the mateu•Ial contained le the On Ca • Milo government's Factum for the Supreme Court 'and recalled frau] England', was rehashed. iIt is un- derstood the counsel were. agreed that If one Act obtained the other could not be operative, a conclusion that wholly conflate with precedent and practice for many years, In delivering judgment, the judge resorted to a st anewhat unusual procedure, He refused the appeal, but in doing so rendered a lengthy Judgement in which be held that the Canada Temperance Act was ultra vires. It could appear that the Valley case was' a Maimed affair with the government and the Moder. ,tion League co-operating, and it, is suggested that the original purpose purpose was to put ,the govern• meat's argument on the question of the vali'd'ity of the Canada Temper ance Act on the legal records so that it might be cited as such in argument before the Privy Council The decision of Judge Grout (now deceased) was very welcome to the Ontario government and Mr. FIepburn began immediately to use 1t In an attempt to, justify lits atti- tude and his action in ignoring the Canada. Temperance Act, despite the fact that on two occasions the Canada 'Tem'perance Act had been held valid by the highest legal authority, the PrivyCouncil, and that the decision of a county judge on a question of constitutionality is in itself of very little legal weight. As the time for the hearing of the governfent's appeal to the Privy Council drew near It became evident that She government was not at all confident of its case. When the hearing was called its re presentative asked to be allowed "to w'ifhdire,w" the appeal, The legat representative of The Ontario Temperance •Fedenatdon and the three counties refused to consent to this procedure. The reason for this attitude was that such a come lett the way open for ,the govern- ment to revive the action at any time if they chose, After some transatlantic consulta- tions tit cas was "dismissd" with the assent or the Ontario govern. nhent, "Dismissed" means Shat that 'particular action is finally disposed of and cannot be revived. The Ontario government thus failed in its aetton and the decision of the Supreme Court still stands thougn Mr. Hepburn continues to Ignore it, and continues to violate the law of the land, HOUSEHOLD HINTS if you have a green dress, our - tains, or anytring else washable, you may find they are apt to turn yellow. Make a strong solution of ordinary blue water and after washing the anticle, rinse it in this, The color will be restored mimed. lately. When housecleaning, go over all leather articles', such as furniture, card tables, etc., with a soft cloth dampened with glycerine. Let the glycerine remain on the leather far several house and then remove any that has not been absorbed by rubbing well with a soft clean olotdr, Your leather will net only look like new but will wear much better. Even when it doesn't need a real cleaning, there are times when; you get rusty spots' and sooty ;narks on your oxydized sil- ver fender and 'wonder how on earth to get theist off, It's a very good plan to rob over the fender once a week with a goodfloor poi- lab. This removes' all the Tittle (lis- catorationg and gives it a nice fln- • islt, When cooking a fowl ht a gas oven, gut 3 tablespoons water in. to the pan at the bottom of the stove, You will tied the steam will make the bled tender, and obviate the n.acco.sity for continually best• ing it. ADVERT IbtING RATES Card of Thanks . 25e Engagement Notices 50e Birth and Death Notices FREE In Memoriam 35c Classified Advts, 25e Cash (Over the Phone 350 Andirons Once Were Essential To Cooking On This Continent When Wood. Burning Fireplaces Were In .General Use For two centuries' Amerlcan homes were dependent for both cooking end heating On wood-burn 0l'etelaces, writes Thomas Ham- ilton Ormehee in "American Got- lector.'' Ancddrons were es'sentlal anti must leave been part of the necessary equipment brought over by t'he Pest settlers, although• no specific mention. ie made of them, We (lo find In the inventory of Gov- ernor Winthrop's estate, dated Feb- ruary 17, 1649, "2 pairs andirons— one pound, ten shillings." Four years later a list of the household' furnishings of •Captain Tyng, of Boston, includes '"a great pairs of Brass andirons." Just xth'en andirons were first made In the American colonies Is hard to say, but those of wrought iron were probably produced for local needs almost as soon as the first blacksmiths set up their for - gest W'ere the Worlds Best Fed People British Nutrition Says So–..'Plenty Consumed Here Expert of Milk Belief Canadians "are the best - fed ;people in the world," was ex- pressed at Langstaff, Ontario, last week by Sir Edward Me)lanby, the secretary-general of England's med- ical research council. "If you are not, you are at least very ltea.r 1t,", he said. Chief reason for bad teeth in England is probably 'because not enough milk is drunk, he said. Milk is pasteurized in London and except for there the milk supply