The Brussels Post, 1938-9-28, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST WEDN'ESDAY, SEPT, 28til, 1938 FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED QR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL BRUSSELS - PHONE 72 The Brussels Post FOUNDED -1878 R. W. KENNEDY - publisher Published Every Mednesday 6.teerthe n Subscription price e1•sU per year, paid in advance. Sabscriptions in United States will please add 50c for postage THE •1sOSte' PAINT BRL':SSEta CANADA Telephone 31 --- Brussels, Ont, ON THE WRONG TRACK John Cobb, tkr English sports- man who drove his car 380 miles Per Moir on. Utah's Salt Flats; es meparng to go Mime. 11e address - cd a meeting in Detroit on his way cut and said he was satisfied that next time he could make it 370, and ul:•imately the ,.peed mark would ga to 400 miles, Capt. George Eyston, retired British army officer, says he can bietet• kis owe record of 357.5 miles and wou5d line to set it at 365 Mlles per hour where no one could touch it for a year at least, He has spmM. 3250,000 winning the 4itle and expects to be able.to recoup himself for the expenditure. By what method he does not say but he ap- pears to be satisfied it can be done, There are problems in engineer- ing which can be solved by these contesee, hue apaut from that they are danucustrating nothing at all which should be made known to the automobile world at large, We are far more in need of some ex - Siert who Will demans'trate how to u::ake care anti drivers more fool Groot than they are today; we could de more if sone person were con- tacting contests which would show definitely who should and should net drive oars at all. We !aright welt welcome some sant ot rivalry which would produce ,the great re- ef showing that It pays to take a little more time when going be- tween two given points. Great drivers 'ot great 'ears are both Eyston and Cobb, but we fear they are not showing to the world what the world should ne learning Cases in our coumtry every day in the week show that we know all too well how to drive a cat• too fast - but not too safely. INVESTING THOUGHT AN CARE If every perso1 were to read all of the literature sent out by the Ontario Department of Highways in their highway safety campaign much of whiedt appeals 'in both the dally and weekly press, the 'terrible death tolls' that are recorded each week would be coneldereibly lessen- ed. In foot, It they were to read ony a porton of thein, enough to get them reality .thinking, the same result would occur. The department is doing its, beat in this regard, be' advertis'in'g, •effelcl:ve 'sign boards and reading matter detsignecl for the putgrose, and the nenveipapers in true reajonty oe cases are co0peare-ting to the fulleest extent, ht ons life le saved the efforts wortllnvhile; and we believe thityt oamUpatpn for safety - is accompileshilng much more than that, 13ut one •&Holed also 'take into consideration that he %abet WI' only derive sanely and, carefully but the car he takes out on the road must be in the best of mechanical condition t0 avoid .aeckletC'F•. No one le such a good •da'liver, that he rah overcome detects of this ldind. In alipeae:ring upon the road w•itth a inechauliicatly ttefeetive car ho le' not only taking the 'lives oe himself and passengers at its' ,cos hl hie own hnn0s', haat le 'menacing the lives of others, There Is no, suub- etittlte for frequent teats and ad- jusImealts by enicnpetent men who have dependable equipment and it is, only by his cons'tan't checking-ap that one can feel assured of abso- lute-eatety, in this regard, It is for this tensor that Beech days as menliolted elsewhere to this Paper are pinnned, And ft it by 000poree time With those in the know that accidents will be averted, It well be time well spent to hatve your oar checked and .after it is OK'd you eau at least feel that you have stained out well, and with ceresihtl cielvirog will not be the cause of all one else's Otte 'being endangered. Inves,tnueets of artier a Mad certain- ty