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WEDNESDAY, October 19th, 1938
Single Copies 5c
Bluevale Couple
Wed S. Years
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
W. Mann Celebrated'
Golden Wedding Monday;
Started in Log House
Mr. and Mrs, Wellington W. Mann
Monday •celebrated their goklen
wedding annlversat'y with a family
Wellington Mann and Priscilla
Watson were married in Listowel
by Rey. Mir, Nugent Methodist
minister, on October 17, 1888. The
bride's sister, Bella, now Mrs. R. S.
Hanna, of Detroit, was bridesmaid,
and Albert Hewitt, now of Winni-
peg, was • groomsman,
der. and Mrs. Mann started house-
keeping in a log house on a farm
two miles from Listowel where
they lived for 3.5 years', In those
days Listowel was Bite a large vil-
lage with much bush land sur-
rounding it.
There are five sons and four
daughters living One son, +Sher-
wood, died several years' ago, There
are also 33 grandchildren and one
The children are, Roy, at Blyth;
Clinton, of Listowel; Lambert and
Sbeidon, elf Gerrie; Russell, of
Stratford; Mee Clitferd Johnston,
of Goerie; Mrs, Fred Hollenbeck,
Bluevale; Mrs, S, F. Rolph, De-
troit; Mrs, Richard Aldridge, Ford-
Huron County
Council To Meet
The Next Meeting of
will be held in the
Tuesday, November 15th, 1938
at 2 p.m.
All accounts, Notices of Deputa-
tions and other business requir.
ing attention should be in the
hands of the County Clerk by
November 12th..
County Clerk, Goderich, Ont.
Melville Presbyterian Church
Brussels, Ont.
Services -11 a -m. and 7 p.m.
Anniversary Minister—
Rev. C. S. Oke,
Knox Presbyterian Church
Special Music by the Choir
Everybody Welcome
Tuesday, November 1st
Supper Served from
5.30 to 8 p.m.
Something Different
A Continuous Programme of
Organ, Quartette and Vocal
Solos in the Church Auditorium
6.30 to 9 p.m.
Admission ----Adults 40c
Children under 12 25c
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
Rootin Tootin Rhythm
Midnight Show
Sunday, Midnight, Oct. 23, at 12.05
Ginger Rogers Doug Fairbanks Jr.
Having a Wonderful
The smash Broadway Hit
Even better on the screen
Next THURS., FRI., & SAT.
Dick Powell as flue yodeling
Cowboy From
with Priscilla Lane
Pat O'Brien Dick Foran
A Modern Western
with your favorite stars
Eger Bergen 'Charlie McCarthy
Adolphe Mortice Andrea Leeds
Letter of introduction
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Procter vpent
lest Thursday in London.
geek Baeker, Toronto spent the
week -end at his. home.
Muss Mae Armstrong has been
et Point Clark wiith Mr, and Mrs,
W. Rose.
Rev, H. J, Mahoney is: in the
Clinton Ieoepltal being treated for a
Yell stubborn. cold.
Mrs. Fred Burchell and Miss Addie
Cardiff spent .the week -end at Ot-
tawa atal Quebec,
Mr, and Mvire, Wm. Norton of
Trout Creek visited a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wil-
ton, The ladies are sisters.
Mrs. Joe Wilton went to Bayfield
last Saturday to attend the funeral
of Miss Taylor, her aunt, do that
Mr, and Mrs. B. Macdonald and
SOILS, Cromanty were Sunday visi-
torsi witch• bits mother, Mrs, A. H.
Miss Hatttle Murray of Seaforth
Is spending a few days with her
friends Misses Elizabeth and Hattie
Mrs, W. Richardson and Mrs. R.
Richjardson of Ohatserorth were
week -end guests at et. John's
Mrs'. M. A, Wheeler of Be1•grave
visited with her bretlter, William
Wilkinson, 4th line Morrie, and with
other friends in Brussels last week.
Warren and Helen Phillips
grandchildren' of Mrs. Dark and
little Elizabeth Phillips of Toronto
spent a few days last week wtth
Mrs. Dark.
Rev. C. H. James and Mee. James,
Kirkt•on were Sunday guests at St.
John's rectory, Mr, James conduct-
ing the Thanksgiving services of
the church.
Mr, and Mrs. A. James, Clinton
were Sunday visitors in town. They
attended the Harvest Festival of
St. John's church,
7fr. Roderick Ross and bis daugh-
ter, Mrs, Ira Pierce and Miss Mary
of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Austin
Ross and son of Buffalo called on
JIss F1a Buchanan and other
friends on Saturday,
D. D. G. M. N Thompson and staff
of Western Star Lodge, Brussels'
were. In Wroxeter Monday evening
where they installed the officers of
Montana Lodge No, 177; with N,G.
