The Brussels Post, 1938-9-28, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 28th, 103S RUNNERS UP• IN S Cl L .SC''"1EALL LEAGUE t'ilee a"terneen roe the South Bruce esti lt,,. pr..nd of 'tt-.r �l„tun i'cta_• ,a') tc ale lion_ -e! an'1 al eel F.. ee.v b:llt:betlt Backe.- and Mary Beeee ; Mara a er. .,r, e by the Ripley team 1ec•t t - eiTee :,•ilha l chgrpionehip. t;:rr 11,,c....1 some very fine fr.,. • rr:;- fief! to right) Wen Fox. t' . . Its, el.rry Ftk Helen mic.-r, back row re e to right; Kenneth by a close score of 3.5 on Saturday, Though not the champions they teams. Members of the team Evelyn IIe(:ler, Vera Wright, Clara Wilima Lowrie, Jerry Jewell, Adorn, president, and Elmer Bell, NEV6'S0F THE DISTRIC"3 Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents CRANBROOK Weiss Dorothy Huether was home ta,t Sunday attending the Anniver- sary eerviceS, The many friends of Mr. Hector Knight wish to congratulate him ou reserving his B.A. degree. Dr. Athol McQuarrie of Toronto seas a guest at the home of his nephew, Mr, Elmer McQuarrie over the week -end. A very pleasant event took Place last Friday night when friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Engel, gathered together In the community hall, Cranbrook to spend an enjoyable evening with thein and to ,p,resent theta with a gift and many good wishes for a long and haikpy journey through life together. The evening was spent In dancing and during the hour that a dainty lunch was served the bride and groom served all present with a Piece of their wedding cake. The followiing address was read by Rev, W. A. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Engel: What a surprise you gave all your friends one neighboteta when you so suddenly got married, after waiting patlently and long, think- ing perhaps it Would never take place or perhaps you had fooled us all by getting married on the sly, behind a bombshell, the event has really happened, now we are all happy and we wish you a long and ,prosperous journey on the myster- ious. ata of matrintattY. You have both been very useful and very serviceable in all the .events ot our little community and we know that you will continue to be att. Your friends and neighbors would like re: to cceept this studio couch, 11:1,. token or their apprec a - GREY La::t Thu.sday- Light a number cf ft'ieutls and neighbours gathered at the )tome of Mr, and Mrs• Oliver iica ngw•ay, loth con, of Gray - to ,pend a .uciai hour with them and xerce, their rt a. t that Mr. and Mrs. Hemingway, who lied lived Among thein for the past thirty were leavisg the immediate c'cin'1,y to take uto residence 1n the r hc.me in Brusse.s. .inti Mrs. Hemingway were see lie recipients of a tea wagau -i d m tgazine rack with the. good '.sh, : for a long and happy life in i:,ir n..•w home, 11r, Robt. ever made the presentation .h:lr-: the address was read by Mr. John Gaynor. Mr. Hemingway on behalfof -his Wee and himself made a - su tabes eely thanking their friends for the kindness. A delightful evening was spent dancing and playing cards with lunch being served at the close., Mrs, Stanley Kitchen of . Elena : as not been as well as. her m,4ny "rientes would like lately and :„We hope there wall soon be auym4ridee me nt, She was an old Grey-. t;owe- civ'p girl, (liable Carmichael). Gordon Knight has been ntaJting xtensive improvementtt eejah„ +,lis house cementing the atelier and ening on new eavetrouF1i1i anal new cistern, .Gordon to never Vail -- if he is not doingeeepeagehteg to make ,thinks look better:---. Bit ss Helen, McNabb who 18 teaching near Guelph Meet the week -end with her parents. ' There was a good turnout at the • anniveraiy at Cranbrook last Snn^, day and they listened to two grand t .:Tacos also the singing by, the choir led by Wm. Ritchie in. old time style which was mush enjoyed. Mr. Berniee Payne has been Otte poorly lately with an attack 'of leen cf your fr e- I •:nip, You have tot•ilais. to -,tante others happy and t+e lupe that on this you may settle rainy a problem that claim your thoughts, Signed by Your fteends and neighbors Mr, Engel matt- a very approp- riate reply. Thanking everyone who had helil:ed. M,ny cf the ..i0, m[ nn 7r•:$, or Iiunx 1 r^shyterinit church who have lett Cranbrook during the test few vena' carne baci, last Bun- ds,,,, to join in the Anniversary ser- vice,,, head In 'Knelt ehur,'n. It was the a'n h Annive-nary of the rebuild- ing or ter chtmeh, JAMESTOWN Cbat'crh service will be belrl in Victoria Hail, Jameetcwn on. Ort, 2in1 ,Sunday evening. The. Rev. Snell or Ethel will be in charge of the, service, Come and enjoy a heal service by a real minister, Service •tai at 1,3.0 p.m, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Campbell and ir:ttle son Bryan from Inrlianna, were callers lash week with *a. .,ndte,w and Mrs. Hugh Lamopt. 