HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-21, Page 8')F BRUSSELS POST WDDN2SDAY, SIjPT. 21st 1,9,33; FliesCarry Dkease You can be sure of KILLING MORE FLIES in less time with Rexall FIy-Kil Because it is stronger in Killing Power than the accepted standard for Insecticides. Actual Tests on Flies and other Insects prove it, FLY-KIL comes in 35c and 60c bottles 1 We Also Have Wilson's Fly Pads, Hand Sprayers, Tanglefoot & Fly Coils CORKS FOR CATSUP AND PICKLE 'BOTTLES The Right Size Can Be Found Here PICKLING SPICES PARKE'S CATSUP FLAVOR PICKLE OILS nOTTLING WAX REXALL EXTRACT WILD STRAWBERRY 25c BOTTLES BISMA REX 750 WILD ROOT HAIR RINSE 15c PURETEST A.S.A. COUGH DROPS 10c GOLDEN WINDOWS The New Second Readers for Grade 3 are now in stock 20c HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS Full Stock of the Many Supplies and Accessories that are now required for School Work Ask for Free Sample of Ex-Lax I. R. SMITH S -or* TELEPHONE NO. 62 -- DRUGGIST and STATIONER TF•t.F,PHONE NO. 62 f401... -100.0.3=1111W,,, -..-.o Vfa teot gweezdaTe, .mant SUPERIOR STORE SERVICE QUALITY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Crown Brand Corn Syrup • • • • 2's • • • • .16c 5 l 3 ttis for 23c Aylmer Pork & Beans 21 oz 2 tins for 27c Chicken 'Haddie • • • . • Sunlight Soap • . 4 cakes for 240 Hillcrest Pure Lard l's • • .. 2 tb for 25c per bottle 22c each 15c Unbleached Sheeting heavy per yd 43c Roller Toweling . • • 2 yds for 25c Oilcloth Squares, new patterns each 790 Rayon Tablecloths each 59c Men's Fleeced Nightshirts & Pyjamas each $1.00 Men's Sleevless Wool Sweaters • • each 69c HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Certo Whisks WM. ZIEGLER Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont. THE SILVER LI.NING .. .. I had a wisdom tooth pulled out, So I'm neat as ;Mae as 1 used to wu But this I know, without a doubt, Less brains don't hurt like the toothache duz. "I was simply historical with laughter." "Hysterical, you mean" 'No, historica1i--1 laughed ages.'' Farmer's Wives Attention! Threshing Roast When ordering your Roast you can depend on us for Quality and Price to suit your purse. Just call aeker Bros. experience guarantees reliable service. Domestic Shortening 2 Ibs. 25c BAEKER BROS. Phone 6 for Modern Glasses Lowest Prices SEE REID AND NO ONE ELSE ABOUT YOUR EYES! DON'T TAKE CHANCES �y Re•id Stratford Leading Optometrist A For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE. —MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 '?'Mine 51 for Appointment WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 65 Day or Night Cans MOTOR HEARSE B G, WALKER Embalmer and Funeral Director, RED BAND STORE Phone SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 2 lbs. 25c White Serviettes (100 in pkg) 15c' Grapefruit Juice 2 tins 19c York Choice Quality White Corn 2 tins 19c Bee Hive Corn Syrup 2 lb 5r r York Choice No. 4 Peas .2 tins 190 Durham Corn Starch 2 pkgs 17c 17 York Choice Quality Tomatoes 2 tins,19c Puffed Wheat 2 pkgs 19c7 Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs with bag 23c Rinso large • • 45c medium • • 23c small ' • 10c McCormick's Butter Cream Sodas 2 lb 290Good Broom 25c Eureka Quick Tapioca 2 pkgs with 1 petalware sherbert• • • • • 29c Aeroxon Fly Coils 6 rolls 10c wisitsarmworammarmormssearrosorearierwmaramoti LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS CRANBROOK The W. M. 5, of