George Morewan and V.G. Bro, For-
tune, Other Otldfellows' from here
were in Goderich attending the in-
stallation of officers there,
Cranbrook Community Club
will be in the
Hall on October 24
will be held in
Friday, October 21st
at the hour of 8 p.m.
Fifth $1.00
Sixth $1.00
Special Prizes of $3. and $2.
for best entries within 5 miles
of Brussels
in attendance
A night of fun and wholesome
A galaxy of amateur stars
"Dot Reid" The Canadian
Major Bowes will officiate
Enclose entries to --
Elmer D. Bell, Brussels
Reserved Seats 35c
Rush 25c & 15c
Plan of reserved seats opens at
Allen's Drug Store on Monday,
the 17th of October
Contest 3s under the auspices of
the West Group of The
Women's Association,
United Church, Brussels
Anglican Church Owen Sound
Hold 'Dance
A dance was held at the Brussels
Town Hall on Pettey evening spon-
sored by Dave Miller, Harty Sneid-
ers orchestra supplied the music
for the dance which was enjoyed by
diose who attended. it ie hoped
these dances may be put on every
other week so come out and make
the next one a success,
Women's Institute
Friday, Oct, 21st is Grand-
mother's Day at the Women's Insti-
tute. The roll pall will be answer-
ed witch "An 'iecident in my School
days." All Grandenothers are in-
vited to attend this' meeting.
Distress Call
Everybody is' happy, the advertis-
er has had this lost watch returned
to him, the little girl, finder of the
watch, has received the reward of-
fered and the publisher is pleased
becarse the advertisement brought
prompt results' and a oberished
keepsake returned to its owner,
Last Wednesday there was an ''ad"
in the "Post" offering a reward for
the return of a watch lost and on
Saturday the watch was returned
to its owner by Mise Margaret
Cardiff, young daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Harold Cardiff of Grey.
United Church
W. Si. S.
Tltd regular meeting of the Wo-
caw's Ivlissionary Society of the
United Church wag held ow Friday,
October 14, The opening exerrises
were in charge 'of the president,
Mrs, Parker.
'Mrs. R. 5, Haanilton introduced
the topic which was the fiftieth An-
niversary of the Hone]] Mission.
Miss Jessie Strtachan and refs. Wil-
son gave interesting talks on
Christian Education and Rura Re-
construction in t8ouan, Miss
Addle Cardiff sang an appropriate
A social hour followed, in honor
of Mrs. J, F. Stewart who will cele-
brate her nintieth birthday this
week, and. who has been a worker
In our W.OLS, for many years.
Level Crossing
Victim Relative
of Brussels Resident
Dr. George Racey, Parkhill, Mr.
ansi Mrs, Fred Wills and their
adopted five-year-old daughter,
Noma, of Tltedfeed and Hiss
Evelyn Mason, Parkhill, were killed
in a leve) crashing accident at the
intersection of Highway No, 7 and
the Canadian National Railways
Huron; and Bruce line near Denfleld
on Thursday Dr, Racey and Miss'
Mason were killed Instantly Wills
and his wife died within five
minutes, while their (taugllhter's
death ocrurred one -half-hour after
she bad been admitted to Victoria
Hospital, London, Police said Dr.
Racey, driver of the car was tak-
Racey, driver of .the car was bring
tug Miss Mason and Wills to
London for hospital treatment.
The Wiles, family were known by
a number to Brussels where they
visited occasionally, Mr. Wills be-
ing a first cousin of Mr. Ed,
auspices Ladies of
Cranbrook Church
Thursday, October 27th
In the Community Hall
Admission -- 25c & 15c
Program to Follow
Union United Church
Sunday, October 23rd
Special Speaker
Rev. W. A. Gardiner,
Choir of 25 years ago
by Shiell Family
Tuesday, October 25th
Supper served from 6 to 8
Admission — 40c & 20c
Church Notes
Services in Melville Presbyterian
Church on Sunday were conducted
by the minister, Rev, Samuel' Kerr,
who spoke at the 'morning service
from Heb, 11;:27, "For He endured
as seeing Him who is invisible." An
anthem wag given at the morning
service, asd the evening tervlce
was dispensed with on account of
the anniversary services in St,
John's Anglican Ohnrah.
The annual fowl sueeer in con-
nection with the Harvest Festival
of St. John's churchh was served in
the basement of the church on
Tuesday evening with over six -
hundred enjoying the delicious
supper prepared by the ladies'. The
roomy and tables were tastefully
decorated, Following the supper a
splendid play "Chintz Cottage" war
presented by Young People of
Takes Course At
Oxford University
Miss' Muriel Brothels of Cocoan-
ada, India formerly of Brussels who
is on an eighteen month's fut5ough
from that foreign field where she
has been engaged in teaching a
G4rl's' school in conneotion with the
Baptist .Church, mission bas left
Canada after a short vacation here
for England where she will take an
eight month course in Honour Eng-
lish at Oxford University. Thigh is
her second course at that great
University. .After the enol of June
le it expected she will return herd
to visit friends before going back
to ber work in India.
