HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-10-19, Page 6News and Information For the Busy Farmers (FURNISHED BY THE Current•Crop Report Statin at Kairaskeell g' DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE) eminent at the Dominion Expert - Helton couuay reports' livestock in excellent c0ndittOn though ninny fahrat:re suite that pasture co11t11tloUse are below normal, Thele wills be considerable red cuter send for nate in• the Halton at, a, Huron County reports new seeding it ',t+,tite/fug stand :+P both Leavers and greases, 110th Motu - l.' -it and et: we tee lno1ll1t 1r,Z an at,: ye average yield 10 Huron \t'!! h extalealt eize atel memo'. Itoets t rtrl- Itue. rr,,. ail exeeptenealy b.C1;11 crop in Perth. A carload of South-. down rims; wa,- hiPG d 1r ..0 Breuer county ter the 1aiL•;1 Stan e. it:tit.imard farmers have completed Rowing of fall wheat and lrarve.tinO of the corn crop. Lambtoa revere., eche- lard drY acct haat f+,r 1 -jawing, but fall weals is being rapidly com- pleted. The wineries have Pur- e!,beeecl a Aare share of the grape crop in the Lambton area. Car- loads at grapes have been shipped 'rri,ur ',lurch to other points in on- .•arin, the Siahtiure-s and the \Veit, There has been an exeelleut des mend tar grapes by the basket. A number of bade of finished cattle have been moving from Middlesex, the best net price beteg $5.50 per cwt. Silo -filling operations have been general in Wentworth and other counties. Response of Crops to Manure That different crops respond in :varying measures to the applica- 'Hon of manure is' a well recog- nized fact. A knowledge of how they respond is necessary if the moat profitable returns are to be obtained from the manure and Brom the crops in the rotation as a whole. Where interilled crops are grown, they will perhaps show the most profitable response, but when, rotations, consist of grain and hay the answer to the question is not so obvious, With rotations on heavy clay soils. such as, are found in North- ern Ontario, the results of an ex. Ontario are very tni+Lrwt tile, lwr .totter fuer year rotations have been running alongside eatih outer cur thirteen years. Bath consist of gate. barley and two ye urs of mixed hay. One has not received any manure or other fa; tiller, while the other bas br `rt girt 011 aprIlration of eight tons of manure to the bar- e y inlet auuther oe eight tat; 011 the 'aftermath of the Hist years tray for the eerond year of bay. From the information gathered 00 otativa;9 thrice; thirteen vee.e, it is passible to compare the e. et of manure on barley and .y, and :he re•siduel effect on oats and hay. A et tri,. Gi the data shows that barley incritF.ed Oa per cunt and hay 1.26 per eau! in response to direct atl:lic•ations of feature, whiter oats increased 60 per cent and hay 101 per cent from rest• clue -1 effect, that Is residual fele tility the years following applica• tions, Those comparisons show very clearly that the hay crops re- sponded in a greater degree to 11-unu:re than did the grain caps, and indicate that the most profit- able place for the manure will be on the hay crop, Another experiment that has has been running for a shorter time seems to indicate that commercial fertilizers. wile give as good re- sults on grain as on hay, It would' appear then that the most satisfactory results will be cbt'ined from applying ,the ma- nure on the .hay crop, and the commercial fertilizers on the grain crops. Percheron Stallions Outnumber Clydes Horse breeding in Ontario has been more active in 1938 shah in any season since 1920, according to figures just released bv the Stallion Enrolaneut Board of On- CxeSNAPSIlOT GUIL M easy, humorous school -time "etory" snapshot, that could be made with arr any camera. 'VACATION CATION ie over, and a now always treasure. Again, have you V school year hag begun. The any snapshots around theta school ihectic;male and bustle at breakfast grounds—at the tiennis ce tct, the outdoor drinking fountain; the tthe'pgtter of emelt feet down long swings and seesaws, and other School halls as class hells ring, and places where chiSlren gaoler? Plc - much poring over texts and note- tura your children. there, 21(d Inter books under the living -room lamp at on your snapahota W 111 help them re- nighL A new season—and a new call the good times they and their Arid for the samara. young friends had at schoofi How many of us have good collet. When the children are olteenough, tions of sahnoi•day snapshots—'pie- they should have cameras; ob' their tures of our Own school days, or our own. A good box type camera will children's? Most albums reveal too serve their needs