The Brussels Post, 1938-9-21, Page 1ft. he Prugotto 'Pool POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2lst, Single Copies 5c Brussels Fall' Fair Next Thursday & Friday Have you renreunibered to reserve the dates Sept, 29th and 30th, so you mlty let nothing Interfere with your attendance at the East Huron Fall Fair. 6f the weather man is gracious it is expected to be. the most suocse ul fair held for some time. The direotors and others responsible have expended snucr time and energy in planning for it but the final fallen or success de- pends on you, It is' uP to every progressive resident of the eon• munity to coo their Part to make their Fair a good one, Make as many entries as, you possibly can in the various, classes. Be there the fair grounds is ameeting place for hunderds, The exhibits in the Palace from fields and gardens, homes and srhools are antieipatel to be of the best. The prize est is an attractive one. By your wholehearted co -opera - Mon .and energetic boosting, do your part to 'make the Fit Huron Fair bigger ani better than ever. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Edward G. Robinson Slight Case of Murder Jane Bryan Allen Jenkins Spec. Mat. Fri. Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, Sept. 25 beginning at 12.05 MON., TUES., WED., Joan Biondeli Melvyn Douglass There's Always A Woman She turned deteetie for a Joke - But the Joke was on her - When she found a corpse in her bed NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT Jane Withers Richard Earle 45 Fathers The problers of 45 fathers for one Tittle girl .xi l E —also— Smith Bellew Evelyn Knapp Hawaiin Buckaroo Harry Woods Pat O'Brien A new type cowboy picture COMING— Carey Grant Katharine Hepburn Holiday F. F HOMUTH Optometrist Harriston, Phone • 118 In Brussels the Second Thursday each month. Phone 26X TOWN HALL, SHUSSELS TUESDAY, SEPT, llth Also Uncle Tom's Cabin shorts and news reels, 15c & 25c free dance after PEOPLE WE KNOW K,V.,,,,,,.,, /,.. Miss M, McKelvey bee returned from a vacation in Toronto, Mrs, W. Hunter Toronto was a visitor et the home of W. J, Mc- Craoken, Mrs, George Irwtin Toronto, was a guest last week at Use home of W. A. Lowry, Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Reg. N. Brantford, spent the week-en1 at her home bere, Mrs, H, ea, Clarke, Toronto is the guest of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Jas. W Fulton Mr, and Mrs. A, E, McEwen, Stratford visited Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Hersey last week, Jack Rutledge's horse won third prize at the horse races' at Blyth Fall Fair. Mr, and' Mrs. This. Tanen, Toornto called at the imine of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MoIeay. She was formerly Mists Alice Bone. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, De- erott, Mich„ was week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McNeil and other friends in Morris'. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, S. King also Mr, and Mrs. Peroy King of Wing - earn visited Mr, and Mrs'. A. E. Hersey on Sunday, Mr. J, Rowfland who has been con- fined to his home due to illness for the past week is somewhat improv- ed Mr, and Mrs, J. Cottrell and clauglaters', Port Elgin were recent guests with her parents Mr. and. Mm, D. McDonald. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Shaldice and daughters Hellen and Dorothy and Mr, and Mrs, I. Leadlaw of Toronto East were yeek-end visitors' with Mrs, Sholdtce's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kereaghaa. Mr, and Mrs. L. Buckman and faintly have moved to Wingham where they lived before coming to Brussels about two years ago. Mr. and! Mrs, Jno. Campbell have moved int,, the apartment over McDonald's butcher shop vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Buckman, Cranbrook Presbyterian Church 50th Anniversary of the Rebuilding of the Church Special Preaching Services will be held on Sunday, Sept. 25th Guest Preacher— Rev. D. C. Hill, B.A., B.D, Exeter, Ont Services 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Old time Hymn singing led by Mr William Ritchie of Galt Everybody Welcome Especially old members of the Church The Presbyterian Church Ethel ANNIVERSARY SERVICE will be held on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2nd Guest Preacher Rev. J. M. McCurlie, of Atwood Services at 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Special Music EVERYBODY INVITED THEY ARE HAVING C. C. KAINE as anniversary preacher At Moncrieff Sunday, October 2nd, 1938 an augmented choir Mr. 0. Etherington, Preston, soloist and Ethel Male Quartette Bazaar & Entertainment on Tuesday, October 4th A large assortment of articles A lunchcounter Entertainment by SHIEL'S FAMILY Admission to entertainment 250 Children• 100 This Is Monorieff best Anniversary COME 15th Annual PLOWING MATCH of the Huron Association will take place on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th on the Dundas & Dennis farms 1 mile East of deadbury The Dundas farm will provide the sod The Dennis Farm the stubble Kindly keep date in mind, we will be looking for you on that date Bert ,Hemingway, President L. E. Cardiff, Sec -real. 