B. C. $.
On Monday, October 17th a mass
meeting of ,the students of Brussels
Continuation. School was held dur-
ing which tlhe election of officers for
the literary society of the school.
took place. The officers for the
coming year are as rotrows:—
President—dsobel MacTavish
Vice.Prea, —, hcansta 11cFadzee u,
Sec,-Treas—Gleun 'Wheeler.
Pianist—W. D. Eckntier
Asst. Pianist—Dorothy Wright
Editor—Mary Backer
Press Reporter—Ross Wheeler
Convenors—Betty Best
Billy King
Virginia Plum
Edith MacTaviel
The opening meeting of the liter'
cry society rill be head soon.
United Church
W. M. S.
The Woman's Missionary Soci-
ety of the United Church held its
Autumn Thankoffeting Service Sun-
day am., Oct. 18th at the church.
The service was in charge of the
President elle Ira Parker and vice -
e president Mrs, Wm, Proctor, The
special speaker dor the occasion
tvas Mrs. 13. 5, Scott, of London,
Ipreetdent of :1liddleeex Presbyter -
int) who gave a very interesting
and instruct' r'e address, dealing
with the motive, method and re-
sult, of the W,M,S, in home and
foreign fields. She also spoke of
the financial side of the work and
showed how every tent contributed
to W,M:S, went direct into the work
of spreading the gospel and extend-
ing the Kingdom or Christ,
Mrs. Scott was a former resident
of Brusesls and was warmly wel-
comed by her many friends.
W. O. H. A. Meets
At Harriston
The annual meethtg of the West_
ern Ontario Holkey Aseociatiolt will
be held in. the Town Hall, Harirtson.
at 2.311 pen. on Thursfity, October
27th, Enquiries received at league
headawaetere indica te a record
entry 10 the W,O•H.A, this. year in
both the intermediate anti junior
acnes, If there Is a s'ttffcjent de-
mand for it the league will also
sponsor a. Juvenile series, 1V.O,11,A,
mice diger from the C.A,II.A, in
rules differ is'sm the C'.A.II,A. in
abut is allowed, no body -checking
In the centre lee area, and junior's
may play as. many lutet'nredlate
gonnes. ns they wish withotti, being
disrittaNfled, The W.O,H.A• ac•
cents entries' only from towns and
-villages under 6000 popuiattion,
Harvest Festival I Takes Brussels
By Score 2-1
Last Game of the Season
At Brussels on Saturday
Afternoon at 3.30
The Harvest Festival of St. John's
Anglican church was obserbed Sun-
day with Rev, C. H. James; B,D„
iiirton, the guest clergyman for
the special services' morning and
evening. At the morning service
he chose for his, text the 45 verse
of the 5th chapter of Mathew, "for
he marketh his sun to rise on the
evil and on the good, and aendeth
rain on the just and, on the unjust,"
He spoke of God as the Wonderful
Giver, not only in the harvest and
other material things but in the
greatest gift of all, his Beloved Son
and asked all to remember that Yee
de not live by bread alone, In the
evening Mr. James preached an elo-
tient sermon on the words "For we
are labourers with God," taken from
1st Cor, 3-9. His 5etmron was based
on four kinds of people 10 the world,
those who for the harvest thank,
first neither God nor man; second
man and mea God third God and not
man; and fourth, both God and
man, Those In the first group are
the selfish: onus wen take all credit
for themselves, the self-made man
who thinks he can get along only
by life own efforts without God and
his fellowmen. The second group
I give all credit to man and leave God
entirely out of their lives. God can
not be left out, things' without God
collapse as did the ancient civiliza-
tions such as the. Grecian and Ro-
man Empires. The world to -day
needs God as badly as ever did the
ancient world, The third graup
thanks God alone and omit their
fellowmen, They are like the
Pharisees of old who made a great
outward show of their religion and
like those who passed by on the
other side, fail to show compassion
and consideration to those around
them that is not what God wants,
Jesus said "Whatsoever ye do unto
the least of tbese, my children, ye
did it unto me, The last group
are true Cthristians who thank both
God and their fellowmen. We
cannot live without either God or
our fellowmmen.
Large congregations attended
both the morning and evening ser-
vices, Rev, J. Graham, rector of the
church expressed thanks for the
withdrawal of both the Presbyter-
ian and United church evening ser
vices for the occasion, Rev, S. Kerr
of Melville church was present in
the chancel and assisted in. the ser-
vice. Ret'. H, J. Mahoney of the
t'ni.ed church was unable to attend,
Rev, J. Graham Wag himself able to
be present and conduct the evening
Special music by the choir includ-
ed the anthem "We shall dwell in
the Lanai" by Maunder and "015
L^rd How manifold are thy works"
by Barnby, solo parts taken by Miss
A, eleelurray and J. Smith,
The church, as is usual, was
beautifully decorattcl with grain.
fruit and flowers.
