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Scheme Will Be
Fully Explained
Farmers to be Made
Acqainted With Details
Of ;Plan to Eradicate
Bovine Tuberculosis
Clinton, Oct 12, --,The first of 38
meetings; scheduled in HUMP CP1111-
1y to aCtgPallit farmers with the
Reserfetes Area Plan for the eradi-
cation of bovine tuberculosis. will be
held the week of October 24, it was
announced today by Agricultural
Representative James C. Shearer.
The meetings slated for the first
'week -are as follows:
°Mabel. 21—Pordwich, 2 pm,
Lakelet, e pan.
October 25.—Wroxeter, 2 p.m.
Bluevaie, 8 p.m.
Oetober 26.—Wal:on 2 p,m.
Glananan 8 pan.
October 27,—Brussele, 2 p,m,
Blyth, 8 p.m,
October 28.—Ethe1, 2 P. 121,
Cranbrook, 8 p.m,
October 29,—Ibloncrieff, 10 p.m.
Wingham, 2 p.m.
It will be noted that evening
meetings are being held during the
first week, but after that the meet-
ings will be held in the mornings
and afters except 111 cases
where the reeve of the township
thinks an evening meeting \you'd
be more advantageous. At all the
meetings: throughout the county,
the township reeves will act as
chairman at meetings in their res-
Pective municipalities.
Mr. Shearer hopes to complete
all the meetings in the eight north-
ern townships (Howick, • Turnberry,
Grey, Morrie, East Wawanosh,
West Wawanosh, Ashfield and Col-
borne) before the Royal Winter
Fair opens on November 14, As
Huron County Council will be in
sessions that week also, no T.B.
meetings, will be held. The follow-
ing week, however, the meetings
will be resumed and will continue
until all townships have been com-
Owen Sound
Football Game
(Continued from Page 1.)
in possession, but be could not get
bis shot away fast enough. McLean
was outtucked when he heeled a
centre and the bail rolled just the
wrong side of the post. A few min-
utes later the same player got a
shot on goal but Riley rushed over
to make a sensational save, de-
flecting the roiling ball just In time.
Then, just when It looked as if the
game would; be a tie, came the win-
ning goal McLean was well out as
be headed the ball and it bounced
before reaching- the goal, but Riley
could not get to it 113 time. The
ball had just been centred when the
final whistle blew.
Idsussels had a golden, oppostualtY
to go tato the lead midway thiough
the second halt, when, with the
score, tied, they were awarded a Pen-
alty kick. Riley came down from
his goal to take the kick but sent
bhe ball along the ground yards to
the lett at the goal.
Brussels presented a stout de-
fence and appeared to depend, upon
the speed of their forwards to pro-
vide them with scoring opporieum
Ries, During the first half they did
little passing on the attack, the ball
being continually ballooned, but
lister in the game they got their
combination woeking.
It was not until late In the sec-
ant(' half that the Owen Sound club
teeny lot Working: in around the
goal and when they did they. gave
• .'.nPort rs; many anxious
m -Amite Their victory was well
There was, no. actual stars for
Willer team, but Nichol and Bowler
Rotel op well against Owen Sound's;
Pressure in the closing part of the
game, while IffeLean was always
dangerous on the attack for Qwen
Sound, with Atha., getting Into the
game late' in the second half,
strengthening the s meek consider-
ably as a result of his freshness,
Brussels -- Goal, Reey; baeke,
Nichol BM Bowler; halves, Fox,
Bryans and King; forwards, Miller,
Pearson, Steles, Keifer and Ruseell;
aPernates, Rutledge and 13aker-
•Owen Sound -- Goal, Wright;
backs; Dowdell and J.. Wilklel
balves, Shell, Smart and Huebbutt;
forwards, Cele, D. Wilkie, McLean,
Gibson and McKay; alternatee, Gibb
and Arnett.
Referee—Steve Stanley of Owen
In Vancouver, B.C„ on Thursday
evert -tag, Oct. eth the marriage took
place of M1.95 Kate Deadman,
of Toronto, daughter of Air, and
:Vbs. 0. A. Deachnon, of Brussels,
Ontario, to Dr. Wilbur' 5, Watson of
Vancouver. The wedding was sob
emnized at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs Hind, the Rev. I, J.
Hiud officiating, Al 8 p.m, to the
strains of thes wedding march play-
ed by Miss Haeel Watson the hz.ele
entered on, the arm of her nephew
Mr. Ross Hind, being dressed in
travelling suit and hat and acces-
sories of green and wearing a beau-
tiful; corsage of pale pink rosebuds
and carnations, After signing Of the
register Mrs. Charlie Wateou sang
very effectively "All Joy Be, Thine,"
The drawing loom was beautifully
decorated with autumn leaves and
fernns and flowers and under the
wedding arch of the same artistic
effect the brlde and groom received
the congratulations of their immed-
iate relatives and friends, Delicious
refreshments were then served by
the b;:stes, and a very fin toast to
the bride was proposed by Mr.
Frank Hayward, the groom IT.
In a very suitable, and
able manner. Mr, Bric Davies also
10 a very kindly way, welcomed the
bride no behalf of the West ,Point
Grey Baptist church of which she
wili beeonle 51 Member, Pr,
Mrs. Watson their left fOr
honeymoon In Victoria . and
Vancoaver Island points. On
return they will reside pt.