Pay. NOTE AND COMMENT There bee, been a demand made on a wa.nean in Sault St Marie to hand over $500. We never knew fray peesen in the Sault bad that much, If the Czechs have 4o let the S:ulieeue go it is interesting to re- call that the ,Bt•iaisit government cotairlered 11 advisable to let go of a slice of Ireland. Cis clay Tanager has been shot and wounded by a disshanged street cleaner. There seen to be flaws in every position. . New Toronto is another lnuuici- 'pallly in whish the relief aPpraprta- tiou will not last out the year, It ie a situotien that shouldgive the govc:rnnlee s more concede titan It seems to be doing. Two weeks after a London, Ont, man was fataly injured by a fall from a roof it. was decided to hold an inquest. There Inay be good reasons but the fact remains that the plan fell and was killed, A story floor 'Shanghai reports the Japanese as threatening the Ch:nese city of Macheng, so appar- ently the trouble in China has been . going along wtthott benefit of publicity. A training school .for ° Mcens• in Manitoba penal institutions has been opened in. Winnipeg, That is education that might bre usetuliy employed by olfioials generally, Cort. Eyston's great car went wrong just as he was entering his' measured nt'tle. It's often line that. Once we know a piece all oft by heart and when we stood uP beside the Christmas tree not a word of it would come. A •teaclt,et• In the Wdndror public s'. harms' Is revported not in the least 010111ed because he may inherit $55,000, Poesably he is a wise man and will reserve emotion until he actutl1:7 Possesses the cash. Peterborough men 801110ed two crops of potatoes this year. The firstwas panted early is April and ready for use on the 13:h or June. A'., each hell was dug he planted mo; ^ IHrtatoea, aul he is now using the second crop, Which is not so Led fur z land once referred to as "Our Laly of the Snows." Scores of Czechs have within re - tem years taken up land In East Lambton and 37 more aly.ivecdthe other day for the salve purpose, And we are moved to hope that in- cluded in the possessions they bring along w•Itth theme is not the makings of an Ontario .equivalent of the Present Sudeten situation, * * * * * * * * * CONTAGIOUS Some clays when I start tut me chores, I feet like one who always roars, and lands in stormy parte; 1 when.I get' up I'm feeling wrong,.I conuldnot ham a little song, for r am out of snrtre I On days like that I mark my Men, my razor whittles on my elute, my collar button% lost; there is no joy in me at all,„,1 feet like . clays in chil'1y felti, when there's been heavy frost, IT I feel that I am getting stuffs, dbe coffee always burns my tongue, i I wear a nasty eteovt; when I start on may chores such clays, ,I'm like 1 some hound that growls' and bays, I feel that I cMutel howl, IT And when J'nl ht. that nasty Lame, 1 think that others' are lila seine, for they all 'scowl 1st me; 1 ; tt'et they're some and out .of sorts, they also lance in stolid, ports, tee crabby Its can be. 11 1 else find when drays' Begin, when I start out with healthy .gide, and face the world welt glee; that when I fare any 1e91ow men, they all gen batik at me again, 110 happy as can he, If So many" Jaya I've found It so, t when I mart out 10 001/111 and go, I know for sure ,pt's true; whem yettve got smiles to give away, who other fonts, you meet 'that clay: will feel the s'amo es you, 25&50YearsAgo 50 YEARS AGO ETHEL Obtestiau leeetanier and family tee 'turned from their trip to, Muskoka lust SaLterel •y * * * Ti. L, Jaelcson 11)15' opened a Jewly store in Doig'e old stand 33)1) re:A erota d D. A, Robertson, a n,:a-•..1 3S W01+::nuli, to Manage the 1,113:111,s, MORRIS James Shedden intends leaving for Southern CaltforltIa on or about the loth lust, • * J. Nichol, Seaforth, has been en- gogel to teach in S. S. No, 2 for the remainder of this year begin- ning C'11. 