The Brussels Post, 1938-9-28, Page 1the 73nootto
Single Copies 5c
Melville Presbyterian Church
Thursday, October 13th
at 8 p.m.
There will be a Illustrated Lecture
on England, Ireland and Scotland
presented, by eho
in the Melville •Presbyterian Church
The lecture is divided in three acts
and three vocal solos arc
to be rendered
Solosare to be rendered.
A Scotch Song By Mrs. Oliver
An Irish song by Miss
Marguerite Logan
An English Song by
by Mrs. Walter Kerr
Admission—Adults 15c Children 5o
St. John's Anglican Church
Sunday, October 16th
Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Rev. C. H. James B.D.,
Tuesday, Eve., October 18th
In Basement of Church
5 to 8 p. rn.
PIay in Town Hall at 8.15 p.m.
"Chintz Cottage"
Presented by Young People of
Admission .-- Adults '40c
Children 14 and under 25c
Jas. Thuell and John Fischer,
as anniversary preacher
At Moncrieff
Sunday, October 2nd, 1938
an augmented choir
Mr. 0. Etherington, Preston, soloist
and Ethel Male Quartette
Bazaar & Entertainment
on Tuesday, October 4th
A large assortment of articles
A lunch counter
Entertainment by
Admission to entertainment 25e
Children 10o
This is Moncrieff best Anniversary
East Huron Fall Fair
Brussels Town Hall
Friday, September 30th
Commencing at 8.15 p.m.
Nellie McGhie
Canada's Leading Violinist
Jiggs and Reels
The Mystic Magician
with his magic tricks
Dorothy Sheppard
Personality Singer
The Songs You Like
Edgar Goodaire
Pianist and Accompanist
Scottish Character, Comedian
and Radio Artist
Admission— Reserve Seats 35c
Rush Seats ..5c
Tickets can be secured at
H. Allen's Drug Store, Brussels
Jane, Withers •Richard Earle
45 Fatheri
Smith Bellew Evelyn Knapp
Hawaiin Buckaroo
Sunday, Oct. 2, beginning at 12.05
Katharine Hepburn Cary Grant
Doris Nolan Lew Ayres
, Edward Everett. Horton
The years prize oomedy team in a
favourite story of laughs and tears
Shirley Temple , . ..George Murphy
Little Miss 13roaway
Jimmy Durante , Edna May Oliver
America's Sweetheart singing and
dancing as only she oar—to help
cupid, thee! a tiugh assignment
Don Amlohe Simone Simon
MISS Mina Bryan, Toronto, ite
holidaying at her home here,
(Miss C. enaOracken, Toronto,
spent the week -end at ber home
Mr, and Mrs. James Blas'hlll, An
Alma Mich. have been visiting in
Mrs, Hugh McKinnon has been In
Ottawa, the guest of bet son Cecil
and Mrs C, McKinnon,
Mr. L. W. Scantier was one or
the Judges for music et the Bel -
grave School Fair last week.
E. B. Allan has returned from
Detroit wihere he attended the
Druggists' convention,
Geo Pollard, son of Chas. Pollard
gravel road south, has returned
home following a recent operation
Bowman Galbraith has gone to
Toronto where he evil spend his
second year at Toronto University
Janiee S, Armstrong i5 visiting
at Winnipeg and Saskatoon. He will
attend; the Saskatoon Feeder Show
while there,
Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Campbell
and little son, of South Bend, Inti„
are the guests of the former's aunt
and uncle, Miss Mary and Alan
D. 0, Wark captured 1st -Prize at
the Atwood Fair, with his 2 -year-
old colt. George Galbraith secur-
el two 2nd vrize tickets' with his
road horse,
James, Clark, 5th concession Nor-
ris was plowing w'vth a tiding plow
ou Monday afternoon, when the
plow struck a stone, throwing him
off and' injuring his side.
Mrs, David. Begg or Medicine Hat
Alta, is the guest of Mrs'. Jno. E.
Smith who has returned home after
an enjoyable four month vacation In
the West: While away Mrs, Smith
travelled as far as the British Col-
umbia Coast.