is not another reason for the low con suar(ption of milk he said. Sir Edward stayed at the farm home of Dr. e'. F. Tisda'l1 near Lang- a'hafr about 10 utiles north of Tar- anto. Wilt Mark Grave Of Beautiful Joe Meaford Women's Institute Plan to Immortalize Dog Made Famous Through Writings of Marshall Saunders Monuments and plabues .have been erected around the world to great statesment, famous: cows and important historical events. Now the Meaford Women's Institute plans to mark the grave of "Beau- tiful Joe" a dog. To Erect A Fountain Many years ago a mongrel dog lived his span and died in Meaford. During puppyhood his ears were ollpped. He was "just plain dog." Finally he found love and care so abundant hat to cover me eels mis- firtune and the tragedy of his ap- pearance his mistress named him "Beautiful Joe,'' Miss Saunders wrote about hian in the book "Beautiful Joe," and now the women's 'Institute will len- montalize tion blether. A stone will mark the resting place and a roue - tale will be erected' where all the testy, weary dogs will be sure of a. refreshing drink. Sees Closer Union With the States Premier 'Hepburn Predicts That In Era to Come Canada and the U. S. ;Will be Drawn Closer Together A closer ,union • between: Canada and the United States arising from the struggle of European countries to become selfsustaining was en, visioned by Premier liepbural, girl Hepbtten told the American Transit Ast,ociation that Jalpan, Italy and Gerunany revealed in t'he recent world rrisis they had serd- ous• designs upon tore ,'eel of the W0:'lri feekimg to make themselves self-smstaining at the expense of other conl1tries, Becoming Self.Sustaining Canada and the United States never had feared inVaston, but they should give serious thought to be- coming sett:sustained. ned. Both. "won, - delete countries," they were Pea - pled. by 'She 941111e ltealrle who hail provided the necessary material to maintain tree democracies, PeconOinle c0neegmehces, thus, of the Hiosopeau' situation, coupled ( with the peogtaylhicel gesl(1on of i Canada awl the Vatted States would bring the two =Melee olds er 'together in a new era that ru10b11 dance if the whole ecouosute str'ue- tnre were not to tumble. Bluevale My Home Town (By James W, Gray, Listowel) Not very many miles from here, On the banks of the Maitland tetream, Stands the village where I WAS born The place of my boyhood dream. Many of the older folks are dead, They were (pioneers, all, Though gone, their memory still lives But a few I here recall. Jdnt Timmins ran a cheap Bash store Bili Sanderson, he made shoes, Bill Messer ,had a general store, And then there were the Pughs. Duff and Stewart owned the sawmill That stood down by the stream. Bob MCHandy staked the fires'. Walt 'Patterslon drove tete team. Charles Herbert was a good mill- wright, He lived up on the hill. Bill Bruce was just a cobbler, And •Leeches owned the mill, Jimmie Mitchel worked his looms, And played the bagpipes well. Bob Sible had a candy shop, Jo'ek Patterson kept Hotel. Miss Black taught we younger kids Our primary education; While Mr. McEnven peeked through the door and caused some con- sternation, THE HANDY POURING SPOUT for the two pourultin, It's tree—write for one NOW • rite the special top of the 2 Ib. tin. of Crown Brand, L11y White and Kuro syrups. • is easlly dunned and can be used over and over again. • Pours without a drip. • Provides means of accurate measurements. • Make% the 2 ib. tin an excellent • table container. • The protective cap provides a sanitary cover. Tell the boys shot portraits of famous hockey stars can still be obtained fax "CROWN BRAND" labels, CHM BRAND CORN SYRUP The Famous Energy Food The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited, Toronto 'WORDS 70 SLEEP UPON There are words that wait, With the night, Soft as a. pillow, And white. Cool as a rase in the rain, Deep as disdain. My pillow is smooth To my face, And its words are like Whispering tate, Made of a winged design That is weaving of mine. Dan Lewis was the section boss, Bill Sellers Shed the rails. But under my pillow John Caliie me tthe trains each day, I I hide, John Gardner trucked the mails, 1 A ,sting with a singing inside— 'A. locket that hangs on a chain, Of newly wrought pain. —Leonora Speyeh. Ira Etcher worked bits farm, Bob Musgrove was his neighbor. John Farrow was the village wag, Old Mart was too old to labour. John Burgess was the 'township clerk Sohn Dimond lived retired. Bell Sherden eras a fine Old mac, That everyone admired. 8111 Stewart alevays had some cows, • Bob McPherson the telephone. Bill Ross, a carpenter by trade. Charles Wamsley lived alone. WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyancer and Commissioner General Insurance Office j Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario New Samples Of 1938 Greeting eards Tire Here Tire Beautiful Tire Low Priced Printed for your Personal Use Order Them Early THE POST ..err...--•••--'. Phone 31 Brusssls T ;r • ' 1' t f A • t•'