admirably, and it few, and the chance to make others Is hard to imagine a batter gilt. The will not return, Look at Johnny as growing boy or girt will delight to he tightens the strap about his Picturing friends, school activities, books, and goes whistling down the school scenes -- and ineapensive walk to another day or ciaseea, It cameras are so simple now that any he's in the fourth grade now, you'll child can operate them, Dever be able to take another plc., At home at night, "study" pie tare of him at the third-grade stage. taros are worth while, and you can Time maven on, and the pictures we make them with any camera. All you lose today are lost forever. need le a couple of inexpensive Do you have a good "off to achooi" photo bulbs, and a colt of fast sopor snap of the children, showing them sensitive panchromatic film, Why Its they turn at the gate to wave not try to keep the full Story of the goodbye? Probably noi-sot it school year in pictures? Some day Would be 00 oast' to bring out the these 80100141nm snapshots W111 be camera any sunny morning and highiy valued possessione. catch a quick snapshot you would 209' y John van Guilder. THE BRUSSELS POST FREE SERVICE OI.D, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "'C01,LECT" 10 WILLIAM iMSTONE SONS LITED PHONE 21 • INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONE 72 1YEDNI0SDAY, OCTODiIi 1901, tarso. Amcttler interesting feat are el the report is that for the first time in the history of she province the 'lumber -of Percheron stallions offered for puddle service exceedsClydesdales. 1''elehorotl stollens total 640 and Clydes. 601, Middlesex county shows• the greatest n0nrber 01 .rtallleus en - tolled with an even 100 divided as follows: 4S Percberons, 34 Olydes, 4 Belgians, S Standard, 6 Thorough- breds and one Arab, Dr. W, J. Staten/au or Lcntdon owns the only Arab Ftallion in Ontario, the Tepott discloses. Muton County is second in numbers with 72, Bruce le- third with 66, followed by Perth and Grey counties with 62 each, The gradual upswing in noire breeding in Ontario ran be seen by the increase in the number of stallions enrolled en 1932 the enrolment total was 1013 with 11 6 In 1933; 1139 in 1934; 1300 in 1935; 1498 1n 1936; 1506 in 1937 and 1683 this year. The report also states that reg- ular fall inspectiin is free to all stallion owners', The province has been divided into four sections and etalllicv owners are requested' to snake 'application at once to their local Agricultural Repre- sentative1 who are arranging routes in their countries, Regular lmepectton is also Provided at .01- tawa, the Royal and Guelph Win- ter Fairs, Various breeds are listed as fol- lows: Peroberon 640; Clydesdale, 601; Belgian, 142; Standard, 106; Hackney, 34; Thoroughbreds, 27; French Canadian, 19; German Coach, 6; Suffolk, 4; Freniu+h Cos-clt, 2; Saddle, 1 and Arab 1, St is interesting to note that 362 of the stalilous, enrolled carry pre - meant ee:ctiOeates whereby they quality for an annual grant from both Provincial and Federal De- partments of Agriculture, the amount of 'which will vary ac- cording to the number of in foal mares left by the service of the stallion, and; acco:diug to the form of premium certificate the stallion carries. Huron Centres Once Supplied Many Factories Blyth and Brussels Both Settled in Early 6o's of Last Century INDUSTRIAL PErDDUCTS BECAME WIDELY KNOWN Communities Alike, in Fact Both Had Names Different ff From Those Now Borne By Alice Aitken Brussels and Blyth are two Huron County village:; both settled in the early 50's or the last century, Both were founded under different names than they now bear, and pr•uduets Pram their fac- tories a -ere widely known. primate grew ea on the south branch of the Maitland river, the site being a Most favorable one, not only for its beauty, but also bc•eauae of the value of Olte river as a eOuree of water power. When it began as a banlle:t, and for some years afterva:d, it went bv the name of Atnleyville, Froin the name of its' founder, William Ainley. Ainley was born in r.