HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-14, Page 5gem, Notices in this column cost 25c up to four lines; 6c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders takela over 'Phone 35e. Nats. Defeat Brussels2-0 FOR SALE -- Dry Circular Wood. 14) phone 23-7 Mrs, Mary Lamont (Contintled From Page 11 bed no (airtime to env@ the shot, Fellowing this goal Bruettels did net maces up but mime right baolt to as effort to break into the seer- iug bat a ane defence held them rut. le r.e.atre fereed n couple of tmners hat both were (bleared be - Pae any damage was done and at the other end a hdried shot by Flood went wide of the tnarit, Stratford torted a corner and again lirtuesels- got the ball away much to the delight of their Kea Porters who were Present in large numbers'. The last ten minutes of the game was playel et a fast pace with both teams giving all they had to get the witming goal but it !ailed to conte, FOR SALE- Final. 100 year-old Barred Rock Hens Brus,m5 (Brays' Blood Tested and GeTeree Stratford C.N meaM t antled.- 10 Phone 5-49 Wm. Speir, R,R. 5 LOST - A. stun of money was lost on t Thursdey, Sept, 8, A suitable wtbrd offered. nil 2 goals Court Official Resigned After 27 years serviee as deputy county and Surrogate Court elerk and ccurt reporter, Cioderich, Mrs, Apply at The Post re - 1 -p THE BlIIJSSELS POST to:041am of symptom* i3 ne- oeSSary, b1.4 their care and the pre- veal:ion of theie recurrence delpeud upou the treaea of. the cause, the Teel of the eonditiom it never Paa'S to t( :utterly& It is always Weave: - tory 1.11 ge,t to grips with the eause, Dodge's Widow Gets $250,000 Pontiac, Sept, 13 The will of Daniel Dodge, filed here to, probate, lett $250,000 to leis surenee policy for another year at widow, the foamier Laurae Me- the %Rale men -ilium of $100 woe Donald. elite red le to wit reeve een tatty e The bulk of the estate estimated of the tome compeny, at approxhitately $10,000,000, eves The Clear. was instrtieted to far. C Wi1S0n, widow .of JOhn P. Dodge, I ward a leter of Condolence to Mrs, 1 Wilfelti Reed owing to the death of leer husband eecently, Mr, Reid having been for some years Mee- t() Dodge's marriage to Miss Mc- lously a valued member of the e nun- Donal& daughter of a ganitaulin cil. The following accountv were paid T. le, premium on insurance $100.00 Belson Irwin, drag. rnad Wainer Cook, dreg, road .., Joint Buchaaan, drag. road Leonard Cook, drag. roaa Roland Vincent, drag, road James McGee, ditching road 10 Stanley Snell, ditching road 10 Leslie Wigatraan, ditcihing road 15 ........... ... Alex Robertson, ditching road 10 ................ Stuart leteBurney, ditching load 10 Neal Bredburn repairing culeerts The Pedlar Peolele, galvanieed. page Council will hold their next meet- ing on Moeday, Oct, 3rd. ' A, Porterfield, Clerk East Wa.wartosh Council Commit met on Sept, 010 with all the members greseut, 5541)0065'5541)0065' 02 Oveveoes meeting were read and approved, Fred Toll Ire Made 01)iimttea 10 belie 0. .portiou the Kistner drain cleaned ouRo t d 503110broltee tile replaced, Councilllov Ruddy was inslructed to attend le this ma t er. 10011011 02 Beecrat 1 131040 a renewal of the Ned 111 WANTED- Edna Reynolds has reeigned , tbe resignation to be effective at the 1 Pure Bred York Sow, due to . end of the year. in the meantime a eeme in Sept. 14th. 1-0 zuceessoe, Miss Evelyn Cooper, paone 41-12 Wm. Gorsaltiz daughter ef A. L. Cooper, it i Un - Ent 21, Con. 5, Grey dersiood, will be trained in the FOR SALE, - One Farm 100 acres, good beilde Inge, See Lot 29, Con. 3, Morels Tel), Crass Farm 110 acre6 part bush, North pa 29 .aufl. 30, Con, 3, Morris. 'Teat Executors John Yeti' Jack Bowman FOR SALE- • Sale of Housenold Effecte on SatudaY. Sept, 24th at 1.30 p.m., at Lot 29, Con. 9, StotI 3. TW11. 