Huron County
Junior Association
Of Toronto
At an organization meeting 'held
at 50 High Park 131vd., on October
13, the Junior Association elected
the following offirers for 1939:
President—Wesley MrCutcheon
1st Vice Pres—Robert Leiper
2nd Vice Pres•—Mites Doris Hill
Secretary—Miss Grace Sterling
Asset, Set'y,—Mrs. J. Beattie
Publtelty—Mike Cook (Clean -man)
Robert Leiner
Doris Hill
The junior association is co-oper-
ating with the senior association
to make the annual dance to be
bold in Eaton Auditorium Nov, 23 a
soelal success,
It was derided to put on a spec-
ial drive tor new members arid any
"Huranite" interested in joining
the Junior Aseoclation shotrlcl get in
touch with tine secre,tsrY Mise
Grace S'ter'ling 'phone LL, 3739.
The Junior Association are very
notch interested In ImmediatOle
got'ting in touch with natives of
Huron who leave the holnestead to
take up residence in Tor'amto.
Throughout the year tate Junior
Association, sponsor dances, bowling
Panties, boat trips, etc., and in this
way keep tee spirit very ntuek
elive in Toronto.
Harvey Lucas of Hanover le the
seerelaay of tlite organization awl
enquiries should be directed to hlrn.
(Owen Sound Sun-Tiniest-
A beautHarl last-minute. goal
,which capped with success, a deter-
etermined drive, that had lasted for a
greater part of the eecond ball of
the game gave Owen Sound Soccer
Club a 2 -1 -victory over Brussels
here on :Saturday in the first game
of the W.F-A, intermediate finals.
Owen Sound Thad opened the scor-
ing early in the game, only to have
Brussels &'core the tying counter
shortly after the second 'half got
underway. From then on the' locale
attacued deeparately, but it was mot
until the final seconds of play that
Jack McLean got his head to a
centre from 'Shell, just after a
throw4n and deflected the ball
past Riley in the Brussels net.
The first half produced ragged
football for the small crowd of fans
that gathered at Viotoria Park here
to witness the game, Both teams
were away below form and the ball
was kicked back and forth almost
at random, with neither club dis-
flaying much combination, At
this style of play Brussels produced
an ace in their giant lefit back,
Nichol, who sent the ball booming
well past centre field on every goal
kick. It was Nichol, however, who
set the stage for tine first goal. En
deavoring to meet a long drive in
midair, he tnisoued and the ball
went baok towards his own goal.
Johnny McKay, who dyad been
pressed into service at right out-
side when Arndt failed to show up
at the start of the game, came tear-
ing in to meet the ball just as it
looked as if it would roll over the
line for a corner. His' drive gave
Riley no chane to save as he rat-
tled the ball into the net from a dif-
ficult angle.
There was no further scoring in
the first half, but in the second
half Brussels tied the game after a
fear' mientes of play. The game had
livened up and both clubs' were
playing better football, with Brus-
sels enjoying a slight edge. -They'
were finally rewarded for their ef-
forts When, after a lengthy duel
down in Owen Sound territory,
Miller, their outside left, came into
grab the ball and rifle it past
Wright for the equalizer
Needing a lead to take to Brussels'
the home club moved up on the of-
fensive and started to work in
around the Brussels goal, The locals
had several dangerous scoring
chances. Jael: Gibb had one good
opportunity when McLean and
Llold Gibson combined to put him
(Continued on Page 4.)
I. 0. O. F. Ledge
Installs Officers
The officers of Western Star
Lodge 149 were installed by District
Deputy Grand Master Norman
Thompson and staff, as follows;
DDIlIW, W. Cameron; DDGS, H.
Hawkins; DDGT, G. Harmon;
DDGM. W. Williamson; DDGC,
C. Matheson; DDGG, D. A, Rant;
DDGH, S. Davidson; DDGS, Dave
The newly elected officers that
were installed for the ensuing year
were: --
Noble Gran& --'A, Weenie
Vice Gratel—G Herman
Warden ---.Sawn Wilton
Colyduvter--'-1), A, Rann
Chaplain --N, Thomasson
RSNG-H. Champion
LSNG—W, Cameron
RtSVG—J. Allan
LSVU---D, Miller
IBSS' --•O. Elliott
LeS—.S, Deviclsosv
ISG 'N..Chapanan
'Oefi--,J, Tinsel].
The Installation waa field last
Thursday evening at the 'Bruseele
1,0.0,F, Lodge,
We'll be Looking for
You at the Football
Game 'on Saturday