HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-21, Page 4H UNITED CHURCH
11 a.m•--Christianity et the cross
roads, 't
3 perm—Sunday School Come and
hear our orchestra.
7 p.m.=The Folly of Sin
, ,, 11 toetuer members of the orches
'Oa and prospective new members
are Melted to Practice at the
choice at 7 p.m, Thurs'Tay.
Monday Sept. 26th, Opening meet-
ing of the R,P.Se This will take
the freer or a 'weiner roast, All
young people will be made wel-
Nationals Defeat
Locals 2-1
Thursday night at National Sta-
dium, the Nationals took a, 2-1 wia
over the v1tlegers in the first ga e
or the series' that was replayad
be -
cattle no winner was returned sen
previous. home-ancl-home
Whether one goal will be sufficient
for flurry F'is'her'e team to take to
Brussels' an Saturday 'was some-
omething which even the team's sue -
Porters regarded with some doubt,
Failure to eseetalize on scoring
ceaneeti in the second 11a1f, when
trey rad the advantage of the
.light breeze was the reason for
the slier lead which the Nationals
took north on tetutday,
During the lash half, Brussels
was decidedly outplayed, and yet
they split a pair or goals, which
were scored during the session, with
the S e:third club, One Stetted
goal scored during the second half
was dial:owed because ot an off-
Brussels aeon the toss and elected
to play with the wind iu the fist
hale They moved into Stratfod
territory from the kick-off, but play
was :fairly evenly divided, and
Stratford scored the only goal of
the half. Wib Flood buotiug in a
pass from Magee.
`frith the wind at their backs, the
Nationals drove into Brussels ter-
ritory from the start of the second
half, Magee and Wilson teamed up
for a goal that was celled because
of an .offside.
Twenay-eight minutes of the half
had elapsed before the Nationals
finally got a goal that was count-
ed, Armstrong and Magee combined
to more 3,t, and the Nationals look-
ooked fairly sure of at least a pair of
goals to take back to Brussels on
With less than three minutes to
bo, Brussels halved the Stratord
lead. Harry Bowler, Brussels bash,
did the scoring. It was one of not
more than half a dozen scoring
chances which the visitors had dur-
ing the half but they made good
use of it. Another Brussels shot hit
the goal post.
B: usssls. Goal, Riley; backs,
Nichol, Bowler; halves King, Bry-
ens, Fox; centre forward, Steins;
wings, Russell, Baker, Miller Pear-
son; stirs Rutledge, Keifer.
5 ratford: Goal• Disoh; backs,
Fisher, White; halves, D. James.
Harrisko, Mertens, centre forward,
Wilson; wings, Magee, Belden,
J. James; sub. Armstrong.
Referee—A. Fisher, Stratford,
Notices in this cokutan cost
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash mount
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35C.
1 Durham Cow, due Oct let.
phone 56-r-5 Herb I3aµkins
LOST — lace
A Grey Calf from the Lundy p
on the 6th concessionho e1ors
In the village of Brussels, apply
Roy Hall, Ethel or
W, S. Hall, Wingham,
Applicat3ons for organist or Bras-
ses retied Church will
be easre� tate
by H. J. Mahoney.
salary desired.
Fall Honey with a large percent-
age at flower
phone _1-r.S Stanley Wheeler
Agent in your township to sell a
manufactured product to your
township council on a commission
bass. Apply Box 99 The Peel
If the party who took two potted
plants from the flower bed behind
my store will return them at once,
they will save further trouble.
Carrie Hhngst0n.
One Farm, 100 acres, good build-
ings, 51h Lot 29, Con. 3, Morris
Grass Fart 110 acres part bush,
North pt. 29 anti 30. Con. 3, Morris
41i Executors John Yule
Jack Bowman
,Sale of Housenold Effects on
Satuday, Sept. 24th at 1.30 pee., at
Lot 29, Cont 9, Morns` Twp. on the
Mwmay Fanm. Everything to be
sold without reserve.
Mrs, Wm. J,ohneten, Prop.
Geo. le Elliott, Auctioneer
Grey Native Undertook
Publishing Found It
Her Salvation And Joy
All hinds a clay file and slab
wood, At the Walton Mills
2-e Duncan Johnston, Prop.
?AA In tit^t old windsh.ie7'd
t.11.er for a new one. Genuine
Tet a Wipers for all cars at—
Campbell's Garage,
Canatlien Tire Preduets,
Winnipeg—"If I'd known what I
know now I wouldn't have tried it,"
admits J1;:.. tv. B, Ballantyne,
E.litor and publisher of the Emer-
son Journal, commenting on her
naive entrance into the newspaper
world wben interviewed by Lillian
Gibbons for the Tribune.
Mrs. Ballaacyne took over pub-
lishing the Journal in 1925 at the
:teeth ot her husband. Further-
more, ftre gutted the publishing
plant and she poked around in time
aches to decide if any of the type
was worth saving. It wasn't. So
she bought new type and a new
press in September, "thirteen years.
ago this' month; "and in October
she got out her first issue.
She was the only woman pub -
Lieber attendtug the Manitoba
Dirision, Canadian Weekly News-
papers' Association convention of
1938. She was the first woman
to attend the convention in 1825
"I had come to get acquainted
with the men and to learn all f
could about publtsbing, The men
were wonlertul to me. They in-
setted that 1 attend their meetlegs
and their banquets."