Knux Pr' byter- ian church held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Olmstead. The meeting opened with sing- ing of psalm 19, The scripture 1es.on was read by Mrs. John FIue- ther taken from the 10th Chap. of St. Mark. hiss, Robed Scott lead in prayer. The minutes of the August meeting were read by the secretary, The roll nail was answered with a verso of Scripture and the offering yas re- ceived, 'K.2Il41 Mrs, It. K. McDonald lead in pray- er and hymn 373 was snag. The cement events in charge'‘ of Mrs, G. Emile were read, The •topic was given by Mrs, M. Engel. A very in sTeo'ling story. was read by Mrs'. I), lluetlter, The meeting was brought to a close by eingiug hymn no. 152 and Mrs, (Rev.) W. A. Willlianns closed with prayer. The W.M.S, were, intaitel to hold their October meeting at the home of MIs. Thomas Cameron, At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the bestess, QUALITY - - SERVICE PORK & BEANS raffigilr2i oz. 3 tins 23c Special Large Brown Eye Cooking Beans per lb Crown Brand Corn Syrup 2 lb tins Crown Brand Corn Syrup 5 tb tins Junket Tablets 2 pkgs Horne's Desert Pudding Powder 2 pkgs Certo Special per bottle Choice Blue Rose Rice 2 tb Aeroxon Fly Coils 5 for Sunlight Soap . , .. 4 cakes Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs Bulk Cocoa per tb • • . Wilson's Fly Pads per pkg 25c y, Wax Paper 10c pkg and rolls at ...... • • • • 5c 19c $1.14 $1.09 5c • 160 , 37c 25c 19c 22c 17c 10c 24c 25c 15c 10c r' Richard's Carbolic Soap per cake 1 1 Chocolate Mallow Biscuits • • • • per tb • • . . 'r Crown Medium Qt. Jars per doz t•1 Imperial Pt, Jars per doz • • LAST CALL FOR THE GOOD CANNING . PEACHES Have you tried Our Wonder Sliced Bread Furniture Polish in 15c size and Large size25c ( Thursday Brusselsii 1. } Wckmieri Friday Phone 64 Saturday lalliggragaillalgiallailignilainallailirl 'I'he anniversary services of Knox Presbyterian church are being held on Sunday, September 251.11 at 11 amt, and 7 p,m, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Raddats of Detroit, Micb,, wen visitors' at the house of Mr, and 'Mrs, Jacob W, Ascher for It tkllq days this week, Mr, and Mrs, .%Ido Noble and daughter Yvonne of Hanover Were visitors at the home of Mr. and 1411s, Jntes Noble over the weekend. Miss Maly Mettler who 1s' at- tending Stratford Normal was borne over the week -end, Read the Ads. SPECIALS Fall Suggestions For the Week Ladies' F'ette Nightgowns Ladies, Girl's F'Iette Pyjamas: Children's Fleece -lined Sleepers Sausages 16c per Ib• Wheeling Yarn 3 -ply all colors. 2 lbs, for 30c I Linen Towelling F'lette Blankets Fresh Salmon in Steaks or In the piece Boy's Pullover Sweaters in all styles Men's & Boy's Caps Special Sale of Pickled Cottage Roll Men's & Boy's Underwear Beef prices adjusted to the r,urrent decline In cattle Aylmer Veg, large tin _ • • • 14c Cascade Salmon lge tin • - • 14c Pickling Spices of all kinds Be Sure To Buy Where Your Dollar Try our fresh ground Coffee Buys The Most ---• IAN MCDONALD ^r• A. WOOD Brussels — Phone 24 i Brussels General Store. PHONE 61 They Are Here More Than 1 00 New Dr sses Scrcely 2 Alike, Sizes range from 13 to 50 by Canada's f oremosi Manufacturer Coats : - Coats A good time to select your Coat. AsmalJ der posit will secure your choice for later date. Come and Look T hem Over ,:, r1etQ+�+ff��tt�ti���.,��uz�rra��ea�s�au;rtat�z��l�wta�¢k�aus�t+s�atacir E. J. MeTAVISH GENERAL STORE a