HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-21, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST ENTITLE "FORBIDDEN" By Allan Rhodes 'Poavell you cannot!" she said, td real pity lurked in her voice, -'You--halve been forbidden to ay by the doctors, and you have no certificate now—" Be flushed darkly, He hated to be reminded that he had been dis- Ilualifaed from flying owing to a particularity dangerous shunt he had been foolish enough to attempt two years before. "Then I will fly without one!" be 'snarled • and' Tose to his feet. "Nothing shall stop me! Nothing, I say!" The girl rose also and faced him. "Why not put off the whole thing another year," she suggested and he flung up his, long atmte In MVO - tent anger. • "I .may be dead by the end of a year!" he cried, "No! The flight will be started next month, and the world shell know that my engine is the fastest ever made, She can touch five hundred miles an hour, Leonie, think of it! AIM you will climb to an altitude no man or wo- man ever reached before You will be the world's most envied woman and will bring me my heart's de- sire! Oh, Lecnde—if you will only do this I will crawl at our feet for ever afterwards." The dreadful appeal in bis eyes, the tortured frenzy of his face, tbe highpttched scream of his voice sent a terrible fear through the girl that she would give in, Surely his need was greater than her safety— greater than her promised word to Berle Mastes! She covered her face with her hands and prayed for help, Her wits were pitted against the unbalanced frenzy or a man whose brain was unhinged! And she was alone is a house standing in its own grounds off the beaten track and a m.:ds::an be- ' tween her and tbe d_or. Her flying adventure had made her a gird of will -power and resource, but the emotion, storm she had gone through had robbed her of rer superficial courage and she was at a loss • how to act. Watching her, Powell saw her eritation and flung himself at her again, his arms lige iron hands ding her a prisoner. Leonie, I pray to you to do his," be said, and his voice had Te - come a crooning whisper. "I beg you to keep faith with me, 1 ask it with tears --the white blood of me' heart! I beg you--imiptore you! And if you refuse me I shall kill myself. I will get Shultz to take me up at dawn to-moraw—and will shoot myself to let the sea and the sky be my grave. I will set C.ZI LLIAX E r &SON• !ire to the machine and we shall nightmare to Leonie, and she perste--Shultz and I and--„ I opeaed her eyes to the evening "Stop! Stop, Powell! 1—cannot light as it faded through the win - bear any moreldows of her bedrooms at the butaga- low with a dull aebe in iter head. She was alone and slowly she went over what had happened since she had called up Benlo in the tele- phone at Carr House, Again she saw her husband band over her, she heard Item calling loudly for the housekeeper and knew they carried her to her room: Then there diad been confused talk- ing and the late arrival of a doctor who had said she was suffering from nervous exhaustion, and must have rest and Change of surround- ings. As in a dream she had tried to tell the doctor what had happen- ed really, but all she had wanted to do was sleep, and when, after doz- Leonie was frenzed now, yet a had the power to calms the man before her, Slowly his expression changed. "Goti-forgive—and help me," he said, pitifully. "For 1 cannot hells myself! I am mad with disap- pointment, Leonie, tricked down by the futility of things•," "Please, Powell, don't take it so hardly,' she said at !net, "I ant sure Captain •Masters would do much better at the controls of the Golden Bird than I should. He is more experienced and far more fitted for such a task. Don't let my not going spoil all your dream of success. Let Captain Masters—" "Curse Captain Masters! Cense Ing fora day and the best part 01 a flim I say lenight, she woke to and bers'eef in 'Phe man swung round and his the bungalow at Sandmere, ,Ghat anger had returned with the speed 1011811' stretch of water and sand of lightning. that