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEIVIS A Engagement Announcement AIr. and Mrs. William McQuarrde wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Malt Elizabeth to Robert John, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hallenbeck of Toronto. The marriage is to take place in the near Rotate, NOTICE Tre anniversary services and fowl supper will be held at Melville Pres- byterian Chetah on Smiley, October 30 and Fowl Supper on Tuesday. November 1st, Watch for further particulars. Oxen Feature Of Maritime Exhibition An interesting fact has been brought to our attention by Jack Thyane who is again touring the Maritimes, filling concert cengege- ments. (Playing at the popular Annapolis County Exhibitions held a,t Lawreneetown N.S„ on Sept, 13, 14 15 36 he tells us there were 40 teams of oxen and only two horses at the fair. We noticed listed in the events the Judging of Working Oxen and also an Ox - Pulling contest. From this we would gather that oxen are a com- mon sight and cotad occasion no special interest there such as would be displayed here if it would be possible to secure entries for sects events to be held at our local fair, Church Notes Services in Melville Presbyterian" church on Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev, Samuel Kerr, who strobe in the morning from Gen. 11-1, his testi. being "The 'Offense of the Cross," and in the evening from 1 Sings 19, fhen he spoke ou "The Prophets." Au antuem was given at the morning and evening services with Mary Helen Eckmier taking the solo part in the evening, The six new elders that have been ap- pointed are: Dr, T, T. McRae, Dr. W, D, S. Jamieson, Lorne Eclmrier, Robt, Bowman, John Yd:ill and John Work. They will be ordained on Sunday, Oot, 2nd. Rally, Day ser- vices will be held next Sunday. Ser-vdces in St. John's Anglican church ou Sunday were enndeeted by the rector, Rev. John Graham, who spoke in the morning from Luke 14-16, his subject being "Why tVe Should Go To Church,'' and in the eveuing he spoke from Gen, 25- 31 ou Jacob and Esau and "How He Threw Away IIis Birthright;' Wally Day services were held in the United church on Sunday af- ternoon and were conducted by the moderator, Rev. H. J, Mahoney, Home and and School Club rLu interesting program has been arranged for the Home and School Regional Conference for the coun- ties of Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington, to be held et Stratford Normal School on Friday, Septette ber 30, at 2 pin, and 7,30 pm, The afternoon session will be de- voted to snort t11.ke, followed by dis- cussions on various phase sof Home and School work, Central Home and Scrool Club, Goderich, will deal Weds program planning from the urban viewpoint and the Ship. ka Club will present the rural view- point, Club members' from Kitchener will Lead It dissusston on. Moura Shie.nee and these from Stratford will. deal with the work of Mame and School committees, In ,the evening' Dr. Martyr. principal of the Normal School, will syeak on "The Wider Area of Administration," a subject of spec - lel interest to rural trustees and Home and School workers, An Inspector will be provicletl by the Department of Detention to speak on "The New Coulee of Senates tor Grades 7 and 8. Home and School members ate urged to melte a special effort to attend these meetings and a cordis) invitation is extended to all teach- ers to attend tine evening meeting, Notice Rawleigh dtsinfeotatnt, colic and bloat ease, roup powder, poultry tonic cod liver oil and other pro- ducts can be had by phoning Mr. Payne, at 58, Brussels, Two handsome silver cups, one for eattle, the other for poultry, is being offered by the East Huron Produce Emporium, by courtesy of the Roe Milling Co, of Atwood, es prizes for the Brussels Fair to be held Sept. 29th and 30th. The latter cup now being displayed in the window of the Emporium is a very attractive one. For lull de- tails consult the Fall Fair Prize List, Truck and Car Figure In Accident An accident involving a truck and a car occurred just south of town Tuesday night -in the vicinity •of Mrs. Gallaher's. The truck own- ed by C. Pollard, driven by Gordon Nichol crashed into the rear left aide of L, StelLes's Chevrolet coach forcing it to the side of the road while the tru k went through two fences into War, Evan's field. The accident attributed to poor visibili- ity hecauee of