011 the Mttratty. Parra. Everything to be sold without reserve. Mrs, \Vto. Johneton, Prop. Geo. 11 Elliott, Auctioneer F'OR SALE - All kinds of clay tile and slab wood. At the Walton Mills 2-p Duncan Johnston, Prop. FOR SALE - Now prices on Super-Laetic Tires. Pay cash and buy for less, at Campbell's Garage, Winghttot, Prone 184 for prompt service. worit. Mrs. Reynolds took her first posi- tion in the comithouse before her FOR SALE -- Anyone -wanting to purchase house or wanting to rent half of it, phone 79 Mrs', Wm. Sinclair FARMERS ATTENTION.. MONEY TO LOAN C. Wilson, w40003a11) F. Dodge, Retuder 00 at. automobile for101-10210. The will was dated July 25, prior Island tugboat eaptain. Ontario Fatalities Opinions Differ 'Stall:4h% for the past seven: monthFh s of 1;136 OW that fatalities on Ontario h:ghways levee aroppett 42 per cent over the corresponding period of last year. Dewing the per- iod 225 have 12160death ethapared with 191 last year, This is c.oesid- ereti particularly pleasing as there are. at least 4,000 more Beenved drivers in Ontario thee year than last, 604,872 license% have been is - sled this year, a ,6S pey coat in- crease over 1937. BEL.GRAVE marriage at the age of 15, and is a. veritable storehouse ot information. On Friday night of last week For years tzlie has also acted as Young Peopee'a activities iu the elErk of the election board and community began with a big Out- eoeceal examine, Four county door Rally, There were about 50 jtalges imve come cm gone as we L young Folk preveut. Tbe earlier ae Melte ether officials and their Pert of the evening was given ovei useistants durtug her term of office. to group games of various kends Iamb Reynolds, wife of Governor under the leadership of al. Gilbert J. a Reynolds, DE Huron °neater jail will continue in her position as matron of that institute. BLT by Grant Fleming, M. D. cerzenameo A HEALTH blER‘ICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES BAD BREATH A. had breath is aeaugetber undesi- rable end, for that reason, consider- ation should be given by eYet70ne to the (wises of the condition in oidee to avoid lis occurrence, The fermenmtion of food par- fit:es in the 11.10.il131 will &Most cer- taitily etuse bad brea.h. This cum - mealy otcurs when feed is held in a de coleus tooth mei ty, Proper care oZ the teeth, by brueling them Beecroft, MLes Lettie Pearce and Rev. j, B. Townentl; the games were held amongst the trees by the riverside some diseance mirth of the Tenth line bridge, Later in the evening a camp ere was lighted in a cleating surrounded by cedars. while the fire burned through the gaup gathered round it for a sing- song, When the fire had passed the glazing stage weinets and sticks, were !provided and a Weiner roast followed; these with a plent- iful suply of buns and coffee made a napipetizing repest. After the lunch a bate devotional SerViee AV:18. bet& Mr, Reid Vipond of Queen's University, a student for the min- istry ot the United Church, gave a talk on "Youths who have gone astray" baeecl upon studies carreed oat this Ammer in one of the Amenioan Reformatory institheions. Sir. Tommend followed with a dis- cussion of Plans for a Young People's Soelety in the Community for the winter months; the propos- als ere for a society for all 'mho have finished publio school edema- ena with a Program that will em- phasize the needs of the later teen age years, the meetings will probab- ly be helet in homes Ease and West of the Church alternetely, An or- ganization meeting will be held in the home ot My. Thos, liebille011 on. Friday, September Hall when de- tails will be dismissed More fully and °revere elected, Rev, J. C. Nitholsen, M.A., of St, Andreav'e Chetah, Amberley will be the special preacher for the Annlver- snrY in Rtiox United ,Chareu. Bel - Weave on Sunday, Sept. 25th, Ser - rives. will be held at 11;00 am, and 7.30 oma Mortgage Loans on Improved farm regularly after meals ancl-anost propentlee at 5%. No valuation Important time of all -a tbedittue, 16. lees or chattel nonage retatired. order to get rid of food partielea, le. J. COTTY & 00. and by the securing of regular den - Farm Sales' Service, Stratford tab care will preveat had breath from e, source that is' new common. When there is actual .disease of the mouth, such av pyorrhoea, 01- 00 the adjoir.ing pants', bad breath may resat either from the condition itself or teem the fermentation of toad, particles which the coaditton favorte. A liettithy throat and a month kep1 clean by regular use ot the tootiebrush are the