lay twenty miles from Carr 'I refuse to bear his name again! House, and 'eters secure in iter Ile will wreck the machine if hs hangar was the Golden Bird, the pilots her, I say," he Dried. "No - pivot of all her husband's ambitions,' body but you or I must go up in her! But why had he drugged her, as That is all and since you are heart- t he must have done, why insist upon less and cowardly too, I will rule her going with him. to Ghat se0lnded you out altogether! I shall take ` Fp, since he had decided to ignore her up—myself!" her in the matter of tate flight? And he strode from the room with Dazedly Leonie rase and tried to a jerky stop that she knew did his. stand, but she was dizzy and she unsteady gait, took a long time over her toilette. For a couple of minutes Leonie Finally she looked out pe the stood in the middle of the room, try- window and her heart gave a leap fug to think calmly and then tiredly 0' joy. she sank dawn on to the nearest Parked outside. on the beach that chair and sat with her head in her touolied the bungalow's side, was a large touring -car and at the wheel bands. in sonvessstion wltb the meehanfic Never had she seen her husband Shultz--rsat Beric Masters! She drew back behind the silk curtain and moved !puietly over to the door, opened as she did no she heard her husband's voice talking to the other two men, And in another few moments he and Beadc entered the room. "Alt, there you are, my dear!" said Powell, aid Leonie saw that he was quite calm. "Here is Oaptain Masters come down to see if he can be of any help to me. Ile 'phoned before -we left Carr House and I told hist you were ill," The girlie eyes met the airman's and a warning flew from his to hers. in such a mood. Never .had the scales fallen so far from her eyes as now, If Berle had heard aright his blood was tainted by madness, and that madness lay in defying death in the air! And she longed to live! Sudden- ly, daring fate hundreds of feet above the good green earth sicken- ed her. Passionately she longed for life and love, and the touch of a child's' lips. What should she do? How face this problem? Sbe had no one to ask. Only girl friends, daring, hard - smiled youngsters life herself, who laughed at sentimentality! No one—but Berle. And thinking of him brought hope and pea08, She would telephone him at once and ask him to come down to the bunga- low. She rose shakily and went out into the hall where the telephone hung, She would have to speak softly for, though her husband had gone to his study at the top of the house she didn't want to risk him hearing her speak to Masters then, She had often called him up an business connected with her last flight and she got through to his rooms almost at once. Then ehe heard his paice, calf%, and clear and ber heart leaped with Joy. Her message was brief but he understood, and she was about to bid him good-bye when she heard a noise behind her, And the next second she was pulled backwards by Powell Oarr'a arms. Something was pressed over her nostrils and elle struggled in a sea of darkness, CHAIPT1pR VI. Pareweli To Love. The next twetirty$our hours were THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR pis Ia,ternatioval Daily 1Vowspdper it records for yon the world's clean, constructive doings, The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it Ignore them, hilt deals correctively with them, Feature" for busy mon and all the fatally, Including the Weekly Magaslne Section. The Christian Setenco Pubilshing Society One, Norway Street, neaten, MsesaehUsdtts Please enter my aubacrlption to Tho Christian e8lanco Monitor far a period 6f 1 year 512.00 6 months 88.00 3 months 53.00 1 month sift, Wedncadey issue, including Magatine Section:1 year $2,80, 8 isouee 266 Nemo 8niit& Ohs an Iteyne» "How good of you, Captain Masters," she said, easily. "Yes, I was silly enough to faint just as I was -..was going to bed the other night, and we bad to have the doctor, who ordered me away to the Imes at once 1 .So here I am and Powell is in a panic aboue mei" She even found courage to smile at her husband, who stood watching her with narrowed eyes. And as she looked at him she saw witr added fear that calm as his manner was, he was as a oat be- fore it springs—motionless, but deadly sure of Iris prey! "Don't worry, A1rs. Carr," said Masters, quietly, "rest you can and —everything will be all right." Leonie watched theint go out with a strange feeling that botat she and Masters were in a dangerous position. 