HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-21, Page 5fl W10D1�^FJSDAY, SL'A'T, 21st 193.g 3 THE BRUSSELS POST Time Table Charges EAST Hugo NEWSOF THE Sunda Sot, 15th Full in#ormatlon from Agents � v Time I - FALL FAIR - Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents d the old duble doors GREY Mrs, Charles Enright at Grey attended Ethel United ebt Sung , o'clock removed and rv'p'4tced by a modern C Brian Katmai a.m. setrvdee uebt Sunday, [I 1U11 Quite a uunnber from the 16th con. t' becuyear-olliirgjack selhootMills Itltlho from. hos glass door. others not so good—sup time, his imam in Grey Twp, ort Con, nu- . cast and Mrs. A'nd. pose it, all fortunately hada leg broken a o 1 depe114s on. ,tile cotullIany you haft►, tate knee while playing football on re laoli l esr'k was removed foam Mr, and Ides. Garfieldi McDonald the school grounds' a ,few days ago• and sad tlauglvter, Toronto, spent tine i Dan Savage nos hats the circular t the village t Nlorrweek nvr when Wal- week-end with Wends in GreY, sate, wood cutt11 outfit of Melvin lace Agar, Ga'rt, is' an old Cranbarook boy, sort , C'al•n0eh'an and would he ready to l moved' to his farm a buil+Ding which eighty years ago 3t was built of of the late Peter and Mrs. MODDn- do work of this kind at a reasonable tivas built for a dm elling house about hand-hewn and sawed lumber, se'me of w•hinh is in a €airly goal etate of preservation, It was first located on the p;'Opel'tY of the Leech brotlr- ers' anti nearly fifty years ago was purchased by the late Jahr Barris and move'. to ,the property now owned by MI's. Thomas Coolies, used as a horse stable and 1sotiy' for a garage. Earl Atudes'son of Belgrave, con- dueted. the regular sr,r'vires at Ebenezer and Bluevale united ehnrches on Sunday, Next Sunday the Rally Day Progr•amr wi11 be oh• served. Harry Ho'Pper of Wingllam lwili Ooeupy the pulpit, Ra11y Day service will be heheld in linos Presbyterian Murat t Sunday at 11 o'eock. Mr. and Mrs, J'arttes Kerney, Mr. and firs. Jos, H. Smith and famtily were at Oronnarty on Monday 'at- tending the forty-fifth wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Vitaliser, Mr, and Mrs. Kerney will spend the week with friends Crammnty. and Seine the Milverton Pai k G 3 rd nn lerr'i of Toronto, spent the Railways weak.Some spent a good t 1 1 above vt k er1l with Mr, old. Mr, anti Mrs. Youn.gblutt, Keith, Stuart and Miss Pat of Mullett spent Sunday with Mrs. Youngbi0tt's parents, I•tr, and Mrs. Jn'o, McNabb, Sirs. Lynn Evans' and gt anclson b ick but We hope price• Mr, and Mrs. Al. Judd of Lookport U.S, motored to Ethel Sunday morn- ing and were guests of their cousins Mrs. Geo, Kreuter and W, T, Spence for several clays' Douglas have been s I The Ethel United Church congt'e- b better Batton are malting plans tor their titey will soonee mover to be held on Oet, 911.1 and 10th. Further particulars later, Mrs, E. A. Robb is spending a few weeks with Mrs, W. E, Willieand other friends. NOTICE 1 The Young People's Society of Ethel United Church are holding a Rally and Weiner Roast at Mem.: oriel Park, Ethel, Monday evening, Septennber 26111, Conte 1w'd help make a gool time, Everybody Welcome. mite corn harvest is on now and: Annual Amrlversars and fowl it is sure a man's job as at is a grtat crop. next All roads lead to. Cranbroak Sukulay for the 50tH anniversary. of the rebuilding of the church, Rha D. C. ILO. B.A., MD., is to be h guest speaker. James and Mrs. Moses enjoyed a trip to the Western Fair last week. Miss Veleta Wheeler has resumed Iter musical instructions In the aif- tarent schools alter the summer' Vacation. Wm. and Mrs. Simpson, Atwood, Alex Simpson Detroit were week- end visitors with Robt. and Mrs, Scott, CraabroOk. Mrs. David G. Clark, 16th con., Grey has returned hoarse alter spend% Mg a boli(ay it11 her niece and nephew Mr. and airs. Itoy Me- Ceight and floridly, Luc -know, Mr. 