10th con, Mrs. Thos. McDonald has re- turned home from Kitchener hosed - 1.11 where sate was undergoing treatment, her very many Mende hope that she will be rnneh improv- ed and able to mingle with us again. Douglas and Mrs, Hemingway !live reamed to their home on 10th ✓inn, after an enjoyable honeymoon, The large, balm whim teas, resent. ly built by Angus Brown. 14th eon. is almost etemple•*fd. A dance is being held in the barn Wed night oP. ibis week, when a very enjoyable time is being ahiticllst`tel, Jun. Brewer, who makes his home with P, A, aloArtltua wag, tak- en quite suddenly 111, We hope ter a. steady inn:provement as the trouble wee' rather difficult to diagnose, BLUEVALE alts, Harold Barris and Sons' spent a week with her parents Mr.' and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Harris, attended the wedding 'Si:Saturday of her sister Miss Ethel Solms:ton, 1st line. Mrs. Wm. Dobie of Auburn spent the week -rod with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Joltnston. se's. Earl Mothers &Pent the weekend eitit her brothers and -ter aur Mr. George Matters and +tended the wedcing of Turnbull and Johnston on Saturday. The fanners are busy cutting corn and tilling silos' and thre_hing cn the let line, Mr, and Mrs, Vani. :','::Shield and '•lr. and Mts. Harvey Sparking and :laughter of Gerrie attended the wedding of their niece' :Mss Ethel Johnston. on Saturday. While Alek el•odlbray was operat- ing his gravel erusrer on a farm in Tnruberry just north of Wingham, a hand came in contact with the belt and the thumb on his right ' hand wee badly lacerated. He was taken into Wingham where he re- cived medical attention, and it was -:enol necessary to remove tate in- jured hecber at to first joint. Word was received here this week that Dr, Will. Elliott of Bran- don, Man., lead suffered a stroke of paralysis. Dr. Elliott is a son of lite late Bir. and Mrs. James EUhatt oe Turnberry township and a broth- er of J. J. 'Elliott and Stas many friends here who will wish for a speedy recovery. 'Mr, and Mts. J. Gordon Mundell 'weep the guests of honor at -a party in the- C.O.F. hall on Friday even. irg, when over one hundred friends end relatives gathered for a social time. After dancing was enjoyed for a time, lunch was served, Gor- dan Greig an address• and Mr. aril elts, Mundell who were re- s., miry matrie;d, were presented with e studio conch, Both Mr. and Mrs'. ing ennt'nued, and later the bride and bridegroom relutned to ,their home at Gnrrie, with the good wish - '.i, of a hest of frienra, The Sunlay arbonl Jellied with the congregation eeetbe- tr-✓ran Chu with ml Sunny morning to =ha -rye Rally ]lay, when the order of service was worried mit 'n prayer, Seteptere Beading anti pr:'ise, divided into three sec.lions: "God's Fuse re Our Church,"; eft'.rl'.4 'People In Our Bouls" 1 'epart'' line Is Our Menne' The peeler, Rev. .1. it. Greig. snake tai the theme, ',Melee Wiith ,an1." A diet by ellsaret Helen Mow- bray and Margaret Messer, was en- joy, 4, During the service :We and Mts. Berne Moffat -1 presented their baby slaughter Inc Hapten, Floral ,ler•nt^atinns - or gladioli and eaters added to the service, Y. P. S. Holds Meeting The Y. P. 8, of Knox Presby- ierian Church held tine regular meeting in the school room on Sun- dly 'evening. The • ,st vice-president Ar1014 Lillow, 1zt charge. The Serie. tul•e passage was react by Eldon Kirton aunt Mr, Greig led in prayer, Jatclt ;McTavish spoite ou •ilio topic Miceli from the Study 13oo3t. "Twelve Teats of Characteret The citai;ter entitled, "Putting First Things Fleet," suggested reacting good books', developing ,good habits and to practice what you preach, Al the next meeting Mr, Gregg will give the first tartare on the Leadership Training Course. BELGRAVE no September tut.cttng of the Belgrave Women's Institute wee held ou. Friday afternoon at the heals. of Mrs, William Cole with a good attted'ank•e preectlt, The meettug \S,S' arratlged by the ern vents for legislation, Wins. N. Montgomery and Mrs. C, R. Coultes, The president, Mrs, N. Keating was in charge and opened the meeting will the Ode tial Lard's Prayer. The treasurer's tenon was resew' ed and the minutes of the previous meetinei were adopted. Arrange - men s were made to attend the area convention' at Lietowel, Owing to the