1st and also for 1350, 31r. Pette., whom he succeeds resigned with the item '00 0; gc.:ng to To - :'onto to e.ndy medicine, GREY Thos Ferguson arrived home Best weep teean Dakota where he 0P' to s•..veral menthe. • * * Wedding -At the residence of Mts. Douglas, eon. 16, on Wednes- dey of last week, Mies Douglass, her daughter, was Jolliet in wedlock to Juba Campbell, of MrlO:llop. Mattemouial-'Last * Wednesday Rev, R, Panl, Brussels, performed the marriage ceremony between Ino. R. Belle and .Hiss nary Oliver at the residence of the blile's parents. The bride was• attended by her sister, hiss Jrennie (liver, and Thee, McLaughlin, jr., per- formed the services for the groom, BRUSSELS W. F. Redly and bride returned from their wedding tour on Monday. * * * Mrs. Dumphrey, of Winnipeg, nee elle; Teenie eicentos•h and M. A, Mr'Ctutclleon at the same city are both visitors here, 25 YEARS AGO BELGRAVE .hiss Ituby Clegg was arresting Secretary Jackson with his mult4- Parlous duties in connection with the Fall Fair at Blyth this week. * * The induction of Rev. lir, Boyle, of the Owen Sound Pro -bvter'y, will .take peace in the Presbytterian church here 0n Thursday of next week, WROXETER Dr. W, M. 11, Smale, Chicago, is visiting his old home here, * * * C. D. Sporran left for 011 Springs on Monday; • * * Mrs, Cameron, Grand Valley, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. F, Davey, * * * Alex Leonard and 001de Winni- peg, spent a week with the former's. cousin Alex Gibson, They left Saturday for Quebec, GREY Mess Kate Te1Oer is teaching in the Fulton school 15t11 con, .Tames' Houston* has* arrived home Morn n enjoyable visit with friends in Tuckettsnlith and St. 'Marys. 1 j.. i1r'r ' Me I Percy Tyernlait was away on a hoelday outing to Walkerton, Han- over and other Pelona, * o * AMIe1' a very pleasant visit to relatives and Mende In Manitoba and Saskatchewan Robert and Mrs, M•ennny, 9th con„ rtrt'ved hoots safe and sound last week, J, G. Tllrn'bull nod Manley moved Cn 11ie Love houuesteol, 5th eon„ alongside of where he was located, • * Nies. R, 7, hooverwenn to Ed- monton last week with her sister Mrs, Fowler,' who was visiting hear tor tete hast few months. MORRIS Mess Maude Jackson, Sth line, has taken a position its nailliuel• iu Hamilton, W. C, Sti•ollea, 1 anc'asler, Ohio, bag been visiting his sisdor, iein', .bio Mooney, 510 line, M'ONCRIEFF Fred Smith, 17t11 con,, who lets had an allele of alipenl11('I es is itn• moving nicely, * Mrs, Jrn0, Mtn, hn11 and daugiuter, Rhea, of Richmond, Virginia, wore here to' a visit with relatives, wind 10detlds, She was Sormel'ty Mlss 131nd3y Soiltlt, CRANBROOK Mrs, W. C. K001111g and Mies Campbell, Cargill are visitors' with Mrs, I•Ie'lm, Mm. ',*McDonald and sole left for their ltonle at Calgary this weep ate: a visit ut two months here. BRUSSELS D. Ewan is combining business and Pleasure 10 a Visit to Penneyi- %mania, Dr, Alex McKelvey is back from Boet011 and will visit here for a 'bile before locating in Toronto. JIM Wright,* exprc c agent, did the Beep act last week owing to ilnjuuy to one of his knees It, jump- ing off his express wagon, Mrs. J. }Ell ]las taken posseesem of her home on Queen Street East, 3, Jerleyu removing from it into the hone of the late Mrs. Thus. Belly, Turnbel'ry street, e' s * Mrs, Jos, Ballantyne and Mrs. Roles Thomsen attended a double welding at Ctin•too last week, when the .hisses .Hellas were ;he brides. Eradication ,of Bovine Tuberculosis Government Restricted Area :Plan Huron Carroty mers are to be given 1110' ovpe0tnnfarny e'1 70ting m revue 05 aearaet. the Federal. Gov- eremerle Reeereeted Area Plan, tor the eraufcuuun o1 Bovine Tubercu- reals, tre'mn every catt,01 herd in tee emote 00te17. tearing the Juue session, the Ila.. ore Uuuuty Council endorsed the lean and s egested that the Agri uwttutal Rtl,.itaselttative hold a se, - es et, educational meetings 10 an - 10,001 the e11*,e owners with rue efts and regulations of the Ito - berated Area Pian. vu ooptt::,,'ner itlt a meeting of the 1g1rutteteal Cummit,ee of the heron County Cumuli was' held in t:,,utou, and this meeting authorized the noway aIpulut,,) eesteeitti,al