the dense fog. The Steiss car had the left rear side caved in and glees shattered. The front bumper of the truck war torn off the right front fencer ripped and other damage done. Fortunately no one was hurt, Some Brief Notes of the Canada Temperance Act This series of articles, which will appear in your paper from week to week are sponsored by the Temper- ance Federation and W:C.T.U. of Huron County, Their purpose is to •give a brief history of the origin, scope and possibility of enforce- ment of the Canada Temperance Act from the time of its inception up to the present. No. 1—The Origin of the Act The Canada Temperance Act, over which numb controversy has of fate years arisen, was formes -1Y popularly known by the name T.he Scott Act. It is a Dominion statute originally enacted in 1878. This was about ten years after Canted - et at ion. Under the old regime of L'pper and Lower Canada, Ontario and Quebec had a local option measure known as the Dunkin Act applicable to villages, towns, townships, etc. The Maritimes, where temperance sentiment was pronounced, weee anxlous for a like privilege and it was thought desirable to have a enemas law. The Canada Temper- ance Act was the outcome of these cdreumatalicee. The Canada Temperance Act had wide vogue in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and for some time in Ontario and parts of Quebec. Its alvantages are that it is' a county measure (being applicable to coon- ties or cities) and that it is brought in or removed on a simple majority vote of the electors con. cornett, While forbidding retail sale of liquor within a county, it Permits a brewery or distillery located withiu the area to sell it. wholesale lots to ,purchasers resi- dent beyond its 'bounds. It alto permits private individuals to bring in liquor from outside for Personal use under certain conditions. Difficulties. over responsibility for enfocc'mont as, between the pro- vincial and Dozninion authorities, deet oyect tate early prestige of the Ant; batt 1n 1857 under Sir Oliver Mowat an act was passed by the Ontario Legislature enjoining all Itis officers and camlmissioners to enforce web like Vigilance, the Canadu Temperance Art and the Liquor License law of the province. 1''ront teat time until Mr, Hep- barn's' regirte it eves considered the tiuty of all ofdeere to enforce both laws. The adoption et this ottdttttle ca.me 'too late to revive at that ,bitne the dost, prestige of the Canada Tem•petanoe Act. its use was discontinued in Ontario and was succeeded in a short time by tnntttioilrol local option, 14t WEDDING HEMMINGWAY—LOWE Tile marriage of Miss Wilma Annie Lowe of Bruesele, daughter of the late Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Lowe, le Mr, Jasnes Douglas Hemingway, son of Mer. and Mrs. Oliver Hem- ingway of tite tenth concession of Grey, took place at the home of the bride's cousin lOr, and Mrs. Harold Cardiff, sixth concession of Grey on Thursday September the fifteenth at twelve o'clock noon in the presence of ttvendy-five guests, -immediate moods and relatives of 'the bride and groom, The li.endlssoluee wedding march was rendered by el,e, Harold Car- diff and the ceremony performed by Rev, Mr, Samuel Herr, pastor of Melville Presbyterian Church under an arch centred by wedding bell hung with pink and white etreames banked with ferns and autumn flowers. The bride was lovely its a floon-- leng.ir. gown of white satin and lace w h short train and halo of orange blossoms and carytng a streamer bouhuet of glalioli of delicate Pink shade. The bride was given away by her twin brother Mr. Stewart Lowe of Brussels and the onlyattendaut was little Miss Margaret Cardiff prettily dressed in yellow crepe and carry- ing a nosegay bouguet of Eclipse roses and baby's breath. Mrs. Richard Cardiff, aunt of the bride wore black crepe with shoulder bouquet of crimson roses, maiden hair fern tied with silver ribbon. Mrs. Giver Hemingway mother of the groom wore navy lace with shoulder bopuet of crim- son roses maiden hair fern and tied with silver ribbon, The hostess Mrs. Haa'old Cardiff was gowned in figured navy chiffon with duplicate shoulder boquet, After the signing of the register the guests sat down to a dainty luntheou served by Marie King .Margaret Smith and Betty Ray mond, friends of the bride. The bride's table was centred by the wedding cake and pink tapers in crystal holders'. Later in the afternoon the happy couple left by motor for Toronto, Ottawa and along teh St. Lawrence, the bride travelling ,in a suit of black and white with accessories to match, Upon their return they will reside on the groom's farm on the tenth concession of Grey Township. BRUCE—SPPEIRAN A very charming wedding which is of particular interest to the Pt M le of the townsrip of Grey took place in Union 