Dr. Hossack and Mrs. Hossack of
tenet -kip were Sunday visitors with
the latter's sister Mrs. Jas. Ba)lan-
Miss Nellie Hunter who has been
visiting at the hone of W. J. Mc-
Cracken and the Misses eloCracken,
has returned to her home in To-
of the Huron Plowman's Associ-
ation will be Picking the three
Best boys under 20 years of
age to represent Huron at the
International Match as a team
with all expenses paid.
Now boys be sure and come
to the Plowing Match on Oct.
6th and do your best.
L. E. Cardiff, Sec.-Treas.
The Presbyterian Church Ethel
will be held on
Guest Preacher
Rev. J. M. McCurlie,
of Atwood
Services at 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.
Special Music
Ethel United Church
Anniversary Services
Sunday, October 9th
Guest Preacher—
Rev. G. W. Birtch,
Tavistock, Ont.
Services 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Special Music
Monday, Thanksgiving Night
October 10th
Program by
Favourite Four Entertainers
of London, Ont.
Supper Served 6 to 8 p.m.
Admission Adults 50c
Children 25c
Everybody Invited,
Minister ,
The thumb Was beautitul)y decor-
ecorated with flowers ofr the oenaaion.
11 a.m,--Communion Service
"The Hope, of the World."
3 p.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m, -lour Horses of the
Apocalypse ."
Monday 8 p.m. --Young People
Nov, 8th=-.ANN1VSRSARY
Rev. J. 13. McLeod of Weston
We wish to express our sincere
appreolatloit to tile anany friends
and neighbors for their kind ex -
Pression of sympathy at time a the
loss of a loving wife anti mother.
Our thanits are also extended to
our friends for the beauti$u: ilur,t',
Taws: W, Bone and family.
Huron County
Junior Association
The Huron County Junior Asaod-
aticm is starting the Fall Season off
with a clance at The Arcadian, 775
Danforth Avenue, (Bast of Pape
&venue), Toronto, on Tuesday,
October 4th, 1038. All Ilufonites
are cordially twrtted to make up a
party of their friends and join us at
one of Toronto's ftuest and most up-
to-date spots with has been re-
served exclusively for the use of
the members of the Association,
Have You Things
Like These
In Yau Garden?
Now, .lit Is otlt of season fruit! We
had brought to our office recently
ripe raspbertes in the garden of
E. Henderson, They were perfect.
ly formed though a trifle mane
than normally. Have you seen the
2 pound tomato in the 'Post' win-
dow. It was grown by Richard
"Diok" Stevens and from the same
garden came an oddly shaped to-
mato. It iv the usual shape at the
bottom and it gradually slopes until
the top is pointed,
United Church
W. A.
The West Grob', or the Woman's
Association of the United Chereb
are sponsoring a monster amateur
concert to be held in Brussels Town
Hall on the night of Friday, October
21st, $27.00 in prizes is being of-
fered, a spedial feature being a
prize for local talent within a
radius of 5 utiles or Brueeele. Re-
serve this. date and n -arch for furth-
er particulars es to prizes etc.
Bride -elect
Miss Freda Pittard entertained
at her home on Friday evening le
honor of Miss Mary Elizabeth
(\Iaymlel efeQuarrte prior to het'
marriage to Robert John Holletr
beck of Toronto, the marriage to
take place' in Toronto, nn Sept, 28,
Miss Alice Pope and llIss Freda
Pollard earned in the basket that
was beautlfuny decorated in pink
tied white and wee filled with
cream and red enamelware suitable
for the kitchen, Miss MoQuarrie
opened the gifts• and 11!se Carrie
Hhtgston read the verses. which
provoked much imaginer. Miss Mc-
Qnart'ie made a suitable reply to
the givers, thanking them for all
their Mutness. A delightful lunch
was served, and a sing -song enjoyed
atter wishing the bride-to-be a
happy married life.