Augllcan fowl stover in Mel - grave in October the October meet- ing or the Institute will be bell a week later. Another quilt had been completed and was displayed and is for sale. Mrs. N. Montgomery was chosen as* leader and Mae Frisby as assistant for the project, "Dressing up home grown vegetables." The roti call was answered with a safety rule. Piano instrumentals by Elaine Walsh were much enjoyed, The address was given by R. S. Hetherington, of Wing)tasn who spoke on social legislation in rela- tion to women and children. ....A vooal solo by Mrs, N, Keating was also appreciated. Arepotit of the days spent at London and Stratford Fairs was given by the girls who had taken the homemakers pro- jects, "Bedroac Accessorles and Cottons May Be Sauant," The girls were all very successful at both faits and had a very enjoyable and liroltable time. These girls were Mite Frisby, Anna McDowell, Helen Yell' and Eileen McCallum, The meeting was, closed with the Na- tional Anthem and lunch was serv- ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. C. Procter Mrs, J. M, Coultes and. Mts. C, R. Coultes, Misses^ hay Townen(r, Verna J0hatst'on and Nora Wheeler of Lonlon spent the week -end at their homes here, efr, John Coultes of the village, picked a watermelon from his gar- den which lie thinks Is a record. 1,t tiljlted the :orales at ?3th lbs, Wbo can, beat it? Anniversary services were held in Knox United Church, Belgrave, on Sunday, The church which was nicety deeceated with cut flowers, wee Tilled for bout the morning ant evening services, The special speaker for the day was Rev, Mr. Necholsen or Pine River United Church who gave two splendid ad- dresses The choir also supplied special music for these services, ani Offered two anthems at each serv- ice. At the morning service a tlua.rtet with Mr. and ales, Norman Keating, Elaine Walsh and 3, M. Coultes also sang a number and at the evening service a trio, Win- nie Lane, Mrs, beating and Elaine Walsh also Sang a pleasing num- ber "Abide Welt Me." Mts, W. A. Wheeler has brighten- ed up her home with a new coact of paint, .its' fast fine, the -cream and brown blend, so well together, Herb Wheeler was lite painter if you want a good Job dons just call on Hash. A meeting of ,tlre Young 'People or. 13rlok church. and surrounding community met at the home of Mr. Leask McGee on Friday night of last week for the ,purpose or or- ganizing a Young People's Society, Rev, J. B, Townend, presided and outiined proposals for such a soci- ety. Miter some disenesion it was deride, that meetings would he held on alternate Friday nights In homes in the cornanvulty. These meetings will'be held as far as posisble in homes' East and West of the clench in rotation with the next meeting at the home of Mr, Alec Leaver on Friday, October 7111 beginning tit 8.30 a'olaek. The election or ;.t'ficers resulted as follows, fres irlent---Lia wrenre Taylor, Vice Pres, ---Rohn, Scott (' ntvenore of Committees,-- Jas. ommittees'—.las, McGee Ronald (loutish Miss Lottie Pearce Mason Rohl -mien Secretary—'M1', it. 315411 Trans. --Mist's Helen Thompson Platelstt-•-.'Sias Tauten MCBtleney Slick Visiting Comrnitteo-,- i Concentrate Plan Here's a proven method for every farmer with his own home-grown grain. Get a bag of Rog $2% or 40% Concentrate, and mix about one pound to every three or four pounds of home-grown grain, depending on which level of protein concentrate is your choice. Use only sound, heavy grain, We give you formulae in each bag that do get results. . You do your part in mixing, and you'll have the finest feed money can can buy • • fully Vitamized for Health and Farm -proven for Results. ROE 32% and 40% Complete CONCENTRATES If you have not choice homegrown COMPLETEr 19% EGG MASH - the Brant feed that moues can buy. ROE FA ATWOO Choice proteins, fully vitemired For % `Health with your home-grown grain./ This plan has made a hit with farmers everywhere. It saves on freight and hand- ling chargee, lowers feeding coats, main- tains; health and vigour in the birds, and when it comes to egg -laying, you will be more than satisfied with She increased pro. duction of large eggs of better texture and flavour . - a money -making plan for the business -like farmer. Try a sack- - you'll be back, ROE FEED'S SOLD LOCALLY BY East Huron Produce Emporium, Brussels Frank Harrison, Moncrieff Geo. Michel, Henfryn Albert Traviss, Walton Miss June Irwin Miss Margaret Robinson Miss Dorothy Pattison The working oht or details eI the organization was left to the ekeeu- tive which was called to meet fee that