HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-10-12, Page 4THE RRUSSFI5 POST
WEDNESDAY, °CIP 1?!%11 12 1,038
Written for the Post By Our •Own Correspondents
and airs, Itis. ,11cAllister ant
children, Atrs. Jas. i1roadt0ot and
Jets, of rZurhrlt and Mr, Harry
Horton of Hetnsall spent Sunday
with Mr. tine Airs, W. R, Broarlfoot.
Mr, John Broatl'oot of Gladstone,
Man., dslega'e to the recent General
Council of United Chmrc11, in Tama
to, epetit list week wItq Mr, and
Mrs. W. R, Bruadfeot,
Ilr. and MPs. J. Il. litimphriee of
\Valkerville spent the holiday with
friends 10 the village. •
Miss Mary Buchanan Who hal
been visiting in Rochester, 1.1„
has returned home.
The United Farm Women will
hold their meeting on Wednesday
October 19111 at t110 Hume of Mrs,
Leonard Leeming at 2 o'clock. The
tupit' will he on Temperance to be
taken by Mrs. Craw, Everybody
urged to attend,
Mr, Keith Francis and Master
13111 Bryan of Hamilton spent
Thanksgiving holiday with 11tr. and
Mrs. E. W. Bryan+ of Walton.
Mr. Stewart Bryan+ of the 0. A.
C. Guelph, spent the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs, E. Bryens of Walton.
Rev. Snellfar Babel, will he in
charge of the church service in
Victoria Hall, Jamestown, on Oc-
tober 16, at 3 p.m, Come and ell -
joy these services with us,
Hol]dey visitors et the home of
Mr. aid Mrs Willi Hollinger were
Mr. and Mrs', Andrew McCormick,
Donald and Katie, Winghant; Mr.
anti llrs, Dan Hallahan and Mary
Lou Blyth; Mr and Mrs. Alex
Alexander and Bert, of Molesworth
urn Mr. Arthur Lamont, Hazel.
ridge, Alan,
Ethel inited Church antitversary
etc..a a : tva•t sucrarsfully concluded
1^.rrn -salving Sunday, Oct kb
with strrices conducted by Rev.
M: ninth et Tavistock at 11,00
:n, when a big congregation listea-
I with- uutrkesl attentiveness to
the thou :;tfni. sincere and helpful'
:li-s r a 'r on '"the peril of indiffer-
ence to religion," and again at 7.30
p.m. Maar of worship, when withmese a
r nets andli nate Present.
•v,. v available space was crowded
to capacity. The theme 'The beauty
of Christian living' was stressed.
ertulut„ around a central sugges-
tion tilat, world and soul peace was
definite cause for Thanks'givin'g.
Other contributing factors to assure
sueea : were ideal weather. The
tunnies: present from tate Presbyter -
'.an congregations under Rev. Mr.
1\'tliiau� ministry, and other
surrounding churches. The special
hair -hour period of instrumental,
Prelude selections, with Mrs. Wil -
bee presiding at the organ and
Arnold Earls at the piano. The
efficient service of the choir In
customary choir Wolk and the +emet
ial catutributinnt' in anthems,
harts and male quartette numbers
under the capable leadership of 1',
N, Currie, Phe work of the decor-
ating comnit.ee in securing and
placing so attractively flowers and
other materials, Ana ou Monday,
Oet. 10, 't'hanks'giving day the 10t
Cowl supper served in the we -known
customary generous and hospitable
mu liner, to approximately 460
persons, who afterward were enter-
tained in the auditor:am ba London.
atom) of entertainers. 'The Favour-
ite Fount In a wel presented Pro-
gram. The newer numbers were
featured in ruatttme withal gave add-
ed interest and meaning 10 each
The entire proceeos were quite
woe lti while and the promoters are
'.o be rougnatulated on th.e success
'alts. J. Stephenson of Niagara
Fella. spent Thanksgiving day iu
Lockhart Dane and family were
Thanksgiving guests with his moth-
er, Mrs, V. Dane and brother Will,
en Con, 8, near Ethel,
Count, Etcnel, C.C.F. are sponsor-
ing a euchre and dance entertain-
ment to be held Thursday night,
Oct: 13th in Grey Township Hall,
Stratford orchestra, Lunch. Ladies
ree, Gents a small entrance fee.