United Church
Y. P. S.
The United Chtn'ch Young
People's. Union conmueared their ac-
tivities. for the fall and winter
months on Mondry evening, The
obeuing meeting took the form of a
social with a weiner roast 00 Dr,
Anderson's farm, Fire -side games
ware conducted by Rev, 13. J. Ma-
honey who also contended the elec-
tion of offleers whioh resulted as
Pres'. --Jack Bryahs'
Vire-Pres,—Betty Best
Set., -Louise Stiles
Teas, -•-,Lloyd Sanderson
Pres: Sere—Mary Bneker
Christian Culture--
. Ross 1,Vheoier
Cbriatieiu Missions ----
Mee. J, A, Wilson
Christian. Fellowship ---
/Wee Pope
Cristien Citizenship --
Douglas Anderson
Social Director--
;ttargeret Pearson
Ilarbara Mlcble
letanlst—,:4targarot Downing
Campfire Girls
A meeting of the CarPfire Girls
was held ou F;iday evening, Sept.
11, et the home of Margaret Gib-
son, with the president Jean Stott
in charge, The following efflcets
for the year were elected:
President—Mary Helen 1'wekmier
Secretary—Dorothy Armstrong
Treasurer--ldlizabe•th Baeker
Pianist—Janet I{:ng
The remaining part of the evening
was spent in ipiaying games and a
tasty lunch was =.tett« at tbe case,
Y. P. S.
On Sunday evening the Melville
Y. P, S. nret in the Sunday School
room at the cloee of the evening
service with the president Earl
Moore in charge. The meeting was
apeaed with the singing of hymn
309 atter which Earl Moore led la
prayer. A portion at strilaure was
read by Tom McFalzean and au
inspirational address "Faith, Hope
and "Charity" given by Donald Me-
Rae. Mrs, Walter Kerr sang a
pleasing selection "Building far
Eternity," Rev, S. Kerr ecuducted
the installation of Drifters and the
meeting closed with a hymn. The
new officers for the year are:
President—tart :Moore
ViCe-Pres: Dorothy Ballantyne
Sec,—Iteobel MacTavish
Treas.—Datid Parker
Ass, Treaa.--Frank Scott
Social Committee—
Elizabeth Baeker
Mary He:en Eeknter
Edith eIecTavish
Mary Ireland
The meetings for the year are
to be drawn up by the Executive,
every fourth ceeting being held 00
Sunday evenaug, A cordial invi-
tation is evtended to all.
On Tue.-eday, Sept, lath by the
Rev. M. R, Sanderson of St, Cuth-
bert United Ghttrch, Toronto. 'Ora
May, daughter if the late 1, A.
Abbott, Oshawa to Rev, A. Vallance
Robb, Bnuevale, Ont, Mrs, Itvbb, is
quite well known in this loca:ity as
she was a clerk in lir. Smith's
stare and ie a niece at eir, Sandy
ineevn)e United Church was the
crane of a pretty wedding on Sat-
urday when Rev. A. Vallance Robb
united in marriage Ethel Clara,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. d•]ciward
Johnston of innovate ant Mr, Rob-
ert Alexander, .eon of Mrs, James
Turnbull and the late Mr, Turnbull
of Lambeth. The bride, who entered
the church on the arm of her father,
was chormitng in a gown of white
suede mace fashioned on princess
lines with trimmings of talk net
and she carired a boupnet of Amer-
ican 13reflty roses,
Her bridesmaid, Miss Mary Turn•
bull, ulster of the briclgegroom, was
becomingly attired in a frock of
robin egg blue taffeta with blue
turban, pink shoulder veil and ltnk
accessories. Sbe carried a colonial
bouquet, Mr, Carl Johnston, brother
of the bride, was groomsman.
Ushers were Mr, Harold l4nrt'ieof
Tilsonbnrg and Mr, Sperling Jolla.
ettn1 of ),Iue'vale, Wedding music
was suppled by Mrs, W. J. John-
ston, aunt of the bride and during
the signing of the register Miss
Jean Spa,ling ating 'O Promise Me,'
The chllroit'evas beaullfuily decor-
ated: for the occasion with pink and
vvh=ri gtad1oll and blue delphinium,
'Following the ceremony, reception
was held at the home of the bride's
l,arenls, Later Mr. anti Mrs. Turn-
bull left by motor for Ottawa and
Montreal, the bride travelling in a
MC` ih'csa with British tweed cod],
Masi' tricorns hat and black acme
Betties. They will reside in London.
BOOR -in the Ilnapltal. Clinton on
Salurday, Sept, 240., 1033 to hlarold
nn.) ;flee, Lawson, 11 daughter.