+gland, and came with his' parents to Canada when a child, The family lived in different parts of Ontario and at last located In Logan Township, Perth, County. From there young �rilliam Ainley explored parts of Huron County, and in 1852 he chose a place to settle on Land now within the corporation of Brussels, He built a Fog shanty, and, return- ing to Logan, persuaded a number of friends to go with him to his newly chosen Thome, In 1853, 30 tamales settled in the neighbor- Huron County Plans T. B. Area Meetings Huron County Council has taken definite acelon along with the Agricultural Representative and the Live Stock Branch of the On- tario Dept, of Agriculture in plan- ning a series of 36 meetings' ,to dis- cuss the advisability of having Huron gazetted; ea a restricted area for .the eradication of bovine tuberculosis in cattle, These meetings will commence about the last of October. It is hoped to have canvassers appoint- ed end a vote of cattle owners tak- en to decide the Issue, Qiflctals of the colnty point out that at the presext time there are only five counties in the en- tire iirovince Uhrat have not taken some action to acquaint cattle owner,: with this policy. Beet cat- tle shippers, to Hutted States mar kets are already feeling the in- convenience of the new American regueationo effective last July 1st whereby all cattle 'except those for +invmendiate slaughter must be tested before crossing the line A number of shippers recently In- terviewed expressed the opinion that in view of this tog -elation and that the ananpet has. been curtailed In that packing houses not andel Washington ennervis;on Cairn 1 bring in untested Cenedtaie eattia even though fol• immediate slaugh- ter, the sooner the wholeprovince is tested the better, 1n this conneetionr th• American market will take caltie from a) ens which have been tested un• der the restricted arca plan witltr out fit+she 1. 1'1n''nit founts, btiug very largely Interested In beef cattle vitally interested here- fore in restricted area work, ADVERTISING RATES ('erd at Thalike Engagement Notices Birth and Heath Notices In Meanorium Classified Advta. (Over the Phalle 36e) 25e 50c FRED 35o 25c Cash hood, on the ROE Complete Concentrate Plan Here's a proven method for every farmer with his own homegrown grain, Get a bag of ROE, 32% or 40% Concentrate, and mix about one pound to every three or four pounds of home•grown grain, depending on which level of protein concentrate is your choice. Use only sound, heavy grain, We give you formulas in each bag that do get results. You do your part in mixing, and you'll have tho finest feed money can can buy • - fully Vitamized for Health and Farm -proven for Results. ROE 32% and 40% Complete CONCENTRATES Choice proteins, fully vitamized for Health with your home-grown grain. if you have sot choice homegrown COMPLETask Er ROE 18,4 EGG MASH • the finest feed that money um buy. This plan has made a hit with farmers everywhere. It saves on freight and hand- ling charges, lowers feeding costs, main. tains health and vigour in the birds, and when it comes to egg -laying, you will be more than satisfied with the increased pro- duction of large eggs of better texture and flavour a money -making plan for the businesslike farmer. Try a sack, • • you'll be back,, ROE F,A(,+' ATWOOO, ONTARIO S MILLINCs CO. ROE FEEDS SOLD LOCALLY BY East Huron Produce Emporium, Brussels Frank Harrison, Moncrieff Geo. Michel, 1-lenfryn Albert Traviss, Walton l Facts Regarding In two years there was a thrix 1 the Restricted Ing village, Later a post office 1 was estraiblielleel which was named Area ,Ptah officially "Dingte," though the '• Huron County cattle owners are I village was Ainleyvl94These ' to be given the opPortulnity this: fall ; names persisted until 1872, when bibs village was incorporated by df toting in favour or against the t111e proclamation or the lieutenant- 1tes:t?tiled area. Plane for the eradt- governor and the name ',Brussels" cation of bovine luberuulosis, 130' tore talo , etitions are circulated in was, given. The namer :probably each school section, a large mint- had unbad in mind Brussels in Belgium, ber of educational meetings are ba- th tile early days Brussels had ing held throughout Ute county, by Atculteral Representative, many indnotries, .such as fiotir the fi ^r mins, Sa',umilis, furniture factory, planing meth, tannery, flax mill, pump factories, The Brussels Steam Fire Engine and Agriculture Ytror•ka manufactured Ire engines which were sold In all parts of the Dominion, (Strange to say a corset factory was among the lndustrdes, 'Ilhere were numerous stores and shops' where apprentices' could learn their 1r tea des., County Cattle Tested Northumberland 45033 Halton 23259 Peel 16106 Durham 18960 Ontario 19492 York 54SS3 Results show that tosses have been heavier In (tatty than In beet 1 The name Blyth, comes from seotans. Ab,nor;marily high losses England, .there being several rlv- were encountered in sections of ors in Eosgland so namniad. Though York, Peel and Balton Counties% I Uhe village of Blyth. aepears to be most lntntances these lossatr occur - named after a river, strange to red on Uarms'where eObtle foe un• say then is no river near it. The