first con. siderations in preserving au lin. offensive breath, 11) adeition to the local conditions, which act as a cause of bad breath, there are general conditions which bring it oboe, We tither, Brat, of the digestive tract becattse 111 One minds a bad taste 01 the mouth is freettenty associated with digestive upsets. Bad breath does occur quite often among those who over- eat or whose elimiuntion is fenny, The bad breath, in such cases, is really a symptom or an abnormal condtion of the digestive teaot and is regarded as saielt by the Individu- al's physician. Uncle!' :melt enetetiens, the Notice To Contractors The Municipal Council of the Township of Morris Will let by Public Auction a Contract to rePaiir the Seller's; .htuniotpal The Cootract wall be let at the Drain near the Railway crossing, third line at 2 &clock ip.m. on: Thursday, September Sth, 1033, A.. Ma.oBweu, Olerk. Clerk's Notice FIRST POSTING 'OF VOTER'S LIST Voters .1.-Ists, 1938, Village Brussels, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Votees, lases Act and that 1 have Posted up at my °Mee, Breesels, in te 31sttlay Augut,Ontaro,oh 11,00 4,00 4.00 4.00 2.00 WiaDNESIDAY, SBPT. 1501, 1055 EAST HURON - FALL FAIR - Sept. 29th&30t Thurs., Evening Sept.2 0,00 200 2,00 100 34,110 .40 NI Fair Grounds, Palace Bulding at 8 O'Ci0C Open to any Public Shool Pupil of Brussels, Morris or Grey who Attended School in 1938 , Prizes 1st $2; 2nd $1.50 3rd $1.00 4th 50c 2.59 Five Minute Talk on 'Why My Teacher Is My Best Friend' to be given in the Palace on the evening of September 29th, open to Public School Pupils of Morris Grey and Brussels Dr. T. T. McRae offers lst prize $3.00 and 2nd. $2.00; F. R. Smith 3rd $1,00 4th l.00 5th 50c; 6th 50c School Parade will he heaaed by the Band. All Teachers and Public School PUP Parade will leave Vietoria Para at 1 pm, sharp Friday, October1st a in the parade admitted free to the grounds. Horse Races -2 Speeding Event PURSE $80,00 EAC.1-1 EVENT Hobbles allowed Mile heats 3 in 5 Purses -50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent Details Announced Later in Press. Rules All competitors must be members of the Agricultural Society, Entran 5 per cent of purse. 4 to enter, 3 to start, or no 4th prize. Americ Association Rules to govein, as near as possible. Entries may be made at Secretary's office up to LS p.m., September 26th. Speeding will commence at 2 p.m. sharp, in order named. , This will be strictly enforced Foot Races at 3 p.m. Friday OPINIONS DIFFER Time was! when the Golden Rod, one ot Canada's loveliest autumn weeds, was despised as the cause of hay fever. Now we are told that. this was all wrong and that the rag- eed is the culprit In the cave. An- other maligned weed was the sweet clover, whech used to be rathleesly cut down ae it grew by the roadside Now it is considered in the same elate as aleake and alfalfa and is cultivated by the farmer, and its fragrance fills the air in the sum- mer time, Truly, "a little learning is a dangerous thing," 1936, the net of all pet:sells entitled 1-0111031)' liestfl otoring 810(10 of over eating en- of overindulgence in one or 1100110 articles' of diet, Yegn- lay elhatinetion increased Intake of water, and exercise are the Peinta 'which should Meet be dealt with, The correction of any 131)111655- 0111odor should neways be thought Of Mennes g the liof removal of the cause. et is much prefernble. 40 ovemblue body 0(1-01,8 by regular balling lima 8(01(11(41(1113. 0> 01101'- 51:11001'100115hy using ,perfumes, Itt the some 1083', the logical manner of dealing with bad breath is to re - to vete in the said Matnicipality for living. A p1101561 -filet, avoidance of Members of Parliament, and Mitaticipal Elections, and that such list retlteltle' there 00 11 ineDeell) n. I hereby eail aeon all voters to take immediate proceetlinge to 118110 107 errere or 01111551016 cola 'Meted. attordiag to law, the bett day tor appeal behig the laet day of Seoleuther, 1938. R. S. WARWICK, VilIngo Clerk Dated this, 31st day ot August, 1938, Read the Ads. move its callse, Directors Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ,..Rebecca _McNair, late of the Village of