J, T. and Mrs. Pearson of con. 4,
Grey Twp., had the pleasure of hav-
ing all their fatally home for
Thanksgiving day dinner,
PRICED $l�20
(2 -Passenger Master Business Coupe)
Master De Luxe Models from $89L Deliv-
elivered at factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Gov.
ernment tax, freight and license extra.
Convenient terms arranged through the
General Motors Instalment Plan.
JUST to open the doors and look inside
d is to realize that you'll be more com-
fortable in a Chevrolet. Here is extra
roominess ... more restful cushioning
... finer upholstery... flat, unobstructed
floors ... plus many little conveniences
andluxuries seldom found in a ear of
lowest price.
Now step in and relax to the solid com-
fort of Chevrolet's easy-going ride. Test
the Fisher No -Draft Ventilation, so easy
to adjust to every passenger's liking.
Notiee the quietness and freedom from
vibration achievec'I by new Lill -Silent
construction. Experience the comforting
peace of mind that comes from knowing
Chevrolet protects you with a solid, all -
steel body structure . .. roof, sides and
floor welded into one safe, rigid unit—
with Safety glass in every window.
Enjoy this ride today. Learn, too, what.
a difference Chevrolet's *Knee -Action
glide makes to your comfort. We have a
car ready, for you.
*On Master De Luxe Models.
BEVERLEY BAXTER, M.P....Transatlantic Broadcast from London, England ...
Every Tuesday Evening Over Cdnadian Broadcasting Corporation Network.
Last week, A'il', and Mrs, George
hlcicniter returnedfrom a. very en-
joyable three month's vacation at
the hone of their eon -in-law and
dauglttet, Canmatl and Airs, Richard
at the Elora Gold Mine, Geld Reek,
1n the I{enora District of Western
Ontario. En route home they
53te01 some days' ht Toronto with'
relatives, and friends, Their many
friends are grad to see them both
looking so well after their holiday
and extend to them a warm web
come home.
Kenneth and Mrs, Sherrie and
Mr. 'John Sherrie enjoyed a visit to
friends lit Michigan over the Mob-
il ay,
Janes Armstrong, 9th con„ has
t'etuned home after an extended
trip to the Weal as far as Eamon -
ton be also brought home a carload
of cattle.
Miss' Viola Wiison spent the
week -end at the home of her broth-
er Eldon Wilson,
'Mrs, Andrew Lauont and Eliza-
beth Brewer spent thanksgiving
day with, P. and Mrs, Malwen,
Mt'. A. 'Filbnoi'e, 'West Lorne, 141•,
Lloyd Butler and Mr, Archie Me -
Gregor of Dutton, Air, Peter and
John Sinclair and sister Annie of
Alvin were among the spectators of
the plowing' match Thursday. While
here the guests. of Chas. Pentound,
10111 con. of Grey.
We are sortry to hear Mrs, David
Johnston passed away on Saturda'd
eventing. We extend our syntpatlty
to Mr. Date Johnston and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Johnston and
Mr and, Mrs. Snarling Johnston
and sorts visited on Sunday after-
noon with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Whit-
field of Gerrie,
air. Carman Hetherington event
the week -end at his home on the
Bluevsle road.
Mr, and Mrs: Robt, McLennan
spent Sunday with Mr, and MT's:
Ellis near Belgrave.
Mrs. Jas. God.kin +.Gent a day
whit Mr. and Mrs. Addison Fraser
last week,
.lfrs. Rudd 15 visiting with friend's
and her son and daughter-in-law at
Air. and Mrs, Neil McLean and
son Nell of Toronto visited over the
week -end with her parents Mr. and
Mrs, Geo, Thornton on the boun-
The Young People's S.oelety Of
the 'United Church Met in the
schoolroom on Wednesday night
with the Fellowship Committee in
change, Oafs, . Anna 'Gnasiby presid-
ed'; the l0eson was read by Jas.
.Mo°tea, The topic consisted :rasa,
Paper With a nevottonen theme
"Tire Power cr Examirile" anti was
ably given by 'Miss, :Edith Beacom.