'United Crvrch on Saturday, Sept. 17th at fou o'clock. The brtle was Bertha Mildred Speiran daughter of the late Georke 14. and Mrs. Speiran and the groom William Clay Philips Bruce,. son of the late George and Mrs. Brace of Toronto. The bridesmaid was Mdss Vern Godwin of Terme° and the groom was supported by he; cousin ice. Ernest R it,•e, also of Toronto. Rev. Hamel Snell, 'meter of the ,church perforated the ceremony, The bride, cheesed in a floor lesgth gown of ntidnikltt blue vel- vet with nrutching turban, softly drapes with veil and slippers of blue, cut ered the church .on the arm of her brother Mr, Georg Ernest Speiran to to strains of tre welding rarch played by her sister Mrs, Stanley Machan. The hrldees tail also wire a floor lenkth dress' of blue velvet with turban to match, Daring the sikning of the register Mrs, Oliver Walker, corrin of the birds, sang '0 Promise me' in her usual charming manner. The ushers for the ocoasion Were Mr. 'Vitale Machan, nephew of the bride and Mr, Gordon Ward, After the ceremony tate welling party who :were the immediate• relatives of the bride and groom were servel a wedding dinner at the hone of Mrs. Basil Struthers, sister 111 the bride, Ielohr travelling the bride wore a smart 110110 suit and satin hat with accessories to snatch. Viistdnk boosts were: Mr. Ernest Speiran of Detroit, brother of the brie, Mrs, Jack Noble, sister of the bride, Mr, ,lack Noble and little Brussels Nosed Out By One Goal On Round Fisher's Squad Stands Off Second - Heil Drive By Stratford Nationals are a step closer to the W.F.A. intermediate soccer title, as a result of a one -all tie with Brussels, champions of the Huron County League, here an Saturday. Stratturd had won the first game, 2-1, end suecessfuilY defended their slender lead, a feat which most of the supvorter'.s of the local team had believed they would be unable to do, Although beateu on the round, the Bruusels team was far erten outclassed, and the game here on Saturday as a nip -and -tuck affair that could have been won by eiteha team. Playing with the wind in their banks in the flret ]tall, the Classic' City boys outplayed Brussels by a considerable margin, %Sawed by Red Pugh and Mike Harriette, they played smart football, and increas- ed their lead to two goals onthe round, about five minutes after play got under way. Pugh score) the goal, on a two-way flay, Pugh to Joe James and back to Pugh, who seared, In the second half, it was Brus- sels who had the edge in play, and Norrn Diseh, in the Stratford goal, put up a great exhibition of goal- tending to keep Brussels from knot- ting the count on the round. The bonze team finally tied the score for the game, with about seven min- utes of play remaining, when Car- men Baker. Brussels' outside Jett, finally got the ball past Dlsch. 11 le expected that Stratforl will meet Bognor in the next round, with the first game in Bognor on Saturday. Stratford Goal, Ddsch; bat>lts, Fisher, White halves, ID, James, Harrisko, Armstrong; forwards, J. Jaques, Flood, Magee, Pugh, Mid - den; den; subs, Mertens', Brussels: Goal, Riley; backs, Nichol, Pearson; halves, Ring, Bry- ans, Fox; forwards, Bowler, Baker Miller, Russel, Steiss; subs, Rut- ledge Lowe. ai6Y Referee: A; Fisher-, Stratford Woman Collapse\i.;, On Brussels Stre a� 'Mrs. Thomas' Bone. con. 3, Township collapsed on the str Brussels' on Saturday evening. was removed to the home of Henderson where she passed away in a few minutes., The. funeral was held from ter late home on Tuesday afternoon, Her sister Mrs. Robert i who was with her at the time fered from stock and was alt by a Physicrian, The sympathy of the comanun.- is extended to the relatives in their sudden bereavement. Surprise Party Mrs, A, Leitch was"' pleasantly surmised on Sunday when Sour of her children and families drove in and spent the day with her, it being the ocaesion ,of her S1st birth- day. After wishing deer many returns of the day, ;she 'Was Pre- sented with a birthday cake and a number of loely gifts. 'Those pres- ent were Mr, and Mrs. Jahn Leitch. ells and Airs, Dougall Leitch.; Mrs. McLaren, of Norwich; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Leitch and children of Otter -- elite also Mr, and. Mrs. Wm, Ziegler and Billy of Ethel, daughter, Yvonne of Hanover; Mrs. 0, Dickson, sister of the groom, Mn-. 0, Dickson, and daughter Betty, of Toornto; MIs,, Watts' of Walkerton; Iias.W, W. Mcl3ain and Mrs, A, C, Watts of Edanopton, amts at the bride, Mr. Ernest Bruce of Toronto and Mr, Fredeick Schiller of Detroit, Nearly 250,000 "vel(0 *teueeee or baby Barre, grave been sold chi Germany in the last five years, Sally Victor has' brought out a "drum nnajor's' high cuffed hat in beaver Hued with aontraeting velvet and with a .. G1t11ti1ig phone, ant feather, a r