West 91 h Ave., Vancottver,
Wm. Crawford
Retires As
Grain inspector
Wm, J. Crawfottl, Vancouver's
chief r ain insfector, has decided
to retire from ae'Ive service
Mr, Crawford has seen Vancou-
ver develop from an experlcental
grain no -t to a world grain termi-
nal and export point, He came
here in 19,23, with a staff coff-
sisting of himself and, one assist-
ant inspector.
Today he is head of a depart-
ment which employs fifty men
and women on this ;Coast. He
started government grain Inspec-
tion at Winnipeg thirtumble Years'
ago, the same day that the prev-
ent chief Dominion Inspector did.
Countlfss millionof Canadian
grain have since gone overseas,
ander Mr. Crawford's o.k.
Tile retiring official will be sac -
reedy,' by his assistant, J. A,
Ross who has been stationed
cheer tor the past ten yvars.
01r. W. 3, Crawford was born in
Itusscls. He le a brother of 1Ir
.1. Simmons and Mrs. D, Smith,
Morris Township ,
Pioneer passes
031tterale, Oct, 15—One of the
pioneer settlers of thie locality in
the person of George Turvey paned
stay at the home of his sea Robert,
2nc1 concesIsion of Morrie Tolnehip
on Thursday la his 96th year,
Mr. Turvey had lived the greater
Part of his lite on the lam where
he died., His wife, formerly Margar-
et Campbell predeceased h I 10 over
twenty. years'. Isir. Turvey was one
of the hardy pioneem of the coun-
try, industrious and energetic. Af-
ter he was past middle life he lett
his farm in Morrts. and went to the
Canadian West and homesteaded a
tract a land, He was a great read-
er and although his eyereght Was
weakening of late he kept well in-
formed on all the Questions of the
, times and loved to talk on current
events to his many visitors, He was
a Liberal in politics and a PreSee-
: terian in religion.
He is survived 14 two sons and
one daughter. Will In British Col-
uetibia, Mrs Robert Coolies in Wei-
wancsh ane Robert on the home-
The funeral was held Saturday
ofteynoom Service held in Knox
Presbyterian Church conducted by
Rev. J. R. Orel& Interment in Blue -
vale ceuneFery.
Lecture Given
Thursday evening en illustret-
ed lecture was given in Melville
Presbyterian Church, by the Minis-
ter, Rev, Samuel Herr, on ids trip
last summer through England, Scot-
land and. ;Ireland and many places of
relifelelle, historic anl literary inter-
est, Travelling Ili Ireland, which
Is familiar stamping ground for 111111,
he began in the North and went as
far 06, Cork . The beautiful lakes of
Killarney, of world-wide fame, for
their loveliness, Ives's visited and
many other nature ocenee in the
Smith, and in the North a Ire-
land, Hurrying back from the
South of Irelamd, Mr. Kerr was, in
the Day of Bel,llast for the visit of
the King and Queen and was within
a few yards of them asthey passed.
Snaps. were taken of the Royal Pro-
cession.. He was deeply ;moved by
the resPect and enthusiasm with
Wildon the King and Queen were
received in Belfast. Visiting in
Scotland, be toured the Trossachs
where nature has charms that baf-
fle description. He had often beard
Loch. Lomone sung and realized
it must be a lovely spot but the
charm of that famous place ex-,
ceeded Itis expectations. Ile visited
the Burns country and was in the
tonne where the poet was born and
lbstened to Scotch people reciting
sinie of Burnet poetry. He s'00{1 in
the old 131e5-0-Doont <mud visited
the Old graveyardwhere the poet's'
parente; are burled. He visited the
Scott country and Abbotsford
Howe, Where Sir Waiter lived and
Wrote lormed as Mose interesting
stopping place. 'Pbe roonis Were
filled with a variety Of things that
carry one back to the groat Scot-
tish writer and the various inter-
ests he had, Drebuogli Abbey,
Where Sir Walter Scott and Reel
Marshall Haig are buried, was; vis-
ited, and Mr, Kerr was 'very' much
impressed with the plain little
cross that marks the resting place
of the great soldier.
Edinburgh was 'packed full of lin
terest, He visited St. Giles Cathed-
ral, the Castle, John Knox's house,
Hollprood Palate and the Grey
Friar's, Church wheae the Covenant
was signed.
In England be visited the City
of York where the beautiful Min-
ister is. In. London he was at, 13ucle
Ingham Palace, Windsor Castle, St.
Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Ab-
bey, Dickens( Old Cariosity Shop,
the Royal Stables in which he saw
the Coronation coach and the var-
ious other coaches used by Rayalty.
Besides these places named, Mr,
Kerr visited many places of in-
terest, and in the lecture he stowed
about one hundred slides'. A large
number ateendedl and greatly en-
joyed the views and the lecture,
The receipts are to gO to the build-
ing fund of the church.
Owen Sound Vs. Brussels
At Victoria Park, Brussels
Game called at 3.30 Sharp (90 Minute Game)
in event of a tie, this game will be played to a finish
The Owen Sound team are leading 2-1 on the round,
but the Brussels Boys have not yet lost a game in
Brussels. so rally round and cheer the boys to another •
championship, as this is the last game of the season.
Admission Er Ladies 1 5c, Gents 25c, Children Free
Rally Round aad Help the Boys Win