The special musical feature of the
evening wits a solo by Miss' Dorsa
Scott With Miss Eileen McCallum
at the piano. These was a good
attendance for the .first regular
ntee,ittg anal a line rpirl1 manifest
Same thought is' being given by the
officers, of the society to tate pos-
sibility of a special slituging prac-
tice on Sunday evenings in propaga-
tion for a special' eventing mice at
the Ghris•'ntas season,
The ilrsit regular indoor meeting
of the newly organized Young
People's Society of the ;Brick
Munch Community was held in the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Alec Leaver
on Friday night of .last week. Roy
Robinson 'Unaided the prayer was
taken by Cbas, Leaver. The lesson
was read by Geo, McGee and com-
ment thereon given by Dick Irvin
and Ruth Robinson, The thole for
the evening was a Taper on the
Devotional tbesne "Your actions
speak louder than your words', and
was ably given by June Irwin. The
nineteen feature was given by Miss-
es Beatrice Beecroft, Laving and
Gladys MetBurniey, Margaret and
Ruth Robinson and Mary Mason.
During the business period Law
ranee TaytIor agve a brief Presf-
dental adxlress, ft was de:titled to
co-operate with the Women's MIs.
sionary Society for a Hallowe'en
Social; the Y. P. Society will there-
fore held its regular meeting at the
bonne or Mr. Beecroft On Friclay,
October 21st, Between 30 and 40
were present for this jest gathering
and it was felt that the newly or-
ganized )society .vas off to a good
Carman HetOverington, youngest
son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Chris Hether-
ington or the Bluevale Road, left
this• week tor Guelph where he will
attend the Veterinary 'College as a
thitui'year student.
Mr. and Mts. Robert Nicholson,
4th concession, Morris, 'm'et with
an accident on Wednesday evening
as they were motoring to Brussels,
when their car left the road and
went into a ditch, ,Airs. Nicholson
who occupied the back seat of thecar, received cuts on the face, and
her two thumbs were sPralned, The
car wets alightly damaged.
The Woman's Ass°ciotion of the
United °hunch enet at the home of
Miss Mary Duff on Thursday after-
noon, The president, :Airs. Robt.
M°Lennon presided, Miss Mosteie
Milligan, read the senigture lesson,.
Mer. Joseph °ur•tis read the treas-
urer's report. ;Seventeen dollars
was voted to he paid to tthe Stew-
ard's' board of the church. Pians
were matte for quilting, also for
taking part in the Fellowship Cru-
sade of the church Mr. W, J.
Johnstone contributed a 8010 and
Miss Margaret Curtis a reading.
Refreshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. W, J.
Johnston and Mrs, George Tbonip-
The members Were pleased to
have in attendance a number ac
ladies who have been. inept at home
by Ill /health,
Mr, and Mrs', H. L. Tinsman of
Winglham visited friends in the
village on Thursday, Mr, and
Mrs, Robert Sham have retursed
t• -nm a month's visit at Barrie and
Nr. Doegalct Strachan and Mrs.
4.041.ew LnR0011 spent. 'i'ttanksgivs
ins clay in 131ttevale,
Now Peeks; (Polities and Pinata
eon "How to 'Skin Friends and
ic'0t ttnettde Pebnie,''
Cora — "I newer knem Jones had.
Dora - reedy heart ale married a
telephone girl, and, of course; elle
gave brim tiro wrong number,"
East Wawanosh
& oancil ntot on Oot, 4th with all
the mean;bere .present, Minutes of
last meeting were read and ap-
Ca?ttmttuttcations from J. A. Mallet
4 00. Toronto re audit the Prev.
Poppy Cont. of rite Canadian Legion
re Reanemti.r'atme day. Mts. 'Wilfred
Reid, avkndwledging receipt or a
letter or condolence owing to the
death of her husband recently and
12. Whitmore of the Blyth Standard,
soldoiting a share of the tOWt1OhiP
printing were read and ordered
Janes Wilson and 'Carl Dalton
preeented'..affidawtts .air sheep haying
been. destroyed by dogs recently
and these accounts were ordered
paid, Reeve McNeil of Blyth ad-
dressed the Optimal briefly regard-
ing the financial position of tate
Birth Fall Fair and asked for a
grant in aid of ,that Society. 815.00
as formerly was voted as a dona-
tion to the 331ry411 and Wingham Fall
Fair 810,00 staving been voted prev-
lonely to the Belgrave School Pair.