Eddies' Church
Special Preacher Was
the Rev. A, L. Budge
kadies' Presn,yiellan Churrb was
filed to e5Pacity on Sunday to ware
the Tend attuirersary of the congre-
gation. The pas or, Rev. J, R. .
Greig, conductel the opening ser•
vice and introduced the gut e,"
speaker, Rev, A L. Budge, M.A., of
Ilk.uiltuu, who avec, as his subject
"The Burning Bush," the emblem
of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada, taker] fecal the text "Moses
turned aside to see a great sight"
which was a fire elan Gr'i. The
epeakes' en0Outtagete ehnrch courts,
church nrovemen e ani people to .see
that same lire today.
The order of eerrice was that of
over halt a century ago. The ear -
ice of song was led by a precentor
in the person of Mr. John MaCDon-
ald, of Kit' oss, one of the hymns
being the 23rd Palm sang to the
old Covenantors tune, The offering
was received in velvet bags attach-
ed to a long stick which had been
usel by the congregation years age.
Mr, Budge took his text for the
evening servia.e from the Book of
Proverbs, his subject being "Old
Fasbioned Virtues). Thrift Dotnes-
tie Bliss and SeleContrel were
among the irtues mentioned.
Au appropriate anthem was rend-
ered by the Chair and Mr. Greig
contributed a solo. The beauty
and rich colors' of the fall flowers,
used in decorating the ehureh
added to the i . -v "wive services.
Ethel Presbyterian church anni-
sary services will be held, Sund-
day, Oct. 2nd at 11 a.m. and 7.30
For nest Sunday. Oct. 2nd in
Ethel United Church Sunday School
will be at 2, p,nt, and preaching
service at 3 p.m.
Invitations are extended to at-
tend tbe Presbytery Institute tor
Sunday Sebool treeit-,s and officer
to be held in '1'dnton in Wesley
Willis church, Sect. 25th at 2 rim.
Members of Ethel court of C. 0.F.
who responded to the invitation
from Stratford 0.0.F. court to at-
tend a social function Sept. 2G:h at
Stratford, report a pleasant tame
and •express appreciative for the
privilege of attending,
Ruth Fianklin and Kathleen
Slemtmon of Atwood visited over
Sunday •with their grandmother
Mre! W. Slemmon as Mrs. Siena
mon is unable to get about very
readily, their youthful and buoyant
presence was happily eninyed,
Lorne Voddcn of Myth visited
Ethel friends over the week -end,
Communion, service was conduct-
ed by the pastor Rev. Mr, Snell
in United church at the evening
hour of worship last Sunday, Above
average cousrergaton was present.
The Italy and weiner roast un-
dertaken by United church V.P.S.
executive held in Ethel elem,tr''ai
park Monday, Sect,26thh was sine
cessfully anti interestingly el-weepy-
l- 'il Ot'-
Wain and Mee i t e of Fergus
were \v'eleonve `many al:eruoon
entente with relatives and friends
in tine village.
Casper Fleet sheat Sunday at his
home in Ethel.
Bertha, Earls recently of Sea -
forth hostpi,tal is at the homer of her
parents, Les, and Mrs, Earls, eon,
8, Grey Twp., recuperettng, after an
operation for appenaleitis,
will be held on the farm of
1 miles East of Brussels en
Smalldon—ht Kitchener, on Men -
day, Sept 26th, 1938, George
Sumlidnu, in his 38th year. The
funeral will take place from the
home of Isle daughter, .tire, E. G.
Plum, Brussels, Turnber"ry street,
north, 00 'I'hurstay, September
29th, 1938. Service- ttt 2.30 P,n.
interment ill 11 'ewes ametery
Belgrave School Fair
Is Splendid Success
A splendid crowd- of Parents and
triends gatheeed together 'for 'the
annual Be:arave School Fair, Early
In the morning the various' exhibits
began to arrive. The 0,11001 WoiSf,
fruit, sewing, flowers and baking
were Placed in the Foresters' Hain
the live e'•oele in the Vatted Meech
ahe,d au« the pees, vegetables and
grain and fowl ie. the Presbyterian
Church shed. The entries were
numerous and of a high .guality_
Triplet Calves Shown
One very interesting and unusual
exhibit was tnlytet calves belonging
to William litydges, just north tlf
tbe village a mile, and shown by
his tleee d,ruglttete, The carves are
all red and seven mouths' old and
took the first there. prizes in a class
of flr0 eu.ries It k very rare that
Uiplel calves 1 v.• t.,, this age, After
dinner, the mu :e of pipe; and
druan called all s, h.eele and the Par-
ade was on with nine schools in tine
march, Three v ere, S. 5. No, 5,
Morris; S. S. No. 7. Morris; S.S. No.