h,tpresentative, 11r, Jetties V, eataier t{7 fluid Cite 0Letll,td,s ren- ounte 11000*•, iu October and ,5oVelnber of this 70(11 -to give every Lamer the opi'urtunity ue attending Et weenie; near lits Lome. The Ad- vieuly Agricultural Committee, wuth the Agricuitteat itepi 3550010, 117(1 co'-opetatiug, have arranged for lin,17-eve neeetinge. tttonttgh- 0111 every Township. At earn meeting the Restricted Area Plan will be deseussed both Pro and con, Queselots will be in - Wed Promo the audience so that, there well be no mes'understandings Ent the regulations) Se the .meeting a, era: ves, two canvassers wilt be appointed for each school section to canvass the cattle owners for their s.gnata'reson the petition, Briefly the Restricted Area Plan Ls as &allows; Thele must be 66%% of the cattle owners from, Huron County pledged 'by signatures on the pet11105 before the Federal Government •will eernlire10e the test. Alt carpe must be given the serum test for Tuberculosis $ynn'p- tomis, Animals that show reauut1on to the test must be sent to packing houses for slaughter, Oonitpemsatt1ou is paid for both grades and ,pure- breds w;rth a maximum of 340.00 tor grades and 3100,00 to pure- breds, In addition Ute owner re- ceives the carcass value from the Pattlling Company, No cantle from unrestricted areas' can. be brought into .the County until they have been tested and found free of tuberculosis, with the exception of feeder steers and heifers whieh can be brought in under license and pert isolated until tested, Any motors shall be promo ey realoVed fur slaughter anti coepeusatdott skean be Haid, 11 may not gelletralrl9' be known but sines July lei of thin year all t' le whtpptd to the IIS. ;t„ ea - meet for immediate steuhhter, are required, to 111)1731+ been jested for tuberculosis, or haler have come front a Restricted A1•ett, In ad'dd- lion Orent Britain is embarking on a Tnhettcttles•ls eradication policy meting the Government over 33,- 000.000 3;000.000 yearly„ Welei1 this paper each week for further a tleles on the Restrict. ed Area Plan for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis, unammix Modern Glasses lawEstPrices SEE REID AND NO ONE ELSE ABOUT YOUR EYES! DON'T TAKE CHANCES R. m l Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE -MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'lr°lxvne 51 for Appointment 2,600 Attend Fine Exhibition Held at Seaforth Parade Of School Children is Feature; Splendid Sports Program Carried Out Attendance at the Seaforth Ealy Mir Friday was 2,600. A patitlde of about throe hundred school children, accompanied by their teachers, fo;1i,sd at Victoria Park our, preceded by the Sealonth Highlanlers• band, 105000ed up Main street to the agricultural gtoaads The schools represented in ,the tprocession were Seaforth Public school Seaforth separ- ate school, Egmondvil;e school S. S. No, 2, McKillop, and S. S. 5 and S. S 6, Tuckeremith The awards for the best appearing school were as follows; 1st prize, Egmondn•i11e •school; Soot, Seaforth public school, The Seaforth separ- ate school and S. S, Tucketsmitlt, del for the 3rd. 1n the children's public speaking contest Angela O'Reilly and Marjorie 0. Neill, Sea - forth, 'afro the winners, The class- es iu the ou'eside exhibit were well tilled with good stuff, although the Poultry section and 1three exhibits' were not as large as formerly, belt; Hellcat(, J, Leiper, John Free - pian; Mr Killop, Itobert Campbell, Gerson Mut}avin, Mrs, le. Storey; Turkoi otulth, Mos, A. Broadlfoot, R. Archibald. Jr„ S, Wheneere, Jean Sentt, W S. Broadfoot; Seafortle, 11rs, W. J. D1ksou, 'Hiss Ethel Beattie, J, :12, Govenlock, H. G Heir, Dr, Hertram, Committee of nnauagc'ment- Horses, John Feeecan, Fred Car - beet; catttie, S. Wraan re, R, Arabi - paid; sheep and hogs, 55', Beattie, J, Leiper; poultry, G. McGavitt, R. Campbell; hall exhibits, Mrs, Dick - Sea, Jean Scott, Ethel Beattie, Mrs, Frank .Stoney, Humphrey Sne11; ('luihiren's exhibit, Mrs. A, Broad- foot, W. S. Broedfoot; sports and