'Phere was nothing to do but to treat to Berle, Some fifteen minutes later she heard ben and her husband ap- preaching again and once more the door was unfaaiteneti, This time Mestere mate in alone, and the door was shut on hits With sudden violence, "He doesn't trust me any longer,," said 1iasters as the girl rose do alarm, "IIe was civil enough at first, but suddenly he "banged and Invited me in ]fere--to keep you compasfy!'' "He is --,maid,'' whispered Loonde, "What ie this idea? I trim) to 'phone but, the wires are discon- nected. 'tae is' dangerous----" "Ha is!'' commented, Betio Masters. "i have sent Shultz of/ in -my oar far help—" 'Shultz! echoed Leonie, uttterly, "be will get away himself and say nothing," "I to ought of that," said Masters 'but I felt witfiout him 1 should stand a better chance to protect you." Hie voice changed, grew vibrant with emotion, "011, Leonie —if anything bail happened to you PICOBAC PIPE TOBACCO_ tOln !t Mil O emelt SMOKE before 1 got hese*'! "Would it have mattered so mu0h?" • Gone for a glorious minute meta • the fear that enshrouded her, she had to hear if be loved her, had to know if all be was risking for her sake was prompted by the same emotion that made her feel happi- nees' and security imp his presence, It was growing darker, and the urian moved nearer to her, "It would have mattered for the rest of my Lite," ho toad her, gravely, "I love you, Leonie—lave you --and when we aro out of this---" The door opened and In the fad- ing light they saw Powell by the door and smiling evilly, 'Charming!" he said. "I thought so! You have done the best you can to steal my machine and now you are making love to amy wife. Well it will be the last sneaking thing You will do! At dawn we three are taking a little trip do my aeroplane --and we shall not come back! When we are found it will be in the North Sea" "Powell!" Leonie sprang for- ward, "We are not your enemies we are here to help YOU. Why are you lockimg Captain Masters here with me in thele absurd waY?" Her husband laughed and, abut- ting the door behind him, leaned against it, As he faced them they saw that in his right band. he had an automatic. 'I know what I'm doing," he said. "I knew you loved Beric Masters, Leonie, and he's been crazy about you. However, here you both are and unless you cosne um, with me at daybreak 111 shoot one of you." "There is no need for all this, meiodsama," said Berle, "I am quite willing to go up with you now if you. like." 'And I am, too!'' cried Leonie, "You are all wrong if you think we are afraid. I will go up—" She stopped, memory flooded her like a searchlight, and she looked at Beta Masters who met her eyes steadily, "Yes, we will both go up—at dawn," he said. Their apparent quietness in the face of his weapon had a strange effect on the other man, He smiled LIST OF FAIR DAT," IN SURROUNDING TOWNS renewing is a list of dates' on watch surroundingeommun!tiee will bold their fall fairs: Atelier Sept. 29, 30 .,,,, Sept. 29, 90 same*, Sept, 29, 30 Sept. 27, 28 'Sept. 30, Oct, 1 Sept, 30, Oct.1 i Ayton Drayton Fordiwich ee a.nd Valley ilhrriston ..,,.... . Sept. 29, 30 Holstein Sept, 29, 30 Luckuow .......... .... ...... Sept. 29 30 Mitchell Sept, 27, 28 Palmerston Sept, 27, 28 Paisley i Sept. 27, 28 Port Ellgin Sept. 29, 30 Tara Oct, 5, 6 Teeawater Oct, 4, 5 International plowing match and farm machinery demonstratign wilt be held at Minesing, near Barrie, on October 11, 12, 13 and 14. .WEDNi2SDAY, 13I)f1IT, 21lat 3.666 n MER D. BELL, B.A, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. bone 20X - Brussels, Oat. 15th Annual PLOWING MATCH of the