3leCrelgllt is see:1011 master there. BLUEVALE Mir, and Mrs. Earl 'Hamilton and two children spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton at Centralia. Mfrs, Chas. Johnston and Mrs. Sparking Johnston spent a day last week at London Exhibition. Mr. Stewart 1'I0Lennau spent Thursday at London EP+hibitton, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Churchill and Vern took to London Erd1dbition on Frtd3y. Mrs, Churchill stayed and spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton and 11aby, Mr, and Mrs. Jima Ralston visit- ed with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Roble at Auburn on Sunday. MIr. and Mrs, Richard Johnston and Emma spent the week -end with friends. at Halmilton. Mass Elizabeth Mothers and friend visited on Sunday with her grandfather Mr. Geo. Mothers and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. 'Peacock and Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw and family, An historic event of interest took place on Sunday when the con- grega:ion of I11t11e=s Presbyterian March Tlurnberry, celebrated the tvent y-steend aaniversa• y. The morning service took the forn6 of the old.time service, John McDon- ald, of Kinloss, led the service of Tire 23rd Psalm woe sung to the "Covenanters,' tune." The offering was received In the faded velvet bags, attached to the end of a slick, n1111ch was used by the congregation over one-half a century ago. The pastor of the church, Rev, J. R. Greig, condmctel the opening service and Introduced the guest speaker, Rev. A, L. Badge, M.A,, Hamilton, who took for his subject in ,the utorninv "The Burning Bush," the emblem of the Presby- terian Church In Canada. At the evening service the craze as his sub- ject, "Old Positioned Virtues," from the .Book os Proverbs, speaking es- peclelly n "Thrift, Domestic Bliss am Self -Control." An appropa'tate anthem was rennerecl by the ebodr, and Rev, J. R. Greig favored with a solo. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Fall dowel's•, Large conkregatiOas• were present for both sevices. Mrs, Alice Aitken was the 'hostess on Wednesday evoniug for the regu- lar weekly choir practise of the United Church, Following the nt pr•aelise under the direction of hits, ,Iobnston, the Yong People Seined 3n a tomcat, eatth couple drawing a picture of an ideal house for a bride, Miss Ethel JOhn0ton, whose marriage 15' lu1IOunoed to take pinen late 111 SeptemIber, was appointed judge. She woe preaent• ed with a pantry SIOwer wJ1io11 50(1- slated of jams jellies, pickles, elk'. Miss' Johnston tlldn.ked the mem- bers or the choir in a 1030 wn•hl- ('1105en remarks, Refreshments were served by the hostess. In a recent issue of a local paper• an Berl appeared in the "Fifty Years Argo" robin -to, / .01111tng that. Wiliiam Messer had improved 1110 place of business: a general store 1 In the village, with tient front doors. This &tore is now the post office and store operated by A. 17, Smith ETHEL Reek -end showers• of rain have again delayed corn dotting ant silo Ailing, in this commnnitY. 'Moisture content of the soil var- ies, in areas just a few mites apart, in Grey township some places. we. 1now, there is difficulty in getting buokwheat cut, owing to the ground being too soft. While in outer sections, 1t is claimed, the firmness of the land makes plowing with horses a heavy job, A meeting of ire executive of Ethel United Church Y.P.A. was held Monday night of this week, at the Parsonage, to make ar;ange- meats for meeting regularly again, atter summer cessation of activi- ties, The male quartette from Ethel United Church choir, assisted Bethel choir, in appreciated contri- butions at the horning service of lite' special services at Bethel last Sunday, Boy's group of 'Pratt Ra0gers -were called to meet Thursday night at.' United Church parsonage to de- velop furtper interest in this de- portment. School pupils, having secured