purpose this' week, Mr. and Mrs. A. Craig and Coreen and Miss- Ness'le Brown of Detroit. idieb., we:'e week -end visitors ai the Manse. Cranbrook Church Marks, 60th Anniversary Anniversary services, ronunemor- ating the eeth anniversary of the rebuilding of Knox Presbyterian church, were heed morning and evening of last Santtiny, Large con- gregations' attended: both services and inspiring addresses were deliv- ered by the guest minister, Rev. D. C. Hill, B.A., B.D., of Exeter. A special feature for the occasion was the leading of -the singing by a Precentor, William Ritchie or Galt a former resident. Mr. Ritchie also sang two delightful solos, in the morning, "God will wipe away all tears" and in the evening "I heard the voice of Jesus say," Special music by the choir included the an- thems "I moat go with Jesus" and "He crowns- the year" contributed during the morning service and at the evening service "i will extol Thee" and "Praise ye the Lord." Mrs, C. Olmstead and George Evans sang a duet, "Softly and Tenderly," in the evening. , BLYTH Senviee was held Sunday in United Church with Rev. Arthur Quiche' In Charge. At the morning service the text was relating to the 1'ee of David and Jonatan and at the evennlg service the life or Jonah, At ,the eveti(ng service v solo was sung by Mrs. Murray Cole, Toronto, The Sunday School see- sion was conducted with the avis: slop committee In charge, Dr, Yokes presented slides showing the malting o9' the Bibile 400 years age. Chorntste. were sung; by two classes or girls with Srriirture by Maltreat Merritt SZ:--e.t7e ",rett7eeie S wai m } Anniversary service; will be held next Sunday wceb Rev, George 'Oli- ver, guest speaker, tit otte Potter has clise:noel of ]tis 1''e rat No, 4 11 iglt way, 3 miles uotelt or Blyth, to Walter McGill, kunst Wawauosit, M1. and Mrs, Potter Will reside with their datlgitter, Mrs, Clifford Yeo, Sarnia, for the win- ter; guests at the hone ar Mr. and Mrs. Gco-ge Cowan, Sunday, and Mrs, Mayhew, Themesville, Mt', ant Mrs. Wan, Straugltan, Auburn, George E. Cowan, Stretford; Dr, and Mrs, itoy Steeltbouse, Ridge. way, with Mies Ada Stac1(hcuse, MONCRIEFF Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Atagder, Brant- ford were vils'ttots with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Smith oar the weekend. Quite a number from this corn* mutiny attended the anativet'saty services at Cranbrook, Mrs, Geo. Mann, Lander, Man., and firs, M. Abram, Listowel were calling on friends in. this vicinity on Satalyday. Don't forget Moncrieff Anniver- sary services on Sunday next, Oct. end at 11 pint. and 7,30 pen. also bazaar and entertainment on Tett- day, Oct. 4th. Bazaar will begin at 3 p.m. Mrs. Carl Ames, Ethel is visit- ing her parents Mr, and ,llrs, kid- ,Smith, 3,1x. and Mrs, Geo, Robertson. and daughter Velma spent Sunday in Hamilton. The 1•Iyslro men. are busy on tete Moucrieff extension line. They hope to have the eights turned on in about •three weeks, WALTON Mr, and Mrs- Albert Tema)ler of London spent Sunday with Mr, and 3Irs. Arthur A. Hull of Walton. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Alderson. and Jack of North Bay are visiting the former's grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Bishop. Mrs'. Mooney, Mrs, Geo. McTag- gart, Fetcher Grimoldby or Bar- erilge Mlnesota and Mr. Min Grim- oltl•by and daughter Mics. Reid of Stratford dolled on friends in the village last week. ,It is 38 years since the Grinioldt)y family moved to Minesota anal they found many changes in the village. Miss, Beth Shannon spent the week -end with friends' in McKillop, ✓Mrs: 11, Livings•tou who has been visiting her •daughter Mrs+ C.. Neable of Toren„o is spending a few cloys, at her home in the village, Me. C. Ennis of Granton spent Sunday with his parents air, and Mrs. b'. I!rttntis: MORTGAGE SALE Under And by virtue of the powers contained in a eeet•ainntoitgage which will be produced at the 'time or sale there Will be offered for aal•e by public auction on Saturday, Oct- ober 16, A,l), 1038, et the office ot - E•imea' D. Bei1t solicitor, Brussels, at t -he hour or two o'clock ,he the afternoon, the fallowing parcelof land being cde:teribe-1 as the North half of farm Lot 14o, l8, Cence.salen 7, in the Township of Morris and County of heron and containing 1.00 notes mere or less, Terme:—ratan will be sold 'subject to a reserve 1vit1, Ten per cent of purchase antis shall be hall on the, elate of the wale and the inalamec shall be paid within thirty days. James 'Ta ylor, Moll on oar, Elmer le, Deil, Solicitor for the mortgagees,