Brussels In the County of Huron, spinster, who died on or about the fourth day. of August, A. D. 1938. Take notice that all parties hay - flag claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned de- ceased must mail partiettlarsand roof of setae to the undersigned executora or their solicitor ou or before the 311.1 Clay of October, A.1), 1039, epon Which (tete- the said ex- ecutors will preeeed to distribute the assets with eegard oaly to those cealms width they shall then have rece4vea, DATED at Brueselv this. third {ley of Seteteaulter, A.D. 1.93S. Jessie Perrie alartie McNair Executere by their Solicitor Elmer D. Bell, Bruezels, Ontario, of the East liven Fag Fair Honorary -President ROHL NICHOL President JAMES BURGESS 1st Vice President McARTHIM 2nd Vice President THOS. MILLER Secretary -Treasurer D, M. MatTA.VISH Directors GEO. MULDOON WALTER YU IL L O. BEIM NOM' AY W. S. SCOTT JAS, S. ARMSTRONG Lady Directors MRS. G. R. MUltDOON MRS. (DR,) HAMILTON MRS., P. A. Mc/ARTHUR MRS. DAMES R. BOWMA.N AuAters ED, BRYAN'S BERT HEMINGWAY W. R. BROADFOOT W. TURNBULL T. O. WILSON Special Prizes These awards are confined to Brussels, Grey and (Morris. The T. Eaton Co., offer a Covered Cheese Dish, Sheffield Re- Produotion for the following; Best tiniebed Steer or Heifer for Baby Beet purposes, weight up to 710 ibe, Any fomily having won a T. Eaton Co, Limited pTize at a iznir in 1937 not eligible to compete,e For best writing 'Miele leargaret Downing offene 1st, 750; 2,04, 50e; eird 20, 8,', ti au pencil) "A Lullabr Jr. 111 tin pen) first two verses a 'The Charge of the Light Brigade"; Open to Beasse 15 Public Sehool, 031. For Beet Writing K. Mallon efferse Lea 75e; 2110, 50e; 3rel, 250; IV, 13 verses ot "'Recessional,' page 406; Sr, TV -2 verees (10 "Ye Mariners of Eagland." page 154; Sr. III -"A Farewell" page 51). Open to Brussete Buldie School, Miss Helen Backer offers 75; 50c and 25c tor 1argeet potato, open to ,purells Printery 1100m B. P. S. Special P110e, by the Canadian Banjt Of Camenvrce, Brussels, Ont., ot au Old EngVsh Silver Tray, Grape Pattern, saver plated on topper with heavy grape border - cbased centee amt. old English fin -Lela For the Best Five -pound Fruit. Cake (Dark, not iced'. '1-110 tray is 13 -inches in diemetResrueta,aavnindsehdtvo.i)11:e0:18intlistp.olayimapit nkIS ott. Fier the beet(Pi.clzoeiletvintindoengot Tiltothilte RrlleIS SC11001, Wilton & GilleVie offer 750 as let; 750 as 2tvd; anti 25c as ard, H. Bowler's Flour and Feed Store effete tBy the courtesy of the Hanover 59111103. CO. the following: 45 mamas O'Clanada Flour for the best loaf of bread mad from Prairie Rose or O'Canada Flour, 24 Pounds Praerte Rove Flour ter best ei dozen biscuits, ma from Prairie Rose or O'Clanatia Flour, 24 pounds Canadian Beanty Pastry Flour for beat Layer Oak (lig)tt made from Canadian Beauty or Pacific Pastry nem) The East Huron Produce. offers (13y courtesy of the Roe Fa CATNTialLEil-V11°°esi)gtihuenpfponf°Nevtinleast toe Feeder Steens between and 1000 lbs.. :Silver cup donated by Roe Farms Milling Co., A.twood, On, Suitably engraved, to be won two years. in succession t become property of the wiener, 1)OULTRY-13est group consisting of one male and five pullets any of the tolleweng breeds - C. W. L,eghoene Barred Plymouth Rocks New leammthiees or Rhode Island Reds _ silver cap donated by Roe Tallltg M1t11113. 00„ Ativ005061011:0 ,Sultably engraved, to be won 4.10(1 years in511008561011te become ploperty of the 1011111er. Per beat draft or agriculture brood mare :Intl two of her Orogen Prizes' 1st Robert Simeson Co., 3epiece Carving Set value $9. 2nd, donated by chas. Robertstm, $5„00. 300 donated by D. 111. Macreavith, 53.00. MRS. 0. HEMINGWAY MISS GRACE STEWART MISS BETH 'HOOVER MRS. A. RADOM. Boys' Foal Club of 193 The Ontario Ronse Breeden's' Association, in cceoperatiou 101 Society, have organized. a Foal .01.mb, to be lodged. at Vet; Prizes: 102 WOO; 21111 $0.001 Std. $5.00; 4011 $4,00; 6 0111 04.00; 7th $3.00 8111 $5,00; 91.11. $3.00. Brussels Band in Attenda GRAND CONCER Friday Sept.29 at 8 p In Brussels Town H Dance After theCone JAMES 13111101i1,58, 1.), M. 100cTAVISI-1, President Secretary'