attractions, 34, G. Meir, J. el, Gov- euloc'k, Dr. Harburn, HOME TOMATOCANNING In view of the pentitol supply of tomatoes, the following recipes far the home canning of this Erupt fay, prove mettle. Pickled Whole Tomatoes 1 peek smell green tomatoes' 1 grant boillug water y cup pickling salt 1 quail vinegar 3 pounces brown rugal• 14 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon cinnaanon 1 teaspoon mixed spice 1 teaspoon celery seed Livestock Entries Good i 10 whole clovers N • Livestock series were good and Disso'e salt in boiling water. Put the cattle of exctf;itional quality. in a few tomatoes at a dime and boil The T, Eaton apeoial prize for the for 12 minutes. Reanove each to - beet bread was captured by zees mato carefully well a wooden spoon. Vine 'of leetawel and the Beak of to prevent siPolOing shape, drain, Commerce special by F. C. Todd thoroughly and pack in jars, Tie and sou, Lueknaw. One of them s'Pices in muslin bag, put into vine was junior champion and reserve War, add sugar andboil until sllglnt- grand at the Canadian National y thickened. Remove splice bag. Exhibition, 11r. Oestnicker, too, was Pour liquid over tomatoes, filling a winner. There was a large and jars' full and seal tightly, extra fine showing of hogs 0111 ' Tomato Catsup sheep. A. H. Warner and sons oPt ucls 10 pcutotmatoes Bayfield• ,took S out of 10 prizes for '* pound salt their ,Blue Water Yorkshires, The % ounce whole cloves aged sow shown won the grand 1h ounce whole peeeper championship at the London Flair 1�7 truant vinegar and is the only *ow knownto have '/a- pound s tsar captured a eat championship at 1 oeuvre al'larece a major Sthir. 1/� ernes cayeuue Other principal exhibitors and Slmmiei• tomatoes until soft and. prize winners were A, Thompson, thea make Puree by blushing Stratford, 0. Turnbull, Brussels; G. through a flue sieve, Tie all the. Douglas, Mtehell; J. 'Cowan, Alt- spd'aes loosely in a muslin bag, Boil. wood and E. Snell, Clinton, had the enrol gvlte thick, 1preterably resift$ highest standing in Leioesters, The am enamellie.d vass'01, Battle an sant Ewers were between Preston bot, Deering, Exeter, and Orval Mc- Gowan, Blyth; Teanwoltths. J. Douglas, ifeli1chell, and 0. Danbrook, Atwood, Corns Tomato Cocktail 1S ripe tomatoes 1 chopped celery Ire cup chopped onions n 3 sweet green poppets Sports Program Results 1 sweet red peplp;et• 'Some 1lvely foot races resulted as 2 tablespoons salt follows, Girls S year's, Glace Iieller, 4 cup -,sugar , Mary Lane.; 10 yews, 12argardt Mash and cut tomatoes hot do not Quinlan, Edna nipple; 12 years peed. ,Chap flue pepptets' finely, Mia. Mary O'Rei11g', Jean McMaster; 14 tomatoes, aelerc, anions, peptptems.. Yeats, Kathleen Holmes, Thelma and salt together. Boil for lila hour. Delimurge; boys, s years, 1toy 'Con- Strain through coarse sieve, Add .silts, Nell Beattie; 10 years, Alan the vinegar and sager, Boil three, Ryan, Neil 1.3enetie; 12 years, Paul minutes, Seal its sterilized jabs, Mylan, Bandy 17101) ren; 14 years; Tomato ;Cocktail (No. 2) Pawl 017101, W Sntddh, The h1cyele 1 bushel tomatoes' Imes were called oil 0h account 1'rsmall head Celery cif the hock being 100 muddy, The ;L teaspoon white peeper , Boys Foal Ciltub, a club for farm 1,4 Clip vinegar boy's between the a,.s'es of 14 and 20 1 cm) 831003pep onions years inclusive, sponsored by the 4 leasIRoous' salt Doudnion and lieestollt branches Boil alt together for 20 Mtn and directed by Mr, Shearer, 'Celle 'Strain and, effort ten, agrk'nlliral re'pree•eutative tot) and seal, boll 5 nulrrtutes, Bottlef Huron cotttity, The officers' ot the Sealomdi AAgrrl- 511lllt.ral Society are; dlosnirary President; W, 8, 131vrndfoot; Pees!. one, 14an I Jirey Snell; vies-preel- ente J, W, Beet:tie, '4Villinn1 Beat- tie; serretnry.treasa,rer, Mrs, 7, A. Kerr; autletors0 R. J, .Beatty, if, Reid; aatidto'st, kiabbert, F, 111 Car - WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyauu0 4 land Commissioner General Insurance Office Westin %Ivo, -- Ethel, 0iltsrf,