re- quired new euppi'tes Of equJ'pment are getting started away In real earnest on the fall school terms. A,nnivens'ary services at United Church Ethel, Sunday, Oct, 9. The Monday night following hot supper will be seined ill hire basement of the church. Keep the late in mind. :Mrs, John Icing was on the sick list lent week, Bat is slightly letter again, Mrs, (jasper Fleet and baby were weekend visitors with her -mother at Listowel. After an oporatii 1 pe14f0rnketl is Seaforth h051)51al recently, 'Ber'tha Maris is sttead4ly gaining and will soon be oat of hospital, We are sorry to know that Mrs. Les. Dar'Its• is again quite sick at her home, on con, 8, Grey Twp, Sacrament w111 be observed in Walsh; Current Events', Miss Mar- jorie Crosby; Address, Mrs, B. S. Ile:heringtnn; Solo, Mts. N. Keat- ing; Lunch committee, Mrs, J M. Cotrltes, Miss Nora vaneanw, Mrs, C. R. C.oultes. The Foresters' Hall, Belgr•ave, was the scene of a happy gathering on Friday night when a social time was held in honor of Mr, and Mrs. David Murray. Cards and dancing and social chat passed the time till lunch was served, :Many useful gdite were presented to the newly-weds and wishes for a long and happy married life, The bridegroom re- sponded by thanking all for their remembrances, Rally 'Day services were, held in Knox Uuitei. Church Sunday School on Sunday with a good attendance Present, The superintendeint, Nor man Keating, was in charge or th sole ms service. The forof service pltett for the day was fpilaw ed. Short stories of the beginning of tike Bible were read by Velma Wheeler, ars. George Martin, George Martin and Stewart Proc. te, The address' on the subject, "The Bible," was given by James Michie, end was very interesting and instructive. } • : y t 0 i* 1 i l,ct•ti 12� Mrs. Jennie Brown, Mrs. wet Young and Mrs. Lillian Knight, Toronto, visited their Mrs. Thomas 0oultes; Mr, and Charles Gannett, Detroit with and rale. George Gannett; William Mills'; Sioux Falls, D3gota, ing his sister, Mrs, Gra Miss Florence Fowler and Elliott with the Masses Cresswell Seaforth. at Thurs., Evening Sept.�29 4.t Fair Grounds, palace Bulding at 8 o'clock Mar- Mc - aunt, Mrs. Mr. is visit' Grace Snell; Mfiss Lis at 1VMONCRIEFF Mar, and Mrs. A. C. Kennedy and fancily and Miss Morris of Burford spent the rfeek-end at the home of Mir. and MIs. J. MI, Bray, WALTON Mrs. Hoene and daughters Ruth and Mildred and Mr. A. 'Brown of Heidelberg spent Sunday with lir. and Mrs. 0, Setters.. Harry Clark, caretaker of Duff's United church has resigned after bolding the position for quite a number of years. George McTag- gart yill be ire new caretaker. Mrs. C. Coulter of 11etiillOp 1s spending a fey weeks with MTS. R. Hoy, Thomas Warwick and daughter Elva of BrussNls speut Sunday (01 Mr, and Mrs. C. Sellers. BEL.CRAVE Instt- { ADVERT iING RATES The regular meeting of the o 25 tote will he held at the home o Mss, W. J. Cole on Friday after- I noon, September 23, Convenors. airs C. R. Coultas, Mrs. N, Montgomery; Roll Call, A Safety Rule. 5111010, alias Elaine 1 s bi krv�t FocusYour Wats Classified Want Ada will fill all Four re- rluireroenta- Thea' tact at, a legs which twill concentrate all our neerlq, and bring them to t • 31et'fect iasis o4 eatiefactors, results., e Card of Thanks ..............•.. Engagement Notices Birth and Death Notices In Mennorinm Classified Advts, (Over the Phone ,.,.....