7, E. Wawanosb, 5, R. No 8, E. Wa-
wanosh; S.S. No. 9, E, Wawanosb„
S.S. No. 11, E, Wawanosh; S. S. No.
13, E. 11awanoslt; L'.S.S, No. 16,
Wawanosil, and S.S, No. 17, U.S.S.
Morris, and E. Wawanosle
The new district representative,
Mr, Shearer, was present, also Mr -
Kincaid; the newly. appointed Public
School Inspector for North Huron.
Following the parade the comipeti-
tion in physical exercises was held
wi:it Mrs, Geesge 1lartln giving the
commands. The spelling contest
was also held during the eater/loon.
The weather proved to be rather
damp later in the afternoon but the
till ipl'agrant went on. The livestock
was shown by the pupils and
prizes awarded.
The Prize List;
1 quart Oats --Ken Cunningham,
Donald Campbell; Oats, sheaf, Hen.
Cunningham; 1 quart barley, Gwen
Irwin; Barley, sheaf, Arnold Bruce;
Corn 6 cobs—Dorothy Matteson,
Beth Brydges, Jack •Shieil, Nora
Scott, Elizabeth Young, Fay •Cook;
3 maugoidst -•Eimer Shiell, Glen, Van
Camp, Clifford Kelly, Clifford Ben-
nett, George Higgins, Jack Van
001310: 5 onions—Jane m th
ane Arrong,
Norma Brydges, Ruth Braliburn,
Iona Bennett, Frank Aleoek, Ches-
ter Higgins; 5 Parsnips—Jack
Armstrong, Jim Irwin, Norman gine, Wilfred Spivey, lama GoCook,Wilfred 'Haines; Beats-aShirley
Chaney, Gladys Campbell, Ruth
Higgins, Reta Illerbrun, Doris'
510e11, Mary Yuill; Carrots :Harry
Stewart, Joyce Roth, John Haines,
Roberta vVittle, Jack Van Camp,
Leonard Illerbrun; Pumpkin—Mary
Procter, Eileen IIo elinehy 'Marguer-
ite Young, Vera Montgomery, E1
Continued on Page 5
►.w'ru sa.aoe,.a.roco:cswewsswe�
ftitivyw...a.wo®<.a+.saws a%so'�e4ae•:�ti yy
Them, Passed away in Brussels,
in September 17th, Florence MayCochrane, beloved Nellie of Thos. W.
Beate, e, in her 68th year,
The deceased was bora at New
Aberdeen, Waterloo 'County and
mored with her parents, to the Sed
line, Morris 50 years, ago. In 1899
site wee united in marriage to Thos,
'W. Bone. The deceased was a
kind wife, a loving mother, and a
highly esteemed neighbor. There
arp left to mourn their loss, her hus-
band, sou Cecil, daughter Ruby, two
brcthers, Allan o,£ Waterloo, Alfred
or Morris and one sister Mrs, lvobt
Smith of Morris,
The funeral was tadtadtram her
late residence, Tues., Sept, 20th at.m
2 p, Services ware oondeteted
by Ren;, 11, 7. Mahoney assisted by
Rev, J, Graham, During the ser-
vice Mr. L, W.Iteknier sang "Tlte
City Pour -actuate,"
The floral tributes were beauti.
fut. Flower bearers were; Misers
Dorothy Done, heath WarwickIdb
, va
Warwick, Fiorcnre Saratets, Lillian
Garniss and Isabel Fowler.
Patlbeatcra vtcre, Russel Bone,
George hone, Garvtu Srutth, Janie
Bowman, James Moir and ,]lanes
Reln:ivea and hamlethamletwere prate.
eel from Throttle, London, Clinton,
New Dundee, Waterloo, 'Wroxeter,
Forovich, Belgrave, seaterth end.
Windham, •