Mr. Shearer, Huron's new agtdeul-
tural representative waspresent
and addressed the contucil at $one
length in reepact .to the eradication
of tuberculosis cal,Ile from among
the cattle herds in the County and
of making Moon County a restrict-
ed area, Nov. 811' at 2 o'clock was
set as a date for holding a public
meeting in Belgrave when it is ex-
pected that in addiaion to Mr,
Shearer a representative from the
Agricultural Dept. will also be
present to address ail interested
Agri°ltturiets on the important
Two by-law's in our authorizing
direction of 3 per cent extra oa all
taxes remaining unpaid after Dec.
14th the other apdointing Friday,
Nov, Mtn as date of Nomination
meeting D.R,O. and Poll Clerks with
the et:action if required on Mon.
Doc. 5th were both read and passed.
01' Farts, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments en Lot 35, Con. 5 aleKIlion,
on Thut:sday, October 20tH, com-
mencing at 1 o'clock inn, sharp,
•Horses—One stare d pear, old,
supposed to be with foal; one geld-
ing 6 yeasts; one team of aged good
work horses.
Cattle -13 good cows with calf.
Fuld pa:ctivutars will be made known
on day et sale as all dates were de.
stroyed by fire. 9 yearling steers
and. heifers; 10 steels rising 2
years; 6 calves,
Pigs—One Yorkshire hog, one
sow .bred 3 weeks; 6 Pigs 8 weeks
old; one sow- with litter of twelve.
6 weeks old; one sow with litter of
nine, 5 weeks old; one sow .with
litter of eight, 4 weeps old.
Pomaiy1llf not sold before, will
be offered. 400 White Leghorn pal-
lets, 6 months old, just coming Into
production, Dr, Roe stock; 300 year -1
old hens, Roe Steak, These henst
have all been culled. A number ot
cockerels, Tit cross bred wilt. ducks;
'one colony house 9 x 11,
Implements—One Al. H, binder, 7
toot rat; once I1, H, avower, 6 ft cut;
one 3I, H, fertilizer dt111; one M.H.
hay rake; one A1. H. cultivator, 13
tooth; one land roller, steel; one
Coleman crusher; one walking plow
no. 21 Fleury; one Coeksillttt gang
plows one 2 -furrow tractor Oliver
plow; one Clinton famn4ng mill; one
muffler; 2 collie Pu,p0t; 5 sectticn
diamond harrows,
,One ciroulur +raw; one John Deer
manure spreader; one
•wanon; one hay tick; one wagon
box; one trailer with stock rack;
set wales 2000 cepa one -Melotte
Dreamseparator n0. 12; one steel
rih''nn 40 gal„ and a number of
barrels; one Beatty hay car with
fork, rope, slings; one set team
hat'rte.ia; one cutting box; one cut-
ter; one root putper; 2 pig trottgl1tw',
12 feat long; one water trough; one
new tviteelbarrow; and naanerons
other articles, found on a farm,
Oita power washing machine,
One acre ntmatlgotk115;. Otte acre of
tutmlps; 300 ht,s, feed wheat and
barley mired; 800 bush, mixed
30 tons; 4 loads ancone cut alfalfa.
n(] axstvee, 11.01: 10, Cot, G, Hu'llet
0011 acres, north heir int 35, west
halt lot 34, Cott, 5, :M+c11ilktp,
Terms - tush, Everything twill be
yah. as proprietor is giving ftp farm-
ing on account or ill health. and his
house being destroyed by llre,
Miller Arltisn's, 'Proprietor,
Geo, 11. l,I-11ptt, Auctioneer,
•Plan° tuning Inas been found a
sultnyle craft dor the 'blind.
The following accounts were paid
Allan Patitis'on, /Melting
con. 12
H. Pattison, ditching,
con. 12
W. C:. Cox, drainage survey
con 12 •
S. McBurney, salary
Grants to Btyth 3: Wingham
Fall Fair each
Beigrave School Fair
Carl Dalton, sheep daim ,,
Jas. Wilson, sheep claim
R, H, McGee; sateen valuer ,,,. 3.00
Council adJournetl to meet again
on Monday, Nov. 14th.
A. Porterfield, Clerk
Civilization has developed to the
point Where a trip around the world
hardly gives a man time enough to
grew a beard on the way.
GAt1 why let an
that space is
your basement go to waste?
Let ns show you how little it
costs to turn it into a game
room offering fun and relaxa-
tion for young and old. We'll
do the job quickly and with-
out disturbance to the house-
hold routine. And, best of
all, it's another of those jobs
you can finance, if necessary,
under the Home Ymprove-
meat Plan.