„, ..cc 500 ,,,,,,.. FREE 350 250 (Ash 35c) PjdceREDUCTION ofHAMtO Vfinis ctS 5913 A DANDY HAMCO COKE SHOVEL at a fraction of regular cost. See your dealer. • Ask him, too, about the new HAMCO AUTOMATIC DRAFT CONTROL and HAMCO HOT WATER HEATER INSIST ON H./WOO—CANADA'S FINEST COKE Save dollars through - the next heating season by filling your bin with Hamco Coke N 0 W , Ask your local }lamco Dealer for full particulars. HAMCO Arivoa Wrote het' imp �ie stoney OKE HAMILION HAMILTON,0000CANADA COKE HS, LUMI110 Spelling Match Open to any.Public'Shool Pupil of Brussels, Morris or Grey who Attended School in 1938 Prizes - lst $2; 2nd $1.0 3rd $1.00 4th 50c Five Minute Talk on "Why My Teacher Is My Best Friend' open toPublic School Pupils of Morris Grey and Brussels Also High Schell Students' Dr. T. T. McRae offers 1st prize $3.00 and 2nd $2.00; F. R. Smith 3rd $1,00 4th l.00 5th 50c; 6th 50c School parade Parade will leave Victoria B Park at Teacherssharp andFriday, Public School Mild will be headed by the Band, in the parade admitted free to the grounds. eeding Event Horse Races 2 Sp EACH EVENT PURSE $80.00 SA Mile heats 3 in 5 p Hobbles allowed Purses -50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent Details Announced Later in Press. Rules All competitors must be members of the Agricultural Society. Entrance 5 per cent of purse. 4 to enter, 3 to start, or no 4th prize. American possible. 2 3Q Association Rules to gay be msadee at as Secretary's office up to ai Entries may P.m, September 26th. sharp, in order named. , i Speeding l commence at 2 p.m. This will be strictly enforced Fr dy Foot Races at 3 p• Special Prizes Brussels, Grey and 'Morris, tris, These awards are confined to Br The T, Eaton Co., offer a Covered Cheese Disk, Sheffield Re - Best finished Steer to Heller for Baby '3 Baton Co. Limited prize 750 lbs, Any family having at a Fair in 1917 not eligible to compete.” 'lot, T50; 2nd, 500' For best writing Miss Margaret Do , verses�of'The Chagenoflthe Light Brigade" (Ope0 to first a'steels Public 5ohool, 2nd, 50c; 3rd 25c; Sr. For Beat Writing K. Ashton offers': lade 4c; Sr.d5 ; verses Sr. IV. 13 verses of "Recessional,' page Sr. HI—"A ersss. t "Ye Mariners of England," page 154; page 59, Olken to Brussels Public School. IVlism Helen Baeker offers 75; 50c and 25c tor largest Potato, 01 pu310le Primary Room B. P. S. Special Prize, by the Canadian Bark of Camemr00, Brussels, an 01d English Silver Tray, Grape Pattern, silver 1113' topper with heavy grape border chased centre English finish, The tray 15.13 -inches in diameter and will be on, d splay at For the Best Five -pound Fruitfb okeR(Dark, not iced (Prize-winning Shots, o$ren to pupils For the bent collection of 0 to 10 Snag et Ba1100els School, Wilton & 51113001130 offer 75c as at; 750 as and; aucd 25c as 3rd. courtesy of the 33. Bowlers Flour and Feed She fol7me ers (By the Hanover Milling 0o. loot of bread made 43 pounds O'0anada Flour tor the best fro Prairie Rose Ros Floural for best 1,4 dozen biscuits made 244 Pounds Prairie from' Prad1110 Rose or o'Cianada F10.1r.rc for best Lager Cake 24 pounds 'Canadian Beauty Pastry (light made from Ca111141an Beauty for Pacific pastryFlour.)rr T'i'e Toast Huron Produce offers (By courtesy ina Milling Co.) the following CATTLE Best group of at least four Feeder Steers between 30 and 1000 lbs, Milling Co., Atwood, Oat, Silver cup donated by Roe Farms MH Suitably engraved, to be won two Yearn in succession to become property of the wdnn.er. POULTRY—Best group consisting of one male and five pullets of any of the following breeds -- S. C, W. Leghorn& Barred Plymouth Rocks New 3amlvs111re5 or Rhode Island Reds Silver cop donated by Roe Famine Milling Co., Atwood, Ont. ,Suitably engraved, to be won two years in succession tb became property of the winner. For best draft or agriculture bxooe dre ie 011(1 Carviof ng Set valve $9.00 her nrogeny. Prizes lst Robert 5im30on Co„ 2nd, collated by Chas. Robertson, $5.00, 3rd donated by D. M, MaelTavish, $3.00, Boys' Foal Club of 1938 The Ontario Mitt Breeders' Association, in co-operation with thq Society, have organized a Fecal ,01,wb. to be judged 44.0 . Fat ,th $4.00 ; st31 2nd $6.00; Sol $6.00; prizes: 1st h $4,no; 7th $3.00 8111 $3.00; 9th $3.00. Brussels Band in Attendance GRAND CONCERT Friday Sept.29 at pato In Brussels Town Hall Dance After the Concer D. M. lieTAVISII, President JAMESBUISeeretary-Tretteure President