"it's been my ealvetion, laking
up the paper," she aaye frankly.II(
"It gave me something to do
when I was worried. end so got 1111
ane out of myst.lf. Now, of seine,
it's snore than salmi -lore It's a
Asked how many of time days of
the weak she spent getting nut
her cabernet -in, Mrs. Ballantyne re-
plied "Welt, you see, my horse $ a -
mum the hall from the Office. I have
sixes to Ile office a1 ail hours;
,rind, itleewixe, if fir not busy in the
shop, 'I ran go to my hone, till
est." lis, Ha,'santynr' Watt horn
1h (lrc'y County, Ontario. At 10
years of age wee wee 'brought by
her family to Stonewall, 'wihere
two slaters stili live, She has
been forty years at Emerson,
Mr, Ballantyne was a former
Brussels boy, learning his trade (ut
the Post in 1886,
FOR SALE— to purchase
Anyone wanting,house or wanting to rent hall or it.
phone 79 Mre, Wnt, Sinclair
Licensed Funeral Director
and Ernbaimer
Phone 36, Brussels
W>OIINI1517�1X, Ste', 21s 3. $
NOTE: All rural route homes in this vicinity
will receive their packets through the mail.
(Brussels and Rural Routes Only)
Listowel Mourns
Sudden Death Of
William Schnock
W ell Known Resident
Succumbs in Hospital )
Funeral Was Held
Om Saturday
..rA,;Msm,.R " • and T
Mr. ... Nonce o Creditors
'rte~ Lie London; Kenneth son of
Mas Mac Abram,
Hewett, Hullestt is in
towel; Ms's George ng, F Fent.
he SickaClutldren's Hospital, Lou- lint the Estate of Samuel .Askin, late
Man,; els'. C. A, Young. iris of the Village of Brussels In the
There ars fotur step -daughters, don. Guests at the boric and M
i, Mrs, M. Kreuter, Ethel; Mrs. E. D. i Mrs. A. Barr Wan Baldwin reee Levis,MiesAnnie ` deceased, owho died f n on orntlab about
Flint, el; MTS. L. B. PS[gh- Sart, •Port Abed; Miss' Hazel Cow- the 25th day of August. A.O.
mile, Saginaw, Mich.; One brother, an Orangeville, 'Noorge rmal E. ,Cewlat aa 1 1938,
i Otto Ceenprook; a half-brother ' are attending TAKE NOTICE •that all Parties
August 'McFarlane, Moncrief; four- StraitfortI'.
n four preset- � having claim or, dentauds against
teen grandchildren and ithe estate or the 'above -meet -toned
Listowel was shocked to learn I gtandchildrem•
he suteden death of William v. 1 �/'► 1
eId deceased must nail particulars, and
(proof o1 same to the undersigned
tsolttiltor on or before the 10thk y
of October A.D. 1903, upon v
este elle undermentioned executors
!will proceed to diletrdbute the as-
isets' wait regard only to 'those
Maros. which they altall then 'ewe•
DATED at :Brussels this 194.11 day,
or September A.D, 1935.
George. Evans,
William emelt
Soli ci toe'
D. Belt, 13rittela Ontario,
Schnook who dried on the operating
table in the Memorial Hospital 11
ane, Wreeeesday ea his 68th year.
Born near Cranhr0ok January 13th,;
1871, Mr. Schnook lilted the greater
part of his life in Grey Itoweelrtp
where he farmed. He later conduct-
ed a genetsl store and post office In
MonOriefr, Alt one time, shortly
atter ltls marriage to .the 'former
Priscilla AleMtne Attridge in No-
vember of 1282, he engaged in farm-
ing to Bum. township. For a numbs'
of years be was on the police force
to the Buick factory In Flint, Bally Day services were held to
Michigan. Thirteen years ego he •pnitel church on Sunday, The pro -
saute to l.lstowel to conduct a meat pram was sser as prepared by the
market in the Lorne 'Campbell l Deparitrnemt or Suroxlay i5 (11001
gland, He so141 oust 10 S. Gree'- Work. The snrpeTintendent Leslie
suede seri retu'rited to ],ltn1t, Three Hilborn, preetttled, A, E. -Cook was
years ago he come to Listowel L0 at the organ anti Mies Helen Shirty
Dee retired. at the pians. A children's choir
He was a valued. member or led the singing, A solo was sung
by Marian 'Mason n, eectiona or
The funeral service 'was r
privately at the home a,tureae i
afternoon at 2,30 o clock
by serve in. Christ Church at three
o'cloolt. The service was con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. McNeil of Ger-
rie, a former pastor here, and Ren'.
Herbert Neyler, Christ Chore!. In-
tenmeltt was in Trinity cemetery,
12th conlesston oR Velma.
Court of Revision
The adjourned meeting of the
'Court of Revision on the Backwell
'Drain will be held in the Townsele,
(Mali, Morris on Monalay, September
'26118 at one orclook TemParties
lntere5ted please attend.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Notice To Contractors
'The netalcipai Council], Township
'of hloreis are Milting for tenders to
conlstt•uct a cement culvert on Con-
t-'esslon Toad4 at lot 16, Smeclflca-
1 lone22 1't, long, 10 feet. wide, 3•
root clean` water Space. All
i•onfonm to speelflcations of the
Niue Mitt-
'lyr rinn.,cw4Fa til rs will be comsattered et tits
Christ Millet and at out," time ores + i ell wee I3en1ryn the program wero taken by Doris' 1 culvert on Monday, Sept, 26 a
cac lenMoody, Janet Hamm Jessie Pellets t leelock pan, The lowest or any
locale He wars a 8 you n lu the tender not necessarily accepted.
and Jetties Laidiaw Jr,
local 0lrnnch for ono year. Clnnatete or coer-tpeted steel,
Tho satirises was given by 11ev.
Mr. ;:tellnnak x' ''•1 17 r,'mr•mbrtrecl i Arthur Sheeler, "What Manner ofd A MacEwen, Clerk
as the conrmuniiy ; vt terinary'r in .3114.13 Shall He 13e,"