known origin had been introduced name on old mates, is spelled to the herd from time t0 t.bme, "Blythe." In its ieg.Ply years', it was Question0-Is the T, B, Serusn Teat called Drummondville, in honor of accurate and square one at its first failonies. Answer•-ld is• •thee only accurate The sett4,mnent at 1Blyth began tent for tuberculosis 4n cattle sn in 1851, ;Lucius McConnell, an far discovered. An occasional sow frishenan from York ;County and may be so bad that she won't react Kienreeely aleelaeare, a Rbotelman hilt eine then may show the disease from North EasUluope, being the by her coneittlon. Many that re- ntuof Jas+, C. Shearer, to outline the rules and vegetations of the Area Plan. Every cattle owmer is invited to attend the meeting nearest his home. The following questions and answers cover two moat important ,potfl100 Queetton-4.10w many cattle are Huron County fermiers likey to lose through the T.B. Test? Answer ---4t is impossible to answer this question but the results obtain- ed in areas tested near give some ideo of What to expect, Reactors Percent, first to build their log ahantles, l aot have only a slight amo They were soon followed by Rob- disease. One never knows when Notice is hereby given that I have ort Drummond, John Templeton such a cow .may break down follow- aomplled with Section 9 of the kdm e 11 t to err t wirk and be - 1959 3179 2954 991 2637 3634 4,3 13,6 18.2 5.2 1;1.5 15.1 F. F HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 26X Harriston, Phone 118 In Brussels the Second Thursday each month. Clerk's Notice FIRST POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST Voters List, 1938, Township of Grey, County of Huron ra s re hilog ing Ilinese re hefty house, George trolley started .a ^ come a spreader of the disease, All blacksmith shop, Joseph White- animals that, react have tuberculosis head a grist mill, and John Drum- ( in some form. The staff of veter- Medd a hotel and also, a shoe shop. martens on this work are at it all These were all opened by tate year the year rotund and they hold theta 1865 when Kenneth McBean built jobs• because they are skillful, ac - a sawmill, 00,520 and honest They are 1 1866 William Drummond (son anxious eo have as few react as oa f Rmustbeatt lr pos :file but they must be accurate, ) w, o was employed as manager of the Main , Hope and Co. store, at London, Ont,, made a plane to increase the possibilities of S1vtih. He advertised and en- gineered an auction. sale of 200 1ots and this brought In many set. tiers, William Drummond himself started a store he 1559 anal con - deleted it for many years Like many of the towns and vil- lages of Ontario, Blyt!, boasted many industries 70 years ago that have since disappeared, !Cite build- ing of I.he'tluffalo and Lake Huron branch of the tlratnd Trunk Railway In the 60'a did more than anything tl;:o to bead up lite town. 1t had t.umerous wood working male and factories, foundry, woolen factory, implement factory anti stores of all kinds, T>auh Is' 1.11e youngest of the Sminll municipal' ties of Huron County, betrng made a corporation Its 1877, When 11 had a population of 080,-,l,ondou Free Treats No government enough to Pans 111515, Someone him and his job month out, He anilnlats he tests reactors. 4nspectc' is foot tubeiecn:loais would soonreport wouldn't last the must tag all the and ear Punch all Voter's' Lists Act and that I have posted up in my office, Ethel Ont, on the 28th day of September, 1938, the !tot of all persons entitled t to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament, and at Municipal Elections, and that such . list remains' there fol' inspection, I, And I hereby Dell upon all voters to take Immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions con, rested according to law, the last 1 day for appeal being Wednesday, October the 19111, 1938 3, H, FEAR Ethel, Ont. Dated this 28th day of September.. THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will Come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR stet Irltdr,rational Daily Netospejrei' n rooards for Yon tho world's alum, nonetruetive doinga, The Monitor does not exploit orlme or a0naetton; neither does it ignore them, but dealt eerrootivsly with them. Ponturoa for bust mon and all the family, Including thaWeekly Magnslno Mahlon. The Christian Selene° Publishing Sothis, Ono, Norwor Street, Boston, Mneaochuaetts Pleete enter my aubsortptloh 10 The parish:in Selenco Monitor for a Oiled a1 1 year matt 0 months 30.00 3 months 91.00 1 month 81.00 Wednesday issue, lneluding Mogsatne Bretton: 1 scar 52,00, O Ilan°e 290 Mine - leave ltaer to Cale ono R sem . ar