Huron Association wi1l. take place on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th on the Dundas & Dennis farms 1 mile East of Leadbury ' The Dundas farm will provide the sod The Dennis Farm the stubble Kindly keep date is mind, we will be looking for you on that date Bert Hemingway,' President L. E. Cardiff, Sec• -real. HAROLD W. LOVE Ethel, Out, Phone 224• General Insurance Aunt Deteetive (do office boy) — Is it Mr. Jones or his 'partner which' reach the office flrst, as a rule?" I Office boy (turning red) —Well, Mr. Jones at first Was aflways last, but later be began t0 get earlier till at last he was first, though be- 1 fore he had sways 'bees behind. He soon got later again, though of l late be has beeal, sooner, anal• at last he got behind as before, But I ex - Peet he'll be gelling earlier sooner or later." A blaok lace evening gown has 1 a skirt striped by pale pink rib- bons under the lace. F. F HOMUTH Optometrist Harriston, Phone 118 (TO BL l vNT11v'u'ED) In Brussels the Second Thursday each month. Phone 26X Visitor — 'How uta are you, son - n1'„ ,Boston Boy — "That's' hard to say, sir, According to my latest sc:liool tests I have a psychological age of 11 and a moral age of 10, ' Anatomically, I'm 7; mentally, Dm 9. But I suppose you refer to my chronological age. That's 8 — halt nobody pays any attention to that these lays!" ADVER1 ISING RATES Card of Thanks 25c Engagement Notices 500 Birth and Deatb Notices FREE In AIemorium 3.5c Classified Advts. 25c Cash (Over the Phone 35e1 James McFadzean Hawick Mutual Fire Insurance a -Also--. Hertford Windstorm —Tornado Insurance Automobiip Insurance 'Phone 42. Bon 1, Turnberry $t . Brussels, Ontario JAMES TAYLOR Licensed 4,uctSon0er for the County of Huron, Sales attended to in all. Parts of tbe country, Satiataetioa Guaranteed or no pay, Orders lett at The 'Post' promptly abtended to, Belgrays Post Office PHONE: — Brussels rPhone 14-r-9 FARMERS ATTENTION.. ;} MONEY TO LOAN Mortgage Loans on improved farm properties at 5%, No valuation fees or chattel morgage required, H. J. COTTY tc CO. Farm .Sales Service, Stratford D. A. RANN FURNITURE FU NBERAL AMBULANCE SERVICE f Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 36, Brussels NOW 18 rite TIME TO MAYO. YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED N CHAPI�&f Brussels, Ont. Shark Fishing New West Coast Sport The spunky tract of the Lau- rentians and the Canadian Heckles, the scrappy bass of Northern Ontario, the buge mea- kinobge at French hive, have all been put on their mettle by a fighting fish new to Canadian eportemen—the shark, killer of the deep, Dashing sharks have been found In large numbers on the east coast of Vancouver Xalavd, While they seem hartnlese as far as swimmers are concerned, they are a tomer on the end of 600 garde of 50 -pound toot line, Many fishermen have tried Shark fishing with groat mimes. A Victoria man, McGinty Matter - son, caught the first shark. It Weighed 596 pounds. The record so far to a 987 -pounder lauded byCommander May, of California. Elquipment is simple and not too expansive and the sport 15 thrilling beyond imagination. When the shark first takes the batt, a salmon from slit to eight poands, the fisherman thinks be has hooked the bottom. Then the fun Marta. With mad rushes and plunges he churns the water into foam. Ho hag a nasty habit of turning on the boat and snapping at the lisle or rolling on it and Severing it 'with hia file -like 'skim. Ten miler knew what he will do next. About the time you think your back will break or your arms torn out, you work the fish closer to the boat. It is su!- cidal to try to land such a large fish and it is Customary to give him it coup de grace with a 80-30 rifle, It is a grand sport and a new one for Canadians but interest is so keen, judging by inquiries roe celled by the Canadian 1tacitl0 tourist department at Montreal., that many Canadllaa and Afneri- can sportsmen are expected to iin,tto forties in a war Oa sharks trona July to September. ahe time of year they apliear ht greatest neilibere.